1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2  *                               Simbody(tm)                                  *
3  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
5  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
6  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
7  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
8  *                                                                            *
9  * Portions copyright (c) 2009-12 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
10  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
11  * Contributors:                                                              *
12  *                                                                            *
13  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
14  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
15  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
16  *                                                                            *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
21  * limitations under the License.                                             *
22  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
24 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
26 #include "simbody/internal/common.h"
27 #include "simbody/internal/MobilizedBody.h"
28 #include "simbody/internal/SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h"
29 #include "simbody/internal/Force_LinearBushing.h"
31 #include "ForceImpl.h"
33 namespace SimTK {
35 class Force::LinearBushingImpl : public ForceImpl {
36     struct InstanceVars {
InstanceVarsSimTK::Force::LinearBushingImpl::InstanceVars37         InstanceVars(const Transform& defX_B1F, const Transform& defX_B2M,
38                      const Vec6& defStiffness, const Vec6& defDamping)
39         :   X_B1F(defX_B1F), X_B2M(defX_B2M), k(defStiffness), c(defDamping) {}
41         InstanceVars() = default;
43         Transform X_B1F, X_B2M;
44         Vec6      k{NaN}, c{NaN};
45     };
46     struct PositionCache {
47         Transform X_GF, X_GM, X_FM;
48         Vec3      p_B1F_G, p_B2M_G, p_FM_G;
49         Vec6      q;
50     };
51     struct VelocityCache {
52         SpatialVec V_GF, V_GM, V_FM;
53         Vec6       qdot;
54     };
55     struct ForceCache {
56         SpatialVec F_GF, F_GM;      // at Bushing frames
57         SpatialVec F_GB1, F_GB2;    // at Body frames
58         Vec6       f;               // scalar generalized forces
59         Real       power;
60     };
61 public:
62     LinearBushingImpl(const MobilizedBody& body1, const Transform& frameOnB1,
63                       const MobilizedBody& body2, const Transform& frameOnB2,
64                       const Vec6& stiffness, const Vec6& damping);
clone() const65     LinearBushingImpl* clone() const override {
66         return new LinearBushingImpl(*this);
67     }
dependsOnlyOnPositions() const68     bool dependsOnlyOnPositions() const override {
69         return false;
70     }
71     void calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
72                    Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const override;
73     Real calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const override;
75     // Allocate the position and velocity cache entries. These are all
76     // lazy-evaluation entries - be sure to check whether they have already
77     // been calculated; calculate them if not; and then mark them done.
78     // They will be invalidated when the indicated stage has changed and
79     // can be recalculated any time after that stage is realized.
realizeTopology(State & s) const80     void realizeTopology(State& s) const override {
81         LinearBushingImpl* mThis = const_cast<LinearBushingImpl*>(this);
83         const InstanceVars iv(defX_B1F,defX_B2M,defK,defC);
84         mThis->instanceVarsIx = getForceSubsystem()
85             .allocateDiscreteVariable(s, Stage::Instance,
86                                       new Value<InstanceVars>(iv));
88         Vector einit(1, Real(0));
89         mThis->dissipatedEnergyIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateZ(s,einit);
91         mThis->positionCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateCacheEntry(s,
92             Stage::Position, Stage::Infinity, new Value<PositionCache>());
93         mThis->potEnergyCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateCacheEntry(s,
94             Stage::Position, Stage::Infinity, new Value<Real>(NaN));
95         mThis->velocityCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateCacheEntry(s,
96             Stage::Velocity, Stage::Infinity, new Value<VelocityCache>());
97         mThis->forceCacheIx = getForceSubsystem().allocateCacheEntry(s,
98             Stage::Velocity, Stage::Infinity, new Value<ForceCache>());
99     }
realizeAcceleration(const State & s) const101     void realizeAcceleration(const State& s) const override {
102         ensureForceCacheValid(s);
103         updDissipatedEnergyDeriv(s) = getForceCache(s).power;
104     }
106 private:
getInstanceVars(const State & s) const107     const InstanceVars& getInstanceVars(const State& s) const
108     {   return Value<InstanceVars>::downcast
109            (getForceSubsystem().getDiscreteVariable(s,instanceVarsIx)); }
