1 /*
2  * Special Forms, Control Structures, Evaluator Related Stuff for CLISP
3  * Bruno Haible 1990-2005, 2016-2017
4  * Sam Steingold 1998-2009, 2011
5  * German comments translated into English: Stefan Kain 2002-09-28
6  */
8 #include "lispbibl.c"
10 /* (SYSTEM::%EXIT [errorp]) leaves the system */
11 LISPFUN(exit,seclass_default,0,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
12   var object errorp = STACK_0;
13   final_exitcode = missingp(errorp) ? 0 :
14                    (uint_p(errorp) ? I_to_uint(errorp) : 1);
15   quit();
16 }
18 LISPSPECFORM(eval_when, 1,0,body)
19 { /* (EVAL-WHEN ({situation}) {form}), CLTL p. 69 */
20   var object situations = STACK_1; /* list of situations */
21   /* search symbol EVAL or list (NOT COMPILE) in it: */
22   while (consp(situations)) {
23     var object situation = Car(situations);
24     if (eq(situation,S(eval)) /* symbol EVAL found? */
25         || eq(situation,S(Kexecute)))
26       goto found;
27     if (consp(situation) && eq(Car(situation),S(not))) {
28       situation = Cdr(situation);
29       if (consp(situation) && nullp(Cdr(situation))
30           && (eq(Car(situation),S(compile)) /* list (NOT COMPILE) found? */
31               || eq(Car(situation),S(Kcompile_toplevel))))
32         goto found;
33     }
34     situations = Cdr(situations);
35   }
36   /* symbol EVAL not found */
37   VALUES1(NIL);
38   skipSTACK(2);
39   return;
40  found: { /* symbol EVAL found */
41     var object body = popSTACK();
42     skipSTACK(1);
43     implicit_progn(body,NIL); /* evaluate body */
44   }
45 }
47 LISPSPECFORM(quote, 1,0,nobody)
48 { /* (QUOTE object) == 'object, CLTL p. 86 */
49   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* argument as value */
50 }
52 LISPSPECFORM(function, 1,1,nobody)
53 { /* (FUNCTION funname), CLTL. p. 87
54  either (FUNCTION symbol)
55      or (FUNCTION (LAMBDA . lambdabody))
56      or (FUNCTION name (LAMBDA . lambdabody)) */
57   if (!boundp(STACK_0)) { /* 1 argument */
58     var object name = STACK_1;
59     if (consp(name) && eq(Car(name),S(lambda))) {
60       VALUES1(get_closure(Cdr(name),S(Klambda),false,&aktenv));
61     } else {
62       STACK_1 = check_funname(source_program_error,S(function),STACK_1);
63       var object fun = sym_function(STACK_1,aktenv.fun_env);
64       if (!functionp(fun)) {
65         if (functionmacrop(fun))
66           fun = TheFunctionMacro(fun)->functionmacro_function;
67         else
68           fun = check_fdefinition(STACK_1,S(function));
69       }
70       VALUES1(fun);
71     }
72   } else { /* 2 arguments */
73     STACK_1 = check_funname(source_program_error,S(function),STACK_1);
74     while (!(consp(STACK_0) && eq(Car(STACK_0),S(lambda)))) {
75       pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
77       pushSTACK(STACK_0); pushSTACK(S(function));
78       check_value(source_program_error,
79                   GETTEXT("~S: ~S should be a lambda expression"));
80       STACK_0 = value1;
81     }
82     VALUES1(get_closure(Cdr(STACK_0),STACK_1,false,&aktenv));
83   }
84   skipSTACK(2);
85 }
87 LISPFUNNR(symbol_value,1)
88 { /* (SYMBOL-VALUE symbol), CLTL p. 90 */
89   STACK_0 = check_symbol(STACK_0);
90   value1 = Symbol_value(STACK_0);
91   if (!boundp(value1)) {
92     check_variable_value_replacement(&STACK_0,true); /* sets value1 */
93     if (eq(T,value2)) /* STORE-VALUE */
94       Symbol_value(STACK_0) = value1;
95   }
96   skipSTACK(1); mv_count = 1;
97 }
99 LISPFUNNR(symbol_function,1)
100 { /* (SYMBOL-FUNCTION symbol), CLTL p. 90 */
101   var object symbol = check_symbol(popSTACK());
102   var object val = Symbol_function(symbol);
103   if (!boundp(val))
104     val = check_fdefinition(symbol,S(symbol_function));
105   VALUES1(val);
106 }
108 /* UP: just like GET-FUNNAME-SYMBOL (see init.lisp),
109  except that it does not create the new symbol when there is none yet
110  and does not issue a warning when the SETF symbol is shadowed
111  can trigger GC */
funname_to_symbol(object symbol)112 local maygc object funname_to_symbol (object symbol) {
113   if (!funnamep(symbol))
114     symbol = check_funname_replacement(type_error,TheSubr(subr_self)->name,symbol);
115   if (!symbolp(symbol)) /* (get ... 'SYS::SETF-FUNCTION) */
116     symbol = get(Car(Cdr(symbol)),S(setf_function));
117   return symbol;
118 }
120 LISPFUNNS(fdefinition,1)
121 { /* (FDEFINITION funname), CLTL2 p. 120 */
122   var object symbol = funname_to_symbol(STACK_0);
123   if (!symbolp(symbol))
124     VALUES1(check_fdefinition(STACK_0,TheSubr(subr_self)->name));
125   else {
126     var object val = Symbol_function(symbol);
127     if (!boundp(val))
128       val = check_fdefinition(STACK_0,TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
129     VALUES1(val);
130   }
131   skipSTACK(1);
132 }
134 LISPFUNNR(boundp,1)
135 { /* (BOUNDP symbol), CLTL p. 90 */
136   var object symbol = check_symbol(popSTACK());
137   VALUES_IF(boundp(Symbol_value(symbol)));
138 }
140 LISPFUNNR(fboundp,1)
141 { /* (FBOUNDP symbol), CLTL p. 90, CLTL2 p. 120 */
142   var object symbol = funname_to_symbol(popSTACK());
143   VALUES_IF(symbolp(symbol) && /* should be a symbol */
144             boundp(Symbol_function(symbol)));
145 }
147 LISPFUNNF(special_operator_p,1)
148 { /* (SPECIAL-OPERATOR-P symbol), was (SPECIAL-FORM-P symbol), CLTL p. 91 */
149   var object symbol = check_symbol(popSTACK());
150   var object obj = Symbol_function(symbol);
151   VALUES_IF(fsubrp(obj));
152 }
154 /* UP: Check the body of a SETQ- or PSETQ-form.
155  > caller: Caller (a symbol)
156  > STACK_0: Body
157  < result: true if symbol-macros have to be expanded.
158  can trigger GC */
check_setq_body(object caller)159 local maygc bool check_setq_body (object caller) {
160   pushSTACK(STACK_0); /* save body */
161   while (consp(STACK_0)) {
162     var object sym = check_symbol_non_constant(Car(STACK_0),caller);
163     Car(STACK_0) = sym;
164     if (sym_macrop(sym)) {
165       skipSTACK(1); /* drop body */
166       return true;
167     }
168     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
169     if (atomp(STACK_0)) {
170       if (!nullp(STACK_0))
171         error_dotted_form(STACK_1,TheFsubr(subr_self)->name);
172       /* STACK_0 == SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
173       pushSTACK(STACK_1); pushSTACK(TheFsubr(subr_self)->name);
174       error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: odd number of arguments: ~S"));
175     }
176     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
177   }
178   /* body is finished. */
179   if (!nullp(STACK_0))
180     error_dotted_form(STACK_1,TheFsubr(subr_self)->name);
181   skipSTACK(1); /* drop body */
182   return false;
183 }
185 LISPSPECFORM(setq, 0,0,body)
186 { /* (SETQ {var form}), CLTL p. 91 */
187   if (check_setq_body(S(setq))) {
188     var object form = allocate_cons();
189     Car(form) = S(setf); Cdr(form) = popSTACK(); /* turn SETQ into SETF */
190     eval(form);
191   } else {
192     var object body = popSTACK();
193     if (consp(body)) {
194       do {
195         var object symbol = Car(body); /* variable */
196         body = Cdr(body);
197         pushSTACK(Cdr(body)); /* save remaining list */
198         pushSTACK(symbol); /* save symbol */
199         eval(Car(body)); /* evaluate next form */
200         symbol = popSTACK();
201         value1 = setq(symbol,value1); /* execute assignment */
202         body = popSTACK();
203       } while (consp(body));
204       /* value1 is the last evaluation result. */
205     } else
206       value1 = NIL; /* default value at (SETQ) */
207     mv_count=1;
208   }
209 }
211 LISPSPECFORM(psetq, 0,0,body)
212 { /* (PSETQ {var form}), CLTL p. 92 */
213   if (check_setq_body(S(psetq))) {
214     var object form = allocate_cons();
215     Car(form) = S(psetf); Cdr(form) = popSTACK(); /* turn PSETQ into PSETF */
216     eval(form);
217   } else {
218     var object body = popSTACK();
219     var uintL body_length = llength(body)/2; /* number of pairs (var form) */
220     if (body_length > 0) {
221       get_space_on_STACK(body_length*2*sizeof(gcv_object_t));
222       {
223         var uintL count = body_length;
224         do {
225           pushSTACK(Car(body)); /* push variable on stack */
226           body = Cdr(body);
227           pushSTACK(Cdr(body)); /* remaining list on stack */
228           eval(Car(body)); /* evaluate next form */
229           body = STACK_0;
230           STACK_0 = value1; /* its result in the stack */
231         } while (--count);
232       }
233       {
234         var uintL count = body_length;
235         do {
236           var object val = popSTACK(); /* value */
237           var object sym = popSTACK(); /* symbol */
238           setq(sym,val); /* execute assignment */
239         } while (--count);
240       }
241     }
242     VALUES1(NIL);
243   }
244 }
246 /* (SETF (SYMBOL-VALUE symbol) value) = (SET symbol value), CLTL p. 92 */
247 LISPFUNN(set,2)
248 {
249   var object symbol = check_symbol_non_constant(STACK_1,S(set));
250   VALUES1(Symbol_value(symbol) = STACK_0);
251   skipSTACK(2);
252 }
254 LISPFUNN(makunbound,1)
255 { /* (MAKUNBOUND symbol), CLTL p. 92 */
256   var object symbol = check_symbol_non_constant(popSTACK(),S(makunbound));
257   Symbol_value(symbol) = unbound;
258   VALUES1(symbol);
259 }
261 LISPFUNN(fmakunbound,1)
262 { /* (FMAKUNBOUND symbol), CLTL p. 92, CLTL2 p. 123 */
263   var object symbol = funname_to_symbol(STACK_0);
264   var object funname = popSTACK();
265   if (!symbolp(symbol)) /* should be a symbol */
266       goto undef; /* otherwise undefined */
267   {
268     var object obj = Symbol_function(symbol);
269     if (fsubrp(obj)) {
270       pushSTACK(symbol);
271       pushSTACK(S(fmakunbound));
272       error(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: the special operator definition of ~S must not be removed"));
273     }
274   }
275   { Symbol_function(symbol) = unbound; }
276  undef:
277   VALUES1(funname);
278 }
280 LISPFUN(apply,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
281 { /* (APPLY function {arg} arglist), CLTL p. 107 */
282   rest_args_pointer skipSTACKop 1; /* BEFORE */
283   apply(Before(rest_args_pointer), /* function */
284         argcount, /* number of {arg} on the stack */
285         popSTACK()); /* arglist */
286   skipSTACK(1); /* remove function from the stack */
287 }
289 LISPFUN(funcall,seclass_default,1,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
290 { /* (FUNCALL function {arg}), CLTL p. 108 */
291   funcall(Before(rest_args_pointer),argcount); skipSTACK(1);
292 }
294 LISPSPECFORM(progn, 0,0,body)
295 { /* (PROGN {form}), CLTL p. 109 */
296   implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
297 }
299 /* Macro: Evaluates the forms of a form list.
300  implicit_prog();
301  > -(STACK): form list
302  increases STACK by 1
303  can trigger GC */
304 #define implicit_prog()                               \
305   do { while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {                      \
306     var object forms = STACK_0;                       \
307     STACK_0 = Cdr(forms);                             \
308     eval(Car(forms)); /* evaluate next form */        \
309     }                                                 \
310     skipSTACK(1);                                     \
311   } while(0)
313 LISPSPECFORM(prog1, 1,0,body)
314 { /* (PROG1 form1 {form}), CLTL p. 109 */
315   STACK_1 = (eval(STACK_1),value1); /* evaluate form1, save value */
316   implicit_prog();
317   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* return saved value */
318 }
320 LISPSPECFORM(prog2, 2,0,body)
321 { /* (PROG2 form1 form2 {form}), CLTL p. 109 */
322   eval(STACK_2); /* evaluate form1 */
323   eval(STACK_1); STACK_2 = value1; /* evaluate form2, save value */
324   STACK_1 = STACK_0; skipSTACK(1);
325   implicit_prog();
326   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* return saved value */
327 }
329 /* call parse_dd() and maybe complain about doc-string
330  parse_doc_decl(body);
331  > body: whole Body
332  can trigger GC */
parse_doc_decl(object body,bool permit_doc_string)333 local maygc object parse_doc_decl (object body, bool permit_doc_string) {
334   pushSTACK(NIL);               /* place for (COMPILE name) */
335   pushSTACK(body);
336   STACK_1 = parse_dd(body);
337   if (!permit_doc_string && !nullp(value3)) {
338     pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(value2); pushSTACK(value3); /* save */
339     pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(STACK_(0+3+1));
340     STACK_1 = CLSTEXT("doc-string is not allowed here and will be ignored: ~S");
341     funcall(S(warn),2);
342     value3 = popSTACK(); value2 = popSTACK(); value1 = popSTACK();
343   }
344   skipSTACK(1);
345   return popSTACK();
346 }
348 /* get the 5 environment objects to the stack
349  adds 5 elements to the STACK
350  can trigger GC */
aktenv_to_stack(void)351 local maygc inline void aktenv_to_stack (void) {
352   /* nest current environment, push on STACK */
353   var gcv_environment_t* stack_env = nest_aktenv();
354  #if !defined(STACK_UP)
355   /* and transfer here */
356   var object my_var_env = stack_env->var_env;
357   var object my_fun_env = stack_env->fun_env;
358   var object my_block_env = stack_env->block_env;
359   var object my_go_env = stack_env->go_env;
360   var object my_decl_env = stack_env->decl_env;
