1      subroutine hnd_hyperfine_zora(rtdb,basis,geom)
2c $Id$
3      implicit none
4#include "errquit.fh"
5#include "global.fh"
6#include "mafdecls.fh"
7#include "msgids.fh"
8#include "geom.fh"
9#include "rtdb.fh"
10#include "bas.fh"
11#include "stdio.fh"
12#include "apiP.fh"
13#include "prop.fh"
14#include "bgj.fh"
15#include "case.fh"
16#include "zora.fh"
17      integer rtdb    ! [input] rtdb handle
18      integer basis   ! [input] basis handle
19      integer geom    ! [input] geometry handle
20      integer nclosed(2), nopen(2), nvirt(2), ndens, nbf, nmo
21      integer nat,nat_slc,typeprop,
22     &        ixy,ix,iy,iz,iatom,iocc,ifld,ioff
23      integer alo(3),ahi(3),blo(3),bhi(3),clo(3),chi(3)
24      integer dlo(3), dhi(3)
25      integer l_occ,k_occ,l_eval,k_eval
26      integer l_dia,k_dia,l_para,k_para,l_tot,k_tot
27      integer l_xyz,k_xyz,l_zan,k_zan
28      integer l_cfine,k_cfine
29      integer l_AtNr,k_AtNr
30      integer icalczora,type_nmrdata
31      integer g_dens(3),type_NMR,
32     &        g_d1, g_rhs, g_rhs0, g_u
33      integer ga_dia_hfine,ga_para1,
34     &        ga_h01_hfine,ga_Fji_hfine,g_AtNr1
35      integer vectors(2), geomnew, i, j, ij, g_xc(3)
36      double precision atn, tol2e, val
37      double precision a(6),axs(3,3),eig(3),conv2MHz
38      logical dft_zoraNMR_read
39      character*255 zorafilename
40      character*3 scftyp
41      character*16 tag
42      character*32 element
43      character*256 cphf_rhs, cphf_sol
44      character*2 symbol
45      integer ld(2),cbuf,ind
46      logical  cphf2, file_write_ga, file_read_ga, cphf
47      external cphf2, file_write_ga, file_read_ga, cphf
48      external giao_aotomo,mat_transpose ! FA-09-16-10
49      double precision val1,coeffpol,ac_occ(2),small,trace,
50     &                 isotr,aniso,
51     &                 span,skew,asym,rtemp
52      data small /1.0d-10/
53      logical     oskel, status
54      data tol2e   /1.0d-10/
55      integer ic,npol
56c ----- Definitions for NLMO analysis ---- START
57      integer i1,j1,acc_vec,l_tvec,k_tvec,hypfile
58      integer g_tvec ! for nbo analysis
59c ----- Definitions for NLMO analysis ---- END
60      external get_par_hfine,get_dia_hfine,
61     &         add_H10_hfine,skip_cphf,get_P10,
62     &         get_convfactor_hfine,sort_asc,
63     &         dft_zoraNMR_read,create_munu4nbo_hyp,
64     &         get_densZ4,
65     &         dft_zoraCPHF_write,dft_zoraCPHF_read
67      integer ntot,ispin,indA,indB,nocc(2),nind_jk
68      integer debug_giaox
69      logical skip_cphf_ev_hyp
71      debug_giaox=0 ! =1 for debugging print outs of matrices
72      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
73        write(LuOut,*)
74        call util_print_centered(LuOut,
75     $   'Hyperfine Tensor (in au)', 23, .true.)
76        write(LuOut,*)
77      end if
79c     Current CPHF does not handle symmetry
80c     Making C1 geometry and store it on rtdb
82c     Integral initialization
83      call int_init(rtdb,1,basis)
84      call schwarz_init(geom,basis)
85      call hnd_giao_init(basis,1)
86      call scf_get_fock_param(rtdb,tol2e)
88c     Find out from rtdb which atoms we need to calculate hyperfine for
89c     Get number of atoms (all or number from rtdb)
90c     Get which atoms (all or some read from rtdb)
91c     Allocate arrays which will hold atomic information (k_zan and k_xyz)
93      status = rtdb_parallel(.true.)
94c ------- Read (nat,atmnr) --------- START
95         status=geom_ncent(geom,nat)
96      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
97     &       mt_int,nat,'nmt tmp',l_AtNr,k_AtNr))
98     &    call errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
99         typeprop=3 ! =1 EFG =2 Shieldings =3 Hyperfine
100         call get_slctd_atoms(nat_slc,       ! out: selected atoms
101     &                        int_mb(k_AtNr),! out: list of selected atom nr.
102     &                        nat,           ! in : total nr atoms in molecule
103     &                        rtdb,          ! in : rdt  handle
104     &                        typeprop)      ! in : =1,2,3=EFG,Shieldings,Hyperfine
105      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
106       write(*,8) nat_slc
107 8     format('nat_slc=',i4)
108       do i=1,nat_slc
109        write(*,7) i,int_mb(k_AtNr+i-1)
110 7      format(' In hnd_hyperfine_zora:: atomnr(',i3,')=',i5)
111       enddo
112      endif
113c ------- Read (nat,atmnr) --------- END
114      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nat_slc,'nmr hfine',l_cfine,k_cfine))
115     &    call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_cfine',0,MA_ERR)
116      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,3*nat_slc,'nmr at',l_xyz,k_xyz))
117     &    call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_xyz',0,MA_ERR)
118      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nat_slc,'nmr zan',l_zan,k_zan))
119     &    call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_zan',0,MA_ERR)
120      hypfile=0 ! not doing NLMO analysis by default
121      status=rtdb_get(rtdb,'prop:hypfile',mt_int,1,hypfile) ! for NLMO analysis
122      if (hypfile.eq.1) then ! ------- hypfile-if++++ START
123c  Allocate memory for l_tvec,k_tvec --- start
124       if (.not.ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,nat_slc*3*3,'tvec',l_tvec,k_tvec))
125     &     call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
126       call dcopy(nat_slc*3*3,0.0d0,0,dbl_mb(k_tvec),1) ! reset
127c  Allocate memory for l_tvec,k_tvec --- end
128      endif ! ------------------------ hypfile-if++++ END
130      do ixy = 0, nat_slc-1
131         if (.not. geom_cent_get(geom, int_mb(k_AtNr+ixy), tag,
132     &                           dbl_mb(k_xyz+3*ixy),dbl_mb(k_zan+ixy)))
133     &       call errquit('hnd_hfine: geom_cent_tag failed',0, GEOM_ERR)
134      enddo
136      call get_convfactor_hfine(geom,           ! in  : geom handle
137     &                          dbl_mb(k_cfine),! out : conversion factor for hyperfine calc.
138     &                          dbl_mb(k_zan),
139     &                          nat_slc,int_mb(k_AtNr))
140c     Get Unperturbed MO vectors and eigenvalues
141c     First allocate some memory for occupation numbers and eigenvalues
143      if (.not. bas_numbf(basis,nbf)) call
144     &    errquit('hnd_hfine: could not get nbf',0, BASIS_ERR)
145c ++++++ Reading hyperfine data from file ++++++ START
146c       Note.- lbl_nmrhyp defined in zora.fh
147        call util_file_name(lbl_nmrhyp,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
148      icalczora = 0  ! initialize the flag
149      type_nmrdata=2 ! =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
150      if (.not.dft_zoraNMR_read(zorafilename,
151     &     type_nmrdata,
152     &     nbf,nat_slc,
153     &     g_AtNr1,
154     &     ga_dia_hfine,
155     &     ga_para1,
156     &     ga_h01_hfine,
157     &     ga_Fji_hfine)) icalczora=1
158c Note.- If I print the GAs here it gets freezed
159c ++++++ Reading hyperfine data from file ++++++ END
160      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,2*nbf,'occ num',l_occ,k_occ)) call
161     &    errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_occ',0,MA_ERR)
162      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,2*nbf,'eigenval',l_eval,k_eval)) call
163     &    errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_eval',0,MA_ERR)
164      call hnd_prp_vec_read(rtdb,geom,basis,nbf,nclosed,nopen,
165     &                      nvirt,scftyp,vectors,dbl_mb(k_occ),
166     &                      dbl_mb(k_eval),nmo)
167c ------ define npol ----- START
168      if (.not. rtdb_get(rtdb, 'dft:ipol', mt_int, 1, npol)) then
169        if      (scftyp .eq. 'UHF') then
170         npol=2
171        else if (scftyp .eq. 'RHF') then
172         npol=1
173        endif
174      endif
175c ------ define npol ----- END
176c      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
177c     & write(*,*) 'npol=',npol
179      if      (npol.eq.1) then
180       nocc(1)=nclosed(1)
181       nocc(2)=0
182      else if (npol.eq.2) then
183       nocc(1)=nopen(1)
184       nocc(2)=nopen(2)
185      endif
186      if (debug_giaox.eq.1) then
187       write(*,10) nocc(1),nocc(2),
188     &             nopen(1),nopen(2),
189     &             nclosed(1),nclosed(2),
190     &             nvirt(1),nvirt(2),scftyp
191 10    format('nocc =(',i3,',',i3,') ',
192     &        'nopen=(',i3,',',i3,') ',
193     &        'nclos=(',i3,',',i3,') ',
194     &        'nvirt=(',i3,',',i3,') scftyp=',a,')')
195      endif
196c ---- calculate total occupation alpha and beta --- START
197       do i=1,npol
198        val=0.0d0
199        ind=nbf*(i-1)
200        do j=1,nocc(i)
201         val=val+dbl_mb(k_occ+ind+j-1)
202        enddo
203        ac_occ(i)=val
204       enddo
205c       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
206c        write(*,2) ac_occ(1),ac_occ(2),nocc(1),nocc(2)
207c 2      format('In hnd_hfine: ac_occ=(',
208c     &         f15.8,',',f15.8,')  nocc=(',
209c     &         i4,',',i4,')')
210c       endif
211c ---- calculate total occupation alpha and beta --- END
212c ----- calc coeff_pol --------- START
213      if (ac_occ(1) .ne. ac_occ(2)) then
214       coeffpol=1.0d0/(ac_occ(1)-ac_occ(2))
215      else
216       write(*,1) nocc(1),nocc(2)
217 1     format('Error in hnd_hyperfine_zora(): ',
218     &        'noc=(',i3,',',i3,') ',
219     &        '-> closed shell system not allowed!')
