1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3   FileName    [cec.h]
5   SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7   PackageName [Combinational equivalence checking.]
9   Synopsis    [External declarations.]
11   Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
13   Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15   Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
17   Revision    [$Id: cec.h,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #ifndef ABC__aig__cec__cec_h
22 #define ABC__aig__cec__cec_h
25 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 ///                          INCLUDES                                ///
27 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 ///                         PARAMETERS                               ///
31 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 ///                         BASIC TYPES                              ///
40 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 // dynamic SAT parameters
43 typedef struct Cec_ParSat_t_ Cec_ParSat_t;
44 struct Cec_ParSat_t_
45 {
46     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
47     int              nSatVarMax;    // the max number of SAT variables
48     int              nCallsRecycle; // calls to perform before recycling SAT solver
49     int              fNonChrono;    // use non-chronological backtracling (for circuit SAT only)
50     int              fPolarFlip;    // flops polarity of variables
51     int              fCheckMiter;   // the circuit is the miter
52 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
53     int              fLearnCls;     // perform clause learning
54     int              fSaveCexes;    // saves counter-examples
55     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
56 };
58 // simulation parameters
59 typedef struct Cec_ParSim_t_ Cec_ParSim_t;
60 struct Cec_ParSim_t_
61 {
62     int              nWords;        // the number of simulation words
63     int              nFrames;       // the number of simulation frames
64     int              nRounds;       // the number of simulation rounds
65     int              nNonRefines;   // the max number of rounds without refinement
66     int              TimeLimit;     // the runtime limit in seconds
67     int              fDualOut;      // miter with separate outputs
68     int              fCheckMiter;   // the circuit is the miter
69 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
70     int              fSeqSimulate;  // performs sequential simulation
71     int              fLatchCorr;    // consider only latch outputs
72     int              fConstCorr;    // consider only constants
73     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
74     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
75 };
77 // semiformal parameters
78 typedef struct Cec_ParSmf_t_ Cec_ParSmf_t;
79 struct Cec_ParSmf_t_
80 {
81     int              nWords;        // the number of simulation words
82     int              nRounds;       // the number of simulation rounds
83     int              nFrames;       // the max number of time frames
84     int              nNonRefines;   // the max number of rounds without refinement
85     int              nMinOutputs;   // the min outputs to accumulate
86     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
87     int              TimeLimit;     // the runtime limit in seconds
88     int              fDualOut;      // miter with separate outputs
89     int              fCheckMiter;   // the circuit is the miter
90 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
91     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
92 };
94 // combinational SAT sweeping parameters
95 typedef struct Cec_ParFra_t_ Cec_ParFra_t;
96 struct Cec_ParFra_t_
97 {
98     int              nWords;        // the number of simulation words
99     int              nRounds;       // the number of simulation rounds
100     int              nItersMax;     // the maximum number of iterations of SAT sweeping
101     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
102     int              TimeLimit;     // the runtime limit in seconds
103     int              nLevelMax;     // restriction on the level nodes to be swept
104     int              nDepthMax;     // the depth in terms of steps of speculative reduction
105     int              fRewriting;    // enables AIG rewriting
106     int              fCheckMiter;   // the circuit is the miter
107 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
108     int              fDualOut;      // miter with separate outputs
109     int              fColorDiff;    // miter with separate outputs
110     int              fSatSweeping;  // enable SAT sweeping
111     int              fRunCSat;      // enable another solver
112     int              fUseCones;     // use cones
113     int              fUseOrigIds;   // enable recording of original IDs
114     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
115     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
116     int              iOutFail;      // the failed output
117 };
119 // combinational equivalence checking parameters
120 typedef struct Cec_ParCec_t_ Cec_ParCec_t;
121 struct Cec_ParCec_t_
122 {
123     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
124     int              TimeLimit;     // the runtime limit in seconds
125 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
126     int              fUseSmartCnf;  // use smart CNF computation
127     int              fRewriting;    // enables AIG rewriting
128     int              fNaive;        // performs naive SAT-based checking
129     int              fSilent;       // print no messages
130     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
131     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
132     int              iOutFail;      // the number of failed output
133 };
135 // sequential register correspodence parameters
136 typedef struct Cec_ParCor_t_ Cec_ParCor_t;
137 struct Cec_ParCor_t_
138 {
139     int              nWords;        // the number of simulation words
140     int              nRounds;       // the number of simulation rounds
