1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkMIRegistrationFunction_hxx
19 #define itkMIRegistrationFunction_hxx
21 #include "itkMIRegistrationFunction.h"
22 #include "itkImageRandomIteratorWithIndex.h"
23 #include "itkMacro.h"
24 #include "itkMath.h"
25 #include "itkNeighborhoodIterator.h"
27 #include "vnl/vnl_matrix.h"
29 namespace itk
30 {
32 template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage, typename TDisplacementField >
33 MIRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
MIRegistrationFunction()34 ::MIRegistrationFunction() :
35   m_TimeStep( 1.0 ),
36   m_FixedImageGradientCalculator( GradientCalculatorType::New() ),
37   m_DenominatorThreshold( 1e-9 ),
38   m_IntensityDifferenceThreshold( 0.001 ),
39   m_MetricTotal( 0.0 ),
40   m_NumberOfSamples( 1 ),
41   m_NumberOfBins( 4 ),
42   m_Minnorm( 1.0 ),
43   m_DoInverse( false )
44 {
45   m_FixedImageSpacing.Fill( 1 );
46   m_FixedImageOrigin.Fill( 0 );
48   RadiusType r;
50   for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
51     {
52     r[j] = 2;
53     m_NumberOfSamples *= ( r[j] * 2 + 1 );
54     }
55   this->SetRadius(r);
57   this->SetMovingImage(nullptr);
58   this->SetFixedImage(nullptr);
60   if( m_DoInverse )
61     {
62     m_MovingImageGradientCalculator = GradientCalculatorType::New();
63     }
64   typename DefaultInterpolatorType::Pointer interp =
65     DefaultInterpolatorType::New();
67   m_MovingImageInterpolator = static_cast< InterpolatorType * >(
68     interp.GetPointer() );
69 }
71 template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage, typename TDisplacementField >
72 void
73 MIRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
InitializeIteration()74 ::InitializeIteration()
75 {
76   if( !this->m_MovingImage || !this->m_FixedImage || !m_MovingImageInterpolator )
77     {
78     itkExceptionMacro(<< "MovingImage, FixedImage and/or Interpolator not set");
79     }
81   // Set up gradient calculator
82   m_FixedImageGradientCalculator->SetInputImage(this->m_FixedImage);
84   if( m_DoInverse )
85     {
86     // Set up gradient calculator
87     m_MovingImageGradientCalculator->SetInputImage(this->m_MovingImage);
88     }
90   // Set up moving image interpolator
91   m_MovingImageInterpolator->SetInputImage(this->m_MovingImage);
93   m_MetricTotal = 0.0;
94 }
96 template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage, typename TDisplacementField >
97 typename MIRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
98 ::PixelType
99 MIRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
ComputeUpdate(const NeighborhoodType & it,void * itkNotUsed (globalData),const FloatOffsetType & itkNotUsed (offset))100 ::ComputeUpdate( const NeighborhoodType & it, void *itkNotUsed(globalData),
101                  const FloatOffsetType & itkNotUsed(offset) )
102 {
103   // We compute the derivative of MI w.r.t. the infinitesimal
104   // displacement, following Viola and Wells.
106   // 1)  collect samples from  M (Moving) and F (Fixed)
107   // 2)  compute minimum and maximum values of M and F
108   // 3)  discretized M and F into N bins
109   // 4)  estimate joint probability P(M,F) and P(F)
110   // 5)  derivatives is given as :
111   //
112   //  $$ \nabla MI = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \sum_j (F_i-F_j)
113   //    ( W(F_i,F_j) \frac{1}{\sigma_v} -
114   //                W((F_i,M_i),(F_j,M_j)) \frac{1}{\sigma_vv} ) \nabla F
115   //
116   // NOTE : must estimate sigma for each pdf
118   using sampleContainerType = std::vector< double >;
119   using gradContainerType = std::vector< CovariantVectorType >;
120   using gradMagContainerType = std::vector< double >;
121   using inImageIndexContainerType = std::vector< unsigned int >;
123   PixelType update;
124   PixelType derivative;
126   const IndexType oindex = it.GetIndex();
128   unsigned int indct;
130   for( indct = 0; indct < ImageDimension; indct++ )
131     {
132     update[indct] = 0.0;
133     derivative[indct] = 0.0;
134     }
136   float thresh2 = 1.0 / 255.; //  FIX ME : FOR PET LUNG ONLY !!
