1 /* uucnfi.h
2    Internal header file for the uuconf package.
4    Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Ian Lance Taylor
6    This file is part of the Taylor UUCP uuconf library.
8    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
10    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
11    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16    Library General Public License for more details.
18    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
19    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
22    The author of the program may be contacted at ian@airs.com.
23    */
25 /* This is the internal header file for the uuconf package.  It should
26    not be included by anything other than the uuconf code itself.  */
28 /* Get all the general definitions.  */
29 #include "uucp.h"
31 /* Get the uuconf header file itself.  */
32 #include "uuconf.h"
34 /* We need the system dependent header file.  */
35 #include "syshdr.h"
37 /* This is the generic information structure.  This holds all the
38    per-thread global information needed by the uuconf code.  The
39    per-process global information is held in an sprocess structure,
40    which this structure points to.  This permits the code to not have
41    any global variables at all.  */
43 struct sglobal
44 {
45   /* A pointer to the per-process global information.  */
46   struct sprocess *qprocess;
47   /* A memory block in which all the memory for these fields is
48      allocated.  */
49   pointer pblock;
50   /* The value of errno after an error.  */
51   int ierrno;
52   /* The filename for which an error occurred.  */
53   const char *zfilename;
54   /* The line number at which an error occurred.  */
55   int ilineno;
56 };
58 /* This is the per-process information structure.  This essentially
59    holds all the global variables used by uuconf.  */
61 struct sprocess
62 {
63   /* The name of the local machine.  This will be NULL if it is not
64      specified in a configuration file.  */
65   const char *zlocalname;
66   /* The spool directory.  */
67   const char *zspooldir;
68   /* The default public directory.  */
69   const char *zpubdir;
70   /* The lock directory.  */
71   const char *zlockdir;
72   /* The log file.  */
73   const char *zlogfile;
74   /* The statistics file.  */
75   const char *zstatsfile;
76   /* The debugging file.  */
77   const char *zdebugfile;
78   /* The default debugging level.  */
79   const char *zdebug;
80   /* Whether login information should be stripped.  */
81   boolean fstrip_login;
82   /* Whether protocol information should be stripped.  */
83   boolean fstrip_proto;
84   /* The maximum number of simultaneously executing uuxqts.  */
85   int cmaxuuxqts;
86   /* How often to spawn a uuxqt process.  */
87   const char *zrunuuxqt;
88   /* Whether we are reading the V2 configuration files.  */
89   boolean fv2;
90   /* Whether we are reading the HDB configuration files.  */
91   boolean fhdb;
92   /* The names of the dialcode files.  */
93   char **pzdialcodefiles;
94   /* Timetables.  These are in pairs.  The first element is the name,
95      the second is the time string.  */
96   char **pztimetables;
98   /* Taylor UUCP config file name.  */
99   char *zconfigfile;
100   /* Taylor UUCP sys file names.  */
101   char **pzsysfiles;
102   /* Taylor UUCP port file names.  */
103   char **pzportfiles;
104   /* Taylor UUCP dial file names.  */
105   char **pzdialfiles;
106   /* Taylor UUCP passwd file names.  */
107   char **pzpwdfiles;
108   /* Taylor UUCP call file names.  */
109   char **pzcallfiles;
110   /* List of "unknown" commands from config file.  */
111   struct sunknown *qunknown;
112   /* Whether the Taylor UUCP system information locations have been
113      read.  */
114   boolean fread_syslocs;
115   /* Taylor UUCP system information locations.  */
116   struct stsysloc *qsyslocs;
117   /* Taylor UUCP validation restrictions.  */
118   struct svalidate *qvalidate;
119   /* Whether the "myname" command is used in a Taylor UUCP file.  */
120   boolean fuses_myname;
122   /* V2 system file name (L.sys).  */
123   char *zv2systems;
124   /* V2 device file name (L-devices).  */
125   char *zv2devices;
126   /* V2 user permissions file name (USERFILE).  */
127   char *zv2userfile;
128   /* V2 user permitted commands file (L.cmds).  */
129   char *zv2cmds;
131   /* HDB system file names (Systems).  */
132   char **pzhdb_systems;
133   /* HDB device file names (Devices).  */
134   char **pzhdb_devices;
135   /* HDB dialer file names (Dialers).  */
136   char **pzhdb_dialers;
137   /* Whether the HDB Permissions file has been read.  */
138   boolean fhdb_read_permissions;
139   /* The HDB Permissions file entries.  */
140   struct shpermissions *qhdb_permissions;
141 };
143 /* This structure is used to hold the "unknown" commands from the
144    Taylor UUCP config file before they have been parsed.  */
146 struct sunknown
147 {
148   /* Next element in linked list.  */
149   struct sunknown *qnext;
150   /* Line number in config file.  */
151   int ilineno;
152   /* Number of arguments.  */
153   int cargs;
154   /* Arguments.  */
155   char **pzargs;
156 };
