1# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Manfred Moitzi
2# License: MIT License
3from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict
4from ezdxf.lldxf.const import DXFValueError
5from ezdxf.math import (Matrix44, Vec3, NULLVEC,
6    is_planar_face, subdivide_face, normal_vector_3p, subdivide_ngons,
10    from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex, UCS, Polyface, Polymesh, GenericLayoutType
13class MeshBuilder:
14    """ A simple Mesh builder. Stores a list of vertices, a list of edges where
15    an edge is a list of indices into the vertices list, and a faces list where
16    each face is a list of indices into the vertices list.
18    The render() method, renders the mesh into a DXF MESH entity. The MESH
19    entity supports ngons in AutoCAD, ngons are polygons with more than 4
20    vertices.
22    Can only create new meshes.
24    """
26    def __init__(self):
27        # vertex storage, list of (x, y, z) tuples or Vec3() objects
28        self.vertices: List[Vec3] = []
29        # face storage, each face is a tuple of vertex indices (v0, v1, v2, v3, ....),
30        # AutoCAD supports ngons
31        self.faces: List[Sequence[int]] = []
32        # edge storage, each edge is a 2-tuple of vertex indices (v0, v1)
33        self.edges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
35    def copy(self):
36        """ Returns a copy of mesh. """
37        return self.from_builder(self)
39    def faces_as_vertices(self) -> Iterable[List[Vec3]]:
40        """ Iterate over all mesh faces as list of vertices. """
41        v = self.vertices
42        for face in self.faces:
43            yield [v[index] for index in face]
45    def edges_as_vertices(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[Vec3, Vec3]]:
46        """ Iterate over all mesh edges as tuple of two vertices. """
47        v = self.vertices
48        for edge in self.edges:
49            yield v[edge[0]], v[edge[1]]
51    def add_face(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
52        """ Add a face as vertices list to the mesh. A face requires at least 3
53        vertices, each vertex is a ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or
54        :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object. The new vertex indices are stored as
55        face in the :attr:`faces` list.
57        Args:
58            vertices: list of at least 3 vertices ``[(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2),
59                (x3, y3, y3), ...]``
61        """
62        self.faces.append(self.add_vertices(vertices))
64    def add_edge(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
65        """ An edge consist of two vertices ``[v1, v2]``, each vertex is a
66        ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or a :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object. The new
67        vertex indices are stored as edge in the :attr:`edges` list.
69        Args:
70            vertices: list of 2 vertices : [(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)]
72        """
73        vertices = list(vertices)
74        if len(vertices) == 2:
75            self.edges.append(self.add_vertices(vertices))
76        else:
77            raise DXFValueError(
78                'Invalid vertices count, expected two vertices.')
80    def add_vertices(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Sequence[int]:
81        """ Add new vertices to the mesh, each vertex is a ``(x, y, z)`` tuple
82        or a :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object, returns the indices of the
83        `vertices` added to the :attr:`vertices` list.
85        e.g. adding 4 vertices to an empty mesh, returns the indices
86        ``(0, 1, 2, 3)``, adding additional 4 vertices returns the indices
87        ``(4, 5, 6, 7)``.
89        Args:
90            vertices: list of vertices, vertex as ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or
91                :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` objects
93        Returns:
94            tuple: indices of the `vertices` added to the :attr:`vertices` list
96        """
97        start_index = len(self.vertices)
98        self.vertices.extend(Vec3.generate(vertices))
99        return tuple(range(start_index, len(self.vertices)))
101    def add_mesh(self,
102                 vertices: List[Vec3] = None,
103                 faces: List[Sequence[int]] = None,
104                 edges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
105                 mesh=None) -> None:
106        """ Add another mesh to this mesh.
108        A `mesh` can be a :class:`MeshBuilder`, :class:`MeshVertexMerger` or
109        :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Mesh` object or requires the attributes
110        :attr:`vertices`, :attr:`edges` and :attr:`faces`.