137   float thresh1 = 1.0 / 255.;
138   if( this->m_MovingImage->GetPixel(oindex) <= thresh1
139        && this->m_FixedImage->GetPixel(oindex) <= thresh2 )
140     {
141     return update;
142     }
144   typename FixedImageType::SizeType hradius = this->GetRadius();
146   auto * img = const_cast< FixedImageType * >( this->m_FixedImage.GetPointer() );
147   typename FixedImageType::SizeType imagesize = img->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
149   bool inimage;
151   // Now collect the samples
152   sampleContainerType       fixedSamplesA;
153   sampleContainerType       movingSamplesA;
154   sampleContainerType       fixedSamplesB;
155   sampleContainerType       movingSamplesB;
156   inImageIndexContainerType inImageIndicesA;
157   gradContainerType         fixedGradientsA;
158   gradMagContainerType      fixedGradMagsA;
159   inImageIndexContainerType inImageIndicesB;
160   gradContainerType         fixedGradientsB;
161   gradMagContainerType      fixedGradMagsB;
163   unsigned int samplestep = 2; //m_Radius[0];
165   double minf = 1.e9, minm = 1.e9, maxf = 0.0, maxm = 0.0;
166   double movingMean = 0.0;
167   double fixedMean = 0.0;
168   double fixedValue = 0, movingValue = 0;
170   unsigned int sampct = 0;
172   ConstNeighborhoodIterator< DisplacementFieldType >
173   asamIt( hradius,
174           this->GetDisplacementField(),
175           this->GetDisplacementField()->GetRequestedRegion() );
176   asamIt.SetLocation(oindex);
177   unsigned int hoodlen = asamIt.Size();
179   // First get the density-related sample
180   for( indct = 0; indct < hoodlen; indct = indct + samplestep )
181     {
182     IndexType index = asamIt.GetIndex(indct);
183     inimage = true;
184     for( unsigned int dd = 0; dd < ImageDimension; dd++ )
185       {
186       if( index[dd] < 0 || index[dd] >
187            static_cast< typename IndexType::IndexValueType >( imagesize[dd] - 1 ) ) { inimage = false; }
188       }
189     if( inimage )
190       {
191       fixedValue = 0.;
192       movingValue = 0.0;
193       CovariantVectorType fixedGradient;
195       // Get fixed image related information
196       fixedValue = (double)this->m_FixedImage->GetPixel(index);
198       fixedGradient = m_FixedImageGradientCalculator->EvaluateAtIndex(index);
200       // Get moving image related information
201       using DeformationPixelType = typename DisplacementFieldType::PixelType;
202       const DeformationPixelType itvec = this->GetDisplacementField()->GetPixel(index);
204       PointType mappedPoint;
205       this->GetFixedImage()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, mappedPoint);
206       for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
207         {
208         mappedPoint[j] += itvec[j];
209         }
210       if( m_MovingImageInterpolator->IsInsideBuffer(mappedPoint) )
211         {
212         movingValue = m_MovingImageInterpolator->Evaluate(mappedPoint);
213         }
214       else
215         {
216         movingValue = 0.0;
217         }
219       if( fixedValue > maxf )
220         {
221         maxf = fixedValue;
222         }
223       else if ( fixedValue < minf )
224         {
225         minf = fixedValue;
226         }
228       if( movingValue > maxm )
229         {
230         maxm = movingValue;
231         }
232       else if( movingValue < minm )
233         {
234         minm = movingValue;
235         }
237       fixedMean += fixedValue;
238       movingMean += movingValue;
240       fixedSamplesA.insert(fixedSamplesA.begin(), (double)fixedValue);
241       fixedGradientsA.insert(fixedGradientsA.begin(), fixedGradient);
242       movingSamplesA.insert(movingSamplesA.begin(), (double)movingValue);
244 //        fixedSamplesB.insert(fixedSamplesB.begin(),(double)fixedValue);
245 //        fixedGradientsB.insert(fixedGradientsB.begin(),fixedGradient);
246 //        movingSamplesB.insert(movingSamplesB.begin(),(double)movingValue);
248       sampct++;
249       }
250     }
252   // Begin random a samples
253   bool getrandasamples = true;
254   if( getrandasamples )
255     {
