1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file GeomElement.hpp
19   \authors D. Martin, E. Lunéville, N. Kielbasiewicz
20   \since 13 apr 2012
21   \date 5 jul 2013
23   \brief Definition of the xlifepp::GeomElement class
25   A xlifepp::GeomElement object represents the geometric support of mesh elements and is of two kinds :
26     - plain mesh element : has always a xlifepp::MeshElement structure and not parent
27     - side of a mesh element : has always a parent and may have a MeshElement structure
29   A xlifepp::MeshElement object mainly carries
30     - Reference Element (Lagrange finite element)
31     - some numbering vectors for nodes, sides, sides of side and neighbor elements
32 */
38 #include "GeomMapData.hpp"
39 #include "finiteElements.h"
40 #include "utils.h"
41 #include "config.h"
43 namespace xlifepp
44 {
45 // forward class declarations
46 class Mesh;
47 class MeshDomain;
49 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 /*!
51  \class MeshElement
52  object represents the geometric support of a mesh element.
53  It mainly stores global numberings of element
54 */
55 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 class MeshElement
57 {
58   public:
59     std::vector<Point*> nodes;                //!< a subset of Mesh::nodes (direct access to nodes)
60     std::vector<number_t> nodeNumbers;        //!< node numbers : a subset of Mesh::nodes (index starts from 1)
61     std::vector<number_t> vertexNumbers;      //!< vertexNumbers : a subset of Mesh::nodes (may be equal to nodeNumbers, index starts from 1))
62     std::vector<real_t> measures;             //!< length or area or volume of element and of its sides
63     short int orientation;                    //!< element orientation (sign of jacobian determinant), 0 means unset orientation
64     Point centroid;                           //!< centroid of the element, set by computeMeasures
65     real_t size;                              //!< characteristic size of element, set by computeMeasures
66     mutable GeomMapData* geomMapData_p;       //!< useful data for geometric map (jacobian,...)
67     bool linearMap;                           //!< true if geometric map from ref element is linear (for instance first order simplicial element)
69     //possibly additional useful information, only built if required
70     std::vector<number_t> sideNumbers;        //!< element side numbers : a subset of Mesh::sides_ (built if required)
71     std::vector<number_t> sideOfSideNumbers;  //!< element side of side numbers : : a subset of Mesh::sideOfSides_ (built if required)
72     const MeshElement* firstOrderParent_;     //!< parent element when the current element is a first order element coming from an element of order>1
74   private:
75     const RefElement* refElt_p;               //!< pointer to associated Reference Element (for geometric interpolation)
76     number_t index_;                          //!< element index (=number_ of GeomElement)
77     const dimen_t spaceDim_;                  //!< space dimension (node dimension)
79   public:
80     //constructor/destructor
81     MeshElement();                                                 //!< default constructor
82     MeshElement(const RefElement*, dimen_t, number_t);             //!< constructor of plain element from ReferenceElement and space dimension
~MeshElement()83     ~MeshElement() {if(geomMapData_p!=0) delete geomMapData_p;}    //!< destructor
84     void setNodes(std::vector<Point>&);                //!< update node pointers vector from Mesh::nodes
86   private:
87     void operator=(const MeshElement&);                //!< no assignment operator=
89   public:
90     //accessors
index() const91     number_t index() const                             //! return element index
92     {return index_;}
index()93     number_t& index()                                  //! return element index
94     {return index_;}
spaceDim() const95     dimen_t spaceDim() const                           //! return space dimension
96     {return spaceDim_; }
98     //properties
order() const99     number_t order() const                             //! return order of Lagrange interpolation
100     {return refElt_p->order();}
isSimplex() const101     bool isSimplex() const                             //! return true for a segment or triangle or tetrahedron
102     {return refElt_p->isSimplex();}
measure(const number_t sideNo=0) const103     real_t measure(const number_t sideNo = 0) const    //! return measure of element if side_no = 0, measure of side number side_no > 0
104     {return measures[sideNo];}
refElement(number_t i=0) const105     const RefElement* refElement(number_t i = 0) const //! return reference element if i=0 else refelement of side i
106     {return refElt_p->refElement(i);}
geomRefElement(number_t i=0) const107     const GeomRefElement* geomRefElement(number_t i = 0) const  //! return geometric reference element if i=0 else geomrefelement of side i
108     {return refElement(i)->geomRefElem_p;}
elementDim() const109     dimen_t elementDim() const                         //! return space dimension of element
110     {return geomRefElement()->dim();}
shapeType(number_t i=0) const111     ShapeType shapeType(number_t i = 0) const          //! return the shape type of element (i=0) and its sides (_segment, _triangle, ...)
