1 /*
3 This file is a C++ translation of the Mehta-Patel network
4 algorithm for computing association p-values on NxM contigency
5 table
7 Original source from
9     http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=214326&jmp=indexterms&dl=GUIDE&dl=ACM
11 Cleaned up and dapted for C++. Included a bug fix for negative keys
12 in hash tables in f3xact_.
14 Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond,
15 October 2003
17 Function prototype is declared in matrix.h
19 */
21 #include <math.h>
23 #include "global_things.h"
24 #include "hy_strings.h"
26 using namespace hy_global;
29 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
30 // Function Prototypes
32 void        allocate_fexact_keys (long, long);
33 void        free_fexact_keys     (void);
35 int         fexact_(long,    long, double *, double , double , double , double *, double *);
36 int         isort_ (long*,   long *);
37 double      alogam_(double*, long *);
38 double      gammds_(double*, double *, long *);
39 int         f2xact_(long *, long *, double *,
40                     double *, double *, double *,
41                     double *, double *, double *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *,
42                     long *, long *, long *, double *, long *,
43                     long *, double *, double *, double *,
44                     long *, long *, double *);
47 int         f3xact_(long *, long *, long *, long *, double *, long *, double *,
48                     long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, double *, double *, double *);
49 int         f4xact_(long *, long *, long *, long *, double *, double *, long *,
50                     long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, double *, double *);
51 int         f5xact_(double *, double *, long *, long *, long *, long *,
52                     double *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, bool *);
53 int         f6xact_(long *,  long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *);
54 int         f7xact_(long *,  long *, long *, long *, long *, long *);
55 int         f8xact_(long *,  long *, long *, long *, long *);
56 double      f9xact_(long *,  long *, long *, double *);
57 int         f10act_(long,  long *, long , long * , double * , bool * , double * , long * , long * , long *);
58 void        f11act_(long *,  long, long, long *);
59 long        i_dnnt (double *);
60 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
62 #define Minimum(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
63 #define Maximum(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
65 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
i_dnnt(double * x)66 inline long i_dnnt(double *x)
67 {
68     return( (*x)>=0 ? (long) (*x + .5) : (long) (*x - .5) );
69 }
71 long    *fexact_i4 = nil,
72          *fexact_i5 = nil,
73           *fexact_i7 = nil,
74            *fexact_i10 = nil;
76 double  *fexact_i6 = nil,
77          *fexact_i8 = nil,
78           *fexact_i9 = nil,
79            *fexact_i9a = nil;
81 long    fexact_ldkey = 0,
82         fexact_ldstp = 0;
84 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
allocate_fexact_keys(long ldkey,long mult)86 void    allocate_fexact_keys (long ldkey, long mult)
87 {
88     fexact_ldkey = ldkey;
89     fexact_ldstp = ldkey * mult;
90     long    i__1    = ldkey << 1;
92     fexact_i4  = (long*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (long));
93     fexact_i5 = (long*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (long));
94     i__1 = fexact_ldstp << 1;
95     fexact_i6 = (double*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (double));
96     i__1 = fexact_ldstp * 6;
97     fexact_i7 = (long*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (long));
98     i__1 = ldkey << 1;
99     fexact_i8 = (double*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (double));
100     fexact_i9  = (double*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (double));
101     fexact_i9a = (double*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (double));
102     fexact_i10  = (long*) MemAllocate(i__1*sizeof (long));
103 }
105 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
free_fexact_keys(void)107 void    free_fexact_keys (void)
108 {
109     free (fexact_i4);
110     free (fexact_i5);
111     free (fexact_i6);
112     free (fexact_i7);
113     free (fexact_i8);
114     free (fexact_i9);
115     free (fexact_i9a);
116     free (fexact_i10);
118     fexact_i4 = nil;
119 }
123 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
124 /*  Name:       isort_ */
126 /*  Purpose:    Shell sort for an long vector. */
128 /*  Usage:      isort_ (N, IX) */
130 /*  Arguments: */
131 /*     n      - Lenth of vector IX.  (Input) */
132 /*     ix     - Vector to be sorted.  (Input/output) */
133 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
isort_(long * n,long * ix)135 int isort_(long *n, long *ix)
136 {
137     long i__,
138          j,
139          m,
140          il[10],
141          kl,
142          it,
143          iu[10],
144          ku,
145          ikey;
146     /* Parameter adjustments */
147     --ix;
149     /* Function Body */
150     m = 1;
151     i__ = 1;
152     j = *n;
153 L10:
154     if (i__ >= j) {
155         goto L40;
156     }
158     kl = i__;
159     ku = j;
160     ikey = i__;
161     ++j;
162     /*                                  Find element in first half */
163 L20:
164     ++i__;
165     if (i__ < j) {
166         if (ix[ikey] > ix[i__]) {
167             goto L20;
168         }
169     }
170     /*                                  Find element in second half */
171 L30:
172     --j;
173     if (ix[j] > ix[ikey]) {
174         goto L30;
175     }
176     /*                                  Interchange */
177     if (i__ < j) {
178         it = ix[i__];
179         ix[i__] = ix[j];
180         ix[j] = it;
181         goto L20;
182     }
183     it = ix[ikey];
184     ix[ikey] = ix[j];
185     ix[j] = it;
186     /*                                  Save upper and lower subscripts of */
187     /*                                  the array yet to be sorted */
188     if (m < 11) {
189         if (j - kl < ku - j) {
190             il[m - 1] = j + 1;
191             iu[m - 1] = ku;
192             i__ = kl;
193             --j;
194         } else {
195             il[m - 1] = kl;
196             iu[m - 1] = j - 1;
197             i__ = j + 1;
198             j = ku;
199         }
200         ++m;
201         goto L10;
202     } else {
203         HandleApplicationError ("Internal error in shell sort");
204     }
205     /*                                  Use another segment */
206 L40:
207     --m;
208     if (m == 0) {
209         goto L9000;
210     }
211     i__ = il[m - 1];
212     j = iu[m - 1];
213     goto L10;
215 L9000:
216     return 0;
217 } /* isort_ */
219 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
220 /*  Name:       GAMMDS */
222 /*  Purpose:    Cumulative distribution for the gamma distribution. */
224 /*  Usage:      PGAMMA (Q, ALPHA,IFAULT) */
226 /*  Arguments: */
227 /*     Q      - Value at which the distribution is desired.  (Input) */
228 /*     ALPHA  - Parameter in the gamma distribution.  (Input) */
229 /*     IFAULT - Error indicator.  (Output) */
230 /*               IFAULT  DEFINITION */
231 /*                 0     No error */
232 /*                 1     An argument is misspecified. */
233 /*                 2     A numerical error has occurred. */
234 /*     PGAMMA - The cdf for the gamma distribution with parameter alpha */
235 /*              evaluated at Q.  (Output) */
236 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
gammds_(double * y,double * p,long * ifault)238 double gammds_(double *y, double *p, long *ifault)
239 {
240     /* Initialized data */
242     double e = 1e-6;
243     double zero = 0.;
244     double one = 1.;
246     /* System generated locals */
247     double ret_val, d__1, d__2;
250     /* Local variables */
251     double a, c__, f;
252     long ifail;
254     *ifault = 1;
255     ret_val = zero;
256     if (*y <= zero || *p <= zero) {
257         return ret_val;
258     }
259     *ifault = 2;
261     d__2 = *p + one;
262     d__1 = *p * log(*y) - alogam_(&d__2, &ifail) - *y;
263     f = exp(d__1);
264     if (f == zero) {
265         return ret_val;
266     }
267     *ifault = 0;
269     /*       Series begins */
271     c__ = one;
272     ret_val = one;
273     a = *p;
274 L10:
275     a += one;
276     c__ = c__ * *y / a;
277     ret_val += c__;
278     if (c__ / ret_val > e) {
279         goto L10;
280     }
281     ret_val *= f;
282     return ret_val;
283 } /* gammds_ */
285 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
286 /*  Name:       ALOGAM */
288 /*  Purpose:    Value of the log-gamma function. */
290 /*  Usage:      ALOGAM (X, IFAULT) */
292 /*  Arguments: */
293 /*     X      - Value at which the log-gamma function is to be evaluated. */
294 /*              (Input) */
295 /*     IFAULT  - Error indicator.  (Output) */
296 /*               IFAULT  DEFINITION */
297 /*                 0     No error */
298 /*                 1     X .LT. 0 */
299 /*     ALGAMA - The value of the log-gamma function at XX.  (Output) */
300 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
alogam_(double * x,long * ifault)302 double alogam_(double *x, long *ifault)
303 {
304     /* Initialized data */
306     static double a1 = .918938533204673;
307     static double a2 = 5.95238095238e-4;
308     static double a3 = 7.93650793651e-4;
309     static double a4 = .002777777777778;
310     static double a5 = .083333333333333;
311     static double half = .5;
312     static double zero = 0.;
313     static double one = 1.;
314     static double seven = 7.;
316     /* System generated locals */
317     double ret_val;
319     /* Local variables */
320     double f, y, z__;
322     ret_val = zero;
323     *ifault = 1;
324     if (*x < zero) {
325         return ret_val;
326     }
327     *ifault = 0;
328     y = *x;
329     f = zero;
330     if (y >= seven) {
331         goto L30;
332     }
333     f = y;
334 L10:
335     y += one;
336     if (y >= seven) {
337         goto L20;
338     }
339     f *= y;
340     goto L10;
341 L20:
342     f = -log(f);
343 L30:
344     z__ = one / (y * y);
345     ret_val = f + (y - half) * log(y) - y + a1 + (((-a2 * z__ + a3) * z__ -
346               a4) * z__ + a5) / y;