361   skipSTACK(5); /* and take away from STACK again */
362   pushSTACK(my_var_env); /* second argument */
363   pushSTACK(my_fun_env); /* third argument */
364   pushSTACK(my_block_env); /* fourth argument */
365   pushSTACK(my_go_env); /* fifth argument */
366   pushSTACK(my_decl_env); /* sixth argument */
367  #endif
368 }
371  Compiles the current form and executes it in compiled state.
372  compile_eval_form()
373  > in STACK: EVAL-frame with the form
374  > closure_name: name or unbound
375  < mv_count/mv_space: Values
376  can trigger GC */
compile_eval_form(object closure_name)377 local maygc Values compile_eval_form (object closure_name)
378 { /* execute (SYS::COMPILE-FORM form venv fenv benv genv denv) :
379      get the whole form from the EVAL-frame in the stack: */
380   var object form = STACK_(frame_form);
381   var gcv_object_t *closure_name_ = /* save closure_name */
382     boundp(closure_name) ? (pushSTACK(closure_name),&STACK_0) : NULL;
383   pushSTACK(form); /* as first argument */
384   aktenv_to_stack();
385   var uintC argcount = 6;
386   if (NULL != closure_name_) {
387     pushSTACK(*closure_name_);
388     argcount = 7;
389   }
390   funcall(S(compile_form),argcount);
391   /* call the freshly compiled closure with 0 arguments: */
392   funcall(value1,0);
393   if (NULL != closure_name_) skipSTACK(1); /* drop closure_name_ */
394 }
396 /* signal a correctable error for a broken LET variable spec
397  can trigger GC */
check_varspec(object varspec,object caller)398 local maygc object check_varspec (object varspec, object caller) {
399   pushSTACK(NIL);     /* no PLACE */
400   pushSTACK(varspec); /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
401   pushSTACK(varspec); pushSTACK(caller);
402   check_value(source_program_error,
403               GETTEXT("~S: illegal variable specification ~S"));
404   return value1;
405 }
407 /* the variables declared special appear on the stack twice:
408    with binding SPECDECL (added when processing declarations)
409    and the actual value (added when processing bindings).
410  here we activate the SPECDECL bindings:
411  Find the SPECDECL binding for the symbol
412  > spec_pointer & spec_count are returned by make_variable_frame()
413  < return the pointer to the flags (or symbol+flags)
414  i.e., something suitable to SET_BIT,
415  or NULL if no such binding is found */
specdecled_(object symbol,gcv_object_t * spec_pointer,uintL spec_count)416 global gcv_object_t* specdecled_ (object symbol, gcv_object_t* spec_pointer,
417                                   uintL spec_count) {
418   spec_pointer = STACKpointable(spec_pointer);
419   do {
420     spec_pointer skipSTACKop -varframe_binding_size;
421     if (
422         #ifdef NO_symbolflags
423          eq(*(spec_pointer STACKop varframe_binding_sym),symbol)
424          && eq(*(spec_pointer STACKop varframe_binding_mark),Fixnum_0)
425         #else
426          eq(*(spec_pointer STACKop varframe_binding_sym),symbol_without_flags(symbol))
427         #endif
428         && eq(*(spec_pointer STACKop varframe_binding_value),specdecl))
429       return spec_pointer STACKop varframe_binding_mark;
430   } while (--spec_count);
431   return NULL;
432 }
435  Analyzes the variables and declarations, builds up a variable binding-
436  frame and extends VENV and possibly also DENV by a frame.
437  make_variable_frame(caller,varspecs,&bind_ptr,&bind_count,&spec_ptr,&spec_count)
438  > object caller: Caller, a symbol
439  > object varspecs: list of variable-specifiers
440  > object value2: list of declaration-specifiers
441  > object value1: list ({form}) of forms
442  < stack layout: variable binding frame, Env-binding-frame, ({form}).
443  < gcv_object_t* bind_ptr: pointer to the first "genuine" binding.
444  < uintC bind_count: number of "genuine" bindings.
445  < gcv_object_t* spec_ptr: pointer to the first SPECDECL binding.
446  < uintC spec_count: number of SPECDECL bindings.
447  changes STACK (STACK_0<-value1=({form}) + bindings requiring 2 unwind calls)
448  can trigger GC */
make_variable_frame(object caller,object varspecs,gcv_object_t ** bind_ptr_,uintC * bind_count_,gcv_object_t ** spec_ptr_,uintC * spec_count_)449 local /*maygc*/ void make_variable_frame
450 (object caller, object varspecs, gcv_object_t** bind_ptr_, uintC* bind_count_,
451  gcv_object_t** spec_ptr_, uintC* spec_count_)
452 {
453   GCTRIGGER4(caller,varspecs,value1,value2);
454   var object declarations = value2;
455   { /* build up variable binding frame: */
456     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
457     /* First. store the special-declared and impdependent-declared
458        variables from declarations in the stack: */
459     var gcv_object_t* spec_pointer = args_end_pointer;
460     var uintL spec_count = 0; /* number of SPECIAL-references */
461     {
462       var object declspecs = declarations;
463       while (consp(declspecs)) {
464         var object declspec = Car(declspecs); /* next declaration */
465         if (consp(declspec)) {
466           var object decl_identifier = Car(declspec);
467           if (eq(decl_identifier,S(special)) || eq(decl_identifier,S(implementation_dependent))) { /* (SPECIAL ) or (SYS::IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT ) */
468             while (consp( declspec = Cdr(declspec) )) {
469               var object declsym = Car(declspec); /* next declared item */
470               if (!symbolp(declsym)) { /* should be a symbol */
471                 pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(value2);          /* save */
472                 pushSTACK(caller); pushSTACK(varspecs);        /* save */
473                 pushSTACK(declarations); pushSTACK(declspecs); /* save */
474                 pushSTACK(decl_identifier);                    /* save */
475                 pushSTACK(declspec);                           /* save */
476                 declsym = check_symbol_in_declaration(declsym,Car(declspec),caller);
477                 declspec = popSTACK();                             /* restore */
478                 Car(declspec) = declsym;
479                 decl_identifier = popSTACK();                      /* restore */
480                 declspecs = popSTACK(); declarations = popSTACK(); /* restore */
481                 varspecs = popSTACK(); caller = popSTACK();        /* restore */
482                 value2 = popSTACK(); value1 = popSTACK();          /* restore */
483               }
484               if (eq(decl_identifier,S(special))) {
485                 /* store special-declared symbol in stack: */
486                 pushSTACK(specdecl); /* #<SPECDECL> as "value" */
487                 pushSTACK_symbolwithflags(declsym,0); /* Symbol inactive */
488                #if defined(MULTITHREAD)
489                 /* this is locally declared special variable. make it per thread
490                    if not already.*/
491                 if (TheSymbol(declsym)->tls_index == SYMBOL_TLS_INDEX_NONE) {
492                   /* this call is may gc now */
493                   pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(value2);            /* save */
494                   pushSTACK(caller); pushSTACK(varspecs);          /* save */
495                   pushSTACK(declarations); pushSTACK(declspecs);   /* save */
496                   pushSTACK(decl_identifier); pushSTACK(declspec); /* save */
497                   add_per_thread_special_var(declsym);
498                   declspec = popSTACK(); decl_identifier = popSTACK(); /* restore */
499                   declspecs = popSTACK(); declarations = popSTACK();   /* restore */
500                   varspecs = popSTACK(); caller = popSTACK();          /* restore */
501                   value2 = popSTACK(); value1 = popSTACK();            /* restore */
502                 }
503                #endif
504               } else if (eq(decl_identifier,S(implementation_dependent))) {
505                 /* store impdependent-declared symbol in stack: */
506                 pushSTACK(impdependent); /* #<IMPLEMENTATION-DEPENDENT> as "value" */
507                 pushSTACK_symbolwithflags(declsym,wbit(active_bit_o)); /* Symbol active */
508               }
509               check_STACK();
510               spec_count++;
511             }
512           }
513         }
514         declspecs = Cdr(declspecs);
515       }
516       *spec_count_ = spec_count;
517       *spec_ptr_ = spec_pointer;
518     }
519     *bind_ptr_ = args_end_pointer; /* pointer to first "genuine" binding */
520     { /* Then store the "genuine" variable bindings (the variable
521          and its unevaluated init at a time) in the stack: */
522       var uintL var_count = 0; /* number of variable bindings */
523       {
524         while (consp(varspecs)) {
525           var object varspec = Car(varspecs); /* next varspec */
526           /* split up in symbol and init: */
527           var object symbol;
528           var object init;
529          retry_check_varspec:
530           if (symbolp(varspec) && !eq(caller,S(symbol_macrolet))) {
531             symbol = varspec; init = unbound;
532           } else if /* one-/two-element list, with symbol as CAR ? */
533             (consp(varspec)
534              && !eq(caller, S(multiple_value_bind))
535              && (symbol = Car(varspec), varspec = Cdr(varspec),
536                  symbolp(symbol)
537                  && ( /* two elements? */
538                      (consp(varspec) && nullp(Cdr(varspec))
539                       && (init = Car(varspec), true))
540                      || /* one-element (allowed at LET, LET* according to X3J13 vote <182> ) */
541                      (nullp(varspec) && !eq(caller,S(symbol_macrolet))
542                       && (init = NIL, true))))) {
543             /* now init = Car(varspec) or = NIL */
544           } else {
545             pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(value2);         /* save */
546             pushSTACK(caller); pushSTACK(declarations);   /* save */
547             pushSTACK(varspecs); /* save */
548             varspec = check_varspec(Car(varspecs),caller);
549             varspecs = popSTACK(); Car(varspecs) = varspec; /* restore */
550             declarations = popSTACK(); caller = popSTACK(); /* restore */
551             value2 = popSTACK(); value1 = popSTACK();       /* restore */
552             goto retry_check_varspec;
553           }
554           pushSTACK(init); /* init and */
555           pushSTACK_symbolwithflags(symbol,0); /* store variable */
556           check_STACK();
557           /* determine, if static or dynamic binding: */
558           var bool specdecled = /* variable is declared special? */
559             (specdecled_p(symbol,spec_pointer,spec_count) != NULL);
560           if (eq(caller,S(symbol_macrolet))) {
561             if (special_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))) {
562               pushSTACK(symbol);
563               pushSTACK(caller);
564               error(program_error,GETTEXT("~S: symbol ~S has been declared SPECIAL and may not be re-defined as a SYMBOL-MACRO"));
565             }
566             if (specdecled) {
567               pushSTACK(symbol); /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
568               pushSTACK(symbol); pushSTACK(caller);
569               error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: symbol ~S must not be declared SPECIAL and defined a SYMBOL-MACRO at the same time"));
570             }
571             /* static binding */
572           } else {
573             if (constant_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))) {
574               pushSTACK(value1); pushSTACK(value2);   /* save */
575               pushSTACK(caller); pushSTACK(varspecs); /* save */
576               pushSTACK(declarations);
577               symbol = check_symbol_non_constant(symbol,caller);
578               declarations = popSTACK(); varspecs = popSTACK(); /* restore */
579               caller = popSTACK();
580               value2 = popSTACK(); value1 = popSTACK();         /* restore */
581               ASSERT(!constant_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol)));
582               STACK_(varframe_binding_sym) = symbol;
583             }
584             if (specdecled || special_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))) {
585               /* bind dynamically */
586               #if (varframe_binding_mark == varframe_binding_sym)
587               STACK_(varframe_binding_mark) = SET_BIT(symbol,dynam_bit_o);
588               #else
589               STACK_(varframe_binding_mark) = SET_BIT(Fixnum_0,dynam_bit_o);
590               #endif
591             } else {
592               /* bind statically */
593             }
594           }
595           varspecs = Cdr(varspecs);
596           var_count++;
597         }
598       }
599       *bind_count_ = var_count;
600       var_count += spec_count; /* total number of symbol/value pairs */
601       if (var_count > (uintC)(~(uintC)0)) { /* does it fit into a uintC ? */
602         pushSTACK(unbound);     /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
603         pushSTACK(caller);
604         error(source_program_error,
605               GETTEXT("~S: too many variables and/or declarations"));
606       }
607       pushSTACK(aktenv.var_env); /* current VAR_ENV as NEXT_ENV */
608       pushSTACK(fake_gcv_object(var_count)); /* number of bindings */
609       finish_frame(VAR);
610     }
611   }
612   /* The variable binding frame is now finished. */
613   var gcv_object_t* var_frame_ptr = STACK; /* pointer to variable binding frame */
614   { /* build up VENV binding frame: */
615     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
616     /* first extend DENV by the necessary declspecs: */
617     var object denv = aktenv.decl_env;
618     pushSTACK(value1); /* save ({form}) */
619     pushSTACK(declarations);
620     while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
621       var object declspecs = STACK_0;
622       STACK_0 = Cdr(declspecs);
623       var object declspec = Car(declspecs); /* next Declspec */
624       if (consp(declspec)) { /* should be a cons */
625         if (!eq(Car(declspec),S(special))) /* we have treated (SPECIAL ...) already */
626           denv = augment_decl_env(declspec,denv); /* process everything else */
627       }
628     }
629     skipSTACK(1);
630     var object forms = popSTACK();
631     /* now build the frame: */
632     if (eq(denv,aktenv.decl_env)) {
633       pushSTACK(aktenv.var_env);
634       finish_frame(ENV1V);
635     } else {
636       pushSTACK(aktenv.decl_env);
637       pushSTACK(aktenv.var_env);
638       finish_frame(ENV2VD);