112     {return geomRefElement()->shapeType(i);}
vertexNumber(number_t i) const113     number_t vertexNumber(number_t i) const            //! return the global number of vertex i (i=1,...)
114     {return vertexNumbers[i - 1];}
nodeNumber(number_t i) const115     number_t nodeNumber(number_t i) const              //! return the global number of node i (i=1,...)
116     {return nodeNumbers[i - 1];}
117     std::vector<number_t> verticesNumbers(number_t s = 0) const;   //!< return the global numbers of vertices of element (s=0), of side s>0
118     bool checkLinearMap() const;                       //!< check if linear map is available
vertex(number_t i) const120     Point& vertex(number_t i) const                    //! return the vertex i (i=1,...)
121     {return *nodes[i-1];}
node(number_t i) const122     Point& node(number_t i) const                      //! return the node i (i=1,...)
123     {return *nodes[i-1];}
vertexOnSide(number_t i,number_t s) const124     const Point& vertexOnSide(number_t i, number_t s) const        //! return the vertex i (i=1,...) on side s
125     {return *nodes[geomRefElement()->sideVertexNumber(i, s)-1];}
vertexOnSideOfSide(number_t i,number_t ss) const126     const Point& vertexOnSideOfSide(number_t i, number_t ss) const //! return the vertex i (i=1,...) on side of side ss
127     {return *nodes[geomRefElement()->sideOfSideVertexNumber(i, ss)-1];}
vertexOppositeToSide(number_t s) const128     const Point& vertexOppositeToSide(number_t s) const            //! return a vertex opposite to side s
129     {return *nodes[geomRefElement()->vertexOppositeSide(s)-1];}
numberOfNodes() const131     number_t numberOfNodes() const                     //! returns number of nodes
132     {return nodeNumbers.size();}
numberOfVertices() const133     number_t numberOfVertices() const                  //! returns number of vertices
134     {return verticesNumbers().size();}
numberOfSides() const135     number_t numberOfSides() const                     //! returns number of sides
136     {return geomRefElement()->nbSides();}
numberOfSideOfSides() const137     number_t numberOfSideOfSides() const               //! returns number of sides of sides
138     {return geomRefElement()->nbSideOfSides();}
140     // compute measures and orientation
141     void computeMeasures();                          //!< compute measure of element and its side
142     void computeMeasure();                           //!< compute measure of element
143     void computeMeasureOfSides();                    //!< compute measure sides of element
144     void computeOrientation();                       //!< compute orientation of element : sign(det(jacobian))
145     Point center() const;                            //!< compute the center of element
146     real_t characteristicSize() const;               //!< compute a characteristic size of element (diameter of the circumscribed ball or max of length of edges)
147     std::vector<real_t> normalVector(number_t s=0) const;//!< return outward normal vector on side s, if s=0 normal vector to element
148     std::vector<real_t> tangentVector(number_t e) const; //!< return tangent vector on edge
150     // various utilities
151     bool contains(const std::vector<real_t>&);                   //!< return true if mesh element contains a point given as Point or std::vector<real_t>
152     Point projection(const std::vector<real_t>&, real_t&) const; //!< projection of a point onto meshelement
153     std::vector<MeshElement*>splitP1() const;                    //!< split MeshElement in P1 (simplex and order 1) mesh elements
155     // GeomMapData management
clearGeomMapData()156     void clearGeomMapData()                          //! clear geometric map data (i.e geoMapData object)
157     {if(geomMapData_p!=0)delete geomMapData_p; geomMapData_p = 0;}
159     void print(std::ostream&) const; //!< print utility
print(PrintStream & os) const160     void print(PrintStream& os) const {print(os.currentStream());}
161     friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const MeshElement&);
163 }; // end of class MeshElement ===================================================
165 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const MeshElement&); //!< prints characteristics and point numbers
166 real_t distance(const MeshElement&, const MeshElement&); //!< distance from two MeshElement
168 typedef std::pair<MeshElement*, number_t> EltNumPair; //!< useful alias of a pair of MeshElement* and number_t
170 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 /*!
