1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
6 #ifndef _nsImapHostSessionList_H_
7 #define _nsImapHostSessionList_H_
9 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
10 #include "nsImapCore.h"
11 #include "nsIImapHostSessionList.h"
12 #include "nsImapBodyShell.h"
13 #include "nsIObserver.h"
14 #include "nsWeakReference.h"
15 #include "nspr.h"
17 class nsImapNamespaceList;
18 class nsIImapIncomingServer;
20 class nsIMAPHostInfo {
21  public:
22   friend class nsImapHostSessionList;
24   nsIMAPHostInfo(const char* serverKey, nsIImapIncomingServer* server);
25   ~nsIMAPHostInfo();
27  protected:
28   nsCString fServerKey;
29   nsString fCachedPassword;
30   nsCString fOnlineDir;
31   nsIMAPHostInfo* fNextHost;
32   eIMAPCapabilityFlags fCapabilityFlags;
33   char* fHierarchyDelimiters;  // string of top-level hierarchy delimiters
34   bool fHaveWeEverDiscoveredFolders;
35   bool fDiscoveryForHostInProgress;
36   char* fCanonicalOnlineSubDir;
37   nsImapNamespaceList *fNamespaceList, *fTempNamespaceList;
38   bool fNamespacesOverridable;
39   bool fUsingSubscription;
40   bool fOnlineTrashFolderExists;
41   bool fShouldAlwaysListInbox;
42   bool fHaveAdminURL;
43   bool fPasswordVerifiedOnline;
44   bool fDeleteIsMoveToTrash;
45   bool fShowDeletedMessages;
46   bool fGotNamespaces;
47   nsImapBodyShellCache* fShellCache;
48 };
50 // this is an interface to a linked list of host info's
51 class nsImapHostSessionList : public nsIImapHostSessionList,
52                               public nsIObserver,
53                               public nsSupportsWeakReference {
54  public:
58   nsImapHostSessionList();
59   nsresult Init();
60   // Host List
61   NS_IMETHOD AddHostToList(const char* serverKey,
62                            nsIImapIncomingServer* server) override;
63   NS_IMETHOD ResetAll() override;
65   // Capabilities
66   NS_IMETHOD GetHostHasAdminURL(const char* serverKey, bool& result) override;
67   NS_IMETHOD SetHostHasAdminURL(const char* serverKey,
68                                 bool hasAdminUrl) override;
69   // Subscription
70   NS_IMETHOD GetHostIsUsingSubscription(const char* serverKey,
71                                         bool& result) override;
72   NS_IMETHOD SetHostIsUsingSubscription(const char* serverKey,
73                                         bool usingSubscription) override;
75   // Passwords
76   NS_IMETHOD GetPasswordForHost(const char* serverKey,
77                                 nsString& result) override;
78   NS_IMETHOD SetPasswordForHost(const char* serverKey,
79                                 const nsAString& password) override;
80   NS_IMETHOD GetPasswordVerifiedOnline(const char* serverKey,
81                                        bool& result) override;
82   NS_IMETHOD SetPasswordVerifiedOnline(const char* serverKey) override;
84   // OnlineDir
85   NS_IMETHOD GetOnlineDirForHost(const char* serverKey,
86                                  nsString& result) override;
87   NS_IMETHOD SetOnlineDirForHost(const char* serverKey,
88                                  const char* onlineDir) override;
90   // Delete is move to trash folder
91   NS_IMETHOD GetDeleteIsMoveToTrashForHost(const char* serverKey,
92                                            bool& result) override;
93   NS_IMETHOD SetDeleteIsMoveToTrashForHost(const char* serverKey,
94                                            bool isMoveToTrash) override;
95   // imap delete model (or not)
96   NS_IMETHOD GetShowDeletedMessagesForHost(const char* serverKey,
97                                            bool& result) override;
98   NS_IMETHOD SetShowDeletedMessagesForHost(const char* serverKey,
99                                            bool showDeletedMessages) override;
101   // Get namespaces
102   NS_IMETHOD GetGotNamespacesForHost(const char* serverKey,
103                                      bool& result) override;
104   NS_IMETHOD SetGotNamespacesForHost(const char* serverKey,
105                                      bool gotNamespaces) override;
106   // Folders
107   NS_IMETHOD SetHaveWeEverDiscoveredFoldersForHost(const char* serverKey,