347     return ret_val;
348 } /* alogam_ */
350 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
351 /*  Name:       F11ACT */
353 /*  Purpose:    Routine for revising row totals. */
355 /*  Arguments: */
356 /*     IROW   - Vector containing the row totals.  (Input) */
357 /*     I1     - Indicator.  (Input) */
358 /*     I2     - Indicator.  (Input) */
359 /*     N      - Vector containing the row totals.  (Input) */
360 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f11act_(long * irow,long i1,long i2,long * n)361 void f11act_(long *irow, long i1, long i2, long *n)
362 {
363     for (long i = 0; i < i1-1; i++) {
364         n[i] = irow[i];
365     }
366     {
367         for (long i = i1-1; i < i2; i++) {
368             n[i] = irow[i + 1];
369         }
370     }
371 } /* f11act_ */
373 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
374 /*  Name:       F10ACT */
376 /*  Purpose:    Computes the shortest path length for special tables. */
378 /*  Usage:      CALL F10ACT (NROW, IROW, NCOL, ICOL, VAL, XMIN, FACT, ND, */
379 /*                          NE, M) */
381 /*  Arguments: */
382 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
383 /*     IROW   - Vector of length NROW containing the row totals.  (Input) */
384 /*     NCOL   - The number of columns in the table.  (Input) */
385 /*     ICO    - Vector of length NCOL containing the column totals. */
386 /*              (Input) */
387 /*     VAL    - The shortest path.  (Output) */
388 /*     XMIN   - Set to true if shortest path obtained.  (Output) */
389 /*     FACT   - Vector containing the logarithms of factorials. */
390 /*              (Input) */
391 /*     ND     - Workspace vector of length NROW. */
392 /*     NE     - Workspace vector of length NCOL. */
393 /*     M      - Workspace vector of length NCOL. */
395 /*  Chapter:    STAT/LIBRARY Categorical and Discrete Data Analysis */
396 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f10act_(long nrow,long * irow,long ncol,long * icol,double * val,bool * xmin,double * fact,long * nd,long * ne,long * m)397 int f10act_(long nrow, long *irow, long ncol, long *icol, double *val, bool *xmin, double *fact, long *nd, long *ne, long *m)
398 {
399     /* System generated locals */
400     long is, ix;
402     /* Parameter adjustments */
404     long i__,
405          i__1;
407     --m;
408     --ne;
409     --nd;
410     --icol;
411     --irow;
413     /* Function Body */
415     //for (long i1 = 0; i1 < nrow; i1++)
416     //  nd[i1] = 0;
418     i__1 = nrow - 1;
419     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
420         nd[i__] = 0;
421     }
423     is = icol[1] / nrow;
424     ne[1] = is;
426     //is = icol[0]/nrow;
427     //ne[0] = is;
429     ix = icol[1] - nrow * is;
430     m[1] = ix;
432     //ix = icol[0] - nrow*is;
433     //m[0] = ix;
435     //if (ix != 0)
436     //++nd[ix-1];
438     if (ix != 0) {
439         ++nd[ix];
440     }
442     i__1 = ncol;
443     for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
444         ix = icol[i__] / nrow;
445         ne[i__] = ix;
446         is += ix;
447         ix = icol[i__] - nrow * ix;
448         m[i__] = ix;
449         if (ix != 0) {
450             ++nd[ix];
451         }
452     }
454     /*for (long i2 = 1; i2 < ncol; i2++)
455     {
456         long t = icol[i2]/nrow;
457         ne[i2] = t;
458         is += t;
459         t = icol[i2] - nrow*t;
460         m[i2] = t;
461         if (t != 0)
462             nd[t-1]++;
463     }*/
465     for (i__ = nrow - 2; i__ >= 1; --i__) {
466         nd[i__] += nd[i__ + 1];
467     }
469     //for (long i3 = nrow-3; i3>=0; i3--)
470     //  nd[i3] += nd [i3+1];
472     ix = 0;
473     long nrw1 = nrow + 1;
474     for (i__ = nrow; i__ >= 2; --i__) {
475         ix = ix + is + nd[nrw1 - i__] - irow[i__];
476         if (ix < 0) {
477             return 0;
478         }
479     }
481     /*ix = 0;
482     for (long i4 = nrow; i4>=1; i4--)
483     {
484         ix += is + nd[nrow-i4+1] - irow[i4];
485         if (ix<0)
486             return 0;
487     }*/
489     i__1 = ncol;
490     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
491         ix = ne[i__];
492         is = m[i__];
493         *val = *val + is * fact[ix + 1] + (nrow - is) * fact[ix];
494     }
495     *xmin = true;
497     /* double   temp = 0.0;
499      for (long i5 = 0; i5 < ncol; i5++)
500      {
501         ix = ne[i5];
502         is = m[i5];
504         temp += is *fact[ix+1] + (nrow-is)*fact[ix];
505      }
506      *val += temp;
507      *xmin = true;*/
509     return 0;
510 }
512 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
513 /*  Name:       F9XACT */
515 /*  Purpose:    Computes the log of a multinomial coefficient. */
517 /*  Usage:      F9XACT(N, MM, IR, FACT) */
519 /*  Arguments: */
520 /*     N      - Length of IR.  (Input) */
521 /*     MM     - Number for factorial in numerator.  (Input) */
522 /*     IR     - Vector of length N containing the numebers for the */
523 /*              denominator of the factorial.  (Input) */
524 /*     FACT   - Table of log factorials.  (Input) */
525 /*     F9XACT  - The log of the multinomal coefficient.  (Output) */
526 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f9xact_(long * n,long * mm,long * ir,double * fact)527 double f9xact_(long *n, long *mm, long *ir, double *fact)
528 {
529     /* System generated locals */
530     long    i__1,
531             k;
533     double  ret_val;
535     /* Parameter adjustments */
536     --ir;
538     /* Function Body */
539     ret_val = fact[*mm];
540     i__1 = *n;
541     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
542         ret_val -= fact[ir[k]];
543     }
545     return ret_val;
546 } /* f9xact_ */
548 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
549 /*  Name:       F8XACT */
551 /*  Purpose:    Routine for reducing a vector when there is a zero */
552 /*              element. */
554 /*  Usage:      CALL F8XACT (IROW, IS, I1, IZERO, NEW) */
556 /*  Arguments: */
557 /*     IROW   - Vector containing the row counts.  (Input) */
558 /*     IS     - Indicator.  (Input) */
559 /*     I1     - Indicator.  (Input) */
560 /*     IZERO  - Position of the zero.  (Input) */
561 /*     NEW    - Vector of new row counts.  (Output) */
562 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f8xact_(long * irow,long * is,long * i1,long * izero,long * new__)563 int f8xact_(long *irow, long *is, long *i1, long *izero, long *new__)
564 {
565     /* System generated locals */
566     long i__1,
567          i__;
569     /* Parameter adjustments */
570     --new__;
571     --irow;
573     /* Function Body */
574     i__1 = *i1 - 1;
575     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
576         new__[i__] = irow[i__];
577         /* L10: */
578     }
580     i__1 = *izero - 1;
581     for (i__ = *i1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
582         if (*is >= irow[i__ + 1]) {
583             goto L30;
584         }
585         new__[i__] = irow[i__ + 1];
586         /* L20: */
587     }
589     i__ = *izero;
590 L30:
591     new__[i__] = *is;
592 L40:
593     ++i__;
594     if (i__ > *izero) {
595         return 0;
596     }
597     new__[i__] = irow[i__];
598     goto L40;
599 } /* f8xact_ */
601 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
602 /*  Name:       F7XACT */
604 /*  Purpose:    Generate the new nodes for given marinal totals. */
606 /*  Usage:      CALL F7XACT (NROW, IMAX, IDIF, K, KS, IFLAG) */
608 /*  Arguments: */
609 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
610 /*     IMAX   - The row marginal totals.  (Input) */
611 /*     IDIF   - The column counts for the new column.  (Input/output) */
612 /*     K      - Indicator for the row to decrement.  (Input/output) */
613 /*     KS     - Indicator for the row to increment.  (Input/output) */
614 /*     IFLAG  - Status indicator.  (Output) */
615 /*              If IFLAG is zero, a new table was generated.  For */
616 /*              IFLAG = 1, no additional tables could be generated. */
617 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f7xact_(long * nrow,long * imax,long * idif,long * k,long * ks,long * iflag)618 int f7xact_(long *nrow, long *imax, long *idif, long *k, long *ks, long *iflag)
619 {
620     /* System generated locals */
621     long i__1, i__2, i__, m, k1, mm;
623     /* Parameter adjustments */
624     --idif;
625     --imax;
627     /* Function Body */
628     *iflag = 0;
629     /*                                  Find node which can be */
630     /*                                  incremented, ks */
631     if (*ks == 0) {
632 L10:
633         ++(*ks);
634         if (idif[*ks] == imax[*ks]) {
635             goto L10;
636         }
637     }
638     /*                                 Find node to decrement (>ks) */
639     /* L20: */
640     if (idif[*k] > 0 && *k > *ks) {
641         --idif[*k];
642 L30:
643         --(*k);
644         if (imax[*k] == 0) {
645             goto L30;
646         }
647         m = *k;
648         /*                                 Find node to increment (>=ks) */
649 L40:
650         if (idif[m] >= imax[m]) {
651             --m;
652             goto L40;
653         }
654         ++idif[m];
655         /*                                 Change ks */
656         if (m == *ks) {
657             if (idif[m] == imax[m]) {
658                 *ks = *k;
659             }
660         }
661     } else {
662         /*                                 Check for finish */
663 L50:
664         i__1 = *nrow;
665         for (k1 = *k + 1; k1 <= i__1; ++k1) {
666             if (idif[k1] > 0) {
667                 goto L70;
668             }
669             /* L60: */
670         }
671         *iflag = 1;
672         goto L9000;
673         /*                                 Reallocate counts */
674 L70:
675         mm = 1;
676         i__1 = *k;
677         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
678             mm += idif[i__];
679             idif[i__] = 0;
680             /* L80: */
681         }
682         *k = k1;
683 L90:
684         --(*k);
685         /* Computing MIN */
686         i__1 = mm, i__2 = imax[*k];
687         m = Minimum(i__1,i__2);
688         idif[*k] = m;
689         mm -= m;
690         if (mm > 0 && *k != 1) {
691             goto L90;
692         }
693         /*                                 Check that all counts */