172  \class GeomElement
173  object represents the geometric support of mesh elements.
174  It either a plain element or a side element (side of a GeomElement).
175   - when it is a plain element, there is always a MeshElement associated to its but no parentSides
176   - when it is a side element, there is at least a parent (parentSides is not empty) and by default no MeshElement,
177     but if required, MeshElement may be constructed (buildSideMeshElement)
179 */
180 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 class GeomElement;
183 //! useful typedef for GeomElement class
184 typedef std::pair<GeomElement*, number_t> GeoNumPair;  //!< alias of a pair of GeomElement* and a number
185 typedef real_t (*ColoringRule)(const GeomElement&, const std::vector<real_t>&); //!< alias of a function describing a GeomElement coloring rule
187 class GeomElement
188 {
189   protected:
190     const Mesh* mesh_p;                         //!< pointer to the const mesh
191     number_t number_;                           //!< unique id number of geometric element
192     mutable MeshElement* meshElement_p;         //!< pointer to a MeshElement (may be 0 in case of side element)
193     std::vector<GeoNumPair> parentSides_;       //!< if a side element, stores the pairs of parent element and side number
195   public:
196      //additionnal information
197      number_t materialId;                    //!< material id (default= 0)
198      number_t domainId;                      //!< domain id (default=0)
199      real_t theta;                           //!< angle to describe local curvature (theta in x-y plane), default 0
200      real_t phi;                             //!< angle to describe local curvature (phi in x-z plane), default 0
201      mutable GeomElement* twin_p;            //!< twin geomelement in case of geomElement on an interface
202      mutable real_t color;                   //!< useful to mark an element (default = 0)
203      mutable real_t flag;                    //!< useful to mark an element in internal process (default = 0)
205     //constructor and destructor
GeomElement(const Mesh * m=0,number_t n=0)206     GeomElement(const Mesh* m = 0, number_t n = 0) //! basic constructor
207       : mesh_p(m), number_(n), meshElement_p(0), materialId(0), domainId(0), theta(0), phi(0), twin_p(0), color(0), flag(0) {}
209     GeomElement(const Mesh*, const RefElement*,
210                 dimen_t, number_t);                 //!< construct a plain element from Mesh, ReferenceElement and space dimension
211     GeomElement(GeomElement*, number_t, number_t);  //!< construct a side element from GeomElement parent and side number
212     GeomElement(const GeomElement&);                //!< copy constructor
213     GeomElement& operator=(const GeomElement&);     //!< assign operator
~GeomElement()215     ~GeomElement()                                  //!  destructor
216     {if(meshElement_p != 0) { delete meshElement_p; }}
218     //build utilities
219     MeshElement* buildSideMeshElement() const;      //!< create a MeshElement object when element it a side element (not automatic)
220     void deleteMeshElement();                       //!< destroy meshElement information
222     //simple accessors
meshP() const223     const Mesh* meshP() const {return mesh_p;}      //!< return mesh pointer
meshP()224     const Mesh*& meshP() {return mesh_p;}           //!< return mesh pointer
number() const225     number_t number() const {return number_;}       //!< returns element number
number()226     number_t& number() {return number_;}            //!< returns element number (writable)
hasMeshElement() const227     bool hasMeshElement() const                     //! true if it handles a MeshElement structure
228     {return meshElement_p != 0;}
isSideElement() const229     bool isSideElement() const                      //! true if it is a side element
230     {return parentSides_.size() > 0;}
numberOfParents() const231     number_t numberOfParents() const                //! number of parents of side element
232     {return parentSides_.size();}
234     //complex accessors depending of the GeomElement type (plain or side)
235     const MeshElement* meshElement() const;                    //!< return meshElement_p if not null else error
236     MeshElement* meshElement() ;                               //!< return meshElement_p if not null (non const) else error
237     const GeomElement* parent(number_t i = 0) const;           //!< return i-th parent (no check)
238     const GeoNumPair parentSide(number_t i) const;             //!< return i-th parent and its side (no check)
parentSides()239     std::vector<GeoNumPair>& parentSides()                     //! access to parentSides_
240       {return parentSides_;}
241     const GeomElement* parentInDomain(const MeshDomain*) const;//!< look for a parent in a domain (if exists return the first one)
