2# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
6import numpy
8import types as pytypes
9import collections
10import operator
11import warnings
13from llvmlite import ir as lir
15import numba
16from numba.core.extending import _Intrinsic
17from numba.core import types, utils, typing, ir, analysis, postproc, rewrites, config, cgutils
18from numba.core.typing.templates import (signature, infer_global,
19                                         AbstractTemplate)
20from numba.core.imputils import impl_ret_untracked
21from numba.core.analysis import (compute_live_map, compute_use_defs,
22                            compute_cfg_from_blocks)
23from numba.core.errors import (TypingError, UnsupportedError,
24                               NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning, NumbaWarning,
25                               feedback_details, CompilerError)
27import copy
29_unique_var_count = 0
32def mk_unique_var(prefix):
33    global _unique_var_count
34    var = prefix + "." + str(_unique_var_count)
35    _unique_var_count = _unique_var_count + 1
36    return var
39_max_label = 0
42def get_unused_var_name(prefix, var_table):
43    """ Get a new var name with a given prefix and
44        make sure it is unused in the given variable table.
45    """
46    cur = 0
47    while True:
48        var = prefix + str(cur)
49        if var not in var_table:
50            return var
51        cur += 1
54def next_label():
55    global _max_label
56    _max_label += 1
57    return _max_label
60def mk_alloc(typemap, calltypes, lhs, size_var, dtype, scope, loc):
61    """generate an array allocation with np.empty() and return list of nodes.
62    size_var can be an int variable or tuple of int variables.
63    """
64    out = []
65    ndims = 1
66    size_typ = types.intp
67    if isinstance(size_var, tuple):
68        if len(size_var) == 1:
69            size_var = size_var[0]
70            size_var = convert_size_to_var(size_var, typemap, scope, loc, out)
71        else:
72            # tuple_var = build_tuple([size_var...])
73            ndims = len(size_var)
74            tuple_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$tuple_var"), loc)
75            if typemap:
76                typemap[tuple_var.name] = types.containers.UniTuple(
77                    types.intp, ndims)
78            # constant sizes need to be assigned to vars
79            new_sizes = [convert_size_to_var(s, typemap, scope, loc, out)
80                         for s in size_var]
81            tuple_call = ir.Expr.build_tuple(new_sizes, loc)
82            tuple_assign = ir.Assign(tuple_call, tuple_var, loc)
83            out.append(tuple_assign)
84            size_var = tuple_var
85            size_typ = types.containers.UniTuple(types.intp, ndims)
86    # g_np_var = Global(numpy)
87    g_np_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_g_var"), loc)
88    if typemap:
89        typemap[g_np_var.name] = types.misc.Module(numpy)
90    g_np = ir.Global('np', numpy, loc)
91    g_np_assign = ir.Assign(g_np, g_np_var, loc)
92    # attr call: empty_attr = getattr(g_np_var, empty)
93    empty_attr_call = ir.Expr.getattr(g_np_var, "empty", loc)
94    attr_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$empty_attr_attr"), loc)
95    if typemap:
96        typemap[attr_var.name] = get_np_ufunc_typ(numpy.empty)
97    attr_assign = ir.Assign(empty_attr_call, attr_var, loc)
98    # alloc call: lhs = empty_attr(size_var, typ_var)
99    typ_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_typ_var"), loc)
100    if typemap:
101        typemap[typ_var.name] = types.functions.NumberClass(dtype)
102    # assuming str(dtype) returns valid np dtype string
103    dtype_str = str(dtype)
104    if dtype_str=='bool':
105        # empty doesn't like 'bool' sometimes (e.g. kmeans example)
106        dtype_str = 'bool_'
107    np_typ_getattr = ir.Expr.getattr(g_np_var, dtype_str, loc)
108    typ_var_assign = ir.Assign(np_typ_getattr, typ_var, loc)
109    alloc_call = ir.Expr.call(attr_var, [size_var, typ_var], (), loc)
110    if calltypes:
111        calltypes[alloc_call] = typemap[attr_var.name].get_call_type(
112            typing.Context(), [size_typ, types.functions.NumberClass(dtype)], {})
113    # signature(
114    #    types.npytypes.Array(dtype, ndims, 'C'), size_typ,
115    #    types.functions.NumberClass(dtype))
116    alloc_assign = ir.Assign(alloc_call, lhs, loc)
118    out.extend([g_np_assign, attr_assign, typ_var_assign, alloc_assign])
119    return out
122def convert_size_to_var(size_var, typemap, scope, loc, nodes):
123    if isinstance(size_var, int):
124        new_size = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$alloc_size"), loc)
125        if typemap:
126            typemap[new_size.name] = types.intp
127        size_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(size_var, loc), new_size, loc)
128        nodes.append(size_assign)
129        return new_size
130    assert isinstance(size_var, ir.Var)
131    return size_var
134def get_np_ufunc_typ(func):
135    """get type of the incoming function from builtin registry"""
136    for (k, v) in typing.npydecl.registry.globals:
137        if k == func:
138            return v
139    raise RuntimeError("type for func ", func, " not found")
142def mk_range_block(typemap, start, stop, step, calltypes, scope, loc):
143    """make a block that initializes loop range and iteration variables.
144    target label in jump needs to be set.
145    """
146    # g_range_var = Global(range)
147    g_range_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$range_g_var"), loc)
148    typemap[g_range_var.name] = get_global_func_typ(range)
149    g_range = ir.Global('range', range, loc)
150    g_range_assign = ir.Assign(g_range, g_range_var, loc)
151    arg_nodes, args = _mk_range_args(typemap, start, stop, step, scope, loc)
152    # range_call_var = call g_range_var(start, stop, step)
153    range_call = ir.Expr.call(g_range_var, args, (), loc)
154    calltypes[range_call] = typemap[g_range_var.name].get_call_type(
155        typing.Context(), [types.intp] * len(args), {})
156    #signature(types.range_state64_type, types.intp)
157    range_call_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$range_c_var"), loc)
158    typemap[range_call_var.name] = types.iterators.RangeType(types.intp)
159    range_call_assign = ir.Assign(range_call, range_call_var, loc)
160    # iter_var = getiter(range_call_var)
161    iter_call = ir.Expr.getiter(range_call_var, loc)
162    calltypes[iter_call] = signature(types.range_iter64_type,
163                                     types.range_state64_type)
164    iter_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$iter_var"), loc)
165    typemap[iter_var.name] = types.iterators.RangeIteratorType(types.intp)
166    iter_call_assign = ir.Assign(iter_call, iter_var, loc)
167    # $phi = iter_var
168    phi_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$phi"), loc)
169    typemap[phi_var.name] = types.iterators.RangeIteratorType(types.intp)
170    phi_assign = ir.Assign(iter_var, phi_var, loc)
171    # jump to header
172    jump_header = ir.Jump(-1, loc)
173    range_block = ir.Block(scope, loc)
174    range_block.body = arg_nodes + [g_range_assign, range_call_assign,
175                                    iter_call_assign, phi_assign, jump_header]
176    return range_block
179def _mk_range_args(typemap, start, stop, step, scope, loc):
180    nodes = []
181    if isinstance(stop, ir.Var):
182        g_stop_var = stop
183    else:
184        assert isinstance(stop, int)
185        g_stop_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$range_stop"), loc)
186        if typemap:
187            typemap[g_stop_var.name] = types.intp
188        stop_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(stop, loc), g_stop_var, loc)
189        nodes.append(stop_assign)
190    if start == 0 and step == 1:
191        return nodes, [g_stop_var]
193    if isinstance(start, ir.Var):
194        g_start_var = start
195    else:
196        assert isinstance(start, int)
197        g_start_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$range_start"), loc)
198        if typemap:
199            typemap[g_start_var.name] = types.intp
200        start_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(start, loc), g_start_var, loc)
201        nodes.append(start_assign)
202    if step == 1:
203        return nodes, [g_start_var, g_stop_var]
205    if isinstance(step, ir.Var):
206        g_step_var = step
207    else:
208        assert isinstance(step, int)
209        g_step_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$range_step"), loc)
210        if typemap:
211            typemap[g_step_var.name] = types.intp
212        step_assign = ir.Assign(ir.Const(step, loc), g_step_var, loc)
213        nodes.append(step_assign)
215    return nodes, [g_start_var, g_stop_var, g_step_var]
218def get_global_func_typ(func):
219    """get type variable for func() from builtin registry"""
220    for (k, v) in typing.templates.builtin_registry.globals:
221        if k == func:
222            return v
223    raise RuntimeError("func type not found {}".format(func))
226def mk_loop_header(typemap, phi_var, calltypes, scope, loc):
227    """make a block that is a loop header updating iteration variables.
228    target labels in branch need to be set.
229    """
230    # iternext_var = iternext(phi_var)
231    iternext_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$iternext_var"), loc)
232    typemap[iternext_var.name] = types.containers.Pair(
233        types.intp, types.boolean)
234    iternext_call = ir.Expr.iternext(phi_var, loc)
235    calltypes[iternext_call] = signature(
236        types.containers.Pair(
237            types.intp,
238            types.boolean),
239        types.range_iter64_type)
240    iternext_assign = ir.Assign(iternext_call, iternext_var, loc)
241    # pair_first_var = pair_first(iternext_var)
242    pair_first_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$pair_first_var"), loc)
243    typemap[pair_first_var.name] = types.intp
244    pair_first_call = ir.Expr.pair_first(iternext_var, loc)
245    pair_first_assign = ir.Assign(pair_first_call, pair_first_var, loc)
246    # pair_second_var = pair_second(iternext_var)
247    pair_second_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$pair_second_var"), loc)
248    typemap[pair_second_var.name] = types.boolean
249    pair_second_call = ir.Expr.pair_second(iternext_var, loc)
250    pair_second_assign = ir.Assign(pair_second_call, pair_second_var, loc)
251    # phi_b_var = pair_first_var
252    phi_b_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$phi"), loc)
253    typemap[phi_b_var.name] = types.intp
254    phi_b_assign = ir.Assign(pair_first_var, phi_b_var, loc)
255    # branch pair_second_var body_block out_block
256    branch = ir.Branch(pair_second_var, -1, -1, loc)
257    header_block = ir.Block(scope, loc)
258    header_block.body = [iternext_assign, pair_first_assign,
259                         pair_second_assign, phi_b_assign, branch]
260    return header_block
263def legalize_names(varnames):
264    """returns a dictionary for conversion of variable names to legal
265    parameter names.