158 /* This structure is used to hold the locations of systems within the
159    Taylor UUCP sys files.  */
161 struct stsysloc
162 {
163   /* Next element in linked list.  */
164   struct stsysloc *qnext;
165   /* System name.  */
166   const char *zname;
167   /* Whether system is an alias or a real system.  If this is an
168      alias, the real system is the next entry in the linked list which
169      is not an alias.  */
170   boolean falias;
171   /* File name (one of the sys files).  */
172   const char *zfile;
173   /* Open file.  */
174   FILE *e;
175   /* Location within file (from ftell).  */
176   long iloc;
177   /* Line number within file.  */
178   int ilineno;
179 };
181 /* This structure is used to hold validation restrictions.  This is a
182    list of machines which are permitted to use a particular login
183    name.  If a machine logs in, and there is no called login entry for
184    it, the login name and machine name must be passed to
185    uuconf_validate to confirm that either there is no entry for this
186    login name or that the machine name appears on the entry.  */
188 struct svalidate
189 {
190   /* Next element in linked list.  */
191   struct svalidate *qnext;
192   /* Login name.  */
193   const char *zlogname;
194   /* NULL terminated list of machine names.  */
195   char **pzmachines;
196 };
198 /* This structure is used to hold a linked list of HDB Permissions
199    file entries.  */
201 struct shpermissions
202 {
203   /* Next entry in linked list.  */
204   struct shpermissions *qnext;
205   /* NULL terminated array of LOGNAME values.   */
206   char **pzlogname;
207   /* NULL terminated array of MACHINE values.  */
208   char **pzmachine;
209   /* Boolean REQUEST value.  */
210   int frequest;
211   /* Boolean SENDFILES value ("call" is taken as "no").  */
212   int fsendfiles;
213   /* NULL terminated array of READ values.  */
214   char **pzread;
215   /* NULL terminated array of WRITE values.  */
216   char **pzwrite;
217   /* Boolean CALLBACK value.  */
218   int fcallback;
219   /* NULL terminated array of COMMANDS values.  */
220   char **pzcommands;
221   /* NULL terminated array of VALIDATE values.  */
222   char **pzvalidate;
223   /* String MYNAME value.  */
224   char *zmyname;
225   /* String PUBDIR value.  */
226   const char *zpubdir;
227   /* NULL terminated array of ALIAS values.  */
228   char **pzalias;
229 };
231 /* This structure is used to build reentrant uuconf_cmdtab tables.
232    The ioff field is either (size_t) -1 or an offsetof macro.  The
233    table is then copied into a uuconf_cmdtab, except that offsets of
234    (size_t) -1 are converted to pvar elements of NULL, and other
235    offsets are converted to an offset off some base address.  */
237 struct cmdtab_offset
238 {
239   const char *zcmd;
240   int itype;
241   size_t ioff;
242   uuconf_cmdtabfn pifn;
243 };
245 /* A value in a uuconf_system structure which holds the address of
246    this special variable is known to be uninitialized.  */
247 extern char *_uuconf_unset;
249 /* Internal function to read a system from the Taylor UUCP
250    configuration files.  This does not apply the basic defaults.  */
251 extern int _uuconf_itaylor_system_internal P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
252 					      const char *zsystem,
253 					      struct uuconf_system *qsys));
255 /* Read the system locations and validation information from the
256    Taylor UUCP configuration files.  This sets the qsyslocs,
257    qvalidate, and fread_syslocs elements of the global structure.  */
258 extern int _uuconf_iread_locations P((struct sglobal *qglobal));
260 /* Process a command for a port from a Taylor UUCP file.  */
261 extern int _uuconf_iport_cmd P((struct sglobal *qglobal, int argc,
262 				char **argv, struct uuconf_port *qport));
264 /* Process a command for a dialer from a Taylor UUCP file.  */
265 extern int _uuconf_idialer_cmd P((struct sglobal *qglobal, int argc,
266 				  char **argv,
267 				  struct uuconf_dialer *qdialer));
269 /* Process a command for a chat script from a Taylor UUCP file; this
270    is also called for HDB or V2 files, with a made up command.  */
271 extern int _uuconf_ichat_cmd P((struct sglobal *qglobal, int argc,
272 				char **argv, struct uuconf_chat *qchat,
273 				pointer pblock));
275 /* Process a protocol-parameter command from a Taylor UUCP file.  */
276 extern int _uuconf_iadd_proto_param P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
277 				       int argc, char **argv,
278 				       struct uuconf_proto_param **pq,
279 				       pointer pblock));
281 /* Handle a "seven-bit", "reliable", or "half-duplex" command from a
282    Taylor UUCP port or dialer file.  The pvar field should point to
283    the ireliable element of the structure.  */
284 extern int _uuconf_iseven_bit P((pointer pglobal, int argc, char **argv,
285 				 pointer pvar, pointer pinfo));
286 extern int _uuconf_ireliable P((pointer pglobal, int argc, char **argv,
287 				pointer pvar, pointer pinfo));
288 extern int _uuconf_ihalf_duplex P((pointer pglobal, int argc, char **argv,
289 				   pointer pvar, pointer pinfo));
291 /* Internal function to read a system from the V2 configuration files.