242     dimen_t elementDim() const;                                //!< return dimension of the element
243     dimen_t spaceDim() const;                                  //!< return space dimension, i.e nodes dimension
244     const RefElement* refElement(number_t i = 0) const;        //!< return reference element if i=0 else ref element of side i
geomRefElement(number_t i=0) const245     const GeomRefElement* geomRefElement(number_t i = 0) const //! return geomrefelement if i=0 else geomrefelement of side i
246       {return refElement(i)->geomRefElement();}
248     number_t numberOfNodes() const;                             //!< returns number of nodes of element
249     number_t numberOfVertices() const;                          //!< returns number of vertices of element
250     number_t numberOfSides() const;                             //!< returns number of sides (faces in 3D, edges in 2D)
251     number_t numberOfSideOfSides() const;                       //!< returns number of edges (edges in 3D)
252     ShapeType shapeType(number_t i = 0) const;                  //!< return the shape type of element (i=0) and its sides (_segment, _triangle, ...)
253     number_t vertexNumber(number_t i) const;                    //!< return the global number of vertex i (i=1,...)
254     number_t nodeNumber(number_t i) const;                      //!< return the global number of node i (i=1,...)
255     std::vector<number_t> vertexNumbers(number_t s = 0) const;  //!< return the global numbers of vertices if s=0, of side s else
256     std::vector<number_t> nodeNumbers(number_t s = 0) const;    //!< return the global numbers of nodes if s=0, of side s else
257     string_t encodeElement(number_t s = 0) const;               //!< string key of element or side element from ascending vertex numbers
258     string_t encodeElementNodes(number_t s = 0) const;          //!< string key of element or side element from ascending node numbers
clearGeomMapData()259     void clearGeomMapData()                                     //! clear geometric map data (i.e geoMapData object)
260     {if(meshElement_p!=0) meshElement_p->clearGeomMapData();}
262     //various stuff
263     GeoNumPair elementSharingSide(number_t s) const;                                     //!< return the adjacent element by side s as a pair of (GeomElement*, number_t)
264     std::vector<GeoNumPair> elementsSharingVertex(number_t v, bool o = false) const;     //!< return the list of adjacent elements by vertex v
265     std::vector<GeoNumPair> elementsSharingSideOfSide(number_t s, bool o = false) const; //!< return the list of adjacent elements by side of side s
266     std::vector<GeomElement*> splitP1() const;                //!< split element in first order elements and return as a list
267 //    std::vector<GeomElement*> splitO1() const;                //!< split element in first order elements and return as a list (unused)
268     real_t measure(const number_t sideNo = 0) const;          //! return measure of element if side_no = 0, measure of side number side_no > 0
269     real_t size() const;                                      //!< characteristic size of element (computed if not available)
270     Point center() const;                                     //!< compute the center of element
271     bool contains(const std::vector<real_t>&);                //!< true if point p as vector belongs to element
272     Point projection(const std::vector<real_t>&, real_t&);    //!< projection of a point onto element
273     std::vector<real_t> normalVector(number_t =0) const;      //!< return outward normal vector on side s (not normalized) or normal to element when s=0
274     std::vector<real_t> tangentVector(number_t) const;        //!< return tangent vector on an edge (not normalized)
276     //print utilities
277     void print(std::ostream&) const;                                     //!< print geomelement characteristics
print(PrintStream & os) const278     void print(PrintStream& os) const {print(os.currentStream());}
279     friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const GeomElement&);
280 };
282 std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const GeomElement&); //!< outputs geomelement characteristics
284 //! create the side index  map of a list of elements
285 void createSideIndex(const std::vector<GeomElement*>& elements,
286                      std::map<string_t,std::vector<GeoNumPair> >& sideIndex);
287 //! create the side index map of side elements of a list of elements
288 void createSideEltIndex(const std::vector<GeomElement*>& elements,
289                         std::map<string_t, GeomElement* >& sideEltIndex);
291 //Overloaded operators == and < (to sort Lists), and << for output
292 bool operator== (const GeomElement&, const GeomElement&);  //!<overload operator == to sort elements
293 bool operator< (const GeomElement&, const GeomElement&);   //!<operator < to sort elements
295 /*!