112        Args:
113            vertices: list of vertices, a vertex is a ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or
114                :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object
115            faces: list of faces, a face is a list of vertex indices
116            edges: list of edges, an edge is a list of vertex indices
117            mesh: another mesh entity
119        """
120        if mesh is not None:
121            vertices = Vec3.list(mesh.vertices)
122            faces = mesh.faces
123            edges = mesh.edges
125        if vertices is None:
126            raise ValueError("Requires vertices or another mesh.")
127        faces = faces or []
128        edges = edges or []
129        indices = self.add_vertices(vertices)
131        for v1, v2 in edges:
132            self.edges.append((indices[v1], indices[v2]))
134        for face_vertices in faces:
135            self.faces.append(tuple(indices[vi] for vi in face_vertices))
137    def has_none_planar_faces(self) -> bool:
138        """ Returns ``True`` if any face is none planar. """
139        return not all(
140            is_planar_face(face) for face in self.faces_as_vertices())
142    def render_mesh(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', dxfattribs: dict = None,
143                    matrix: 'Matrix44' = None, ucs: 'UCS' = None):
144        """ Render mesh as :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Mesh` entity into `layout`.
146        Args:
147            layout: :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout` object
148            dxfattribs: dict of DXF attributes e.g. ``{'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}``
149            matrix: transformation matrix of type :class:`~ezdxf.math.Matrix44`
150            ucs: transform vertices by :class:`~ezdxf.math.UCS` to :ref:`WCS`
152        """
153        vertices = self.vertices
154        if matrix is not None:
155            vertices = list(matrix.transform_vertices(vertices))
156        if ucs is not None:
157            vertices = ucs.points_to_wcs(vertices)
158        mesh = layout.add_mesh(dxfattribs=dxfattribs)
159        with mesh.edit_data() as data:
160            # data will be copied at setting in edit_data()
161            data.vertices = vertices
162            data.edges = self.edges
163            data.faces = self.faces
164        return mesh
166    render = render_mesh  # TODO: 2021-02-10 - compatibility alias
168    def render_normals(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType', length: float = 1,
169                       relative=True, dxfattribs: dict = None):
170        """ Render face normals as :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Line` entities into
171        `layout`, useful to check orientation of mesh faces.
173        Args:
174            layout: :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout` object
175            length: visual length of normal, use length < 0 to point normals in
176                opposite direction
177            relative: scale length relative to face size if ``True``
178            dxfattribs: dict of DXF attributes e.g. ``{'layer': 'normals', 'color': 6}``
180        """
181        for face in self.faces_as_vertices():
182            count = len(face)
183            if count < 3:
184                continue
185            center = sum(face) / count
186            i = 0
187            n = NULLVEC
188            while i <= count - 3:
189                n = normal_vector_3p(face[i], face[i + 1], face[i + 2])
190                if n != NULLVEC:  # not colinear vectors
191                    break
192                i += 1
194            if relative:
195                _length = (face[0] - center).magnitude * length
196            else:
197                _length = length
198            layout.add_line(center, center + n * _length, dxfattribs=dxfattribs)
200    @classmethod
201    def from_mesh(cls, other) -> 'MeshBuilder':
202        """ Create new mesh from other mesh as class method.
204        Args:
205            other: `mesh` of type :class:`MeshBuilder` and inherited or DXF
206                :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Mesh` entity or any object providing
207                attributes :attr:`vertices`, :attr:`edges` and :attr:`faces`.
209        """
210        # just copy properties
211        mesh = cls()
212        mesh.add_mesh(mesh=other)
213        return mesh
215    @classmethod
216    def from_polyface(cls,
217                      other: Union['Polymesh', 'Polyface']) -> 'MeshBuilder':
218        """ Create new mesh from a  :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Polyface` or
219        :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Polymesh` object.
221        """
222        if other.dxftype() != 'POLYLINE':
223            raise TypeError(f'Unsupported DXF type: {other.dxftype()}')
225        mesh = cls()
226        if other.is_poly_face_mesh:
227            _, faces = other.indexed_faces()
228            for face in faces:
229                mesh.add_face(face.points())
230        elif other.is_polygon_mesh:
231            vertices = other.get_mesh_vertex_cache()
232            for m in range(other.dxf.m_count - 1):
233                for n in range(other.dxf.n_count - 1):
234                    mesh.add_face(
235                        (
236                            vertices[m, n],
237                            vertices[m, n + 1],
238                            vertices[m + 1, n + 1],
239                            vertices[m + 1, n],
240                        )
241                    )
242        else:
243            raise TypeError('Not a polymesh or polyface.')