639       aktenv.decl_env = denv;
640     }
641     /* VENV-binding frame is finished. */
642     aktenv.var_env = make_framepointer(var_frame_ptr); /* pointer to variable binding frame */
643     pushSTACK(forms);
644   }
645 }
647 /* activate the bindings created by make_variable_frame()
648  > frame_pointer, count: values returned from make_variable_frame()
649  count must be positive */
activate_bindings(gcv_object_t * frame_pointer,uintC count)650 local void activate_bindings (gcv_object_t* frame_pointer, uintC count) {
651   do {
652     frame_pointer skipSTACKop -varframe_binding_size;
653     var gcv_object_t* markptr = &Before(frame_pointer);
654     if (as_oint(*markptr) & wbit(dynam_bit_o)) { /* binding dynamic? */
655       var object symbol = *(markptr STACKop varframe_binding_sym); /* variable */
656       var object newval = *(markptr STACKop varframe_binding_value); /* new value */
657       *(markptr STACKop varframe_binding_value) = Symbolflagged_value(symbol); /* save old value in frame */
658       Symbolflagged_value(symbol) = newval; /* new value */
659     }
660     *markptr = SET_BIT(*markptr,active_bit_o); /* activate binding */
661   } while (--count);
662 }
663 /* activate all SPECDECL declarations */
activate_specdecls(gcv_object_t * spec_ptr,uintC spec_count)664 global void activate_specdecls (gcv_object_t* spec_ptr, uintC spec_count) {
665   do {
666     spec_ptr skipSTACKop -varframe_binding_size;
667     var gcv_object_t* markptr = &Before(spec_ptr);
668     *markptr = SET_BIT(*markptr,active_bit_o); /* activate binding */
669   } while (--spec_count);
670 }
672 LISPSPECFORM(let, 1,0,body)
673 { /* (LET ({varspec}) {decl} {form}), CLTL p. 110 */
674   /* separate {decl} {form}: */
675   var object compile_name = parse_doc_decl(STACK_0,false);
676   if (!eq(Fixnum_0,compile_name)) { /* declaration (COMPILE) ? */
677     /* yes -> compile form: */
678     skipSTACK(2); return_Values compile_eval_form(compile_name);
679   } else {
680     skipSTACK(1);
681     /* build variable binding frame, extend VAR_ENV : */
682     var gcv_object_t *bind_ptr, *spec_ptr;
683     var uintC bind_count, spec_count;
684     make_variable_frame(S(let),popSTACK(),&bind_ptr,&bind_count,
685                         &spec_ptr,&spec_count);
686     if (bind_count > 0) {
687       { /* Then, evaluate the initialization forms: */
688         var gcv_object_t* frame_pointer = bind_ptr;
689         var uintC count = bind_count;
690         do {
691           var gcv_object_t* initptr = &NEXT(frame_pointer);
692           var object init = *initptr; /* next init */
693           *initptr = (!boundp(init) ? NIL : (eval(init),value1)); /* evaluate, NIL as default */
694           frame_pointer skipSTACKop -(varframe_binding_size-1);
695         } while (--count);
696       }
697       activate_bindings(bind_ptr,bind_count);
698     }
699     if (spec_count > 0) activate_specdecls(spec_ptr,spec_count);
700     /* interpret body: */
701     implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
702     /* unwind frames: */
703     unwind(); /* unwind VENV binding frame */
704     unwind(); /* unwind variable binding frame */
705   }
706 }
708 LISPSPECFORM(letstar, 1,0,body)
709 { /* (LET* ({varspec}) {decl} {form}), CLTL p. 111 */
710   /* separate {decl} {form} : */
711   var object compile_name = parse_doc_decl(STACK_0,false);
712   if (!eq(Fixnum_0,compile_name)) { /* declaration (COMPILE) ? */
713     /* yes -> compile form: */
714     skipSTACK(2); return_Values compile_eval_form(compile_name);
715   } else {
716     skipSTACK(1);
717     /* build variable binding frame, extend VAR_ENV : */
718     var gcv_object_t *bind_ptr, *spec_ptr;
719     var uintC bind_count, spec_count;
720     make_variable_frame(S(letstar),popSTACK(),&bind_ptr,&bind_count,
721                         &spec_ptr,&spec_count);
722     /* Then, evaluate the initialization forms and activate the bindings */
723     if (bind_count > 0) {
724       var gcv_object_t* frame_pointer = bind_ptr;
725       var uintC count = bind_count;
726       do {
727         var gcv_object_t* initptr = &Next(frame_pointer);
728         frame_pointer skipSTACKop -varframe_binding_size;
729         var gcv_object_t* markptr = &Before(frame_pointer);
730         var object init = *initptr; /* next init */
731         var object newval = (!boundp(init) ? NIL : (eval(init),value1)); /* evaluate, NIL as default */
732         if (as_oint(*markptr) & wbit(dynam_bit_o)) { /* binding dynamic? */
733           var object symbol = *(markptr STACKop varframe_binding_sym); /* variable */
734           *initptr = Symbolflagged_value(symbol); /* save old value in frame */
735           Symbolflagged_value(symbol) = newval; /* new value */
736           activate_specdecl(symbol,spec_ptr,spec_count);
737         } else {
738           *initptr = newval; /* new value into the frame */
739         }
740         *markptr = SET_BIT(*markptr,active_bit_o); /* activate binding */
741       } while (--count);
742     }
743     if (spec_count > 0) activate_specdecls(spec_ptr,spec_count);
744     /* interpret body: */
745     implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
746     /* unwind frames: */
747     unwind(); /* unwind VENV-binding frame */
748     unwind(); /* unwind variable binding frame */
749   }
750 }
752 /* call make_variable_frame + activate_bindings + activate_specdecls
753  Analyzes the variables and declarations, builds up a variable binding-
754  frame and extends VENV and poss. also DENV by a frame.
755  make_vframe_activate(void)
756  call it after parse_doc_decl, then the inputs are correct:
757  > object value2: list of declaration-specifiers
758  > object value1: list ({form}) of forms
759  changes STACK (STACK_0<-value1=({form}) + 2 bindings requiring 2 unwind calls)
760  can trigger GC */
make_vframe_activate(void)761 local /*maygc*/ void make_vframe_activate (void) {
762   GCTRIGGER2(value1,value2);
763   var gcv_object_t *bind_ptr, *spec_ptr;
764   var uintC bind_count, spec_count;
765   make_variable_frame(TheFsubr(subr_self)->name,NIL,&bind_ptr,&bind_count,
766                       &spec_ptr,&spec_count);
767   if (bind_count) activate_bindings(bind_ptr,bind_count);
768   if (spec_count) activate_specdecls(spec_ptr,spec_count);
769 }
771 LISPSPECFORM(locally, 0,0,body)
772 { /* (LOCALLY {decl} {form}), CLTL2 p. 221 */
773   /* separate {decl} {form} : */
774   var object compile_name = parse_doc_decl(STACK_0,false);
775   skipSTACK(1);
776   if (!eq(Fixnum_0,compile_name)) { /* declaration (COMPILE) ? */
777     /* yes -> compile form: */
778     return_Values compile_eval_form(compile_name);
779   } else { /* build variable binding frame, extend VAR_ENV : */
780     make_vframe_activate();
781     /* interpret body: */
782     implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
783     /* unwind frames: */
784     unwind(); /* unwind VENV-binding frame */
785     unwind(); /* unwind variable binding frame */
786   }
787 }
789 LISPSPECFORM(compiler_let, 1,0,body)
790 { /* (COMPILER-LET ({varspec}) {form}), CLTL p. 112 */
791   var gcv_object_t* varspecs_ = &STACK_1;
792   var object varspecs = *varspecs_; /* list of variables */
793   var uintL varcount = llength(varspecs); /* number of variables */
794   get_space_on_STACK(varcount*3*sizeof(gcv_object_t));
795   /* evaluate varspecs: */
796   var gcv_object_t* val_pointer = args_end_pointer; /* pointer to values */
797   while (consp(varspecs)) {
798     var object varspec = Car(varspecs);
799     var object symbol;
800    retry_check_varspec:
801     if (consp(varspec)) { /* varspec is a Cons */
802       pushSTACK(varspec); pushSTACK(varspecs); /* save */
803       symbol = check_symbol_non_constant(Car(varspec),S(compiler_let));
804       varspecs = popSTACK(); varspec = popSTACK(); /* restore */
805       varspec = Cdr(varspec);
806       if (consp(varspec) && nullp(Cdr(varspec))) {
807         varspec = Car(varspec); /* Initform = second list element */
808       } else if (nullp(varspec)) { /* allowed by X3J13 vote <182> */
809         /* varspec = NIL; */ /* Initform = NIL */
810       } else {
811         pushSTACK(varspecs); /* save */
812         varspec = check_varspec(Car(varspecs),S(compiler_let));
813         varspecs = popSTACK(); Car(varspecs) = varspec; /* restore */
814         goto retry_check_varspec;
815       }
816       pushSTACK(Cdr(varspecs));
817       eval_noenv(varspec); /* evaluate initform */
818       varspecs = STACK_0;
819       STACK_0 = value1; /* and into the stack */
820     } else {
821       pushSTACK(varspecs); /* save */
822       symbol = check_symbol_non_constant(varspec,S(compiler_let));
823       varspecs = popSTACK(); /* restore */
824       pushSTACK(NIL); /* NIL as value into the stack */
825       varspecs = Cdr(varspecs);
826     }
827   }
828   varspecs = *varspecs_;
829   { /* build Frame: */
830     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
831     while (consp(varspecs)) {
832       var object varspec = Car(varspecs);
833       if (consp(varspec))
834           varspec = Car(varspec);
835       pushSTACK(Symbol_thread_value(varspec)); /* old value of the variables */
836       pushSTACK(varspec); /* variable */
837       varspecs = Cdr(varspecs);
838     }
839     finish_frame(DYNBIND);
840   }
841   /* frame finished, now change the values of the variables: */
842   varspecs = *varspecs_;
843   {
844     var gcv_object_t* valptr = val_pointer;
845     while (consp(varspecs)) {
846       var object varspec = Car(varspecs);
847       if (consp(varspec))
848         varspec = Car(varspec);
849       Symbol_thread_value(varspec) = NEXT(valptr); /* assign new value to the variables */
850         varspecs = Cdr(varspecs);
851     }
852   }
853   /* now evaluate the forms: */
854   implicit_progn(*(varspecs_ STACKop -1),NIL);
855   /* unwind binding frame: */
856   unwind();
857   /* clean up stack: */
858   set_args_end_pointer(val_pointer);
859   skipSTACK(2);
860 }
862 LISPSPECFORM(progv, 2,0,body)
863 { /* (PROGV symbollist valuelist {form}), CLTL p. 112 */
864   STACK_2 = (eval(STACK_2),value1); /* evaluate symbol list */
865   var object valuelist = (eval(STACK_1),value1); /* evaluate value list */
866   var object varlist = STACK_2;
867   STACK_2 = STACK_0; /* save body */
868   skipSTACK(2);
869   var gcv_object_t *body_ = &STACK_0;
870   progv(varlist,valuelist); /* build frame */
871   implicit_progn(*body_,NIL); /* evaluate body */
872   unwind(); /* unwind frame */
873   skipSTACK(1); /* drop body */
874 }
876 /* error-message at FLET/LABELS, if there is no function specification.
877  > caller: Caller, a symbol
878  > obj: erroneous function specification */
error_funspec(object caller,object obj)879 local _Noreturn void error_funspec (object caller, object obj) {
880   pushSTACK(obj);               /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
881   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(caller);
882   error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a function specification"));
883 }
885 /* UP: Finishes a FLET/MACROLET.
886  finish_flet(top_of_frame,body,ignore_declarations);
887  > stack layout: [top_of_frame] def1 name1 ... defn namen [STACK]
888  > top_of_frame: pointer to frame
889  > body: list of forms
890  > accept_declarations: flag: if true, declarations are respected
891      (for FLET & MACROLET), otherwise C_declare barfs (for FUNCTION-MACRO-LET)
892  < mv_count/mv_space: values
893  can trigger GC */
finish_flet(gcv_object_t * top_of_frame,object body,bool accept_declarations)894 local maygc Values finish_flet (gcv_object_t* top_of_frame, object body,
895                                 bool accept_declarations) {
896   {
897     var uintL bindcount = /* number of bindings */
898       STACK_item_count(STACK,top_of_frame) / 2;
899     pushSTACK(aktenv.fun_env); /* current FUN_ENV as NEXT_ENV */
900     pushSTACK(fake_gcv_object(bindcount));
901     finish_frame(FUN);
902   }
903   /* function binding frame is finished.
904      build FENV-binding frame: */
905   {
906     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
907     pushSTACK(aktenv.fun_env);
908     finish_frame(ENV1F);
909     /* FENV-binding frame is finished.
910        extend FUN_ENV:
911        top_of_frame = pointer to the function binding frame */
912     aktenv.fun_env = make_framepointer(top_of_frame);
913   }
914   /* allow declarations, as per ANSI CL */
915   if (accept_declarations) {
916     parse_doc_decl(body,false); /* ignore to_compile */
917     make_vframe_activate();
918     body = popSTACK();
919   }
920   /* execute forms: */
921   implicit_progn(body,NIL);
922   if (accept_declarations) {
923     unwind(); /* unwind VENV-binding frame */
924     unwind(); /* unwind variable binding frame */
925   }
926   unwind(); /* unwind FENV binding frame */
927   unwind(); /* unwind function binding frame */
928 }
930 LISPSPECFORM(flet, 1,0,body)
931 { /* (FLET ({funspec}) {form}), CLTL p. 113 */
932   var object body = popSTACK(); /* ({form}) */
933   var object funspecs = popSTACK(); /* ({funspec}) */
934   /* build function binding frame: */
935   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
936   while (consp(funspecs)) {
937     pushSTACK(body); /* save form list */
938     pushSTACK(Cdr(funspecs)); /* remaining funspecs */
939     funspecs = Car(funspecs); /* next funspec = (name . lambdabody) */
940     /* should be a cons, whose CAR is a symbol and whose CDR is a cons: */
941     if (!consp(funspecs)) {
942      error_spec:
943       error_funspec(S(flet),funspecs);
944     }
945     var object name = Car(funspecs);
946     if (!funnamep(name)) {
947       pushSTACK(funspecs);
948       name = check_funname_replacement(source_program_error,S(flet),name);
949       funspecs = popSTACK();
950     }
951     var object lambdabody = Cdr(funspecs);
952     if (!consp(lambdabody))
953       goto error_spec;
954     pushSTACK(name); /* save name */
955     /* turn lambdabody into a closure: */
956     var object fun = get_closure(lambdabody,name,true,&aktenv);
957     name = popSTACK();
958     funspecs = popSTACK(); /* remaining funspecs */
959     body = popSTACK();
960     /* into the frame: */
961     pushSTACK(fun); /* as "value" the closure */
962     pushSTACK(name); /* name, binding is automatically active */
963   }
964   return_Values finish_flet(top_of_frame,body,true);
965 }
967 LISPSPECFORM(labels, 1,0,body)
968 { /* (LABELS ({funspec}) {form}), CLTL p. 113 */
969   /* We can dispense with the construction of a function binding frame,
970      because when creating the first closure, the environment is nested anyway
971      and thereby this function binding frame would be written into a vector.