108                                                    bool discovered) override;
109   NS_IMETHOD GetHaveWeEverDiscoveredFoldersForHost(const char* serverKey,
110                                                    bool& result) override;
111   NS_IMETHOD SetDiscoveryForHostInProgress(const char* serverKey,
112                                            bool inProgress) override;
113   NS_IMETHOD GetDiscoveryForHostInProgress(const char* serverKey,
114                                            bool& result) override;
116   // Trash Folder
117   NS_IMETHOD SetOnlineTrashFolderExistsForHost(const char* serverKey,
118                                                bool exists) override;
119   NS_IMETHOD GetOnlineTrashFolderExistsForHost(const char* serverKey,
120                                                bool& result) override;
122   // INBOX
123   NS_IMETHOD GetOnlineInboxPathForHost(const char* serverKey,
124                                        nsString& result) override;
125   NS_IMETHOD GetShouldAlwaysListInboxForHost(const char* serverKey,
126                                              bool& result) override;
127   NS_IMETHOD SetShouldAlwaysListInboxForHost(const char* serverKey,
128                                              bool shouldList) override;
130   // Namespaces
131   NS_IMETHOD GetNamespaceForMailboxForHost(const char* serverKey,
132                                            const char* mailbox_name,
133                                            nsImapNamespace*& result) override;
134   NS_IMETHOD SetNamespaceFromPrefForHost(const char* serverKey,
135                                          const char* namespacePref,
136                                          EIMAPNamespaceType type) override;
137   NS_IMETHOD AddNewNamespaceForHost(const char* serverKey,
138                                     nsImapNamespace* ns) override;
139   NS_IMETHOD ClearServerAdvertisedNamespacesForHost(
140       const char* serverKey) override;
141   NS_IMETHOD ClearPrefsNamespacesForHost(const char* serverKey) override;
142   NS_IMETHOD GetDefaultNamespaceOfTypeForHost(
143       const char* serverKey, EIMAPNamespaceType type,
144       nsImapNamespace*& result) override;
145   NS_IMETHOD SetNamespacesOverridableForHost(const char* serverKey,
146                                              bool overridable) override;
147   NS_IMETHOD GetNamespacesOverridableForHost(const char* serverKey,
148                                              bool& result) override;
149   NS_IMETHOD GetNumberOfNamespacesForHost(const char* serverKey,
150                                           uint32_t& result) override;
151   NS_IMETHOD GetNamespaceNumberForHost(const char* serverKey, int32_t n,
152                                        nsImapNamespace*& result) override;
153   // ### dmb hoo boy, how are we going to do this?
154   NS_IMETHOD CommitNamespacesForHost(nsIImapIncomingServer* host) override;
155   NS_IMETHOD FlushUncommittedNamespacesForHost(const char* serverKey,
156                                                bool& result) override;
158   // Hierarchy Delimiters
159   NS_IMETHOD SetNamespaceHierarchyDelimiterFromMailboxForHost(
160       const char* serverKey, const char* boxName, char delimiter) override;
162   // Message Body Shells
163   NS_IMETHOD AddShellToCacheForHost(const char* serverKey,
164                                     nsImapBodyShell* shell) override;
165   NS_IMETHOD FindShellInCacheForHost(const char* serverKey,
166                                      const char* mailboxName, const char* UID,
167                                      IMAP_ContentModifiedType modType,
168                                      nsImapBodyShell** result) override;
169   NS_IMETHOD ClearShellCacheForHost(const char* serverKey) override;
170   PRMonitor* gCachedHostInfoMonitor;
171   nsIMAPHostInfo* fHostInfoList;
173  protected:
174   virtual ~nsImapHostSessionList();
175   nsresult SetNamespacesPrefForHost(nsIImapIncomingServer* aHost,
176                                     EIMAPNamespaceType type, const char* pref);
177   nsIMAPHostInfo* FindHost(const char* serverKey);
178 };
179 #endif