1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * API functions to support the grdredpol application.
19  *
20  * Brief synopsis: grdredpol reads a grid file with the magnetic field anomaly and
21  * computes the continuous reduction to the pole (RTP) anomaly by calculating the
22  * filter coefficients in the frequency, inverse FT and convolve in space domain.
23  * For details on the method see, Luis, J.F and J.M. Miranda (2008),
24  * "Reevaluation of magnetic chrons in the North Atlantic between 35N and 47N:
25  * Implications for the formation of the Azores Triple Junction and associated plateau,
26  * J. Geophys. Res., 113, B10105, doi:10.1029/2007JB005573
27  *
28  * Author:	Joaquim Luis / Miguel Miranda
29  * Date:	18-Feb-2003 (original GMT4 version)
30  * Version:	6 API
31  */
33 #include "gmt_dev.h"
35 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"grdredpol"
36 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"grdredpol"
37 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"potential"
38 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Compute the Continuous Reduction To the Pole, AKA differential RTP"
39 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"<G{,EG(,GG},ZG)"
40 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	"g"
43 struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL {
44 	struct GRDREDPOL_In {
45 		bool active;
46 		char *file;
47 	} In;
48 	struct GRDREDPOL_C {	/* -C */
49 		bool active;
50 		bool use_igrf;
51 		bool const_f;
52 		double	dec;
53 		double	dip;
54 	} C;
55 	struct GRDREDPOL_E {	/* -E */
56 		bool active;
57 		bool dip_grd_only;
58 		bool dip_dec_grd;
59 		char *decfile;
60 		char *dipfile;
61 	} E;
62 	struct GRDREDPOL_F {	/* -F */
63 		bool active;
64 		unsigned int	ncoef_row;
65 		unsigned int	ncoef_col;
66 		unsigned int	compute_n;	/* Compute ncoef_col */
67 		double	width;
68 	} F;
69 	struct GRDREDPOL_G {	/* -G<file> */
70 		bool active;
71 		char	*file;
72 	} G;
73 	struct GRDREDPOL_M {	/* -M */
74 		bool active;
75 		bool pad_zero;
76 		bool mirror;
77 	} M;
78 	struct GRDREDPOL_N {	/* -N */
79 		bool active;
80 	} N;
81 	struct GRDREDPOL_S {	/* -S, size of working grid */
82 		bool active;
83 		unsigned int	n_columns;
84 		unsigned int	n_rows;
85 	} S;
86 	struct GRDREDPOL_T {	/* -T */
87 		bool active;
88 		double	year;
89 	} T;
90 	struct GRDREDPOL_W {	/* -W */
91 		double	wid;
92 		bool active;
93 	} W;
94 	struct GRDREDPOL_Z {	/* -Z */
95 		bool active;
96 		char	*file;
97 	} Z;
98 };
101 #define ij0_data(Ctrl,i,j) ((Ctrl->S.n_columns+Ctrl->F.ncoef_col-1)*(i)+(j))
102 #define ij_mn(Ctrl,i,j) (Ctrl->F.ncoef_row*(j)+(i))
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)104 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
105 	struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *C;
107 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL);
109 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
110 	C->C.use_igrf = true;
111 	C->M.pad_zero = true;
112 	C->N.active = true;
113 	C->F.ncoef_row = 25;
114 	C->F.ncoef_col = 25;
115 	C->T.year = 2000;
116 	C->W.wid = 5;
117 	return (C);
118 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL * C)120 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
121 	if (!C) return;
122 	gmt_M_str_free (C->In.file);
123 	gmt_M_str_free (C->G.file);
124 	gmt_M_str_free (C->E.dipfile);
125 	gmt_M_str_free (C->E.decfile);
126 	gmt_M_str_free (C->Z.file);
127 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
128 }
grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_colinear(int i,int j,int n21,double * gxr,double * gxi,double * gxar,double * gxai,double * gxbr,double * gxbi,double * gxgr,double * gxgi,double u,double v,double alfa,double beta,double gama,struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL * Ctrl)130 GMT_LOCAL void grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_colinear (int i, int j, int n21, double *gxr,double *gxi, double *gxar,
131 		double *gxai, double *gxbr, double *gxbi, double *gxgr, double *gxgi, double u,
132 		double v, double alfa, double beta, double gama, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *Ctrl) {
134 	uint64_t ij = ij_mn(Ctrl,i,j-n21+1);
135 	double ro, ro2, ro3, ro4, ro5, alfa_u, beta_v, gama_ro, gama_ro_2;
136 	double alfa_u_beta_v, alfa_u_beta_v_2, rnr, rni, t2, t3;
137 	ro2 = u * u + v * v;    ro = sqrt(ro2);     ro3 = ro2 * ro;
138 	ro4 = ro2 * ro2;	ro5 = ro3 * ro2;
139 	alfa_u = alfa * u;
140 	beta_v = beta * v;
141 	gama_ro = gama * ro;    gama_ro_2 = gama_ro * gama_ro;
142 	alfa_u_beta_v = alfa_u + beta_v;
143 	alfa_u_beta_v_2 = alfa_u_beta_v * alfa_u_beta_v;
145 	t2 = 1 / ((alfa_u_beta_v_2 + gama_ro_2) * (alfa_u_beta_v_2 + gama_ro_2));
146 	t3 = t2 / (alfa_u_beta_v_2 + gama_ro_2);
148 	rnr = (gama_ro_2 - alfa_u_beta_v_2) * ro2;
149 	rni = 2 * gama_ro * alfa_u_beta_v * ro2;
151 	gxr[ij] = rnr * t2;
152 	gxi[ij] = rni * t2;
154 	if (Ctrl->N.active) {		/* Use the Taylor expansion */
155 		gxar[ij] = -2*alfa_u_beta_v*u*ro2 * t2 - 4*(gama_ro_2-alfa_u_beta_v_2)*ro2*alfa_u_beta_v*u * t3;
156 		gxai[ij] = 2*gama*ro3*u * t2 - 8*gama*ro3*alfa_u_beta_v_2*u * t3;
157 		gxbr[ij] = -2*alfa_u_beta_v*v*ro2 * t2 - 4*(gama_ro_2-alfa_u_beta_v_2)*ro2*alfa_u_beta_v*v * t3;
158 		gxbi[ij] = 2*gama*ro3*v * t2 - 8*gama*ro3*alfa_u_beta_v_2*v * t3;
159 		gxgr[ij] = 2*gama*ro4 * t2 - 4*(gama_ro_2-alfa_u_beta_v_2)*ro4*gama * t3;
160 		gxgi[ij] = 2*ro3*alfa_u_beta_v * t2 - 8*gama*gama*ro5*alfa_u_beta_v * t3;
161 	}
162 }
grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_not_colinear(int i,int j,int n21,double * gxr,double * gxi,double * gxar,double * gxai,double * gxbr,double * gxbi,double * gxgr,double * gxgi,double * gxtr,double * gxti,double * gxmr,double * gxmi,double * gxnr,double * gxni,double u,double v,double alfa,double beta,double gama,double tau,double mu,double nu,struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL * Ctrl)165 GMT_LOCAL void grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_not_colinear (int i, int j, int n21, double *gxr, double *gxi, double *gxar,
166 		double *gxai, double *gxbr, double *gxbi, double *gxgr, double *gxgi, double *gxtr,
167 		double *gxti, double *gxmr, double *gxmi, double *gxnr, double *gxni, double u, double v, double alfa,
168 		double beta, double gama, double tau, double mu, double nu, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *Ctrl) {
170 	uint64_t ij = ij_mn(Ctrl,i,j-n21+1);
171 	double ro, ro2, ro3, ro4, ro5, alfa_u, beta_v, gama_ro, gama_ro_2;
172 	double alfa_u_beta_v, alfa_u_beta_v_2, rnr, rni, den_r, den_i1, den_i2;
173 	double tau_u, mu_v, nu_ro, nu_ro_2, tau_u_mu_v, tau_u_mu_v_2, tau_u_mu_v_gama;
174 	double alfa_u_beta_v_nu, alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v;
176 	ro2 = u * u + v * v;    ro = sqrt(ro2);     ro3 = ro2 * ro;
177 	ro4 = ro2 * ro2;	ro5 = ro3 * ro2;
178 	alfa_u = alfa * u;
179 	beta_v = beta * v;
180 	gama_ro = gama * ro;    gama_ro_2 = gama_ro * gama_ro;
181 	alfa_u_beta_v = alfa_u + beta_v;
182 	alfa_u_beta_v_2 = alfa_u_beta_v * alfa_u_beta_v;
184 	tau_u = tau * u;	mu_v = mu * v;
185 	nu_ro = nu * ro;	nu_ro_2 = nu_ro * nu_ro;
186 	tau_u_mu_v = tau_u + mu_v;
187 	tau_u_mu_v_2 = tau_u_mu_v * tau_u_mu_v;
189 	tau_u_mu_v_gama = tau_u_mu_v * gama;
190 	alfa_u_beta_v_nu = alfa_u_beta_v * nu;
191 	alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v = alfa_u_beta_v * tau_u_mu_v;
193 	rnr = (-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v + gama_ro * nu_ro) * ro2;
194 	rni = (alfa_u_beta_v_nu + tau_u_mu_v_gama) * ro3;
196 	den_r = (alfa_u_beta_v_2 + gama_ro_2)*(tau_u_mu_v_2 + nu_ro_2);
197 	den_i1 = den_r * (alfa_u_beta_v_2+gama_ro_2);
198 	den_i2 = den_r * (tau_u_mu_v_2 + nu_ro_2);
200 	gxr[ij] = rnr / den_r;
201 	gxi[ij] = rni / den_r;
203 	if (Ctrl->N.active) {		/* Use the Taylor expansion */
204 		gxar[ij] = -u*tau_u_mu_v*ro2/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro2*alfa_u_beta_v*u/den_i1;
205 		gxai[ij] = u*nu*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro3*alfa_u_beta_v*u/den_i1;
206 		gxbr[ij] = -v*tau_u_mu_v*ro2/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro2*alfa_u_beta_v*v/den_i1;
207 		gxbi[ij] = v*nu*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro3*alfa_u_beta_v*v/den_i1;
208 		gxgr[ij] = nu*ro4/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro4*gama/den_i1;
209 		gxgi[ij] = tau_u_mu_v*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro5*gama/den_i1;
210 		gxtr[ij] = -alfa_u_beta_v*u*ro2/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro2*u*tau_u_mu_v/den_i2;
211 		gxti[ij] = u*gama*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro3*u*tau_u_mu_v/den_i2;
212 		gxmr[ij] = -alfa_u_beta_v*v*ro2/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro2*v*tau_u_mu_v/den_i2;
213 		gxmi[ij] = v*gama*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro3*v*tau_u_mu_v/den_i2;
214 		gxnr[ij] = gama*ro4/den_r -2*(-alfa_u_beta_v_tau_u_mu_v+gama*ro2*nu)*ro4*nu/den_i2;
215 		gxni[ij] = alfa_u_beta_v*ro3/den_r -2*(alfa_u_beta_v_nu+tau_u_mu_v_gama)*ro5*nu/den_i2;
216 	}
217 }
grdgravmag3d_mirror_edges(gmt_grdfloat * grid,int nc,int i_data_start,int j_data_start,struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL * Ctrl)219 GMT_LOCAL void grdgravmag3d_mirror_edges (gmt_grdfloat *grid, int nc, int i_data_start, int j_data_start, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *Ctrl) {
220 	/* This routine mirrors or replicates the West and East borders j_data_start times
221 	   and the South and North borders by i_data_start times.