972      nest the current FUN_ENV: */
973   pushSTACK(nest_fun(aktenv.fun_env));
974   /* determine the number of funspecs and test the syntax: */
975   var uintL veclength = 1; /* = 2 * (number of funspecs) + 1 */
976   {
977     pushSTACK(STACK_(1+1)); /* funspecs */
978     while (consp(STACK_0)) {
979       var object funspec = Car(STACK_0);
980       /* should be a cons, whose CAR is a symbol and whose CDR is a cons: */
981       if (!consp(funspec)) {
982        error_spec:
983         error_funspec(S(labels),funspec);
984       }
985       var object name = Car(funspec);
986       if (!funnamep(name)) {
987         pushSTACK(funspec);
988         name = check_funname_replacement(source_program_error,S(labels),name);
989         funspec = popSTACK();
990       }
991       var object lambdabody = Cdr(funspec);
992       if (!consp(lambdabody))
993         goto error_spec;
994       STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
995       veclength += 2;
996     }
997     skipSTACK(1); /* funspecs */
998   }
999   /* allocate vector of suitable length and store the names: */
1000   var object vec = allocate_vector(veclength);
1001   {
1002     var gcv_object_t* ptr = &TheSvector(vec)->data[0];
1003     var object funspecs = STACK_(1+1);
1004     while (consp(funspecs)) {
1005       *ptr++ = Car(Car(funspecs)); /* next name */
1006       ptr++; /* function remains NIL for the time being */
1007       funspecs = Cdr(funspecs);
1008     }
1009     *ptr++ = popSTACK(); /* nested FUN_ENV as last vector-element */
1010   }
1011   var object body = popSTACK(); /* form list */
1012   var object funspecs = popSTACK();
1013   { /* build FENV binding frame: */
1014     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1015     pushSTACK(aktenv.fun_env);
1016     finish_frame(ENV1F);
1017   }
1018   /* extend FUN_ENV: */
1019   aktenv.fun_env = vec;
1020   /* create closures and put into the vector: */
1021   pushSTACK(body);
1022   pushSTACK(vec);
1023   {
1024     var uintL index = 1; /* index into the vector */
1025     while (consp(funspecs)) {
1026       pushSTACK(Cdr(funspecs)); /* remaining funspecs */
1027       var object funspec = Car(funspecs);
1028       /* create closure: */
1029       var object fun = get_closure(Cdr(funspec),Car(funspec),true,&aktenv);
1030       funspecs = popSTACK();
1031       TheSvector(STACK_0)->data[index] = fun; /* put into the vector */
1032       index += 2;
1033     }
1034   }
1035   skipSTACK(1); /* forget vector */
1036   /* allow declarations, as per ANSI CL */
1037   parse_doc_decl(popSTACK(),false); /* ignore to_compile */
1038   make_vframe_activate();
1039   /* execute forms: */
1040   implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
1041   unwind(); /* unwind VENV-binding frame */
1042   unwind(); /* unwind variable binding frame */
1043   unwind(); /* unwind FENV binding frame */
1044 }
1046 LISPSPECFORM(macrolet, 1,0,body)
1047 { /* (MACROLET ({macrodef}) {form}), CLTL p. 113 */
1048   var object body = popSTACK(); /* ({form}) */
1049   var object macrodefs = popSTACK(); /* ({macrodef}) */
1050   /* build macrobinding frame: */
1051   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1052   while (consp(macrodefs)) {
1053     pushSTACK(body); /* save form list */
1054     pushSTACK(Cdr(macrodefs)); /* remaining macrodefs */
1055     macrodefs = Car(macrodefs); /* next macrodef = (name . lambdabody) */
1056     /* should be a cons, whose CAR is a symbol and whose CDR is a cons: */
1057     if (!consp(macrodefs)) {
1058      error_spec:
1059       pushSTACK(macrodefs);     /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1060       pushSTACK(macrodefs); pushSTACK(S(macrolet));
1061       error(source_program_error,
1062             GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a macro specification"));
1063     }
1064     var object name = Car(macrodefs);
1065     if (!symbolp(name)) {
1066       pushSTACK(name);          /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1067       pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(S(macrolet));
1068       error(source_program_error,
1069             GETTEXT("~S: macro name ~S should be a symbol"));
1070     }
1071     if (!mconsp(Cdr(macrodefs)))
1072       goto error_spec;
1073     pushSTACK(name); /* save */
1074     /* build macro-expander: (SYSTEM::MAKE-MACRO-EXPANDER macrodef nil env) */
1075     pushSTACK(macrodefs);
1076     pushSTACK(NIL);
1077     {
1078       aktenv_to_stack();
1079       { /* Add a MACROLET cons to the venv part of env: */
1080         var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1081         Car(new_cons) = S(macrolet); Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_4;
1082         STACK_4 = new_cons;
1083       }
1084       { /* Add a MACROLET cons to the fenv part of env: */
1085         var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1086         Car(new_cons) = S(macrolet); Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_3;
1087         STACK_3 = new_cons;
1088       }
1089       var object vec = vectorof(5);
1090       pushSTACK(vec);
1091     }
1092     funcall(S(make_macro_expander),3);
1093     name = popSTACK();
1094     macrodefs = popSTACK(); /* remaining macrodefs */
1095     body = popSTACK();
1096     /* into the frame: */
1097     pushSTACK(value1); /* as "value" the cons with the expander */
1098     pushSTACK(name); /* name, binding is automatically active */
1099   }
1100   return_Values finish_flet(top_of_frame,body,true);
1101 }
1103 LISPSPECFORM(function_macro_let, 1,0,body)
1104 { /* (SYSTEM::FUNCTION-MACRO-LET ({(name fun-lambdabody macro-full-lambdabody)})
1105         {form})
1106  is similar to FLET, except that alternative macro definitions
1107  are provided for every function. */
1108   var object body = popSTACK(); /* ({form}) */
1109   var object funmacspecs = popSTACK(); /* {(name fun-lambdabody macro-full-lambdabody)} */
1110   /* build FunctionMacro bindings frame : */
1111   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1112   while (consp(funmacspecs)) {
1113     pushSTACK(body); /* save form list */
1114     pushSTACK(Cdr(funmacspecs)); /* remaining funmacspecs */
1115     funmacspecs = Car(funmacspecs);
1116     /* next (name fun-lambdabody macro-lambdabody) should be
1117        a list of length 3, whose CAR is a symbol
1118        and whose further list elements are conses: */
1119     if (!consp(funmacspecs)) {
1120      error_spec:
1121       pushSTACK(funmacspecs);   /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1122       pushSTACK(funmacspecs); pushSTACK(S(function_macro_let));
1123       error(source_program_error,
1124             GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a function and macro specification"));
1125     }
1126     var object name = Car(funmacspecs);
1127     if (!symbolp(name)) {
1128       pushSTACK(name);          /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1129       pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(S(function_macro_let));
1130       error(source_program_error,
1131             GETTEXT("~S: function and macro name ~S should be a symbol"));
1132     }
1133     if (!(mconsp(Cdr(funmacspecs)) && mconsp(Car(Cdr(funmacspecs)))
1134           && mconsp(Cdr(Cdr(funmacspecs)))
1135           && mconsp(Car(Cdr(Cdr(funmacspecs))))
1136           && nullp(Cdr(Cdr(Cdr(funmacspecs))))))
1137       goto error_spec;
1138     pushSTACK(name); /* save name */
1139     pushSTACK(Car(Cdr(funmacspecs))); /* fun-lambdabody */
1140     pushSTACK(Car(Cdr(Cdr(funmacspecs)))); /* macro-full-lambdabody */
1141     /* turn fun-lambdabody into a closure: */
1142     STACK_1 = get_closure(STACK_1,name,false,&aktenv);
1143     { /* build macro-expander:
1144          (SYSTEM::MAKE-FUNMACRO-EXPANDER name macro-full-lambdabody) */
1145       pushSTACK(STACK_2); pushSTACK(STACK_(0+1)); funcall(S(make_funmacro_expander),2);
1146       pushSTACK(value1); C_macro_expander();
1147       STACK_0 = value1;
1148     }
1149     /* collect both: */
1150     C_make_function_macro();
1151     name = popSTACK();
1152     funmacspecs = popSTACK(); /* remaining funmacspecs */
1153     body = popSTACK();
1154     /* into the Frame: */
1155     pushSTACK(value1); /* as "value" the FunctionMacro */
1156     pushSTACK(name); /* name, binding is automatically active */
1157   }
1158   return_Values finish_flet(top_of_frame,body,false);
1159 }
1161 LISPSPECFORM(symbol_macrolet, 1,0,body)
1162 { /* (SYMBOL-MACROLET ({(var expansion)}) {decl} {form}), CLTL2 p. 155 */
1163   /* separate {decl} {form} : */
1164   var object compile_name = parse_doc_decl(STACK_0,false);
1165   if (!eq(Fixnum_0,compile_name)) { /* declaration (COMPILE) ? */
1166     /* yes -> compile form: */
1167     skipSTACK(2); return_Values compile_eval_form(compile_name);
1168   } else {
1169     skipSTACK(1);
1170     /* build variable binding frame, extend VAR_ENV : */
1171     var gcv_object_t *bind_ptr, *spec_ptr;
1172     var uintC bind_count, spec_count;
1173     make_variable_frame(S(symbol_macrolet),popSTACK(),&bind_ptr,&bind_count,
1174                         &spec_ptr,&spec_count);
1175     /* then form the symbol-macros and activate the bindings: */
1176     if (bind_count > 0) {
1177       var gcv_object_t* frame_pointer = bind_ptr;
1178       var uintC count = bind_count;
1179       do {
1180         var gcv_object_t* initptr = &NEXT(frame_pointer);
1181         var object sm = allocate_symbolmacro();
1182         TheSymbolmacro(sm)->symbolmacro_expansion = *initptr;
1183         *initptr = sm;
1184         frame_pointer skipSTACKop -(varframe_binding_size-1);
1185         Before(frame_pointer) = SET_BIT(Before(frame_pointer),active_bit_o);
1186       } while (--count);
1187     }
1188     if (spec_count) activate_specdecls(spec_ptr,spec_count);
1189     /* interpret body: */
1190     implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
1191     /* unwind frames: */
1192     unwind(); /* unwind VENV-binding frame */
1193     unwind(); /* unwind variable-binding-frame */
1194   }
1195 }
1197 LISPSPECFORM(if, 2,1,nobody)
1198 { /* (IF test form1 [form2]), CLTL p. 115 */
1199   eval(STACK_2); /* evaluate condition */
1200   var object form;
1201   if (!nullp(value1)) {
1202     form = STACK_1; skipSTACK(3); /* evaluate form1 */
1203   } else {
1204     form = STACK_0; skipSTACK(3); /* evaluate form2 */
1205     if (!boundp(form)) {
1206       VALUES1(NIL); return; /* not supplied -> NIL */
1207     }
1208   }
1209   eval(form);
1210 }
1212 LISPSPECFORM(when, 1,0,body)
1213 { /* (WHEN test {form}), CLTL p. 115 */
1214   eval(STACK_1); /* evaluate condition */
1215   if (!nullp(value1)) {
1216     var object body = STACK_0;
1217     skipSTACK(2);
1218     implicit_progn(body,NIL);
1219   } else {
1220     skipSTACK(2);
1221     VALUES1(NIL);
1222   }
1223 }
1225 LISPSPECFORM(unless, 1,0,body)
1226 { /* (UNLESS test {form}), CLTL p. 115 */
1227   eval(STACK_1); /* evaluate condition */
1228   if (nullp(value1)) {
1229     var object body = STACK_0;
1230     skipSTACK(2);
1231     implicit_progn(body,NIL);
1232   } else {
1233     skipSTACK(2);
1234     VALUES1(NIL);
1235   }
1236 }
1238 LISPSPECFORM(cond, 0,0,body)
1239 { /* (COND {(bed {form})}), CLTL p. 116 */
1240   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1241     var object clause = STACK_0; /* clause-list */
1242     STACK_0 = Cdr(clause); /* save remaining clauses */
1243     clause = Car(clause); /* next clause */
1244     if (!consp(clause)) { /* should be a cons */
1245       pushSTACK(clause);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1246       pushSTACK(clause); pushSTACK(S(cond));
1247       error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: clause ~S should be a list"));
1248     }
1249     pushSTACK(Cdr(clause)); /* save clause rest */
1250     eval(Car(clause)); /* evaluate condition */
1251     if (!nullp(value1))
1252       goto eval_clause;
1253     skipSTACK(1); /* try next */
1254   }
1255   /* no condition was satisfied. */
1256   VALUES1(NIL); skipSTACK(1); return;
1257  eval_clause: { /* found a true condition: */
1258     var object clause_rest = popSTACK(); /* clause rest */
1259     skipSTACK(1);
1260     implicit_progn(clause_rest,value1); /* evaluate */
1261   }
1262 }
1264 LISPSPECFORM(case, 1,0,body)
1265 { /* (CASE keyform {(keys {form})}), CLTL p. 117 */
1266   eval(STACK_1); /* evaluate keyform */
1267   var object value = value1;
1268   var object clauses = STACK_0;
1269   var object clause;
1270   skipSTACK(2);
1271   while (consp(clauses)) {
1272     clause = Car(clauses); /* next clause */
1273     clauses = Cdr(clauses);
1274     if (!consp(clause)) { /* should be a cons */
1275       pushSTACK(clause);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1276       pushSTACK(clause); pushSTACK(S(case));
1277       error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: missing key list: ~S"));
1278     }
1279     var object keys = Car(clause);
1280     if (eq(keys,T) || eq(keys,S(otherwise))) {
1281       if (nullp(clauses))
1282         goto eval_clause;
1283       pushSTACK(clauses);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1284       pushSTACK(keys); pushSTACK(S(case));
1285       error(source_program_error,
1286             GETTEXT("~S: the ~S clause must be the last one"));
1287     } else {
1288       if (listp(keys)) {
1289         while (consp(keys)) {
1290           if (eql(Car(keys),value))
1291             goto eval_clause;
1292           keys = Cdr(keys);
1293         }
1294       } else {
1295         if (eql(keys,value))
1296           goto eval_clause;
1297       }
1298     }
1299   }
1300   /* no condition was satisfied. */
1301   VALUES1(NIL); return;
1302  eval_clause: { /* found a true condition: */
1303     var object clause_rest = Cdr(clause); /* clause-rest */
1304     implicit_progn(clause_rest,NIL); /* evaluate */
1305   }
1306 }
1308 LISPSPECFORM(block, 1,0,body)
1309 { /* (BLOCK name {form}), CLTL p. 119 */
1310   var object name = check_symbol(STACK_1);
1311   var object body = STACK_0; skipSTACK(2);
1312   var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* return point */
1313   { /* build block-frame: */
1314     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1315     pushSTACK(name); /* block-name */
1316     pushSTACK(aktenv.block_env); /* current BLOCK_ENV as NEXT_ENV */
1317     finish_entry_frame(IBLOCK,returner,, goto block_return; );
1318   }
1319   { /* build BENV-frame: */
1320     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK;
1321     pushSTACK(aktenv.block_env);
1322     finish_frame(ENV1B);
1323     /* extend BLOCK_ENV (top_of_frame = pointer to the block-frame) */
1324     aktenv.block_env = make_framepointer(top_of_frame);
1325   }
1326   /* execute body: */
1327   implicit_progn(body,NIL);
1328   unwind(); /* unwind BENV-binding frame */
1329  block_return: /* we jump to this label, if the BLOCK-Frame
1330                   has caught a RETURN-FROM. */
1331   unwind(); /* unwind BLOCK-frame */
1332 }
1334 /* error-message, if a block has already been left.