266    """
267    var_map = {}
268    for var in varnames:
269        new_name = var.replace("_", "__").replace("$", "_").replace(".", "_")
270        assert new_name not in var_map
271        var_map[var] = new_name
272    return var_map
275def get_name_var_table(blocks):
276    """create a mapping from variable names to their ir.Var objects"""
277    def get_name_var_visit(var, namevar):
278        namevar[var.name] = var
279        return var
280    namevar = {}
281    visit_vars(blocks, get_name_var_visit, namevar)
282    return namevar
285def replace_var_names(blocks, namedict):
286    """replace variables (ir.Var to ir.Var) from dictionary (name -> name)"""
287    # remove identity values to avoid infinite loop
288    new_namedict = {}
289    for l, r in namedict.items():
290        if l != r:
291            new_namedict[l] = r
293    def replace_name(var, namedict):
294        assert isinstance(var, ir.Var)
295        while var.name in namedict:
296            var = ir.Var(var.scope, namedict[var.name], var.loc)
297        return var
298    visit_vars(blocks, replace_name, new_namedict)
301def replace_var_callback(var, vardict):
302    assert isinstance(var, ir.Var)
303    while var.name in vardict.keys():
304        assert(vardict[var.name].name != var.name)
305        new_var = vardict[var.name]
306        var = ir.Var(new_var.scope, new_var.name, new_var.loc)
307    return var
310def replace_vars(blocks, vardict):
311    """replace variables (ir.Var to ir.Var) from dictionary (name -> ir.Var)"""
312    # remove identity values to avoid infinite loop
313    new_vardict = {}
314    for l, r in vardict.items():
315        if l != r.name:
316            new_vardict[l] = r
317    visit_vars(blocks, replace_var_callback, new_vardict)
320def replace_vars_stmt(stmt, vardict):
321    visit_vars_stmt(stmt, replace_var_callback, vardict)
324def replace_vars_inner(node, vardict):
325    return visit_vars_inner(node, replace_var_callback, vardict)
328# other packages that define new nodes add calls to visit variables in them
329# format: {type:function}
330visit_vars_extensions = {}
333def visit_vars(blocks, callback, cbdata):
334    """go over statements of block bodies and replace variable names with
335    dictionary.
336    """
337    for block in blocks.values():
338        for stmt in block.body:
339            visit_vars_stmt(stmt, callback, cbdata)
340    return
343def visit_vars_stmt(stmt, callback, cbdata):
344    # let external calls handle stmt if type matches
345    for t, f in visit_vars_extensions.items():
346        if isinstance(stmt, t):
347            f(stmt, callback, cbdata)
348            return
349    if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign):
350        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
351        stmt.value = visit_vars_inner(stmt.value, callback, cbdata)
352    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Arg):
353        stmt.name = visit_vars_inner(stmt.name, callback, cbdata)
354    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Return):
355        stmt.value = visit_vars_inner(stmt.value, callback, cbdata)
356    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Raise):
357        stmt.exception = visit_vars_inner(stmt.exception, callback, cbdata)
358    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Branch):
359        stmt.cond = visit_vars_inner(stmt.cond, callback, cbdata)
360    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Jump):
361        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
362    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Del):
363        # Because Del takes only a var name, we make up by
364        # constructing a temporary variable.
365        var = ir.Var(None, stmt.value, stmt.loc)
366        var = visit_vars_inner(var, callback, cbdata)
367        stmt.value = var.name
368    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.DelAttr):
369        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
370        stmt.attr = visit_vars_inner(stmt.attr, callback, cbdata)
371    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.SetAttr):
372        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
373        stmt.attr = visit_vars_inner(stmt.attr, callback, cbdata)
374        stmt.value = visit_vars_inner(stmt.value, callback, cbdata)
375    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.DelItem):
376        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
377        stmt.index = visit_vars_inner(stmt.index, callback, cbdata)
378    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.StaticSetItem):
379        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
380        stmt.index_var = visit_vars_inner(stmt.index_var, callback, cbdata)
381        stmt.value = visit_vars_inner(stmt.value, callback, cbdata)
382    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.SetItem):
383        stmt.target = visit_vars_inner(stmt.target, callback, cbdata)
384        stmt.index = visit_vars_inner(stmt.index, callback, cbdata)
385        stmt.value = visit_vars_inner(stmt.value, callback, cbdata)
386    elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Print):
387        stmt.args = [visit_vars_inner(x, callback, cbdata) for x in stmt.args]
388    else:
389        # TODO: raise NotImplementedError("no replacement for IR node: ", stmt)
390        pass
391    return
394def visit_vars_inner(node, callback, cbdata):
395    if isinstance(node, ir.Var):
396        return callback(node, cbdata)
397    elif isinstance(node, list):
398        return [visit_vars_inner(n, callback, cbdata) for n in node]
399    elif isinstance(node, tuple):
400        return tuple([visit_vars_inner(n, callback, cbdata) for n in node])
401    elif isinstance(node, ir.Expr):
402        # if node.op in ['binop', 'inplace_binop']:
403        #     lhs = node.lhs.name
404        #     rhs = node.rhs.name
405        #     node.lhs.name = callback, cbdata.get(lhs, lhs)
406        #     node.rhs.name = callback, cbdata.get(rhs, rhs)
407        for arg in node._kws.keys():
408            node._kws[arg] = visit_vars_inner(node._kws[arg], callback, cbdata)
409    elif isinstance(node, ir.Yield):
410        node.value = visit_vars_inner(node.value, callback, cbdata)
411    return node
414add_offset_to_labels_extensions = {}
417def add_offset_to_labels(blocks, offset):
418    """add an offset to all block labels and jump/branch targets
419    """
420    new_blocks = {}
421    for l, b in blocks.items():
422        # some parfor last blocks might be empty
423        term = None
424        if b.body:
425            term = b.body[-1]
426            for inst in b.body:
427                for T, f in add_offset_to_labels_extensions.items():
428                    if isinstance(inst, T):
429                        f_max = f(inst, offset)
430        if isinstance(term, ir.Jump):
431            b.body[-1] = ir.Jump(term.target + offset, term.loc)
432        if isinstance(term, ir.Branch):
433            b.body[-1] = ir.Branch(term.cond, term.truebr + offset,
434                                   term.falsebr + offset, term.loc)
435        new_blocks[l + offset] = b
436    return new_blocks
439find_max_label_extensions = {}
442def find_max_label(blocks):
443    max_label = 0
444    for l, b in blocks.items():
445        term = None
446        if b.body:
447            term = b.body[-1]
448            for inst in b.body:
449                for T, f in find_max_label_extensions.items():
450                    if isinstance(inst, T):
451                        f_max = f(inst)
452                        if f_max > max_label:
453                            max_label = f_max
454        if l > max_label:
455            max_label = l
456    return max_label
459def flatten_labels(blocks):
460    """makes the labels in range(0, len(blocks)), useful to compare CFGs
461    """
462    # first bulk move the labels out of the rewrite range
463    blocks = add_offset_to_labels(blocks, find_max_label(blocks) + 1)
464    # order them in topo order because it's easier to read
465    new_blocks = {}
466    topo_order = find_topo_order(blocks)
467    l_map = dict()
468    idx = 0
469    for x in topo_order:
470        l_map[x] = idx
471        idx += 1
473    for t_node in topo_order:
474        b = blocks[t_node]
475        # some parfor last blocks might be empty
476        term = None
477        if b.body:
478            term = b.body[-1]
479        if isinstance(term, ir.Jump):
480            b.body[-1] = ir.Jump(l_map[term.target], term.loc)
481        if isinstance(term, ir.Branch):
482            b.body[-1] = ir.Branch(term.cond, l_map[term.truebr],
483                                   l_map[term.falsebr], term.loc)
484        new_blocks[l_map[t_node]] = b
485    return new_blocks
488def remove_dels(blocks):
489    """remove ir.Del nodes"""
490    for block in blocks.values():
491        new_body = []
492        for stmt in block.body:
493            if not isinstance(stmt, ir.Del):
494                new_body.append(stmt)
495        block.body = new_body
496    return
499def remove_args(blocks):
500    """remove ir.Arg nodes"""
501    for block in blocks.values():
502        new_body = []
503        for stmt in block.body:
504            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Arg):
505                continue
506            new_body.append(stmt)
507        block.body = new_body
508    return
511def dead_code_elimination(func_ir, typemap=None, alias_map=None,
512                          arg_aliases=None):
513    """ Performs dead code elimination and leaves the IR in a valid state on
514    exit
515    """
516    do_post_proc = False
517    while (remove_dead(func_ir.blocks, func_ir.arg_names, func_ir, typemap,
518                       alias_map, arg_aliases)):
519        do_post_proc = True
521    if do_post_proc:
522        post_proc = postproc.PostProcessor(func_ir)
523        post_proc.run()
526def remove_dead(blocks, args, func_ir, typemap=None, alias_map=None, arg_aliases=None):
527    """dead code elimination using liveness and CFG info.
528    Returns True if something has been removed, or False if nothing is removed.
529    """
530    cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
531    usedefs = compute_use_defs(blocks)
532    live_map = compute_live_map(cfg, blocks, usedefs.usemap, usedefs.defmap)
533    call_table, _ = get_call_table(blocks)
534    if alias_map is None or arg_aliases is None:
535        alias_map, arg_aliases = find_potential_aliases(blocks, args, typemap,
536                                                        func_ir)
537    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
538        print("remove_dead alias map:", alias_map)
539        print("live_map:", live_map)
540        print("usemap:", usedefs.usemap)
541        print("defmap:", usedefs.defmap)
542    # keep set for easier search
543    alias_set = set(alias_map.keys())
545    removed = False
546    for label, block in blocks.items():
547        # find live variables at each statement to delete dead assignment
548        lives = {v.name for v in block.terminator.list_vars()}
549        if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
550            print("remove_dead processing block", label, lives)
551        # find live variables at the end of block
552        for out_blk, _data in cfg.successors(label):
553            if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
554                print("succ live_map", out_blk, live_map[out_blk])
555            lives |= live_map[out_blk]
556        removed |= remove_dead_block(block, lives, call_table, arg_aliases,
557                                     alias_map, alias_set, func_ir, typemap)
559    return removed
562# other packages that define new nodes add calls to remove dead code in them
563# format: {type:function}
564remove_dead_extensions = {}
567def remove_dead_block(block, lives, call_table, arg_aliases, alias_map,
568                                                  alias_set, func_ir, typemap):
569    """remove dead code using liveness info.
