1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17  * under the License.
18  */
19 package org.apache.felix.resolver;
21 import java.util.*;
22 import java.util.Map.Entry;
23 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
25 import org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolverImpl.PermutationType;
26 import org.apache.felix.resolver.ResolverImpl.ResolveSession;
27 import org.apache.felix.resolver.reason.ReasonException;
28 import org.apache.felix.resolver.util.*;
29 import org.osgi.framework.Version;
30 import org.osgi.framework.namespace.*;
31 import org.osgi.resource.*;
32 import org.osgi.service.resolver.HostedCapability;
33 import org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolutionException;
34 import org.osgi.service.resolver.ResolveContext;
36 class Candidates
37 {
38     static class PopulateResult {
39         boolean success;
40         ResolutionError error;
41         List<Requirement> remaining;
42         Map<Requirement, List<Capability>> candidates;
44         @Override
toString()45         public String toString() {
46             return success ? "true" : error != null ? error.getMessage() : "???";
47         }
48     }
50     private final ResolveSession m_session;
51     // Maps a capability to requirements that match it.
52     private final OpenHashMapSet<Capability, Requirement> m_dependentMap;
53     // Maps a requirement to the capability it matches.
54     private final OpenHashMapList m_candidateMap;
55     // Maps a bundle revision to its associated wrapped revision; this only happens
56     // when a revision being resolved has fragments to attach to it.
57     private final Map<Resource, WrappedResource> m_allWrappedHosts;
58     // Map used when populating candidates to hold intermediate and final results.
59     private final OpenHashMap<Resource, PopulateResult> m_populateResultCache;
61     private final Map<Capability, Requirement> m_subtitutableMap;
63     private final OpenHashMapSet<Requirement, Capability> m_delta;
64     private final AtomicBoolean m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable;
66     /**
67      * Private copy constructor used by the copy() method.
68      */
Candidates( ResolveSession session, AtomicBoolean candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable, OpenHashMapSet<Capability, Requirement> dependentMap, OpenHashMapList candidateMap, Map<Resource, WrappedResource> wrappedHosts, OpenHashMap<Resource, PopulateResult> populateResultCache, Map<Capability, Requirement> substitutableMap, OpenHashMapSet<Requirement, Capability> delta)69     private Candidates(
70         ResolveSession session,
71         AtomicBoolean candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable,
72         OpenHashMapSet<Capability, Requirement> dependentMap,
73         OpenHashMapList candidateMap,
74         Map<Resource, WrappedResource> wrappedHosts,
75         OpenHashMap<Resource, PopulateResult> populateResultCache,
76         Map<Capability, Requirement> substitutableMap,
77         OpenHashMapSet<Requirement, Capability> delta)
78     {
79         m_session = session;
80         m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable = candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable;
81         m_dependentMap = dependentMap;
82         m_candidateMap = candidateMap;
83         m_allWrappedHosts = wrappedHosts;
84         m_populateResultCache = populateResultCache;
85         m_subtitutableMap = substitutableMap;
86         m_delta = delta;
87     }
89     /**
90      * Constructs an empty Candidates object.
91      */
Candidates(ResolveSession session)92     public Candidates(ResolveSession session)
93     {
94         m_session = session;
95         m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable = new AtomicBoolean(false);
96         m_dependentMap = new OpenHashMapSet<Capability, Requirement>();
97         m_candidateMap = new OpenHashMapList();
98         m_allWrappedHosts = new HashMap<Resource, WrappedResource>();
99         m_populateResultCache = new OpenHashMap<Resource, PopulateResult>();
100         m_subtitutableMap = new OpenHashMap<Capability, Requirement>();
101         m_delta = new OpenHashMapSet<Requirement, Capability>(3);
102     }
getNbResources()104     public int getNbResources()
105     {
106         return m_populateResultCache.size();
107     }
getRootHosts()109     public Map<Resource, Resource> getRootHosts()
110     {
111         Map<Resource, Resource> hosts = new LinkedHashMap<Resource, Resource>();
112         for (Resource res : m_session.getMandatoryResources())
113         {
114             addHost(res, hosts);
115         }
117         for (Resource res : m_session.getOptionalResources())
118         {
119             if (isPopulated(res)) {
120                 addHost(res, hosts);
121             }
122         }
124         return hosts;
125     }
addHost(Resource res, Map<Resource, Resource> hosts)127     private void addHost(Resource res, Map<Resource, Resource> hosts) {
128         if (res instanceof WrappedResource)
129         {
130             res = ((WrappedResource) res).getDeclaredResource();
131         }
132         if (!Util.isFragment(res))
133         {
134             hosts.put(res, getWrappedHost(res));
135         } else {
136             Requirement hostReq = res.getRequirements(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE).get(0);
137             Capability hostCap = getFirstCandidate(hostReq);
138             // If the resource is an already resolved fragment and can not
139             // be attached to new hosts, there will be no matching host,
140             // so ignore this resource
141             if (hostCap != null) {
142                 res = getWrappedHost(hostCap.getResource());
143                 if (res instanceof WrappedResource) {
144                     hosts.put(((WrappedResource) res).getDeclaredResource(), res);
145                 }
146             }
147         }
148     }
150     /**
151      * Returns the delta which is the differences in the candidates from the
152      * original Candidates permutation.