244        return mesh
246    def render_polyface(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType',
247                        dxfattribs: dict = None,
248                        matrix: 'Matrix44' = None,
249                        ucs: 'UCS' = None):
250        """ Render mesh as :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Polyface` entity into
251        `layout`.
253        Args:
254            layout: :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout` object
255            dxfattribs: dict of DXF attributes e.g. ``{'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}``
256            matrix: transformation matrix of type :class:`~ezdxf.math.Matrix44`
257            ucs: transform vertices by :class:`~ezdxf.math.UCS` to :ref:`WCS`
259        """
260        polyface = layout.add_polyface(dxfattribs=dxfattribs)
261        t = MeshTransformer.from_builder(self)
262        if matrix is not None:
263            t.transform(matrix)
264        if ucs is not None:
265            t.transform(ucs.matrix)
266        polyface.append_faces(subdivide_ngons(t.faces_as_vertices()))
267        return polyface
269    def render_3dfaces(self, layout: 'GenericLayoutType',
270                       dxfattribs: dict = None,
271                       matrix: 'Matrix44' = None,
272                       ucs: 'UCS' = None):
273        """ Render mesh as :class:`~ezdxf.entities.Face3d` entities into
274        `layout`.
276        Args:
277            layout: :class:`~ezdxf.layouts.BaseLayout` object
278            dxfattribs: dict of DXF attributes e.g. ``{'layer': 'mesh', 'color': 7}``
279            matrix: transformation matrix of type :class:`~ezdxf.math.Matrix44`
280            ucs: transform vertices by :class:`~ezdxf.math.UCS` to :ref:`WCS`
282        """
283        t = MeshTransformer.from_builder(self)
284        if matrix is not None:
285            t.transform(matrix)
286        if ucs is not None:
287            t.transform(ucs.matrix)
288        for face in subdivide_ngons(t.faces_as_vertices()):
289            layout.add_3dface(face, dxfattribs=dxfattribs)
291    @classmethod
292    def from_builder(cls, other: 'MeshBuilder') -> 'MeshBuilder':
293        """ Create new mesh from other mesh builder, faster than
294        :meth:`from_mesh` but supports only :class:`MeshBuilder` and inherited
295        classes.
297        """
298        # just copy properties
299        mesh = cls()
300        mesh.vertices = list(other.vertices)
301        mesh.edges = list(other.edges)
302        mesh.faces = list(other.faces)
303        return mesh
306class MeshTransformer(MeshBuilder):
307    """ A mesh builder with inplace transformation support. """
309    def subdivide(self, level: int = 1, quads=True,
310                  edges=False) -> 'MeshTransformer':
311        """ Returns a new :class:`MeshTransformer` object with subdivided faces
312        and edges.
314        Args:
315             level: subdivide levels from 1 to max of 5
316             quads: create quad faces if ``True`` else create triangles
317             edges: also subdivide edges if ``True``
318        """
319        mesh = self
320        level = min(int(level), 5)
321        while level > 0:
322            mesh = _subdivide(mesh, quads, edges)
323            level -= 1
324        return MeshTransformer.from_builder(mesh)
326    def transform(self, matrix: 'Matrix44'):
327        """ Transform mesh inplace by applying the transformation `matrix`.
329        Args:
330            matrix: 4x4 transformation matrix as :class:`~ezdxf.math.Matrix44`
331                object
333        """
334        self.vertices = list(matrix.transform_vertices(self.vertices))
335        return self
337    def translate(self, dx: float = 0, dy: float = 0, dz: float = 0):
338        """ Translate mesh inplace.