220       stop
221      endif
222c      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
223c     &  write(*,*) 'coeffpol=',coeffpol
224c ----- calc coeff_pol --------- END
226c ------ Store nopen in rtdb so that CPHF routine is happy ---- START
227c WARNING: For restricted calc nocc(1)=9 nocc(2)=0 <=== PROBLEM
228        if (npol.eq.2) then
229          if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'scf:nopen',
230     &         MT_INT, 1, nocc(1)-nocc(2)))
231     *         call errquit('scfinit:rtdbput nopen failed',
232     &         nocc(1)-nocc(2),
233     &       RTDB_ERR)
234        endif
235c ------ Store nopen in rtdb so that CPHF routine is happy ---- END
237c     Get Unperturbed Density Matrix
238      call hnd_prp_get_dens(rtdb,geom,basis,
239     &                       g_dens, ! out
240     &                       ndens,scftyp,
241     &                       nclosed,nopen,nvirt)
242      ntot=0
243      do ispin=1,npol
244        ntot=ntot+nocc(ispin)*nvirt(ispin)
245      enddo
246      if(.not.ga_create(MT_DBL,ntot,3,'RHS',-1,-1,g_rhs))
247     &   call errquit('hnd_gshift: ga_create failed g_rhs',0,GA_ERR)
248      call ga_zero(g_rhs)
250       if (debug_giaox.eq.1) then
251        write(*,*) 'after-creating g_rhs ...'
252        write(*,102)npol,nocc(1),nocc(2),
253     &              nclosed(1),nclosed(2),
254     &              nvirt(1),nvirt(2),scftyp,ndens
255 102   format('BEF pre-fock::npol=',i3,' nocc=(',i3,',',i3,') ',
256     &       'nclos=(',i3,',',i3,') ',
257     &       'nvirt=(',i3,',',i3,') scftyp=',a,',ndens=',i3,')')
258       endif
259       call add_H10_hfine(g_rhs, ! out: ga_rhs(a,i)=ga_rhs(a,i)+H10(a,i)
260     &                    ga_Fji_hfine,vectors,
261     &                    basis,nbf,nmo,npol,nocc,nvirt)
262       if (debug_giaox.eq.1) then
263        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
264         write(*,*) 'Aft. add_H10()'
265         write(*,*) '---- g_rhs-aft-add_H10 -------- START'
266        endif
267        call ga_print(g_rhs)
268        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
269     &   write(*,*) '---- g_rhs-aft-add_H10 -------- END'
270       endif
272c ----> SKIPPING CPHF ------------------ START
273c      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
274c     &   write(*,*) 'WARNING : Using skip_cphf ...'
275c            call skip_cphf(g_rhs,          ! IN/OUT
276c     &                     dbl_mb(k_eval), ! IN: energy eigenvalues
277c     &                     nocc,nvirt,nmo,npol)
278c ----> SKIPPING CPHF ------------------ END
280c -------free allocated memory -------------- START
281      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_eval)) call
282     &    errquit('hnd_gshift: ma_pop_stack failed k_eval',0,MA_ERR)
283      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_occ)) call
284     &    errquit('hnd_gshift: ma_pop_stack failed k_occ',0,MA_ERR)
285c -------free allocated memory -------------- END
286      if (debug_giaox.eq.1) then
287       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
288     &  write(*,*) '---- Reading INPUT-cphf: g_rhs -------- START'
289       call ga_print(g_rhs)
290       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
291     &  write(*,*) '---- Reading INPUT-cphf: g_rhs -------- END'
292      endif
293c ------- creating dummy var -------- START
294      ntot=0
295      do ispin=1,npol
296        ntot=ntot+nocc(ispin)*nocc(ispin)
297      enddo
298      if(.not.ga_create(MT_DBL,ntot,3,'RHS',-1,-1,g_rhs0))
299     &   call errquit('get_prelim_fock: ga_create failed g_rhs0',
300     &                 0,GA_ERR)
301      call ga_zero(g_rhs0)
302c ------- creating dummy var -------- END
303c       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
304c     &  write(*,*) 'WARNING: SKIP cphf ...'
305c        goto 123
306      if(.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'zora:skip_cphf_ev_hyp',
307     &                 mt_log,1,skip_cphf_ev_hyp))
308     &  skip_cphf_ev_hyp = .false.
309      if (.not.(skip_cphf_ev_hyp)) then ! ----- if-skip-cphf--START
310c       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
311c     &  write(*,*) 'COMPUTE cphf hyp data ...'
312c     Write ga_rhs to disk
313       call cphf_fname('cphf_rhs',cphf_rhs)
314       call cphf_fname('cphf_sol',cphf_sol)
315       if(.not.file_write_ga(cphf_rhs,g_rhs)) call errquit
316     $  ('hnd_hfine: could not write cphf_rhs',0, DISK_ERR)
317       call schwarz_tidy()
318       call int_terminate()
320c     Call the CPHF routine
322c     We do need to tell the CPHF that the density is skew symmetric.
323c     Done via rtdb, put cphf:skew .false. on rtdb and later remove it.
324       if (.not. rtdb_put(rtdb, 'cphf:skew', mt_log, 1,.false.)) call
325     $   errquit('hnd_hfine: failed to write skew ', 0, RTDB_ERR)
326       if (.not.cphf2(rtdb)) call errquit
327     $  ('hnd_hfine: failure in cphf ',0, RTDB_ERR)
328       if (.not. rtdb_delete(rtdb, 'cphf:skew')) call
329     $   errquit('hnd_hfine: rtdb_delete failed ', 0, RTDB_ERR)
331c     Occ-virt blocks are the solution pieces of the CPHF
332c     Read solution vector from disk and put solutions in U matrices
333       call ga_zero(g_rhs)
334       if(.not.file_read_ga(cphf_sol,g_rhs)) call errquit
335     $  ('hnd_hfine: could not read cphf_rhs',0, DISK_ERR)
336c ----- write CPHF data to file ----------------- START
337c       Note.- lbl_cphfhyp defined in zora.fh
338       call util_file_name(lbl_cphfhyp,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
339c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
340c     &   write(*,*) '---------- g_rhs-hyp --------- START'
341c        call ga_print(g_rhs)
342c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
343c     &   write(*,*) '---------- g_rhs-hyp --------- END'
344       call dft_zoraCPHF_write(
345     &           zorafilename, ! in: filename
346     &           npol,         ! in: nr polarization
347     &           nocc,         ! in: nr occupied MOs
348     &           nvirt,        ! in: nr virtual  MOs
349     &           nbf,          ! in: nr basis functions
350     &           vectors,      ! in: MOs
351     &           g_rhs0,       ! out: (ntot,3)       GA matrix
352     &           g_rhs)        ! in: (nocc*nvirt,3) GA matrix
353c ----- write CPHF data to file ----------------- END
354      else
355       call ga_zero(g_rhs)
356       call ga_zero(g_rhs0)
357       do i=1,npol
358        call ga_zero(vectors(i))
359       enddo
360       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
361     &  write(*,*) 'READ cphf hyperfine data from file ...'
362       call util_file_name(lbl_cphfhyp,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
363       call dft_zoraCPHF_read(
364     &           zorafilename, !  in: filename
365     &           npol,         !  in: nr polarization
366     &           nocc,         !  in: nr occupied MOs
367     &           nvirt,        !  in: nr virtual  MOs
368     &           nbf,          !  in: nr basis functions
369     &           vectors,      ! out: MOs
370     &           g_rhs0,       ! out: (ntot,3)       GA matrix
371     &           g_rhs)        ! out: (nocc*nvirt,3) GA matrix
372c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
373c     &   write(*,*) '---------- g_rhs-hyp-read --------- START'
374c        call ga_print(g_rhs)
375c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
376c     &   write(*,*) '---------- g_rhs-hyp--read --------- END'
377      endif ! ----- if-skip-cphf--END
379 123  continue ! SKIPPING cphf
381      if (debug_giaox.eq.1) then
382       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
383     &  write(*,*) '---- Reading sol-cphf: g_rhs -------- START'
384      call ga_print(g_rhs)
385       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
386     &  write(*,*) '---- Reading sol-cphf: g_rhs -------- END'
387      endif
388      type_NMR=2 ! =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
389      call get_P10(g_d1,     ! out: Perturbed density matrix occ-occ  contrib
390     &             type_NMR, !  in: =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
391     &             g_rhs,    !  in: accumulated rhs expression
392     &             g_rhs0,   !  in: from get_prelim_fock()
393     &             vectors,g_CiFull,
394     &             nbf,nmo,npol,nocc,nvirt,
395     &             do_zora,do_NonRel,not_zora_scale,rtdb,
396     &             lbl_nlmohyp)
397       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_rhs)) call
398     &    errquit('hnd_hfine_zora: ga_destroy failed g_rhs',0,GA_ERR)
399       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_rhs0)) call
400     &    errquit('hnd_hfine_zora: ga_destroy failed g_rhs0',0,GA_ERR)
402c     Now we have in g_d1(nmo,nmo,3) the derivative densities and
403c     hence we can calculate the contributions to the hyperfine tensor
404      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,9*nat_slc,'sh para',l_para,k_para))
405     &    call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_para',0,MA_ERR)
406      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,9*nat_slc,'sh dia',l_dia,k_dia)) call
407     &    errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_dia',0,MA_ERR)
408      if (.not. ma_push_get(mt_dbl,9*nat_slc,'sh para',l_tot,k_tot))
409     &    call errquit('hnd_hfine: ma_push_get failed k_tot',0,MA_ERR)
410c     Before we start getting the integrals we need to reinitialize the
411c     integrals. They were terminated by the cphf.