222 	   nc	is the total number of columns by which the grid is extended
223 	   Ctrl->S.n_columns & Ctrl->S.n_rows are the grid's original number of column/rows before extension */
224 	int	i, j, ins, isn, iss, jww, jwe, jee, jew, upper_nx, upper_ny;
226 	/* First reflect about xmin and xmax, point symmetric about edge point */
228 	upper_ny = Ctrl->S.n_rows+i_data_start;
229 	for (j = 1; j <= j_data_start; j++) {	/* COLUMNS */
230 		jww = j_data_start-j;		/* Minimum Outside xmin and approaching West border  */
231 		jee = Ctrl->S.n_columns + j_data_start + j-1;	/* Minimum Outside xmax and approaching East border  */
232 		if (Ctrl->M.mirror) {
233 			jwe = j_data_start+j;			/* Minimum Inside xmin and approaching center  */
234 			jew = Ctrl->S.n_columns + j_data_start - j-1;	/* Minimum Inside xmax and approaching center  */
235 		}
236 		else {
237 			jwe = j_data_start;			/* West border */
238 			jew = Ctrl->S.n_columns + j_data_start - 1;	/* East border */
239 		}
240 		for (i = i_data_start; i < upper_ny; i++) {	/* ROWS */
241 			grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,i,jww)] = grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,i,jwe)];	/* West border */
242 			grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,i,jee)] = grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,i,jew)];	/* East border */
243 		}
244 	}
246 	/* Next, reflect about ymin and ymax. At the same time, since x has been reflected, we can use these vals */
248 	upper_nx = Ctrl->S.n_columns + nc;
249 	for (i = 0; i < i_data_start; i++) {	/* ROWS */
250 		iss = Ctrl->S.n_rows+i_data_start+i;	/* Minimum Outside ymin and approaching South border  */
251 		if (Ctrl->M.mirror) {
252 			ins = 2*i_data_start - i;		/* Maximum Inside ymax and approaching North border */
253 			isn = Ctrl->S.n_rows+i_data_start-2-i;	/* Minimum Inside ymin and approaching center  */
254 		}
255 		else {
256 			ins = i_data_start;			/* North border */
257 			isn = Ctrl->S.n_rows+i_data_start-1;	/* South border */
258 		}
259 		for (j = 0; j < upper_nx; j++) {	/* COLUMNS */
260 			grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,i,j)] = grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,ins,j)];		/* North border */
261 			grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,iss,j)] = grid[ij0_data(Ctrl,isn,j)];	/* South border */
262 		}
263 	}
264 }
grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(double * w,int m,int n,double * greel,double * gim,double * cosphi,double * sinphi,double * cospsi,double * sinpsi)266 GMT_LOCAL void grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(double *w, int m, int n, double *greel, double *gim,
267 	    double *cosphi, double *sinphi, double *cospsi, double *sinpsi) {
268     /* Initialized data */
270     static int mkeep = -9999;
271     static int nkeep = -9999;
273     /* System generated locals */
274     int w_offset, greel_offset, gim_offset;
275     int i, k, l, k1, k2, m1, n1, l1, l2, ir, is, lr, ks, ky, lx, ir1, ir2, lx1, lrm, ksn;
276     static double co1, co2, si2, si1, c1c2, c1s2, arg, c2s1, s1s2, xmn, arg1, somi, somr;
284 /*          - M/N => NUMBER OF LINES/COLUMN OF THE FILTER */
288 /*               COLUMNWISE */
290 /*     REMARKS: */
291 /*       M AND N MUST BE ODD */
294 /*	Translated to C by f2c (and further massaged) from a routine of A. Galdeano */
296 	/* Parameter adjustments */
297 	gim_offset = 1 + m;
298 	gim -= gim_offset;
299 	greel_offset = 1 + m;
300 	greel -= greel_offset;
301 	w_offset = 1 + m;
302 	w -= w_offset;
304 	/* Function Body */
305 	ky = (n + 1) / 2;
306 	lx = (m + 1) / 2;
308 	xmn = (double)(m * n);
309 	if (m == mkeep) goto L2;
310 	mkeep = m;
311 	arg = TWO_PI / m;
312 	for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
313 		arg1 = arg * i;
314 		sinphi[i] = sin(arg1);
315 		cosphi[i] = cos(arg1);
316 	}
317 L2:
318 	if (n == nkeep) goto L4;
319 	nkeep = n;
320 	arg = TWO_PI / n;
321 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
322 		arg1 = arg * i;
323 		sinpsi[i] = sin(arg1);
324 		cospsi[i] = cos(arg1);
325 	}
326 L4:
327 	lx1 = lx + 1;
328 	m1 = m + 1;
329 	n1 = n + 1;
330 	for (k1 = 1; k1 <= n; ++k1) {
331 		k = k1 - ky;
332 		k2 = n1 - k1;
333 		for (l1 = lx; l1 <= m; ++l1) {
334 			l = l1 - lx;
335 			l2 = m1 - l1;
336 			somr = 0.;
337 			somi = 0.;
338 			for (ir = lx1; ir <= m; ++ir) {
339 				lr = ir - lx;
340 				lrm = lr * l % m + 1;
341 				somr += greel[ir + m] * cosphi[lrm - 1];
342 				somi += gim[ir + m] * sinphi[lrm - 1];
343 			}
344 			for (is = 2; is <= ky; ++is) {
345 				ks = is - 1;
346 				ksn = ks * k % n + 1;
347 				if (ksn <= 0) ksn += n;
348 				co2 = cospsi[ksn - 1];
349 				si2 = sinpsi[ksn - 1];
350 				somr += greel[lx + is * m] * co2;
351 				somi += gim[lx + is * m] * si2;
352 				for (ir1 = lx1; ir1 <= m; ++ir1) {
353 					lr = ir1 - lx;
354 					ir2 = lx - lr;
355 					lrm = lr * l % m + 1;
356 					co1 = cosphi[lrm - 1];
357 					si1 = sinphi[lrm - 1];
358 					c1c2 = co1 * co2;
359 					s1s2 = si1 * si2;
360 					c1s2 = co1 * si2;
361 					c2s1 = co2 * si1;
362 					somr = somr + greel[ir1 + is * m] * (c1c2 - s1s2) + greel[ir2 + is * m] * (c1c2 + s1s2);
363 					somi = somi + gim[ir1 + is * m] * (c1s2 + c2s1) + gim[ir2 + is * m] * (c1s2 - c2s1);
364 				}
365 			}
366 			somr = somr + somr + greel[lx + m];
367 			somi += somi;
368 			w[l1 + k1 * m] = (somr + somi) / xmn;
369 			if (l1 != lx)
370 				w[l2 + k2 * m] = (somr - somi) / xmn;
371 		}
372     }
373 }
grdgravmag3d_igrf10syn(struct GMT_CTRL * C,int isv,double date,int itype,double alt,double elong,double lat,double * out)376 GMT_LOCAL int grdgravmag3d_igrf10syn (struct GMT_CTRL *C, int isv, double date, int itype, double alt, double elong, double lat, double *out) {
377  /*     This is a synthesis routine for the 10th generation IGRF as agreed
378   *     in December 2004 by IAGA Working Group V-MOD. It is valid 1900.0 to
379   *     2010.0 inclusive. Values for dates from 1945.0 to 2000.0 inclusive are
380   *     definitive, otherwise they are non-definitive.
381   *   INPUT
382   *     isv   = 0 if main-field values are required
383   *     isv   = 1 if secular variation values are required
384   *     date  = year A.D. Must be greater than or equal to 1900.0 and
385   *             less than or equal to 2015.0. Warning message is given
386   *             for dates greater than 2010.0. Must be double precision.
387   *     itype = 1 if geodetic (spheroid)
388   *     itype = 2 if geocentric (sphere)
389   *     alt   = height in km above sea level if itype = 1
390   *           = distance from centre of Earth in km if itype = 2 (>3485 km)
391   *     lat   = latitude (90-90)
392   *     elong = east-longitude (0-360) -- it works also in [-180;+180]
393   *   OUTPUT
394   *     out[0] F  = total intensity (nT) if isv = 0, rubbish if isv = 1
395   *     out[1] H  = horizontal intensity (nT)
396   *     out[2] X  = north component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1
397   *     out[3] Y  = east component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1
398   *     out[4] Z  = vertical component (nT) if isv = 0, nT/year if isv = 1
399   *     out[5] D  = declination
400   *     out[6] I  = inclination
401   *
402   *     To get the other geomagnetic elements (D, I, H and secular
403   *     variations dD, dH, dI and dF) use routines ptoc and ptocsv.
404   *
405   *     Adapted from 8th generation version to include new maximum degree for
406   *     main-field models for 2000.0 and onwards and use WGS84 spheroid instead
407   *     of International Astronomical Union 1966 spheroid as recommended by IAGA
408   *     in July 2003. Reference radius remains as 6371.2 km - it is NOT the mean
409   *     radius (= 6371.0 km) but 6371.2 km is what is used in determining the
410   *     coefficients. Adaptation by Susan Macmillan, August 2003 (for
411   *     9th generation) and December 2004.
