1 /****************************************************************/
2 /* file errtext.c
4 ARIBAS interpreter for Arithmetic
5 Copyright (C) 1996 O.Forster
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 Address of the author
23     Otto Forster
24     Math. Institut der LMU
25     Theresienstr. 39
26     D-80333 Muenchen, Germany
28 Email   forster@rz.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de
29 */
30 /****************************************************************/
32 /*
33 ** errtext.c
34 ** error messages
35 **
36 ** date of last change
37 ** 1995-03-22
38 ** 2001-03-11: err_0brace
39 ** 2007-08-30: err_n2long
40 */
42 char *err_funest  = "nested function definition not allowed";
43 char *err_funame  = "inadmissible function name";
44 char *err_2ident  = "duplicate or inadmissible identifier";
45 char *err_synt    = "syntax error";
46 char *err_imp     = "not yet implemented";
47 char *err_case    = "this case should not happen";
48 char *err_args    = "incorrect number of arguments";
49 char *err_pars    = "bad parameter(s)";
50 char *err_varl    = "bad variable list";
51 char *err_parl    = "bad parameter list";
52 char *err_unvar   = "undeclared variable";
53 char *err_evstk   = "evaluation stack overflow";
54 char *err_astk    = "argument stack overflow";
55 char *err_pstk    = "parse stack overflow";
56 char *err_savstk  = "save stack overflow";
57 char *err_wrkstk  = "work stack overflow";
58 char *err_memory  = "memory space exhausted";
59 char *err_memev   = "insufficient memory for evaluation";
60 char *err_2large  = "too large piece of memory requested";
61 char *err_rec     = "too deeply nested recursion";
62 char *err_intr    = "user interrupt";
63 char *err_garb    = "garbage collection failed";
64 char *err_pbase   = "only allowed values are 2,8,10,16";
65 char *err_int     = "integer number expected";
66 char *err_intt    = "integer or gf2nint expected";
67 char *err_intvar  = "integer variable expected";
68 char *err_odd     = "odd integer expected";
69 char *err_oddprim = "odd prime expected";
70 char *err_2big    = "number too big";
71 char *err_pint    = "positive integer expected";
72 char *err_p0int   = "non-negative integer expected";
73 char *err_p4int   = "non-negative integer < 2**31 expected";
74 char *err_pfix    = "non-negative integer < 2**16 expected";
75 char *err_fix     = "integer -2**16 < x < 2**16 expected";
76 char *err_pnum    = "positive number expected";
77 char *err_p0num   = "non-negative number expected";
78 char *err_float   = "float number expected";
79 char *err_num     = "number expected";
80 char *err_2long   = "string too long";
81 char *err_n2long  = "file name too long";
82 char *err_iovfl   = "input buffer overflow";
83 char *err_bool    = "boolean or integer value expected";
84 char *err_div     = "division by zero";
85 char *err_bas1    = "basis must be /= 1";
86 char *err_ovfl    = "arithmetic overflow";
87 char *err_range   = "argument out of range";
88 char *err_irange  = "index out of range";
89 char *err_inadm   = "inadmissible input";
90 char *err_buf     = "buffer too short";
91 char *err_brstr   = "broken string";
92 char *err_bystr   = "byte_string expected";
93 char *err_vbystr  = "byte_string variable expected";
94 char *err_str     = "string expected";
95 char *err_strsym  = "string or symbol expected";
96 char *err_arr     = "array, string or byte_string expected";
97 char *err_syarr   = "symbol array, string or byte_string expected";
98 char *err_sarr    = "bad subarray indices";
99 char *err_vect    = "vector expected";
100 char *err_nil     = "pointer is nil";
101 char *err_vpoint  = "pointer variable expected";
102 char *err_stkv    = "stack variable expected";
103 char *err_stke    = "stack is empty";
104 char *err_stkbig  = "stack too big";
105 char *err_vasym   = "variable argument: symbol expected";
106 char *err_vsym    = "variable symbol expected";
107 char *err_lval    = "lval expected";
108 char *err_sym     = "symbol expected";
109 char *err_gsym    = "global symbol expected";
110 char *err_sym2    = "non-constant symbol expected";
111 char *err_field   = "bad field identifier";
112 char *err_ubound  = "unbound symbol";
113 char *err_ufunc   = "undefined function";
114 char *err_var     = "bad variable";
115 char *err_call    = "not an admissible function";
116 char *err_open    = "can't open file";
117 char *err_filex   = "file exists already";
118 char *err_filv    = "file variable expected";
119 char *err_outf    = "output file expected";
120 char *err_tout    = "text output file expected";
121 char *err_bout    = "binary output file expected";
122 char *err_inpf    = "input file expected";
123 char *err_tinp    = "text input file expected";
124 char *err_binp    = "binary input file expected";
125 char *err_char    = "character expected";
126 char *err_bchar   = "bad character input";
127 char *err_chr     = "integer < 2**16 expected";
128 char *err_type    = "invalid argument type";
129 char *err_btype   = "bad type specification";
130 char *err_mism    = "type mismatch";
131 char *err_rparen  = "unexpected ')'";
132 char *err_0rparen = "')' expected";
133 char *err_0lparen = "'(' expected";
134 char *err_0brace  = "'}' expected";
135 char *err_0rbrack = "']' expected";
136 char *err_eof     = "unexpected end of file";
137 char *err_bltin   = "built-in symbol cannot be made unbound";
139 /********************************************************************/