694         /*                                 reallocated */
695         if (mm > 0) {
696             if (k1 != *nrow) {
697                 *k = k1;
698                 goto L50;
699             }
700             *iflag = 1;
701             goto L9000;
702         }
703         /*                                 Get ks */
704         --idif[k1];
705         *ks = 0;
706 L100:
707         ++(*ks);
708         if (*ks > *k) {
709             goto L9000;
710         }
711         if (idif[*ks] >= imax[*ks]) {
712             goto L100;
713         }
714     }
716 L9000:
717     return 0;
718 } /* f7xact_ */
721 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
722 /*  Name:       F6XACT */
724 /*  Purpose:    Pop a node off the stack. */
726 /*  Usage:      CALL F6XACT (NROW, IROW, IFLAG, KYY, KEY, LDKEY, LAST, */
727 /*                          IPN) */
729 /*  Arguments: */
730 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
731 /*     IROW   - Vector of length nrow containing the row sums on output. */
732 /*              (Output) */
733 /*     IFLAG  - Set to 3 if there are no additional nodes to process. */
734 /*              (Output) */
735 /*     KYY    - Constant mutlipliers used in forming the hash table key. */
736 /*              (Input) */
737 /*     KEY    - Vector of length LDKEY containing the hash table keys. */
738 /*              (Input/output) */
739 /*     LDKEY  - Length of vector KEY.  (Input) */
740 /*     LAST   - Index of the last key popped off the stack. */
741 /*              (Input/output) */
742 /*     IPN    - Pointer to the linked list of past path lengths. */
743 /*              (Output) */
744 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f6xact_(long * nrow,long * irow,long * iflag,long * kyy,long * key,long * ldkey,long * last,long * ipn)745 int f6xact_(long *nrow, long *irow, long *iflag, long *kyy, long *key, long *ldkey, long *last, long *ipn)
746 {
747     long j,
748          kval;
751     /* Parameter adjustments */
752     --key;
753     --kyy;
754     --irow;
756     /* Function Body */
757 L10:
758     ++(*last);
759     if (*last <= *ldkey) {
760         if (key[*last] < 0) {
761             goto L10;
762         }
763         /*                                  Get KVAL from the stack */
764         kval = key[*last];
765         key[*last] = -9999;
766         for (j = *nrow; j >= 2; --j) {
767             irow[j] = kval / kyy[j];
768             kval -= irow[j] * kyy[j];
769             /* L20: */
770         }
771         irow[1] = kval;
772         *ipn = *last;
773     } else {
774         *last = 0;
775         *iflag = 3;
776     }
777     return 0;
778 } /* f6xact_ */
780 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
781 /*  Name:       F5XACT */
783 /*  Purpose:    Put node on stack in network algorithm. */
785 /*  Usage:      CALL F5XACT (PASTP, TOL, KVAL, KEY, LDKEY, IPOIN, STP, */
786 /*                          LDSTP, IFRQ, NPOIN, NR, NL, IFREQ, ITOP, */
787 /*                          IPSH) */
789 /*  Arguments: */
790 /*     PASTP  - The past path length.  (Input) */
791 /*     TOL    - Tolerance for equivalence of past path lengths.  (Input) */
792 /*     KVAL   - Key value.  (Input) */
793 /*     KEY    - Vector of length LDKEY containing the key values. */
794 /*              (Input/output) */
795 /*     LDKEY  - Length of vector KEY.  (Input) */
796 /*     IPOIN  - Vector of length LDKEY pointing to the linked list */
797 /*              of past path lengths.  (Input/output) */
798 /*     STP    - Vector of length LSDTP containing the linked lists */
799 /*              of past path lengths.  (Input/output) */
800 /*     LDSTP  - Length of vector STP.  (Input) */
801 /*     IFRQ   - Vector of length LDSTP containing the past path */
802 /*              frequencies.  (Input/output) */
803 /*     NPOIN  - Vector of length LDSTP containing the pointers to */
804 /*              the next past path length.  (Input/output) */
805 /*     NR     - Vector of length LDSTP containing the right object */
806 /*              pointers in the tree of past path lengths. */
807 /*              (Input/output) */
808 /*     NL     - Vector of length LDSTP containing the left object */
809 /*              pointers in the tree of past path lengths. */
810 /*              (Input/output) */
811 /*     IFREQ  - Frequency of the current path length.  (Input) */
812 /*     ITOP   - Pointer to the top of STP.  (Input) */
813 /*     IPSH   - Option parameter.  (Input) */
814 /*              If IPSH is true, the past path length is found in the */
815 /*              table KEY.  Otherwise the location of the past path */
816 /*              length is assumed known and to have been found in */
817 /*              a previous call. */
818 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f5xact_(double * pastp,double * tol,long * kval,long * key,long * ldkey,long * ipoin,double * stp,long * ldstp,long * ifrq,long * npoin,long * nr,long * nl,long * ifreq,long * itop,bool * ipsh)819 int f5xact_(double *pastp, double *tol, long *kval, long *key, long *ldkey, long *ipoin,
820             double *stp, long *ldstp, long *ifrq, long *npoin, long *nr, long *nl, long *ifreq, long *itop, bool *ipsh)
821 {
822     /* System generated locals */
823     static  long    itp;
825     long    i__1,
826             ird,
827             ipn,
828             itmp;
830     double  test1,
831             test2;
833     _String errMsg;
835     /* Parameter adjustments */
836     --nl;
837     --nr;
838     --npoin;
839     --ifrq;
840     --stp;
841     --ipoin;
842     --key;
844     /* Function Body */
845     if (*ipsh) {
846         /*                                  Convert KVAL to long in range */
847         /*                                  1, ..., LDKEY. */
848         ird = *kval % *ldkey + 1;
849         /*                                  Search for an unused location */
850         i__1 = *ldkey;
851         for (itp = ird; itp <= i__1; ++itp) {
852             if (key[itp] == *kval) {
853                 goto L40;
854             }
855             if (key[itp] < 0) {
856                 goto L30;
857             }
858             /* L10: */
859         }
861         i__1 = ird - 1;
862         for (itp = 1; itp <= i__1; ++itp) {
863             if (key[itp] == *kval) {
864                 goto L40;
865             }
866             if (key[itp] < 0) {
867                 goto L30;
868             }
869             /* L20: */
870         }
871         /*                                  Return if KEY array is full */
872         HandleApplicationError("Fisher Exact:LDKEY is too small for this problem.  It is not possible to estimate the value of LDKEY required, but twice the current value may be sufficient.");
873         return 0;
874         /*                                  Update KEY */
875 L30:
876         key[itp] = *kval;
877         ++(*itop);
878         ipoin[itp] = *itop;
879         /*                                  Return if STP array full */
880         if (*itop > *ldstp) {
881             HandleApplicationError("Fisher Exact: LDSTP is too small for this problem.  It is not possible to estimate the value of LDSTP required, but twice the current value may be sufficient.");
882             return 0;
883         }
884         /*                                  Update STP, etc. */
885         npoin[*itop] = -1;
886         nr[*itop] = -1;
887         nl[*itop] = -1;
888         stp[*itop] = *pastp;
889         ifrq[*itop] = *ifreq;
890         goto L9000;
891     }
892     /*                                  Find location, if any, of pastp */
893 L40:
894     ipn = ipoin[itp];
895     test1 = *pastp - *tol;
896     test2 = *pastp + *tol;
898 L50:
899     if (stp[ipn] < test1) {
900         ipn = nl[ipn];
901         if (ipn > 0) {
902             goto L50;
903         }
904     } else if (stp[ipn] > test2) {
905         ipn = nr[ipn];
906         if (ipn > 0) {
907             goto L50;
908         }
909     } else {
910         ifrq[ipn] += *ifreq;
911         goto L9000;
912     }
913     /*                                  Return if STP array full */
914     ++(*itop);
915     if (*itop > *ldstp) {
916         HandleApplicationError ("Fisher Exact: LDSTP is too small for this problem.  It is not possible to estimate the value of LDSTP required, but twice the current value may be sufficient.");
917         goto L9000;
918     }
919     /*                                  Find location to add value */
920     ipn = ipoin[itp];
921     itmp = ipn;
922 L60:
923     if (stp[ipn] < test1) {
924         itmp = ipn;
925         ipn = nl[ipn];
926         if (ipn > 0) {
927             goto L60;
928         } else {
929             nl[itmp] = *itop;
930         }
931     } else if (stp[ipn] > test2) {
932         itmp = ipn;
933         ipn = nr[ipn];
934         if (ipn > 0) {
935             goto L60;
936         } else {
937             nr[itmp] = *itop;
938         }
939     }
940     /*                                  Update STP, etc. */
941     npoin[*itop] = npoin[itmp];
942     npoin[itmp] = *itop;
943     stp[*itop] = *pastp;
944     ifrq[*itop] = *ifreq;
945     nl[*itop] = -1;
946     nr[*itop] = -1;
948 L9000:
949     return 0;
950 } /* f5xact_ */
952 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
953 /*  Name:       F4XACT */
955 /*  Purpose:    Computes the longest path length for a given table. */
957 /*  Usage:      CALL F4XACT (NROW, IROW, NCOL, ICOL, DSP, FACT, ICSTK, */
958 /*                          NCSTK, LSTK, MSTK, NSTK, NRSTK, IRSTK, YSTK, */
959 /*                          TOL) */
961 /*  Arguments: */
962 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
963 /*     IROW   - Vector of length NROW containing the row sums for the */
964 /*              table.  (Input) */
965 /*     NCOL   - The number of columns in the table.  (Input) */
966 /*     ICOL   - Vector of length K containing the column sums for the */
967 /*              table.  (Input) */
968 /*     DSP    - The shortest path for the table.  (Output) */
969 /*     FACT   - Vector containing the logarithms of factorials.  (Input) */
970 /*     ICSTK  - NCOL by NROW+NCOL+1 work array. */
971 /*     NCSTK  - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
972 /*     LSTK   - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
973 /*     MSTK   - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