412   *
413   *	Joaquim Luis 1-MARS-2005
414   *	Converted to C (with help of f2c, which explains the ugliness)
415   *     1995.0 coefficients as published in igrf9coeffs.xls and igrf10coeffs.xls
416   *     used - (Kimmo Korhonen spotted 1 nT difference in 11 coefficients)
417   *     Susan Macmillan July 2005 (PW update Oct 2006)
418   *
419   *	Joaquim Luis 21-JAN-2010
420   *	Updated for IGRF 11th generation
421   */
423 	struct GRDREDPOL_IGRF {
424 		double e_1[3450];
425 	};
426      /* Initialized data */
427      static struct GRDREDPOL_IGRF equiv_22 = {
428        {-31543.,-2298., 5922., -677., 2905.,-1061.,  924., 1121., /* g0 (1900) */
429          1022.,-1469., -330., 1256.,    3.,  572.,  523.,  876.,
430           628.,  195.,  660.,  -69., -361., -210.,  134.,  -75.,
431          -184.,  328., -210.,  264.,   53.,    5.,  -33.,  -86.,
432          -124.,  -16.,    3.,   63.,   61.,   -9.,  -11.,   83.,
433          -217.,    2.,  -58.,  -35.,   59.,   36.,  -90.,  -69.,
434            70.,  -55.,  -45.,    0.,  -13.,   34.,  -10.,  -41.,
435            -1.,  -21.,   28.,   18.,  -12.,    6.,  -22.,   11.,
436             8.,    8.,   -4.,  -14.,   -9.,    7.,    1.,  -13.,
437             2.,    5.,   -9.,   16.,    5.,   -5.,    8.,  -18.,
438             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
439            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    8.,    2.,   10.,   -1.,
440            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
441            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
442             0.,   -2.,    2.,    4.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
443        -31464.,-2298., 5909., -728., 2928.,-1086., 1041., 1065., /* g1 (1905) */
444          1037.,-1494., -357., 1239.,   34.,  635.,  480.,  880.,
445           643.,  203.,  653.,  -77., -380., -201.,  146.,  -65.,
446          -192.,  328., -193.,  259.,   56.,   -1.,  -32.,  -93.,
447          -125.,  -26.,   11.,   62.,   60.,   -7.,  -11.,   86.,
448          -221.,    4.,  -57.,  -32.,   57.,   32.,  -92.,  -67.,
449            70.,  -54.,  -46.,    0.,  -14.,   33.,  -11.,  -41.,
450             0.,  -20.,   28.,   18.,  -12.,    6.,  -22.,   11.,
451             8.,    8.,   -4.,  -15.,   -9.,    7.,    1.,  -13.,
452             2.,    5.,   -8.,   16.,    5.,   -5.,    8.,  -18.,
453             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
454            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    8.,    2.,   10.,    0.,
455            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
456            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
457             0.,   -2.,    2.,    4.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
458        -31354.,-2297., 5898., -769., 2948.,-1128., 1176., 1000., /* g2 (1910) */
459          1058.,-1524., -389., 1223.,   62.,  705.,  425.,  884.,
460           660.,  211.,  644.,  -90., -400., -189.,  160.,  -55.,
461          -201.,  327., -172.,  253.,   57.,   -9.,  -33., -102.,
462          -126.,  -38.,   21.,   62.,   58.,   -5.,  -11.,   89.,
463          -224.,    5.,  -54.,  -29.,   54.,   28.,  -95.,  -65.,
464            71.,  -54.,  -47.,    1.,  -14.,   32.,  -12.,  -40.,
465             1.,  -19.,   28.,   18.,  -13.,    6.,  -22.,   11.,
466             8.,    8.,   -4.,  -15.,   -9.,    6.,    1.,  -13.,
467             2.,    5.,   -8.,   16.,    5.,   -5.,    8.,  -18.,
468             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
469            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    8.,    2.,   10.,    0.,
470            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
471            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
472             0.,   -2.,    2.,    4.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
473        -31212.,-2306., 5875., -802., 2956.,-1191., 1309.,  917., /* g3 (1915) */
474          1084.,-1559., -421., 1212.,   84.,  778.,  360.,  887.,
475           678.,  218.,  631., -109., -416., -173.,  178.,  -51.,
476          -211.,  327., -148.,  245.,   58.,  -16.,  -34., -111.,
477          -126.,  -51.,   32.,   61.,   57.,   -2.,  -10.,   93.,
478          -228.,    8.,  -51.,  -26.,   49.,   23.,  -98.,  -62.,
479            72.,  -54.,  -48.,    2.,  -14.,   31.,  -12.,  -38.,
480             2.,  -18.,   28.,   19.,  -15.,    6.,  -22.,   11.,
481             8.,    8.,   -4.,  -15.,   -9.,    6.,    2.,  -13.,
482             3.,    5.,   -8.,   16.,    6.,   -5.,    8.,  -18.,
483             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
484            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    8.,    2.,   10.,    0.,
485            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
486            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
487             0.,   -2.,    1.,    4.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
488        -31060.,-2317., 5845., -839., 2959.,-1259., 1407.,  823., /* g4 (1920) */
489          1111.,-1600., -445., 1205.,  103.,  839.,  293.,  889.,
490           695.,  220.,  616., -134., -424., -153.,  199.,  -57.,
491          -221.,  326., -122.,  236.,   58.,  -23.,  -38., -119.,
492          -125.,  -62.,   43.,   61.,   55.,    0.,  -10.,   96.,
493          -233.,   11.,  -46.,  -22.,   44.,   18., -101.,  -57.,
494            73.,  -54.,  -49.,    2.,  -14.,   29.,  -13.,  -37.,
495             4.,  -16.,   28.,   19.,  -16.,    6.,  -22.,   11.,
496             7.,    8.,   -3.,  -15.,   -9.,    6.,    2.,  -14.,
497             4.,    5.,   -7.,   17.,    6.,   -5.,    8.,  -19.,
498             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
499            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    9.,    2.,   10.,    0.,
500            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
501            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
502             0.,   -2.,    1.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
503        -30926.,-2318., 5817., -893., 2969.,-1334., 1471.,  728., /* g5 (1925) */
504          1140.,-1645., -462., 1202.,  119.,  881.,  229.,  891.,
505           711.,  216.,  601., -163., -426., -130.,  217.,  -70.,
506          -230.,  326.,  -96.,  226.,   58.,  -28.,  -44., -125.,
507          -122.,  -69.,   51.,   61.,   54.,    3.,   -9.,   99.,
508          -238.,   14.,  -40.,  -18.,   39.,   13., -103.,  -52.,
509            73.,  -54.,  -50.,    3.,  -14.,   27.,  -14.,  -35.,
510             5.,  -14.,   29.,   19.,  -17.,    6.,  -21.,   11.,
511             7.,    8.,   -3.,  -15.,   -9.,    6.,    2.,  -14.,
512             4.,    5.,   -7.,   17.,    7.,   -5.,    8.,  -19.,
513             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -11.,    5.,   12.,
514            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    9.,    2.,   10.,    0.,
515            -2.,   -1.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
516            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
517             0.,   -2.,    1.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
518        -30805.,-2316., 5808., -951., 2980.,-1424., 1517.,  644., /* g6 (1930) */
519          1172.,-1692., -480., 1205.,  133.,  907.,  166.,  896.,
520           727.,  205.,  584., -195., -422., -109.,  234.,  -90.,
521          -237.,  327.,  -72.,  218.,   60.,  -32.,  -53., -131.,
522          -118.,  -74.,   58.,   60.,   53.,    4.,   -9.,  102.,
523          -242.,   19.,  -32.,  -16.,   32.,    8., -104.,  -46.,
524            74.,  -54.,  -51.,    4.,  -15.,   25.,  -14.,  -34.,
525             6.,  -12.,   29.,   18.,  -18.,    6.,  -20.,   11.,
526             7.,    8.,   -3.,  -15.,   -9.,    5.,    2.,  -14.,
527             5.,    5.,   -6.,   18.,    8.,   -5.,    8.,  -19.,
528             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   14.,  -12.,    5.,   12.,
529            -3.,    1.,   -2.,   -2.,    9.,    3.,   10.,    0.,
530            -2.,   -2.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
531            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
532             0.,   -2.,    1.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
533        -30715.,-2306., 5812.,-1018., 2984.,-1520., 1550.,  586., /* g7 (1935) */
534          1206.,-1740., -494., 1215.,  146.,  918.,  101.,  903.,
535           744.,  188.,  565., -226., -415.,  -90.,  249., -114.,
536          -241.,  329.,  -51.,  211.,   64.,  -33.,  -64., -136.,
537          -115.,  -76.,   64.,   59.,   53.,    4.,   -8.,  104.,
538          -246.,   25.,  -25.,  -15.,   25.,    4., -106.,  -40.,
539            74.,  -53.,  -52.,    4.,  -17.,   23.,  -14.,  -33.,
540             7.,  -11.,   29.,   18.,  -19.,    6.,  -19.,   11.,
541             7.,    8.,   -3.,  -15.,   -9.,    5.,    1.,  -15.,
542             6.,    5.,   -6.,   18.,    8.,   -5.,    7.,  -19.,
543             8.,   10.,  -20.,    1.,   15.,  -12.,    5.,   11.,
544            -3.,    1.,   -3.,   -2.,    9.,    3.,   11.,    0.,
545            -2.,   -2.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
546            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
547             0.,   -1.,    2.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
548        -30654.,-2292., 5821.,-1106., 2981.,-1614., 1566.,  528., /* g8 (1940) */
549          1240.,-1790., -499., 1232.,  163.,  916.,   43.,  914.,
550           762.,  169.,  550., -252., -405.,  -72.,  265., -141.,
551          -241.,  334.,  -33.,  208.,   71.,  -33.,  -75., -141.,
552          -113.,  -76.,   69.,   57.,   54.,    4.,   -7.,  105.,
553          -249.,   33.,  -18.,  -15.,   18.,    0., -107.,  -33.,
554            74.,  -53.,  -52.,    4.,  -18.,   20.,  -14.,  -31.,
555             7.,   -9.,   29.,   17.,  -20.,    5.,  -19.,   11.,
556             7.,    8.,   -3.,  -14.,  -10.,    5.,    1.,  -15.,
557             6.,    5.,   -5.,   19.,    9.,   -5.,    7.,  -19.,
558             8.,   10.,  -21.,    1.,   15.,  -12.,    5.,   11.,
