1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2012-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
22 #ifndef __PLUMED_vesselbase_ActionWithVessel_h
23 #define __PLUMED_vesselbase_ActionWithVessel_h
25 #include "core/ActionWithValue.h"
26 #include "core/ActionAtomistic.h"
27 #include "tools/Exception.h"
28 #include "tools/DynamicList.h"
29 #include "tools/MultiValue.h"
30 #include <vector>
31 #include "tools/ForwardDecl.h"
33 namespace PLMD {
34 class Value;
35 class Stopwatch;
37 namespace vesselbase {
39 class Vessel;
40 class BridgeVessel;
41 class StoreDataVessel;
43 /**
44 \ingroup MULTIINHERIT
45 This is used to create PLMD::Action objects that are computed by calculating the same function multiple
46 times.  This is used in PLMD::MultiColvar.
47 */
49 class ActionWithVessel : public virtual Action {
50   friend class Vessel;
51   friend class ShortcutVessel;
52   friend class FunctionVessel;
53   friend class StoreDataVessel;
54   friend class BridgeVessel;
55   friend class ActionWithInputVessel;
56   friend class OrderingVessel;
57 private:
58 /// Do all calculations in serial
59   bool serial;
60 /// Lower memory requirements
61   bool lowmem;
62 /// Are we skipping the calculation of the derivatives
63   bool noderiv;
64 /// This tells plumed that this is used in a bridge
65   bool actionIsBridged;
66 /// The maximum number of derivatives we can use before we need to invoke lowmem
67   unsigned maxderivatives;
68 /// The tolerance on the accumulators
69   double tolerance;
70 /// Tolerance for quantities being put in neighbor lists
71   double nl_tolerance;
72 /// Pointers to the functions we are using on each value
73   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vessel>> functions;
74 /// Tempory storage for forces
75   std::vector<double> tmpforces;
76 /// Ths full list of tasks we have to perform
77   std::vector<unsigned> fullTaskList;
78 /// The current number of active tasks
79   unsigned nactive_tasks;
80 /// The indices of the tasks in the full list of tasks
81   std::vector<unsigned> indexOfTaskInFullList;
82 /// The list of currently active tasks
83   std::vector<unsigned> partialTaskList;
84 /// The list of atoms involved in derivatives (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing)
85   std::vector<unsigned> der_list;
86 /// The buffer that we use (we keep a copy here to avoid resizing)
87   std::vector<double> buffer;
88 /// Do we want to output information on the timings of different parts of the calculation
89   bool timers;
90   ForwardDecl<Stopwatch> stopwatch_fwd;
91 /// The stopwatch that times the different parts of the calculation
92   Stopwatch& stopwatch=*stopwatch_fwd;
93 /// These are used to minmise computational expense in complex functions
94   bool dertime_can_be_off;
95 protected:
96 /// This is also used to minimise computational expense in complex functions
97   bool dertime;
98 /// The terms in the series are locked
99   bool contributorsAreUnlocked;
100 /// Does the weight have derivatives
101   bool weightHasDerivatives;
102 /// This is used for numerical derivatives of bridge variables
103   unsigned bridgeVariable;
104 /// A pointer to the object that stores data
105   StoreDataVessel* mydata;
106 /// This list is used to update the neighbor list
107   std::vector<unsigned> taskFlags;
108 /// Add a vessel to the list of vessels
109   void addVessel( const std::string& name, const std::string& input, const int numlab=0 );
110   void addVessel( std::unique_ptr<Vessel> vv );
111 /// Add a bridging vessel to the list of vessels
112   BridgeVessel* addBridgingVessel( ActionWithVessel* tome );
113 /// Complete the setup of this object (this routine must be called after construction of ActionWithValue)
114   void readVesselKeywords();
115 /// Turn on the derivatives in the vessel
116   void needsDerivatives();
117 /// Return the value of the tolerance
118   double getTolerance() const ;
119 /// Return the value for the neighbor list tolerance
120   double getNLTolerance() const ;
121 /// Calculate the values of all the vessels
122   void runAllTasks();
123 /// Resize all the functions when the number of derivatives change
124   void resizeFunctions();
125 /// This loops over all the vessels calculating them and also
126 /// sets all the element derivatives equal to zero
127   void calculateAllVessels( const unsigned& taskCode, MultiValue& myvals, MultiValue& bvals, std::vector<double>& buffer, std::vector<unsigned>& der_list );
128 /// Retrieve the forces from all the vessels (used in apply)
129   bool getForcesFromVessels( std::vector<double>& forcesToApply );
130 /// Is the calculation being done in serial
131   bool serialCalculation() const;
132 /// Are we using low memory
133   bool usingLowMem() const ;
134 /// Set that we are using low memory
135   void setLowMemOption(const bool& );
136 /// Deactivate all the tasks in the task list
137   void deactivateAllTasks();
138 /// Get the size of the buffer
139   unsigned getSizeOfBuffer( unsigned& bufsize );
140 /// Add a task to the full list
141   void addTaskToList( const unsigned& taskCode );
142 public:
143   static void registerKeywords(Keywords& keys);
144   explicit ActionWithVessel(const ActionOptions&ao);
145   ~ActionWithVessel();
146   void lockContributors();
147 /// Get the number of tasks that are currently active
148   unsigned getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks() const ;
149 /// Check whether or not a particular task is currently active
150   bool taskIsCurrentlyActive( const unsigned& index ) const ;
151 /// Are derivatives required for this quantity
152   bool derivativesAreRequired() const ;
153 /// Is this action thread safe