1335  error_block_left(name);
1336  > name: block-name */
error_block_left(object name)1337 global _Noreturn void error_block_left (object name) {
1338   pushSTACK(name);
1339   pushSTACK(S(return_from));
1340   error(control_error,GETTEXT("~S: the block named ~S has already been left"));
1341 }
1343 LISPSPECFORM(return_from, 1,1,nobody)
1344 { /* (RETURN-FROM name [result]), CLTL p. 120 */
1345   var object name = check_symbol(STACK_1);
1346   /* traverse BLOCK_ENV: */
1347   var object env = aktenv.block_env; /* current BLOCK_ENV */
1348   var gcv_object_t* FRAME;
1349   while (framepointerp(env)) {
1350     /* env is a frame-pointer to a IBLOCK-frame in the stack. */
1351     FRAME = TheFramepointer(env);
1352     if (framecode(FRAME_(0)) & bit(nested_bit_t)) {
1353       /* frame already nested */
1354       env = FRAME_(frame_next_env); break;
1355     }
1356     if (eq(FRAME_(frame_name),name))
1357       goto found;
1358     env = FRAME_(frame_next_env);
1359   }
1360   /* env is an Alist. */
1361   while (consp(env)) {
1362     var object block_cons = Car(env);
1363     if (eq(Car(block_cons),name)) {
1364       env = Cdr(block_cons);
1365       if (eq(env,disabled)) /* block still active? */
1366         error_block_left(name);
1367       goto found;
1368       }
1369     env = Cdr(env);
1370   }
1371   { /* env is done. */
1372     pushSTACK(name);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1373     pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(S(return_from));
1374     error(source_program_error,
1375           GETTEXT("~S: no block named ~S is currently visible"));
1376   }
1377  found: /* found block-frame: env */
1378   FRAME = uTheFramepointer(env); /* pointer to that frame */
1379   /* produce values, with which the block will be left: */
1380   var object result = popSTACK();
1381   skipSTACK(1);
1382   if (boundp(result)) { /* result supplied? */
1383     eval(result);
1384   } else {
1385     VALUES1(NIL);
1386   }
1387   /* jump to the found block-frame and unwind it: */
1388   unwind_upto(FRAME);
1389 }
1391 /* UP: append LIST to the "accumulation set" STACK_1 (head)/STACK_0 (tail)
1392  set_last_inplace() is "NCONC"
1393  set_last_copy()   is "APPEND" [can trigger GC]
1394  modifies */
set_last_inplace(object list)1395 local inline void set_last_inplace (object list) {
1396   if (!consp(STACK_0)) STACK_1=STACK_0=list; /* init */
1397   else Cdr(STACK_0) = list; /* insert as (cdr (last totallist)) */
1398   if (consp(list)) {
1399     var object list1;
1400     while (1) { /* list is a cons */
1401       list1 = Cdr(list);
1402       if (atomp(list1)) break;
1403       list = list1;
1404     }
1405     STACK_0 = list; /* (last totallist) <- (last list) */
1406   }
1407 }
set_last_copy(object list)1408 local inline maygc void set_last_copy (object list) {
1409   if (consp(list)) {
1410     pushSTACK(list);
1411     pushSTACK(allocate_cons());
1412     pushSTACK(STACK_0);
1413     /* stack layout: head, tail, list, copy, tail */
1414     Car(STACK_0) = Car(STACK_2);
1415     while (consp(Cdr(STACK_2))) {
1416       STACK_2 = Cdr(STACK_2);
1417       var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1418       Cdr(STACK_0) = new_cons; STACK_0 = new_cons;
1419       Car(STACK_0) = Car(STACK_2);
1420     }
1421     Cdr(STACK_0) = Cdr(STACK_2); /* atom */
1422     if (!consp(STACK_(0+3))) {
1423       STACK_(1+3) = STACK_1; /* init head */
1424       STACK_(0+3) = STACK_0; /* init tail */
1425     } else {
1426       Cdr(STACK_(0+3)) = STACK_1; /* insert as (cdr (last totallist)) */
1427       STACK_(0+3) = STACK_0;
1428     }
1429     skipSTACK(3);
1430   } else {
1431     if (!consp(STACK_0)) STACK_1=STACK_0=list; /* init */
1432     else Cdr(STACK_0) = list; /* insert as (cdr (last totallist)) */
1433   }
1434 }
1436 /* We build the functions MAPCAR & MAPLIST in two versions:
1437  The first one builds the list in reversed order, then has to reverse it.
1438  The second one works in the forward direction. */
1439 /* #define MAP_REVERSES */
1441 #ifdef MAP_REVERSES
1443 /* macro for MAPCAR and MAPLIST */
1444 #define MAPCAR_MAPLIST_BODY(listaccess)                                 \
1445   { var gcv_object_t* args_pointer = rest_args_pointer STACKop 2;       \
1446     argcount++; /* argcount := number of lists on the stack */          \
1447     /* reserve space for the function call arguments: */                \
1448     get_space_on_STACK(sizeof(gcv_object_t)*(uintL)argcount);           \
1449     pushSTACK(NIL); /* start of the result list */                      \
1450    {var gcv_object_t* ergptr = &STACK_0; /* pointer to it */            \
1451     /* traverse all lists in parallel: */                               \
1452     while (1) { var gcv_object_t* argptr = args_pointer;                \
1453       var object fun = NEXT(argptr);                                    \
1454       var uintC count = argcount;                                       \
1455       do {                                                              \
1456         var gcv_object_t* next_list_ = &NEXT(argptr);                   \
1457         var object next_list = *next_list_;                             \
1458         if (endp(next_list)) goto done; /* a list ended -> done */      \
1459         pushSTACK(listaccess(next_list)); /* as argument on the stack */ \
1460         *next_list_ = Cdr(next_list); /* shorten list */                \
1461       } while (--count);                                                \
1462       funcall(fun,argcount); /* call function */                        \
1463       pushSTACK(value1);                                                \
1464      {var object new_cons = allocate_cons(); /* new cons */             \
1465       Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_0;              \
1466       STACK_0 = new_cons; /* lengthen the result list */                \
1467      }}                                                                 \
1468     done:                                                               \
1469     VALUES1(nreverse(*ergptr)); /* reverse result list */               \
1470     set_args_end_pointer(args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */            \
1471    }}
1473 #else
1475 /* macro for MAPCAR and MAPLIST */
1476 #define MAPCAR_MAPLIST_BODY(listaccess)                          \
1477   { var gcv_object_t* args_pointer = rest_args_pointer STACKop 2;       \
1478     argcount++; /* argcount := number of lists on the stack */          \
1479     /* reserve space for the function call arguments: */                \
1480     get_space_on_STACK(sizeof(gcv_object_t)*(uintL)argcount);           \
1481     /* start total list: */                                             \
1482     pushSTACK(NIL); /* total list */                                    \
1483     pushSTACK(NIL); /* (last totallist) */                              \
1484    {var gcv_object_t *ret=&STACK_1; /* remember the total list*/        \
1485     /* traverse all lists in parallel: */                               \
1486     while (1) { var gcv_object_t* argptr = args_pointer;                \
1487       var object fun = NEXT(argptr);                                    \
1488       var uintC count = argcount;                                       \
1489       do {                                                              \
1490         var gcv_object_t* next_list_ = &NEXT(argptr);                   \
1491         var object next_list = *next_list_;                             \
1492         if (endp(next_list)) goto done; /* a list ended -> done */      \
1493         pushSTACK(listaccess(next_list)); /* as argument on the stack */ \
1494         *next_list_ = Cdr(next_list); /* shorten list */                \
1495       } while (--count);                                                \
1496       funcall(fun,argcount); /* call function */                        \
1497       pushSTACK(value1);                                                \
1498      {var object new_cons = allocate_cons(); /* new cons */             \
1499       Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* new_cons = (LIST (FUNCALL ...)) */ \
1500       if (nullp(STACK_1)) STACK_1 = STACK_0 = new_cons; /* init */      \
1501       else { Cdr(STACK_0) = new_cons; STACK_0 = new_cons; } /* append */ \
1502     }}                                                                  \
1503    done:                                                                \
1504     VALUES1(*ret); /* result list-cons */                               \
1505     set_args_end_pointer(args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */            \
1506    }}
1508 #endif
1510 /* macro for MAPC and MAPL */
1511 #define MAPC_MAPL_BODY(listaccess)                               \
1512   { var gcv_object_t* args_pointer = rest_args_pointer STACKop 2;       \
1513     argcount++; /* argcount := number of lists on the stack */          \
1514     /* reserve space for the function call arguments: */                \
1515     get_space_on_STACK(sizeof(gcv_object_t)*(uintL)argcount);           \
1516     pushSTACK(BEFORE(rest_args_pointer)); /* save first list argument */ \
1517    {var gcv_object_t* ergptr = &STACK_0; /* pointer to it */            \
1518     /* traverse all lists in parallel: */                               \
1519     while (1) { var gcv_object_t* argptr = args_pointer;                \
1520       var object fun = NEXT(argptr);                                    \
1521       var uintC count = argcount;                                       \
1522       do {                                                              \
1523         var gcv_object_t* next_list_ = &NEXT(argptr);                   \
1524         var object next_list = *next_list_;                             \
1525         if (endp(next_list)) goto done; /* a list ended -> done */      \
1526         pushSTACK(listaccess(next_list)); /* as argument on the stack */ \
1527         *next_list_ = Cdr(next_list); /* shorten list */                \
1528       } while (--count);                                                \
1529       funcall(fun,argcount); /* call function */                        \
1530     }                                                                   \
1531    done:                                                                \
1532     VALUES1(*ergptr); /* first list as value */                         \
1533     set_args_end_pointer(args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */            \
1534    }}
1536 /* macro for MAPCAN and MAPCON
1537  no MAP_REVERSES version is provided because NRECONC drops
1538  the last atom in dotted lists, e.g., (mapcan #'identity '(1))
1539  returns NIL when it should return 1:
1540  (apply (function nconc) (mapcar (function identity) (quote (1)))) => 1 */
1541 #define MAPCAN_MAPCON_BODY(listaccess,append_function)                  \
1542   { var gcv_object_t* args_pointer = rest_args_pointer STACKop 2;       \
1543     argcount++; /* argcount := number of lists on the stack */          \
1544     /* reserve space for the function call arguments: */                \
1545     get_space_on_STACK(sizeof(gcv_object_t)*(uintL)argcount);           \
1546     /* start total list: */                                             \
1547     pushSTACK(NIL); /* total list */                                    \
1548     pushSTACK(NIL); /* (last totallist) */                              \
1549    {var gcv_object_t *ret=&STACK_1; /* remember the total list*/        \
1550     /* traverse all lists in parallel: */                               \
1551     while (1) { var gcv_object_t* argptr = args_pointer;                \
1552       var object fun = NEXT(argptr);                                    \
1553       var uintC count = argcount;                                       \
1554       do {                                                              \
1555         var gcv_object_t* next_list_ = &NEXT(argptr);                   \
1556         var object next_list = *next_list_;                             \
1557         if (endp(next_list)) goto done; /* a list ended -> done */      \
1558         pushSTACK(listaccess(next_list)); /* as argument on the stack */ \
1559         *next_list_ = Cdr(next_list); /* shorten list */                \
1560       } while (--count);                                                \
1561       funcall(fun,argcount); /* call function */                        \
1562       append_function(value1);                                          \
1563     }                                                                   \
1564    done:                                                                \
1565     VALUES1(*ret); /* result list */                                    \
1566     set_args_end_pointer(args_pointer); /* clean up STACK */            \
1567    }}
1569 #define Identity
1571 LISPFUN(mapcar,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1572 /* (MAPCAR fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1575 LISPFUN(maplist,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1576 /* (MAPLIST fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1577   MAPCAR_MAPLIST_BODY(Identity)
1579 LISPFUN(mapc,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1580 /* (MAPC fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1581   MAPC_MAPL_BODY(Car)
1583 LISPFUN(mapl,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1584 /* (MAPL fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1585   MAPC_MAPL_BODY(Identity)
1587 LISPFUN(mapcan,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1588 /* (MAPCAN fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1589   MAPCAN_MAPCON_BODY(Car,set_last_inplace)
1591 LISPFUN(mapcon,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1592 /* (MAPCON fun list {list}), CLTL p. 128 */
1593   MAPCAN_MAPCON_BODY(Identity,set_last_inplace)
1595 LISPFUN(mapcap,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1596 /* (EXT:MAPCAP fun list {list}) */
1597   MAPCAN_MAPCON_BODY(Car,set_last_copy)
1599 LISPFUN(maplap,seclass_default,2,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1600 /* (EXT:MAPLAP fun list {list}) */
1601   MAPCAN_MAPCON_BODY(Identity,set_last_copy)
1603 LISPSPECFORM(tagbody, 0,0,body)
1604 { /* (TAGBODY {tag | statement}), CLTL p. 130 */
1605   var object body = popSTACK();
1606   { /* build GENV-frame: */
1607     var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1608     pushSTACK(aktenv.go_env);
1609     finish_frame(ENV1G);
1610   }
1611   /* build TAGBODY-frame: */
1612   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer to frame */
1613   /* parse body and store tags in stack: */
1614   var uintL tagcount = 0;
1615   {
1616     var object body_rest = body;
1617     while (consp(body_rest)) {
1618       var object item = Car(body_rest);
1619       body_rest = Cdr(body_rest);
1620       /* as tags are considered: symbols and numbers
1621          (like in compiler), Conses are statements. */
1622       if (atomp(item)) {
1623         if (numberp(item) || symbolp(item)) {