559            -3.,    1.,   -3.,   -2.,    9.,    3.,   11.,    1.,
560            -2.,   -2.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
561            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
562             0.,   -1.,    2.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
563        -30594.,-2285., 5810.,-1244., 2990.,-1702., 1578.,  477., /* g9 (1945) */
564          1282.,-1834., -499., 1255.,  186.,  913.,  -11.,  944.,
565           776.,  144.,  544., -276., -421.,  -55.,  304., -178.,
566          -253.,  346.,  -12.,  194.,   95.,  -20.,  -67., -142.,
567          -119.,  -82.,   82.,   59.,   57.,    6.,    6.,  100.,
568          -246.,   16.,  -25.,   -9.,   21.,  -16., -104.,  -39.,
569            70.,  -40.,  -45.,    0.,  -18.,    0.,    2.,  -29.,
570             6.,  -10.,   28.,   15.,  -17.,   29.,  -22.,   13.,
571             7.,   12.,   -8.,  -21.,   -5.,  -12.,    9.,   -7.,
572             7.,    2.,  -10.,   18.,    7.,    3.,    2.,  -11.,
573             5.,  -21.,  -27.,    1.,   17.,  -11.,   29.,    3.,
574            -9.,   16.,    4.,   -3.,    9.,   -4.,    6.,   -3.,
575             1.,   -4.,    8.,   -3.,   11.,    5.,    1.,    1.,
576             2.,  -20.,   -5.,   -1.,   -1.,   -6.,    8.,    6.,
577            -1.,   -4.,   -3.,   -2.,    5.,    0.,   -2.,   -2.,
578        -30554.,-2250., 5815.,-1341., 2998.,-1810., 1576.,  381., /* ga (1950) */
579          1297.,-1889., -476., 1274.,  206.,  896.,  -46.,  954.,
580           792.,  136.,  528., -278., -408.,  -37.,  303., -210.,
581          -240.,  349.,    3.,  211.,  103.,  -20.,  -87., -147.,
582          -122.,  -76.,   80.,   54.,   57.,   -1.,    4.,   99.,
583          -247.,   33.,  -16.,  -12.,   12.,  -12., -105.,  -30.,
584            65.,  -55.,  -35.,    2.,  -17.,    1.,    0.,  -40.,
585            10.,   -7.,   36.,    5.,  -18.,   19.,  -16.,   22.,
586            15.,    5.,   -4.,  -22.,   -1.,    0.,   11.,  -21.,
587            15.,   -8.,  -13.,   17.,    5.,   -4.,   -1.,  -17.,
588             3.,   -7.,  -24.,   -1.,   19.,  -25.,   12.,   10.,
589             2.,    5.,    2.,   -5.,    8.,   -2.,    8.,    3.,
590           -11.,    8.,   -7.,   -8.,    4.,   13.,   -1.,   -2.,
591            13.,  -10.,   -4.,    2.,    4.,   -3.,   12.,    6.,
592             3.,   -3.,    2.,    6.,   10.,   11.,    3.,    8.,
593        -30500.,-2215., 5820.,-1440., 3003.,-1898., 1581.,  291., /* gb (1955) */
594          1302.,-1944., -462., 1288.,  216.,  882.,  -83.,  958.,
595           796.,  133.,  510., -274., -397.,  -23.,  290., -230.,
596          -229.,  360.,   15.,  230.,  110.,  -23.,  -98., -152.,
597          -121.,  -69.,   78.,   47.,   57.,   -9.,    3.,   96.,
598          -247.,   48.,   -8.,  -16.,    7.,  -12., -107.,  -24.,
599            65.,  -56.,  -50.,    2.,  -24.,   10.,   -4.,  -32.,
600             8.,  -11.,   28.,    9.,  -20.,   18.,  -18.,   11.,
601             9.,   10.,   -6.,  -15.,  -14.,    5.,    6.,  -23.,
602            10.,    3.,   -7.,   23.,    6.,   -4.,    9.,  -13.,
603             4.,    9.,  -11.,   -4.,   12.,   -5.,    7.,    2.,
604             6.,    4.,   -2.,    1.,   10.,    2.,    7.,    2.,
605            -6.,    5.,    5.,   -3.,   -5.,   -4.,   -1.,    0.,
606             2.,   -8.,   -3.,   -2.,    7.,   -4.,    4.,    1.,
607            -2.,   -3.,    6.,    7.,   -2.,   -1.,    0.,   -3.,
608        -30421.,-2169., 5791.,-1555., 3002.,-1967., 1590.,  206., /* gc (1960) */
609          1302.,-1992., -414., 1289.,  224.,  878., -130.,  957.,
610           800.,  135.,  504., -278., -394.,    3.,  269., -255.,
611          -222.,  362.,   16.,  242.,  125.,  -26., -117., -156.,
612          -114.,  -63.,   81.,   46.,   58.,  -10.,    1.,   99.,
613          -237.,   60.,   -1.,  -20.,   -2.,  -11., -113.,  -17.,
614            67.,  -56.,  -55.,    5.,  -28.,   15.,   -6.,  -32.,
615             7.,   -7.,   23.,   17.,  -18.,    8.,  -17.,   15.,
616             6.,   11.,   -4.,  -14.,  -11.,    7.,    2.,  -18.,
617            10.,    4.,   -5.,   23.,   10.,    1.,    8.,  -20.,
618             4.,    6.,  -18.,    0.,   12.,   -9.,    2.,    1.,
619             0.,    4.,   -3.,   -1.,    9.,   -2.,    8.,    3.,
620             0.,   -1.,    5.,    1.,   -3.,    4.,    4.,    1.,
621             0.,    0.,   -1.,    2.,    4.,   -5.,    6.,    1.,
622             1.,   -1.,   -1.,    6.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -7.,
623        -30334.,-2119., 5776.,-1662., 2997.,-2016., 1594.,  114., /* gd (1965) */
624          1297.,-2038., -404., 1292.,  240.,  856., -165.,  957.,
625           804.,  148.,  479., -269., -390.,   13.,  252., -269.,
626          -219.,  358.,   19.,  254.,  128.,  -31., -126., -157.,
627           -97.,  -62.,   81.,   45.,   61.,  -11.,    8.,  100.,
628          -228.,   68.,    4.,  -32.,    1.,   -8., -111.,   -7.,
629            75.,  -57.,  -61.,    4.,  -27.,   13.,   -2.,  -26.,
630             6.,   -6.,   26.,   13.,  -23.,    1.,  -12.,   13.,
631             5.,    7.,   -4.,  -12.,  -14.,    9.,    0.,  -16.,
632             8.,    4.,   -1.,   24.,   11.,   -3.,    4.,  -17.,
633             8.,   10.,  -22.,    2.,   15.,  -13.,    7.,   10.,
634            -4.,   -1.,   -5.,   -1.,   10.,    5.,   10.,    1.,
635            -4.,   -2.,    1.,   -2.,   -3.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
636            -5.,    2.,   -2.,    6.,    4.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
637             0.,   -2.,    2.,    3.,    2.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
638        -30220.,-2068., 5737.,-1781., 3000.,-2047., 1611.,   25., /* ge (1970) */
639          1287.,-2091., -366., 1278.,  251.,  838., -196.,  952.,
640           800.,  167.,  461., -266., -395.,   26.,  234., -279.,
641          -216.,  359.,   26.,  262.,  139.,  -42., -139., -160.,
642           -91.,  -56.,   83.,   43.,   64.,  -12.,   15.,  100.,
643          -212.,   72.,    2.,  -37.,    3.,   -6., -112.,    1.,
644            72.,  -57.,  -70.,    1.,  -27.,   14.,   -4.,  -22.,
645             8.,   -2.,   23.,   13.,  -23.,   -2.,  -11.,   14.,
646             6.,    7.,   -2.,  -15.,  -13.,    6.,   -3.,  -17.,
647             5.,    6.,    0.,   21.,   11.,   -6.,    3.,  -16.,
648             8.,   10.,  -21.,    2.,   16.,  -12.,    6.,   10.,
649            -4.,   -1.,   -5.,    0.,   10.,    3.,   11.,    1.,
650            -2.,   -1.,    1.,   -3.,   -3.,    1.,    2.,    1.,
651            -5.,    3.,   -1.,    4.,    6.,   -4.,    4.,    0.,
652             1.,   -1.,    0.,    3.,    3.,    1.,   -1.,   -4.,
653        -30100.,-2013., 5675.,-1902., 3010.,-2067., 1632.,  -68., /* gf (1975) */
654          1276.,-2144., -333., 1260.,  262.,  830., -223.,  946.,
655           791.,  191.,  438., -265., -405.,   39.,  216., -288.,
656          -218.,  356.,   31.,  264.,  148.,  -59., -152., -159.,
657           -83.,  -49.,   88.,   45.,   66.,  -13.,   28.,   99.,
658          -198.,   75.,    1.,  -41.,    6.,   -4., -111.,   11.,
659            71.,  -56.,  -77.,    1.,  -26.,   16.,   -5.,  -14.,
660            10.,    0.,   22.,   12.,  -23.,   -5.,  -12.,   14.,
661             6.,    6.,   -1.,  -16.,  -12.,    4.,   -8.,  -19.,
662             4.,    6.,    0.,   18.,   10.,  -10.,    1.,  -17.,
663             7.,   10.,  -21.,    2.,   16.,  -12.,    7.,   10.,
664            -4.,   -1.,   -5.,   -1.,   10.,    4.,   11.,    1.,
665            -3.,   -2.,    1.,   -3.,   -3.,    1.,    2.,    1.,
666            -5.,    3.,   -2.,    4.,    5.,   -4.,    4.,   -1.,
667             1.,   -1.,    0.,    3.,    3.,    1.,   -1.,   -5.,
668        -29992.,-1956., 5604.,-1997., 3027.,-2129., 1663., -200., /* gg (1980) */
669          1281.,-2180., -336., 1251.,  271.,  833., -252.,  938.,
670           782.,  212.,  398., -257., -419.,   53.,  199., -297.,
671          -218.,  357.,   46.,  261.,  150.,  -74., -151., -162.,
672           -78.,  -48.,   92.,   48.,   66.,  -15.,   42.,   93.,
673          -192.,   71.,    4.,  -43.,   14.,   -2., -108.,   17.,
674            72.,  -59.,  -82.,    2.,  -27.,   21.,   -5.,  -12.,
675            16.,    1.,   18.,   11.,  -23.,   -2.,  -10.,   18.,
676             6.,    7.,    0.,  -18.,  -11.,    4.,   -7.,  -22.,
677             4.,    9.,    3.,   16.,    6.,  -13.,   -1.,  -15.,
678             5.,   10.,  -21.,    1.,   16.,  -12.,    9.,    9.,
679            -5.,   -3.,   -6.,   -1.,    9.,    7.,   10.,    2.,
680            -6.,   -5.,    2.,   -4.,   -4.,    1.,    2.,    0.,
681            -5.,    3.,   -2.,    6.,    5.,   -4.,    3.,    0.,
682             1.,   -1.,    2.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
683        -29873.,-1905., 5500.,-2072., 3044.,-2197., 1687., -306., /* gi (1985) */
684          1296.,-2208., -310., 1247.,  284.,  829., -297.,  936.,
685           780.,  232.,  361., -249., -424.,   69.,  170., -297.,
686          -214.,  355.,   47.,  253.,  150.,  -93., -154., -164.,
687           -75.,  -46.,   95.,   53.,   65.,  -16.,   51.,   88.,
688          -185.,   69.,    4.,  -48.,   16.,   -1., -102.,   21.,
689            74.,  -62.,  -83.,    3.,  -27.,   24.,   -2.,   -6.,
690            20.,    4.,   17.,   10.,  -23.,    0.,   -7.,   21.,
691             6.,    8.,    0.,  -19.,  -11.,    5.,   -9.,  -23.,
692             4.,   11.,    4.,   14.,    4.,  -15.,   -4.,  -11.,
693             5.,   10.,  -21.,    1.,   15.,  -12.,    9.,    9.,
694            -6.,   -3.,   -6.,   -1.,    9.,    7.,    9.,    1.,
695            -7.,   -5.,    2.,   -4.,   -4.,    1.,    3.,    0.,
696            -5.,    3.,   -2.,    6.,    5.,   -4.,    3.,    0.,
697             1.,   -1.,    2.,    4.,    3.,    0.,    0.,   -6.,
698        -29775.,-1848., 5406.,-2131., 3059.,-2279., 1686., -373., /* gj (1990) */
699          1314.,-2239., -284., 1248.,  293.,  802., -352.,  939.,
700           780.,  247.,  325., -240., -423.,   84.,  141., -299.,
701          -214.,  353.,   46.,  245.,  154., -109., -153., -165.,