412      call int_init(rtdb,1,basis)
413      call schwarz_init(geom,basis)
414      call hnd_giao_init(basis,1)
415      call get_par_hfine(dbl_mb(k_para), ! OUT: para-hfine tensor
416     &                   ga_h01_hfine,   ! IN : h01 matrix
417     &                   coeffpol,
418     &                   g_d1,           ! IN : Perturbed density matrix
419     &                   basis,nbf,nat_slc,rtdb)
420      call get_dia_hfine(dbl_mb(k_dia),  ! OUT: dia-hfine tensor
421     &                   ga_dia_hfine,   ! IN
422     &                   coeffpol,
423     &                   basis,nbf,nat_slc,rtdb)
424c +++++++++ print-total-pardia-transferred +++ START
425      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
426     &   write(*,105) nat_slc
427 105     format('NATOMS=',i3)
428      ic=1
429      do iatom = 1, nat_slc
430       do ix = 1, 3
431        do iy = 1, 3
432         if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
433           write(*,19) ix,iy,iatom,
434     &                 dbl_mb(k_dia +ic-1),
435     &                 dbl_mb(k_para+ic-1),
436     &                 dbl_mb(k_dia +ic-1)+
437     &                 dbl_mb(k_para+ic-1)
438 19        format('NW:(dia,par,dia+par)(',
439     &             i1,',',i1,',',i1,')=(',
440     &             f15.8,' ',f15.8,' ',f15.8,' )')
441         endif
442         ic=ic+1
443        enddo ! end-loop-iy
444       enddo ! end-loop-ix
445      enddo ! end-loop-iatom
446c +++++++++ print-total-dia-transferred +++ END
447       do ispin=1,ndens
448        if (.not.ga_destroy(g_dens(ispin))) call
449     &    errquit('hnd_hfine_zora: ga_destroy failed g_dens',
450     &    0,GA_ERR)
451       enddo
453c     Print out tensor information, and write to Ecce file if necessary
454      status = rtdb_parallel(.false.)
455      if (ga_nodeid().gt.0) goto 300
456      acc_vec=0 ! For NMLO analysis
457      call ecce_print_module_entry('nmr')
458      do iatom = 1, nat_slc
459         ioff = (iatom-1)*9
460         if (.not. geom_cent_get(geom, int_mb(k_AtNr+iatom-1), tag,
461     &       dbl_mb(k_xyz), dbl_mb(k_zan))) call
462     &       errquit('hnd_hfine: geom_cent_tag failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
463         if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag, symbol, element, atn)) call
464     &       errquit('hnd_hfine: geom_tag_to_element failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
466c      Print tensor pieces and sum for total hyperfine tensor
467         if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
468c---- 2nd format: 2col hyperfine tensor (1scol: au 2ndcol: MHz) ---- START
469          conv2MHz=dbl_mb(k_cfine+iatom-1)
470          write(luout,9700) int_mb(k_AtNr+iatom-1),symbol ! Showing original atm nr.
471          write(luout,97)
472          write(luout,112) ' FC, SD terms:'
473          trace=(dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff  ) +
474     &           dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+4) +
475     &           dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+8))/3.0d0
476          write(luout,99) trace,trace*conv2MHz
477  99      format('  isotropic',t16,'A(au)',
478     &           f12.4,t60,'A(MHz)',f12.4)
479          do iy=1,3
480           iz=3*(iy-1)
481           write (luout,98) (dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+ix-1),ix=iz+1,iz+3),
482     &                      (dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+ix-1)*conv2MHz,
483     &                                               ix=iz+1,iz+3)
484          enddo
485          write(luout,112) ' PSO-Spin-Orbit terms:'
486          trace=(dbl_mb(k_para+ioff  ) +
487     &           dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+4) +
488     &           dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+8))/3.0d0
489          write(luout,99) trace,trace*conv2MHz
490          do iy=1,3
491           iz=3*(iy-1)
492           write (luout,98) (dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix-1),ix=iz+1,iz+3),
493     &                      (dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix-1)*conv2MHz,
494     &                                                ix=iz+1,iz+3)
495          enddo
496          do ix = 0, 8
497            dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff+ix) = dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+ix) +
498     &                              dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix)
499          enddo
500          write(luout,112) ' Total hyperfine coupling tensor:'
501          trace=(dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff  ) +
502     &           dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff+4) +
503     &           dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff+8))/3.0d0
504          write(luout,99) trace,trace*conv2MHz
505          do iy=1,3
506           iz=3*(iy-1)
507           write (luout,98) (dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff+ix-1),ix=iz+1,iz+3),
508     &                      (dbl_mb(k_tot+ioff+ix-1)*conv2MHz,
509     &                                               ix=iz+1,iz+3)
510          enddo
511c---- 2nd format: 2col hyperfine tensor (1scol: au 2ndcol: MHz) ---- END
512         endif
514         do ix = 0, 8
515            dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix) = dbl_mb(k_dia+ioff+ix) +
516     &                               dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix)
517         enddo
519c     Print total hyperfine tensor
521         if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
522c            write(luout,9802) (dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+ix-1),ix=1,9)
524c     Diagonalize total tensor
525c     Order in a: xx xy yy xz yz zz
526            a(1) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff)
527            a(2) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+1)
528            a(3) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+4)
529            a(4) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+2)
530            a(5) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+5)
531            a(6) = dbl_mb(k_para+ioff+8)
532            ij = 0
533            do 241 i = 1, 3
534            do 241 j = 1, i
535               ij = ij + 1
536               axs(i,j) = a(ij)
537               axs(j,i) = a(ij)
538  241       continue
539            call hnd_diag(axs,eig,3,.true.,.true.)
540            call sort_asc(eig,axs) ! sort in ascending order
541            isotr =(eig(1) + eig(2) + eig(3))/3.0d0
542            aniso = eig(1) -(eig(2) + eig(3))/2.0d0
543c ++++++++++ get eigenvectors for NMLO analysis +++++ START
544            hypfile=0 ! not doing NLMO analysis by default
545            status=rtdb_get(rtdb,'prop:hypfile',mt_int,1,hypfile) ! for NLMO analysis
546            if (hypfile.eq.1) then
547             do i1=1,3
548              do j1=1,3
549               dbl_mb(k_tvec+acc_vec)=axs(i1,j1)
550               acc_vec=acc_vec+1
551              enddo
552             enddo
553            endif
554c ++++++++++ get eigenvectors for NMLO analysis +++++ END
555c ---- Calc: span,skew,asymm ----- START
556             span  = eig(3) - eig(1)
557             skew = 0.0d0
558            if (abs(span)>small)
559     &       skew = 3.0d0*(isotr-eig(2))/span
560            rtemp = eig(3) - isotr
561             asym = 0.0d0
562            if (abs(rtemp)>small)
563     &       asym = (eig(2)-eig(1))/rtemp
564             write(luout,101)
565 101         format(/1x,'In principal axis representation:',
566     &                 ' total span,skew and asymm')
567             write(luout,100) span,skew,asym,
568     &                        span*conv2MHz,
569     &                        skew*conv2MHz,
570     &                        asym*conv2MHz
571 100         format(t9,'span',t21,'skew',t32,'asymm',t52,
572     &                  'span',t64,'skew',t75,'asymm'/3f12.4,
573     &                   t44,3f12.4/)
574c ---- Calc: span,skew,asymm ----- END
575            write(luout,9986) (ix,ix=1,3),(ix,ix=1,3)
576            write(luout,4489) (eig(ix),ix=1,3),
577     &                        (eig(ix)*conv2MHz,ix=1,3)
578 4489       format(3f12.4,t44,3f12.4,/)
579            do iy=1,3
580              write(luout,9983) iy,axs(iy,1),axs(iy,2),axs(iy,3)
581            enddo
582            write(luout,'(//)')
584c     Print Ecce information
586            call ecce_print1_char('atom name',symbol,1)
587            call ecce_print2('hyperfine tensor',MT_DBL,
588     &                       dbl_mb(k_para+ioff),3,3,3)
589            call ecce_print1('hyperfine isotropic',MT_DBL,isotr,1)
590            call ecce_print1('hyperfine anisotropy',MT_DBL,aniso,1)
591            call ecce_print1('hyperfine eigenvalues',MT_DBL,eig,3)
592            call ecce_print2('hyperfine eigenvectors',MT_DBL,axs,
593     &                       3,3,3)
594         endif
595      enddo
596      call ecce_print_module_exit('nmr','ok')
597300   call ga_sync()
598      status = rtdb_parallel(.true.)