updInstanceVars(State & s) const110     InstanceVars& updInstanceVars(State& s) const
111     {   return Value<InstanceVars>::updDowncast
112            (getForceSubsystem().updDiscreteVariable(s,instanceVarsIx)); }
getDissipatedEnergyVar(const State & s) const114     const Real& getDissipatedEnergyVar(const State& s) const
115     {   return getForceSubsystem().getZ(s)[dissipatedEnergyIx]; }
updDissipatedEnergyVar(State & s) const116     Real& updDissipatedEnergyVar(State& s) const
117     {   return getForceSubsystem().updZ(s)[dissipatedEnergyIx]; }
updDissipatedEnergyDeriv(const State & s) const118     Real& updDissipatedEnergyDeriv(const State& s) const
119     {   return getForceSubsystem().updZDot(s)[dissipatedEnergyIx]; }
getPositionCache(const State & s) const121     const PositionCache& getPositionCache(const State& s) const
122     {   return Value<PositionCache>::downcast
123             (getForceSubsystem().getCacheEntry(s,positionCacheIx)); }
getPotentialEnergyCache(const State & s) const124     const Real& getPotentialEnergyCache(const State& s) const
125     {   return Value<Real>::downcast
126             (getForceSubsystem().getCacheEntry(s,potEnergyCacheIx)); }
getVelocityCache(const State & s) const127     const VelocityCache& getVelocityCache(const State& s) const
128     {   return Value<VelocityCache>::downcast
129             (getForceSubsystem().getCacheEntry(s,velocityCacheIx)); }
getForceCache(const State & s) const130     const ForceCache& getForceCache(const State& s) const
131     {   return Value<ForceCache>::downcast
132             (getForceSubsystem().getCacheEntry(s,forceCacheIx)); }
updPositionCache(const State & s) const134     PositionCache& updPositionCache(const State& s) const
135     {   return Value<PositionCache>::updDowncast
136             (getForceSubsystem().updCacheEntry(s,positionCacheIx)); }
updPotentialEnergyCache(const State & s) const137     Real& updPotentialEnergyCache(const State& s) const
138     {   return Value<Real>::updDowncast
139             (getForceSubsystem().updCacheEntry(s,potEnergyCacheIx)); }
updVelocityCache(const State & s) const140     VelocityCache& updVelocityCache(const State& s) const
141     {   return Value<VelocityCache>::updDowncast
142             (getForceSubsystem().updCacheEntry(s,velocityCacheIx)); }
updForceCache(const State & s) const143     ForceCache& updForceCache(const State& s) const
144     {   return Value<ForceCache>::updDowncast
145             (getForceSubsystem().updCacheEntry(s,forceCacheIx)); }
isPositionCacheValid(const State & s) const147     bool isPositionCacheValid(const State& s) const
148     {   return getForceSubsystem().isCacheValueRealized(s,positionCacheIx); }
isPotentialEnergyValid(const State & s) const149     bool isPotentialEnergyValid(const State& s) const
150     {   return getForceSubsystem().isCacheValueRealized(s,potEnergyCacheIx); }
isVelocityCacheValid(const State & s) const151     bool isVelocityCacheValid(const State& s) const
152     {   return getForceSubsystem().isCacheValueRealized(s,velocityCacheIx); }
isForceCacheValid(const State & s) const153     bool isForceCacheValid(const State& s) const
154     {   return getForceSubsystem().isCacheValueRealized(s,forceCacheIx); }
markPositionCacheValid(const State & s) const156     void markPositionCacheValid(const State& s) const
157     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueRealized(s,positionCacheIx); }
markPotentialEnergyValid(const State & s) const158     void markPotentialEnergyValid(const State& s) const
159     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueRealized(s,potEnergyCacheIx); }
markVelocityCacheValid(const State & s) const160     void markVelocityCacheValid(const State& s) const
161     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueRealized(s,velocityCacheIx); }
markForceCacheValid(const State & s) const162     void markForceCacheValid(const State& s) const
163     {   getForceSubsystem().markCacheValueRealized(s,forceCacheIx); }
165     void ensurePositionCacheValid(const State&) const;
166     void ensurePotentialEnergyValid(const State&) const;
167     void ensureVelocityCacheValid(const State&) const;
168     void ensureForceCacheValid(const State&) const;
171     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&   matter;
172     MobilizedBodyIndex              body1x;
173     MobilizedBodyIndex              body2x;
174     Transform                       defX_B1F, defX_B2M;
175     Vec6                            defK,     defC;
178     DiscreteVariableIndex           instanceVarsIx;
179     ZIndex                          dissipatedEnergyIx;
180     CacheEntryIndex                 positionCacheIx;
181     CacheEntryIndex                 potEnergyCacheIx;
182     CacheEntryIndex                 velocityCacheIx;
183     CacheEntryIndex                 forceCacheIx;
185 friend class Force::LinearBushing;
186 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const InstanceVars&);
187 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const PositionCache&);
188 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const VelocityCache&);
189 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const ForceCache&);
190 };
192 // These are required by Value<T>.