570    Mutable arguments (e.g. arrays) that are not definitely assigned are live
571    after return of function.
572    """
573    # TODO: find mutable args that are not definitely assigned instead of
574    # assuming all args are live after return
575    removed = False
577    # add statements in reverse order
578    new_body = [block.terminator]
579    # for each statement in reverse order, excluding terminator
580    for stmt in reversed(block.body[:-1]):
581        if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
582            print("remove_dead_block", stmt)
583        # aliases of lives are also live
584        alias_lives = set()
585        init_alias_lives = lives & alias_set
586        for v in init_alias_lives:
587            alias_lives |= alias_map[v]
588        lives_n_aliases = lives | alias_lives | arg_aliases
590        # let external calls handle stmt if type matches
591        if type(stmt) in remove_dead_extensions:
592            f = remove_dead_extensions[type(stmt)]
593            stmt = f(stmt, lives, lives_n_aliases, arg_aliases, alias_map, func_ir,
594                     typemap)
595            if stmt is None:
596                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
597                    print("Statement was removed.")
598                removed = True
599                continue
601        # ignore assignments that their lhs is not live or lhs==rhs
602        if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign):
603            lhs = stmt.target
604            rhs = stmt.value
605            if lhs.name not in lives and has_no_side_effect(
606                    rhs, lives_n_aliases, call_table):
607                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
608                    print("Statement was removed.")
609                removed = True
610                continue
611            if isinstance(rhs, ir.Var) and lhs.name == rhs.name:
612                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
613                    print("Statement was removed.")
614                removed = True
615                continue
616            # TODO: remove other nodes like SetItem etc.
618        if isinstance(stmt, ir.Del):
619            if stmt.value not in lives:
620                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
621                    print("Statement was removed.")
622                removed = True
623                continue
625        if isinstance(stmt, ir.SetItem):
626            name = stmt.target.name
627            if name not in lives_n_aliases:
628                if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 2:
629                    print("Statement was removed.")
630                continue
632        if type(stmt) in analysis.ir_extension_usedefs:
633            def_func = analysis.ir_extension_usedefs[type(stmt)]
634            uses, defs = def_func(stmt)
635            lives -= defs
636            lives |= uses
637        else:
638            lives |= {v.name for v in stmt.list_vars()}
639            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign):
640                lives.remove(lhs.name)
642        new_body.append(stmt)
643    new_body.reverse()
644    block.body = new_body
645    return removed
647# list of functions
648remove_call_handlers = []
650def remove_dead_random_call(rhs, lives, call_list):
651    if len(call_list) == 3 and call_list[1:] == ['random', numpy]:
652        return call_list[0] not in {'seed', 'shuffle'}
653    return False
657def has_no_side_effect(rhs, lives, call_table):
658    """ Returns True if this expression has no side effects that
659        would prevent re-ordering.
660    """
661    from numba.parfors import array_analysis, parfor
662    from numba.misc.special import prange
663    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'call':
664        func_name = rhs.func.name
665        if func_name not in call_table or call_table[func_name] == []:
666            return False
667        call_list = call_table[func_name]
668        if (call_list == ['empty', numpy] or
669            call_list == [slice] or
670            call_list == ['stencil', numba] or
671            call_list == ['log', numpy] or
672            call_list == ['dtype', numpy] or
673            call_list == [array_analysis.wrap_index] or
674            call_list == [prange] or
675            call_list == ['prange', numba] or
676            call_list == [parfor.internal_prange]):
677            return True
678        elif (isinstance(call_list[0], _Intrinsic) and
679              (call_list[0]._name == 'empty_inferred' or
680               call_list[0]._name == 'unsafe_empty_inferred')):
681            return True
682        from numba.core.registry import CPUDispatcher
683        from numba.np.linalg import dot_3_mv_check_args
684        if isinstance(call_list[0], CPUDispatcher):
685            py_func = call_list[0].py_func
686            if py_func == dot_3_mv_check_args:
687                return True
688        for f in remove_call_handlers:
689            if f(rhs, lives, call_list):
690                return True
691        return False
692    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'inplace_binop':
693        return rhs.lhs.name not in lives
694    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Yield):
695        return False
696    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'pair_first':
697        # don't remove pair_first since prange looks for it
698        return False
699    return True
701is_pure_extensions = []
703def is_pure(rhs, lives, call_table):
704    """ Returns True if every time this expression is evaluated it
705        returns the same result.  This is not the case for things
706        like calls to numpy.random.
707    """
708    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr):
709        if rhs.op == 'call':
710            func_name = rhs.func.name
711            if func_name not in call_table or call_table[func_name] == []:
712                return False
713            call_list = call_table[func_name]
714            if (call_list == [slice] or
715                call_list == ['log', numpy] or
716                call_list == ['empty', numpy]):
717                return True
718            for f in is_pure_extensions:
719                if f(rhs, lives, call_list):
720                    return True
721            return False
722        elif rhs.op == 'getiter' or rhs.op == 'iternext':
723            return False
724    if isinstance(rhs, ir.Yield):
725        return False
726    return True
728def is_const_call(module_name, func_name):
729    # Returns True if there is no state in the given module changed by the given function.
730    if module_name == 'numpy':
731        if func_name in ['empty']:
732            return True
733    return False
735alias_analysis_extensions = {}
736alias_func_extensions = {}
738def find_potential_aliases(blocks, args, typemap, func_ir, alias_map=None,
739                                                            arg_aliases=None):
740    "find all array aliases and argument aliases to avoid remove as dead"
741    if alias_map is None:
742        alias_map = {}
743    if arg_aliases is None:
744        arg_aliases = set(a for a in args if not is_immutable_type(a, typemap))
746    # update definitions since they are not guaranteed to be up-to-date
747    # FIXME keep definitions up-to-date to avoid the need for rebuilding
748    func_ir._definitions = build_definitions(func_ir.blocks)
749    np_alias_funcs = ['ravel', 'transpose', 'reshape']
751    for bl in blocks.values():
752        for instr in bl.body:
753            if type(instr) in alias_analysis_extensions:
754                f = alias_analysis_extensions[type(instr)]
755                f(instr, args, typemap, func_ir, alias_map, arg_aliases)
756            if isinstance(instr, ir.Assign):
757                expr = instr.value
758                lhs = instr.target.name
759                # only mutable types can alias
760                if is_immutable_type(lhs, typemap):
761                    continue
762                if isinstance(expr, ir.Var) and lhs!=expr.name:
763                    _add_alias(lhs, expr.name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
764                # subarrays like A = B[0] for 2D B
765                if (isinstance(expr, ir.Expr) and (expr.op == 'cast' or
766                    expr.op in ['getitem', 'static_getitem'])):
767                    _add_alias(lhs, expr.value.name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
768                # array attributes like A.T
769                if (isinstance(expr, ir.Expr) and expr.op == 'getattr'
770                        and expr.attr in ['T', 'ctypes', 'flat']):
771                    _add_alias(lhs, expr.value.name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
772                # a = b.c.  a should alias b
773                if (isinstance(expr, ir.Expr) and expr.op == 'getattr'
774                        and expr.value.name in arg_aliases):
775                    _add_alias(lhs, expr.value.name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
776                # calls that can create aliases such as B = A.ravel()
777                if isinstance(expr, ir.Expr) and expr.op == 'call':
778                    fdef = guard(find_callname, func_ir, expr, typemap)
779                    # TODO: sometimes gufunc backend creates duplicate code
780                    # causing find_callname to fail. Example: test_argmax
781                    # ignored here since those cases don't create aliases
782                    # but should be fixed in general
783                    if fdef is None:
784                        continue
785                    fname, fmod = fdef
786                    if fdef in alias_func_extensions:
787                        alias_func = alias_func_extensions[fdef]
788                        alias_func(lhs, expr.args, alias_map, arg_aliases)
789                    if fmod == 'numpy' and fname in np_alias_funcs:
790                        _add_alias(lhs, expr.args[0].name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
791                    if isinstance(fmod, ir.Var) and fname in np_alias_funcs:
792                        _add_alias(lhs, fmod.name, alias_map, arg_aliases)
794    # copy to avoid changing size during iteration
795    old_alias_map = copy.deepcopy(alias_map)
796    # combine all aliases transitively
797    for v in old_alias_map:
798        for w in old_alias_map[v]:
799            alias_map[v] |= alias_map[w]
800        for w in old_alias_map[v]:
801            alias_map[w] = alias_map[v]
803    return alias_map, arg_aliases
805def _add_alias(lhs, rhs, alias_map, arg_aliases):
806    if rhs in arg_aliases:
807        arg_aliases.add(lhs)
808    else:
809        if rhs not in alias_map:
810            alias_map[rhs] = set()
811        if lhs not in alias_map:
812            alias_map[lhs] = set()
813        alias_map[rhs].add(lhs)
814        alias_map[lhs].add(rhs)
815    return
817def is_immutable_type(var, typemap):
818    # Conservatively, assume mutable if type not available
819    if typemap is None or var not in typemap:
820        return False
821    typ = typemap[var]
822    # TODO: add more immutable types
823    if isinstance(typ, (types.Number, types.scalars._NPDatetimeBase,
824                        types.containers.BaseTuple,
825                        types.iterators.RangeType)):
826        return True
827    if typ==types.string:
828        return True
829    # consevatively, assume mutable
830    return False
832def copy_propagate(blocks, typemap):
833    """compute copy propagation information for each block using fixed-point
834     iteration on data flow equations:
835     in_b = intersect(predec(B))
836     out_b = gen_b | (in_b - kill_b)
837    """
838    cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
839    entry = cfg.entry_point()
841    # format: dict of block labels to copies as tuples
842    # label -> (l,r)
843    c_data = init_copy_propagate_data(blocks, entry, typemap)
844    (gen_copies, all_copies, kill_copies, in_copies, out_copies) = c_data
846    old_point = None
847    new_point = copy.deepcopy(out_copies)
848    # comparison works since dictionary of built-in types
849    while old_point != new_point:
850        for label in blocks.keys():
851            if label == entry:
852                continue
853            predecs = [i for i, _d in cfg.predecessors(label)]
854            # in_b =  intersect(predec(B))
855            in_copies[label] = out_copies[predecs[0]].copy()
856            for p in predecs:
857                in_copies[label] &= out_copies[p]
859            # out_b = gen_b | (in_b - kill_b)
860            out_copies[label] = (gen_copies[label]
861                                 | (in_copies[label] - kill_copies[label]))
862        old_point = new_point
863        new_point = copy.deepcopy(out_copies)
864    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
865        print("copy propagate out_copies:", out_copies)
866    return in_copies, out_copies
869def init_copy_propagate_data(blocks, entry, typemap):
870    """get initial condition of copy propagation data flow for each block.