292    This does not apply the basic defaults.  */
293 extern int _uuconf_iv2_system_internal P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
294 					  const char *zsystem,
295 					  struct uuconf_system *qsys));
297 /* Internal function to read a system from the HDB configuration
298    files.  This does not apply the basic defaults.  */
299 extern int _uuconf_ihdb_system_internal P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
300 					   const char *zsystem,
301 					   struct uuconf_system *qsys));
303 /* Read the HDB Permissions file.  */
304 extern int _uuconf_ihread_permissions P((struct sglobal *qglobal));
306 /* Initialize the global information structure.  */
307 extern int _uuconf_iinit_global P((struct sglobal **pqglobal));
309 /* Clear system information.  */
310 extern void _uuconf_uclear_system P((struct uuconf_system *qsys));
312 /* Default unset aspects of one system to the contents of another.  */
313 extern int _uuconf_isystem_default P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
314 				      struct uuconf_system *q,
315 				      struct uuconf_system *qdefault,
316 				      boolean faddalternates));
318 /* Put in the basic system defaults.  */
319 extern int _uuconf_isystem_basic_default P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
320 					    struct uuconf_system *qsys));
322 /* Clear port information.  */
323 extern void _uuconf_uclear_port P((struct uuconf_port *qport));
325 /* Clear dialer information.  */
326 extern void _uuconf_uclear_dialer P((struct uuconf_dialer *qdialer));
328 /* Add a timetable.  */
329 extern int _uuconf_itimetable P((pointer pglobal, int argc, char **argv,
330 				 pointer pvar, pointer pinfo));
332 /* Parse a time string.  */
333 extern int _uuconf_itime_parse P((struct sglobal *qglobal, char *ztime,
334 				  long ival, int cretry,
335 				  int (*picmp) P((long, long)),
336 				  struct uuconf_timespan **pqspan,
337 				  pointer pblock));
339 /* A grade comparison function to pass to _uuconf_itime_parse.  */
340 extern int _uuconf_itime_grade_cmp P((long, long));
342 /* Parse a debugging string.  */
344 extern int _uuconf_idebug_cmd P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
345 				 char **pzdebug, int argc,
346 				 char **argv, pointer pblock));
348 /* Add a string to a NULL terminated list of strings.  */
349 extern int _uuconf_iadd_string P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
350 				  char *zadd, boolean fcopy,
351 				  boolean fdupcheck, char ***ppzstrings,
352 				  pointer pblock));
354 /* Parse a string into a boolean value.  */
355 extern int _uuconf_iboolean P((struct sglobal *qglobal, const char *zval,
356 			       int *pi));
358 /* Parse a string into an integer value.  The argument p is either an
359    int * or a long *, according to the argument fint.  */
360 extern int _uuconf_iint P((struct sglobal *qglobal, const char *zval,
361 			   pointer p, boolean fint));
363 /* Turn a cmdtab_offset table into a uuconf_cmdtab table.  */
364 extern void _uuconf_ucmdtab_base P((const struct cmdtab_offset *qoff,
365 				    size_t celes, char *pbase,
366 				    struct uuconf_cmdtab *qset));
368 /* Merge two memory blocks into one.  This cannot fail.  */
369 extern pointer _uuconf_pmalloc_block_merge P((pointer, pointer));
371 /* A wrapper for getline that continues lines if they end in a
372    backslash.  It needs qglobal so that it can increment ilineno
373    correctly.  */
374 extern int _uuconf_getline P((struct sglobal *qglobal,
375 			      char **, size_t *, FILE *));
377 /* Split a string into tokens.  */
378 extern int _uuconf_istrsplit P((char *zline, int bsep,
379 				char ***ppzsplit, size_t *csplit));