2! Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9  MODULE electrons_base
12      USE kinds, ONLY: DP
15      SAVE
17      INTEGER :: nbnd       = 0    !  number electronic bands, each band contains
18                                   !  two spin states
19      INTEGER :: nbndx      = 0    !  array dimension nbndx >= nbnd
20      INTEGER :: nspin      = 0    !  nspin = number of spins (1=no spin, 2=LSDA)
21      INTEGER :: nel(2)     = 0    !  number of electrons (up, down)
22      INTEGER :: nelt       = 0    !  total number of electrons ( up + down )
23      INTEGER :: nupdwn(2)  = 0    !  number of states with spin up (1) and down (2)
24      INTEGER :: iupdwn(2)  = 0    !  first state with spin (1) and down (2)
25      INTEGER :: nudx       = 0    !  max (nupdw(1),nupdw(2))
26      INTEGER :: nbsp       = 0    !  total number of electronic states
27                                   !  (nupdwn(1)+nupdwn(2))
28      INTEGER :: nbspx      = 0    !  array dimension nbspx >= nbsp
29      !
30      INTEGER :: nupdwn_bgrp(2)  = 0    !  number of states with spin up (1) and down (2) in this band group
31      INTEGER :: iupdwn_bgrp(2)  = 0    !  first state with spin (1) and down (2) in this band group
32      INTEGER :: nudx_bgrp       = 0    !  max (nupdw_bgrp(1),nupdw_bgrp(2)) in this band group
33      INTEGER :: nbsp_bgrp       = 0    !  total number of electronic states
34                                        !  (nupdwn_bgrp(1)+nupdwn_bgrp(2)) in this band group
35      INTEGER :: nbspx_bgrp      = 0    !  array dimension nbspx_bgrp >= nbsp_bgrp local to the band group
36      INTEGER :: i2gupdwn_bgrp(2)= 0    !  global index of the first local band
38      LOGICAL :: telectrons_base_initval = .FALSE.
39      LOGICAL :: keep_occ = .FALSE.  ! if .true. when reading restart file keep
40                                     ! the occupations calculated in initval
42      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: f(:)   ! occupation numbers ( at gamma )
43      REAL(DP) :: qbac = 0.0_DP       ! background neutralizing charge
44      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ispin(:) ! spin of each state
46      REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: f_bgrp(:)     ! occupation numbers ( at gamma )
47      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE  :: ispin_bgrp(:) ! spin of each state
48      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ibgrp_g2l(:)    ! local index of the i-th global band index
55    SUBROUTINE electrons_base_initval( zv_ , na_ , nsp_ , nbnd_ , nspin_ , &
56          occupations_ , f_inp, tot_charge_, tot_magnetization_ )
58      USE constants,         ONLY   : eps8
59      USE io_global,         ONLY   : stdout
61      REAL(DP),         INTENT(IN) :: zv_ (:), tot_charge_
62      REAL(DP),         INTENT(IN) :: f_inp(:,:)
63      REAL(DP),         INTENT(IN) :: tot_magnetization_
64      INTEGER,          INTENT(IN) :: na_ (:) , nsp_
65      INTEGER,          INTENT(IN) :: nbnd_ , nspin_
66      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: occupations_
68      REAL(DP)                     :: nelec, nelup, neldw, ocp, fsum
69      INTEGER                      :: iss, i, in
71      nspin = nspin_
72      !
73      ! ... set nelec
74      !
75      nelec = 0.0_DP
76      DO i = 1, nsp_
77         nelec = nelec + na_ ( i ) * zv_ ( i )
78      END DO
79      nelec = nelec - tot_charge_
80      !
81      ! ... set nelup/neldw
82      !
83      nelup = 0._dp
84      neldw = 0._dp
85      call set_nelup_neldw (tot_magnetization_, nelec, nelup, neldw )
87      IF( ABS( nelec - ( nelup + neldw ) ) > eps8 ) THEN
88         CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' inconsistent n. of electrons ', 2 )
89      END IF
90      !
91      !   Compute the number of bands
92      !
93      IF( nbnd_ /= 0 ) THEN
94        nbnd  = nbnd_                          ! nbnd is given from input
95      ELSE
96        nbnd  = NINT( MAX( nelup, neldw ) )    ! take the maximum between up and down states
97      END IF
100      IF( nelec < 1 ) THEN
101         CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' nelec less than 1 ', 1 )
102      END IF
103      !
104      IF( ABS( NINT( nelec ) - nelec ) > eps8 ) THEN
105         CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' nelec must be integer', 2 )
106      END IF
107      !
108      IF( nbnd < 1 ) &
109        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' nbnd out of range ', 1 )
110      !