871    """
872    # gen is all definite copies, extra_kill is additional ones that may hit
873    # for example, parfors can have control flow so they may hit extra copies
874    gen_copies, extra_kill = get_block_copies(blocks, typemap)
875    # set of all program copies
876    all_copies = set()
877    for l, s in gen_copies.items():
878        all_copies |= gen_copies[l]
879    kill_copies = {}
880    for label, gen_set in gen_copies.items():
881        kill_copies[label] = set()
882        for lhs, rhs in all_copies:
883            if lhs in extra_kill[label] or rhs in extra_kill[label]:
884                kill_copies[label].add((lhs, rhs))
885            # a copy is killed if it is not in this block and lhs or rhs are
886            # assigned in this block
887            assigned = {lhs for lhs, rhs in gen_set}
888            if ((lhs, rhs) not in gen_set
889                    and (lhs in assigned or rhs in assigned)):
890                kill_copies[label].add((lhs, rhs))
891    # set initial values
892    # all copies are in for all blocks except entry
893    in_copies = {l: all_copies.copy() for l in blocks.keys()}
894    in_copies[entry] = set()
895    out_copies = {}
896    for label in blocks.keys():
897        # out_b = gen_b | (in_b - kill_b)
898        out_copies[label] = (gen_copies[label]
899                             | (in_copies[label] - kill_copies[label]))
900    out_copies[entry] = gen_copies[entry]
901    return (gen_copies, all_copies, kill_copies, in_copies, out_copies)
904# other packages that define new nodes add calls to get copies in them
905# format: {type:function}
906copy_propagate_extensions = {}
909def get_block_copies(blocks, typemap):
910    """get copies generated and killed by each block
911    """
912    block_copies = {}
913    extra_kill = {}
914    for label, block in blocks.items():
915        assign_dict = {}
916        extra_kill[label] = set()
917        # assignments as dict to replace with latest value
918        for stmt in block.body:
919            for T, f in copy_propagate_extensions.items():
920                if isinstance(stmt, T):
921                    gen_set, kill_set = f(stmt, typemap)
922                    for lhs, rhs in gen_set:
923                        assign_dict[lhs] = rhs
924                    # if a=b is in dict and b is killed, a is also killed
925                    new_assign_dict = {}
926                    for l, r in assign_dict.items():
927                        if l not in kill_set and r not in kill_set:
928                            new_assign_dict[l] = r
929                        if r in kill_set:
930                            extra_kill[label].add(l)
931                    assign_dict = new_assign_dict
932                    extra_kill[label] |= kill_set
933            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign):
934                lhs = stmt.target.name
935                if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Var):
936                    rhs = stmt.value.name
937                    # copy is valid only if same type (see
938                    # TestCFunc.test_locals)
939                    # Some transformations can produce assignments of the
940                    # form A = A.  We don't put these mapping in the
941                    # copy propagation set because then you get cycles and
942                    # infinite loops in the replacement phase.
943                    if typemap[lhs] == typemap[rhs] and lhs != rhs:
944                        assign_dict[lhs] = rhs
945                        continue
946                if isinstance(stmt.value,
947                              ir.Expr) and stmt.value.op == 'inplace_binop':
948                    in1_var = stmt.value.lhs.name
949                    in1_typ = typemap[in1_var]
950                    # inplace_binop assigns first operand if mutable
951                    if not (isinstance(in1_typ, types.Number)
952                            or in1_typ == types.string):
953                        extra_kill[label].add(in1_var)
954                        # if a=b is in dict and b is killed, a is also killed
955                        new_assign_dict = {}
956                        for l, r in assign_dict.items():
957                            if l != in1_var and r != in1_var:
958                                new_assign_dict[l] = r
959                            if r == in1_var:
960                                extra_kill[label].add(l)
961                        assign_dict = new_assign_dict
962                extra_kill[label].add(lhs)
963        block_cps = set(assign_dict.items())
964        block_copies[label] = block_cps
965    return block_copies, extra_kill
968# other packages that define new nodes add calls to apply copy propagate in them
969# format: {type:function}
970apply_copy_propagate_extensions = {}
973def apply_copy_propagate(blocks, in_copies, name_var_table, typemap, calltypes,
974                         save_copies=None):
975    """apply copy propagation to IR: replace variables when copies available"""
976    # save_copies keeps an approximation of the copies that were applied, so
977    # that the variable names of removed user variables can be recovered to some
978    # extent.
979    if save_copies is None:
980        save_copies = []
982    for label, block in blocks.items():
983        var_dict = {l: name_var_table[r] for l, r in in_copies[label]}
984        # assignments as dict to replace with latest value
985        for stmt in block.body:
986            if type(stmt) in apply_copy_propagate_extensions:
987                f = apply_copy_propagate_extensions[type(stmt)]
988                f(stmt, var_dict, name_var_table,
989                    typemap, calltypes, save_copies)
990            # only rhs of assignments should be replaced
991            # e.g. if x=y is available, x in x=z shouldn't be replaced
992            elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign):
993                stmt.value = replace_vars_inner(stmt.value, var_dict)
994            else:
995                replace_vars_stmt(stmt, var_dict)
996            fix_setitem_type(stmt, typemap, calltypes)
997            for T, f in copy_propagate_extensions.items():
998                if isinstance(stmt, T):
999                    gen_set, kill_set = f(stmt, typemap)
1000                    for lhs, rhs in gen_set:
1001                        if rhs in name_var_table:
1002                            var_dict[lhs] = name_var_table[rhs]
1003                    for l, r in var_dict.copy().items():
1004                        if l in kill_set or r.name in kill_set:
1005                            var_dict.pop(l)
1006            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Var):
1007                lhs = stmt.target.name
1008                rhs = stmt.value.name
1009                # rhs could be replaced with lhs from previous copies
1010                if lhs != rhs:
1011                    # copy is valid only if same type (see
1012                    # TestCFunc.test_locals)
1013                    if typemap[lhs] == typemap[rhs] and rhs in name_var_table:
1014                        var_dict[lhs] = name_var_table[rhs]
1015                    else:
1016                        var_dict.pop(lhs, None)
1017                    # a=b kills previous t=a
1018                    lhs_kill = []
1019                    for k, v in var_dict.items():
1020                        if v.name == lhs:
1021                            lhs_kill.append(k)
1022                    for k in lhs_kill:
1023                        var_dict.pop(k, None)
1024            if (isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign)
1025                                        and not isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Var)):
1026                lhs = stmt.target.name
1027                var_dict.pop(lhs, None)
1028                # previous t=a is killed if a is killed
1029                lhs_kill = []
1030                for k, v in var_dict.items():
1031                    if v.name == lhs:
1032                        lhs_kill.append(k)
1033                for k in lhs_kill:
1034                    var_dict.pop(k, None)
1035        save_copies.extend(var_dict.items())
1037    return save_copies
1039def fix_setitem_type(stmt, typemap, calltypes):
1040    """Copy propagation can replace setitem target variable, which can be array
1041    with 'A' layout. The replaced variable can be 'C' or 'F', so we update
1042    setitem call type reflect this (from matrix power test)
1043    """
1044    if not isinstance(stmt, (ir.SetItem, ir.StaticSetItem)):
1045        return
1046    t_typ = typemap[stmt.target.name]
1047    s_typ = calltypes[stmt].args[0]
1048    # test_optional t_typ can be Optional with array
1049    if not isinstance(
1050            s_typ,
1051            types.npytypes.Array) or not isinstance(
1052            t_typ,
1053            types.npytypes.Array):
1054        return
1055    if s_typ.layout == 'A' and t_typ.layout != 'A':
1056        new_s_typ = s_typ.copy(layout=t_typ.layout)
1057        calltypes[stmt].args = (
1058            new_s_typ,
1059            calltypes[stmt].args[1],
1060            calltypes[stmt].args[2])
1061    return
1064def dprint_func_ir(func_ir, title, blocks=None):
1065    """Debug print function IR, with an optional blocks argument
1066    that may differ from the IR's original blocks.
1067    """
1068    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
1069        ir_blocks = func_ir.blocks
1070        func_ir.blocks = ir_blocks if blocks == None else blocks
1071        name = func_ir.func_id.func_qualname
1072        print(("IR %s: %s" % (title, name)).center(80, "-"))
1073        func_ir.dump()
1074        print("-" * 40)
1075        func_ir.blocks = ir_blocks
1078def find_topo_order(blocks, cfg = None):
1079    """find topological order of blocks such that true branches are visited
1080    first (e.g. for_break test in test_dataflow).
1081    """
1082    if cfg is None:
1083        cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
1084    post_order = []
1085    seen = set()
1087    def _dfs_rec(node):
1088        if node not in seen:
1089            seen.add(node)
1090            succs = cfg._succs[node]
1091            last_inst = blocks[node].body[-1]
1092            if isinstance(last_inst, ir.Branch):
1093                succs = [last_inst.falsebr, last_inst.truebr]
1094            for dest in succs:
1095                if (node, dest) not in cfg._back_edges:
1096                    _dfs_rec(dest)
1097            post_order.append(node)
1099    _dfs_rec(cfg.entry_point())
1100    post_order.reverse()
1101    return post_order
1104# other packages that define new nodes add calls to get call table
1105# format: {type:function}
1106call_table_extensions = {}
1109def get_call_table(blocks, call_table=None, reverse_call_table=None, topological_ordering=True):
1110    """returns a dictionary of call variables and their references.