600c ---- Destroy stored ga arrays ------ START
601           if (.not. ga_destroy(g_d1)) call errquit(
602     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
603           if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_dia_hfine)) call errquit(
604     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
605        if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_h01_hfine)) call errquit(
606     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
607        if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_Fji_hfine)) call errquit(
608     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
609c ---- Destroy stored ga arrays ------ END
611      hypfile=0 ! not doing NLMO analysis by default
612      status=rtdb_get(rtdb,'prop:hypfile',mt_int,1,hypfile) ! for NLMO analysis
613      if (hypfile.eq.1) then ! ------- hypfile-if++++ START
614         if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nat_slc*9,
615     &       'munu4nbo: g_tvec',0,0,g_tvec))
616     $       call errquit('munu4nbo: g_tvec', 0,GA_ERR)
617        call ga_dgop(msg_efgs_col,dbl_mb(k_tvec),nat_slc*9,'+')
618        call ga_put(g_tvec,1,1,1,nat_slc*9,dbl_mb(k_tvec),1)
619        call create_munu4nbo_hyp(rtdb,g_tvec,
620     &                           coeffpol,
621     &                           nat_slc,int_mb(k_AtNr),
622     &                           basis,npol,nocc,nvirt,nmo,
623     &                           dbl_mb(k_cfine))
624         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tvec)) call errquit( ! destroy GA
625     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
626       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_tvec)) call
627     &     errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_free_heap l_tvec',0,MA_ERR)
628      endif ! ------------------------ hypfile-if++++ END
629c ---- Destroy stored ga arrays ------ START
630c          if (.not. ga_destroy(g_d1)) call errquit(
631c     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
632c           if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_dia_hfine)) call errquit(
633c     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
634c        if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_h01_hfine)) call errquit(
635c     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
636c        if (.not. ga_destroy(ga_Fji_hfine)) call errquit(
637c     &    'hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
638c ---- Destroy stored ga arrays ------ END
640c     Clean up all remaining memory
641      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_tot)) call
642     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed k_tot',
643     &            0,MA_ERR)
644      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_dia)) call
645     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed k_dia',
646     &            0,MA_ERR)
647      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_para)) call
648     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed k_para',
649     &            0,MA_ERR)
650      do i=1,npol
651 911  if (.not.ga_destroy(vectors(i))) call
652     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ga_destroy failed vectors',
653     &             0,GA_ERR)
654      enddo
655        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_AtNr1)) call errquit(
656     &    'hnd_giaox_zora: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
657      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_zan)) call
658     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed k_zan',
659     &             0,MA_ERR)
660      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_xyz)) call
661     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed k_xyz',
662     &             0,MA_ERR)
663      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_AtNr)) call
664     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_free_heap l_tmp',
665     &             0, MA_ERR)
666      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_cfine)) call
667     &    errquit('hnd_hyperfine_zora: ma_pop_stack failed l_cfine',
668     &             0,MA_ERR)
669      call schwarz_tidy()
670      call int_terminate()
671      return
673 97   format(/' ----- A-tensor in atomic units ----',t44,
674     1        '  ------------- A (MHz) ------------')
675 98   format(3f12.4,t44,3f12.4) ! for showing 2col hyperfine tensor
676 112  format(/a)
677 7000 format(/,10x,'NMR hyperfine cannot be calculated for UHF',
678     1      ' or ROHF wave functions: use RHF')
679 9700 format(6x,'Atom: ',i4,2x,a2)
680 9800 format(8x,'Diamagnetic',/,3(3F12.4,/))
681 9801 format(8x,'Paramagnetic',/,3(3F12.4,/))
682 9802 format(8x,'Total hyperfine Tensor',/,3(3F12.4,/))
683 9983 format(i1,1x,f10.4,f12.4,f12.4)
684c 9983 format(6x,i1,3x,3f12.4)
685 9985 format(10x,3f12.4,/)
686c 9986 format(10x,'Principal Components and Axis System',/,10x,
687c     1       3(7x,i1,4x))
688 9986 format(1x,'Principal Components and Axis System',/,1x,
689     1       3(7x,i1,4x),t44,3(7x,i1,4x))
690 9987 format(10x,' isotropic = ',f12.4,/,
691     1       10x,'anisotropy = ',f12.4,/)
692 9999 format(
693     1 /,10x,41(1h-),/,
694     2 10x,'Hyperfine Tensors (in au)',/,
695     3 10x,41(1h-),/)
696      end
698c --------------- For NMLO analysis ------------------ START
699      subroutine get_tvec(dia,     ! in : dia tensor
700     &                    tvec,    ! out: eigenvectors
701     &                    acc_vec, ! in/out: counter for eigenvectors
702     &                    iat,     ! in : atom nr.
703     &                    hypfile) ! in : NMLO-hyp flag
704      implicit none
705#include "errquit.fh"
706#include "global.fh"
707#include "mafdecls.fh"
708#include "msgids.fh"
709#include "rtdb.fh"
710#include "apiP.fh"
711#include "prop.fh"
712#include "bgj.fh"
713#include "bas.fh"
714#include "stdio.fh"
716         integer iat,acc_vec
717         double precision dia(*),tvec(*)
718         integer i,j,ic,hypfile
719         double precision vec(3,3), eig(3)
720         external hnd_diag
721         ic=9*(iat-1)+1
722         do i = 1, 3
723          do j = 1, 3
724           vec(i,j)= dia(ic)
725           ic=ic+1
726          enddo ! end-loop-i
727         enddo ! end-loop-j
728         call hnd_diag(vec,eig,3,.true.,.false.)
729c ------- copy eigenvectors, vec for NLMO analysis ----- START
730          if (hypfile.eq.1) then
731           do i=1,3
732            do j=1,3
733             tvec(acc_vec)=vec(i,j)
734             acc_vec=acc_vec+1
735            enddo
736           enddo
737          endif
738      return
739      end
740c --------------- For NMLO analysis ------------------ END
741      subroutine get_par_hfine(
742     &                   par,         ! OUT : paramagnetic tensor
743     &                   ga_h01_hfine,! IN :
744     *                   coeffpol,    ! IN  : scaling factor 1/(nA-nB)
745     &                   g_d1,        ! IN  : Perturbed density matrix
746     &                   basis,       ! IN  : basis handle
747     &                   nbf,         ! IN  : nr. basis functions
748     &                   natoms,      ! IN  : nr. atoms
749     &                   rtdb)
750c Purpose : Assemble NMR Hyperfine: paramagnetic tensor
751c Author  : Fredy Aquino
752c Date    : 03-09-11
753      implicit none
754#include "errquit.fh"
755#include "global.fh"
756#include "mafdecls.fh"
757#include "msgids.fh"
758#include "rtdb.fh"
759#include "apiP.fh"
760#include "prop.fh"
761#include "bgj.fh"
762#include "bas.fh"
763#include "stdio.fh"
764#include "zora.fh"
765c      Global arrays variables defined in zora.fh
766c      ga_dia_hfine,ga_h01_hfine,ga_Fji_hfine
767      integer g_d1 ! input: Perturbed density matrices
768      integer ga_h01_hfine
769      integer rtdb
770      integer basis
771      integer alo(3), ahi(3), blo(3), bhi(3)
772      integer ld(2),cbuf,cbuf1,cbuf2
773      integer nbf,natoms
774      integer iatom,ix,iy,ixy,ind
775      integer debug_get_par
776      double precision val,par(*),coeffpol
777      logical oskel
778       debug_get_par=0
779       do ixy = 1, 9*natoms
780         par(ixy) = 0.0d0  ! initialize
781       enddo
782       alo(1) = 1
783       ahi(1) = nbf
784       alo(2) = 1
785       ahi(2) = nbf
786       blo(1) = 1
787       bhi(1) = nbf
788       blo(2) = 1
789       bhi(2) = nbf
790       ixy = 0
791       blo(3) = 0
792       bhi(3) = 0
793       do iatom = 1, natoms
794        do iy = 1, 3
795         blo(3) = blo(3) + 1
796         bhi(3) = bhi(3) + 1
797         do ix = 1, 3
798          alo(3) = ix
799          ahi(3) = ix
800          ixy = ixy + 1
801          val = nga_ddot_patch(g_d1        ,'n',alo,ahi,
802     &                         ga_h01_hfine,'n',blo,bhi)*
803     *          coeffpol*
804     &          (-2.0d0) ! factor from (+2) g_N B_N/(nA-nB)
805                         !             (-1) from h_01 operator
806          cbuf=9*(iatom-1)+3*(ix-1)+iy ! transpose
807          par(cbuf)=val
808         enddo ! end-loop-ix
809        enddo ! end-loop-iy
810       enddo ! end-loop-iatom
811c --------- symmmetrize para ------- START
812       do iatom = 1, natoms
813        do iy = 1,3
814         do ix = iy+1,3
815          cbuf1=9*(iatom-1)+3*(ix-1)+iy ! transpose
816          cbuf2=9*(iatom-1)+3*(iy-1)+ix
817          val=(par(cbuf1)+par(cbuf2))/2.0d0
818          par(cbuf1)=val
819          par(cbuf2)=val
820         enddo ! end-loop-ix
821        enddo ! end-loop-iy
822       enddo ! end-loop-iatom
823c --------- symmmetrize para ------- END
824      return
825      end
827      subroutine get_dia_hfine(dia,         ! OUT : dia-hfine tensor
828     &                         ga_dia_hfine,! IN :
829     &                         coeffpol,    ! IN  : scaling factor
830     &                         basis,       ! IN  : basis handle
831     &                         nbf,         ! IN  : nr. basis functions
832     &                         natoms,      ! IN  : nr. atoms
833     &                         rtdb)
835c Purpose : Assemble NMR Hyperfine: diamagnetic tensor
836c Author  : Fredy Aquino
837c Date    : 03-09-11
838      implicit none
839#include "errquit.fh"
840#include "global.fh"
841#include "mafdecls.fh"
842#include "msgids.fh"
843#include "rtdb.fh"
844#include "bas.fh"
845#include "apiP.fh"
846#include "prop.fh"
847#include "bgj.fh"
848#include "stdio.fh"
849#include "zora.fh"
850c      Global arrays variables defined in zora.fh
851c      --> ga_dia_hfine,ga_h01_hfine,ga_Fji_hfine
852      integer rtdb
853      integer basis     ! [input] basis handle
854      integer alo(3), ahi(3), blo(3), bhi(3)
855      integer ld(2),cbuf,cbuf1,cbuf2
856      integer nbf,natoms,ispin
857      integer iatom,ix,iy,ixy
858      integer ga_dia_hfine
859      double precision dia(*),coeffpol
860      logical oskel
861      double precision val
862      do ixy = 1, 9*natoms
863         dia(ixy) = 0.0d0  ! initialize
864      enddo
865c ---- STORE: ga_dia --> dia
866       alo(1)=1
867       ahi(1)=3
868       alo(2)=1
869       ahi(2)=3
870       alo(3)=1
871       ahi(3)=natoms
872       ld(1)=3
873       ld(2)=3
874       call ga_scale(ga_dia_hfine,coeffpol)
875       call nga_get(ga_dia_hfine,alo,ahi,dia(1),ld)
876c --------- symmmetrize dia ------- START
877       do iatom = 1, natoms
878        do iy = 1,3
879         do ix = iy + 1,3
880          cbuf1=9*(iatom-1)+3*(ix-1)+iy ! transpose
881          cbuf2=9*(iatom-1)+3*(iy-1)+ix
882          val=(dia(cbuf1)+dia(cbuf2))/2.0d0
883          dia(cbuf1)=val
884          dia(cbuf2)=val
885         enddo ! end-loop-ix
886        enddo ! end-loop-iy
887       enddo ! end-loop-iatom
888c --------- symmmetrize dia ------- END
889      return
890      end
892      subroutine add_H10_hfine(
893     &                    g_rhs, ! out: accumulated rhs expression
894     &                   ga_Fji, !  in: Fock 1st-deriv from operator: p K x p
895     &                  vectors, !  in: MO  coeffs
896     &                    basis, !  in: basis handle
897     &                      nbf, !  in: nr. basis functions
898     &                      nmo, !  in: nr. MOs (occ+virt)
899     &                     npol, !  in: nr. of polarizations
900     &                     nocc, !  in: nr. occ     MOs
901     &                    nvirt) !  in: nr. virtual MOs
902c =============  Computing  ==============
903c     ga_rhs(a,i) = ga_rhs(a,i) + H10(a,i)
904c ========================================
905      implicit none
906#include "errquit.fh"
907#include "global.fh"
908#include "mafdecls.fh"
909#include "msgids.fh"
910#include "geom.fh"
911#include "rtdb.fh"
912#include "bas.fh"
913#include "stdio.fh"
914      integer npol    ! nr. of polarizations
915      logical do_zora ! logical to check if NOT doing zora calc
916      integer nbf,nmo,ispin,
917     &        nocc(npol),nvirt(npol)
918      integer shift,disp
919      integer alo(3), ahi(3),
920     &        blo(3), bhi(3)
921      integer vectors(npol)
922      integer g_rhs,ga_Fji
923      integer g_s10 ! scratch ga arrays
924      integer basis ! basis handle
925      logical oskel
926      external giao_aotomo
927      oskel = .false.