974 /*     NSTK   - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
975 /*     NRSTK  - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
976 /*     IRSTK  - NROW by MAX(NROW,NCOL) work array. */
977 /*     YSTK   - Work vector of length NROW+NCOL+1. */
978 /*     TOL    - Tolerance.  (Input) */
979 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f4xact_(long * nrow,long * irow,long * ncol,long * icol,double * dsp,double * fact,long * icstk,long * ncstk,long * lstk,long * mstk,long * nstk,long * nrstk,long * irstk,double * ystk,double * tol)980 int f4xact_(long *nrow, long *irow, long *ncol,
981             long *icol, double *dsp, double *fact, long *icstk,
982             long *ncstk, long *lstk, long *mstk, long *nstk,
983             long *nrstk, long *irstk, double *ystk, double *tol)
984 {
985     /* System generated locals */
986     long icstk_dim1,
987          icstk_offset,
988          irstk_dim1,
989          irstk_offset,
990          i__1,
991          i__,
992          j,
993          k,
994          l,
995          m,
996          n,
997          mn,
998          ic1,
999          ir1,
1000          ict,
1001          nco,
1002          irt,
1003          nro,
1004          istk;
1006     double y,
1007            amx;
1010     /* Parameter adjustments */
1011     irstk_dim1 = *nrow;
1012     irstk_offset = 1 + irstk_dim1;
1013     irstk -= irstk_offset;
1014     --irow;
1015     icstk_dim1 = *ncol;
1016     icstk_offset = 1 + icstk_dim1;
1017     icstk -= icstk_offset;
1018     --icol;
1019     --ncstk;
1020     --lstk;
1021     --mstk;
1022     --nstk;
1023     --nrstk;
1024     --ystk;
1026     /* Function Body */
1027     if (*nrow == 1) {
1028         i__1 = *ncol;
1029         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1030             *dsp -= fact[icol[i__]];
1031             /* L10: */
1032         }
1033         goto L9000;
1034     }
1036     if (*ncol == 1) {
1037         i__1 = *nrow;
1038         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1039             *dsp -= fact[irow[i__]];
1040             /* L20: */
1041         }
1042         goto L9000;
1043     }
1045     if (*nrow * *ncol == 4) {
1046         if (irow[2] <= icol[2]) {
1047             *dsp = *dsp - fact[irow[2]] - fact[icol[1]] - fact[icol[2] - irow[
1048                         2]];
1049         } else {
1050             *dsp = *dsp - fact[icol[2]] - fact[irow[1]] - fact[irow[2] - icol[
1051                         2]];
1052         }
1053         goto L9000;
1054     }
1055     /*                                  initialization before loop */
1056     i__1 = *nrow;
1057     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1058         irstk[i__ + irstk_dim1] = irow[*nrow - i__ + 1];
1059         /* L30: */
1060     }
1062     i__1 = *ncol;
1063     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
1064         icstk[j + icstk_dim1] = icol[*ncol - j + 1];
1065         /* L40: */
1066     }
1068     nro = *nrow;
1069     nco = *ncol;
1070     nrstk[1] = nro;
1071     ncstk[1] = nco;
1072     ystk[1] = 0.f;
1073     y = 0.f;
1074     istk = 1;
1075     l = 1;
1076     amx = 0.f;
1078 L50:
1079     ir1 = irstk[istk * irstk_dim1 + 1];
1080     ic1 = icstk[istk * icstk_dim1 + 1];
1081     if (ir1 > ic1) {
1082         if (nro >= nco) {
1083             m = nco - 1;
1084             n = 2;
1085         } else {
1086             m = nro;
1087             n = 1;
1088         }
1089     } else if (ir1 < ic1) {
1090         if (nro <= nco) {
1091             m = nro - 1;
1092             n = 1;
1093         } else {
1094             m = nco;
1095             n = 2;
1096         }
1097     } else {
1098         if (nro <= nco) {
1099             m = nro - 1;
1100             n = 1;
1101         } else {
1102             m = nco - 1;
1103             n = 2;
1104         }
1105     }
1107 L60:
1108     if (n == 1) {
1109         i__ = l;
1110         j = 1;
1111     } else {
1112         i__ = 1;
1113         j = l;
1114     }
1116     irt = irstk[i__ + istk * irstk_dim1];
1117     ict = icstk[j + istk * icstk_dim1];
1118     mn = irt;
1119     if (mn > ict) {
1120         mn = ict;
1121     }
1122     y += fact[mn];
1123     if (irt == ict) {
1124         --nro;
1125         --nco;
1126         f11act_(&irstk[istk * irstk_dim1 + 1], i__, nro, &irstk[(istk + 1) *
1127                 irstk_dim1 + 1]);
1128         f11act_(&icstk[istk * icstk_dim1 + 1], j, nco, &icstk[(istk + 1) *
1129                 icstk_dim1 + 1]);
1130     } else if (irt > ict) {
1131         --nco;
1132         f11act_(&icstk[istk * icstk_dim1 + 1], j, nco, &icstk[(istk + 1) *
1133                 icstk_dim1 + 1]);
1134         i__1 = irt - ict;
1135         f8xact_(&irstk[istk * irstk_dim1 + 1], &i__1, &i__, &nro, &irstk[(
1136                     istk + 1) * irstk_dim1 + 1]);
1137     } else {
1138         --nro;
1139         f11act_(&irstk[istk * irstk_dim1 + 1], i__, nro, &irstk[(istk + 1) *
1140                 irstk_dim1 + 1]);
1141         i__1 = ict - irt;
1142         f8xact_(&icstk[istk * icstk_dim1 + 1], &i__1, &j, &nco, &icstk[(istk
1143                 + 1) * icstk_dim1 + 1]);
1144     }
1146     if (nro == 1) {
1147         i__1 = nco;
1148         for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
1149             y += fact[icstk[k + (istk + 1) * icstk_dim1]];
1150             /* L70: */
1151         }
1152         goto L90;
1153     }
1155     if (nco == 1) {
1156         i__1 = nro;
1157         for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
1158             y += fact[irstk[k + (istk + 1) * irstk_dim1]];
1159             /* L80: */
1160         }
1161         goto L90;
1162     }
1164     lstk[istk] = l;
1165     mstk[istk] = m;
1166     nstk[istk] = n;
1167     ++istk;
1168     nrstk[istk] = nro;
1169     ncstk[istk] = nco;
1170     ystk[istk] = y;
1171     l = 1;
1172     goto L50;
1174 L90:
1175     if (y > amx) {
1176         amx = y;
1177         if (*dsp - amx <= *tol) {
1178             *dsp = 0.f;
1179             goto L9000;
1180         }
1181     }
1183 L100:
1184     --istk;
1185     if (istk == 0) {
1186         *dsp -= amx;
1187         if (*dsp - amx <= *tol) {
1188             *dsp = 0.f;
1189         }
1190         goto L9000;
1191     }
1192     l = lstk[istk] + 1;
1194 L110:
1195     if (l > mstk[istk]) {
1196         goto L100;
1197     }
1198     n = nstk[istk];
1199     nro = nrstk[istk];
1200     nco = ncstk[istk];
1201     y = ystk[istk];
1202     if (n == 1) {
1203         if (irstk[l + istk * irstk_dim1] < irstk[l - 1 + istk * irstk_dim1]) {
1204             goto L60;
1205         }
1206     } else if (n == 2) {
1207         if (icstk[l + istk * icstk_dim1] < icstk[l - 1 + istk * icstk_dim1]) {
1208             goto L60;
1209         }
1210     }
1212     ++l;
1213     goto L110;
1214 L9000:
1215     return 0;
1216 } /* f4xact_ */
1219 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1220 /*  Name:       F3XACT */
1222 /*  Purpose:    Computes the shortest path length for a given table. */
1224 /*  Usage:      CALL F3XACT (NROW, IROW, NCOL, ICOL, DLP, MM, FACT, ICO, */
1225 /*                          IRO, IT, LB, NR, NT, NU, ITC, IST, STV, ALEN, */
1226 /*                          TOL) */
1228 /*  Arguments: */
1229 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
1230 /*     IROW   - Vector of length NROW containing the row sums for the */
1231 /*              table.  (Input) */
1232 /*     NCOL   - The number of columns in the table.  (Input) */
1233 /*     ICOL   - Vector of length K containing the column sums for the */
1234 /*              table.  (Input) */
1235 /*     DLP    - The longest path for the table.  (Output) */
1236 /*     MM     - The total count in the table.  (Output) */
1237 /*     FACT   - Vector containing the logarithms of factorials.  (Input) */
1238 /*     ICO    - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1239 /*     IRO    - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1240 /*     IT     - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1241 /*     LB     - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1242 /*     NR     - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1243 /*     NT     - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1244 /*     NU     - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1245 /*     ITC    - Work vector of length 400. */
1246 /*     IST    - Work vector of length 400. */
1247 /*     STV    - Work vector of length 400. */
1248 /*     ALEN   - Work vector of length MAX(NROW,NCOL). */
1249 /*     TOL    - Tolerance.  (Input) */
1250 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f3xact_(long * nrow,long * irow,long * ncol,long * icol,double * dlp,long * mm,double * fact,long * ico,long * iro,long * it,long * lb,long * nr,long * nt,long * nu,long * itc,long * ist,double * stv,double * alen,double * tol)1251 int f3xact_(long *nrow, long *irow, long *ncol,
1252             long *icol, double *dlp, long *mm, double *fact,
1253             long *ico, long *iro, long *it, long *lb, long *nr,
1254             long *nt, long *nu, long *itc, long *ist, double *stv,
1255             double *alen, double *tol)
1256 {
1257     /* Initialized data */
1259     long ldst = 200;
1260     long nst = 0;
1261     long nitc = 0;
1263     /* System generated locals */
1264     long i__1;
1265     double d__1, d__2;
1267     /* Local variables */
1268     long i__, k;
1269     double v;
1270     long n11, n12, ii, nn, ks, ic1, ic2, nc1, nn1, nr1, nco;
1271     double val;
1272     long nct, ipn, irl, key, lev, itp, nro;
1273     double vmn;
1274     long nrt, kyy, nc1s;
1275     bool xmin;
1276     _String errMsg;
1278     /* Parameter adjustments */
1279     --stv;
1280     --ist;
1281     --itc;
1282     --nu;
1283     --nt;
1284     --nr;
1285     --lb;
1286     --it;
1287     --iro;
1288     --ico;
1289     --icol;
1290     --irow;
1292     /* Function Body */
1294     i__1 = *ncol;
1295     for (i__ = 0; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1296         alen[i__] = 0.f;
1297         /* L10: */
1298     }
1299     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 400; ++i__) {
1300         ist[i__] = -1;
1301         /* L20: */
1302     }
1303     /*                                  nrow is 1 */
1304     if (*nrow <= 1) {
1305         if (*nrow > 0) {
1306             *dlp -= fact[icol[1]];
1307             i__1 = *ncol;