1111    """
1112    # call_table example: c = np.zeros becomes c:["zeroes", np]
1113    # reverse_call_table example: c = np.zeros becomes np_var:c
1114    if call_table is None:
1115        call_table = {}
1116    if reverse_call_table is None:
1117        reverse_call_table = {}
1119    if topological_ordering:
1120        order = find_topo_order(blocks)
1121    else:
1122        order = list(blocks.keys())
1124    for label in reversed(order):
1125        for inst in reversed(blocks[label].body):
1126            if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
1127                lhs = inst.target.name
1128                rhs = inst.value
1129                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'call':
1130                    call_table[rhs.func.name] = []
1131                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'getattr':
1132                    if lhs in call_table:
1133                        call_table[lhs].append(rhs.attr)
1134                        reverse_call_table[rhs.value.name] = lhs
1135                    if lhs in reverse_call_table:
1136                        call_var = reverse_call_table[lhs]
1137                        call_table[call_var].append(rhs.attr)
1138                        reverse_call_table[rhs.value.name] = call_var
1139                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Global):
1140                    if lhs in call_table:
1141                        call_table[lhs].append(rhs.value)
1142                    if lhs in reverse_call_table:
1143                        call_var = reverse_call_table[lhs]
1144                        call_table[call_var].append(rhs.value)
1145                if isinstance(rhs, ir.FreeVar):
1146                    if lhs in call_table:
1147                        call_table[lhs].append(rhs.value)
1148                    if lhs in reverse_call_table:
1149                        call_var = reverse_call_table[lhs]
1150                        call_table[call_var].append(rhs.value)
1151                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Var):
1152                    if lhs in call_table:
1153                        call_table[lhs].append(rhs.name)
1154                        reverse_call_table[rhs.name] = lhs
1155                    if lhs in reverse_call_table:
1156                        call_var = reverse_call_table[lhs]
1157                        call_table[call_var].append(rhs.name)
1158            for T, f in call_table_extensions.items():
1159                if isinstance(inst, T):
1160                    f(inst, call_table, reverse_call_table)
1161    return call_table, reverse_call_table
1164# other packages that define new nodes add calls to get tuple table
1165# format: {type:function}
1166tuple_table_extensions = {}
1169def get_tuple_table(blocks, tuple_table=None):
1170    """returns a dictionary of tuple variables and their values.
1171    """
1172    if tuple_table is None:
1173        tuple_table = {}
1175    for block in blocks.values():
1176        for inst in block.body:
1177            if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
1178                lhs = inst.target.name
1179                rhs = inst.value
1180                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'build_tuple':
1181                    tuple_table[lhs] = rhs.items
1182                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Const) and isinstance(rhs.value, tuple):
1183                    tuple_table[lhs] = rhs.value
1184            for T, f in tuple_table_extensions.items():
1185                if isinstance(inst, T):
1186                    f(inst, tuple_table)
1187    return tuple_table
1190def get_stmt_writes(stmt):
1191    writes = set()
1192    if isinstance(stmt, (ir.Assign, ir.SetItem, ir.StaticSetItem)):
1193        writes.add(stmt.target.name)
1194    return writes
1197def rename_labels(blocks):
1198    """rename labels of function body blocks according to topological sort.
1199    The set of labels of these blocks will remain unchanged.
1200    """
1201    topo_order = find_topo_order(blocks)
1203    # make a block with return last if available (just for readability)
1204    return_label = -1
1205    for l, b in blocks.items():
1206        if isinstance(b.body[-1], ir.Return):
1207            return_label = l
1208    # some cases like generators can have no return blocks
1209    if return_label != -1:
1210        topo_order.remove(return_label)
1211        topo_order.append(return_label)
1213    label_map = {}
1214    all_labels = sorted(topo_order, reverse=True)
1215    for label in topo_order:
1216        label_map[label] = all_labels.pop()
1217    # update target labels in jumps/branches
1218    for b in blocks.values():
1219        term = b.terminator
1220        if isinstance(term, ir.Jump):
1221            term.target = label_map[term.target]
1222        if isinstance(term, ir.Branch):
1223            term.truebr = label_map[term.truebr]
1224            term.falsebr = label_map[term.falsebr]
1225    # update blocks dictionary keys
1226    new_blocks = {}
1227    for k, b in blocks.items():
1228        new_label = label_map[k]
1229        new_blocks[new_label] = b
1231    return new_blocks
1234def simplify_CFG(blocks):
1235    """transform chains of blocks that have no loop into a single block"""
1236    # first, inline single-branch-block to its predecessors
1237    cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
1238    def find_single_branch(label):
1239        block = blocks[label]
1240        return len(block.body) == 1 and isinstance(block.body[0], ir.Branch)
1241    single_branch_blocks = list(filter(find_single_branch, blocks.keys()))
1242    marked_for_del = set()
1243    for label in single_branch_blocks:
1244        inst = blocks[label].body[0]
1245        predecessors = cfg.predecessors(label)
1246        delete_block = True
1247        for (p, q) in predecessors:
1248            block = blocks[p]
1249            if isinstance(block.body[-1], ir.Jump):
1250                block.body[-1] = copy.copy(inst)
1251            else:
1252                delete_block = False
1253        if delete_block:
1254            marked_for_del.add(label)
1255    # Delete marked labels
1256    for label in marked_for_del:
1257        del blocks[label]
1258    merge_adjacent_blocks(blocks)
1259    return rename_labels(blocks)
1262arr_math = ['min', 'max', 'sum', 'prod', 'mean', 'var', 'std',
1263            'cumsum', 'cumprod', 'argmin', 'argmax', 'argsort',
1264            'nonzero', 'ravel']
1267def canonicalize_array_math(func_ir, typemap, calltypes, typingctx):
1268    # save array arg to call
1269    # call_varname -> array
1270    blocks = func_ir.blocks
1271    saved_arr_arg = {}
1272    topo_order = find_topo_order(blocks)
1273    for label in topo_order:
1274        block = blocks[label]
1275        new_body = []
1276        for stmt in block.body:
1277            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr):
1278                lhs = stmt.target.name
1279                rhs = stmt.value
1280                # replace A.func with np.func, and save A in saved_arr_arg
1281                if (rhs.op == 'getattr' and rhs.attr in arr_math
1282                        and isinstance(
1283                            typemap[rhs.value.name], types.npytypes.Array)):
1284                    rhs = stmt.value
1285                    arr = rhs.value
1286                    saved_arr_arg[lhs] = arr
1287                    scope = arr.scope
1288                    loc = arr.loc
1289                    # g_np_var = Global(numpy)
1290                    g_np_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_g_var"), loc)
1291                    typemap[g_np_var.name] = types.misc.Module(numpy)
1292                    g_np = ir.Global('np', numpy, loc)
1293                    g_np_assign = ir.Assign(g_np, g_np_var, loc)
1294                    rhs.value = g_np_var
1295                    new_body.append(g_np_assign)
1296                    func_ir._definitions[g_np_var.name] = [g_np]
1297                    # update func var type
1298                    func = getattr(numpy, rhs.attr)
1299                    func_typ = get_np_ufunc_typ(func)
1300                    typemap.pop(lhs)
1301                    typemap[lhs] = func_typ
1302                if rhs.op == 'call' and rhs.func.name in saved_arr_arg:
1303                    # add array as first arg
1304                    arr = saved_arr_arg[rhs.func.name]
1305                    # update call type signature to include array arg
1306                    old_sig = calltypes.pop(rhs)
1307                    # argsort requires kws for typing so sig.args can't be used
1308                    # reusing sig.args since some types become Const in sig
1309                    argtyps = old_sig.args[:len(rhs.args)]
1310                    kwtyps = {name: typemap[v.name] for name, v in rhs.kws}
1311                    calltypes[rhs] = typemap[rhs.func.name].get_call_type(
1312                        typingctx, [typemap[arr.name]] + list(argtyps), kwtyps)
1313                    rhs.args = [arr] + rhs.args
1315            new_body.append(stmt)
1316        block.body = new_body
1317    return
1320# format: {type:function}
1321array_accesses_extensions = {}
1324def get_array_accesses(blocks, accesses=None):
1325    """returns a set of arrays accessed and their indices.
1326    """
1327    if accesses is None:
1328        accesses = set()
1330    for block in blocks.values():
1331        for inst in block.body:
1332            if isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem):
1333                accesses.add((inst.target.name, inst.index.name))
1334            if isinstance(inst, ir.StaticSetItem):
1335                accesses.add((inst.target.name, inst.index_var.name))
1336            if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
1337                lhs = inst.target.name
1338                rhs = inst.value
1339                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'getitem':
1340                    accesses.add((rhs.value.name, rhs.index.name))
1341                if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr) and rhs.op == 'static_getitem':
1342                    index = rhs.index
1343                    # slice is unhashable, so just keep the variable
1344                    if index is None or is_slice_index(index):
1345                        index = rhs.index_var.name
1346                    accesses.add((rhs.value.name, index))
1347            for T, f in array_accesses_extensions.items():
1348                if isinstance(inst, T):
1349                    f(inst, accesses)
1350    return accesses
1352def is_slice_index(index):
1353    """see if index is a slice index or has slice in it"""
1354    if isinstance(index, slice):
1355        return True
1356    if isinstance(index, tuple):
1357        for i in index:
1358            if isinstance(i, slice):
1359                return True
1360    return False
1362def merge_adjacent_blocks(blocks):
1363    cfg = compute_cfg_from_blocks(blocks)
1364    # merge adjacent blocks
1365    removed = set()
1366    for label in list(blocks.keys()):
1367        if label in removed:
1368            continue
1369        block = blocks[label]
1370        succs = list(cfg.successors(label))
1371        while True:
1372            if len(succs) != 1:
1373                break
1374            next_label = succs[0][0]
1375            if next_label in removed:
1376                break
1377            preds = list(cfg.predecessors(next_label))
1378            succs = list(cfg.successors(next_label))
1379            if len(preds) != 1 or preds[0][0] != label:
1380                break
1381            next_block = blocks[next_label]
1382            # XXX: commented out since scope objects are not consistent
1383            # throughout the compiler. for example, pieces of code are compiled
1384            # and inlined on the fly without proper scope merge.