928c ----------- Create scratch ga-arrays ------- START
929      alo(1) = nbf
930      alo(2) = -1
931      alo(3) = -1
932      ahi(1) = nbf
933      ahi(2) = nbf
934      ahi(3) = 3*npol
935      if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'s10 matrix',
936     &                   alo,g_s10))
937     &    call errquit('add_H10: nga_create failed g_s10',
938     &                  0,GA_ERR)
939       call ga_zero(g_s10)
940c ----------- Create scratch ga-arrays ------- END
941c     Transform H10 to MO and add to g_rhs
942c     Copy: g_Fji --> g_s10
943       blo(1) = 1
944       bhi(1) = nmo
945       blo(2) = 1
946       bhi(2) = nmo
947       blo(3) = 1
948       bhi(3) = 3
949      do ispin=1,npol
950       shift=3*(ispin-1)
951       alo(1) = 1
952       ahi(1) = nmo
953       alo(2) = 1
954       ahi(2) = nmo
955       alo(3) = shift+1
956       ahi(3) = shift+3
957       call nga_copy_patch('n',ga_Fji,blo,bhi,
958     &                          g_s10,alo,ahi)
959      enddo ! end-loop-ispin
960      call giao_aotomo(g_s10,vectors,nocc,nvirt,npol,3,nbf)
961      do ispin=1,npol
962       shift=3*(ispin-1)
963       alo(1) = nocc(ispin)+1
964       ahi(1) = nmo
965       alo(2) = 1
966       ahi(2) = nocc(ispin)
967       alo(3) = shift+1
968       ahi(3) = shift+3
969c ------ definitions for g_rhs -------- START
970       disp=nocc(1)*nvirt(1)*(ispin-1)
971       blo(1) = disp+1
972       bhi(1) = disp+nocc(ispin)*nvirt(ispin)
973       blo(2) = 1
974       bhi(2) = 3
975c ------ definitions for g_rhs -------- END
976       call nga_add_patch(1.0d0,g_rhs,blo,bhi,
977     &                    1.0d0,g_s10,alo,ahi,
978     &                          g_rhs,blo,bhi)
979      enddo ! end-loop-ispin
980      if (.not.ga_destroy(g_s10)) call
981     &    errquit('add_H10: ga_destroy failed g_s10',0,GA_ERR)
982      return
983      end
984      subroutine get_convfactor_hfine(geom,       ! in  : geom handle
985     &                                const_hfine,! out : conversion factor for hyperfine calc.
986     &                                Zan,        ! in  : atomic numbers
987     &                                natoms,     ! in  : nr. of selected atoms
988     &                                atmnr)      ! in  : list of atom nr. indices
989      implicit none
990#include "errquit.fh"
991#include "global.fh"
992#include "mafdecls.fh"
993#include "msgids.fh"
994#include "geom.fh"
995#include "rtdb.fh"
996#include "bas.fh"
997#include "stdio.fh"
998      integer geom
999      integer iat,iat1,isonr
1000      character*16 at_tag
1001      integer natoms,atmnr(natoms)
1002      double precision gnuc,hbar,ge,emf,vl,auev,evmhz,gmhz,
1003     &                pi,fac,betae,betan,conv,convf,con,gnu,
1004     &                Zan(natoms)
1005      double precision const_hfine(natoms)
1006      logical status
1007      logical atom_gfac
1008      external atom_gfac
1009      data gnuc   /5.05078343d-27/      ! Nuclear magneton
1010      data hbar   /1.05457168d-34/      ! Planck constant over 2 pi
1011      data ge     /2.002319304386d+00/  ! Electron g-factor
1012      data emf    /1836.152701d+00/     ! Proton-electron mass ratio
1013      data vl     /137.0359895d+00/     ! Speed of light in au
1014      data auev   /27.2113961d+00/      ! Conversion from au to eV
1015      data evmhz  /2.41798836d+08/      ! Conversion from eV to MHz
1016      data gmhz   /2.8025d+00/          ! Conversion from Gauss to MHz
1018c     --- calculate constants and conversion terms ---START
1019      pi   = acos(-1.0d0)
1020      fac  =(4.0d0*pi/3.0d0)
1021      betae=1.0d0/(2.0d0*vl)
1022      betan=betae/emf
1023      convf=auev*evmhz
1024      con  =ge*betae*betan*convf
1025c     --- calculate constants and conversion terms ---END
1026c----- Allocate memory - FA
1027       do iat1 = 1, natoms
1028         iat=atmnr(iat1)
1029        if (.not. atom_gfac(Zan(iat1),gnu,isonr)) call
1030     &      errquit('hnd_hfine: atom_gfac failed',0, UERR)
1031        const_hfine(iat1)=con*gnu
1032        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1033     &   write(*,1) iat1,iat,con,gnu,isonr,const_hfine(iat1)
1034 1       format('(con,gnu,isonr,const_hfine)(',i3,',',i3,')=(',
1035     &          f15.8,',',f15.8,',',i3,',',f15.8,')')
1036       enddo ! end loop-iat1
1037      return
1038      end
1040      subroutine sort_asc(eig,vec)
1041c     Purpose: Sort in ascending order
1042c     Taken forn hnd_diag
1043c     FA-03-17-11
1044      implicit none
1045#include "errquit.fh"
1046#include "global.fh"
1047#include "msgids.fh"
1048#include "stdio.fh"
1049         integer i,j,jj
1050         double precision eig(3),vec(3,3),xx
1051         do 50 i=1,3
1052            jj=i
1053            do 30 j=i,3
1054               if( eig(j).le. eig(jj)) jj=j
1055   30       continue
1056            if(jj.eq.i) go to 50
1058            xx=eig(jj)
1059            eig(jj)=eig(i)
1060            eig(i)=xx
1061            do 40 j=1,3
1062               xx=vec(j,jj)
1063               vec(j,jj)=vec(j,i)
1064               vec(j,i)=xx
1065   40       continue
1066   50    continue
1067      return
1068      end
1069c --------------------------------------------------------
1070c -------------- for NMLO analysis ----------------- START
1071      subroutine create_munu4nbo_hyp(
1072     &             rtdb,        ! in: rtdb handle
1073     &             g_tvec,      ! in: eigenvectors or T diagonalizing matrix
1074     &             coeffpol,    ! in: scaling factor for hyperfine constants
1075     &             nat,         ! in: nr. atoms
1076     &             atmnr,       ! in: list of selected atoms
1077     &             basis,       ! in: basis handle
1078     &             npol,        ! in: nr. polarizaitons
1079     &             nocc,        ! in: nr. occ   nocc(i) i=1,npol
1080     &             nvirt,       ! in: nr. virt nvirt(i) i=1,npol
1081     &             nmo,         ! in: nr. MO
1082     &             const_hfine) ! in: conv2MHz
1084      implicit none
1085#include "nwc_const.fh"
1086#include "errquit.fh"
1087#include "global.fh"
1088#include "bas.fh"
1089#include "mafdecls.fh"
1090#include "geom.fh"
1091#include "stdio.fh"
1092#include "rtdb.fh"
1093#include "cosmo.fh"
1094#include "msgids.fh"
1095#include "zora.fh"
1096c FA: Revised on 06-22-11
1097c ------Main outputs -------- START
1098      integer g_munu_rot,         ! hyp-FCSD  dia  part
1099     &        g_munu_rot1,g_acc2  ! hyp-PSOSO para part
1100c ------Main outputs -------- END
1101      integer rtdb,basis
1102      integer g_sdens,g_tvec
1103      integer g_munuFCSD,g_munuPSOSO,
1104     &        g_tnp,g_acc,
1105     &        vectors(2),
1106     &        g_tnp1,g_acc1
1107      integer ispin
1108      integer nat
1109      double precision ac_val,val1,sign,
1110     &                 const_hfine(nat)
1112      integer iat1,iat,i,j,k,m,n,ndir,ndir1
1113      integer jlo,jhi,s,nbf,nmo,nsize,nsize1,nsize2
1114      integer npol,ntot,atmnr(nat)
1115      integer ind,nlst,count,nocc(npol),nvirt(npol)
1116      integer Natoms_munu,Ndir_munu,atmnr_munu(nat)
1118c     Ndir_munu, Nr. of directions stored
1119c                =3  xx yy zz
1120      double precision coeff,fact,para_rot(9),coeffpol
1121      double precision tmn(2),chcdata(3)
1122      integer jlo1,jhi1,jlo2,jhi2
1123      integer g_sdens1,g_c1,
1124     &        g_p10,g_munuPSOSO2d
1125      integer iind(2),jind(2),icalczora,type_NMR
1126      integer alo(3),ahi(3),elo(3),ehi(3),flo(3),fhi(3)
1127      logical dft_zoraHYP_NLMOAnalysis_read ! for read-nlmo-mat
1128      character*255 zorafilename              ! for read-nlmo-mat
1129      integer arr_ind(6,2)
1130       data ((arr_ind(j,i),i=1,2),j=1,6)
1131     &  /1,1,2,2,3,3,1,2,1,3,2,3/
1132      external dft_zoraHYP_NLMOAnalysis_read,get_P10_rot,
1133     &         fill_munuPSOSO_1,get_par_hfine_rot,
1134     &         get2dmat,whypfile,
1135     &         get_par_hfine_rot1
1136c     --> To store ONLY munu principal components xx,yy,zz
1137c     g_munuFCSD    is created in dft_zora_Hyperfine.F
1138c     size(g_munuFCSD)=nlst*ndir*nat (linear vector)
1139c     g_sdens, spin density matrix
1140c     nbf x nbf elements (bidimensional matrix)
1141c     Legend:
1142c     ndir=6 = xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz
1143c     nbf, Nr of basis functions
1144c     nlst=nbf*(nbf+1)/2
1145c     nat, nr. of selected atoms out of nat
1147      if (.not. bas_numbf(basis,nbf)) call errquit
1148     &   ('munu: bas_numbf failed',555, BASIS_ERR)
1149      Natoms_munu=nat
1150      do i=1,Natoms_munu
1151       atmnr_munu(i)=atmnr(i)
1152      enddo
1153      Ndir_munu=3
1154      nlst=nbf*(nbf+1)/2 ! size of xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz chunk
1155c ++++++ Read NLMO matrices +++++++++ START
1156      ndir=6
1157      ndir1=3
1158      call util_file_name(lbl_nlmohyp,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
1159      icalczora = 0  ! initialize the flag
1160      if (.not.dft_zoraHYP_NLMOAnalysis_read(
1161     &       zorafilename, ! in : filename
1162     &                nbf, ! in : nr basis functions
1163     &               ndir, ! in : nr of directions: 6 = xx yy zz xy xz yz
1164     &              ndir1, ! in : nr of directions: 3 = x y z
1165     &                nat, ! in : list of selected atoms
1166     &               nocc, ! in : nocc(i) i=1,2 nr. occupations in alpha and beta
1167     &               npol, ! in: nr polarizations
1168     &         g_munuFCSD, ! out: munu matrix of Fermi Contact + Spin Dipolar term