702           -69.,  -36.,   97.,   61.,   65.,  -16.,   59.,   82.,
703          -178.,   69.,    3.,  -52.,   18.,    1.,  -96.,   24.,
704            77.,  -64.,  -80.,    2.,  -26.,   26.,    0.,   -1.,
705            21.,    5.,   17.,    9.,  -23.,    0.,   -4.,   23.,
706             5.,   10.,   -1.,  -19.,  -10.,    6.,  -12.,  -22.,
707             3.,   12.,    4.,   12.,    2.,  -16.,   -6.,  -10.,
708             4.,    9.,  -20.,    1.,   15.,  -12.,   11.,    9.,
709            -7.,   -4.,   -7.,   -2.,    9.,    7.,    8.,    1.,
710            -7.,   -6.,    2.,   -3.,   -4.,    2.,    2.,    1.,
711            -5.,    3.,   -2.,    6.,    4.,   -4.,    3.,    0.,
712             1.,   -2.,    3.,    3.,    3.,   -1.,    0.,   -6.,
713        -29692.,-1784., 5306.,-2200., 3070.,-2366., 1681., -413., /* gk (1995) */
714          1335.,-2267., -262., 1249.,  302.,  759., -427.,  940.,
715           780.,  262.,  290., -236., -418.,   97.,  122., -306.,
716          -214.,  352.,   46.,  235.,  165., -118., -143., -166.,
717           -55.,  -17.,  107.,   68.,   67.,  -17.,   68.,   72.,
718          -170.,   67.,   -1.,  -58.,   19.,    1.,  -93.,   36.,
719            77.,  -72.,  -69.,    1.,  -25.,   28.,    4.,    5.,
720            24.,    4.,   17.,    8.,  -24.,   -2.,   -6.,   25.,
721             6.,   11.,   -6.,  -21.,   -9.,    8.,  -14.,  -23.,
722             9.,   15.,    6.,   11.,   -5.,  -16.,   -7.,   -4.,
723             4.,    9.,  -20.,    3.,   15.,  -10.,   12.,    8.,
724            -6.,   -8.,   -8.,   -1.,    8.,   10.,    5.,   -2.,
725            -8.,   -8.,    3.,   -3.,   -6.,    1.,    2.,    0.,
726            -4.,    4.,   -1.,    5.,    4.,   -5.,    2.,   -1.,
727             2.,   -2.,    5.,    1.,    1.,   -2.,    0.,   -7.,
728             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
729             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
730             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
731             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
732             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
733             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
734             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
735             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
736             0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,    0.,
737             0.,    0.,    0.,
738        -29619.4,-1728.2, 5186.1,-2267.7, 3068.4,-2481.6, 1670.9, /* gl (2000) */
739          -458.0, 1339.6,-2288.0, -227.6, 1252.1,  293.4,  714.5,
740          -491.1,  932.3,  786.8,  272.6,  250.0, -231.9, -403.0,
741           119.8,  111.3, -303.8, -218.8,  351.4,   43.8,  222.3,
742           171.9, -130.4, -133.1, -168.6,  -39.3,  -12.9,  106.3,
743            72.3,   68.2,  -17.4,   74.2,   63.7, -160.9,   65.1,
744            -5.9,  -61.2,   16.9,    0.7,  -90.4,   43.8,   79.0,
745           -74.0,  -64.6,    0.0,  -24.2,   33.3,    6.2,    9.1,
746            24.0,    6.9,   14.8,    7.3,  -25.4,   -1.2,   -5.8,
747            24.4,    6.6,   11.9,   -9.2,  -21.5,   -7.9,    8.5,
748           -16.6,  -21.5,    9.1,   15.5,    7.0,    8.9,   -7.9,
749           -14.9,   -7.0,   -2.1,    5.0,    9.4,  -19.7,    3.0,
750            13.4,   -8.4,   12.5,    6.3,   -6.2,   -8.9,   -8.4,
751            -1.5,    8.4,    9.3,    3.8,   -4.3,   -8.2,   -8.2,
752             4.8,   -2.6,   -6.0,    1.7,    1.7,    0.0,   -3.1,
753             4.0,   -0.5,    4.9,    3.7,   -5.9,    1.0,   -1.2,
754             2.0,   -2.9,    4.2,    0.2,    0.3,   -2.2,   -1.1,
755            -7.4,    2.7,   -1.7,    0.1,   -1.9,    1.3,    1.5,
756            -0.9,   -0.1,   -2.6,    0.1,    0.9,   -0.7,   -0.7,
757             0.7,   -2.8,    1.7,   -0.9,    0.1,   -1.2,    1.2,
758            -1.9,    4.0,   -0.9,   -2.2,   -0.3,   -0.4,    0.2,
759             0.3,    0.9,    2.5,   -0.2,   -2.6,    0.9,    0.7,
760            -0.5,    0.3,    0.3,    0.0,   -0.3,    0.0,   -0.4,
761             0.3,   -0.1,   -0.9,   -0.2,   -0.4,   -0.4,    0.8,
762            -0.2,   -0.9,   -0.9,    0.3,    0.2,    0.1,    1.8,
763            -0.4,   -0.4,    1.3,   -1.0,   -0.4,   -0.1,    0.7,
764             0.7,   -0.4,    0.3,    0.3,    0.6,   -0.1,    0.3,
765             0.4,   -0.2,    0.0,   -0.5,    0.1,   -0.9,
766        -29554.63, -1669.05,  5077.99, -2337.24, 3047.69, -2594.50, 1657.76, /* gm (2005) */
767          -515.43,  1336.30, -2305.83,  -198.86, 1246.39,   269.72,  672.51,
768          -524.72,   920.55,  797.96,    282.07,  210.65,  -225.23, -379.86,
769           145.15,   100.00, -305.36,   -227.00,  354.41,    42.72,  208.95,
770           180.25,  -136.54, -123.45,   -168.05,  -19.57,   -13.55,  103.85,
771            73.60,    69.56,  -20.33,     76.74,   54.75,  -151.34,   63.63,
772           -14.58,   -63.53,   14.58,      0.24,  -86.36,    50.94,   79.88,
773           -74.46,   -61.14,   -1.65,    -22.57,   38.73,     6.82,   12.30,
774            25.35,     9.37,   10.93,      5.42,  -26.32,     1.94,   -4.64,
775            24.80,     7.62,   11.20,    -11.73,  -20.88,    -6.88,    9.83,
776           -18.11,   -19.71,   10.17,     16.22,    9.36,     7.61,  -11.25,
777           -12.76,    -4.87,   -0.06,      5.58,    9.76,   -20.11,    3.58,
778            12.69,    -6.94,   12.67,      5.01,   -6.72,   -10.76,   -8.16,
779            -1.25,     8.10,    8.76,      2.92,   -6.66,    -7.73,   -9.22,
780             6.01,    -2.17,   -6.12,      2.19,    1.42,     0.10,   -2.35,
781             4.46,    -0.15,    4.76,      3.06,   -6.58,     0.29,   -1.01,
782             2.06,    -3.47,    3.77,     -0.86,   -0.21,    -2.31,   -2.09,
783            -7.93,     2.95,   -1.60,      0.26,   -1.88,     1.44,    1.44,
784            -0.77,    -0.31,   -2.27,      0.29,    0.90,    -0.79,   -0.58,
785             0.53,    -2.69,    1.80,     -1.08,    0.16,    -1.58,    0.96,
786            -1.90,     3.99,   -1.39,     -2.15,   -0.29,    -0.55,    0.21,
787             0.23,     0.89,    2.38,     -0.38,   -2.63,     0.96,    0.61,
788            -0.30,     0.40,    0.46,      0.01,   -0.35,     0.02,   -0.36,
789             0.28,     0.08,   -0.87,     -0.49,   -0.34,    -0.08,    0.88,
790            -0.16,    -0.88,   -0.76,      0.30,    0.33,     0.28,    1.72,
791            -0.43,    -0.54,    1.18,     -1.07,   -0.37,    -0.04,    0.75,
792             0.63,    -0.26,    0.21,      0.35,    0.53,    -0.05,    0.38,
793             0.41,    -0.22,   -0.10,     -0.57,   -0.18,    -0.82,
794        -29496.57, -1586.42, 4944.26,  -2396.06, 3026.34, -2708.54,	/* gp (2010) */
795          1668.17,  -575.73, 1339.85,  -2326.54, -160.40,  1232.10,
796           251.75,   633.73, -537.03,    912.66,  808.97,   286.48,
797           166.58,  -211.03, -356.83,    164.46,   89.40,  -309.72,
798          -230.87,   357.29,   44.58,    200.26,  189.01,  -141.05,
799          -118.06,  -163.17,   -0.01,     -8.03,  101.04,    72.78,
800            68.69,   -20.90,   75.92,     44.18, -141.40,    61.54,
801           -22.83,   -66.26,   13.10,      3.02,  -78.09,    55.40,
802            80.44,   -75.00,  -57.80,     -4.55,  -21.20,    45.24,
803             6.54,    14.00,   24.96,     10.46,    7.03,     1.64,
804           -27.61,     4.92,   -3.28,     24.41,    8.21,    10.84,
805           -14.50,   -20.03,   -5.59,     11.83,  -19.34,   -17.41,
806            11.61,    16.71,   10.85,      6.96,  -14.05,   -10.74,
807            -3.54,     1.64,    5.50,      9.45,  -20.54,     3.45,
808            11.51,    -5.27,   12.75,      3.13,   -7.14,   -12.38,
809            -7.42,    -0.76,    7.97,      8.43,    2.14,    -8.42,
810            -6.08,   -10.08,    7.01,     -1.94,   -6.24,     2.73,
811             0.89,    -0.10,   -1.07,      4.71,   -0.16,     4.44,
812             2.45,    -7.22,   -0.33,     -0.96,    2.13,    -3.95,
813             3.09,    -1.99,   -1.03,     -1.97,   -2.80,    -8.31,
814             3.05,    -1.48,    0.13,     -2.03,    1.67,     1.65,
815            -0.66,    -0.51,   -1.76,      0.54,    0.85,    -0.79,
816            -0.39,     0.37,   -2.51,      1.79,   -1.27,     0.12,
817            -2.11,     0.75,   -1.94,      3.75,   -1.86,    -2.12,
818            -0.21,    -0.87,    0.30,      0.27,    1.04,     2.13,
819            -0.63,    -2.49,    0.95,      0.49,   -0.11,     0.59,
820             0.52,     0.00,   -0.39,      0.13,   -0.37,     0.27,
821             0.21,    -0.86,   -0.77,     -0.23,    0.04,     0.87,
822            -0.09,    -0.89,   -0.87,      0.31,    0.30,     0.42,
823             1.66,    -0.45,   -0.59,      1.08,   -1.14,    -0.31,
824            -0.07,     0.78,    0.54,     -0.18,    0.10,     0.38,
825             0.49,     0.02,    0.44,      0.42,   -0.25,    -0.26,
826            -0.53,    -0.26,   -0.79,
827        -29442.0,  -1501.0,  4797.1,-2445.1, 3012.9,-2845.6, 1676.7,  /* gq (2015) */
828          -641.9,   1350.7, -2352.3, -115.3, 1225.6,  244.9,  582.0,
829          -538.4,    907.6,   813.7,  283.3,  120.4, -188.7, -334.9,
830           180.9,     70.4,  -329.5, -232.6,  360.1,   47.3,  192.4,
831           197.0,   -140.9,  -119.3, -157.5,   16.0,    4.1,  100.2,
832            70.0,     67.7,   -20.8,   72.7,   33.2, -129.9,   58.9,
833           -28.9,    -66.7,    13.2,    7.3,  -70.9,   62.6,   81.6,
834           -76.1,    -54.1,    -6.8,  -19.5,   51.8,    5.7,   15.0,
835            24.4,      9.4,     3.4,   -2.8,  -27.4,    6.8,   -2.2,
836            24.2,      8.8,    10.1,  -16.9,  -18.3,   -3.2,   13.3,
837           -20.6,    -14.6,    13.4,   16.2,   11.7,    5.7,  -15.9,
838            -9.1,     -2.0,     2.1,    5.4,    8.8,  -21.6,    3.1,
839            10.8,     -3.3,    11.8,    0.7,   -6.8,  -13.3,   -6.9,
840            -0.1,      7.8,     8.7,    1.0,   -9.1,   -4.0,  -10.5,
841             8.4,     -1.9,    -6.3,    3.2,    0.1,   -0.4,    0.5,
842             4.6,     -0.5,     4.4,    1.8,   -7.9,   -0.7,   -0.6,