1308             for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1309                 *dlp -= fact[icol[i__]];
1310                 /* L30: */
1311             }
1312         }
1313         goto L9000;
1314     }
1315     /*                                  ncol is 1 */
1316     if (*ncol <= 1) {
1317         if (*ncol > 0) {
1318             *dlp = *dlp - fact[irow[1]] - fact[irow[2]];
1319             i__1 = *nrow;
1320             for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1321                 *dlp -= fact[irow[i__]];
1322                 /* L40: */
1323             }
1324         }
1325         goto L9000;
1326     }
1327     /*                                  2 by 2 table */
1328     if (*nrow * *ncol == 4) {
1329         n11 = (irow[1] + 1) * (icol[1] + 1) / (*mm + 2);
1330         n12 = irow[1] - n11;
1331         *dlp = *dlp - fact[n11] - fact[n12] - fact[icol[1] - n11] - fact[icol[
1332                     2] - n12];
1333         goto L9000;
1334     }
1335     /*                                  Test for optimal table */
1336     val = 0.f;
1337     xmin = false;
1338     if (irow[*nrow] <= irow[1] + *ncol) {
1339         f10act_(*nrow, &irow[1], *ncol, &icol[1], &val, &xmin, fact, &lb[1], &
1340                 nu[1], &nr[1]);
1341     }
1342     if (! xmin) {
1343         if (icol[*ncol] <= icol[1] + *nrow) {
1344             f10act_(*ncol, &icol[1], *nrow, &irow[1], &val, &xmin, fact, &lb[1],
1345                     &nu[1], &nr[1]);
1346         }
1347     }
1349     if (xmin) {
1350         *dlp -= val;
1351         goto L9000;
1352     }
1353     /*                                  Setup for dynamic programming */
1354     nn = *mm;
1355     /*                                  Minimize ncol */
1356     if (*nrow >= *ncol) {
1357         nro = *nrow;
1358         nco = *ncol;
1360         i__1 = *nrow;
1361         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1362             iro[i__] = irow[i__];
1363             /* L50: */
1364         }
1366         ico[1] = icol[1];
1367         nt[1] = nn - ico[1];
1368         i__1 = *ncol;
1369         for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1370             ico[i__] = icol[i__];
1371             nt[i__] = nt[i__ - 1] - ico[i__];
1372             /* L60: */
1373         }
1374     } else {
1375         nro = *ncol;
1376         nco = *nrow;
1378         ico[1] = irow[1];
1379         nt[1] = nn - ico[1];
1380         i__1 = *nrow;
1381         for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1382             ico[i__] = irow[i__];
1383             nt[i__] = nt[i__ - 1] - ico[i__];
1384             /* L70: */
1385         }
1387         i__1 = *ncol;
1388         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1389             iro[i__] = icol[i__];
1390             /* L80: */
1391         }
1392     }
1393     /*                                  Initialize pointers */
1394     vmn = 1e10;
1395     nc1s = nco - 1;
1396     irl = 1;
1397     ks = 0;
1398     k = ldst;
1399     kyy = ico[nco] + 1;
1400     goto L100;
1401     /*                                  Test for optimality */
1402 L90:
1403     xmin = false;
1404     if (iro[nro] <= iro[irl] + nco) {
1405         f10act_(nro, &iro[irl], nco, &ico[1], &val, &xmin, fact, &lb[1], &
1406                 nu[1], &nr[1]);
1407     }
1408     if (! xmin) {
1409         if (ico[nco] <= ico[1] + nro) {
1410             f10act_(nco, &ico[1], nro, &iro[irl], &val, &xmin, fact, &lb[1],
1411                     &nu[1], &nr[1]);
1412         }
1413     }
1415     if (xmin) {
1416         if (val < vmn) {
1417             vmn = val;
1418         }
1419         goto L200;
1420     }
1421     /*                                  Setup to generate new node */
1422 L100:
1423     lev = 1;
1424     nr1 = nro - 1;
1425     nrt = iro[irl];
1426     nct = ico[1];
1427     lb[1] = (long) ((double) ((nrt + 1) * (nct + 1)) / (double) (
1428                         nn + nr1 * nc1s + 1) - *tol) - 1;
1429     nu[1] = (long) ((double) ((nrt + nc1s) * (nct + nr1)) / (
1430                         double) (nn + nr1 + nc1s)) - lb[1] + 1;
1431     nr[1] = nrt - lb[1];
1432     /*                                  Generate a node */
1433 L110:
1434     --nu[lev];
1435     if (nu[lev] == 0) {
1436         if (lev == 1) {
1437             goto L200;
1438         }
1439         --lev;
1440         goto L110;
1441     }
1442     ++lb[lev];
1443     --nr[lev];
1444 L120:
1445     alen[lev] = alen[lev - 1] + fact[lb[lev]];
1446     if (lev < nc1s) {
1447         nn1 = nt[lev];
1448         nrt = nr[lev];
1449         ++lev;
1450         nc1 = nco - lev;
1451         nct = ico[lev];
1452         lb[lev] = (long) ((double) ((nrt + 1) * (nct + 1)) / (
1453                               double) (nn1 + nr1 * nc1 + 1) - *tol);
1454         nu[lev] = (long) ((double) ((nrt + nc1) * (nct + nr1)) / (
1455                               double) (nn1 + nr1 + nc1) - lb[lev] + 1);
1456         nr[lev] = nrt - lb[lev];
1457         goto L120;
1458     }
1459     alen[nco] = alen[lev] + fact[nr[lev]];
1460     lb[nco] = nr[lev];
1462     v = val + alen[nco];
1463     if (nro == 2) {
1464         /*                                  Only 1 row left */
1465         v = v + fact[ico[1] - lb[1]] + fact[ico[2] - lb[2]];
1466         i__1 = nco;
1467         for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1468             v += fact[ico[i__] - lb[i__]];
1469             /* L130: */
1470         }
1471         if (v < vmn) {
1472             vmn = v;
1473         }
1474     } else if (nro == 3 && nco == 2) {
1475         /*                                  3 rows and 2 columns */
1476         nn1 = nn - iro[irl] + 2;
1477         ic1 = ico[1] - lb[1];
1478         ic2 = ico[2] - lb[2];
1479         n11 = (iro[irl + 1] + 1) * (ic1 + 1) / nn1;
1480         n12 = iro[irl + 1] - n11;
1481         v = v + fact[n11] + fact[n12] + fact[ic1 - n11] + fact[ic2 - n12];
1482         if (v < vmn) {
1483             vmn = v;
1484         }
1485     } else {
1486         /*                                  Column marginals are new node */
1487         i__1 = nco;
1488         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1489             it[i__] = ico[i__] - lb[i__];
1490             /* L140: */
1491         }
1492         /*                                  Sort column marginals */
1493         if (nco == 2) {
1494             if (it[1] > it[2]) {
1495                 ii = it[1];
1496                 it[1] = it[2];
1497                 it[2] = ii;
1498             }
1499         } else if (nco == 3) {
1500             ii = it[1];
1501             if (ii > it[3]) {
1502                 if (ii > it[2]) {
1503                     if (it[2] > it[3]) {
1504                         it[1] = it[3];
1505                         it[3] = ii;
1506                     } else {
1507                         it[1] = it[2];
1508                         it[2] = it[3];
1509                         it[3] = ii;
1510                     }
1511                 } else {
1512                     it[1] = it[3];
1513                     it[3] = it[2];
1514                     it[2] = ii;
1515                 }
1516             } else if (ii > it[2]) {
1517                 it[1] = it[2];
1518                 it[2] = ii;
1519             } else if (it[2] > it[3]) {
1520                 ii = it[2];
1521                 it[2] = it[3];
1522                 it[3] = ii;
1523             }
1524         } else {
1525             isort_(&nco, &it[1]);
1526         }
1527         /*                                  Compute hash value */
1528         key = it[1] * kyy + it[2];
1529         for (i__ = 3; i__ <= nco; ++i__) {
1530             key = it[i__] + key * kyy;
1531             /* L150: */
1532         }
1533         /*                                  Table index */
1535         /*if(key < 0)
1536         {
1537             errMsg = "Negative key in f3xact";
1538             WarnError (errMsg);
1539             //return 0;
1540         }*/
1542         if ((ipn = key % ldst + 1) < 1) {
1543             ipn += ldst;
1544         }
1545         /*                                  Find empty position */
1546         ii = ks + ipn;
1548         for (itp = ipn; itp <= ldst; ++itp) {
1549             if (ist[ii] < 0) {
1550                 goto L180;
1551             } else if (ist[ii] == key) {
1552                 goto L190;
1553             }
1554             ++ii;
1555             /* L160: */
1556         }
1558         ii = ks + 1;
1559         i__1 = ipn - 1;
1560         for (itp = 1; itp <= i__1; ++itp) {
1561             if (ist[ii] < 0) {
1562                 goto L180;
1563             } else if (ist[ii] == key) {
1564                 goto L190;
1565             }
1566             ++ii;
1567             /* L170: */
1568         }
1570         errMsg = ("Fisher Exact: Stack length exceeded in f3xact.  This problem should not occur.");
1571         ReportWarning (errMsg);
1572         return 0;
1573         /*                                  Push onto stack */
1574 L180:
1575         ist[ii] = key;
1576         stv[ii] = v;
1577         ++nst;
1578         ii = nst + ks;
1579         itc[ii] = itp;
1580         goto L110;
1581         /*                                  Marginals already on stack */
1582 L190:
1583         /* Computing MIN */
1584         d__1 = v, d__2 = stv[ii];
1585         stv[ii] = Minimum(d__1,d__2);
1586     }
1587     goto L110;
1588     /*                                  Pop item from stack */
1589 L200:
1590     if (nitc > 0) {
1591         /*                                  Stack index */
1592         itp = itc[nitc + k] + k;
1593         --nitc;
1594         val = stv[itp];
1595         key = ist[itp];
1596         ist[itp] = -1;
1597         /*                                  Compute marginals */
1598         for (i__ = nco; i__ >= 2; --i__) {
1599             ico[i__] = key % kyy;
1600             key /= kyy;
1601             /* L210: */
1602         }
1603         ico[1] = key;
1604         /*                                  Set up nt array */
1605         nt[1] = nn - ico[1];
1606         i__1 = nco;
1607         for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1608             nt[i__] = nt[i__ - 1] - ico[i__];
1609             /* L220: */
1610         }
1611         goto L90;
1613     } else if (nro > 2 && nst > 0) {
1614         /*                                  Go to next level */
1615         nitc = nst;