296  \class GeomElementLess
297  a very small class defining a functor to sort std::vector of GeomElement*
298         ascendingly  according to their number
299 */
300 class GeomElementLess
301 {
302   public:
operator ()(const GeomElement * x,const GeomElement * y)303     bool operator()(const GeomElement* x, const GeomElement* y)   //! operator < to sort elements
304     {return x->number() < y->number(); }
305 }; // end of class GeomElementLess ===============================================
307 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 /*
309  some utilities
310 */
311 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 real_t triangleArea(const Point&, const Point&, const Point&);                        //!< area of a triangle
313 real_t tetrahedronVolume(const Point&, const Point&, const Point&, const Point&);     //!< volume of a tetrahedron
314 real_t defaultColoringRule(const GeomElement& gelt, const std::vector<real_t>& val);  //!< default Geomelement coloring rule
315 } // end of namespace xlifepp
317 #endif /* GEOM_ELEMENT_HPP */
320 //===============================  oldstuff of GeomElment class =============================================================
322 //real_t* coords(const number_t ) const;             //!<returns pointer to coordinates of point of local number
324 //Global numbering
325 //    void minmaxPointNumbers (std::pair<int, int>&) const;     //!<compute min and max of point numbers in element
326 //    void checkPointNumbers (const std::pair<int, int>&,
327 //                            std::vector<bool>&) const;
328 //    void computeNumberOfVertices (number_t&,
329 //                                  std::vector<number_t>&); //!<compute number of vertices in elements not seen in previous elements
330 //    number_t vertices (std::vector<Point>&,
331 //                     std::vector<number_t>&);              //!<create vertex global numbering
332 //   number_t sides(std::vector<GeomSide>&,
333 //                std::vector<number_t>&,
334 //                std::vector<std::vector<number_t> >&);   //!<create edge global numbering
335 //
336 //   number_t sideofsides(std::vector<GeomSide>&, std::vector<number_t>&, std::vector<std::vector<number_t> >&);
337 //   //!<create face global numbering
338 //
339 //   void reorderVertices(number_t sideNo, number_t* veReordered); //!<reorder face vertices on face (side_no = 1, ...) using vertex global numbering
340 //
341 //   number_t sharedVertices(const MeshElement&,std::vector< std::pair<number_t,number_t> >&) const;
342 //   //!<returns the number of vertices shared with another element and the pairs of local numbers of vertices in elements
343 //
344 //   void reorderSharedVertices(number_t,std::vector< std::pair<number_t,number_t> >&);
345 //   //!<sort pairs of local numbers of shared vertices according to ascending global numbering
346 //
347 //   number_t sharedEdges(const MeshElement&,std::vector< pair<number_t,number_t> >&) const;
348 //   //!<returns the number of sides shared with another element and the pairs of local numbers of edges in elements
349 //
350 //   number_t sharedSideOfSides(const MeshElement&,std::vector< pair<number_t,number_t> >&) const;
351 //   //!<returns the number of faces shared with another element and the pairs of local numbers of faces in elements
353 //    bool isNeighbor(const MeshElement& ge) const;   //!<is element a neighbor of another ?
354 //
355 //    //  Elementary computations
356 //    void computeMeasure();
357 //    void computeMeasureOfSides();
358 //    void orientation(MeshElementStorage&);    //!<computes element orientation
359 //    void orientation(const real_t);             //!<set element orientation
360 //    void normalize(Vector<real_t>&) const;      //!<normalize normal std::vector into a outward unit normal std::vector
361 //    void nullNormalVector(real_t) const;