256     typename FixedImageType::RegionType region = img->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
258     ImageRandomIteratorWithIndex< FixedImageType > randasamit(img, region);
259     unsigned int numberOfSamples = 20;
260     randasamit.SetNumberOfSamples(numberOfSamples);
262     indct = 0;
264     randasamit.GoToBegin();
265     while( !randasamit.IsAtEnd() &&  indct < numberOfSamples )
266       {
267       IndexType index = randasamit.GetIndex();
268       inimage = true;
270       float d = 0.0;
271       for( unsigned int dd = 0; dd < ImageDimension; dd++ )
272         {
273         if( index[dd] < 0 || index[dd] >
274              static_cast< typename IndexType::IndexValueType >( imagesize[dd] - 1 ) )
275           {
276           inimage = false;
277           }
278         d += ( index[dd] - oindex[dd] ) * ( index[dd] - oindex[dd] );
279         }
281       if( inimage )
282         {
283         fixedValue = 0.;
284         movingValue = 0.0;
285         CovariantVectorType fixedGradient;
286         double fgm = 0;
287         // Get fixed image related information
288         fixedValue = (double)this->m_FixedImage->GetPixel(index);
289         fixedGradient = m_FixedImageGradientCalculator->EvaluateAtIndex(index);
291         for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
292           {
293           fgm += fixedGradient[j] * fixedGradient[j];
294           }
295         // Get moving image related information
296         using DeformationPixelType = typename DisplacementFieldType::PixelType;
297         const DeformationPixelType itvec = this->GetDisplacementField()->GetPixel(index);
298         PointType mappedPoint;
299         this->GetFixedImage()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, mappedPoint);
300         for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
301           {
302           mappedPoint[j] += itvec[j];
303           }
304         if( m_MovingImageInterpolator->IsInsideBuffer(mappedPoint) )
305           {
306           movingValue = m_MovingImageInterpolator->Evaluate(mappedPoint);
307           }
308         else
309           {
310           movingValue = 0.0;
311           }
313         //      if ( (fixedValue > 0 || movingValue > 0 || fgm > 0) ||
314         // !filtersamples)
316         if( fixedValue > 0 || movingValue > 0 || fgm > 0 )
317           {
318           fixedMean += fixedValue;
319           movingMean += movingValue;
321           fixedSamplesA.insert(fixedSamplesA.begin(), (double)fixedValue);
322           fixedGradientsA.insert(fixedGradientsA.begin(), fixedGradient);
323           movingSamplesA.insert(movingSamplesA.begin(), (double)movingValue);
324           sampct++;
325           indct++;
326           }
327         }
328       ++randasamit;
329       }
330     }
331   // End random a samples
333   const DisplacementFieldType *const field = this->GetDisplacementField();
335   for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
336     {
337     hradius[j] = 0;
338     }
339   ConstNeighborhoodIterator< DisplacementFieldType >
340   hoodIt( hradius, field, field->GetRequestedRegion() );
341   hoodIt.SetLocation(oindex);
343   // Then get the entropy ( and MI derivative ) related sample
344   for( indct = 0; indct < hoodIt.Size(); indct = indct + 1 )
345     {
346     const IndexType index = hoodIt.GetIndex(indct);
347     inimage = true;
348     float d = 0.0;
349     for( unsigned int dd = 0; dd < ImageDimension; dd++ )
350       {
351       if( index[dd] < 0 || index[dd] >
352            static_cast< typename IndexType::IndexValueType >( imagesize[dd] - 1 ) )
353         {
354         inimage = false;
355         }
356       d += ( index[dd] - oindex[dd] ) * ( index[dd] - oindex[dd] );
357       }
358     if( inimage  && std::sqrt(d) <= 1.0 )
359       {
360       fixedValue = 0.;
361       movingValue = 0.0;
362       CovariantVectorType fixedGradient;
364       // Get fixed image related information
365       fixedValue = (double)this->m_FixedImage->GetPixel(index);
366       fixedGradient = m_FixedImageGradientCalculator->EvaluateAtIndex(index);