1616         nst = 0;
1617         k = ks;
1618         ks = ldst - ks;
1619         nn -= iro[irl];
1620         ++irl;
1621         --nro;
1622         goto L200;
1623     }
1625     *dlp -= vmn;
1626 L9000:
1627     return 0;
1628 } /* f3xact_ */
1630 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1631 /*  Name:       F2XACT */
1633 /*  Purpose:    Computes Fisher's exact test for a contingency table, */
1634 /*              routine with workspace variables specified. */
1636 /*  Usage:      CALL F2XACT (NROW, NCOL, TABLE, EXPECT, PERCNT, */
1637 /*                          EMIN, PRT, PRE, FACT, ICO, IRO, KYY, IDIF, */
1638 /*                          IRN, KEY, LDKEY, IPOIN, STP, LDSTP, IFRQ, */
1639 /*                          DLP, DSP, TM, KEY2, IWK, RWK) */
1640 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
f2xact_(long * nrow,long * ncol,double * table,double * expect,double * percnt,double * emin,double * prt,double * pre,double * fact,long * ico,long * iro,long * kyy,long * idif,long * irn,long * key,long * ldkey,long * ipoin,double * stp,long * ldstp,long * ifrq,double * dlp,double * dsp,double * tm,long * key2,long * iwk,double * rwk)1641 int f2xact_(long *nrow, long *ncol, double *table,
1642             double *expect, double *percnt, double *
1643             emin, double *prt, double *pre, double *fact, long *
1644             ico, long *iro, long *kyy, long *idif, long *irn, long
1645             *key, long *ldkey, long *ipoin, double *stp, long *ldstp,
1646             long *ifrq, double *dlp, double *dsp, double *tm,
1647             long *key2, long *iwk, double *rwk)
1648 {
1649     /* Initialized data */
1651     static long   imax = 2147483647;
1652     static double amiss = -12345.f;
1653     static double tol = 3.45254e-7;
1654     static double emx = 1e30f;
1656     /* System generated locals */
1657     long table_dim1, table_offset, i__1, i__2;
1658     double d__1, d__2, d__3, d__4;
1660     /* Local variables */
1661     long i__, j, k, n, k1;
1662     double dd, df;
1663     long i31, i32, i33, i34, i35, i36, i37, i38, i39, i41, i42, i43,
1664          i44, i45, i46, i47, i48, ii, kb, kd, ks;
1665     double pv;
1666     long i310, i311;
1667     double ddf;
1668     long nco, nrb;
1669     double emn, drn, dro, obs;
1670     long ipn, ipo, itp, nro;
1671     double tmp, obs2, obs3;
1672     long nro2, kval, kmax, jkey, last;
1673     bool ipsh;
1674     long itmp;
1675     double dspt;
1676     long itop, jstp, ntot, jstp2, jstp3, jstp4, iflag, ncell, ifreq;
1677     bool chisq = false;
1678     long ikkey;
1679     double pastp;
1680     long ikstp;
1681     long ikstp2;
1682     long ifault;
1684     _String errMsg ("Fisher Exact:");
1686     /*                                  SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS */
1687     /*                                  SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES */
1688     /*                                  SPECIFICATIONS FOR INTRINSICS */
1689     /*                                  SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUBROUTINES */
1690     /*                                  SPECIFICATIONS FOR FUNCTIONS */
1691     /* *********************************************************************** */
1692     /*                                  IMAX is the largest representable */
1693     /*                                  long on the machine */
1694     /* *********************************************************************** */
1695     /* Parameter adjustments */
1696     table_dim1 = *nrow;
1697     table_offset = 1 + table_dim1;
1698     table -= table_offset;
1699     --ico;
1700     --iro;
1701     --kyy;
1702     --idif;
1703     --irn;
1704     --key;
1705     --ipoin;
1706     --stp;
1707     --ifrq;
1708     --dlp;
1709     --dsp;
1710     --tm;
1711     --key2;
1712     --iwk;
1713     --rwk;
1715     /* Function Body */
1716     /* *********************************************************************** */
1717     /*                                  AMISS is a missing value indicator */
1718     /*                                  which is returned when the */
1719     /*                                  probability is not defined. */
1720     /* *********************************************************************** */
1721     /* *********************************************************************** */
1722     /*                                  TOL is chosen as the square root of */
1723     /*                                  the smallest relative spacing */
1724     /* *********************************************************************** */
1725     /* *********************************************************************** */
1726     /*                                  EMX is a large positive value used */
1727     /*                                  in comparing expected values */
1728     /* *********************************************************************** */
1729     /*                                  Initialize KEY array */
1730     i__1 = 2 * *ldkey;
1731     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1732         key[i__] = -9999;
1733         key2[i__] = -9999;
1734         /* L10: */
1735     }
1736     /*                                  Initialize parameters */
1737     *pre = 0.f;
1738     itop = 0;
1739     if (*expect > 0.) {
1740         emn = *emin;
1741     } else {
1742         emn = emx;
1743     }
1744     /*                                  Initialize pointers for workspace */
1745     k = Maximum(*nrow,*ncol);
1746     /*                                  f3xact */
1747     i31 = 1;
1748     i32 = i31 + k;
1749     i33 = i32 + k;
1750     i34 = i33 + k;
1751     i35 = i34 + k;
1752     i36 = i35 + k;
1753     i37 = i36 + k;
1754     i38 = i37 + k;
1755     i39 = i38 + 400;
1756     i310 = 1;
1757     i311 = 401;
1758     /*                                  f4xact */
1759     k = *nrow + *ncol + 1;
1760     i41 = 1;
1761     i42 = i41 + k;
1762     i43 = i42 + k;
1763     i44 = i43 + k;
1764     i45 = i44 + k;
1765     i46 = i45 + k;
1766     i47 = i46 + k * Maximum(*nrow,*ncol);
1767     i48 = 1;
1768     /*                                  Check table dimensions */
1769     /* if (*nrow > *ldtabl) {
1770         errMsg = errMsg & "NROW must be less than or equal to LDTABL.";
1771         WarnError (errMsg);
1772         return 0;
1773      }*/
1774     if (*ncol <= 1) {
1775         HandleApplicationError( errMsg & "NCOL must be greater than 1.0");
1776         return 0;
1777     }
1778     /*                                  Compute row marginals and total */
1779     ntot = 0;
1780     i__1 = *nrow;
1781     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1782         iro[i__] = 0;
1783         i__2 = *ncol;
1784         for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
1785             if (table[i__ + j * table_dim1] < -1e-4) {
1786                 HandleApplicationError (errMsg & "All elements of TABLE must be positive.");
1787                 return 0;
1788             }
1789             iro[i__] += i_dnnt(&table[i__ + j * table_dim1]);
1790             ntot += i_dnnt(&table[i__ + j * table_dim1]);
1791             /* L20: */
1792         }
1793         /* L30: */
1794     }
1796     if (ntot == 0) {
1797         errMsg = errMsg & "All elements of TABLE are zero.  PRT and PRE are set to missing values (NaN, not a number)";
1798         ReportWarning (errMsg);
1799         return 0;
1800         *prt = amiss;
1801         *pre = amiss;
1802         goto L9000;
1803     }
1804     /*                                  Column marginals */
1805     i__1 = *ncol;
1806     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1807         ico[i__] = 0;
1808         i__2 = *nrow;
1809         for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
1810             ico[i__] += i_dnnt(&table[j + i__ * table_dim1]);
1811             /* L40: */
1812         }
1813         /* L50: */
1814     }
1815     /*                                  sort */
1816     isort_(nrow, &iro[1]);
1817     isort_(ncol, &ico[1]);
1818     /*                                  Determine row and column marginals */
1820     if (*nrow > *ncol) {
1821         nro = *ncol;
1822         nco = *nrow;
1823         /*                                  Interchange row and column marginals */
1824         i__1 = *nrow;
1825         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1826             itmp = iro[i__];
1827             if (i__ <= *ncol) {
1828                 iro[i__] = ico[i__];
1829             }
1830             ico[i__] = itmp;
1831             /* L60: */
1832         }
1833     } else {
1834         nro = *nrow;
1835         nco = *ncol;
1836     }
1838     /*                                  Get multiplers for stack */
1839     kyy[1] = 1;
1840     i__1 = nro;
1841     for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1842         /*                                  Hash table multipliers */
1843         if (iro[i__ - 1] + 1 <= imax / kyy[i__ - 1]) {
1844             kyy[i__] = kyy[i__ - 1] * (iro[i__ - 1] + 1);
1845             j /= kyy[i__ - 1];
1846         } else {
1847             errMsg = errMsg & "The hash table key cannot be computed because the largest key is larger than the largest representable integer.  The algorithm cannot proceed.";
1848             ReportWarning (errMsg);
1849             return 0;
1850         }
1851         /* L70: */
1852     }
1853     /*                                  Maximum product */
1854     if (iro[nro - 1] + 1 <= imax / kyy[nro - 1]) {
1855         kmax = (iro[nro] + 1) * kyy[nro - 1];
1856     } else {
1857         errMsg = errMsg & "The hash table key cannot be computed because the largest key is larger than the largest representable integer.  The algorithm cannot proceed.";
1858         ReportWarning (errMsg);
1859         goto L9000;
1860     }
1861     /*                                  Compute log factorials */
1862     fact[0] = 0.;
1863     fact[1] = 0.;
1864     fact[2] = log(2.);
1865     i__1 = ntot;
1866     for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; i__ += 2) {
1867         fact[i__] = fact[i__ - 1] + log((double) i__);
1868         j = i__ + 1;
1869         if (j <= ntot) {
1870             fact[j] = fact[i__] + fact[2] + fact[j / 2] - fact[j / 2 - 1];
1871         }
1872         /* L80: */
1873     }