1385            # if block.scope != next_block.scope:
1386            #     break
1387            # merge
1388            block.body.pop()  # remove Jump
1389            block.body += next_block.body
1390            del blocks[next_label]
1391            removed.add(next_label)
1392            label = next_label
1394def restore_copy_var_names(blocks, save_copies, typemap):
1395    """
1396    restores variable names of user variables after applying copy propagation
1397    """
1398    rename_dict = {}
1399    for (a, b) in save_copies:
1400        # a is string name, b is variable
1401        # if a is user variable and b is generated temporary and b is not
1402        # already renamed
1403        if (not a.startswith('$') and b.name.startswith('$')
1404                                                and b.name not in rename_dict):
1405            new_name = mk_unique_var('${}'.format(a));
1406            rename_dict[b.name] = new_name
1407            typ = typemap.pop(b.name)
1408            typemap[new_name] = typ
1410    replace_var_names(blocks, rename_dict)
1412def simplify(func_ir, typemap, calltypes):
1413    remove_dels(func_ir.blocks)
1414    # get copies in to blocks and out from blocks
1415    in_cps, out_cps = copy_propagate(func_ir.blocks, typemap)
1416    # table mapping variable names to ir.Var objects to help replacement
1417    name_var_table = get_name_var_table(func_ir.blocks)
1418    save_copies = apply_copy_propagate(
1419        func_ir.blocks,
1420        in_cps,
1421        name_var_table,
1422        typemap,
1423        calltypes)
1424    restore_copy_var_names(func_ir.blocks, save_copies, typemap)
1425    # remove dead code to enable fusion
1426    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
1427        dprint_func_ir(func_ir, "after copy prop")
1428    remove_dead(func_ir.blocks, func_ir.arg_names, func_ir, typemap)
1429    func_ir.blocks = simplify_CFG(func_ir.blocks)
1430    if config.DEBUG_ARRAY_OPT >= 1:
1431        dprint_func_ir(func_ir, "after simplify")
1433class GuardException(Exception):
1434    pass
1436def require(cond):
1437    """
1438    Raise GuardException if the given condition is False.
1439    """
1440    if not cond:
1441       raise GuardException
1443def guard(func, *args, **kwargs):
1444    """
1445    Run a function with given set of arguments, and guard against
1446    any GuardException raised by the function by returning None,
1447    or the expected return results if no such exception was raised.
1448    """
1449    try:
1450        return func(*args, **kwargs)
1451    except GuardException:
1452        return None
1454def get_definition(func_ir, name, **kwargs):
1455    """
1456    Same as func_ir.get_definition(name), but raise GuardException if
1457    exception KeyError is caught.
1458    """
1459    try:
1460        return func_ir.get_definition(name, **kwargs)
1461    except KeyError:
1462        raise GuardException
1464def build_definitions(blocks, definitions=None):
1465    """Build the definitions table of the given blocks by scanning
1466    through all blocks and instructions, useful when the definitions
1467    table is out-of-sync.
1468    Will return a new definition table if one is not passed.
1469    """
1470    if definitions is None:
1471        definitions = collections.defaultdict(list)
1473    for block in blocks.values():
1474        for inst in block.body:
1475            if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
1476                name = inst.target.name
1477                definition = definitions.get(name, [])
1478                if definition == []:
1479                    definitions[name] = definition
1480                definition.append(inst.value)
1481            if type(inst) in build_defs_extensions:
1482                f = build_defs_extensions[type(inst)]
1483                f(inst, definitions)
1485    return definitions
1487build_defs_extensions = {}
1489def find_callname(func_ir, expr, typemap=None, definition_finder=get_definition):
1490    """Try to find a call expression's function and module names and return
1491    them as strings for unbounded calls. If the call is a bounded call, return
1492    the self object instead of module name. Raise GuardException if failed.
1494    Providing typemap can make the call matching more accurate in corner cases
1495    such as bounded call on an object which is inside another object.
1496    """
1497    require(isinstance(expr, ir.Expr) and expr.op == 'call')
1498    callee = expr.func
1499    callee_def = definition_finder(func_ir, callee)
1500    attrs = []
1501    obj = None
1502    while True:
1503        if isinstance(callee_def, (ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)):
1504            # require(callee_def.value == numpy)
1505            # these checks support modules like numpy, numpy.random as well as
1506            # calls like len() and intrinsitcs like assertEquiv
1507            keys = ['name', '_name', '__name__']
1508            value = None
1509            for key in keys:
1510                if hasattr(callee_def.value, key):
1511                    value = getattr(callee_def.value, key)
1512                    break
1513            if not value or not isinstance(value, str):
1514                raise GuardException
1515            attrs.append(value)
1516            def_val = callee_def.value
1517            # get the underlying definition of Intrinsic object to be able to
1518            # find the module effectively.
1519            # Otherwise, it will return numba.extending
1520            if isinstance(def_val, _Intrinsic):
1521                def_val = def_val._defn
1522            if hasattr(def_val, '__module__'):
1523                mod_name = def_val.__module__
1524                # it might be a numpy function imported directly
1525                if (hasattr(numpy, value)
1526                        and def_val == getattr(numpy, value)):
1527                    attrs += ['numpy']
1528                # it might be a np.random function imported directly
1529                elif (hasattr(numpy.random, value)
1530                        and def_val == getattr(numpy.random, value)):
1531                    attrs += ['random', 'numpy']
1532                elif mod_name is not None:
1533                    attrs.append(mod_name)
1534            else:
1535                class_name = def_val.__class__.__name__
1536                if class_name == 'builtin_function_or_method':
1537                    class_name = 'builtin'
1538                if class_name != 'module':
1539                    attrs.append(class_name)
1540            break
1541        elif isinstance(callee_def, ir.Expr) and callee_def.op == 'getattr':
1542            obj = callee_def.value
1543            attrs.append(callee_def.attr)
1544            if typemap and obj.name in typemap:
1545                typ = typemap[obj.name]
1546                if not isinstance(typ, types.Module):
1547                    return attrs[0], obj
1548            callee_def = definition_finder(func_ir, obj)
1549        else:
1550            # obj.func calls where obj is not np array
1551            if obj is not None:
1552                return '.'.join(reversed(attrs)), obj
1553            raise GuardException
1554    return attrs[0], '.'.join(reversed(attrs[1:]))
1556def find_build_sequence(func_ir, var):
1557    """Check if a variable is constructed via build_tuple or
1558    build_list or build_set, and return the sequence and the
1559    operator, or raise GuardException otherwise.
1560    Note: only build_tuple is immutable, so use with care.
1561    """
1562    require(isinstance(var, ir.Var))
1563    var_def = get_definition(func_ir, var)
1564    require(isinstance(var_def, ir.Expr))
1565    build_ops = ['build_tuple', 'build_list', 'build_set']
1566    require(var_def.op in build_ops)
1567    return var_def.items, var_def.op
1569def find_const(func_ir, var):
1570    """Check if a variable is defined as constant, and return
1571    the constant value, or raise GuardException otherwise.
1572    """
1573    require(isinstance(var, ir.Var))
1574    var_def = get_definition(func_ir, var)
1575    require(isinstance(var_def, (ir.Const, ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)))
1576    return var_def.value
1578def compile_to_numba_ir(mk_func, glbls, typingctx=None, arg_typs=None,
1579                        typemap=None, calltypes=None):
1580    """
1581    Compile a function or a make_function node to Numba IR.
1583    Rename variables and
1584    labels to avoid conflict if inlined somewhere else. Perform type inference
1585    if typingctx and other typing inputs are available and update typemap and
1586    calltypes.
1587    """
1588    from numba.core import typed_passes
1589    # mk_func can be actual function or make_function node, or a njit function
1590    if hasattr(mk_func, 'code'):
1591        code = mk_func.code
1592    elif hasattr(mk_func, '__code__'):
1593        code = mk_func.__code__
1594    else:
1595        raise NotImplementedError("function type not recognized {}".format(mk_func))
1596    f_ir = get_ir_of_code(glbls, code)
1597    remove_dels(f_ir.blocks)
1599    # relabel by adding an offset
1600    global _max_label
1601    f_ir.blocks = add_offset_to_labels(f_ir.blocks, _max_label + 1)
1602    max_label = max(f_ir.blocks.keys())
1603    _max_label = max_label
1605    # rename all variables to avoid conflict
1606    var_table = get_name_var_table(f_ir.blocks)
1607    new_var_dict = {}
1608    for name, var in var_table.items():
1609        new_var_dict[name] = mk_unique_var(name)
1610    replace_var_names(f_ir.blocks, new_var_dict)
1612    # perform type inference if typingctx is available and update type
1613    # data structures typemap and calltypes
1614    if typingctx:
1615        f_typemap, f_return_type, f_calltypes = typed_passes.type_inference_stage(
1616                typingctx, f_ir, arg_typs, None)
1617        # remove argument entries like arg.a from typemap
1618        arg_names = [vname for vname in f_typemap if vname.startswith("arg.")]
1619        for a in arg_names:
1620            f_typemap.pop(a)
1621        typemap.update(f_typemap)
1622        calltypes.update(f_calltypes)
1623    return f_ir
1625def _create_function_from_code_obj(fcode, func_env, func_arg, func_clo, glbls):
1626    """
1627    Creates a function from a code object. Args:
1628    * fcode - the code object
1629    * func_env - string for the freevar placeholders
1630    * func_arg - string for the function args (e.g. "a, b, c, d=None")
1631    * func_clo - string for the closure args
1632    * glbls - the function globals
1633    """
1634    func_text = "def g():\n%s\n  def f(%s):\n    return (%s)\n  return f" % (
1635        func_env, func_arg, func_clo)
1636    loc = {}
1637    exec(func_text, glbls, loc)
1639    f = loc['g']()
1640    # replace the code body
1641    f.__code__ = fcode
1642    f.__name__ = fcode.co_name
1643    return f
1645def get_ir_of_code(glbls, fcode):
1646    """
1647    Compile a code object to get its IR, ir.Del nodes are emitted
1648    """
1649    nfree = len(fcode.co_freevars)
1650    func_env = "\n".join(["  c_%d = None" % i for i in range(nfree)])
1651    func_clo = ",".join(["c_%d" % i for i in range(nfree)])
1652    func_arg = ",".join(["x_%d" % i for i in range(fcode.co_argcount)])
1654    f = _create_function_from_code_obj(fcode, func_env, func_arg, func_clo,
1655                                       glbls)
1657    from numba.core import compiler
1658    ir = compiler.run_frontend(f)
1659    # we need to run the before inference rewrite pass to normalize the IR
1660    # XXX: check rewrite pass flag?