112      IF ( nspin /= 1 .AND. nspin /= 2 ) THEN
113        WRITE( stdout, * ) 'nspin = ', nspin
114        CALL errore( ' electrons_base_initval ', ' nspin out of range ', 1 )
115      END IF
117      IF( MOD( nbnd, 2 ) == 0 ) THEN
118         nbspx = nbnd * nspin
119      ELSE
120         nbspx = ( nbnd + 1 ) * nspin
121      END IF
123      ALLOCATE( f     ( nbspx ) )
124      ALLOCATE( ispin ( nbspx ) )
125      f     = 0.0_DP
126      ispin = 0
128      iupdwn ( 1 ) = 1
129      nel          = 0
131      SELECT CASE ( TRIM(occupations_) )
132      CASE ('bogus')
133         !
134         ! bogus to ensure \sum_i f_i = Nelec  (nelec is integer)
135         !
136         f ( : )    = nelec / nbspx
137         nel (1)    = nint( nelec )
138         nupdwn (1) = nbspx
139         if ( nspin == 2 ) then
140            !
141            ! bogus to ensure Nelec = Nup + Ndw
142            !
143            nel (1) = ( nint(nelec) + 1 ) / 2
144            nel (2) =   nint(nelec)       / 2
145            nupdwn (1)=nbnd
146            nupdwn (2)=nbnd
147            iupdwn (2)=nbnd+1
148         end if
149         !
150         keep_occ = .true.
151         !
152      CASE ('from_input')
153         !
154         ! occupancies have been read from input
155         !
156         ! count electrons
157         !
158         IF( nspin == 1 ) THEN
159            nelec = SUM( f_inp( :, 1 ) )
160            nelup = nelec / 2.0_DP
161            neldw = nelec / 2.0_DP
162         ELSE
163            nelup = SUM ( f_inp ( :, 1 ) )
164            neldw = SUM ( f_inp ( :, 2 ) )
165            nelec = nelup + neldw
166         END IF
167         !
168         ! consistency check
169         !
170         IF( nspin == 1 ) THEN
171           IF( f_inp( 1, 1 ) <= 0.0_DP )  &
172               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
173         ELSE
174           IF( f_inp( 1, 1 ) < 0.0_DP )  &
175               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
176           IF( f_inp( 1, 2 ) < 0.0_DP )  &
177               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
178           IF( ( f_inp( 1, 1 ) + f_inp( 1, 2 ) ) == 0.0_DP )  &
179               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
180         END IF
181         DO i = 2, nbnd
182           IF( nspin == 1 ) THEN
183             IF( f_inp( i, 1 ) > 0.0_DP .AND. f_inp( i-1, 1 ) <= 0.0_DP )  &
184               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
185           ELSE
186             IF( f_inp( i, 1 ) > 0.0_DP .AND. f_inp( i-1, 1 ) <= 0.0_DP ) &
187               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
188             IF( f_inp( i, 2 ) > 0.0_DP .AND. f_inp( i-1, 2 ) <= 0.0_DP ) &
189               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' Zero or negative occupation are not allowed ', 1 )
190           END IF
191         END DO
192         !
193         ! count bands
194         !
195         nupdwn (1) = 0
196         nupdwn (2) = 0
197         DO i = 1, nbnd
198           IF( nspin == 1 ) THEN
199             IF( f_inp( i, 1 ) > 0.0_DP ) nupdwn (1) = nupdwn (1) + 1
200           ELSE
201             IF( f_inp( i, 1 ) > 0.0_DP ) nupdwn (1) = nupdwn (1) + 1
202             IF( f_inp( i, 2 ) > 0.0_DP ) nupdwn (2) = nupdwn (2) + 1
203           END IF
204         END DO
205         !
206         if( nspin == 1 ) then
207           nel (1)    = nint( nelec )
208           iupdwn (1) = 1
209         else
210           nel (1)    = nint(nelup)
211           nel (2)    = nint(neldw)
212           iupdwn (1) = 1
213           iupdwn (2) = nupdwn (1) + 1
214         end if
215         !
216         DO iss = 1, nspin
217           DO in = iupdwn ( iss ), iupdwn ( iss ) - 1 + nupdwn ( iss )
218             f( in ) = f_inp( in - iupdwn ( iss ) + 1, iss )
219           END DO
220         END DO
221         !