1874     /*                                  Compute observed path length: OBS */
1875     obs = tol;
1876     ntot = 0;
1877     i__1 = nco;
1878     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
1879         dd = 0.f;
1880         i__2 = nro;
1881         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) {
1882             if (*nrow <= *ncol) {
1883                 dd += fact[i_dnnt(&table[i__ + j * table_dim1])];
1884                 ntot += i_dnnt(&table[i__ + j * table_dim1]);
1885             } else {
1886                 dd += fact[i_dnnt(&table[j + i__ * table_dim1])];
1887                 ntot += i_dnnt(&table[j + i__ * table_dim1]);
1888             }
1889             /* L90: */
1890         }
1891         obs = obs + fact[ico[j]] - dd;
1892         /* L100: */
1893     }
1894     /*                                  Denominator of observed table: DRO */
1895     dro = f9xact_(&nro, &ntot, &iro[1], fact);
1896     *prt = exp(obs - dro);
1897     /*                                  Initialize pointers */
1898     k = nco;
1899     last = *ldkey + 1;
1900     jkey = *ldkey + 1;
1901     jstp = *ldstp + 1;
1902     jstp2 = *ldstp * 3 + 1;
1903     jstp3 = (*ldstp << 2) + 1;
1904     jstp4 = *ldstp * 5 + 1;
1905     ikkey = 0;
1906     ikstp = 0;
1907     ikstp2 = *ldstp << 1;
1908     ipo = 1;
1909     ipoin[1] = 1;
1910     stp[1] = 0.f;
1911     ifrq[1] = 1;
1912     ifrq[ikstp2 + 1] = -1;
1914 L110:
1915     kb = nco - k + 1;
1916     ks = 0;
1917     n = ico[kb];
1918     kd = nro + 1;
1919     kmax = nro;
1920     /*                                  IDIF is the difference in going to th */
1921     /*                                  daughter */
1922     i__1 = nro;
1923     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1924         idif[i__] = 0;
1925         /* L120: */
1926     }
1927     /*                                  Generate the first daughter */
1928 L130:
1929     --kd;
1930     /* Computing MIN */
1931     i__1 = n, i__2 = iro[kd];
1932     ntot = Minimum(i__1,i__2);
1933     idif[kd] = ntot;
1934     if (idif[kmax] == 0) {
1935         --kmax;
1936     }
1937     n -= ntot;
1938     if (n > 0 && kd != 1) {
1939         goto L130;
1940     }
1941     if (n != 0) {
1942         goto L310;
1943     }
1945     k1 = k - 1;
1946     n = ico[kb];
1947     ntot = 0;
1948     i__1 = nco;
1949     for (i__ = kb + 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1950         ntot += ico[i__];
1951         /* L140: */
1952     }
1953     /*                                  Arc to daughter length=ICO(KB) */
1954 L150:
1955     i__1 = nro;
1956     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
1957         irn[i__] = iro[i__] - idif[i__];
1958         /* L160: */
1959     }
1960     /*                                  Sort irn */
1961     if (k1 > 1) {
1962         if (nro == 2) {
1963             if (irn[1] > irn[2]) {
1964                 ii = irn[1];
1965                 irn[1] = irn[2];
1966                 irn[2] = ii;
1967             }
1968         } else if (nro == 3) {
1969             ii = irn[1];
1970             if (ii > irn[3]) {
1971                 if (ii > irn[2]) {
1972                     if (irn[2] > irn[3]) {
1973                         irn[1] = irn[3];
1974                         irn[3] = ii;
1975                     } else {
1976                         irn[1] = irn[2];
1977                         irn[2] = irn[3];
1978                         irn[3] = ii;
1979                     }
1980                 } else {
1981                     irn[1] = irn[3];
1982                     irn[3] = irn[2];
1983                     irn[2] = ii;
1984                 }
1985             } else if (ii > irn[2]) {
1986                 irn[1] = irn[2];
1987                 irn[2] = ii;
1988             } else if (irn[2] > irn[3]) {
1989                 ii = irn[2];
1990                 irn[2] = irn[3];
1991                 irn[3] = ii;
1992             }
1993         } else {
1994             i__1 = nro;
1995             for (j = 2; j <= i__1; ++j) {
1996                 i__ = j - 1;
1997                 ii = irn[j];
1998 L170:
1999                 if (ii < irn[i__]) {
2000                     irn[i__ + 1] = irn[i__];
2001                     --i__;
2002                     if (i__ > 0) {
2003                         goto L170;
2004                     }
2005                 }
2006                 irn[i__ + 1] = ii;
2007                 /* L180: */
2008             }
2009         }
2010         /*                                  Adjust start for zero */
2011         i__1 = nro;
2012         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2013             if (irn[i__] != 0) {
2014                 goto L200;
2015             }
2016             /* L190: */
2017         }
2018 L200:
2019         nrb = i__;
2020         nro2 = nro - i__ + 1;
2021     } else {
2022         nrb = 1;
2023         nro2 = nro;
2024     }
2025     /*                                  Some table values */
2026     ddf = f9xact_(&nro, &n, &idif[1], fact);
2027     drn = f9xact_(&nro2, &ntot, &irn[nrb], fact) - dro + ddf;
2028     /*                                  Get hash value */
2029     if (k1 > 1) {
2030         kval = irn[1] + irn[2] * kyy[2];
2031         i__1 = nro;
2032         for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2033             kval += irn[i__] * kyy[i__];
2034             /* L210: */
2035         }
2036         /*                                  Get hash table entry */
2037         i__ = kval % (*ldkey << 1) + 1;
2038         /*                                  Search for unused location */
2039         i__1 = *ldkey << 1;
2040         for (itp = i__; itp <= i__1; ++itp) {
2041             ii = key2[itp];
2042             if (ii == kval) {
2043                 goto L240;
2044             } else if (ii < 0) {
2045                 key2[itp] = kval;
2046                 dlp[itp] = 1.;
2047                 dsp[itp] = 1.;
2048                 goto L240;
2049             }
2050             /* L220: */
2051         }
2053         i__1 = i__ - 1;
2054         for (itp = 1; itp <= i__1; ++itp) {
2055             ii = key2[itp];
2056             if (ii == kval) {
2057                 goto L240;
2058             } else if (ii < 0) {
2059                 key2[itp] = kval;
2060                 dlp[itp] = 1.f;
2061                 goto L240;
2062             }
2063             /* L230: */
2064         }
2066         errMsg = errMsg & "LDKEY is too small.  It is not possible to give thevalue of LDKEY required, but you could try doubling LDKEY (and possibly LDSTP).";
2067         ReportWarning (errMsg);
2068         return 0;
2069     }
2071 L240:
2072     ipsh = true;
2073     /*                                  Recover pastp */
2074     ipn = ipoin[ipo + ikkey];
2075     pastp = stp[ipn + ikstp];
2076     ifreq = ifrq[ipn + ikstp];
2077     /*                                  Compute shortest and longest path */
2078     if (k1 > 1) {
2079         obs2 = obs - fact[ico[kb + 1]] - fact[ico[kb + 2]] - ddf;
2080         i__1 = k1;
2081         for (i__ = 3; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2082             obs2 -= fact[ico[kb + i__]];
2083             /* L250: */
2084         }
2086         if (dlp[itp] > 0.) {
2087             dspt = obs - obs2 - ddf;
2088             /*                                  Compute longest path */
2089             dlp[itp] = 0.;
2090             f3xact_(&nro2, &irn[nrb], &k1, &ico[kb + 1], &dlp[itp], &ntot,
2091                     fact, &iwk[i31], &iwk[i32], &iwk[i33], &iwk[i34], &iwk[
2092                         i35], &iwk[i36], &iwk[i37], &iwk[i38], &iwk[i39], &rwk[
2093                         i310], &rwk[i311], &tol);
2094             /* Computing Minimum */
2095             d__1 = 0., d__2 = dlp[itp];
2096             dlp[itp] = Minimum(d__1,d__2);
2097             /*                                  Compute shortest path */
2098             dsp[itp] = dspt;
2099             f4xact_(&nro2, &irn[nrb], &k1, &ico[kb + 1], &dsp[itp], fact, &
2100                     iwk[i47], &iwk[i41], &iwk[i42], &iwk[i43], &iwk[i44], &
2101                     iwk[i45], &iwk[i46], &rwk[i48], &tol);
2102             /* Computing Minimum */
2103             d__1 = 0., d__2 = dsp[itp] - dspt;
2104             dsp[itp] = Minimum(d__1,d__2);
2105             /*                                  Use chi-squared approximation? */
2106             if ((double) (irn[nrb] * ico[kb + 1]) / (double) ntot >
2107                     emn) {
2108                 ncell = 0.f;
2109                 i__1 = nro2;
2110                 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2111                     i__2 = k1;
2112                     for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) {
2113                         if ((double) (irn[nrb + i__ - 1] * ico[kb + j]) >=
2114                                 ntot * *expect) {
2115                             ++ncell;
2116                         }
2117                         /* L260: */
2118                     }
2119                     /* L270: */
2120                 }
2121                 if ((double) (ncell * 100) >= k1 * nro2 * *percnt) {
2122                     tmp = 0.f;
2123                     i__1 = nro2;
2124                     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2125                         tmp = tmp + fact[irn[nrb + i__ - 1]] - fact[irn[nrb +
2126                                 i__ - 1] - 1];
2127                         /* L280: */
2128                     }
2129                     tmp *= k1 - 1;
2130                     i__1 = k1;
2131                     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) {
2132                         tmp += (nro2 - 1) * (fact[ico[kb + j]] - fact[ico[kb
2133                                              + j] - 1]);
2134                         /* L290: */
2135                     }
2136                     df = (double) ((nro2 - 1) * (k1 - 1));
2137                     tmp += df * 1.83787706640934548356065947281;
2138                     tmp -= (nro2 * k1 - 1) * (fact[ntot] - fact[ntot - 1]);
2139                     tm[itp] = (obs - dro) * -2. - tmp;
2140                 } else {
2141                     /*                                  tm(itp) set to a flag value */
2142                     tm[itp] = -9876.;
2143                 }
2144             } else {
2145                 tm[itp] = -9876.;