1624           /* store label in stack: */
1625           check_STACK();
1626           pushSTACK(body_rest); /* body-rest after the label */
1627           pushSTACK(item);
1628           tagcount++;
1629         } else {
1630           pushSTACK(item);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1631           pushSTACK(item); pushSTACK(S(tagbody));
1632           error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is neither tag nor form"));
1633         }
1634       }
1635     }
1636   }
1637   if (tagcount>0) {
1638     var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* return point */
1639     pushSTACK(aktenv.go_env); /* current GO_ENV as NEXT_ENV */
1640     finish_entry_frame(ITAGBODY,returner,, goto go_entry; );
1641     /* extend GO_ENV: */
1642     { aktenv.go_env = make_framepointer(STACK); }
1643     if (false) {
1644      go_entry: /* we jump to this label, if this frame has caught a GO. */
1645       body = value1; /* the formlist is passed as value1. */
1646     }
1647     /* process statements: */
1648     pushSTACK(body);
1649     while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1650       var object body_rest = STACK_0;
1651       STACK_0 = Cdr(body_rest); /* remaining body */
1652       body_rest = Car(body_rest); /* next item */
1653       if (consp(body_rest)) {
1654         eval(body_rest); /* form -> evaluate */
1655       }
1656     }
1657     skipSTACK(1); /* forget body */
1658     unwind(); /* unwind TAGBODY-frame */
1659     unwind(); /* unwind GENV-frame */
1660   } else {
1661     /* body without -> only PROGN with value NIL */
1662     skipSTACK(2); /* unwind GENV-frame again, GENV is unchanged */
1663     pushSTACK(body); implicit_prog();
1664   }
1665   VALUES1(NIL);
1666 }
1668 LISPSPECFORM(go, 1,0,nobody)
1669 { /* (GO tag), CLTL p. 133 */
1670   GC_SAFE_POINT(); /* in case of infinite loops we need a way to break */
1671   var object tag = popSTACK();
1672   if (!(numberp(tag) || symbolp(tag))) {
1673     pushSTACK(tag);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1674     pushSTACK(tag); pushSTACK(S(go));
1675     error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: illegal tag ~S"));
1676   }
1677   /* peruse GO_ENV: */
1678   var object env = aktenv.go_env; /* current GO_ENV */
1679   var gcv_object_t* FRAME;
1680   while (framepointerp(env)) {
1681     /* env is a frame-pointer to a ITAGBODY-frame in the stack. */
1682     FRAME = uTheFramepointer(env);
1683     if (framecode(FRAME_(0)) & bit(nested_bit_t)) {
1684       /* frame already nested */
1685       env = FRAME_(frame_next_env); break;
1686     }
1687     /* search tags in  unnested ITAGBODY-frame: */
1688     var gcv_object_t* bind_ptr = &FRAME_(frame_bindings); /* pointer below the tag bindings */
1689     var gcv_object_t* bindend_ptr = STACKpointable(topofframe(FRAME_(0))); /* pointer above the tag bindings */
1690     do {
1691       if (eql(*bind_ptr,tag)) { /* tag found? */
1692         value1 = *(bind_ptr STACKop 1); /* fetch formlist from frame */
1693         goto found;
1694       }
1695       bind_ptr skipSTACKop 2;
1696     } while (bind_ptr != bindend_ptr);
1697     env = FRAME_(frame_next_env);
1698   }
1699   /* env is an Alist. */
1700   while (consp(env)) {
1701     var object tagbody_cons = Car(env);
1702     var object tagbody_vec = Car(tagbody_cons); /* tag-vector */
1703     var gcv_object_t* tagptr = &TheSvector(tagbody_vec)->data[0];
1704     var uintL index = 0;
1705     var uintL count = Svector_length(tagbody_vec);
1706     do {
1707       if (eql(*tagptr++,tag)) { /* tag found? */
1708         env = Cdr(tagbody_cons);
1709         if (eq(env,disabled)) { /* tagbody still active? */
1710           pushSTACK(tag);
1711           pushSTACK(S(go));
1712           error(control_error,
1713                 GETTEXT("~S: tagbody for tag ~S has already been left"));
1714         }
1715         FRAME = uTheFramepointer(env); /* pointer to the (still active!) frame */
1716         value1 = FRAME_(frame_bindings+2*index+1); /* formlist */
1717         goto found;
1718       }
1719       index++;
1720     } while (--count);
1721     env = Cdr(env);
1722   }
1723   { /* env is finished. */
1724     pushSTACK(tag);  /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
1725     pushSTACK(tag); pushSTACK(S(go));
1726     error(source_program_error,
1727           GETTEXT("~S: no tag named ~S is currently visible"));
1728   }
1729  found: /* tagbody-frame found. FRAME is pointing to it (without typeinfo),
1730            value1 is the liste of the forms to be executed. */
1731   mv_count=1; /* formlist value1 is passed */
1732   /* jump to the found tagbody-frame and continue there: */
1733   unwind_upto(FRAME);
1734 }
1736 /* error-message, when there are too many values
1737  error_mv_toomany(caller);
1738  > caller: Caller, a symbol */
error_mv_toomany(object caller)1739 modexp _Noreturn void error_mv_toomany (object caller) {
1740   pushSTACK(caller);
1741   error(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: too many return values"));
1742 }
1744 LISPFUN(values,seclass_no_se,0,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
1745 { /* (VALUES {arg}), CLTL p. 134
1746      [not foldable, in order to avoid infinite loop!]*/
1747   if (argcount >= mv_limit)
1748     error_mv_toomany(S(values));
1749   STACK_to_mv(argcount);
1750 }
1752 LISPFUNNR(values_list,1)
1753 { /* (VALUES-LIST list), CLTL p. 135 */
1754   list_to_mv(popSTACK(), error_mv_toomany(S(values_list)); );
1755 }
1757 LISPSPECFORM(multiple_value_list, 1,0,nobody)
1758 { /* (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST form), CLTL p. 135 */
1759   eval(popSTACK()); /* evaluate form */
1760   mv_to_list(); /* pack values into list */
1761   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* return list */
1762 }
1764 LISPSPECFORM(multiple_value_call, 1,0,body)
1765 { /* (MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL fun {form}), CLTL p. 135 */
1766   var gcv_object_t* fun_ = &STACK_1;
1767   *fun_ = (eval(*fun_),value1); /* evaluate function */
1768   var object forms = popSTACK(); /* formlist */
1769   var uintL argcount = 0; /* number of arguments so far */
1770   while (consp(forms)) {
1771     pushSTACK(Cdr(forms)); /* remaining forms */
1772     eval(Car(forms)); /* evaluate next form */
1773     forms = popSTACK();
1774     /* put its values into the stack: */
1775     argcount += (uintL)mv_count;
1776     mv_to_STACK();
1777   }
1778   if (((uintL)~(uintL)0 > ca_limit_1) && (argcount > ca_limit_1))
1779     error_too_many_args(S(multiple_value_call),*fun_,argcount,ca_limit_1);
1780   funcall(*fun_,argcount); /* call function */
1781   skipSTACK(1);
1782 }
1784 LISPSPECFORM(multiple_value_prog1, 1,0,body)
1785 { /* (MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 form {form}), CLTL p. 136 */
1786   eval(STACK_1); /* evaluate first form */
1787   var object body = popSTACK();
1788   skipSTACK(1);
1789   var uintC mvcount = mv_count; /* number of values */
1790   mv_to_STACK(); /* all values into the stack */
1791   pushSTACK(body); implicit_prog();
1792   STACK_to_mv(mvcount); /* fetch all values again from the stack */
1793 }
1795 LISPSPECFORM(multiple_value_bind, 2,0,body)
1796 { /* (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND ({var}) values-form {decl} {form}), CLTL p. 136 */
1797   /* separate {decl} {form} : */
1798   var object compile_name = parse_doc_decl(STACK_0,false);
1799   if (!eq(Fixnum_0,compile_name)) { /* declaration (COMPILE) ? */
1800     /* yes -> compile form: */
1801     skipSTACK(2); return_Values compile_eval_form(compile_name);
1802   } else {
1803     var object varlist = STACK_2;
1804     STACK_2 = STACK_1;
1805     skipSTACK(2);
1806     /* build variable binding frame, extend VAR_ENV : */
1807     var gcv_object_t* form_ = &STACK_0;
1808     var gcv_object_t *bind_ptr, *spec_ptr;
1809     var uintC bind_count, spec_count;
1810     make_variable_frame(S(multiple_value_bind),varlist,&bind_ptr,&bind_count,
1811                         &spec_ptr,&spec_count);
1812     /* stack layout: values-form, variable binding frame,
1813                      env-binding-frame, ({form}).
1814        now evaluate values-form: */
1815     eval(*form_);
1816     /* Macro for binding variables in the variable-frame: binds
1817        the next variable to value, decreases frame_pointer by 2 resp. 3. */
1818   #define bind_next_var(value)                                          \
1819     { var gcv_object_t* valptr = &Next(frame_pointer);                  \
1820       frame_pointer skipSTACKop -varframe_binding_size;                 \
1821      {var gcv_object_t* markptr = &Before(frame_pointer);               \
1822        if (as_oint(*markptr) & wbit(dynam_bit_o)) { /* dynamic binding: */ \
1823         var object sym = *(markptr STACKop varframe_binding_sym); /* var */ \
1824         *valptr = Symbolflagged_value(sym); /* old val into the frame */ \
1825         Symbolflagged_value(sym) = (value); /* new value into the value cell */ \
1826         activate_specdecl(sym,spec_ptr,spec_count);                     \
1827       } else /* static binding : */                                     \
1828         *valptr = (value); /* new value into the frame */               \
1829       *markptr = SET_BIT(*markptr,active_bit_o); /* activate binding */ \
1830      }}
1831     /* bind the r:=bind_count variables to the s:=mv_count values:
1832        (if there are not enough variables: discard remaining values;
1833        if there are not enough values:    fill with NIL.)
1834        here, r>=0 and s>=0. */
1835     {
1836       var gcv_object_t* frame_pointer = bind_ptr;
1837       var uintC r = bind_count;
1838       var object* mv_pointer;
1839       var uintC s = mv_count;
1840       if (r==0) goto ok; /* no variables? */
1841       if (s==0) goto fill; /* no values? */
1842       /* still min(r,s)>0 values to bind: */
1843      #if !defined(VALUE1_EXTRA)
1844       mv_pointer = &mv_space[0];
1845      #else
1846       bind_next_var(value1);
1847       if (--r == 0) goto ok; /* no more variables? */
1848       if (--s == 0) goto fill; /* no more values? */
1849       mv_pointer = &mv_space[1];
1850      #endif
1851       /* still min(r,s)>0 values to bind: */
1852       while (1) {
1853         bind_next_var(*mv_pointer++);
1854         if (--r == 0) goto ok; /* no more variables? */
1855         if (--s == 0) goto fill; /* no more values? */
1856       }
1857      fill: /* still bind r>0 variables to NIL */
1858       do { bind_next_var(NIL); } while (--r);
1859      ok: ;
1860     }
1861     if (spec_count > 0) activate_specdecls(spec_ptr,spec_count);
1862     /* interpret body: */
1863     implicit_progn(popSTACK(),NIL);
1864     /* unwind frames: */
1865     unwind(); /* unwind VENV binding frame */
1866     unwind(); /* unwind variable-binding-frame */
1867     skipSTACK(1);
1868   }
1869 }
1870 #undef bind_next_var
1872 LISPSPECFORM(multiple_value_setq, 2,0,nobody)
1873 { /* (MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ ({var}) form), CLTL p. 136 */
1874   /* check variable list: */
1875   var gcv_object_t* firstvarptr = args_end_pointer;
1876   var uintL varcount = 0;
1877   {
1878     var gcv_object_t* varlistr_ = &STACK_1;
1879     while (consp(*varlistr_)) {
1880       var object symbol =   /* next variable */
1881         check_symbol_non_constant(Car(*varlistr_),S(multiple_value_setq));
1882       *varlistr_ = Cdr(*varlistr_);
1883       varcount++;
1884       pushSTACK(symbol);
1885       check_STACK();
1886       if (sym_macrop(symbol)) /* and not a symbol-macro */
1887         goto expand;
1888     }
1889     if (false) {
1890      expand: /* turn MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ into MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETF */
1891       dotimespL(varcount,varcount, {
1892         var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1893         Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); Cdr(new_cons) = *varlistr_;
1894         *varlistr_ = new_cons;
1895       });
1896       /* stack layout: varlist, form. */
1897       pushSTACK(STACK_0); STACK_1 = STACK_2; STACK_2 = S(multiple_value_setf);
1898       var object newform = listof(3);
1899       eval(newform);
1900       return;
1901     }
1902   }
1903   eval(Before(firstvarptr)); /* evaluate form */
1904   /* Write values into the stack (needed because setq() can trigger GC): */
1905   var gcv_object_t* mvptr = args_end_pointer;
1906   mv_to_STACK();
1907   /* Perform the assignments: */
1908   var uintL valcount = mv_count; /* number of values */
1909   {
1910     var uintL remaining = valcount; /* number of values that are still available */
1911     var gcv_object_t* varptr = firstvarptr;
1912     dotimesL(varcount,varcount, {
1913       var object value;
1914       if (remaining>0) {
1915         value = NEXT(mvptr); remaining--; /* next value */
1916       } else {
1917         value = NIL; /* NIL, if all values are consumed */
1918       }
1919       setq(NEXT(varptr),value); /* assign to the next variable */
1920     });
1921   }
1922   /* Return the first among the multiple values as the only value: */
1923   VALUES1(valcount > 0 ? (object)STACK_(valcount-1) : NIL);
1924   set_args_end_pointer(firstvarptr STACKop 2); /* clean up STACK */
1925 }
1927 LISPSPECFORM(catch, 1,0,body)
1928 { /* (CATCH tag {form}), CLTL p. 139 */
1929   STACK_1 = (eval(STACK_1),value1); /* evaluate tag */
1930   /* finish building of CATCH-frame: */
1931   var object body = popSTACK(); /* ({form}) */
1932   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK STACKop 1; /* pointer above frame */
1933   var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* memorize return point */
1934   finish_entry_frame(CATCH,returner,, goto catch_return; );
1935   /* execute body: */
1936   implicit_progn(body,NIL);
1937  catch_return: /* we jump to this label, if the catch-frame built
1938                   above has caught a throw. */
1939   skipSTACK(3); /* unwind CATCH-frame */
1940 }
1942 LISPSPECFORM(unwind_protect, 1,0,body)
1943 { /* (UNWIND-PROTECT form {cleanup}), CLTL p. 140 */
1944   var object cleanup = popSTACK();
1945   var object form = popSTACK();
1946   /* build UNWIND-PROTECT-frame: */
1947   pushSTACK(cleanup);
1948   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK;
1949   var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* return point */
1950   finish_entry_frame(UNWIND_PROTECT,returner,, goto throw_save; );
1951   /* evaluate protected form: */
1952   eval(form);
1953   { /* Cleanup after normal termination of the protected form: */
1954     /* unwind UNWIND-PROTECT-frame: */
1955     skipSTACK(2);
1956     cleanup = popSTACK();
1957     /* save values: */
1958     var uintC mvcount = mv_count;
1959     mv_to_STACK();
1960     /* process cleanup-forms: */
1961     pushSTACK(cleanup); implicit_prog();
1962     /* write back values: */
1963     STACK_to_mv(mvcount);
1964   }
1965   return;
1966  throw_save: /* we jump to this label, if the Unwind-Protect-Frame
1967                 built above has kept a throw.