1661    # for example, Raise nodes need to become StaticRaise before type inference
1662    class DummyPipeline(object):
1663        def __init__(self, f_ir):
1664            self.state = compiler.StateDict()
1665            self.state.typingctx = None
1666            self.state.targetctx = None
1667            self.state.args = None
1668            self.state.func_ir = f_ir
1669            self.state.typemap = None
1670            self.state.return_type = None
1671            self.state.calltypes = None
1672    rewrites.rewrite_registry.apply('before-inference', DummyPipeline(ir).state)
1673    # call inline pass to handle cases like stencils and comprehensions
1674    swapped = {} # TODO: get this from diagnostics store
1675    inline_pass = numba.core.inline_closurecall.InlineClosureCallPass(
1676        ir, numba.core.cpu.ParallelOptions(False), swapped)
1677    inline_pass.run()
1678    post_proc = postproc.PostProcessor(ir)
1679    post_proc.run(True)
1680    return ir
1682def replace_arg_nodes(block, args):
1683    """
1684    Replace ir.Arg(...) with variables
1685    """
1686    for stmt in block.body:
1687        if isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Arg):
1688            idx = stmt.value.index
1689            assert(idx < len(args))
1690            stmt.value = args[idx]
1691    return
1693def replace_returns(blocks, target, return_label):
1694    """
1695    Return return statement by assigning directly to target, and a jump.
1696    """
1697    for block in blocks.values():
1698        casts = []
1699        for i, stmt in enumerate(block.body):
1700            if isinstance(stmt, ir.Return):
1701                assert(i + 1 == len(block.body))
1702                block.body[i] = ir.Assign(stmt.value, target, stmt.loc)
1703                block.body.append(ir.Jump(return_label, stmt.loc))
1704                # remove cast of the returned value
1705                for cast in casts:
1706                    if cast.target.name == stmt.value.name:
1707                        cast.value = cast.value.value
1708            elif isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign) and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr) and stmt.value.op == 'cast':
1709                casts.append(stmt)
1711def gen_np_call(func_as_str, func, lhs, args, typingctx, typemap, calltypes):
1712    scope = args[0].scope
1713    loc = args[0].loc
1715    # g_np_var = Global(numpy)
1716    g_np_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_g_var"), loc)
1717    typemap[g_np_var.name] = types.misc.Module(numpy)
1718    g_np = ir.Global('np', numpy, loc)
1719    g_np_assign = ir.Assign(g_np, g_np_var, loc)
1720    # attr call: <something>_attr = getattr(g_np_var, func_as_str)
1721    np_attr_call = ir.Expr.getattr(g_np_var, func_as_str, loc)
1722    attr_var = ir.Var(scope, mk_unique_var("$np_attr_attr"), loc)
1723    func_var_typ = get_np_ufunc_typ(func)
1724    typemap[attr_var.name] = func_var_typ
1725    attr_assign = ir.Assign(np_attr_call, attr_var, loc)
1726    # np call: lhs = np_attr(*args)
1727    np_call = ir.Expr.call(attr_var, args, (), loc)
1728    arg_types = [typemap[x.name] for x in args]
1729    func_typ = func_var_typ.get_call_type(typingctx, arg_types, {})
1730    calltypes[np_call] = func_typ
1731    np_assign = ir.Assign(np_call, lhs, loc)
1732    return [g_np_assign, attr_assign, np_assign]
1734def dump_blocks(blocks):
1735    for label, block in blocks.items():
1736        print(label, ":")
1737        for stmt in block.body:
1738            print("    ", stmt)
1740def is_get_setitem(stmt):
1741    """stmt is getitem assignment or setitem (and static cases)"""
1742    return is_getitem(stmt) or is_setitem(stmt)
1745def is_getitem(stmt):
1746    """true if stmt is a getitem or static_getitem assignment"""
1747    return (isinstance(stmt, ir.Assign)
1748            and isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr)
1749            and stmt.value.op in ['getitem', 'static_getitem'])
1751def is_setitem(stmt):
1752    """true if stmt is a SetItem or StaticSetItem node"""
1753    return isinstance(stmt, (ir.SetItem, ir.StaticSetItem))
1755def index_var_of_get_setitem(stmt):
1756    """get index variable for getitem/setitem nodes (and static cases)"""
1757    if is_getitem(stmt):
1758        if stmt.value.op == 'getitem':
1759            return stmt.value.index
1760        else:
1761            return stmt.value.index_var
1763    if is_setitem(stmt):
1764        if isinstance(stmt, ir.SetItem):
1765            return stmt.index
1766        else:
1767            return stmt.index_var
1769    return None
1771def set_index_var_of_get_setitem(stmt, new_index):
1772    if is_getitem(stmt):
1773        if stmt.value.op == 'getitem':
1774            stmt.value.index = new_index
1775        else:
1776            stmt.value.index_var = new_index
1777    elif is_setitem(stmt):
1778        if isinstance(stmt, ir.SetItem):
1779            stmt.index = new_index
1780        else:
1781            stmt.index_var = new_index
1782    else:
1783        raise ValueError("getitem or setitem node expected but received {}".format(
1784                     stmt))
1787def is_namedtuple_class(c):
1788    """check if c is a namedtuple class"""
1789    if not isinstance(c, type):
1790        return False
1791    # should have only tuple as superclass
1792    bases = c.__bases__
1793    if len(bases) != 1 or bases[0] != tuple:
1794        return False
1795    # should have _make method
1796    if not hasattr(c, '_make'):
1797        return False
1798    # should have _fields that is all string
1799    fields = getattr(c, '_fields', None)
1800    if not isinstance(fields, tuple):
1801        return False
1802    return all(isinstance(f, str) for f in fields)
1805def fill_block_with_call(newblock, callee, label_next, inputs, outputs):
1806    """Fill *newblock* to call *callee* with arguments listed in *inputs*.
1807    The returned values are unwraped into variables in *outputs*.
1808    The block would then jump to *label_next*.
1809    """
1810    scope = newblock.scope
1811    loc = newblock.loc
1813    fn = ir.Const(value=callee, loc=loc)
1814    fnvar = scope.make_temp(loc=loc)
1815    newblock.append(ir.Assign(target=fnvar, value=fn, loc=loc))
1816    # call
1817    args = [scope.get_exact(name) for name in inputs]
1818    callexpr = ir.Expr.call(func=fnvar, args=args, kws=(), loc=loc)
1819    callres = scope.make_temp(loc=loc)
1820    newblock.append(ir.Assign(target=callres, value=callexpr, loc=loc))
1821    # unpack return value
1822    for i, out in enumerate(outputs):
1823        target = scope.get_exact(out)
1824        getitem = ir.Expr.static_getitem(value=callres, index=i,
1825                                         index_var=None, loc=loc)
1826        newblock.append(ir.Assign(target=target, value=getitem, loc=loc))
1827    # jump to next block
1828    newblock.append(ir.Jump(target=label_next, loc=loc))
1829    return newblock
1832def fill_callee_prologue(block, inputs, label_next):
1833    """
1834    Fill a new block *block* that unwraps arguments using names in *inputs* and
1835    then jumps to *label_next*.
1837    Expected to use with *fill_block_with_call()*
1838    """
1839    scope = block.scope
1840    loc = block.loc
1841    # load args
1842    args = [ir.Arg(name=k, index=i, loc=loc)
1843            for i, k in enumerate(inputs)]
1844    for aname, aval in zip(inputs, args):
1845        tmp = ir.Var(scope=scope, name=aname, loc=loc)
1846        block.append(ir.Assign(target=tmp, value=aval, loc=loc))
1847    # jump to loop entry
1848    block.append(ir.Jump(target=label_next, loc=loc))
1849    return block
1852def fill_callee_epilogue(block, outputs):
1853    """
1854    Fill a new block *block* to prepare the return values.
1855    This block is the last block of the function.
1857    Expected to use with *fill_block_with_call()*
1858    """
1859    scope = block.scope
1860    loc = block.loc
1861    # prepare tuples to return
1862    vals = [scope.get_exact(name=name) for name in outputs]
1863    tupexpr = ir.Expr.build_tuple(items=vals, loc=loc)
1864    tup = scope.make_temp(loc=loc)
1865    block.append(ir.Assign(target=tup, value=tupexpr, loc=loc))
1866    # return
1867    block.append(ir.Return(value=tup, loc=loc))
1868    return block
1871def find_global_value(func_ir, var):
1872    """Check if a variable is a global value, and return the value,
1873    or raise GuardException otherwise.
1874    """
1875    dfn = get_definition(func_ir, var)
1876    if isinstance(dfn, ir.Global):
1877        return dfn.value
1879    if isinstance(dfn, ir.Expr) and dfn.op == 'getattr':
1880        prev_val = find_global_value(func_ir, dfn.value)
1881        try:
1882            val = getattr(prev_val, dfn.attr)
1883            return val
1884        except AttributeError:
1885            raise GuardException
1887    raise GuardException
1890def raise_on_unsupported_feature(func_ir, typemap):
1891    """
1892    Helper function to walk IR and raise if it finds op codes
1893    that are unsupported. Could be extended to cover IR sequences
1894    as well as op codes. Intended use is to call it as a pipeline
1895    stage just prior to lowering to prevent LoweringErrors for known
1896    unsupported features.