2146             }
2147         }
2148         obs3 = obs2 - dlp[itp];
2149         obs2 -= dsp[itp];
2150         if (tm[itp] == -9876.) {
2151             chisq = false;
2152         } else {
2153             chisq = true;
2154             tmp = tm[itp];
2155         }
2156     } else {
2157         obs2 = obs - drn - dro;
2158         obs3 = obs2;
2159     }
2160     /*                                  Process node with new PASTP */
2161 L300:
2162     if (pastp <= obs3) {
2163         /*                                  Update pre */
2164         *pre += (double) ifreq * exp(pastp + drn);
2166     } else if (pastp < obs2) {
2167         if (chisq) {
2168             df = (double) ((nro2 - 1) * (k1 - 1));
2169             /* Computing MAX */
2170             d__2 = 0., d__3 = tmp + (pastp + drn) * 2.;
2171             d__1 = Maximum(d__2,d__3) / 2.;
2172             d__4 = df / 2.;
2173             pv = 1.f - gammds_(&d__1, &d__4, &ifault);
2174             *pre += (double) ifreq * exp(pastp + drn) * pv;
2175         } else {
2176             /*                                  Put daughter on queue */
2177             d__1 = pastp + ddf;
2178             f5xact_(&d__1, &tol, &kval, &key[jkey], ldkey, &ipoin[jkey], &stp[
2179                         jstp], ldstp, &ifrq[jstp], &ifrq[jstp2], &ifrq[jstp3], &
2180                     ifrq[jstp4], &ifreq, &itop, &ipsh);
2181             ipsh = false;
2182         }
2183     }
2184     /*                                  Get next PASTP on chain */
2185     ipn = ifrq[ipn + ikstp2];
2186     if (ipn > 0) {
2187         pastp = stp[ipn + ikstp];
2188         ifreq = ifrq[ipn + ikstp];
2189         goto L300;
2190     }
2191     /*                                  Generate a new daughter node */
2192     f7xact_(&kmax, &iro[1], &idif[1], &kd, &ks, &iflag);
2193     if (iflag != 1) {
2194         goto L150;
2195     }
2196     /*                                  Go get a new mother from stage K */
2197 L310:
2198     iflag = 1;
2199     f6xact_(&nro, &iro[1], &iflag, &kyy[1], &key[ikkey + 1], ldkey, &last, &
2200             ipo);
2201     /*                                  Update pointers */
2202     if (iflag == 3) {
2203         --k;
2204         itop = 0;
2205         ikkey = jkey - 1;
2206         ikstp = jstp - 1;
2207         ikstp2 = jstp2 - 1;
2208         jkey = *ldkey - jkey + 2;
2209         jstp = *ldstp - jstp + 2;
2210         jstp2 = (*ldstp << 1) + jstp;
2211         i__1 = *ldkey << 1;
2212         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) {
2213             key2[i__] = -9999;
2214             /* L320: */
2215         }
2216         if (k >= 2) {
2217             goto L310;
2218         }
2219     } else {
2220         goto L110;
2221     }
2223 L9000:
2224     return 0;
2225 } /* f2xact_ */
2227 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2228 /*  Name:       FEXACT */
2230 /*  Purpose:    Computes Fisher's exact test probabilities and a hybrid */
2231 /*              approximation to Fisher exact test probabilities for a */
2232 /*              contingency table using the network algorithm. */
2235 /*                          EMIN, PRT, PRE) */
2237 /*  Arguments: */
2238 /*     NROW   - The number of rows in the table.  (Input) */
2239 /*     NCOL   - The number of columns in the table.  (Input) */
2240 /*     TABLE  - NROW by NCOL matrix containing the contingency table. */
2241 /*              (Input) */
2242 /*     LDTABL - Leading dimension of TABLE exactly as specified in the */
2243 /*              dimension statement in the calling program.  (Input) */
2244 /*     EXPECT - Expected value used in the hybrid algorithm for */
2245 /*              deciding when to use asymptotic theory probabilities. */
2246 /*              (Input) */
2247 /*              If EXPECT .LE. 0.0 then asymptotic theory probabilities */
2248 /*              are not used and Fisher exact test probabilities are */
2249 /*              computed.  Otherwise, if PERCNT or more of the cells in */
2250 /*              the remaining table have estimated expected values of */
2251 /*              EXPECT or more, with no remaining cell having expected */
2252 /*              value less than EMIN, then asymptotic chi-squared */
2253 /*              probabilities are used.  See the algorithm section of the */
2254 /*              manual document for details.  Use EXPECT = 5.0 to obtain */
2255 /*              the 'Cochran' condition. */
2256 /*     PERCNT - Percentage of remaining cells that must have estimated */
2257 /*              expected  values greater than EXPECT before asymptotic */
2258 /*              probabilities can be used.  (Input) */
2259 /*              See argument EXPECT for details.  Use PERCNT = 80.0 to */
2260 /*              obtain the 'Cochran' condition. */
2261 /*     EMIN   - Minimum cell estimated expected value allowed for */
2262 /*              asymptotic chi-squared probabilities to be used.  (Input) */
2263 /*              See argument EXPECT for details.  Use EMIN = 1.0 to */
2264 /*              obtain the 'Cochran' condition. */
2265 /*     PRT    - Probability of the observed table for fixed marginal */
2266 /*              totals.  (Output) */
2267 /*     PRE    - Table p-value.  (Output) */
2268 /*              PRE is the probability of a more extreme table, where */
2269 /*              'extreme' is in a probabilistic sense. */
2270 /*              If EXPECT .LT. 0 then the Fisher exact probability */
2271 /*              is returned.  Otherwise, an approximation to the */
2272 /*              Fisher exact probability is computed based upon */
2273 /*              asymptotic chi-squared probabilities for ``large'' */
2274 /*              table expected values.  The user defines ``large'' */
2275 /*              through the arguments EXPECT, PERCNT, and EMIN. */
2277 /*  Remarks: */
2278 /*  1. For many problems one megabyte or more of workspace can be */
2279 /*     required.  If the environment supports it, the user should begin */
2280 /*     by increasing the workspace used to 200,000 units. */
2282 /*  2. In FEXACT, LDSTP = 30*LDKEY.  The proportion of table space used */
2283 /*     by STP may be changed by changing the line MULT = 30 below to */
2284 /*     another value. */
2286 /*  3. FEXACT may be converted to single precision by setting IREAL = 3, */
2287 /*     and converting all DOUBLE PRECISION specifications (except the */
2288 /*     specifications for RWRK, IWRK, and DWRK) to REAL.  This will */
2289 /*     require changing the names and specifications of the intrinsic */
2290 /*     functions ALOG, AMAX1, AMIN1, EXP, and REAL.  In addition, the */
2291 /*     machine specific constants will need to be changed, and the name */
2292 /*     DWRK will need to be changed to RWRK in the call to F2XACT. */
2294 /*  4. Machine specific constants are specified and documented in F2XACT. */
2295 /*     A missing value code is specified in both FEXACT and F2XACT. */
2297 /*  5. Although not a restriction, is is not generally practical to call */
2298 /*     this routine with large tables which are not sparse and in */
2299 /*     which the 'hybrid' algorithm has little effect.  For example, */
2300 /*     although it is feasible to compute exact probabilities for the */
2301 /*     table */
2302 /*            1 8 5 4 4 2 2 */
2303 /*            5 3 3 4 3 1 0 */
2304 /*           10 1 4 0 0 0 0, */
2305 /*     computing exact probabilities for a similar table which has been */
2306 /*     enlarged by the addition of an extra row (or column) may not be */
2307 /*     feasible. */
2308 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
fexact_(long nrow,long ncol,double * table,double expect,double percnt,double emin,double * prt,double * pre)2309 int fexact_(long nrow, long ncol, double *table, double expect, double percnt, double emin, double *prt, double *pre)
2310 {
2311     long ntot;
2313     _String errMsg ("Fisher Exact:");
2315     /* *********************************************************************** */
2316     /*                                  Set IREAL = 4 for DOUBLE PRECISION */
2317     /*                                  Set IREAL = 3 for SINGLE PRECISION */
2318     /* *********************************************************************** */
2320     /* if (*nrow > *ldtabl) {
2321         errMsg = errMsg &  "NROW must be less than or equal to LDTABL.";
2322         WarnError(errMsg);
2323         free (equiv_1);
2324         return 0;
2325      }*/
2327     ntot = 0;
2328     for (long i = 0; i<ncol*nrow; i++) {
2329         if (table[i] < 0.) {
2330             HandleApplicationError  (errMsg &  "All elements of TABLE must be non-negative.");
2331             return 0;
2332         }
2333         ntot += (long)(table[i]+0.5);
2334     }
2337     if (ntot == 0) {
2338         ReportWarning(errMsg & "All elements of TABLE are zero.  PRT and PRE are set to missing values (NaN, not a number).");
2339         *prt = -1.;
2340         *pre = -1.;
2341         return 0;
2342     }
2344     long    k       = nrow + ncol + 1,
2345             kk   = k * ncol;
2348     double * i1   = (double*)MemAllocate((ntot + 1)*sizeof(double)),
2349              * irwk = (double*)MemAllocate(Maximum(ncol + 401,k)*sizeof(double));
2351     bool    didAlloc = false;
2353     long    *i2     = (long*) MemAllocate  (ncol*sizeof (long)),
2354              *i3      = (long*) MemAllocate  (ncol*sizeof (long)),
2355               *i3a  = (long*) MemAllocate  (ncol*sizeof (long)),
2356                *i3b   = (long*) MemAllocate  (nrow*sizeof (long)),
2357                 *i3c    = (long*) MemAllocate  (nrow*sizeof (long)),
2358                  *iiwk    = (long*) MemAllocate  (Maximum(k * 5 + (kk << 1),ncol * 7 + 800)*sizeof (long));
2361     if (!fexact_i4) {
2362         didAlloc = true;
2363         allocate_fexact_keys(4096,30);
2364     }
2367     f2xact_ (&nrow, &ncol, table, &expect, &percnt, &emin, prt, pre, i1, i2, i3, i3a,
2368              i3b, i3c, fexact_i4, &fexact_ldkey, fexact_i5, fexact_i6, &fexact_ldstp, fexact_i7, fexact_i8,
2369              fexact_i9, fexact_i9a, fexact_i10, iiwk, irwk);
2371     free (i1);
2372     free (i2);
2373     free (i3);
2374     free (i3a);
2375     free (i3b);
2376     free (i3c);
2378     free (irwk);
2379     free (iiwk);
2381     if   (didAlloc) {
2382         free_fexact_keys();
2383     }
2384     return 0;
2385 } /* fexact_ */