1968                 save unwind_protect_to_save and jump to it in the end. */
1969   {
1970     var restartf_t fun = unwind_protect_to_save.fun;
1971     var gcv_object_t* arg = unwind_protect_to_save.upto_frame;
1972     /* Cleanup: */
1973     /* unwind UNWIND-PROTECT-frame: */
1974     skipSTACK(2);
1975     cleanup = popSTACK();
1976     /* save values: */
1977     var uintC mvcount = mv_count;
1978     mv_to_STACK();
1979     /* process cleanup-forms: */
1980     pushSTACK(cleanup); implicit_prog();
1981     /* write back values: */
1982     STACK_to_mv(mvcount);
1983     /* and jump further: */
1984     fun(arg);
1985   }
1986 }
1988 LISPSPECFORM(throw, 2,0,nobody)
1989 { /* (THROW tag result), CLTL p. 142 */
1990   STACK_1 = (eval(STACK_1),value1); /* evaluate tag */
1991   eval(popSTACK()); /* evaluate result */
1992   var object tag = popSTACK(); /* evaluated tag */
1993   throw_to(tag); /* try to throw to this tag */
1994   /* failed. */
1995   pushSTACK(tag);
1996   pushSTACK(S(throw));
1997   error(control_error,GETTEXT("~S: there is no CATCHer for tag ~S"));
1998 }
2000 LISPFUNN(driver,1)
2001 { /* (SYS::DRIVER fun) builds a driver-frame, that calls the function
2002  fun (with 0 arguments) each time. fun is executed in a endless loop
2003  that can be aborted with GO or THROW . */
2004   var gcv_object_t* top_of_frame = STACK; /* pointer above frame */
2005   var sp_jmp_buf returner; /* remember entry point */
2006   finish_entry_frame(DRIVER,returner,,;);
2007   /* this is the entry point. */
2008   while (1) { funcall(STACK_(0+2),0); } /* call fun, endless loop */
2009 }
2011 LISPFUNN(unwind_to_driver,1)
2012 { /* (SYS::UNWIND-TO-DRIVER top-p)
2013      UNWIND to the next Driver-Frame or to the top. */
2014   var object arg = popSTACK();
2015   if (nullp(arg))
2016     reset(1);
2017   else if (uint32_p(arg))
2018     reset(I_to_uint32(arg));
2019   else
2020     reset(0);
2021 }
2023 /* Checks an optional macroexpansion-environment in STACK_0.
2024  > STACK_0: argument
2025  < STACK_0: macroexpansions-environment #(venv fenv)
2026  can trigger GC */
test_env(void)2027 local maygc void test_env (void) {
2028   var object arg = STACK_0;
2029   if (missingp(arg)) { /* required by ANSI CL sections, */
2030     arg = allocate_vector(2); /* vector #(nil nil) as default */
2031   } else while (!(simple_vector_p(arg) && (Svector_length(arg) == 2))) {
2032     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
2033     pushSTACK(arg); /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
2034     pushSTACK(O(type_svector2)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
2035     pushSTACK(arg);
2036     check_value(type_error,
2037                 GETTEXT("Argument ~S is not a macroexpansion environment"));
2038     arg = value1;
2039   }
2040   STACK_0 = arg;
2041 }
2043 LISPFUN(macro_function,seclass_read,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2044 { /* (MACRO-FUNCTION symbol [env]), CLTL p. 144;
2046   test_env();
2047   var object symbol = check_symbol(STACK_1);
2048   var object env = STACK_0; skipSTACK(2);
2049   var object fundef = sym_function(symbol,TheSvector(env)->data[1]);
2050   if (fsubrp(fundef)) {
2051     /* a FSUBR -> search in property list: (GET symbol 'SYS::MACRO) */
2052     var object got = get(symbol,S(macro)); /* search */
2053     if (!boundp(got)) /* not found? */
2054       goto nil;
2055     value1 = got;
2056   } else if (macrop(fundef)) { /* #<MACRO expander> ? */
2057     value1 = TheMacro(fundef)->macro_expander;
2058   } else { /* SUBR/Closure/FunctionMacro/#<UNBOUND> -> no macrodefinition */
2059    nil:
2060     value1 = NIL;
2061   }
2062   mv_count=1;
2063 }
2065 LISPFUN(macroexpand,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2066 { /* (MACROEXPAND form [env]), CLTL p. 151 */
2067   test_env();
2068   var object env = popSTACK();
2069   var object form = STACK_0;
2070   STACK_0 = env; /* save env */
2071   macroexp0(form,env); /* expand */
2072   if (!nullp(value2)) { /* something happened? */
2073     /* yes -> expand to death: */
2074     do { macroexp0(value1,STACK_0);
2075     } while (!nullp(value2));
2076     value2 = T;
2077   }
2078   mv_count=2; skipSTACK(1);
2079 }
2081 LISPFUN(macroexpand_1,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2082 { /* (MACROEXPAND-1 form [env]), CLTL p. 151 */
2083   test_env();
2084   var object env = popSTACK();
2085   var object form = popSTACK();
2086   macroexp0(form,env); /* expand one time */
2087   mv_count=2;
2088 }
2090 LISPSPECFORM(declare, 0,0,body)
2091 { /* (DECLARE {decl-spec}), CLTL p. 153 */
2092   /* ({decl-spec}) already in STACK_0 */
2094   error(source_program_error,GETTEXT("declarations ~S are not allowed here"));
2095 }
2097 LISPSPECFORM(the, 2,0,nobody)
2098 { /* (THE value-type form), CLTL p. 161 */
2099   eval(STACK_0); /* evaluate form */
2100   mv_to_list(); /* build value list and save */
2101   /* stack layout: value-type, form, values.
2102      call (SYS::%THE values (SYS::TYPE-FOR-DISCRIMINATION value-type))
2103      for type-check: */
2104   pushSTACK(STACK_0);
2105   pushSTACK(STACK_(2+1)); funcall(S(type_for_discrimination),1);
2106   pushSTACK(value1);
2107   funcall(S(pthe),2);
2108   if (nullp(value1)) { /* type-check failed */
2109     pushSTACK(STACK_0);     /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
2110     pushSTACK(STACK_(2+1)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
2111     pushSTACK(STACK_(2+2)); /* value-type */
2112     pushSTACK(STACK_(0+3)); /* values */
2113     pushSTACK(STACK_(1+4)); /* form */
2114     pushSTACK(S(the));
2115     error(type_error,
2116           GETTEXT("~S: ~S evaluated to the values ~S, not of type ~S"));
2117   }
2118   /* type-check OK -> return values: */
2119   list_to_mv(popSTACK(), { error_mv_toomany(S(the)); } );
2120   skipSTACK(2);
2121 }
2123 LISPFUNN(proclaim,1)
2124 { /* (PROCLAIM decl-spec) */
2125   if (!consp(STACK_0/*declspec*/)) {
2126     pushSTACK(S(proclaim));
2127     error(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: bad declaration ~S"));
2128   }
2129   var object decltyp = Car(STACK_0/*declspec*/); /* declaration type */
2130   if (eq(decltyp,S(special))) { /* SPECIAL */
2131     while (!endp( STACK_0/*declspec*/ = Cdr(STACK_0/*declspec*/) )) {
2132       var object symbol =
2133         check_symbol_not_symbol_macro(Car(STACK_0/*declspec*/));
2134       if (!keywordp(symbol))
2135         clear_const_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
2136       set_special_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
2137       #if defined(MULTITHREAD)
2138        /* MT: add to the threads (empty) if not already there */
2139        if (TheSymbol(symbol)->tls_index == SYMBOL_TLS_INDEX_NONE)
2140          add_per_thread_special_var(symbol);
2141       #endif
2142     }
2143   } else if (eq(decltyp,S(notspecial))) { /* NOTSPECIAL */
2144     while (!endp( STACK_0/*declspec*/ = Cdr(STACK_0/*declspec*/) )) {
2145       var object symbol = check_symbol(Car(STACK_0/*declspec*/));
2146       if (!keywordp(symbol)) clear_const_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
2147       clear_special_flag(TheSymbol(symbol));
2148     }
2149   } else if (eq(decltyp,S(declaration))) { /* DECLARATION */
2150     while (!endp( STACK_0/*declspec*/ = Cdr(STACK_0/*declspec*/) )) {
2151       pushSTACK(Car(STACK_0/*declspec*/)); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
2152       funcall(S(check_not_type),2);
2153       var object symbol = value1;
2154       /* (PUSHNEW symbol (cdr declaration-types)) : */
2155       if (nullp(memq(symbol,Cdr(O(declaration_types))))) {
2156         pushSTACK(symbol);
2157         {
2158           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
2159           var object list = O(declaration_types);
2160           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); Cdr(new_cons) = Cdr(list);
2161           Cdr(list) = new_cons;
2162         }
2163       }
2164     }
2165   } else if (eq(decltyp,S(inline)) || eq(decltyp,S(notinline))) {
2166     pushSTACK(decltyp); /* INLINE, NOTINLINE */
2167     while (!endp( STACK_1/*declspec*/ = Cdr(STACK_1/*declspec*/) )) {
2168       var object symbol = check_funname(source_program_error,S(proclaim),
2169                                         Car(STACK_1/*declspec*/));
2170       /*(SYS::%PUT (SYS::GET-FUNNAME-SYMBOL symbol) 'SYS::INLINABLE decltyp)*/
2171       pushSTACK(symbol); funcall(S(get_funname_symbol),1); pushSTACK(value1);
2172       pushSTACK(S(inlinable)); pushSTACK(STACK_2)/*decltyp*/;
2173       funcall(L(put),3);
2174     }
2175     skipSTACK(1); /*decltyp*/
2176   } else if (eq(decltyp,S(constant_inline))
2177              || eq(decltyp,S(constant_notinline))) {
2179     while (!endp( STACK_1/*declspec*/ = Cdr(STACK_1/*declspec*/) )) {
2180       var object symbol = check_symbol(Car(STACK_1/*declspec*/));
2181       /* (SYS::%PUT symbol 'SYS::CONSTANT-INLINABLE decltyp) : */
2182       pushSTACK(symbol); pushSTACK(S(constant_inlinable));
2183       pushSTACK(STACK_2)/*decltyp*/; funcall(L(put),3);
2184     }
2185     skipSTACK(1); /*decltyp*/
2186   } else if (eq(decltyp,S(optimize))) {
2187     pushSTACK(Cdr(STACK_0)); funcall(S(note_optimize),1);
2188   } else {                /* check that the declspec is a proper list */
2189     pushSTACK(STACK_0/*declspec*/); funcall(L(list_length_proper),1);
2190   }
2191   VALUES1(NIL); skipSTACK(1);
2192 }
2194 LISPFUNN(eval,1)
2195 { /* (EVAL form), CLTL p. 321 */
2196   eval_noenv(popSTACK()); /* evaluate form in empty environment */
2197 }
2199 LISPSPECFORM(load_time_value, 1,1,nobody)
2200 { /* (LOAD-TIME-VALUE form [read-only-p]), CLTL2 p. 680 */
2201   var object form = STACK_1;
2202   skipSTACK(2); /* ignore read-only-p */
2203   eval_noenv(form); /* evaluate form in empty environment */
2204   mv_count=1;
2205 }
2207 /* UP: Checks an optional environment-argument for EVALHOOK and APPLYHOOK.