operator <<(std::ostream & o,const Force::LinearBushingImpl::InstanceVars & iv)193 inline std::ostream& operator<<
194    (std::ostream& o, const Force::LinearBushingImpl::InstanceVars& iv)
195 {   assert(!"implemented"); return o; }
operator <<(std::ostream & o,const Force::LinearBushingImpl::PositionCache & pc)196 inline std::ostream& operator<<
197    (std::ostream& o, const Force::LinearBushingImpl::PositionCache& pc)
198 {   assert(!"implemented"); return o; }
operator <<(std::ostream & o,const Force::LinearBushingImpl::VelocityCache & vc)199 inline std::ostream& operator<<
200    (std::ostream& o, const Force::LinearBushingImpl::VelocityCache& vc)
201 {   assert(!"implemented"); return o; }
operator <<(std::ostream & o,const Force::LinearBushingImpl::ForceCache & fc)202 inline std::ostream& operator<<
203    (std::ostream& o, const Force::LinearBushingImpl::ForceCache& fc)
204 {   assert(!"implemented"); return o; }
207 //------------------------------ LinearBushing ---------------------------------
208 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
211                                         Force::LinearBushingImpl, Force);
LinearBushing(GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,const MobilizedBody & body1,const Transform & frameOnB1,const MobilizedBody & body2,const Transform & frameOnB2,const Vec6 & stiffness,const Vec6 & damping)213 Force::LinearBushing::LinearBushing
214    (GeneralForceSubsystem& forces,
215     const MobilizedBody& body1, const Transform& frameOnB1,
216     const MobilizedBody& body2, const Transform& frameOnB2,
217     const Vec6& stiffness,  const Vec6&  damping)
218 :   Force(new LinearBushingImpl(body1,frameOnB1,body2,frameOnB2,
219                                 stiffness,damping))
220 {
221     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(stiffness >= 0,
222         "Force::LinearBushing::ctor()",
223         "Bushing spring constants must be nonnegative.");
224     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(damping >= 0,
225         "Force::LinearBushing::ctor()",
226         "Bushing damping coefficients must be nonnegative.");
227     updImpl().setForceSubsystem(forces, forces.adoptForce(*this));
228 }
LinearBushing(GeneralForceSubsystem & forces,const MobilizedBody & body1,const MobilizedBody & body2,const Vec6 & stiffness,const Vec6 & damping)231 Force::LinearBushing::LinearBushing
232    (GeneralForceSubsystem& forces,
233     const MobilizedBody& body1, // assume body frames
234     const MobilizedBody& body2,
235     const Vec6& stiffness,  const Vec6&  damping)
236 :   Force(new LinearBushingImpl(body1,Transform(),body2,Transform(),
237                                 stiffness,damping))
238 {
239     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(stiffness >= 0,
240         "Force::LinearBushing::ctor()",
241         "Bushing spring constants must be nonnegative.");
242     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(damping >= 0,
243         "Force::LinearBushing::ctor()",
244         "Bushing damping coefficients must be nonnegative.");
245     updImpl().setForceSubsystem(forces, forces.adoptForce(*this));
246 }
248 Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setDefaultFrameOnBody1(const Transform & X_B1F)249 setDefaultFrameOnBody1(const Transform& X_B1F) {
250     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
251     updImpl().defX_B1F = X_B1F;
252     return *this;
253 }
254 Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setDefaultFrameOnBody2(const Transform & X_B2M)255 setDefaultFrameOnBody2(const Transform& X_B2M) {
256     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
257     updImpl().defX_B2M = X_B2M;
258     return *this;
259 }
260 Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setDefaultStiffness(const Vec6 & stiffness)261 setDefaultStiffness(const Vec6& stiffness) {
262     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(stiffness >= 0,
263         "Force::LinearBushing::setDefaultStiffness()",
264         "Bushing spring constants must be nonnegative.");
265     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
266     updImpl().defK = stiffness;
