1 /*
2  * bltText.h --
3  *
4  * Copyright 1993-1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
5  *
6  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
7  * its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
8  * granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
9  * copies and that both that the copyright notice and warranty
10  * disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names
11  * of Lucent Technologies any of their entities not be used in
12  * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
13  * without specific, written prior permission.
14  *
15  * Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this
16  * software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
17  * fitness.  In no event shall Lucent Technologies be liable for any
18  * special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages
19  * whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in
20  * an action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising
21  * out of or in connection with the use or performance of this
22  * software.
23  */
25 #ifndef _BLT_TEXT_H
26 #define _BLT_TEXT_H
28 #if (TK_MAJOR_VERSION == 4)
30 /*
31  * The following structure is used by Tk_GetFontMetrics() to return
32  * information about the properties of a Tk_Font.
33  */
34 typedef struct {
35     int ascent;			/* The amount in pixels that the tallest
36 				 * letter sticks up above the baseline, plus
37 				 * any extra blank space added by the designer
38 				 * of the font. */
39     int descent;		/* The largest amount in pixels that any
40 				 * letter sticks below the baseline, plus any
41 				 * extra blank space added by the designer of
42 				 * the font. */
43     int linespace;		/* The sum of the ascent and descent.  How
44 				 * far apart two lines of text in the same
45 				 * font should be placed so that none of the
46 				 * characters in one line overlap any of the
47 				 * characters in the other line. */
48 } Tk_FontMetrics;
50 typedef XFontStruct *Tk_Font;
52 #define Tk_FontId(font)			((font)->fid)
53 #define Tk_TextWidth(font, str, len)	(XTextWidth((font),(str),(len)))
54 #define Tk_GetFontMetrics(font, fmPtr)  \
55 	((fmPtr)->ascent = (font)->ascent, \
56 	(fmPtr)->descent = (font)->descent, \
57 	(fmPtr)->linespace = (font)->ascent + (font)->descent)
59 #define Tk_NameOfFont(font) (Tk_NameOfFontStruct(font))
60 #define Tk_DrawChars(dpy, draw, gc, font, str, len, x, y) \
61     TkDisplayChars((dpy),(draw),(gc),(font),(str),(len),(x),(y), 0, DEF_TEXT_FLAGS)
63 #define Tk_MeasureChars(font, text, len, maxPixels, flags, lenPtr) \
64     TkMeasureChars((font),(text), (len), 0, maxPixels, 0,(flags), (lenPtr))
66 extern int TkMeasureChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font, char *source,
67 	int maxChars, int startX, int maxX, int tabOrigin, int flags,
68 	int *nextXPtr));
69 extern void TkDisplayChars _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display, Drawable drawable,
70 	GC gc, Tk_Font font, char *string, int length, int x, int y,
71 	int tabOrigin, int flags));
72 /*
73  * FLAGS passed to TkMeasureChars:
74  */
75 #define TK_WHOLE_WORDS			(1<<0)
76 #define TK_AT_LEAST_ONE			(1<<1)
77 #define TK_PARTIAL_OK			(1<<2)
78 #define TK_IGNORE_NEWLINES		(1<<3)
79 #define TK_IGNORE_TABS			(1<<4)
80 #define NO_FLAGS			0
82 #endif /* TK_MAJOR_VERSION == 4 */
88 /*
89  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
90  *
91  * TextFragment --
92  *
93  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
94  */
95 typedef struct {
96     char *text;			/* Text to be displayed */
98     short int x, y;		/* X-Y offset of the baseline from the
99 				 * upper-left corner of the bbox. */
101     short int sx, sy;		/* See bltWinUtil.c */
103     short int count;		/* Number of bytes in text. The actual
104 				 * character count may differ because of
105 				 * multi-byte UTF encodings. */
107     short int width;		/* Width of segment in pixels. This
108 				 * information is used to draw
109 				 * PostScript strings the same width
110 				 * as X. */
111 } TextFragment;
113 /*
114  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
115  *
116  * TextLayout --
117  *
118  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
119  */
120 typedef struct {
121     int nFrags;			/* # fragments of text */
122     short int width, height;	/* Dimensions of text bounding box */
123     TextFragment fragArr[1];	/* Information about each fragment of text */
124     int rotated;
125 } TextLayout;
127 typedef struct {
128     XColor *color;
129     int offset;
130 } Shadow;
132 /*
133  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
134  *
135  * TextStyle --
136  *
137  * 	Represents a convenient structure to hold text attributes
138  *	which determine how a text string is to be displayed on the
139  *	window, or drawn with PostScript commands.  The alternative
140  *	is to pass lots of parameters to the drawing and printing
141  *	routines. This seems like a more efficient and less cumbersome
142  *	way of passing parameters.