141     int              nFrames;       // the number of time frames
142     int              nPrefix;       // the number of time frames in the prefix
143     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
144     int              nLevelMax;     // (scorr only) the max number of levels
145     int              nStepsMax;     // (scorr only) the max number of induction steps
146     int              fLatchCorr;    // consider only latch outputs
147     int              fConstCorr;    // consider only constants
148     int              fUseRings;     // use rings
149     int              fMakeChoices;  // use equilvaences as choices
150     int              fUseCSat;      // use circuit-based solver
151 //    int              fFirstStop;    // stop on the first sat output
152     int              fUseSmartCnf;  // use smart CNF computation
153     int              fStopWhenGone; // quit when PO is not a candidate constant
154     int              fVerboseFlops; // verbose stats
155     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
156     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
157     // callback
158     void *           pData;
159     void *           pFunc;
160 };
162 // sequential register correspodence parameters
163 typedef struct Cec_ParChc_t_ Cec_ParChc_t;
164 struct Cec_ParChc_t_
165 {
166     int              nWords;        // the number of simulation words
167     int              nRounds;       // the number of simulation rounds
168     int              nBTLimit;      // conflict limit at a node
169     int              fUseRings;     // use rings
170     int              fUseCSat;      // use circuit-based solver
171     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
172     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
173 };
175 // sequential synthesis parameters
176 typedef struct Cec_ParSeq_t_ Cec_ParSeq_t;
177 struct Cec_ParSeq_t_
178 {
179     int              fUseLcorr;     // enables latch correspondence
180     int              fUseScorr;     // enables signal correspondence
181     int              nBTLimit;      // (scorr/lcorr) conflict limit at a node
182     int              nFrames;       // (scorr/lcorr) the number of timeframes
183     int              nLevelMax;     // (scorr only) the max number of levels
184     int              fConsts;       // (scl only) merging constants
185     int              fEquivs;       // (scl only) merging equivalences
186     int              fUseMiniSat;   // enables MiniSat in lcorr/scorr
187     int              nMinDomSize;   // the size of minimum clock domain
188     int              fVeryVerbose;  // verbose stats
189     int              fVerbose;      // verbose stats
190 };
192 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
193 ///                      MACRO DEFINITIONS                           ///
194 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
196 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
197 ///                    FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                         ///
198 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
200 /*=== cecCec.c ==========================================================*/
201 extern int           Cec_ManVerify( Gia_Man_t * p, Cec_ParCec_t * pPars );
202 extern int           Cec_ManVerifyTwo( Gia_Man_t * p0, Gia_Man_t * p1, int fVerbose );
203 extern int           Cec_ManVerifySimple( Gia_Man_t * p );
204 /*=== cecChoice.c ==========================================================*/
205 extern Gia_Man_t *   Cec_ManChoiceComputation( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParChc_t * pPars );
206 /*=== cecCorr.c ==========================================================*/
207 extern int           Cec_ManLSCorrespondenceClasses( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParCor_t * pPars );
208 extern Gia_Man_t *   Cec_ManLSCorrespondence( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParCor_t * pPars );
209 /*=== cecCore.c ==========================================================*/
210 extern void          Cec_ManSatSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParSat_t * p );
211 extern void          Cec_ManSimSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParSim_t * p );
212 extern void          Cec_ManSmfSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParSmf_t * p );
213 extern void          Cec_ManFraSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParFra_t * p );
214 extern void          Cec_ManCecSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParCec_t * p );
215 extern void          Cec_ManCorSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParCor_t * p );
216 extern void          Cec_ManChcSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParChc_t * p );
217 extern Gia_Man_t *   Cec_ManSatSweeping( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParFra_t * pPars, int fSilent );
218 extern Gia_Man_t *   Cec_ManSatSolving( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParSat_t * pPars );
219 extern void          Cec_ManSimulation( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParSim_t * pPars );
220 /*=== cecSeq.c ==========================================================*/
221 extern int           Cec_ManSeqResimulateCounter( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParSim_t * pPars, Abc_Cex_t * pCex );
222 extern int           Cec_ManSeqSemiformal( Gia_Man_t * pAig, Cec_ParSmf_t * pPars );
223 extern int           Cec_ManCheckNonTrivialCands( Gia_Man_t * pAig );
224 /*=== cecSynth.c ==========================================================*/
225 extern int           Cec_SeqReadMinDomSize( Cec_ParSeq_t * p );
226 extern int           Cec_SeqReadVerbose( Cec_ParSeq_t * p );
227 extern void          Cec_SeqSynthesisSetDefaultParams( Cec_ParSeq_t * pPars );
228 extern int           Cec_SequentialSynthesisPart( Gia_Man_t * p, Cec_ParSeq_t * pPars );
236 #endif
238 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 ///                       END OF FILE                                ///
240 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////