267     return *this;
268 }
269 Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setDefaultDamping(const Vec6 & damping)270 setDefaultDamping(const Vec6& damping) {
271     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(damping >= 0,
272         "Force::LinearBushing::setDefaultDamping()",
273         "Bushing damping coefficients must be nonnegative.");
274     getImpl().invalidateTopologyCache();
275     updImpl().defC = damping;
276     return *this;
277 }
278 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getDefaultFrameOnBody1() const279 getDefaultFrameOnBody1() const {return getImpl().defX_B1F;}
280 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getDefaultFrameOnBody2() const281 getDefaultFrameOnBody2() const {return getImpl().defX_B2M;}
282 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getDefaultStiffness() const283 getDefaultStiffness() const {return getImpl().defK;}
284 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getDefaultDamping() const285 getDefaultDamping() const {return getImpl().defC;}
287 const Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setFrameOnBody1(State & state,const Transform & X_B1F) const288 setFrameOnBody1(State& state, const Transform& X_B1F) const {
289     getImpl().updInstanceVars(state).X_B1F = X_B1F;
290     return *this;
291 }
292 const Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setFrameOnBody2(State & state,const Transform & X_B2M) const293 setFrameOnBody2(State& state, const Transform& X_B2M) const {
294     getImpl().updInstanceVars(state).X_B2M = X_B2M;
295     return *this;
296 }
297 const Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setStiffness(State & state,const Vec6 & stiffness) const298 setStiffness(State& state, const Vec6& stiffness) const {
299     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(stiffness >= 0,
300         "Force::LinearBushing::setStiffness()",
301         "Bushing spring constants must be nonnegative.");
302     getImpl().updInstanceVars(state).k = stiffness;
303     return *this;
304 }
305 const Force::LinearBushing& Force::LinearBushing::
setDamping(State & state,const Vec6 & damping) const306 setDamping(State& state, const Vec6& damping) const {
307     SimTK_ERRCHK_ALWAYS(damping >= 0,
308         "Force::LinearBushing::setDamping()",
309         "Bushing damping coefficients must be nonnegative.");
310     getImpl().updInstanceVars(state).c = damping;
311     return *this;
312 }
313 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getFrameOnBody1(const State & state) const314 getFrameOnBody1(const State& state) const
315 {   return getImpl().getInstanceVars(state).X_B1F; }
316 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getFrameOnBody2(const State & state) const317 getFrameOnBody2(const State& state) const
318 {   return getImpl().getInstanceVars(state).X_B2M; }
319 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getStiffness(const State & state) const320 getStiffness(const State& state) const
321 {   return getImpl().getInstanceVars(state).k; }
322 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getDamping(const State & state) const323 getDamping(const State& state) const
324 {   return getImpl().getInstanceVars(state).c; }
326 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getQ(const State & s) const327 getQ(const State& s) const
328 {   getImpl().ensurePositionCacheValid(s);
329     return getImpl().getPositionCache(s).q; }
331 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getX_GF(const State & s) const332 getX_GF(const State& s) const
333 {   getImpl().ensurePositionCacheValid(s);
334     return getImpl().getPositionCache(s).X_GF; }
335 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getX_GM(const State & s) const336 getX_GM(const State& s) const
337 {   getImpl().ensurePositionCacheValid(s);
338     return getImpl().getPositionCache(s).X_GM; }
339 const Transform& Force::LinearBushing::
getX_FM(const State & s) const340 getX_FM(const State& s) const
341 {   getImpl().ensurePositionCacheValid(s);
342     return getImpl().getPositionCache(s).X_FM; }
344 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getQDot(const State & s) const345 getQDot(const State& s) const
