1 /************************************************************************
2  ************************************************************************
3  FAUST compiler
4  Copyright (C) 2003-2018 GRAME, Centre National de Creation Musicale
5  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  ************************************************************************
20  ************************************************************************/
22 #pragma once
24 #include <cstdlib>
25 #include "property.hh"
26 #include "signalVisitor.hh"
27 #include "sigtyperules.hh"
28 #include "tree.hh"
29 #include "treeTraversal.hh"
30 #include "xtended.hh"
31 #include "old_occurences.hh"
33 //-------------------------Signal2VHDLVisitor-------------------------------
34 // A a signal visitor used to compile signals to vhdl code
35 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
36 using namespace std;
38 class Signal2VHDLVisitor : public TreeTraversal {
40     private:
41         old_OccMarkup* fOccMarkup;
42         bool fVisitGen;
43         set<Tree> fVisited;          // Avoid visiting a tree twice
44         map<string, bool> fEntity;
45         /** Fields used to accumulate strings for different parts of the .vhd file */
46         string fInput;
47         string fDeclEntity;          // Entity block specification part
48         string fFaustEntity;         // Faust block specification
49         string fDeclSig;             // Signal declaration
50         string fDeclCompnt;          // Declaration of components
51         string fFaustProcess;        // Implement the Faust process
52         string fMapCompnt;           // Instantiating blocks
54         string addr_to_str(Tree t);
55         string val_to_str(Tree t);
57         void entity_header(string& str);
58         void generic_decl(string& str);
59         void port_decl(int input, string& str);
61         /** Functions generating different Faust blocks, each block is treated as an entity with declaration of inputs and outputs:
62           *  - Each design must have at least one entity and one corresponding architecture
63           *    that specifies the external specification of the design.
64           *  - Each entity has a name assigned to it and a port list
65           *  - Each port list has a direction (in/out/inout) and a type
66           */
67         void entity_bin_op(const string& name, const char* op, string& str);   // arithmetic and modulo operation
68         void entity_bin_op_concat(const string& name, const char* op, string& str);   // arithmetic and modulo operation
69         void entity_cmp_op(const string& name, const char* op, string& str);   // compare operation
70         void entity_delay(string& str);                                        // delay
71         void entity_delay_var_reg(string& str);                                // variable delay (Using Registers)
72         void entity_delay_var_ram(string& str);                                // variable delay (Using Blocks RAM)
73         void entity_bypass(const string& name, string& str);                   // bypass module
74         void entity_select2(const string& name, string& str);                  // select module
75         void entity_faust();                                                    // main module
77         /** Functions declaring the design entity interface for blocks that will be used
78           * later to form a hierarchical design
79           */
80         void component_standard(const string& name, int input, string& str);   // arith, mod, bypass, compare, select
81         void component_delay(string& str);                                     // delay
82         void component_delay_var(string& str);                                 // variable delay
83         void component_sincos(string& str);                                    // cosinus & sinus
85         /* Generate the process of the Faust module, it determine the behavioral modeling of the Faust IP */
86         void faust_process();
88         /** Functions generating instance of components referenced in the declarative area
89           * - The instances are constructed after the keyword “begin” and using
90           *   the port map statements to connect the ports
91           */
92         void inst_bin_op(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree x, Tree y, string& str); // arith, mod, compare
93         void inst_delay(Tree sig, Tree x, Tree y, string& str);                      // delay
94         void inst_delay_var(Tree sig, Tree x, Tree y, string& str, int mxd);         // variable delay
95         void inst_sincos(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree x, string& str);         // cosinus & sinus
96         void inst_bypass(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree x, string& str);         // bypass
97         void inst_select2(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree sel, Tree x, Tree y, string& str);  // select
99         void decl_sig(Tree x, int msb, int lsb); // Declare the internal signals of the IP block with a type (and an initial value)
100         void input_affectation(Tree sig);
102         void bin_op(const string& name, const char* op, Tree sig, Tree x, Tree y);
103         void select_op(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree sel, Tree x, Tree y);
104         void cmp_op(const string& name, const char* op, Tree sig, Tree x, Tree y);
105         void sincos_op(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree x);
106         void bypass(const string& name, Tree sig, Tree x);
108     public:
Signal2VHDLVisitor(old_OccMarkup * occ_markup)109         Signal2VHDLVisitor(old_OccMarkup* occ_markup) : TreeTraversal(), fOccMarkup(occ_markup), fVisitGen(false){};
111         void self(Tree t);
112         void sigToVHDL(Tree sig, ofstream& fout);
114     protected:
115         void visit(Tree sig) override;
116 };