368       // Get moving image related information
369       const typename DisplacementFieldType::PixelType hooditvec =
370         this->m_DisplacementField->GetPixel(index);
371       PointType mappedPoint;
372       this->GetFixedImage()->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(index, mappedPoint);
373       for( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
374         {
375         mappedPoint[j] += hooditvec[j];
376         }
377       if ( m_MovingImageInterpolator->IsInsideBuffer(mappedPoint) )
378         {
379         movingValue = m_MovingImageInterpolator->Evaluate(mappedPoint);
380         }
381       else
382         {
383         movingValue = 0.0;
384         }
386       fixedSamplesB.insert(fixedSamplesB.begin(), (double)fixedValue);
387       fixedGradientsB.insert(fixedGradientsB.begin(), fixedGradient);
388       movingSamplesB.insert(movingSamplesB.begin(), (double)movingValue);
389       }
390     }
392   double fsigma = 0.0;
393   double msigma = 0.0;
394   double jointsigma = 0.0;
396   const auto numsamplesB = (double)fixedSamplesB.size();
397   const auto numsamplesA = (double)fixedSamplesA.size();
398   double nsamp = numsamplesB;
399 //  if (maxf == minf && maxm == minm) return update;
400 //    else std::cout << " b samps " << fixedSamplesB.size()
401 //    << " a samps " <<  fixedSamplesA.size() <<
402 //    oindex  << hoodIt.Size() << it.Size() << std::endl;
404   fixedMean /= (double)sampct;
405   movingMean /= (double)sampct;
407   bool mattes = false;
409   for( indct = 0; indct < (unsigned int)numsamplesA; indct++ )
410     {
411     // Get fixed image related information
412     fixedValue = fixedSamplesA[indct];
413     movingValue = movingSamplesA[indct];
415     fsigma += ( fixedValue - fixedMean ) * ( fixedValue - fixedMean );
416     msigma += ( movingValue - movingMean ) * ( movingValue - movingMean );
417     jointsigma += fsigma + msigma;
419     if( mattes )
420       {
421       fixedSamplesA[indct] = fixedSamplesA[indct] - minf;
422       movingSamplesA[indct] = movingSamplesA[indct] - minm;
423       if( indct < numsamplesB )
424         {
425         fixedSamplesB[indct] = fixedSamplesB[indct] - minf;
426         movingSamplesB[indct] = movingSamplesB[indct] - minm;
427         }
428       }
429     }
431   fsigma = std::sqrt(fsigma / numsamplesA);
432   float sigmaw = 0.8;
433   double m_FixedImageStandardDeviation = fsigma * sigmaw;
434   msigma = std::sqrt(msigma / numsamplesA);
435   double m_MovingImageStandardDeviation = msigma * sigmaw;
436   jointsigma = std::sqrt(jointsigma / numsamplesA);
438   if( fsigma < 1.e-7 || msigma < 1.e-7 )
439     {
440     return update;
441     }
443   double       m_MinProbability = 0.0001;
444   double       dLogSumFixed = 0., dLogSumMoving = 0., dLogSumJoint = 0.0;
445   unsigned int bsamples;
446   unsigned int asamples;
448   // the B samples estimate the entropy
449   for ( bsamples = 0; bsamples < (unsigned int)numsamplesB; bsamples++ )
450     {
451     double dDenominatorMoving = m_MinProbability;
452     double dDenominatorJoint = m_MinProbability;
453     double dDenominatorFixed = m_MinProbability;
454     double dSumFixed = m_MinProbability;
456     // Estimate the density
457     for( asamples = 0; asamples < (unsigned int)numsamplesA; asamples++ )
458       {
459       double valueFixed = ( fixedSamplesB[bsamples] - fixedSamplesA[asamples] )
460                           / m_FixedImageStandardDeviation;
461       valueFixed = std::exp(-0.5 * valueFixed * valueFixed);
463       double valueMoving = ( movingSamplesB[bsamples] - movingSamplesA[asamples] )
464                            / m_MovingImageStandardDeviation;
465       valueMoving = std::exp(-0.5 * valueMoving * valueMoving);
467       dDenominatorMoving += valueMoving;
468       dDenominatorFixed += valueFixed;
469       dSumFixed += valueFixed;
471       // Everything above here can be pre-computed only once and stored,
472       // assuming const v.f. in small n-hood
473       dDenominatorJoint += valueMoving * valueFixed;
474       } // end of sample A loop