346 {   getImpl().ensureVelocityCacheValid(s);
347     return getImpl().getVelocityCache(s).qdot; }
348 const SpatialVec& Force::LinearBushing::
getV_GF(const State & s) const349 getV_GF(const State& s) const
350 {   getImpl().ensureVelocityCacheValid(s);
351     return getImpl().getVelocityCache(s).V_GF; }
352 const SpatialVec& Force::LinearBushing::
getV_GM(const State & s) const353 getV_GM(const State& s) const
354 {   getImpl().ensureVelocityCacheValid(s);
355     return getImpl().getVelocityCache(s).V_GM; }
356 const SpatialVec& Force::LinearBushing::
getV_FM(const State & s) const357 getV_FM(const State& s) const
358 {   getImpl().ensureVelocityCacheValid(s);
359     return getImpl().getVelocityCache(s).V_FM; }
361 const Vec6& Force::LinearBushing::
getF(const State & s) const362 getF(const State& s) const
363 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
364     return getImpl().getForceCache(s).f; }
365 const SpatialVec& Force::LinearBushing::
getF_GF(const State & s) const366 getF_GF(const State& s) const
367 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
368     return getImpl().getForceCache(s).F_GF; }
369 const SpatialVec& Force::LinearBushing::
getF_GM(const State & s) const370 getF_GM(const State& s) const
371 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
372     return getImpl().getForceCache(s).F_GM; }
374 Real Force::LinearBushing::
getPotentialEnergy(const State & s) const375 getPotentialEnergy(const State& s) const
376 {   getImpl().ensurePotentialEnergyValid(s);
377     return getImpl().getPotentialEnergyCache(s); }
379 Real Force::LinearBushing::
getPowerDissipation(const State & s) const380 getPowerDissipation(const State& s) const
381 {   getImpl().ensureForceCacheValid(s);
382     return getImpl().getForceCache(s).power; }
384 Real Force::LinearBushing::
getDissipatedEnergy(const State & s) const385 getDissipatedEnergy(const State& s) const
386 {   return getImpl().getDissipatedEnergyVar(s); }
388 void Force::LinearBushing::
setDissipatedEnergy(State & s,Real energy) const389 setDissipatedEnergy(State& s, Real energy) const {
390     SimTK_ERRCHK1_ALWAYS(energy >= 0,
391         "Force::LinearBushing::setDissipatedEnergy()",
392         "The initial value for the dissipated energy must be nonnegative"
393         " but an attempt was made to set it to %g.", energy);
394     getImpl().updDissipatedEnergyVar(s) = energy;
395 }
399 //---------------------------- LinearBushingImpl -------------------------------
400 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LinearBushingImpl(const MobilizedBody & body1,const Transform & frameOnB1,const MobilizedBody & body2,const Transform & frameOnB2,const Vec6 & stiffness,const Vec6 & damping)403 Force::LinearBushingImpl::LinearBushingImpl
404    (const MobilizedBody& body1, const Transform& frameOnB1,
405     const MobilizedBody& body2, const Transform& frameOnB2,
406     const Vec6& stiffness, const Vec6& damping)
407 :   matter(body1.getMatterSubsystem()),
408     body1x(body1.getMobilizedBodyIndex()),
409     body2x(body2.getMobilizedBodyIndex()),
410     defX_B1F(frameOnB1),    defX_B2M(frameOnB2),
411     defK(stiffness),        defC(damping)
412 {
413 }
415 void Force::LinearBushingImpl::
ensurePositionCacheValid(const State & state) const416 ensurePositionCacheValid(const State& state) const {
417     if (isPositionCacheValid(state)) return;
419     const InstanceVars& iv = getInstanceVars(state);
420     const Transform& X_B1F = iv.X_B1F;
421     const Transform& X_B2M = iv.X_B2M;
423     PositionCache& pc = updPositionCache(state);
425     const MobilizedBody& body1 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body1x);
426     const MobilizedBody& body2 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body2x);
428     const Transform& X_GB1 = body1.getBodyTransform(state);
429     const Transform& X_GB2 = body2.getBodyTransform(state);
430     pc.X_GF =     X_GB1*   X_B1F;   // 63 flops
431     pc.X_GM =     X_GB2*   X_B2M;   // 63 flops
432     pc.X_FM = ~pc.X_GF *pc.X_GM;    // 63 flops
434     // Re-express local vectors in the Ground frame.