1169     &        g_munuPSOSO, ! out: munu matrix of PSOSO
1170     &            vectors, ! out: MOs
1171     &               g_c1, ! out: perturbed MO
1172     &            g_sdens)) icalczora=1
1173      call ga_scale(g_munuFCSD ,       coeffpol) ! scaling dia
1174      call ga_scale(g_munuPSOSO,-2.0d0*coeffpol) ! scaling para
1175      goto 10
1176      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1177     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_munuFCSD -- START'
1178        call ga_print(g_munuFCSD)
1179      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1180     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_munuFCSD -- END'
1181      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1182     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_munuPSOSO -- START'
1183        call ga_print(g_munuPSOSO)
1184      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1185     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_munuPSOSO -- END'
1186      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1187     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_sdens ----- START'
1188        call ga_print(g_sdens)
1189      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1190     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_sdens ----- END'
1191      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1192     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_c1 ----- START'
1193        call ga_print(g_c1)
1194      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1195     & write(*,*) 'AFT-reading-HYP-NLMO matrices: g_c1 ----- END'
1196 10   continue
1197c ++++++ Read NLMO matrices +++++++++ END
1198      call get_unique_elmat(g_sdens,g_sdens1,nlst,nbf)   ! out: g_sdens1
1199      ndir=6 ! Nr. of directions: xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz
1200      nsize=nbf*(nbf+1)/2 ! size of xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz chunk
1201      nsize1=nsize*ndir   ! size of whole munu per atom
1202      nsize2=nsize*ndir1  ! size of whole munu per atom
1203        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nsize,
1204     &                      'munu4nbo: g_tnp',0,0,g_tnp))
1205     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_tnp', 0,GA_ERR)
1206        call ga_zero(g_tnp)
1207        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nsize,
1208     &                      'munu4nbo: g_tnp1',0,0,g_tnp1))
1209     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_tnp1', 0,GA_ERR)
1210        call ga_zero(g_tnp1)
1211        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nsize,
1212     &                      'munu4nbo: g_acc',0,0,g_acc))
1213     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_acc', 0,GA_ERR)
1214        call ga_zero(g_acc)
1215        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nsize,
1216     &                      'munu4nbo: g_acc1',0,0,g_acc1))
1217     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_acc1', 0,GA_ERR)
1218         call ga_zero(g_acc1)
1219         alo(1) = nbf
1220         alo(2) = -1
1221         alo(3) = -1
1222         ahi(1) = nbf
1223         ntot=nocc(1)+nocc(2)
1224         ahi(2) = ntot
1225         ahi(3) = 3*nat
1226         if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'g_acc2 matrix',
1227     &       alo,g_acc2)) call
1228     &        errquit('g_acc2: nga_create failed g_acc2',0,GA_ERR)
1229         call ga_zero(g_acc2)
1230        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nlst*3*nat,
1231     &                       'munu4nbo: g_munu_rot',0,0,g_munu_rot))
1232     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_munu_rot', 0,GA_ERR)
1233        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nlst*3*nat,
1234     &                       'munu4nbo: g_munu_rot1',0,0,g_munu_rot1))
1235     $    call errquit('munu4nbo: g_munu_rot1', 0,GA_ERR)
1236       alo(1) = nbf
1237       alo(2) = -1
1238       alo(3) = -1
1239       ahi(1) = nbf
1240       ahi(2) = nbf
1241       ahi(3) = 3
1242      if (.not.nga_create(mt_dbl,3,ahi,'g_munuPSOSO2d matrix',
1243     &    alo,g_munuPSOSO2d)) call
1244     &    errquit('munu4nbo: nga_create failed g_munuPSOSO2d',0,GA_ERR)
1245        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1246     &   write(*,*) 'CHCooooooooooooo',
1247     &              ' NW-Hyperfine: Summary C+HC data [MHz] ',
1248     &              'oooooooooooooooo START'
1249      do iat1=1,nat
1250        call ga_zero(g_munuPSOSO2d)
1251        iat=atmnr(iat1)
1252        do n=1,3  ! xx,yy,zz
1253         m=n ! For principal components ONLY
1254         call ga_zero(g_acc)
1255c ----- Do: A'= T^t A T, calculate only [A']_pp --> (do n=1,3 m=n)
1256c       a_pp'=    \sum_i t_ip a_ii t_ip +
1257c               2 \sum_{j=2}^n \sum_{i=1}^{j-1} t_jp a_ji t_ip
1258c       g_munu_rot = A'
1259c       WARNING: g_munu_rot, contains several rotated matrices
1260c                since the matrices are symmetric I store only
1261c                the main diagonal + lower (upper) triangular
1262c                matrix in a format that looks like:
1263c                a_11 a_22 ... a_nn
1264c                a_21
1265c                a_31 a_32
1266c                a_41 a_42 a_43
1267c                ...
1268c                a_n1 a_n2 ... a_{n(n-1)}
1269c      There are two additional transformations on g_munu_rot
1270c      before leaving this routine and entering wefgfile()
1271c      1. I make the diagonalized matrix traceless
1272c ===== Transform xx_munu to 2xx_munu-(yy_munu+zz_munu) = START
1273c       or                   3xx_munu-(xx_munu+yy_munu+zz_munu)
1274c      2. I need to do a reordering of elements so that it is
1275c         compatible with wefgfile()
1276c        call reorder_munu(g_munu_rot,nat,nlst,nbf,Ndir_munu)
1277c --------------------------------------------------------------
1278         do s=1,6
1279c ------- get coeff() --- START
1280          iind(1)=1
1281          iind(2)=1
1282          jind(1)=9*(iat1-1)+3*(arr_ind(s,1)-1)+m
1283          jind(2)=9*(iat1-1)+3*(arr_ind(s,2)-1)+n
1284          call ga_gather(g_tvec,tmn,iind,jind,2)
1285          fact=1.0d0
1286          if (s.gt.3) fact=2.0d0
1287          coeff=fact*tmn(1)*tmn(2)
1288c ------- get coeff() --- END
1289c Note.- g_munuFCSD will be the (hyp-diag)_uv matrix
1290           jlo=nsize1*(iat1-1)+nsize*(s-1)+1
1291           jhi=jlo+nsize-1
1292           call ga_copy_patch('n',g_munuFCSD,1,1,jlo,jhi,
1293     &                            g_tnp     ,1,1,1  ,nsize)
1294           call ga_add(1.0d0,g_acc,coeff,g_tnp,g_acc)
1295         enddo ! end-loop-s
1296c Note.- g_acc = \widetilde{H}_{mu nu}^{(m,m)}
1297c        it is the rotated munu matrix using:  T^t H T
1298         call ga_zero(g_acc1)
1299         do s=1,3
1300c ------- get coeff() --- START
1301          iind(1)=1
1302          jind(1)=9*(iat1-1)+3*(s-1)+m
1303          call ga_gather(g_tvec,tmn,iind,jind,1)
1305c          if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1306c           write(*,1) m,s,tmn(1)
1307c 1         format('(m,s,tvec)=(',i5,',',i5,',',f15.8,')')
1308c          endif
1310          coeff=tmn(1)
1311c ------- get coeff() --- END
1312c Note.- g_munuPSOSO will be the (hyp-para)_uv matrix
1313          jlo=nsize2*(iat1-1)+nsize*(s-1)+1
1314          jhi=jlo+nsize-1
1315          call ga_copy_patch('n',g_munuPSOSO,1,1,jlo,jhi,
1316     &                           g_tnp1     ,1,1,1  ,nsize)
1317          call ga_add(1.0d0,g_acc1,coeff,g_tnp1,g_acc1)
1318c ----- Calculate rotated perturbed MO: g_acc2 ----- START
1319c  \sum_{s=1,3} t_{sm} C_{ri}^{(s) sigma} --> g_acc2
1320          elo(1) = 1
1321          ehi(1) = nbf
1322          elo(2) = 1
1323          ehi(2) = ntot
1324          elo(3) = s
1325          ehi(3) = s
1326          flo(1) = 1
1327          fhi(1) = nbf
1328          flo(2) = 1
1329          fhi(2) = ntot
1330          flo(3) = 3*(iat1-1)+m
1331          fhi(3) = 3*(iat1-1)+m
1332          call nga_add_patch(1.0d0,g_acc2,flo,fhi,
1333     &                       coeff,g_c1  ,elo,ehi,
1334     &                             g_acc2,flo,fhi)
1335c ----- Calculate rotated perturbed MO: g_acc2 ----- END
1336         enddo ! end-loop-s
1337c Note: g_acc1 = \widetilde{H}_{mu nu}^{(m)}  m=x,y,z
1338c       it is the rotated munu matrix using: T H
1339c ====== Store final munu matrices === START
1340         jlo2=nlst*Ndir_munu*(iat1-1)+
1341     &        nlst*(n-1)+1
1342         jhi2=jlo2+nlst-1
1343         call ga_scale(g_acc ,const_hfine(iat1)) ! scaling to conv. to MHz
1344         call ga_scale(g_acc1,const_hfine(iat1)) ! scaling to conv. to MHz
1345         call ga_copy_patch('n',g_acc     ,1,1,   1,nlst,
1346     &                          g_munu_rot,1,1,jlo2,jhi2)
1347         call ga_copy_patch('n',g_acc1    ,1,1,   1,nlst,
1348     &                         g_munu_rot1,1,1,jlo2,jhi2)
1349c ====== Store final munu matrices === END
1350c ++++++++++++++++++CHECK++++ DIAGONALIZATION ==== START
1351c ==== sum (g_acc .* g_sdens1 + Nuclear CONTRIB)
1352c      = TOTAL HYP diagonalized
1353         jlo1=1+nbf
1354         jhi1=nsize
1355         call ga_scale_patch(g_acc,1,1,jlo1,jhi1,2.0d0)
1356         chcdata(n)=ga_ddot(g_acc,g_sdens1)
1357c ++++++++++++++++++CHECK++++ DIAGONALIZATION ==== END
1358c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1359        enddo ! end-loop-n
1360        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1361          write(*,23) iat,
