1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 /***************************************************************************
8                           customfdialog.h  -  description
9                              -------------------
10     begin                : Fri Nov 30 2001
11     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Franz Schmid
12     email                : Franz.Schmid@altmuehlnet.de
13  ***************************************************************************/
15 /***************************************************************************
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
18  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
19  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
20  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
21  *                                                                         *
22  ***************************************************************************/
27 #include <QDialog>
28 #include <QFileIconProvider>
29 #include <QLabel>
30 class QPushButton;
31 class QComboBox;
32 class QCheckBox;
33 class QHBoxLayout;
34 class QVBoxLayout;
35 class QFrame;
36 class ScFileWidget;
37 class QIcon;
39 #include "scribusapi.h"
41 /**
42   *@author Franz Schmid
43   */
44 class SCRIBUS_API ImIconProvider : public QFileIconProvider
45 {
46 public:
47 	ImIconProvider();
~ImIconProvider()48 	~ImIconProvider() {};
49 	QIcon icon(const QFileInfo &fi) const;
50 	QStringList fmts;
51 	QIcon imagepm;
52 	QIcon docpm;
53 	QIcon pspm;
54 	QIcon pdfpm;
55 	QIcon txtpm;
56 	QIcon oosxdpm;
57 	QIcon oosxwpm;
58 	QIcon vectorpm;
59 };
61 class SCRIBUS_API FDialogPreview : public QLabel
62 {
63     Q_OBJECT
64 public:
65 	FDialogPreview(QWidget *pa);
~FDialogPreview()66 	~FDialogPreview() {};
68 	void updatePix();
69 	void genPreview(const QString& name);
70 };
72 enum fdFlags
73 {
74 	fdNone = 0,
75 	fdShowPreview = 1, // display text/image previewer
76 	fdExistingFiles = 2, // When set, set to the QFileDialog::ExistingFile mode when true, QFileDialog::AnyFile otherwise
77 	fdCompressFile = 4, // Show and handle the "Compress" behaviour and CheckBox (true)
78 	fdShowCodecs = 8, // Show and handle text codecs and ComboBox (true)
79 	fdDirectoriesOnly = 16, // Show only directories
80 	fdHidePreviewCheckBox = 32, // Hide preview Checkbox
81 	fdExistingFilesI = 64, // For multiple files
82 	fdShowImportOptions = 128, // Show Vector Images Import Options
83 	fdDisableOk = 256 // Disable Ok button, used for file open, import etc
84 };
86 /*! \brief A Scribus own file dialog.
87 Used almost everywhere. You can see extension handling
88 in e.g. bool SVGExportPlugin::run(QString filename).
89 */
90 class SCRIBUS_API CustomFDialog : public QDialog
91 {
92     Q_OBJECT
93 public:
94 	/*! \brief Create Scribus file dialog.
95 	\param parent a reference to the QWidget parent.
96 	\param wDir starting working directory
97 	\param caption text caption of the dialog window
98 	\param filter a mask/filter. E.g.: *.txt
99 	\param flags combination of fdFlags, default to fdExistingFiles
100 	*/
101 	CustomFDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString& wDir, const QString& caption = "",  const QString& filter = "", int flags = fdExistingFiles);
102 	~CustomFDialog();
104 	void setSelection(const QString& fileName);
105 	QString selectedFile() const;
106 	QStringList selectedFiles() const;
108 	/*! \brief Set the default extension of the resulting file name.
109 	\param e string extension without any "."
110 	*/
111 	void setExtension(const QString& e);
112 	/*! \brief Get the file extension
113 	\retval QString see setExtension(QString e) */
114 	const QString& extension() const;
116 	/*! \brief Set the "compress" extension of the resulting file name.
117 	\param e string extension without any "."
118 	*/
119 	void setZipExtension(const QString& e);
120 	/*! \brief Get the zipped file extension
121 	\retval QString see setZipExtension(QString e) */
122 	const QString& zipExtension() const;
124 	bool isTextCodecShown() const;
125 	void setTextCodec(const QString& textCodec);
126 	QString textCodec() const;
128 	bool isSaveZipFileShown() const;
129 	void setSaveZipFile(bool value);
130 	bool saveZipFile() const;
132 	bool isIncludeFontsShown() const;
133 	void setIncludeFonts(bool value);
134 	bool includeFonts() const;
136 	bool isIncludeProfilesShown() const;
137 	void setIncludeProfiles(bool value);
138 	bool includeProfiles() const;
140 	int currentOptionIndex() const;
142 	void addWidgets(QWidget *widgets);
144 private slots:
145 	//! \brief Go to the document home dir.
146 	void fileClicked(const QString &path);
147 	void okClicked();
148 	void togglePreview();
150 public slots:
151 	//! \brief Switch the filename extensions by compress checkbox state.
152 	void handleCompress();
154 protected:
155 	QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout { nullptr };
156 	QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout1 { nullptr };
157 	QHBoxLayout *hboxLayout { nullptr };
158 	QFrame*      Layout { nullptr };
159 	QFrame*      LayoutC { nullptr };
160 	QHBoxLayout* Layout1 { nullptr };
161 	QHBoxLayout* Layout1C { nullptr };
163 	QCheckBox* saveZip { nullptr };
164 	QCheckBox* withFonts { nullptr };
165 	QCheckBox* withProfiles { nullptr };
166 	QComboBox *optionCombo { nullptr };
167 	QLabel *optionLabel { nullptr };
168 	ScFileWidget *fileDialog { nullptr };
169 	FDialogPreview *filePreview { nullptr };
170 	QCheckBox *showPreview { nullptr };
171 	QPushButton* okButton { nullptr };
172 	QPushButton* cancelButton { nullptr };
174 	//! \brief Property with default extension
175 	QString m_ext;
176 	//! \brief Property with default compress extension
177 	QString m_extZip;
178 	//! \brief Option flags given by user in ctore
179 	int  m_optionFlags;
180 	bool m_previewIsShown;
181 };
183 #endif