1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006-2008 The FLWOR Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <zorba/config.h>
22 #include <xqc.h>
24 typedef struct Zorba_StaticContext_s Zorba_StaticContext;
26 typedef struct Zorba_ItemSetter_s Zorba_ItemSetter;
28 typedef struct Zorba_OutputStream_s Zorba_OutputStream;
30 typedef struct Zorba_ErrorHandler_s Zorba_ErrorHandler;
33 // external functions
34 typedef void (*external_function_init)
35 (void** user_data, void* function_user_data);
37 typedef XQC_Error (*external_function_next)
38 (XQC_Sequence** args, unsigned int argc, Zorba_ItemSetter* setter,
39   void* user_data, void* function_user_data);
41 typedef void (*external_function_free)
42 (void* user_data, void* function_user_data);
45 #ifdef __cplusplus
46 extern "C" {
47 #endif
49   /**
50    * The zorba_implementation function creates a new zorba_implementation::XQC_Implementation object.
51    * Thereby, the Zorba processor is initialized.
52    * The user is responsible for freeing the object by calling the free() function
53    * of the XQC_Implementation struct.
54    *
55    * \param store A pointer to the store that is being used by the Zorba instance that is created
56    *              by this call.
57    * \param[out] impl The newly created XQC_Implementation object.
58    *
59    * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
60    * \retval XQC_INVALID_ARGUMENT
61    */
63   zorba_implementation(XQC_Implementation **impl, void* store);
66   struct Zorba_StaticContext_s {
67     /**
68      * Add a collation URI.
69      * The URI specifies the locale and collation strength of the collation that is added.
70      * A valid collation URI must begin with http://www.flworfound.org/collations/.
71      * This prefix is followed by a collation strength (i.e. PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY,
72      * QUATTERNARY, or IDENTICAL) followed by a '/'.
73      * After the strength a lower-case two- or three-letter ISO-639 language code must follow.
74      * The URI may end with an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166.
75      * For example, http://www.flworfound.org/collations/PRIMARY/en/US
76      * specifies an english language with US begin the country..
77      *
78      * Internally, ICU is used for comparing strings. For detailed description see
79      * http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classCollator.html
80      * and http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classLocale.html
81      *
82      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
83      * \param uri The URI of the collation to add.
84      *
85      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
86      * \retval err::XQST0038
87      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_INTERNAL_ERROR
88      */
89       // TODO add collation test cases
90     XQC_Error
91     (*add_collation)(Zorba_StaticContext *context, const char* uri);
93     /**
94      * Set the URI of the default collation.
95      * (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
96      *
97      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
98      * \param uri The URI of the default collation to set
99      *
100      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
101      * \retval err::XQST0038
102      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_INTERNAL_ERROR
103      */
104     XQC_Error
105     (*set_default_collation)(Zorba_StaticContext *context, const char* uri);
107     /**
108      * Get the URI of the default collation. The uri returned is valid
109      * as long as the corresponding XQC_StaticContext object is valid.
110      *
111      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
112      * \param[out] uri The URI of the default collation that is currently set in the given context.
113      */
114     XQC_Error
115     (*get_default_collation)(Zorba_StaticContext *context, const char** uri);
117     /**
118      * Sets the XQuery processor's version to either xquery_version_1_0 or xquery_version_3_0.
119      *
120      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
121      * \param mode The xquery_version_t to set in the given context.
122      *
123      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
124      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_INTERNAL_ERROR
125      */
126       // TODO add xquery version test cases
127     XQC_Error
128     (*set_xquery_version)(Zorba_StaticContext* context, XQC_XQueryVersion ver);
130     /**
131      * Returns the XQuery processor's version that is set in the given static context.
132      *
133      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
134      * \param[out] mode The xquery_version_t that is set in the given context.
135      *
136      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
137      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_INTERNAL_ERROR
138      */
139     XQC_Error
140     (*get_xquery_version)(Zorba_StaticContext* context, XQC_XQueryVersion* ver);
142     /**
143      * Register an external function that can be called within a query.
144      * One external function consists of three function parameters, i.e. init, next, and release.
145      *
146      * \param context The XQC_StaticContext that this function pointer is a member of
147      * \param uri The URI of the external function to add.
148      * \param localname The localname of the function to add.
149      * \param init A callback function pointer that is called once when the external function
150      *             is initialized. The init function gets the global_user_data pointer
151      *             as parameter.
152      * \param release A callback function pointer that is called once when the external function
153      *                is deinitialized.
154      * \param global_user_data User specific data that is passed to the init function as a parameter.
155      *
156      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_NO_ERROR
157      * \retval XQC_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
158      * \retval XQC_Error::XQC_INTERNAL_ERROR
159      */
160     XQC_Error
161     (*register_external_function)(Zorba_StaticContext* context,
162       const char* uri, const char* localname, external_function_init init_fn,
163       external_function_next next_fn, external_function_free free_fn,
164       void* global_user_data);
165   };
167   /**
168    * ::Zorba_ItemSetter is designed to allow external functions to set the
169    * next XQuery data model item to be returned.
170    */
171   struct Zorba_ItemSetter_s
172   {
173       /**
174        * Call this to specify the next item as a string. The Zorba
175        * implementation will take ownership of the char* and free it
176        * at an appropriate time.
177        * QQQ is this true?
178        */
179       XQC_Error
180       (*set_string)(Zorba_ItemSetter* setter, const char* value);
182       /**
183        * Call this to specify the next item as an integer.
184        */
185       XQC_Error
186       (*set_integer)(Zorba_ItemSetter* setter, int value);
188       /**
189        * Call this to specify the next item as a double.
190        */
191       XQC_Error
192       (*set_double)(Zorba_ItemSetter* setter, double value);
194       /**
195        * Call this to specify the next item as an arbitrary type,
196        * providing the value as a string.
197        */
198       XQC_Error
199       (*set_typed_value)(Zorba_ItemSetter* setter, XQC_ItemType type,
200         const char* value);
201   };
203   /**
204    * The ::Zorba_OutputStream struct is designed to be passed to an XQC implementation in order
205    * to return streaming data (i.e. the result of a query).
206    */
207   struct Zorba_OutputStream_s
208   {
209     /**
210      * The function is called to provide the streaming result of a query
211      * in the buffer provided.
212      *
213      * \param stream The Zorba_OutputStream that this function pointer is a member of
214      * \param buf The buffer that contains the data
215      * \param length The length of the contents in the buffer
216      */
217     void
218     (*write)(Zorba_OutputStream stream, const char* buf, unsigned int length);
220     /**
221      * Called to free the resources associated with the Zorba_OutputStream.
222      * Free is called by the implementation if it finished writing to the stream.
223      *
224      * \param stream The Zorba_OutputStream that this function pointer is a member of
225      *
226      */
227     void
228     (*free)(Zorba_OutputStream stream);
230     /**
231      * Can be used for user specific purposes.
232      */
233     void* user_data;
234   };
237   struct Zorba_ErrorHandler_s {
239     void (*error)(Zorba_ErrorHandler* handler,
240                   XQC_Error error,
241                   const char   *local_name,
242                   const char   *description,
243                   const char   *query_uri,
244                   unsigned int line,
245                   unsigned int column);
247     /**
248      * Can be used for user specific purposes.
249      */
250     void *user_data;
252   };
254 #ifdef __cplusplus
255 }
256 #endif
258 #endif
259 /* vim:set et sw=2 ts=2: */