1 // This is bbas/bpgl/bpgl_geotif_camera.h
2 #ifndef bpgl_geotif_camera_h_
3 #define bpgl_geotif_camera_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \brief Converts a vpgl_camera to a geographic camera based on geotiff header information
7 // \author Joseph Mundy
8 // \date November 1, 2019
9 //
10 // The motivation is that 3-d data can  be represented as a geotif image, or a point cloud derived from
11 // the geotif image. It is convenient to be able to project a pixel from the geotif image into another image
12 // based on a general camera viewpoint with respect to the geotif data. Similarly, a 3-d point in a point cloud
13 // derived from the geotif data, or in some cases used to create the geotif data, can be projected with respect to a general
14 // camera view.
15 //
16 //  the geotif header defines the mapping from geotif image coordinates to 2-d geographic coordinates,
17 //  and the image values define the global elevation at each 2-d location, i.e., z(x,y)
18 //
19 //  for the point cloud, a lvcs is required to relate the point coordinates to geographic coordinates, not necessarily
20 //  in the same as the geographic coordinate system as the geotif image.
21 //
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <memory>
25 #ifdef _MSC_VER
26 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
27 #endif
28 #include <vnl/vnl_matrix.h>
29 #include <vpgl/vpgl_camera.h>
30 #include <vpgl/file_formats/vpgl_geo_camera.h>
31 #include <vil/vil_image_resource.h>
32 #include <vgl/vgl_box_2d.h>
33 #include <vgl/vgl_polygon.h>
34 // templated since may want to project <float> points
35 template <class T>
36 class bpgl_geotif_camera : vpgl_camera<T>
37 {
38  public:
39   //: default constructor - may want a container of cameras
40   //  the default member values represent the most common case, e.g. a local_rational_camera
bpgl_geotif_camera()41  bpgl_geotif_camera():has_lvcs_(true), gcam_has_wgs84_cs_(true),
42     elev_org_at_zero_(true), is_utm_(false), project_local_points_(true),scale_defined_(false), projection_enabled_(false){}
44   virtual ~bpgl_geotif_camera() = default;
46   //: factory methods to allow for failure conditions
48   // if the lvcs is not defined (null) then the general camera must be a rational camera with WGS84 CS,
49   // or a local rational camera with an internal lvcs that defines the local Cartesian CS
50   // Notes: 1) input points may have been generated with local CS elevation origin = 0. In this case
51   //           the local rational camera lvcs elevation origin is correct, and is used by default.
52   //           If the elevation origin is global due to post processing, elev_org_at_zero = false and
53   //           the necessary adjustment to elevation values is made.
54   //        2) the lvcs CS may not match the GEOTIFF header CS so extra internal conversion may be necessary,
55   //           e.g., the lvcs CS is WGS84 and the GEOTIFF header CS is UTM
56   //        3) The geographic bounds of a geotif camera are determined from: a) the image bounds or b)from the DSM bounds or
57   //           c) from RPC scale and offset bounds, in this order, when defined
58   //
59   bool construct_from_geotif(vpgl_camera<T> const& general_cam, vil_image_resource_sptr resc,
60                              vgl_box_2d<T> const& image_bounds = vgl_box_2d<T>(), bool elev_org_at_zero = false,
61                              vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_ptr = nullptr);
63   //: construct from a 4x4 transform matrix.
64   // if the lvcs is not defined then the camera must be a RPC camera in the WGS84 CS
65   // the UTM CS case is indicated by hemisphere flag being either 0 - Northern Hemisphere or 1 - Southern Hemisphere
66   // when the lvcs_ptr is null, UTM coordinates must be converted to WGS84 before projecting through the camera
67   // The geographic bounds of a geotif camera are determined from: a) the image bounds or b)from the DSM bounds or
68   //  c) from RPC scale and offset bounds, in this order, when defined
69   bool construct_from_matrix(vpgl_camera<T> const& general_cam, vnl_matrix<T> const& geo_transform_matrix,
70                              vgl_box_2d<T> const& image_bounds = vgl_box_2d<T>(), bool elev_org_at_zero = false,
71                              vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_ptr = nullptr,int hemisphere_flag = -1, int zone = 0);
73   //: construct without a camera to provide geographic transforms
74   //  when projection functions are not needed
75   bool construct_geo_data_only(vil_image_resource_sptr resc);
77   //: are the input points in a local CS ?
project_local_points()78   bool project_local_points() const {return project_local_points_;}
80   //: project from local or global 3-d coordinates, to an image location (u, v)
81   // if project_local_points() == true, coordinates are in a local CS otherwise in a global CS
82   virtual void project(const T x, const T y, const T z, T& u, T& v) const;
84   //: project from an image location in the GEOTIFF image to an image location (u, v),
85   // as projected by the general camera. tifz is the height value of the GEOTIFF image at (tifu, tifv)
86   void project_gtif_to_image(const T tifu, const T tifv, const T tifz , T& u, T& v) const;
88   //: legal C++ because the return type is covariant with vpgl_camera<T>*
clone(void)89   virtual bpgl_geotif_camera<T>* clone(void) const {return new bpgl_geotif_camera<T>(*this);}
91   //: accessors
92   // in some versions of DSM algorithms the elevations are relative to
93   // the local CS, i.e. the origin for z is 0;
elevation_origin_at_zero()94   bool elevation_origin_at_zero() const {return elev_org_at_zero_;}
96   //: is the cs of the DSM UTM?