435     pc.p_B1F_G =    X_GB1.R() *    X_B1F.p();   // 15 flops
436     pc.p_B2M_G =    X_GB2.R() *    X_B2M.p();   // 15 flops
437     pc.p_FM_G  = pc.X_GF.R()  * pc.X_FM.p();    // 15 flops
439     // Calculate the 1-2-3 body B2-fixed Euler angles; these are the
440     // rotational coordinates.
441     pc.q.updSubVec<3>(0) = pc.X_FM.R().convertRotationToBodyFixedXYZ();
443     // The translation vector in X_FM contains our translational coordinates.
444     pc.q.updSubVec<3>(3) = pc.X_FM.p();
446     markPositionCacheValid(state);
447 }
449 void Force::LinearBushingImpl::
ensureVelocityCacheValid(const State & state) const450 ensureVelocityCacheValid(const State& state) const {
451     if (isVelocityCacheValid(state)) return;
453     // We'll be needing this.
454     ensurePositionCacheValid(state);
455     const PositionCache& pc = getPositionCache(state);
456     const Rotation& R_GF = pc.X_GF.R();
457     const Rotation& R_FM = pc.X_FM.R();
458     const Vec3&     q    = pc.q.getSubVec<3>(0);
459     const Vec3&     p    = pc.q.getSubVec<3>(3);
461     VelocityCache& vc = updVelocityCache(state);
463     const MobilizedBody& body1 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body1x);
464     const MobilizedBody& body2 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body2x);
466     // Now do velocities.
467     const SpatialVec& V_GB1 = body1.getBodyVelocity(state);
468     const SpatialVec& V_GB2 = body2.getBodyVelocity(state);
470     vc.V_GF = SpatialVec(V_GB1[0], V_GB1[1] + V_GB1[0] % pc.p_B1F_G);
471     vc.V_GM = SpatialVec(V_GB2[0], V_GB2[1] + V_GB2[0] % pc.p_B2M_G);
473     // This is the velocity of M in F, but with the time derivative
474     // taken in the Ground frame.
475     const SpatialVec V_FM_G = vc.V_GM - vc.V_GF;
477     // To get derivative in F, we must remove the part due to the
478     // angular velocity w_GF of F in G.
479     vc.V_FM = ~R_GF * SpatialVec(V_FM_G[0],
480                                  V_FM_G[1] - vc.V_GF[0] % pc.p_FM_G);
482     // Need angular velocity in M frame for conversion to qdot.
483     const Vec3  w_FM_M = ~R_FM*vc.V_FM[0];
484     const Mat33 N_FM   = Rotation::calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame(q);
485     vc.qdot.updSubVec<3>(0) = N_FM * w_FM_M;
486     vc.qdot.updSubVec<3>(3) = vc.V_FM[1];
488     markVelocityCacheValid(state);
489 }
491 // This will also calculate potential energy since we can do it on the
492 // cheap simultaneously with the force.
493 void Force::LinearBushingImpl::
ensureForceCacheValid(const State & state) const494 ensureForceCacheValid(const State& state) const {
495     if (isForceCacheValid(state)) return;
497     const InstanceVars& iv = getInstanceVars(state);
498     const Transform& X_B1F = iv.X_B1F;
499     const Transform& X_B2M = iv.X_B2M;
500     const Vec6&      k     = iv.k;
501     const Vec6&      c     = iv.c;
503     ForceCache& fc = updForceCache(state);
505     ensurePositionCacheValid(state);
506     const PositionCache& pc = getPositionCache(state);
508     const MobilizedBody& body1 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body1x);
509     const MobilizedBody& body2 = matter.getMobilizedBody(body2x);
511     const Transform& X_GB1 = body1.getBodyTransform(state);
512     const Rotation&  R_GB1 = X_GB1.R();
514     const Transform& X_GB2 = body2.getBodyTransform(state);
515     const Rotation&  R_GB2 = X_GB2.R();
517     const Vec3&      p_B1F = X_B1F.p();
518     const Vec3&      p_B2M = X_B2M.p();
520     const Rotation&  R_GF = pc.X_GF.R();
521     const Vec3&      p_GF = pc.X_GF.p();
523     const Rotation&  R_GM = pc.X_GM.R();
524     const Vec3&      p_GM = pc.X_GM.p();
526     const Rotation&  R_FM = pc.X_FM.R();
527     const Vec3&      p_FM = pc.X_FM.p();
529     // Calculate stiffness generalized forces and potential
530     // energy (cheap to do here).