1362     &                chcdata(1),            ! dia-x
1363     &                chcdata(2),chcdata(3)  ! dia-y,z
1364 23       format(' CHC  FCSD(xx,yy,zz)(',i3,')=(',
1365     &           f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,')')
1366        endif
1367c ++++++++++ CHECK diagonalization in para hyperfine ++++++++ START
1368c Note.- Variables defined in zora.fh:
1369c        g_CiFull, zora scaling factors
1370c                 filled out with values in dft_zora_scale
1371c        zora switches: do_zora,do_NonRel,not_zora_scale
1372        type_NMR=2 ! =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
1373        call get_P10_rot(
1374     &          g_p10,            ! out: Perturbed density matrix (munu nbf x nbf x 3 square matrix)
1375     &          type_NMR,         !  in: =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
1376     &          g_acc2,           !  in: rotated perturbed MO vector
1377     &          vectors,g_CiFull, !  in: to build zora scaled MO vector
1378     &          iat1,             !  in: index for selected atom nr =1,nlist
1379     &          nbf,nmo,npol,nocc,nvirt,
1380     &          do_zora,do_NonRel,not_zora_scale,rtdb)
1381      call fill_munuPSOSO_1(  ! g_munuPSOSO --> g_munuPSOSO2d
1382     &        g_munu_rot1   , ! in: array with unique elements
1383     &        g_munuPSOSO2d , !out: nbf x nbf x 3 munu matrix for ith atom
1384     &        iat1          , ! in: = 1,2,..., nlist
1385     &        2,              ! in: type_symm = 1 symm  = 2 antisymm
1386     &        nbf)
1387c +++++++++ NOW: do ddot product to get diagonalized tensor +++ START
1388      call get_par_hfine_rot(
1389     &                   g_munuPSOSO2d, ! IN : h01 matrix
1390     &                   g_p10,         ! IN : Perturbed density matrix
1391     &                   basis,nbf,iat,rtdb)
1392c +++++++++ NOW: do ddot product to get diagonalized tensor +++ END
1393c ++++++++++ CHECK diagonalization in para hyperfine ++++++++ END
1394      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_p10)) call errquit(
1395     &  'create_munu4nbo: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1396      enddo ! end-loop-iat
1397        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
1398     &   write(*,*) 'CHCooooooooooooo',
1399     &   ' NW-Hyperfine: Summary C+HC data [MHz] ',
1400     &              'oooooooooooooooo END'
1401c --> Main outputs: g_acc2     ,rotated perturbed MO nbf*ntot*ndir*nlist
1402c                               ndir=1,2,3=x,y,z
1403c                               nbf, nr of basis functions
1404c                               ntot=nocc(1)+nocc(2)
1405c                               nlist, nr of selected atoms
1406c                   g_munu_rot1,rotated perturbed AO matrix
1407c                               storing only diag + off-diag elements
1408c                               Reminder: this comes from an antisymmetrix matrix
1409c                                         in case we want to pull back the 2d munu-matrix
1410c                   g_munu_rot, rotated AO matrix for dia part
1411c                               storing only diag + off-diag elements
1412c                               Reminder: this comes from a  symmetric matrix
1413c                                         in case we want to pull back the 2d munu-matrix
1414      call reorder_munu(g_munu_rot ,nat,nlst,nbf,Ndir_munu) ! reoder-munu matrix
1415      call reorder_munu(g_munu_rot1,nat,nlst,nbf,Ndir_munu) ! reoder-munu matrix
1416c ------ destroy unnecessary GAs
1417      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_munuFCSD)) call errquit(
1418     &  'create_munu4nbo-1: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1419      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_munuPSOSO)) call errquit(
1420     &  'create_munu4nbo-2: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1421      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_munuPSOSO2d)) call errquit(
1422     &  'create_munu4nbo-7: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1423      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tnp)) call errquit(
1424     &  'create_munu4nbo-5: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1425      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_acc)) call errquit(
1426     &  'create_munu4nbo-6: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1427      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_tnp1)) call errquit(
1428     &  'create_munu4nbo-5a: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1429      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_acc1)) call errquit(
1430     &  'create_munu4nbo-6a: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1431      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_sdens)) call errquit(
1432     &  'create_munu4nbo: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1433      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_sdens1)) call errquit(
1434     &  'create_munu4nbo: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1435      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_c1)) call errquit(
1436     &  'create_munu4nbo: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1437      do i=1,npol
1438 911  if (.not.ga_destroy(vectors(i))) call
1439     &    errquit('create_munu4nbo: ga_destroy failed vectors',
1440     &             0,GA_ERR)
1441      enddo
1442c ------ Free allocated memory
1443      call  whypfile(
1444     &         rtdb,
1445     &         g_munu_rot,
1446     &         g_munu_rot1,
1447     &         g_acc2,
1448     &         nlst,
1449     &         Ndir_munu,
1450     &         Natoms_munu,
1451     &         atmnr_munu)
1452      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_munu_rot)) call errquit(
1453     &  'whypfile: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1454      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_munu_rot1)) call errquit(
1455     &  'wshldfile: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1456      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_acc2)) call errquit(
1457     &  'wshldfile: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
1458      return
1459      end
1461      subroutine get_P10_rot(
1462     &                     g_p1, ! out: Perturbed (spin)density matrix
1463     &                 type_NMR, ! in: =1,2,3=shieldings,hyperfine,gshift
1464     &                     g_c1, ! in: rotated perturbed MO
1465     &                  vectors, ! in: MO                coeffs
1466     &                 g_CiFull, ! in: MO zora weighting coeffs
1467     &                     iat1, ! in: index of selected atoms =1,nlist
1468     &                      nbf, ! in: nr. basis functions
1469     &                      nmo, ! in: nr. MOs (occ+virt)
1470     &                     npol, ! in: nr. of polarizations
1471     &                     nocc, ! in: nr. occ     MOs
1472     &                    nvirt, ! in: nr. virtual MOs
1473     &                  do_zora, ! in: .true.  if doing zora calc
1474     &                do_NonRel, ! in: .true.  if doing nonrel within zora scheme
1475     &           not_zora_scale, ! in: .true.  not scaling perturbed density matrix
1476     &                     rtdb)
1477c Note: If shieldings calc --> g_p1= Perturbed        density matrix
1478c                                  = P^(1,0)_A +  P^(1,0)_B
1479c       ==> This calc. could be npol=1 (  restricted shell calc.)
1480c                               npol=2 (unrestricted shell calc.)
1481c       If gshift     calc --> g_p1= Perturbed (spin) density matrix
1482c                                  = P^(1,0)_A -  P^(1,0)_B
1483c Purpose: Compute rotated P10 (perturbed density matrix)
1484c          Using a rotated perturbed MO (g_c1)
1485c          This routine is modified from get_P10
1486c          and is intended to be used in hyperfine coupling constants
1487c          NLMO analysis.
1488c Author : Fredy W. Aquino
1489c Date   : 07-07-11
1490      implicit none
1491#include "errquit.fh"
1492#include "global.fh"
1493#include "mafdecls.fh"
1494#include "msgids.fh"
1495#include "geom.fh"
1496#include "rtdb.fh"
1497#include "bas.fh"
1498#include "stdio.fh"
1499      integer npol   ! nr. of polarizations
1500      integer g_p1   ! OUT: Perturbed density matrix
1501      integer g_u,g_d1 ! scratch ga array
1502      integer vectors(npol),vectors_scl(npol),
1503     &        g_CiFull(npol)
1504      integer rtdb
1505      integer nbf,nmo,ispin,type_NMR,
1506     &        nocc(npol),nvirt(npol)
1507      integer shift,xyz,iat1
1508      integer alo(3), ahi(3),
1509     &        blo(3), bhi(3),
1510     &        clo(3), chi(3),
1511     &        dlo(3), dhi(3),
1512     &        elo(3), ehi(3)
1513      double precision coeff(2)
1514      logical status,do_zora,do_NonRel,not_zora_scale
1515c ------ for Hyperfine NMLO analysis --------- START
1516      integer ntot,g_c1,  ! g_c1 , collects perturbed MO coeffs C1
1517     &        plo(3),phi(3),qlo(3),qhi(3),
1518     &        nlist
1519c ------ for Hyperfine NMLO analysis --------- END
1520       if      (type_NMR.eq.1) then ! Shieldings
1521         coeff(1)=  1.0d0
1522         coeff(2)=  1.0d0
1523       else if (type_NMR.eq.2 .or.  ! Hyperfine
1524     &          type_NMR.eq.3) then ! g-shifts
1525         coeff(1)=  1.0d0
1526         coeff(2)= -1.0d0
1527       else
1528        write(*,*) 'Error in get_P10_1:',
1529     &             ' Calc. should be giao, gshift or hyperfine.'