threadSafe()154   virtual bool threadSafe() const { return true; }
155 /// Finish running all the calculations
156   virtual void finishComputations( const std::vector<double>& buffer );
157 /// Are the base quantities periodic
158   virtual bool isPeriodic()=0;
159 /// What are the domains of the base quantities
160   virtual void retrieveDomain( std::string& min, std::string& max);
161 /// Get the number of derivatives for final calculated quantity
162   virtual unsigned getNumberOfDerivatives()=0;
163 /// Get the number of quantities that are calculated during each task
164   virtual unsigned getNumberOfQuantities() const ;
165 /// Get the number of vessels
166   unsigned getNumberOfVessels() const;
167 /// Get a pointer to the ith vessel
168   Vessel* getPntrToVessel( const unsigned& i );
169 /// Do any jobs that are required before the task list is undertaken
170   virtual void doJobsRequiredBeforeTaskList();
171 /// Get the full size of the taskList dynamic list
172   unsigned getFullNumberOfTasks() const ;
173 /// Get the position of the ith active task in the full list
174   unsigned getPositionInFullTaskList( const unsigned& ii ) const ;
175 /// Get the code for the ii th task in the list
176   unsigned getTaskCode( const unsigned& ii ) const ;
177 /// Get the ith of the currently active tasks
178   unsigned getActiveTask( const unsigned& ii ) const ;
179 /// Calculate one of the functions in the distribution
180   virtual void performTask( const unsigned&, const unsigned&, MultiValue& ) const=0;
181 /// Do the task if we have a bridge
182   virtual void transformBridgedDerivatives( const unsigned& current, MultiValue& invals, MultiValue& outvals ) const;
183 /// Ensure that data required in other vessels is stored
184   StoreDataVessel* buildDataStashes( ActionWithVessel* actionThatUses );
185 /// Apply forces from bridge vessel - this is rarely used - currently only in ActionVolume
applyBridgeForces(const std::vector<double> & bb)186   virtual void applyBridgeForces( const std::vector<double>& bb ) { plumed_error(); }
187 /// These are overwritten in MultiColvarFunction
188 //  virtual void activateIndexes( const unsigned&, const unsigned&, const std::vector<unsigned>& ){}
189 /// Return a particular named vessel
190   Vessel* getVesselWithName( const std::string& mynam );
191 /// Does the weight have derivatives
192   bool weightWithDerivatives() const ;
193 /// Return the position in the current task list
194   unsigned getPositionInCurrentTaskList( const unsigned& myind ) const ;
195 /// These normalizes vectors and is used in StoreDataVessel
normalizeVector(std::vector<double> & vals)196   virtual void normalizeVector( std::vector<double>& vals ) const { plumed_error(); }
normalizeVectorDerivatives(MultiValue & myvals)197   virtual void normalizeVectorDerivatives( MultiValue& myvals ) const { plumed_error(); }
198 };
200 inline
getTolerance()201 double ActionWithVessel::getTolerance() const {
202   return tolerance;
203 }
205 inline
getNLTolerance()206 double ActionWithVessel::getNLTolerance() const {
207   return nl_tolerance;
208 }
210 inline
getNumberOfVessels()211 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getNumberOfVessels() const {
212   return functions.size();
213 }
215 inline
getNumberOfQuantities()216 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getNumberOfQuantities() const {
217   return 2;
218 }
220 inline
getPntrToVessel(const unsigned & i)221 Vessel* ActionWithVessel::getPntrToVessel( const unsigned& i ) {
222   plumed_dbg_assert( i<functions.size() );
223   return functions[i].get();
224 }
226 inline
getFullNumberOfTasks()227 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getFullNumberOfTasks() const {
228   return fullTaskList.size();
229 }
231 inline
getTaskCode(const unsigned & ii)232 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getTaskCode( const unsigned& ii ) const {
233   plumed_dbg_assert( ii<fullTaskList.size() );
234   return fullTaskList[ii];
235 }
237 inline
getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks()238 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getCurrentNumberOfActiveTasks() const {
239   return nactive_tasks;
240 }
242 inline
getActiveTask(const unsigned & ii)243 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getActiveTask( const unsigned& ii ) const {
244   plumed_dbg_assert( ii<nactive_tasks );
245   return partialTaskList[ii];
246 }
248 inline
getPositionInFullTaskList(const unsigned & ii)249 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getPositionInFullTaskList( const unsigned& ii ) const {
250   plumed_dbg_assert( ii<nactive_tasks );
251   return indexOfTaskInFullList[ii];
252 }
254 inline
serialCalculation()255 bool ActionWithVessel::serialCalculation() const {
256   return serial;
257 }
259 inline
usingLowMem()260 bool ActionWithVessel::usingLowMem() const {
261   return lowmem;
262 }
264 inline
setLowMemOption(const bool & l)265 void ActionWithVessel::setLowMemOption(const bool& l) {
266   lowmem=l;
267 }
269 inline
derivativesAreRequired()270 bool ActionWithVessel::derivativesAreRequired() const {
271   return !noderiv;
272 }
274 inline
weightWithDerivatives()275 bool ActionWithVessel::weightWithDerivatives() const {
276   return weightHasDerivatives;
277 }
279 inline
getPositionInCurrentTaskList(const unsigned & myind)280 unsigned ActionWithVessel::getPositionInCurrentTaskList( const unsigned& myind ) const {
281   if( nactive_tasks==fullTaskList.size() ) return myind;
283   for(unsigned i=0; i<nactive_tasks; ++i) {
284     if( myind==indexOfTaskInFullList[i] ) return i;
285   }
286   plumed_merror("requested task is not active");
287 }
289 }
290 }
291 #endif