843             2.1,     -4.2,     2.4,   -2.8,   -1.8,   -1.2,   -3.6,
844            -8.7,      3.1,    -1.5,   -0.1,   -2.3,    2.0,    2.0,
845            -0.7,     -0.8,    -1.1,    0.6,    0.8,   -0.7,   -0.2,
846             0.2,     -2.2,     1.7,   -1.4,   -0.2,   -2.5,    0.4,
847            -2.0,      3.5,    -2.4,   -1.9,   -0.2,   -1.1,    0.4,
848             0.4,      1.2,     1.9,   -0.8,   -2.2,    0.9,    0.3,
849             0.1,      0.7,     0.5,   -0.1,   -0.3,    0.3,   -0.4,
850             0.2,      0.2,    -0.9,   -0.9,   -0.1,    0.0,    0.7,
851             0.0,     -0.9,    -0.9,    0.4,    0.4,    0.5,    1.6,
852            -0.5,     -0.5,     1.0,   -1.2,   -0.2,   -0.1,    0.8,
853             0.4,     -0.1,    -0.1,    0.3,    0.4,    0.1,    0.5,
854             0.5,     -0.3,    -0.4,   -0.4,   -0.3,   -0.8,
855            10.3,     18.1,   -26.6,   -8.7,   -3.3,  -27.4,    2.1,  /* sv (2015) */
856           -14.1,      3.4,    -5.5,    8.2,   -0.7,   -0.4,  -10.1,
857             1.8,     -0.7,     0.2,   -1.3,   -9.1,    5.3,    4.1,
858             2.9,     -4.3,    -5.2,   -0.2,    0.5,    0.6,   -1.3,
859             1.7,     -0.1,    -1.2,    1.4,    3.4,    3.9,    0.0,
860            -0.3,     -0.1,     0.0,   -0.7,   -2.1,    2.1,   -0.7,
861            -1.2,      0.2,     0.3,    0.9,    1.6,    1.0,    0.3,
862            -0.2,      0.8,    -0.5,    0.4,    1.3,   -0.2,    0.1,
863            -0.3,     -0.6,    -0.6,   -0.8,    0.1,    0.2,   -0.2,
864             0.2,      0.0,    -0.3,   -0.6,    0.3,    0.5,    0.1,
865            -0.2,      0.5,     0.4,   -0.2,    0.1,   -0.3,   -0.4,
866             0.3,      0.3,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
867             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
868             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
869             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
870             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
871             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
872             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
873             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
874             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
875             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
876             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
877             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
878             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
879             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
880             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
881             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0,
882             0.0,      0.0,     0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    0.0}
883 	 };
884 #define gh ((double *)&equiv_22)
886 	int i, j, k, l, m, n, ll, lm, kmx, nmx, nc;
887 	double cd, cl[13], tc, ct, sd, fn = 0.0, gn = 0.0, fm, sl[13];
888 	double rr, st, one, gmm, rho, two, three, ratio;
889 	double p[105], q[105], r, t, a2, b2;
890 	double H, F, X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, dec, dip;
892 	if (date < 1900.0 || date > 2020.0) {
893 		GMT_Report (C->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Your date (%g) is outside valid extrapolated range for IGRF (1900-2020)\n", date);
894 		return (true);
895 	}
897 	if (date < 2015.) {
898 		t = 0.2 * (date - 1900.);
899 		ll = (int) t;
900 		one = (double) ll;
901 		t -= one;
902 		if (date < 1995.) {
903 			nmx = 10;
904 			nc = nmx * (nmx + 2);
905 			ll = nc * ll;
906 			kmx = (nmx + 1) * (nmx + 2) / 2;
907 		} else {
908 			nmx = 13;
909 			nc = nmx * (nmx + 2);
910 			ll = (int) ((date - 1995.) * .2);
911 			ll = nc * ll + 2280		/* 2280, position of first coeff of 1995 */;
912 			kmx = (nmx + 1) * (nmx + 2) / 2;
913 		}
914 		tc = 1. - t;
915 		if (isv == 1) {
916 			tc = -.2;
917 			t = .2;
918 		}
919 	}
920 	else {
921 		t = date - 2015.;
922 		tc = 1.;
923 		if (isv == 1) {
924 			t = 1.;
925 			tc = 0.;
926 		}
927 		ll = 3060;		/* nth position corresponding to first coeff of 2015 */
928 		nmx = 13;
929 		nc = nmx * (nmx + 2);
930 		kmx = (nmx + 1) * (nmx + 2) / 2;
931 	}
932 	r = alt;
933 	sincosd (90.0 - lat, &st, &ct);
934 	sincosd (elong, &(sl[0]), &(cl[0]));
935 	cd = 1.;
936 	sd = 0.;
937 	l = 1;
938 	m = 1;
939 	n = 0;
940 	if (itype == 1) { /* conversion from geodetic to geocentric coordinates (using the WGS84 spheroid) */
941 		a2 = 40680631.6;
942 		b2 = 40408296.0;
943 		one = a2 * st * st;
944 		two = b2 * ct * ct;
945 		three = one + two;
946 		rho = sqrt(three);
947 		r = sqrt(alt * (alt + rho * 2.) + (a2 * one + b2 * two) / three);
948 		cd = (alt + rho) / r;
949 		sd = (a2 - b2) / rho * ct * st / r;
950 		one = ct;
951 		ct = ct * cd - st * sd;
952 		st = st * cd + one * sd;
953 	}
954 	ratio = 6371.2 / r;
955 	rr = ratio * ratio;
957 	/* computation of Schmidt quasi-normal coefficients p and x(=q) */
959 	p[0] = 1.;
960 	p[2] = st;
961 	q[0] = 0.;
962 	q[2] = ct;
963 	for (k = 2; k <= kmx; ++k) {
964 		if (n < m) {
965 			m = 0;
966 			n++;
967 			rr *= ratio;
968 			fn = (double) n;
969 			gn = (double) (n - 1);
970 		}
971 		fm = (double) m;
972 		if (k != 3) {
973 			if (m == n) {
974 				one = sqrt(1. - .5 / fm);
975 				j = k - n - 1;
976 				p[k-1] = one * st * p[j-1];
977 				q[k-1] = one * (st * q[j-1] + ct * p[j-1]);
978 				cl[m-1] = cl[m-2] * cl[0] - sl[m-2] * sl[0];
979 				sl[m-1] = sl[m-2] * cl[0] + cl[m-2] * sl[0];
980 			}
981 			else {
982 				gmm = (double) (m * m);
983 				one = sqrt(fn * fn - gmm);
984 				two = sqrt(gn * gn - gmm) / one;
985 				three = (fn + gn) / one;
986 				i = k - n;
987 				j = i - n + 1;
988 				p[k-1] = three * ct * p[i-1] - two * p[j-1];
989 				q[k-1] = three * (ct * q[i-1] - st * p[i-1]) - two * q[j-1];
990 			}
991 		}
993 		/* synthesis of x, y and z in geocentric coordinates */
995 		lm = ll + l;
996 		one = (tc * gh[lm-1] + t * gh[lm+nc-1]) * rr;
997 		if (m == 0) {
998 			X += one * q[k-1];
999 			Z -= (fn + 1.) * one * p[k-1];
1000 			l++;
1001 		}
1002 		else {
1003 			two = (tc * gh[lm] + t * gh[lm+nc]) * rr;
1004 			three = one * cl[m-1] + two * sl[m - 1];
1005 			X += three * q[k-1];
1006 			Z -= (fn + 1.) * three * p[k-1];
1007 			if (st != 0.)
1008 				Y += (one * sl[m-1] - two * cl[m-1]) * fm * p[k-1] / st;
1009 			else
1010 				Y += (one * sl[m-1] - two * cl[m-1]) * q[k-1] * ct;
1011 			l += 2;
1012 		}
1013 		m++;
1014 	}
1016 	/* conversion to coordinate system specified by itype */
1017 	one = X;
1018 	X = X * cd + Z * sd;
1019 	Z = Z * cd - one * sd;
1020 	H = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);
1021 	F = sqrt(H*H + Z*Z);
1022 	dec = atan2d(Y,X);	dip = atan2d(Z,H);
1023 	out[0] = F;		out[1] = H;
1024 	out[2] = X;		out[3] = Y;
1025 	out[4] = Z;
1026 	out[5] = dec;		out[6] = dip;
1028 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
1029 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)1031 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
1032 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
1033 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
1034 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s %s -G<rtp_grdfile> [-C<dec>/<dip>] [-Ei|d<grid>] [-F<m>/<n>] "
1035 		"[-Mm|r] [-N] [-T<year>] [%s] [%s] [-W<win_width>] [-Z<filterfile>] [%s] [%s]\n",
1036 				name, GMT_INGRID, GMT_Rgeo_OPT, GMT_V_OPT, GMT_n_OPT, GMT_PAR_OPT);
1038 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
1041 	gmt_ingrid_syntax (API, 0, "Name of grid with the magnetic anomaly");
1042 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-G<rtp_grdfile>");
1043 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set filename for output grid with the RTP solution.");
1045 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-C<dec>/<dip>");
1046 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set <dec>/<dip> and uses this constant values in the RTP procedure.");
1047 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Ei|d<grid>");
1048 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify input grids for inclination and/or declination:");
1049 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "i: Append file name for magnetization inclination [default uses IGRF].");
1050 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "d: Append file name for the magnetization declination [default uses IGRF].");
1051 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-F<m>/<n>");
1052 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set <m>/<n> filter widths [25/25].");
1053 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Mm|r");
1054 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify optional boundary conditions [Default is zero padding]:");
1055 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "m: mirror boundary condition.");
1056 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "r: Replicate edges.");
1057 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N Do NOT use Taylor expansion.");
1058 	GMT_Option (API, "R");
1059 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-T<year>");
1060 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set year used by the IGRF routine to compute the various DECs & DIPs [default is 2000].");
1061 	GMT_Option  (API, "V");
1062 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-W<win_width>");
1063 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set window width in degrees [5].");
1064 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Z<filterfile>");
1065 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Write filter file <filterfile> to disk.");
1066 	GMT_Option  (API, "n,.");
1068 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
1069 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)1071 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRDREDPOL_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
1072 	/* This parses the options provided to grdredpol and sets parameters in Ctrl.
1073 	 * Note Ctrl has already been initialized and non-zero default values set.