1897    """
1898    gdb_calls = [] # accumulate calls to gdb/gdb_init
1900    # issue 2195: check for excessively large tuples
1901    for arg_name in func_ir.arg_names:
1902        if arg_name in typemap and \
1903           isinstance(typemap[arg_name], types.containers.UniTuple) and \
1904           typemap[arg_name].count > 1000:
1905            # Raise an exception when len(tuple) > 1000. The choice of this number (1000)
1906            # was entirely arbitrary
1907            msg = ("Tuple '{}' length must be smaller than 1000.\n"
1908                   "Large tuples lead to the generation of a prohibitively large "
1909                   "LLVM IR which causes excessive memory pressure "
1910                   "and large compile times.\n"
1911                   "As an alternative, the use of a 'list' is recommended in "
1912                   "place of a 'tuple' as lists do not suffer from this problem.".format(arg_name))
1913            raise UnsupportedError(msg, func_ir.loc)
1915    for blk in func_ir.blocks.values():
1916        for stmt in blk.find_insts(ir.Assign):
1917            # This raises on finding `make_function`
1918            if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr):
1919                if stmt.value.op == 'make_function':
1920                    val = stmt.value
1922                    # See if the construct name can be refined
1923                    code = getattr(val, 'code', None)
1924                    if code is not None:
1925                        # check if this is a closure, the co_name will
1926                        # be the captured function name which is not
1927                        # useful so be explicit
1928                        if getattr(val, 'closure', None) is not None:
1929                            use = '<creating a function from a closure>'
1930                            expr = ''
1931                        else:
1932                            use = code.co_name
1933                            expr = '(%s) ' % use
1934                    else:
1935                        use = '<could not ascertain use case>'
1936                        expr = ''
1938                    msg = ("Numba encountered the use of a language "
1939                            "feature it does not support in this context: "
1940                            "%s (op code: make_function not supported). If "
1941                            "the feature is explicitly supported it is "
1942                            "likely that the result of the expression %s"
1943                            "is being used in an unsupported manner.") % \
1944                            (use, expr)
1945                    raise UnsupportedError(msg, stmt.value.loc)
1947            # this checks for gdb initialization calls, only one is permitted
1948            if isinstance(stmt.value, (ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)):
1949                val = stmt.value
1950                val = getattr(val, 'value', None)
1951                if val is None:
1952                    continue
1954                # check global function
1955                found = False
1956                if isinstance(val, pytypes.FunctionType):
1957                    found = val in {numba.gdb, numba.gdb_init}
1958                if not found: # freevar bind to intrinsic
1959                    found = getattr(val, '_name', "") == "gdb_internal"
1960                if found:
1961                    gdb_calls.append(stmt.loc) # report last seen location
1963            # this checks that np.<type> was called if view is called
1964            if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr):
1965                if stmt.value.op == 'getattr' and stmt.value.attr == 'view':
1966                    var = stmt.value.value.name
1967                    if isinstance(typemap[var], types.Array):
1968                        continue
1969                    df = func_ir.get_definition(var)
1970                    cn = guard(find_callname, func_ir, df)
1971                    if cn and cn[1] == 'numpy':
1972                        ty = getattr(numpy, cn[0])
1973                        if (numpy.issubdtype(ty, numpy.integer) or
1974                                numpy.issubdtype(ty, numpy.floating)):
1975                            continue
1977                    vardescr = '' if var.startswith('$') else "'{}' ".format(var)
1978                    raise TypingError(
1979                        "'view' can only be called on NumPy dtypes, "
1980                        "try wrapping the variable {}with 'np.<dtype>()'".
1981                        format(vardescr), loc=stmt.loc)
1983            # checks for globals that are also reflected
1984            if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Global):
1985                ty = typemap[stmt.target.name]
1986                msg = ("The use of a %s type, assigned to variable '%s' in "
1987                       "globals, is not supported as globals are considered "
1988                       "compile-time constants and there is no known way to "
1989                       "compile a %s type as a constant.")
1990                if (getattr(ty, 'reflected', False) or
1991                    isinstance(ty, (types.DictType, types.ListType))):
1992                    raise TypingError(msg % (ty, stmt.value.name, ty), loc=stmt.loc)
1994            # checks for generator expressions (yield in use when func_ir has
1995            # not been identified as a generator).
1996            if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Yield) and not func_ir.is_generator:
1997                msg = "The use of generator expressions is unsupported."
1998                raise UnsupportedError(msg, loc=stmt.loc)
2000    # There is more than one call to function gdb/gdb_init
2001    if len(gdb_calls) > 1:
2002        msg = ("Calling either numba.gdb() or numba.gdb_init() more than once "
2003               "in a function is unsupported (strange things happen!), use "
2004               "numba.gdb_breakpoint() to create additional breakpoints "
2005               "instead.\n\nRelevant documentation is available here:\n"
2006               "https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/user/troubleshoot.html"
2007               "/troubleshoot.html#using-numba-s-direct-gdb-bindings-in-"
2008               "nopython-mode\n\nConflicting calls found at:\n %s")
2009        buf = '\n'.join([x.strformat() for x in gdb_calls])
2010        raise UnsupportedError(msg % buf)
2013def warn_deprecated(func_ir, typemap):
2014    # first pass, just walk the type map
2015    for name, ty in typemap.items():
2016        # the Type Metaclass has a reflected member
2017        if ty.reflected:
2018            # if its an arg, report function call
2019            if name.startswith('arg.'):
2020                loc = func_ir.loc
2021                arg = name.split('.')[1]
2022                fname = func_ir.func_id.func_qualname
2023                tyname = 'list' if isinstance(ty, types.List) else 'set'
2024                url = ("https://numba.pydata.org/numba-doc/latest/reference/"
2025                       "deprecation.html#deprecation-of-reflection-for-list-and"
2026                       "-set-types")
2027                msg = ("\nEncountered the use of a type that is scheduled for "
2028                        "deprecation: type 'reflected %s' found for argument "
2029                        "'%s' of function '%s'.\n\nFor more information visit "
2030                        "%s" % (tyname, arg, fname, url))
2031                warnings.warn(NumbaPendingDeprecationWarning(msg, loc=loc))
2034def resolve_func_from_module(func_ir, node):
2035    """
2036    This returns the python function that is being getattr'd from a module in
2037    some IR, it resolves import chains/submodules recursively. Should it not be
2038    possible to find the python function being called None will be returned.
2040    func_ir - the FunctionIR object
2041    node - the IR node from which to start resolving (should be a `getattr`).
2042    """
2043    getattr_chain = []
2044    def resolve_mod(mod):
2045        if getattr(mod, 'op', False) == 'getattr':
2046            getattr_chain.insert(0, mod.attr)
2047            try:
2048                mod = func_ir.get_definition(mod.value)
2049            except KeyError: # multiple definitions
2050                return None
2051            return resolve_mod(mod)
2052        elif isinstance(mod, (ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)):
2053            if isinstance(mod.value, pytypes.ModuleType):
2054                return mod
2055        return None
2057    mod = resolve_mod(node)
2058    if mod is not None:
2059        defn = mod.value
2060        for x in getattr_chain:
2061            defn = getattr(defn, x, False)
2062            if not defn:
2063                break
2064        else:
2065            return defn
2066    else:
2067        return None
2070def enforce_no_dels(func_ir):
2071    """
2072    Enforce there being no ir.Del nodes in the IR.
2073    """
2074    for blk in func_ir.blocks.values():
2075        dels = [x for x in blk.find_insts(ir.Del)]
2076        if dels:
2077            msg = "Illegal IR, del found at: %s" % dels[0]
2078            raise CompilerError(msg, loc=dels[0].loc)
2080def enforce_no_phis(func_ir):
2081    """
2082    Enforce there being no ir.Expr.phi nodes in the IR.
2083    """
2084    for blk in func_ir.blocks.values():
2085        phis = [x for x in blk.find_exprs(op='phi')]
2086        if phis:
2087            msg = "Illegal IR, phi found at: %s" % phis[0]
2088            raise CompilerError(msg, loc=phis[0].loc)
2091def check_and_legalize_ir(func_ir):
2092    """
2093    This checks that the IR presented is legal
2094    """
2095    enforce_no_phis(func_ir)
2096    enforce_no_dels(func_ir)
2097    # postprocess and emit ir.Dels
2098    post_proc = postproc.PostProcessor(func_ir)
2099    post_proc.run(True)
2102def convert_code_obj_to_function(code_obj, caller_ir):
2103    """
2104    Converts a code object from a `make_function.code` attr in the IR into a
2105    python function, caller_ir is the FunctionIR of the caller and is used for
2106    the resolution of freevars.
2107    """
2108    fcode = code_obj.code
2109    nfree = len(fcode.co_freevars)
2111    # try and resolve freevars if they are consts in the caller's IR
2112    # these can be baked into the new function
2113    freevars = []
2114    for x in fcode.co_freevars:
2115        # not using guard here to differentiate between multiple definition and
2116        # non-const variable
2117        try:
2118            freevar_def = caller_ir.get_definition(x)
2119        except KeyError:
2120            msg = ("Cannot capture a constant value for variable '%s' as there "
2121                   "are multiple definitions present." % x)
2122            raise TypingError(msg, loc=code_obj.loc)
2123        if isinstance(freevar_def, ir.Const):
2124            freevars.append(freevar_def.value)
2125        else:
2126            msg = ("Cannot capture the non-constant value associated with "
2127                   "variable '%s' in a function that will escape." % x)
2128            raise TypingError(msg, loc=code_obj.loc)
2130    func_env = "\n".join(["  c_%d = %s" % (i, x) for i, x in enumerate(freevars)])
2131    func_clo = ",".join(["c_%d" % i for i in range(nfree)])
2132    co_varnames = list(fcode.co_varnames)
2134    # This is horrible. The code object knows about the number of args present
2135    # it also knows the name of the args but these are bundled in with other
2136    # vars in `co_varnames`. The make_function IR node knows what the defaults
2137    # are, they are defined in the IR as consts. The following finds the total
2138    # number of args (args + kwargs with defaults), finds the default values
2139    # and infers the number of "kwargs with defaults" from this and then infers
2140    # the number of actual arguments from that.
2141    n_kwargs = 0
2142    n_allargs = fcode.co_argcount
2143    kwarg_defaults = caller_ir.get_definition(code_obj.defaults)
2144    if kwarg_defaults is not None:
2145        if isinstance(kwarg_defaults, tuple):
2146            d = [caller_ir.get_definition(x).value for x in kwarg_defaults]
2147            kwarg_defaults_tup = tuple(d)
2148        else:
2149            d = [caller_ir.get_definition(x).value
2150                 for x in kwarg_defaults.items]
2151            kwarg_defaults_tup = tuple(d)
2152        n_kwargs = len(kwarg_defaults_tup)
2153    nargs = n_allargs - n_kwargs
2155    func_arg = ",".join(["%s" % (co_varnames[i]) for i in range(nargs)])
2156    if n_kwargs:
2157        kw_const = ["%s = %s" % (co_varnames[i + nargs], kwarg_defaults_tup[i])
2158                    for i in range(n_kwargs)]
2159        func_arg += ", "
2160        func_arg += ", ".join(kw_const)
2162    # globals are the same as those in the caller
2163    glbls = caller_ir.func_id.func.__globals__
2165    # create the function and return it
2166    return _create_function_from_code_obj(fcode, func_env, func_arg, func_clo,
2167                                          glbls)