222      CASE ('fixed')
224         if( nspin == 1 ) then
225            nel(1)    = nint(nelec)
226            nupdwn(1) = nbnd
227            iupdwn(1) = 1
228         else
229            IF ( nelup + neldw /= nelec  ) THEN
230               CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' wrong # of up and down spin', 1 )
231            END IF
232            nel(1)    = nint(nelup)
233            nel(2)    = nint(neldw)
234            nupdwn(1) = nint(nelup)
235            nupdwn(2) = nint(neldw)
236            iupdwn(1) = 1
237            iupdwn(2) = nupdwn(1) + 1
238         end if
240!         if( (nspin == 1) .and. MOD( nint(nelec), 2 ) /= 0 ) &
241!              CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ', &
242!              ' must use nspin=2 for odd number of electrons', 1 )
244         ! ocp = 2 for spinless systems, ocp = 1 for spin-polarized systems
245         ocp = 2.0_DP / nspin
246         !
247         ! default filling: attribute ocp electrons to each states
248         !                  until the good number of electrons is reached
249         do iss = 1, nspin
250            fsum = 0.0_DP
251            do in = iupdwn ( iss ), iupdwn ( iss ) - 1 + nupdwn ( iss )
252               if ( fsum + ocp < nel ( iss ) + 0.0001_DP ) then
253                  f (in) = ocp
254               else
255                  f (in) = max( nel ( iss ) - fsum, 0.0_DP )
256               end if
257                fsum = fsum + f(in)
258            end do
259         end do
260         !
261      CASE ('ensemble','ensemble-dft','edft')
263          if ( nspin == 1 ) then
264            !
265            f ( : )    = nelec / nbnd
266            nel (1)    = nint(nelec)
267            nupdwn (1) = nbnd
268            !
269          else
270            !
271            if (nelup.ne.0) then
272              if ((nelup+neldw).ne.nelec) then
273                 CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' nelup+neldw .ne. nelec', 1 )
274              end if
275              nel (1) = nelup
276              nel (2) = neldw
277            else
278              nel (1) = ( nint(nelec) + 1 ) / 2
279              nel (2) =   nint(nelec)       / 2
280            end if
281            !
282            nupdwn (1) = nbnd
283            nupdwn (2) = nbnd
284            iupdwn (2) = nbnd+1
285            !
286            do iss = 1, nspin
287             do i = iupdwn ( iss ), iupdwn ( iss ) - 1 + nupdwn ( iss )
288                f (i) =  nel (iss) / DBLE (nupdwn (iss))
289             end do
290            end do
291            !
292          end if
295         CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' occupation method not implemented', 1 )
296      END SELECT
299      do iss = 1, nspin
300         do in = iupdwn(iss), iupdwn(iss) - 1 + nupdwn(iss)
301            ispin(in) = iss
302         end do
303      end do
305      nbndx = nupdwn (1)
306      nudx  = nupdwn (1)
307      nbsp  = nupdwn (1) + nupdwn (2)
309      IF ( nspin == 1 ) THEN
310        nelt = nel(1)
311      ELSE
312        nelt = nel(1) + nel(2)
313      END IF
315      IF( nupdwn(1) < nupdwn(2) ) &
316        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' nupdwn(1) should be greater or equal nupdwn(2) ', 1 )
318      IF( nbnd < nupdwn(1) ) &
319        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' inconsistent nbnd, should be .GE. than  nupdwn(1) ', 1 )
321      IF( nbspx < ( nupdwn(1) * nspin ) ) &
322        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' inconsistent nbspx, should be .GE. than  nspin * nupdwn(1) ', 1 )
324      IF( ( 2 * nbnd ) < nelt ) &
325        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' too few states ',  1  )
327      IF( nbsp < INT( nelec * nspin / 2.0_DP ) ) &
328        CALL errore(' electrons_base_initval ',' too many electrons ', 1 )
330      telectrons_base_initval = .TRUE.
332      RETURN
334    END SUBROUTINE electrons_base_initval
338    subroutine set_nelup_neldw ( tot_magnetization_, nelec_, nelup_, neldw_ )
339      !
340      USE kinds,     ONLY : DP
341      USE constants, ONLY : eps8
342      !
343      REAL (KIND=DP), intent(IN)  :: tot_magnetization_
344      REAL (KIND=DP), intent(IN)  :: nelec_
345      REAL (KIND=DP), intent(OUT) :: nelup_, neldw_
346      LOGICAL :: integer_charge, integer_magnetization
347      !
348      integer_charge = ( ABS (nelec_ - NINT(nelec_)) < eps8 )
349      !
350      IF ( tot_magnetization_ < 0 ) THEN
351         ! default when tot_magnetization is unspecified
352         IF ( integer_charge) THEN
353            nelup_ = INT( nelec_ + 1 ) / 2
354            neldw_ = nelec_ - nelup_
355         ELSE
356            nelup_ = nelec_ / 2
357            neldw_ = nelup_
358         END IF
359      ELSE
360         ! tot_magnetization specified in input
361         !