340        Args:
341            dx: translation in x-axis
342            dy: translation in y-axis
343            dz: translation in z-axis
345        """
346        if isinstance(dx, (float, int)):
347            t = Vec3(dx, dy, dz)
348        else:
349            t = Vec3(dx)
350        self.vertices = [t + v for v in self.vertices]
351        return self
353    def scale(self, sx: float = 1, sy: float = 1, sz: float = 1):
354        """ Scale mesh inplace.
356        Args:
357            sx: scale factor for x-axis
358            sy: scale factor for y-axis
359            sz: scale factor for z-axis
361        """
362        self.vertices = [Vec3(x * sx, y * sy, z * sz) for x, y, z in
363                         self.vertices]
364        return self
366    def scale_uniform(self, s: float):
367        """ Scale mesh uniform inplace.
369        Args:
370            s: scale factor for x-, y- and z-axis
372        """
373        self.vertices = [v * s for v in self.vertices]
374        return self
376    def rotate_x(self, angle: float):
377        """ Rotate mesh around x-axis about `angle` inplace.
379        Args:
380            angle: rotation angle in radians
382        """
383        self.vertices = list(
384            Matrix44.x_rotate(angle).transform_vertices(self.vertices))
385        return self
387    def rotate_y(self, angle: float):
388        """ Rotate mesh around y-axis about `angle` inplace.
390        Args:
391            angle: rotation angle in radians
393        """
394        self.vertices = list(
395            Matrix44.y_rotate(angle).transform_vertices(self.vertices))
396        return self
398    def rotate_z(self, angle: float):
399        """ Rotate mesh around z-axis about `angle` inplace.
401        Args:
402            angle: rotation angle in radians
404        """
405        self.vertices = list(
406            Matrix44.z_rotate(angle).transform_vertices(self.vertices))
407        return self
409    def rotate_axis(self, axis: 'Vertex', angle: float):
410        """ Rotate mesh around an arbitrary axis located in the origin (0, 0, 0)
411        about `angle`.
413        Args:
414            axis: rotation axis as Vec3
415            angle: rotation angle in radians
417        """
418        self.vertices = list(
419            Matrix44.axis_rotate(axis, angle).transform_vertices(self.vertices))
420        return self
423def _subdivide(mesh, quads=True, edges=False) -> 'MeshVertexMerger':
424    """ Returns a new :class:`MeshVertexMerger` object with subdivided faces
425    and edges.
427    Args:
428         quads: create quad faces if ``True`` else create triangles
429         edges: also subdivide edges if ``True``
431    """
432    new_mesh = MeshVertexMerger()
433    for vertices in mesh.faces_as_vertices():
434        if len(vertices) < 3:
435            continue
436        for face in subdivide_face(vertices, quads):
437            new_mesh.add_face(face)
439    if edges:
440        for start, end in mesh.edges_as_vertices():
441            mid = start.lerp(end)
442            new_mesh.add_edge((start, mid))
443            new_mesh.add_edge((mid, end))
445    return new_mesh
448class MeshVertexMerger(MeshBuilder):
449    """ Subclass of :class:`MeshBuilder`
451    Mesh with unique vertices and no doublets, but needs extra memory for
452    bookkeeping.
454    :class:`MeshVertexMerger` creates a key for every vertex by rounding its
455    components by the Python :func:`round` function and a given `precision`
456    value. Each vertex with the same key gets the same vertex index, which is
457    the index of first vertex with this key, so all vertices with the same key
458    will be located at the location of this first vertex. If you want an average
459    location of and for all vertices with the same key look at the
460    :class:`MeshAverageVertexMerger` class.
462    Args:
463        precision: floating point precision for vertex rounding
465    """
467    # can not support vertex transformation
468    def __init__(self, precision: int = 6):
469        """
470        Args:
471            precision: floating point precision for vertex rounding
473        """
474        super().__init__()
475        self.ledger: Dict['Vertex', int] = {}
476        self.precision: int = precision
478    def key(self, vertex: 'Vertex') -> 'Vertex':
479        """ Returns rounded vertex. (internal API) """
480        p = self.precision
481        return round(vertex[0], p), round(vertex[1], p), round(vertex[2], p)
483    def add_vertices(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Sequence[int]:
484        """ Add new `vertices` only, if no vertex with identical (x, y, z)
485        coordinates already exist, else the index of the existing vertex is
486        returned as index of the added vertices.