1074 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
1075 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
1076 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
1077 	 */
1079 	unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_files = 0, pos = 0;
1080 	int    j;
1081 	char   p[GMT_LEN256] = {""};
1082 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
1083 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
1085 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {	/* Process all the options given */
1087 		switch (opt->option) {
1088 			case '<':	/* Input file (only one is accepted) */
1089 				Ctrl->In.active = true;
1090 				if (n_files++ == 0) Ctrl->In.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1091 				break;
1093 			/* Processes program-specific parameters */
1095 			case 'C':
1096 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->C.active);
1097 				Ctrl->C.active = true;
1098 				sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf/%lf", &Ctrl->C.dec, &Ctrl->C.dip);
1099 				Ctrl->C.dec *= D2R;
1100 				Ctrl->C.dip *= D2R;
1101 				Ctrl->C.const_f = true;
1102 				Ctrl->C.use_igrf = false;
1103 				break;
1104 			case 'E':		/* -Ei<dip_grid> -Ee<dec_grid> */
1105 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->E.active);
1106 				Ctrl->E.active = true;
1107 				Ctrl->C.use_igrf = false;
1108 				Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only = true;
1110 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'i')				/* Will fail if old syntax is used and grid name starts with an 'i' */
1111 					Ctrl->E.dipfile = strdup (&opt->arg[1]);
1112 				else if (opt->arg[0] == 'd') {		/* Will fail if old syntax is used and grid name starts with an 'd' */
1113 					Ctrl->E.decfile = strdup (&opt->arg[1]);
1114 					Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd = true;
1115 					Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only = false;
1116 				}
1117 				else {		/* Old syntax -E<dip_grd>[/<dec_grd>] */
1118 					j = 0;
1119 					while (gmt_strtok (opt->arg, "/", &pos, p)) {
1120 						switch (j) {
1121 							case 0:
1122 								Ctrl->E.dipfile = strdup (p);
1123 								break;
1124 							case 1:
1125 								Ctrl->E.decfile = strdup (p);
1126 								Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only = false;
1127 								Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd = true;
1128 								break;
1129 							default:
1130 								GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Syntax error using option -E\n");
1131 								n_errors++;
1132 								break;
1133 						}
1134 						j++;
1135 					}
1136 				}
1137 				break;
1138 			case 'F':
1139 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->F.active);
1140 				Ctrl->F.active = true;
1141 				j = sscanf (opt->arg, "%d/%d", &Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, &Ctrl->F.ncoef_col);
1142 				if (j == 1) Ctrl->F.compute_n = true;	/* Case of only one filter dimension was given */
1143 				if (Ctrl->F.ncoef_row %2 != 1 || Ctrl->F.ncoef_col %2 != 1) {
1144 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Number of filter coefficients must be odd\n");
1145 					n_errors++;
1146 				}
1147 				if (Ctrl->F.ncoef_row < 5 || Ctrl->F.ncoef_col < 5) {
1148 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "That was a ridiculous number of filter coefficients\n");
1149 					n_errors++;
1150 				}
1151 				break;
1152 			case 'G':
1153 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
1154 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
1155 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1156 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_LOCAL, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
1157 				break;
1158 			case 'M':
1159 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->M.active);
1160 				Ctrl->M.pad_zero = false;
1161 				for (j = 0; opt->arg[j]; j++) {
1162 					if (opt->arg[j] == 'm')
1163 						Ctrl->M.mirror = true;
1164 					else if (opt->arg[j] == 'r')
1165 						Ctrl->M.mirror = false;
1166 					else {
1167 						GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failure while using option -M (option ignored)\n");
1168 						Ctrl->M.pad_zero = true;
1169 					}
1170 				}
1171 				break;
1172 			case 'N':
1173 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
1174 				Ctrl->N.active = false;
1175 				break;
1176 			case 'T':
1177 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->T.active);
1178 				Ctrl->T.active = false;
1179 			sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf", &Ctrl->T.year);
1180 				break;
1181 			case 'W':
1182 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->W.active);
1183 				Ctrl->W.active = false;
1184 				sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf", &Ctrl->W.wid);
1185 				break;
1186 			case 'Z':
1187 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->Z.active);
1188 				Ctrl->Z.active = true;
1189 				Ctrl->Z.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1190 				break;
1191 			default:	/* Report bad options */
1192 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
1193 				break;
1194 		}
1195 	}
1197 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->In.file, "Must specify input file\n");
1198 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->G.file, "Option -G: Must specify output file\n");
1200 	if (Ctrl->C.const_f && Ctrl->C.use_igrf) {
1201 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "-E option overrides -C\n");
1202 		Ctrl->C.const_f = false;
1203 	}
1205 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
1206 }
1208 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
1209 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
GMT_grdredpol(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)1211 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_grdredpol (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
1213 	bool wrote_one = false;
1214 	unsigned int i, j, row, col, nx_new, ny_new, one_or_zero, m21, n21, i2, j2;
1215 	unsigned int k, l, i3, n_jlon, n_jlat, n_coef;
1216 	int error = 0;
1217 	uint64_t ij, jj;
1218 	double	tmp_d, sloni, slati, slonf, slatf, slonm, slatm;
1219 	double	*ftlon = NULL, *ftlat = NULL, *gxr = NULL, *gxi = NULL, *fxr = NULL;
1220 	double	*gxar = NULL, *gxai = NULL, *gxbr = NULL, *gxbi = NULL, *gxgr = NULL;
1221 	double	*gxgi = NULL, *fxar = NULL, *fxbr = NULL, *fxgr = NULL, *fix = NULL;
1222 	double	*gxtr = NULL, *gxti = NULL, *gxmr = NULL, *gxmi = NULL, *gxnr = NULL;
1223 	double	*gxni = NULL, *fxtr = NULL, *fxmr = NULL, *fxnr = NULL;
1224 	double	*cosphi = NULL, *sinphi = NULL, *cospsi = NULL, *sinpsi = NULL;
1225 	double	fi, psi, alfa = 0, beta = 0, gama = 0, r, s, u, v;
1226 	double	alfa1, beta1, gama1, da = 0, db = 0, dg = 0, aniso;
1227 	double	dec_m, dip_m, tau1, mu1, nu1, dt = 0, dm = 0, dn = 0, tau = 0, mu = 0, nu = 0;
1228 	double	wesn_new[4], out_igrf[7];
1230 	struct	GRDREDPOL_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
1231 	struct	GMT_GRID *Gin = NULL, *Gout = NULL, *Gdip = NULL, *Gdec = NULL, *Gfilt = NULL;
1232 	struct	GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
1233 	struct	GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
1234 	struct	GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
1236 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
1238 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
1239 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
1240 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args);	if (API->error) return (API->error);	/* Set or get option list */
1242 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
1244 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
1246 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
1247 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
1248 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
1249 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
1251 	/*--------------------------- This is the grdredpol main code --------------------------*/
1253 	if ((Gin = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, NULL, Ctrl->In.file, NULL)) == NULL) /* Get header only */
1254 		Return (API->error);
1256 	if (Ctrl->F.compute_n) {
1257 		aniso = Gin->header->inc[GMT_X] / Gin->header->inc[GMT_Y] * cos(Gin->header->wesn[YHI]*D2R);
1258 		Ctrl->F.ncoef_col = (int) ((double)Ctrl->F.ncoef_row / aniso);
1259 		if (Ctrl->F.ncoef_col %2 != 1) Ctrl->F.ncoef_col++;
1260 	}
1262 	m21 = (Ctrl->F.ncoef_row+1) / 2;	n21 = (Ctrl->F.ncoef_col+1) / 2;
1263 	GMT->current.io.pad[XLO] = GMT->current.io.pad[XHI] = n21-1;
1264 	GMT->current.io.pad[YLO] = GMT->current.io.pad[YHI] = m21-1;
1266 	if (!GMT->common.R.active[RSET])
1267 		gmt_M_memcpy (wesn_new, Gin->header->wesn, 4, double);
1268 	else
1269 		gmt_M_memcpy (wesn_new, GMT->common.R.wesn, 4, double);
1271 	one_or_zero = (Gin->header->registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG) ? 0 : 1;
1272 	nx_new = urint ((wesn_new[XHI] - wesn_new[XLO]) / Gin->header->inc[GMT_X]) + one_or_zero;
1273 	ny_new = urint ((wesn_new[YHI] - wesn_new[YLO]) / Gin->header->inc[GMT_Y]) + one_or_zero;
1275 	Ctrl->S.n_columns = nx_new;		Ctrl->S.n_rows = ny_new;
1277 	gmt_grd_init (GMT, Gin->header, options, true);
1279 	if (GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, wesn_new, Ctrl->In.file, Gin) == NULL) {	/* Get subset */
1280 		Return (API->error);
1281 	}
1283 	if (GMT->common.R.active[RSET]) {
1284 		if (wesn_new[XLO] < Gin->header->wesn[XLO] || wesn_new[XHI] > Gin->header->wesn[XHI]) {
1285 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, " Selected region exceeds the X-boundaries of the grid file!\n");
1286 			return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
1287 		}
1288 		else if (wesn_new[YLO] < Gin->header->wesn[YLO] || wesn_new[YHI] > Gin->header->wesn[YHI]) {
1289 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, " Selected region exceeds the Y-boundaries of the grid file!\n");
1290 			return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
1291 		}
1292 	}
1294 	if (!Ctrl->M.pad_zero)		/* That is, if we want edges reflected or replicated */
1295 		grdgravmag3d_mirror_edges (Gin->data, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col-1, m21-1, n21-1, Ctrl);
1297 	/* Section to deal with possible external grids with dip and dec for interpolation */
1299 	if (Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd) {
1300 		if ((Gdip = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, NULL, Ctrl->E.dipfile, NULL)) == NULL)	/* Get header only */
1301 			Return (API->error);
1303 		if (GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, wesn_new, Ctrl->E.dipfile, Gdip) == NULL)
1304 			Return (API->error);
1305 	}
1306 	if (Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd) {
1307 		if ((Gdec = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, NULL, Ctrl->E.decfile, NULL)) == NULL)
1308 			Return (API->error);
1310 		if (GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, wesn_new, Ctrl->E.decfile, Gdec) == NULL)
1311 			Return (API->error);
1312 	}
1314 	n_coef = Ctrl->F.ncoef_row * Ctrl->F.ncoef_col;
1315 	cosphi = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1316 	sinphi = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1317 	cospsi = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1318 	sinpsi = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1319 	gxr    = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1320 	gxi    = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1321 	gxar   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1322 	gxai   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1323 	gxbr   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1324 	gxbi   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1325 	gxgr   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1326 	gxgi   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1327 	fxr    = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1328 	fix    = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1329 	fxar   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1330 	fxbr   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1331 	fxgr   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1332 	ftlon  = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Gin->header->n_columns, double);
1333 	ftlat  = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, Gin->header->n_rows, double);
1335 	if ((Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd)) {