362         if ( (tot_magnetization_ > 0) .and. (nspin==1) ) &
363                 CALL errore(' set_nelup_neldw  ', &
364                 'tot_magnetization is inconsistent with nspin=1 ', 2 )
365         integer_magnetization = ( ABS( tot_magnetization_ - &
366                                   NINT(tot_magnetization_) ) < eps8 )
367         IF ( integer_charge .AND. integer_magnetization) THEN
368            !
369            ! odd  tot_magnetization requires an odd  number of electrons
370            ! even tot_magnetization requires an even number of electrons
371            !
372            if ( ((MOD(NINT(tot_magnetization_),2) == 0) .and. &
373                  (MOD(NINT(nelec_),2)==1))               .or. &
374                 ((MOD(NINT(tot_magnetization_),2) == 1) .and. &
375                  (MOD(NINT(nelec_),2)==0))      ) &
376              CALL infomsg(' set_nelup_neldw ',                          &
377             'BEWARE: non-integer number of up and down electrons!' )
378            !
379            ! ... setting nelup/neldw
380            !
381            nelup_ = ( INT(nelec_) + tot_magnetization_ ) / 2
382            neldw_ = ( INT(nelec_) - tot_magnetization_ ) / 2
383         ELSE
384            !
385            nelup_ = ( nelec_ + tot_magnetization_ ) / 2
386            neldw_ = ( nelec_ - tot_magnetization_ ) / 2
387         END IF
388      END IF
390      return
391    end subroutine set_nelup_neldw
396    SUBROUTINE deallocate_elct()
397      IF( ALLOCATED( f ) ) DEALLOCATE( f )
398      IF( ALLOCATED( ispin ) ) DEALLOCATE( ispin )
399      IF( ALLOCATED( f_bgrp ) ) DEALLOCATE( f_bgrp )
400      IF( ALLOCATED( ispin_bgrp ) ) DEALLOCATE( ispin_bgrp )
401      IF( ALLOCATED( ibgrp_g2l ) ) DEALLOCATE( ibgrp_g2l )
402      telectrons_base_initval = .FALSE.
403      RETURN
404    END SUBROUTINE deallocate_elct
408    SUBROUTINE distribute_bands( nbgrp, my_bgrp_id )
409      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nbgrp, my_bgrp_id
410      INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: ldim_block, gind_block
411      INTEGER :: iss, n1, n2, m1, m2, ilocal, iglobal
412      !
413      IF( .NOT. telectrons_base_initval ) &
414        CALL errore( ' distribute_bands ', ' electrons_base_initval not yet called ', 1 )
416      nupdwn_bgrp  = nupdwn
417      iupdwn_bgrp  = iupdwn
418      nudx_bgrp    = nudx
419      nbsp_bgrp    = nbsp
420      nbspx_bgrp   = nbspx
421      i2gupdwn_bgrp= 1
423      DO iss = 1, nspin
424         nupdwn_bgrp( iss )  = ldim_block( nupdwn( iss ), nbgrp, my_bgrp_id )
425         i2gupdwn_bgrp( iss ) = gind_block( 1, nupdwn( iss ), nbgrp, my_bgrp_id )
426      END DO
427      !
428      iupdwn_bgrp(1) = 1
429      IF( nspin > 1 ) THEN
430         iupdwn_bgrp(2) = iupdwn_bgrp(1) + nupdwn_bgrp( 1 )
431      END IF
432      nudx_bgrp = nupdwn_bgrp( 1 )
433      nbsp_bgrp = nupdwn_bgrp( 1 ) + nupdwn_bgrp ( 2 )
434      nbspx_bgrp = nbsp_bgrp
435      IF( MOD( nbspx_bgrp, 2 ) /= 0 ) nbspx_bgrp = nbspx_bgrp + 1
437      ALLOCATE( f_bgrp     ( nbspx_bgrp ) )
438      ALLOCATE( ispin_bgrp ( nbspx_bgrp ) )
439      ALLOCATE( ibgrp_g2l ( nbspx ) )
440      f_bgrp = 0.0
441      ispin_bgrp = 0
442      ibgrp_g2l = 0
443      !
444      DO iss = 1, nspin
445         n1 = iupdwn_bgrp(iss)
446         n2 = n1 + nupdwn_bgrp(iss) - 1
447         m1 = iupdwn(iss)+i2gupdwn_bgrp(iss) - 1
448         m2 = m1 + nupdwn_bgrp(iss) - 1
449         f_bgrp(n1:n2) = f(m1:m2)
450         ispin_bgrp(n1:n2) = ispin(m1:m2)
451         ilocal = n1
452         DO iglobal = m1, m2
453            ibgrp_g2l( iglobal ) = ilocal
454            ilocal = ilocal + 1
455         END DO
456      END DO
458      RETURN
460    END SUBROUTINE distribute_bands
464  END MODULE electrons_base