488        Args:
489            vertices: list of vertices, vertex as (x, y, z) tuple or
490                :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` objects
492        Returns:
493            indices of the added `vertices`
495        """
496        indices = []
497        for vertex in vertices:
498            key = self.key(vertex)
499            try:
500                indices.append(self.ledger[key])
501            except KeyError:
502                index = len(self.vertices)
503                self.vertices.append(vertex)
504                self.ledger[key] = index
505                indices.append(index)
506        return tuple(indices)
508    def index(self, vertex: 'Vertex') -> int:
509        """ Get index of `vertex`, raise :class:`KeyError` if not found.
511        Args:
512            vertex: ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object
514        (internal API)
515        """
516        try:
517            return self.ledger[self.key(vertex)]
518        except KeyError:
519            raise IndexError(f"Vertex {str(vertex)} not found.")
521    @classmethod
522    def from_builder(cls, other: 'MeshBuilder'):
523        """ Create new mesh from other mesh builder. """
524        # rebuild from scratch to crate a valid ledger
525        return cls.from_mesh(other)
528class MeshAverageVertexMerger(MeshBuilder):
529    """ Subclass of :class:`MeshBuilder`
531    Mesh with unique vertices and no doublets, but needs extra memory for
532    bookkeeping and runtime for calculation of average vertex location.
534    :class:`MeshAverageVertexMerger` creates a key for every vertex by rounding
535    its components by the Python :func:`round` function and a given `precision`
536    value. Each vertex with the same key gets the same vertex index, which is the
537    index of first vertex with this key, the difference to the
538    :class:`MeshVertexMerger` class is the calculation of the average location
539    for all vertices with the same key, this needs extra memory to keep track of
540    the count of vertices for each key and extra runtime for updating the vertex
541    location each time a vertex with an existing key is added.
543    Args:
544        precision: floating point precision for vertex rounding
546    """
548    # can not support vertex transformation
549    def __init__(self, precision: int = 6):
550        super().__init__()
551        self.ledger: Dict[Vec3, Tuple[
552            int, int]] = {}  # each key points to a tuple (vertex index, vertex count)
553        self.precision: int = precision
555    def add_vertices(self, vertices: Iterable['Vertex']) -> Sequence[int]:
556        """ Add new `vertices` only, if no vertex with identical ``(x, y, z)``
557        coordinates already exist, else the index of the existing vertex is
558        returned as index of the added vertices.
560        Args:
561            vertices: list of vertices, vertex as ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or
562            :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` objects
564        Returns:
565            tuple: indices of the `vertices` added to the
566            :attr:`~MeshBuilder.vertices` list
568        """
569        indices = []
570        precision = self.precision
571        for vertex in vertices:
572            vertex = Vec3(vertex)
573            key = vertex.round(precision)
574            try:
575                index, count = self.ledger[key]
576            except KeyError:  # new key
577                index = len(self.vertices)
578                self.vertices.append(vertex)
579                self.ledger[key] = (index, 1)
580            else:  # update key entry
581                # calculate new average location
582                average = (self.vertices[index] * count) + vertex
583                count += 1
584                # update vertex location
585                self.vertices[index] = average / count
586                # update ledger
587                self.ledger[key] = (index, count)
588            indices.append(index)
589        return tuple(indices)
591    def index(self, vertex: 'Vertex') -> int:
592        """ Get index of `vertex`, raise :class:`KeyError` if not found.
594        Args:
595            vertex: ``(x, y, z)`` tuple or :class:`~ezdxf.math.Vec3` object
597        (internal API)
598        """
599        try:
600            return self.ledger[Vec3(vertex).round(self.precision)][0]
601        except KeyError:
602            raise IndexError(f"Vertex {str(vertex)} not found.")
604    @classmethod
605    def from_builder(cls, other: 'MeshBuilder'):
606        """ Create new mesh from other mesh builder. """
607        # rebuild from scratch to crate a valid ledger
608        return cls.from_mesh(other)