is_utm()97   bool is_utm() const {return is_utm_;}
99   //: does the general camera used for projection have a lvcs?
has_lvcs()100   bool has_lvcs() const {return has_lvcs_;}
102   //: is the general camera coordinate system wgs84?
general_cam_has_wgs84_cs()103   bool general_cam_has_wgs84_cs() const {return gcam_has_wgs84_cs_;}
105   //: return a pointer to the general camera, e.g. a local rational camera
general_camera()106   std::shared_ptr<vpgl_camera<T> > general_camera() const {return general_cam_;}
108   //: return the lvcs pointer if defined, otherwise null
lvcs_ptr()109   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_ptr() {return lvcs_ptr_;}
111   //: the geographic matrix extracted from the geotiff header
matrix()112   vnl_matrix<T> matrix() const {return matrix_;}
114   //: spacing between dsm samples in meters
dsm_spacing()115   T dsm_spacing() const{return dsm_spacing_;}
117   //: utm CS information
utm_zone()118   int utm_zone() const {return utm_zone_;}
hemisphere_flag()119   int hemisphere_flag() const {return hemisphere_flag_;}
121   //: construct a lvcs at the lower_left corner of the geotiff image array
122   // can be either wgs84 or utm depending on CS of geotiff image
123   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lower_left_lvcs(T elev_ll = T(0)) const;
125   //: if not empty, defines the geographic region of validity of the camera
126   // both a polygonal region and an enclosing bounding box are provided
geo_bb()127   vgl_box_2d<T> geo_bb() const {return geo_bb_;}
geo_boundary()128   vgl_polygon<T> geo_boundary() const {return geo_boundary_;}
130   //: =====Transforms between DSM image and global geo coordinates====
131   // [e.g., (u,v)->(lon, lat) or (lon, lat, elev)->(u,v)]
133   //: map dsm image location to global geo X-Y coordinates (wgs84 or UTM)
134   void dsm_to_global(T i, T j, T& gx, T& gy) const;
136   //: map global geo X-Y (wgs84 or UTM) to dsm u,v (uses GEOTIFF matrix)
137   void global_to_dsm(T gx, T gy, T& i, T& j) const;
139   //: intialize geographic info from the geotiff header
140   // camera projection not enabled but the above functions are available
141   bool init_from_geotif(vil_image_resource_sptr const& resc);
143   //=====================================================================
144  protected:
145   //: extract the geographic matrix from the geotiff header
146   bool construct_matrix(T sx, T sy, T sz, std::vector<std::vector<T> > tiepoints);
148   //: map local coordinate to global coordinates
149   bool local_to_global(T lx, T ly, T lz, T& gx, T& gy, T& gz) const;
150   //: the opposite direction
151   bool global_to_local(T gx, T gy, T gz, T& lx, T& ly, T& lz) const;
153   //: the elevation value at the CS origin
154   T elevation_origin() const;
156   //: set the DSM spacing using the wgs CS - convert deg./pix to meters/pix
157   bool set_spacing_from_wgs_matrix();
159   // set the geographic bounds given a rational camera
160   static bool geo_bounds_from_rational_cam(vpgl_camera<T>* rat_cam_ptr,  vgl_box_2d<T> const& image_bounds,
161                                            vgl_box_2d<T>& geo_bb, vgl_polygon<T>& geo_boundary);
163   // set the geographic bounds when the general camera is a local camera (e.g. affine)
164   bool geo_bounds_from_local_cam(std::shared_ptr<vpgl_camera<T> >const& lcam_ptr);
166   //:a general camera is defined, e.g. RPC
167   bool projection_enabled_;
169   //: the dsm grid spacing in meters
170   T dsm_spacing_;
172   //: if true, the input points are in a local CS, or if false in a global CS
173   bool project_local_points_;
175   //: the DSM is constructed with a zero elevation origin, i.e. local Cartesian elevation
176   bool elev_org_at_zero_;
178   //: the points to be projected are in a local CS
179   bool has_lvcs_;
181   //: the general camera to be used to project
182   std::shared_ptr<vpgl_camera<T> > general_cam_;
184   //: the general camera projects using WGS84 global coordinates
185   bool gcam_has_wgs84_cs_;
187   //: the local vertical CS to convert local to global
188   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_ptr_;
190   vnl_matrix<T> matrix_;
191   bool scale_defined_;
192   bool is_utm_;
193   int utm_zone_;
194   int hemisphere_flag_; //0 North, 1 South
195   vgl_box_2d<T> image_bounds_;
196   vgl_box_2d<T> geo_bb_;
197   vgl_polygon<T> geo_boundary_;
198 };
200 #define BPGL_GEOTIF_CAMERA_INSTANTIATE(T) extern "please include vgl/bpgl_geotif_camera.txx first"
203 #endif // bpgl_geotif_camera_h_