1336 		gxtr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1337 		gxti = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1338 		gxmr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1339 		gxmi = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1340 		gxnr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1341 		gxni = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1342 		fxtr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1343 		fxmr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1344 		fxnr = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_coef, double);
1345 	}
1347 	/* Generate vectors of lon & lats */
1348 	for (col = 0; col < Gin->header->n_columns; col++) ftlon[col] = gmt_M_grd_col_to_x (GMT, col, Gin->header);
1349 	for (row = 0; row < Gin->header->n_rows; row++) ftlat[row] = gmt_M_grd_row_to_y (GMT, row, Gin->header);
1351 	n_jlon = urint ((Gin->header->wesn[XHI] - Gin->header->wesn[XLO]) / Ctrl->W.wid) + 1;
1352 	n_jlat = urint ((Gin->header->wesn[YHI] - Gin->header->wesn[YLO]) / Ctrl->W.wid) + 1;
1354 	if (Ctrl->C.const_f) {
1355 		alfa = -cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * cos(Ctrl->C.dec);
1356 		beta =  cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * sin(Ctrl->C.dec);
1357 		gama = -sin(Ctrl->C.dip);
1358 	}
1360 	fi  = TWO_PI / Ctrl->F.ncoef_row;
1361 	psi = TWO_PI / Ctrl->F.ncoef_col;
1363 	if ((Gout = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_AND_DATA, NULL, wesn_new, Gin->header->inc, \
1364 	                             Gin->header->registration, GMT_NOTSET, NULL)) == NULL) Return (API->error);
1366 	if (Ctrl->Z.active) {		/* Create one grid to hold the filter coefficients */
1367 		double wesn[4], inc[2];
1368 		wesn[XLO] = 1;	wesn[XHI] = (double)Ctrl->F.ncoef_col;
1369 		wesn[YLO] = 1;	wesn[YHI] = (double)Ctrl->F.ncoef_row;
1370 		inc[GMT_X] = inc[GMT_Y] = 1;
1372 		if ((Gfilt = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_AND_DATA, NULL, wesn, inc,
1373 		                              GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG, 0, NULL)) == NULL) Return (API->error);
1374 		strcpy (Gfilt->header->title, "Reduction To the Pole filter");
1375 		strcpy (Gfilt->header->x_units, "radians");
1376 		strcpy (Gfilt->header->y_units, "radians");
1377 	}
1379 	for (l = 0; l < n_jlat; l++) {		/* Main loop over the moving windows */
1380 		for (k = 0; k < n_jlon; k++) {
1381 			sloni = Gin->header->wesn[XLO] + k * Ctrl->W.wid;
1382 			slati = Gin->header->wesn[YHI] - (l+1) * Ctrl->W.wid;
1383 			slonf = sloni + Ctrl->W.wid;
1384 			slatf = slati + Ctrl->W.wid;
1385 			slonm = (sloni + slonf) / 2;
1386 			slatm = (slati + slatf) / 2;
1387 			if (Ctrl->F.compute_n) {
1388 				aniso = Gin->header->inc[GMT_X] / Gin->header->inc[GMT_Y] * cos(slatm*D2R);
1389 				Ctrl->F.ncoef_col = (int) ((double)Ctrl->F.ncoef_row / aniso);
1390 				if (Ctrl->F.ncoef_col %2 != 1) Ctrl->F.ncoef_row += 1;
1391 				psi = TWO_PI / Ctrl->F.ncoef_row;
1392 				n21 = (Ctrl->F.ncoef_row+1) / 2;
1393 			}
1394 			/* Compute dec and dip at the central point of the moving window */
1395 			grdgravmag3d_igrf10syn(GMT, 0, Ctrl->T.year, 1, 0, slonm, slatm, out_igrf);
1396 			if (!Ctrl->C.const_f) {
1397 				Ctrl->C.dec = out_igrf[5] * D2R;
1398 				Ctrl->C.dip = out_igrf[6] * D2R;
1399 				/* Compute the direction cosines */
1400 				alfa = -cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * cos(Ctrl->C.dec);
1401 				beta =  cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * sin(Ctrl->C.dec);
1402 				gama = -sin(Ctrl->C.dip);
1403 			}
1404 			if ((Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd)) {	/* */
1405 				if (Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only) {		/* Use mag DEC = 0 */
1406 					dip_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdip, slonm, slatm) * D2R;
1407 					tau = -cos(dip_m);
1408 					mu  =  0;
1409 					nu  = -sin(dip_m);
1410 				}
1411 				else {			/* Get central window mag DEC & DIP from grids */
1412 					dip_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdip, slonm, slatm) * D2R;
1413 					dec_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdec, slonm, slatm) * D2R;
1414 					tau = -cos(dip_m) * cos(dec_m);
1415 					mu  =  cos(dip_m) * sin(dec_m);
1416 					nu  = -sin(dip_m);
1417 				}
1418 			}
1419 			if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION))
1420 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Dec %5.1f  Dip %5.1f  Bin_lon %6.1f  Bin_lat %5.1f\r",
1421 					    Ctrl->C.dec/D2R, Ctrl->C.dip/D2R, slonm, slatm);
1423 			/* Compute the filter coefficients in the frequency domain */
1424 			for (i = 0; i < Ctrl->F.ncoef_row; i++) {
1425 				for (j = n21-1; j < Ctrl->F.ncoef_col; j++) {
1426 					r = (double)(i - m21 + 1);	s = (double)(j - n21 + 1);
1427 					if (r == 0 && s == 0) continue;
1428 					u = r * fi;		v = s * psi;
1430 					if (!(Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd)) {
1431 						grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_colinear(i,j,n21,gxr,gxi,gxar,gxai,gxbr,gxbi,gxgr,gxgi,
1432 						                  u,v,alfa,beta,gama, Ctrl);
1433 					}
1434 					else {		/* Case more general. alfa, beta, gama, tau, mu e nu */
1435 						grdgravmag3d_rtp_filt_not_colinear(i,j,n21,gxr,gxi,gxar,gxai,gxbr,gxbi,gxgr,gxgi,gxtr,gxti,
1436 						                     gxmr,gxmi,gxnr,gxni,u,v,alfa,beta,gama,tau,mu,nu, Ctrl);
1437 					}
1438 				}
1439 			}
1440 			gxr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)]  = 1;	gxi[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)]  = 0;
1441 			gxar[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxai[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1442 			gxbr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxbi[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1443 			gxgr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxgi[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1445 			/* Compute iFT of the filter */
1446 			grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxr, Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxr,gxi,   cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1447 			grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxar,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxar,gxai, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1448 			grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxbr,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxbr,gxbi, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1449 			grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxgr,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxgr,gxgi, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1451 			if ((Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd)) {
1452 				gxtr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxti[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1453 				gxmr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxmi[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1454 				gxnr[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;	gxni[ij_mn(Ctrl,m21-1,0)] = 0;
1455 				grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxtr,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxtr,gxti, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1456 				grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxmr,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxmr,gxmi, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1457 				grdgravmag3d_tfpoeq(fxnr,Ctrl->F.ncoef_row, Ctrl->F.ncoef_col,gxnr,gxni, cosphi,sinphi,cospsi,sinpsi);
1458 			}
1460 			/* Convolve filter with input data that is inside current window (plus what filter width imposes) */
1461 			gmt_M_row_loop (GMT, Gout,row) {
1462 				if (ftlat[row] < slati || ftlat[row] > slatf) continue;		/* Current point outside WOI */
1463 				gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, Gout,row,col,ij) {
1464 					if (ftlon[col] < sloni || ftlon[col] > slonf) continue;	/* Current point outside WOI */
1465 					/* Compute dec and dip at current point */
1466 					if (!Ctrl->C.const_f) {		/* It means we need to get F (& M) vector parameters */
1467 						grdgravmag3d_igrf10syn(GMT, 0, Ctrl->T.year, 1, 0, ftlon[col], ftlat[row], out_igrf);
1468 						Ctrl->C.dec = out_igrf[5] * D2R;
1469 						Ctrl->C.dip = out_igrf[6] * D2R;
1470 						if (Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only) {
1471 							dip_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdip, ftlon[row], ftlat[row]) * D2R;
1472 							tau1 = -cos(dip_m);
1473 							mu1  =  0;
1474 							nu1  = -sin(dip_m);
1475 							dt = tau1 - tau;	dm = mu1 - mu;		dn = nu1 - nu;
1476 						}
1477 						else if (Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd) {
1478 							dec_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdec, ftlon[col], ftlat[row]) * D2R;
1479 							dip_m = gmt_bcr_get_z(GMT, Gdip, ftlon[col], ftlat[row]) * D2R;
1480 							tau1 = -cos(dip_m) * cos(dec_m);
1481 							mu1  =  cos(dip_m) * sin(dec_m);
1482 							nu1  = -sin(dip_m);
1483 							dt = tau1 - tau;	dm = mu1 - mu;		dn = nu1 - nu;
1484 						}
1485 						/* Compute director cosinus */
1486 						alfa1 = -cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * cos(Ctrl->C.dec);
1487 						beta1 =  cos(Ctrl->C.dip) * sin(Ctrl->C.dec);
1488 						gama1 = -sin(Ctrl->C.dip);
1489 						da = alfa1 - alfa;	db = beta1 - beta;	dg = gama1 - gama;
1490 					}
1491 					if (!Ctrl->N.active)		/* Do not use the Taylor expansion (What's the interest?) */
1492 						da = db = dg = dt = dm = dn = 0;
1494 					/* Rebuild the filter */
1495 					if (!Ctrl->C.const_f) {
1496 						if (Ctrl->C.use_igrf) {
1497 							for (i2 = 0; i2 < n_coef; i2++)
1498 								fix[i2] = fxr[i2] + da * fxar[i2] + db * fxbr[i2] + dg * fxgr[i2];
1499 						}
1500 						else {
1501 							for (i2 = 0; i2 < n_coef; i2++)
1502 								fix[i2] = fxr[i2] + da * fxar[i2] + db * fxbr[i2] + dg * fxgr[i2] +
1503 									  dt * fxtr[i2] + dm * fxmr[i2] + dn * fxnr[i2];
1504 						}
1505 					}
1506 					else
1507 						gmt_M_memcpy (fix, fxr, n_coef, double);
1509 					if (Ctrl->Z.active && !wrote_one && l == 0 && k == 0) {
1510 						for (jj = i2 = 0; i2 < Ctrl->F.ncoef_row; i2++)		/* Remember, filter is columnwise */
1511 							for (j2 = 0; j2 < Ctrl->F.ncoef_col; j2++, jj++)
1512 								Gfilt->data[jj] = (gmt_grdfloat)fix[ij_mn(Ctrl,i2,j2)];
1514 						wrote_one = true;
1515 					}
1517 					tmp_d = 0;
1518 					for (i2 = 0; i2 < Ctrl->F.ncoef_row; i2++) {
1519 						i3 = row + i2;
1520 						for (j2 = 0; j2 < Ctrl->F.ncoef_col; j2++)
1521 							tmp_d += fix[ij_mn(Ctrl,i2,j2)] * Gin->data[ij0_data(Ctrl,i3,(col + j2))];
1522 					}
1524 					Gout->data[ij] = (gmt_grdfloat)tmp_d;
1525 				}
1526 			}
1527 		}
1528 	}
1530 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)) GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_LONG_VERBOSE, "\n");
1532 	gmt_M_free (GMT, cosphi);      gmt_M_free (GMT, sinphi);
1533 	gmt_M_free (GMT, cospsi);      gmt_M_free (GMT, sinpsi);
1534 	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxr);         gmt_M_free (GMT, gxi);
1535 	gmt_M_free (GMT, ftlat);       gmt_M_free (GMT, ftlon);
1536 	gmt_M_free (GMT, fxr);
1538 	gmt_M_free (GMT, fxar);		gmt_M_free (GMT, fxbr);
1539 	gmt_M_free (GMT, fxgr);		gmt_M_free (GMT, fix);
1541 	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxar);		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxai);
1542 	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxbr);		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxbi);
1543 	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxgr);		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxgi);
1544 	if ((Ctrl->E.dip_grd_only || Ctrl->E.dip_dec_grd)) {
1545 		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxtr);	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxti);
1546 		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxmr);	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxmi);
1547 		gmt_M_free (GMT, gxnr);	gmt_M_free (GMT, gxni);
1548 		gmt_M_free (GMT, fxtr);	gmt_M_free (GMT, fxmr);
1549 		gmt_M_free (GMT, fxnr);
1550 	}
1552 	strcpy (Gout->header->title, "Anomaly reduced to the pole");
1553 	strcpy (Gout->header->z_units, "nT");
1555 	if (GMT_Set_Comment (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_COMMENT_IS_OPTION | GMT_COMMENT_IS_COMMAND, options, Gout)) Return (API->error);
1557 		Return (API->error);
1558 	}
1559 	if (Ctrl->Z.active) {
1560 		if (GMT_Set_Comment (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_COMMENT_IS_OPTION | GMT_COMMENT_IS_COMMAND, options, Gfilt)) Return (API->error);
1562 			Return (API->error);
1563 		}
1564 	}
1566 	Return (GMT_NOERROR);
1567 }