2208  test_optional_env_arg(&env5);
2209  < env5: 5 components of the environment
2210  increases STACK by 1 */
test_optional_env_arg(environment_t * env5)2211 local void test_optional_env_arg (environment_t* env5) {
2212   var object env = popSTACK(); /* env-argument */
2213   if (!boundp(env)) { /* not supplied -> void environment */
2214     env5->var_env   = NIL;
2215     env5->fun_env   = NIL;
2216     env5->block_env = NIL;
2217     env5->go_env    = NIL;
2218     env5->decl_env  = O(top_decl_env);
2219   } else if (simple_vector_p(env) && (Svector_length(env) == 5)) {
2220     /* a simple-vector of length 5 */
2221     env5->var_env   = TheSvector(env)->data[0];
2222     env5->fun_env   = TheSvector(env)->data[1];
2223     env5->block_env = TheSvector(env)->data[2];
2224     env5->go_env    = TheSvector(env)->data[3];
2225     env5->decl_env  = TheSvector(env)->data[4];
2226   } else
2227     error_environment(env);
2228 }
2230 LISPFUN(evalhook,seclass_default,3,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2231 { /* (EVALHOOK form evalhookfn applyhookfn [env]), CLTL p. 323 */
2232   var environment_t env5;
2233   test_optional_env_arg(&env5); /* env-argument after env5 */
2234   var object applyhookfn = popSTACK();
2235   var object evalhookfn = popSTACK();
2236   var object form = popSTACK();
2237   bindhooks(evalhookfn,applyhookfn); /* bind *EVALHOOK* and *APPLYHOOK* */
2238   /* build environment-frame: */
2239   make_ENV5_frame();
2240   /* set current environments: */
2241   aktenv.var_env   = env5.var_env  ;
2242   aktenv.fun_env   = env5.fun_env  ;
2243   aktenv.block_env = env5.block_env;
2244   aktenv.go_env    = env5.go_env   ;
2245   aktenv.decl_env  = env5.decl_env ;
2246   /* evaluate form bypassing *EVALHOOK* and *APPLYHOOK* : */
2247   eval_no_hooks(form);
2248   unwind(); /* unwind environment-frame */
2249   unwind(); /* unwind binding frame for *EVALHOOK* / *APPLYHOOK* */
2250 }
2252 LISPFUN(applyhook,seclass_default,4,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2253 { /* (APPLYHOOK function args evalhookfn applyhookfn [env]), CLTL p. 323 */
2254   var environment_t env5;
2255   test_optional_env_arg(&env5); /* env-Argument after env5 */
2256   var object applyhookfn = popSTACK();
2257   var object evalhookfn = popSTACK();
2258   var object args = popSTACK();
2259   var object fun = popSTACK();
2260   bindhooks(evalhookfn,applyhookfn); /* bind *EVALHOOK* and *APPLYHOOK* */
2261   /* build environment-frame: */
2262   make_ENV5_frame();
2263   /* set current environments: */
2264   aktenv.var_env   = env5.var_env  ;
2265   aktenv.fun_env   = env5.fun_env  ;
2266   aktenv.block_env = env5.block_env;
2267   aktenv.go_env    = env5.go_env   ;
2268   aktenv.decl_env  = env5.decl_env ;
2269   { /* save fun & args: */
2270     pushSTACK(fun); pushSTACK(args);
2271     var gcv_object_t* fun_ = &STACK_1;
2272     var gcv_object_t* args_ = &STACK_0;
2273     /* evaluate each argument and store on the stack: */
2274     var uintC argcount = 0;
2275     while (consp(args)) {
2276       pushSTACK(Cdr(args)); /* remaining argument list */
2277       eval_no_hooks(Car(args)); /* evaluate next arg */
2278       args = STACK_0; STACK_0 = value1; /* store value in stack */
2279       argcount++;
2280       if (argcount==0) /* overflow? */
2281         error_too_many_args(S(applyhook),*fun_,llength(*args_),
2282                             (uintC)~(uintC)0);
2283     }
2284     funcall(*fun_,argcount); /* apply function */
2285     skipSTACK(1);
2286   }
2287   unwind(); /* unwind environment-frame */
2288   unwind(); /* unwind binding frame for *EVALHOOK* / *APPLYHOOK* */
2289 }
2291 /* check whether the form is a constant */
form_constant_p(object form)2292 local bool form_constant_p (object form) {
2293   if (symbolp(form))
2294     return constant_var_p(TheSymbol(form));
2295   if (consp(form)) {
2296     var object head = Car(form);
2297     if (eq(head,S(quote))) return true;
2298     if (!funnamep(head)) return false;  /* what's this form? */
2299     /* cf. funname_to_symbol */
2300     var object fdef = head;
2301     if (!symbolp(fdef))
2302       /* (get ... 'SYS::SETF-FUNCTION) */
2303       fdef = get(Car(Cdr(fdef)),S(setf_function));
2304     if (!symbolp(fdef))
2305       /* Use of (setf foo) before it's defined. */
2306       return false;
2307     fdef = Symbol_function(fdef);
2308     if ((cclosurep(fdef) && (Cclosure_seclass(fdef) == seclass_foldable))
2309         || (subrp(fdef) && (TheSubr(fdef)->seclass == seclass_foldable))) {
2310       check_SP();
2311       while (1) {
2312         form = Cdr(form);
2313         if (nullp(form)) return true;  /* list is over */
2314         if (!consp(form)) return false;  /* invalid form */
2315         if (!form_constant_p(Car(form))) return false;
2316       }
2317     }
2318     return false;
2319   }
2320   /* self-evaluating objects, i.e., (NOT (OR symbol cons)), are constants */
2321   return true;
2322 }
2324 LISPFUN(constantp,seclass_read,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2325 { /* (CONSTANTP expr [env]), CLTL p. 324 */
2326   skipSTACK(1); /* environment is not used */
2327   VALUES_IF(form_constant_p(popSTACK()));
2328 }
2330 /* (SYS::GLOBAL-SYMBOL-MACRO-P symbol) tests if the symbol is a global
2331    symbol macro, defined through DEFINE-SYMBOL-MACRO. */
2332 LISPFUNNR(global_symbol_macro_p,1)
2333 {
2334   var object symbol = check_symbol(popSTACK());
2335   VALUES_IF(symmacro_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol)));
2336 }
2338 /* (FUNCTION-SIDE-EFFECT fun) -> seclass, fdefinition, name */
2339 LISPFUNNR(function_side_effect,1)
2340 { /* This function is called at compile time, so the argument does not have to
2341      be a function, it may be a variable name whose value will be some function
2342      at run time. Therefore we never signal errors, just return *SECLASS-DIRTY*. */
2343   var object fdef = popSTACK();
2344   var object name = unbound;
2345   if (consp(fdef) && consp(Cdr(fdef))
2346       && (eq(S(quote),Car(fdef)) || eq(S(function),Car(fdef))))
2347     fdef = Car(Cdr(fdef));
2348   if (funnamep(fdef)) {
2349     name = fdef;
2350     /* cf. funname_to_symbol */
2351     if (!symbolp(fdef))
2352       /* (get ... 'SYS::SETF-FUNCTION) */
2353       fdef = get(Car(Cdr(fdef)),S(setf_function));
2354   }
2355   if (symbolp(fdef))
2356     fdef = Symbol_function(fdef);
2357   /* If the argument was a function object, then we have it now. */
2358   var seclass_t seclass = seclass_default;
2359   if (subrp(fdef))
2360     seclass = (seclass_t)TheSubr(fdef)->seclass;
2361   else if (cclosurep(fdef))
2362     seclass = (seclass_t)Cclosure_seclass(fdef);
2363   if (!boundp(name) && boundp(fdef)) {
2364     if (subrp(fdef))
2365       name = TheSubr(fdef)->name;
2366     else if (closurep(fdef))
2367       name = Closure_name(fdef);
2368   }
2369   VALUES3(seclass_object(seclass),
2370           boundp(fdef) ? fdef : NIL,
2371           boundp(name) ? name : NIL);
2372 }
2374 LISPFUNNR(function_name_p,1)
2375 { /* (SYS::FUNCTION-NAME-P expr) recognizes function name */
2376   var object arg = popSTACK();
2377   VALUES_IF(funnamep(arg));
2378 }
2380 LISPFUNN(check_function_name,2)
2381 { /* (SYS::CHECK-FUNCTION-NAME funname caller)
2382  checks whether the funname argument is a function name, giving the user the
2383  opportunity to correct it if it is not. Returns the corrected function name. */
2384   VALUES1(check_funname(source_program_error,STACK_0,STACK_1));
2385   skipSTACK(2);
2386 }
2388 LISPFUNN(check_symbol,2)
2389 { /* (SYS::CHECK-SYMBOL symbol caller)
2390  checks whether the symbol argument is a symbol, giving the user the
2391  opportunity to correct it if it is not. Returns the corrected symbol. */
2392   var gcv_object_t *sym_ = &STACK_1;
2393   var gcv_object_t *caller_ = &STACK_0;
2394   while (!symbolp(*sym_)) {
2395     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* no PLACE */
2396     pushSTACK(*sym_);           /* SOURCE-PROGRAM-ERROR slot DETAIL */
2397     pushSTACK(*sym_); pushSTACK(*caller_);
2398     check_value(source_program_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not a symbol"));
2399     *sym_ = value1;
2400   }
2401   VALUES1(*sym_);
2402   skipSTACK(2);
2403 }
2405 LISPFUN(parse_body,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2406 { /* (SYS::PARSE-BODY body [docstring-allowed])
2407  parses body, recognizes declarations, returns four values:
2408  1. body-rest, all forms after the declarations
2409  2. list of occurred declspecs
2410  3. docstring (only if docstring-allowed=T ) or NIL
2411  4. (COMPILE name) -> name; (COMPILE) -> Fixnum_1; none -> Fixnum_0
2412  (docstring-allowed should be = NIL or T) */
2413   value4 = parse_doc_decl(STACK_1/*body*/,!missingp(STACK_0));
2414   if (!boundp(value4)) value4 = Fixnum_1;
2415   /* got 3 values from parse_dd(): ({form}), declspecs, doc */
2416   mv_count = 4;
2417   skipSTACK(2);
2418 }
2420 LISPFUNN(keyword_test,2)
2421 { /* (SYSTEM::KEYWORD-TEST arglist kwlist)
2422  determines, if all keywords in the list kwlist occur
2423  in the argument-list arglist (a keyword/value - list) or if there
2424  is a keyword/value-pair :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS with value /= NIL .
2425  if not, error. */
2426   var object arglist = STACK_1;
2427   { /* check number of arguments: */
2428     var uintL argcount = llength(arglist);
2429     if (argcount % 2) {
2430       pushSTACK(arglist);
2431       /* ANSI CL wants a PROGRAM-ERROR here. */
2432       error(program_error,
2433             GETTEXT("keyword argument list ~S has an odd length"));
2434     }
2435   }
2436   { /* search, if there is :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS : */
2437     var object arglistr = arglist;
2438     while (consp(arglistr)) {
2439       if (eq(Car(arglistr),S(Kallow_other_keys)) && !nullp(Car(Cdr(arglistr))))
2440         goto done;
2441       arglistr = Cdr(Cdr(arglistr));
2442     }
2443   }
2444   { /* check whether all specified keywords occur in kwlist: */
2445     var object arglistr = arglist;
2446     while (consp(arglistr)) {
2447       var object key = Car(arglistr); arglistr = Cdr(arglistr);
2448       var object val = Car(arglistr); arglistr = Cdr(arglistr);
2449       if (eq(key,S(Kallow_other_keys))) {
2450         if (nullp(val)) break;  /* need check */
2451         else goto done;         /* no check */
2452       }
2453     }
2454     for (arglistr = arglist; consp(arglistr); ) {
2455       var object key = Car(arglistr); arglistr = Cdr(arglistr);
2456       var object val = Car(arglistr); arglistr = Cdr(arglistr);
2457       if (!eq(key,S(Kallow_other_keys))
2458           && nullp(memq(key,STACK_0))) { /* not found */
2459         pushSTACK(key); /* KEYWORD-ERROR Slot DATUM */
2460         pushSTACK(key);
2461         pushSTACK(STACK_(0+2));
2462         pushSTACK(val);
2463         pushSTACK(key);
2464         { /* `(MEMBER ,@kwlist) = KEYWORD-ERROR Slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
2465           var object type = allocate_cons();
2466           Car(type) = S(member); Cdr(type) = STACK_(0+5);
2467           STACK_3 = type;
2468         }
2469         error(keyword_error,
2470               GETTEXT("Illegal keyword/value pair ~S, ~S in argument list.\n"
2471                       "The allowed keywords are ~S"));
2472       }
2473     }
2474   }
2475  done:
2476   skipSTACK(2);
2477   VALUES1(NIL);
2478 }
2480 LISPSPECFORM(and, 0,0,body)
2481 { /* (AND {form}), CLTL p. 82 */
2482   var object body = popSTACK();
2483   if (atomp(body)) {
2484     VALUES1(T); /* (AND) -> T */
2485   } else {
2486     while (1) {
2487       pushSTACK(Cdr(body));
2488       eval(Car(body)); /* evaluate form */
2489       body = popSTACK();
2490       if (atomp(body))
2491         break; /* at the end: return values of the last form */
2492       if (nullp(value1)) {
2493         mv_count=1; break; /* prematurely: 1 value NIL */
2494       }
2495     }
2496   }
2497 }
2499 LISPSPECFORM(or, 0,0,body)
2500 { /* (OR {form}), CLTL p. 83 */
2501   var object body = popSTACK();
2502   if (atomp(body)) {
2503     VALUES1(NIL); /* (OR) -> NIL */
2504   } else {
2505     while (1) {
2506       pushSTACK(Cdr(body));
2507       eval(Car(body)); /* evaluate form */
2508       body = popSTACK();
2509       if (atomp(body))
2510         break; /* at the end: return values of the last form */
2511       if (!nullp(value1)) {
2512         mv_count=1; break; /* prematurely: 1 value /=NIL */
2513       }
2514     }
2515   }
2516 }
2518 LISPFUN(xor,seclass_foldable,0,0,rest,nokey,0,NIL)
2519 { /* (XOR {form}) returns either 2 values: the unique non-NIL value
2520      and its index in the argument list; or NIL */
2521   VALUES1(NIL); /* for the case of all NILs*/
2522   while (argcount) {
2523     var object arg = popSTACK();
2524     if (!nullp(arg)) {
2525       if (!nullp(value1)) {
2526         VALUES1(NIL);
2527         skipSTACK(--argcount);
2528         return;
2529       } else
2530         VALUES2(arg,fixnum(argcount));
2531     }
2532     argcount--;
2533   }
2534 }
2536 /* From now on, the table macro has a different use: */
2537 #undef LISPSPECFORM
2539 /* table of all Fsubr-functions: */
2540 global const struct fsubr_tab_ fsubr_tab = {
2542   #include "fsubr.c"
2543  #undef LISPSPECFORM
2544 };