476     dLogSumFixed -= std::log(dSumFixed);
477     dLogSumMoving -= std::log(dDenominatorMoving);
478     dLogSumJoint -= std::log(dDenominatorJoint);
480     // Estimate the density
481     for( asamples = 0; asamples < (unsigned int)numsamplesA; asamples++ )
482       {
483       double valueFixed = ( fixedSamplesB[bsamples] - fixedSamplesA[asamples] )
484                           / m_FixedImageStandardDeviation;
485       valueFixed = std::exp(-0.5 * valueFixed * valueFixed);
487       double valueMoving = ( movingSamplesB[bsamples] - movingSamplesA[asamples] )
488                            / m_MovingImageStandardDeviation;
489       valueMoving = std::exp(-0.5 * valueMoving * valueMoving);
490       const double weightFixed = valueFixed / dDenominatorFixed;
491       // dDenominatorJoint and weightJoint are what need to be computed each time
492       const double weightJoint = valueMoving * valueFixed / dDenominatorJoint;
494       // Begin where we may switch fixed and moving
495       double weight = ( weightFixed - weightJoint );
496       weight *= ( fixedSamplesB[bsamples] - fixedSamplesA[asamples] );
497       // End where we may switch fixed and moving
499       // This can also be stored away
500       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
501         {
502         derivative[i] += ( fixedGradientsB[bsamples][i] - fixedGradientsA[asamples][i] ) * weight;
503         }
504       } // end of sample A loop
505     }   // end of sample B loop
507   const double threshold = -0.1 *nsamp *std::log(m_MinProbability);
508   if( dLogSumMoving > threshold || dLogSumFixed > threshold
509        || dLogSumJoint > threshold  )
510     {
511     // At least half the samples in B did not occur within
512     // the Parzen window width of samples in A
513     return update;
514     }
516   double value = 0.0;
517   value = dLogSumFixed + dLogSumMoving - dLogSumJoint;
518   value /= nsamp;
519   value += std::log(nsamp);
521   m_MetricTotal += value;
522   this->m_Energy += value;
524   derivative /= nsamp;
525   derivative /= itk::Math::sqr(m_FixedImageStandardDeviation);
527   double updatenorm = 0.0;
528   for( unsigned int tt = 0; tt < ImageDimension; tt++ )
529     {
530     updatenorm += derivative[tt] * derivative[tt];
531     }
532   updatenorm = std::sqrt(updatenorm);
534   if( updatenorm > 1.e-20 && this->GetNormalizeGradient() )
535     {
536     derivative = derivative / updatenorm;
537     }
539   return derivative * this->GetGradientStep();
540 }
542 template< typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage, typename TDisplacementField >
543 void
544 MIRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const545 ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
546 {
547   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
549   os << indent << "TimeStep: " << m_TimeStep << std::endl;
550   os << indent << "FixedImageSpacing: "
551     << static_cast< typename itk::NumericTraits< SpacingType >::PrintType >( m_FixedImageSpacing )
552     << std::endl;
553   os << indent << "FixedImageOrigin: "
554     << static_cast< typename itk::NumericTraits< PointType >::PrintType >( m_FixedImageOrigin )
555     << std::endl;
557   itkPrintSelfObjectMacro( FixedImageGradientCalculator );
558   itkPrintSelfObjectMacro( MovingImageGradientCalculator );
559   itkPrintSelfObjectMacro( MovingImageInterpolator );
561   os << indent << "DenominatorThreshold: " << m_DenominatorThreshold
562     << std::endl;
563   os << indent << "IntensityDifferenceThreshold: "
564     << m_IntensityDifferenceThreshold << std::endl;
565   os << indent << "MetricTotal: " << m_MetricTotal << std::endl;
566   os << indent << "NumberOfSamples: " << m_NumberOfSamples << std::endl;
567   os << indent << "NumberOfBins: " << m_NumberOfBins << std::endl;
568   os << indent << "Minnorm: " << m_Minnorm << std::endl;
570   if( m_DoInverse )
571     {
572     os << indent << "DoInverse: On" << std::endl;
573     }
574   else
575     {
576     os << indent << "DoInverse: Off" << std::endl;
577     }
578 }
579 } // end namespace itk
581 #endif