1530        stop
1531       endif
1532       alo(1) = nbf
1533       alo(2) = -1
1534       alo(3) = -1
1535       ahi(1) = nbf
1536       ahi(2) = nbf
1537       ahi(3) = 3
1538       if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'get_P10_rot: g_d1 matrix',
1539     &                    alo,g_d1)) call
1540     &     errquit('g_d1: nga_create failed g_d1',0,GA_ERR)
1541       if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'get_P10_rot: g_p1 matrix',
1542     &                     alo,g_p1)) call
1543     &     errquit('g_p1: nga_create failed g_p1',0,GA_ERR)
1544       call ga_zero(g_p1)
1545      do ispin=1,npol
1546       alo(1) = nbf
1547       alo(2) = -1
1548       alo(3) = -1
1549       ahi(1) = nbf
1550       ahi(2) = nocc(ispin)
1551       ahi(3) = 3
1552       if (.not.nga_create(MT_DBL,3,ahi,'U matrix',alo,g_u)) call
1553     &    errquit('g_u: nga_create failed g_u',0,GA_ERR)
1554       call ga_zero(g_u)
1555c     From U matrices, generate the perturbed density matrices D1x,y,z
1556c     C1 = C0 * U10
1557c     D1 = 2[(C1*C0+) - (C0*C1+)]
1558       alo(1) = 1
1559       alo(2) = 1
1560       blo(1) = 1
1561       blo(2) = 1
1562       clo(1) = 1
1563       chi(1) = nbf
1564       clo(2) = 1
1565       chi(2) = nbf
1566       dlo(1) = 1
1567       dlo(2) = 1
1568       dhi(1) = nbf
1569       dhi(2) = nocc(ispin)
1570c --------- zora scaling of MO vectors(1) ----- START
1571c Note.- g_CiFull is defined in dft_zora_scale() (source dft_zora_utils.F)
1572         if(.not.ga_duplicate(vectors(ispin),
1573     &                        vectors_scl(ispin),'vscl 1'))
1574     &  call errquit('g_d1: ga_duplicate failed',1,GA_ERR)
1575       call ga_copy(vectors(ispin),vectors_scl(ispin))
1576       if (do_zora .and. .not.(do_NonRel) .and.
1577     &     .not.(not_zora_scale)) then
1578        call ga_scale_cols(vectors_scl(ispin),g_CiFull(ispin))
1579       endif
1580c --------- zora scaling of MO vectors(1) ----- END
1581       do xyz = 1,3  ! = x,y,z
1582        alo(3) = xyz
1583        ahi(3) = xyz
1584        blo(3) = xyz
1585        bhi(3) = xyz
1586        clo(3) = xyz
1587        chi(3) = xyz
1588        dlo(3) = xyz
1589        dhi(3) = xyz
1590        bhi(1) = nbf
1591        bhi(2) = nmo
1592        ahi(1) = nmo
1593        ahi(2) = nocc(ispin)
1594c     Make C1
1595c +++++++++++ here g_c1 --> g_u +++++++++++ START
1596          shift=nocc(1)*(ispin-1)
1597          qlo(1) = 1
1598          qhi(1) = nbf
1599          qlo(2) = shift+1
1600          qhi(2) = shift+nocc(ispin)
1601          qlo(3) = 3*(iat1-1)+xyz
1602          qhi(3) = 3*(iat1-1)+xyz
1603          plo(1) = 1
1604          phi(1) = nbf
1605          plo(2) = 1
1606          phi(2) = nocc(ispin)
1607          plo(3) = xyz
1608          phi(3) = xyz
1609          call nga_copy_patch('n',g_c1,qlo,qhi,
1610     &                            g_u ,plo,phi)
1611c +++++++++++ here g_c1 --> g_u +++++++++++ END
1612        bhi(1) = nbf
1613        bhi(2) = nocc(ispin)
1614        ahi(1) = nocc(ispin)
1615        ahi(2) = nbf
1616c     Make D1
1617        call nga_matmul_patch('n','t',1.0d0,0.0d0,
1618     &                    vectors_scl(ispin),blo,bhi,
1619     &                                   g_u,alo,ahi,
1620     &                                  g_d1,clo,chi)
1621        call nga_matmul_patch('n','t',-1.0d0,1.0d0,
1622     &                                   g_u,blo,bhi,
1623     &                    vectors_scl(ispin),alo,ahi,
1624     &                                  g_d1,clo,chi)
1625       enddo ! end-loop-xyz
1626       elo(1) = 1
1627       ehi(1) = nbf
1628       elo(2) = 1
1629       ehi(2) = nbf
1630       elo(3) = 1
1631       ehi(3) = 3
1632       call nga_add_patch(1.0d0       ,g_p1,elo,ehi,
1633     &                    coeff(ispin),g_d1,elo,ehi,
1634     &                                 g_p1,elo,ehi)
1635       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_u)) call
1636     &    errquit('get_d1: ga_destroy failed g_u',0,GA_ERR)
1637       if (.not.ga_destroy(vectors_scl(ispin))) call
1638     &    errquit('get_d1: ga_destroy failed vscl',0,GA_ERR)
1639      enddo ! end-loop-ispin
1640      if (npol.eq.1 .and. type_NMR.eq.1) then ! this happens ONLY for NMR-restricted calc.
1641        elo(1) = 1
1642        ehi(1) = nbf
1643        elo(2) = 1
1644        ehi(2) = nbf
1645        elo(3) = 1
1646        ehi(3) = 3
1647        call nga_scale_patch(g_p1,elo,ehi,2.0d0)
1648      endif
1649       if (.not.ga_destroy(g_d1)) call
1650     &    errquit('get_d1: ga_destroy failed g_d1',0,GA_ERR)
1651      return
1652      end
1654      subroutine get_par_hfine_rot(   ! for checking rotated Pert. MO and rotated munu AO
1655     &                   ga_h01_hfine,! IN :
1656     &                   g_d1,        ! IN  : Perturbed density matrix
1657     &                   basis,       ! IN  : basis handle
1658     &                   nbf,         ! IN  : nr. basis functions
1659     &                   iat,         ! IN  : atom nr
1660     &                   rtdb)        ! IN  : rtdb handle
1661c Purpose : Assemble NMR Hyperfine: paramagnetic tensor
1662c Author  : Fredy Aquino
1663c Date    : 07-08-11
1664c Note    : This routine is taken from get_par_hfine()
1665c           The only difference is that here natoms=1
1666      implicit none
1667#include "errquit.fh"
1668#include "global.fh"
1669#include "mafdecls.fh"
1670#include "msgids.fh"
1671#include "rtdb.fh"
1672#include "apiP.fh"
1673#include "prop.fh"
1674#include "bgj.fh"
1675#include "bas.fh"
1676#include "stdio.fh"
1678      integer g_d1 ! input: Perturbed density matrices
1679      integer ga_h01_hfine
1680      integer rtdb
1681      integer basis
1682      integer alo(3), ahi(3)
1683      integer ld(2),cbuf
1684      integer nbf,iat
1685      integer iy
1686      double precision val,chcdata(3)
1687      logical oskel
1689       alo(1) = 1
1690       ahi(1) = nbf
1691       alo(2) = 1
1692       ahi(2) = nbf
1693        do iy = 1, 3
1694          alo(3) = iy
1695          ahi(3) = iy
1696          val = nga_ddot_patch(g_d1        ,'n',alo,ahi,
1697     &                         ga_h01_hfine,'n',alo,ahi)
1698          chcdata(iy)=val
1699        enddo ! end-loop-iy
1700        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
1701          write(*,1) iat,
1702     &               chcdata(1),            ! par-x
1703     &               chcdata(2),chcdata(3)  ! par-y,z
1704 1        format(' CHC PSOSO(xx,yy,zz)(',i3,')=(',
1705     &            f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,')')
1706        endif
1707      return
1708      end
1709      subroutine get2dmat(a,n,b)
1710c     a : size(a)=n*(n+1)/2) symmetric matrix
1711      implicit none
1712#include "nwc_const.fh"
1713#include "errquit.fh"
1714#include "global.fh"
1715#include "bas.fh"
1716#include "mafdecls.fh"
1717#include "geom.fh"
1718#include "stdio.fh"
1719#include "msgids.fh"
1720       integer a,b,n,n1,i,j,count,
1721     &         l_mat,k_mat
1723        if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,n,n,
1724     &     'get2dmat: b',0,0,b))
1725     $    call errquit('get2dmat: b', 0,GA_ERR)
1726       call ga_zero(b)
1728       n1=n*(n+1)/2
1729       if (.not.ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,n1,
1730     &            'fcsd',l_mat,k_mat))
1731     &  call errquit('get2dmat: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
1732        call ga_get(a,1,1,1,n1,
1733     &              dbl_mb(k_mat),1)
1734       count=0
1735       do i=1,n
1736        call ga_put(b,i,i,i,i,dbl_mb(k_mat+count),1)
1737        count=count+1
1738       enddo
1739       do i=2,n
1740        do j=1,i-1
1741         call ga_put(b,i,i,j,j,dbl_mb(k_mat+count),1)
1742         call ga_put(b,j,j,i,i,dbl_mb(k_mat+count),1)
1743         count=count+1
1744        enddo ! end-loop-j
1745       enddo ! end-loop-i
1746      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_mat)) call
1747     &    errquit('get2dmat:: ma_free_heap l_mat',0, MA_ERR)
1748      return
1749      end
1750c -------------- for NMLO analysis ----------------- END
1751c --------------------------------------------------------