531     const Vec6& q = pc.q;
532     Vec6 fk; Real pe2=0;
533     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
534         pe2 += (fk[i]=k[i]*q[i])*q[i];
535     updPotentialEnergyCache(state) = pe2/2;
536     markPotentialEnergyValid(state);
538     ensureVelocityCacheValid(state);
539     const VelocityCache& vc = getVelocityCache(state);
541     const Vec6& qd = vc.qdot;
542     Vec6 fv; fc.power=0;
543     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
544         fc.power += (fv[i]=c[i]*qd[i])*qd[i];
546     fc.f = -(fk+fv); // generalized forces on body 2
547     const Vec3& fB2_q = fc.f.getSubVec<3>(0); // in q basis
548     const Vec3& fM_F  = fc.f.getSubVec<3>(3); // acts at M, but exp. in F frame
550     // Calculate the matrix relating q-space generalized forces to a real-space
551     // moment vector. We know qforce = ~H * moment (where H is the
552     // the hinge matrix for a mobilizer using qdots as generalized speeds).
553     // In that case H would be N^-1, qforce = ~(N^-1)*moment so
554     // moment = ~N*qforce. Caution: our N wants the moment in the outboard
555     // body frame, in this case M.
556     const Mat33 N_FM  = Rotation::calcNForBodyXYZInBodyFrame(q.getSubVec<3>(0));
557     const Vec3  mB2_M = ~N_FM * fB2_q; // moment acting on body 2, exp. in M
558     const Vec3  mB2_G =  R_GM * mB2_M; // moment on body 2, now exp. in G
560     // Transform force from F frame to ground. This is the force to
561     // apply to body 2 at point OM; -f goes on body 1 at the same
562     // spatial location. Here we actually apply it at OF so we have to
563     // account for the moment produced by the shift from OM.
564     const Vec3 fM_G = R_GF*fM_F;
566     fc.F_GM = SpatialVec(  mB2_G,                       fM_G);
567     fc.F_GF = SpatialVec(-(mB2_G + pc.p_FM_G % fM_G) , -fM_G);
569     // Shift forces to body origins.
570     fc.F_GB2 = SpatialVec(fc.F_GM[0] + pc.p_B2M_G % fc.F_GM[1], fc.F_GM[1]);
571     fc.F_GB1 = SpatialVec(fc.F_GF[0] + pc.p_B1F_G % fc.F_GF[1], fc.F_GF[1]);
573     markForceCacheValid(state);
574 }
576 // This calculate is only performed if the PE is requested without
577 // already having calculated the force.
578 void Force::LinearBushingImpl::
ensurePotentialEnergyValid(const State & state) const579 ensurePotentialEnergyValid(const State& state) const {
580     if (isPotentialEnergyValid(state)) return;
582     const InstanceVars& iv = getInstanceVars(state);
583     const Vec6&         k  = iv.k;
585     ensurePositionCacheValid(state);
586     const PositionCache& pc = getPositionCache(state);
587     const Vec6& q = pc.q;
589     Real pe2=0;
590     for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
591         pe2 += k[i]*q[i]*q[i];
593     updPotentialEnergyCache(state) = pe2 / 2;
594     markPotentialEnergyValid(state);
595 }
597 void Force::LinearBushingImpl::
calcForce(const State & state,Vector_<SpatialVec> & bodyForces,Vector_<Vec3> & particleForces,Vector & mobilityForces) const598 calcForce(const State& state, Vector_<SpatialVec>& bodyForces,
599           Vector_<Vec3>& particleForces, Vector& mobilityForces) const
600 {
601     ensureForceCacheValid(state);
602     const ForceCache& fc = getForceCache(state);
603     bodyForces[body2x] +=  fc.F_GB2;
604     bodyForces[body1x] +=  fc.F_GB1; // apply forces
605 }
607 // If the force was calculated, then the potential energy will already
608 // be valid. Otherwise we'll have to calculate it.
609 Real Force::LinearBushingImpl::
calcPotentialEnergy(const State & state) const610 calcPotentialEnergy(const State& state) const {
611     ensurePotentialEnergyValid(state);
612     return getPotentialEnergyCache(state);
613 }
616 } // namespace SimTK