143  *
144  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
145  */
146 typedef struct {
147     unsigned int state;		/* If non-zero, indicates to draw text
148 				 * in the active color */
149     short int width, height;	/* Extents of text */
151     XColor *color;		/* Normal color */
152     XColor *activeColor;	/* Active color */
153     Tk_Font font;		/* Font to use to draw text */
154     Tk_3DBorder border;		/* Background color of text.  This is also
155 				 * used for drawing disabled text. */
156     Shadow shadow;		/* Drop shadow color and offset */
157     Tk_Justify justify;		/* Justification of the text string. This
158 				 * only matters if the text is composed
159 				 * of multiple lines. */
160     GC gc;			/* GC used to draw the text */
161     double theta;		/* Rotation of text in degrees. */
162     Tk_Anchor anchor;		/* Indicates how the text is anchored around
163 				 * its x and y coordinates. */
164     Blt_Pad padX, padY;		/* # pixels padding of around text region */
165     short int leader;		/* # pixels spacing between lines of text */
166     int underline;     /* Character to underline. */
168 } TextStyle;
171 typedef struct {
172     XColor *color;
173     XColor *color2;
174     int width;
175     XColor **grads; /* Generated list of colors. */
176     XColor *origColor; /* Saved copy to detect if changed.*/
177     XColor *origColor2;
178     int origWidth;
179 } Gradient;
182 extern TextLayout *Blt_GetTextLayout _ANSI_ARGS_((char *string,
183 	TextStyle *stylePtr));
184 extern TextLayout *Blt_GetTextLayoutStr _ANSI_ARGS_((char *string,
185 	TextStyle *stylePtr));
187 extern void Blt_GetTextExtents _ANSI_ARGS_((TextStyle *stylePtr,
188 	char *text, int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr));
190 extern void Blt_InitTextStyle _ANSI_ARGS_((TextStyle *stylePtr));
192 extern void Blt_ResetTextStyle _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin,
193 	TextStyle *stylePtr));
195 extern void Blt_FreeTextStyle _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display,
196 	TextStyle *stylePtr));
198 extern void Blt_SetDrawTextStyle _ANSI_ARGS_((TextStyle *stylePtr,
199 	Tk_Font font, GC gc, XColor *normalColor, XColor *activeColor,
200 	XColor *shadowColor, double theta, Tk_Anchor anchor, Tk_Justify justify,
201 	int leader, int shadowOffset));
203 extern void Blt_SetPrintTextStyle _ANSI_ARGS_((TextStyle *stylePtr,
204 	Tk_Font font, XColor *fgColor, XColor *bgColor, XColor *shadowColor,
205 	double theta, Tk_Anchor anchor, Tk_Justify justify, int leader,
206 	int shadowOffset));
208 extern void Blt_DrawText _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable,
209 	char *string, TextStyle *stylePtr, int x, int y));
211 extern void Blt_DrawTextLayout _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin,
212 	Drawable drawable, TextLayout *textPtr, TextStyle *stylePtr,
213 	int x, int y));
215 extern int Blt_TextLayoutValue _ANSI_ARGS_(( TextLayout *textPtr, Tcl_DString *dStr));
217 extern void Blt_DrawText2 _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable,
218 	char *string, TextStyle *stylePtr, int x, int y,
219 	Dim2D * dimPtr));
221 extern Pixmap Blt_CreateTextBitmap _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin,
222 	TextLayout *textPtr, TextStyle *stylePtr, int *widthPtr,
223 	int *heightPtr));
225 extern int Blt_DrawRotatedText _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *display,
226 	Drawable drawable, int x, int y, double theta,
227 	TextStyle *stylePtr, TextLayout *textPtr));
229 extern void Blt_DeleteAxisLabelsGC _ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin));
231 extern int Blt_GetGradient(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Gradient *gradPtr);
233 extern int Blt_FreeGradient(Gradient *gradPtr);
236 #endif /* _BLT_TEXT_H */