153      * @return the delta
154      */
getDelta()155     public Object getDelta()
156     {
157         return m_delta;
158     }
populate(Collection<Resource> resources)160     public void populate(Collection<Resource> resources)
161     {
162         ResolveContext rc = m_session.getContext();
163         Set<Resource> toRemove = new HashSet<Resource>();
164         LinkedList<Resource> toPopulate = new LinkedList<Resource>(resources);
165         while (!toPopulate.isEmpty())
166         {
167             Resource resource = toPopulate.getFirst();
168             // Get cached result
169             PopulateResult result = m_populateResultCache.get(resource);
170             if (result == null)
171             {
172                 result = new PopulateResult();
173                 result.candidates = new OpenHashMap<Requirement, List<Capability>>();
174                 result.remaining = new ArrayList<Requirement>(resource.getRequirements(null));
175                 m_populateResultCache.put(resource, result);
176             }
177             if (result.success || result.error != null)
178             {
179                 toPopulate.removeFirst();
180                 continue;
181             }
182             if (result.remaining.isEmpty())
183             {
184                 toPopulate.removeFirst();
185                 result.success = true;
186                 addCandidates(result.candidates);
187                 result.candidates = null;
188                 result.remaining = null;
189                 Collection<Resource> relatedResources = rc.findRelatedResources(resource);
190                 m_session.setRelatedResources(resource, relatedResources);
191                 for (Resource relatedResource : relatedResources)
192                 {
193                     if (m_session.isValidRelatedResource(relatedResource))
194                     {
195                         // This resource is a valid related resource;
196                         // populate it now, consider it optional
197                         toPopulate.addFirst(relatedResource);
198                     }
199                 }
200                 continue;
201             }
202             // We have a requirement to process
203             Requirement requirement = result.remaining.remove(0);
204             if (!isEffective(requirement))
205             {
206                 continue;
207             }
208             List<Capability> candidates = rc.findProviders(requirement);
209             LinkedList<Resource> newToPopulate = new LinkedList<Resource>();
210             ResolutionError thrown = processCandidates(newToPopulate, requirement, candidates);
211              if (candidates.isEmpty() && !Util.isOptional(requirement))
212             {
213                 if (Util.isFragment(resource) && rc.getWirings().containsKey(resource))
214                 {
215                     // This is a fragment that is already resolved and there is no unresolved hosts to attach it to.
216                     result.success = true;
217                 }
218                 else
219                 {
220                     result.error = new MissingRequirementError(requirement, thrown);
221                     toRemove.add(resource);
222                 }
223                 toPopulate.removeFirst();
224             }
225             else
226             {
227                 if (!candidates.isEmpty())
228                 {
229                     result.candidates.put(requirement, candidates);
230                 }
231                 if (!newToPopulate.isEmpty())
232                 {
233                     toPopulate.addAll(0, newToPopulate);
234                 }
235             }
236         }
238         while (!toRemove.isEmpty())
239         {
240             Iterator<Resource> iterator = toRemove.iterator();
241             Resource resource = iterator.next();
242             iterator.remove();
243             remove(resource, toRemove);
244         }
245     }
isEffective(Requirement req)247     private boolean isEffective(Requirement req) {
248         if (!m_session.getContext().isEffective(req)) {
249             return false;
250         }
251         String res = req.getDirectives().get(PackageNamespace.REQUIREMENT_RESOLUTION_DIRECTIVE);
252         return !PackageNamespace.RESOLUTION_DYNAMIC.equals(res);
253     }
populateSubstitutables()255     private void populateSubstitutables()
256     {
257         for (Map.Entry<Resource, PopulateResult> populated : m_populateResultCache.fast())
258         {
259             if (populated.getValue().success)
260             {
261                 populateSubstitutables(populated.getKey());
262             }
263         }
264     }
populateSubstitutables(Resource resource)266     private void populateSubstitutables(Resource resource)
267     {
268         // Collect the package names exported
269         @SuppressWarnings("serial")
270         OpenHashMap<String, List<Capability>> exportNames = new OpenHashMap<String, List<Capability>>() {
271             @Override
272             protected List<Capability> compute(String s) {
273                 return new ArrayList<Capability>(1);
274             }
275         };
276         for (Capability packageExport : resource.getCapabilities(null))
277         {
278             if (!PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE.equals(packageExport.getNamespace()))
279             {
280                 continue;
281             }
282             String packageName = (String) packageExport.getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
283             List<Capability> caps = exportNames.getOrCompute(packageName);
284             caps.add(packageExport);
285         }
286         if (exportNames.isEmpty())
287         {
288             return;
289         }
290         // Check if any requirements substitute one of the exported packages
291         for (Requirement req : resource.getRequirements(null))
292         {
293             if (!PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE.equals(req.getNamespace()))
294             {
295                 continue;
296             }
297             CandidateSelector substitutes = m_candidateMap.get(req);
298             if (substitutes != null && !substitutes.isEmpty())
299             {
300                 String packageName = (String) substitutes.getCurrentCandidate().getAttributes().get(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE);
301                 List<Capability> exportedPackages = exportNames.get(packageName);
302                 if (exportedPackages != null)
303                 {
304                     // The package is exported;
305                     // Check if the requirement only has the bundle's own export as candidates
306                     if (!exportedPackages.containsAll(substitutes.getRemainingCandidates()))
307                     {
308                         for (Capability exportedPackage : exportedPackages)
309                         {
310                             m_subtitutableMap.put(exportedPackage, req);
311                         }
312                     }
313                 }
314             }
315         }
316     }
318     private static final int UNPROCESSED = 0;
319     private static final int PROCESSING = 1;
320     private static final int SUBSTITUTED = 2;
321     private static final int EXPORTED = 3;
checkSubstitutes()323     ResolutionError checkSubstitutes()
324     {
325         OpenHashMap<Capability, Integer> substituteStatuses = new OpenHashMap<Capability, Integer>(m_subtitutableMap.size());
326         for (Capability substitutable : m_subtitutableMap.keySet())
327         {
328             // initialize with unprocessed
329             substituteStatuses.put(substitutable, UNPROCESSED);
330         }
331         // note we are iterating over the original unmodified map by design
332         for (Capability substitutable : m_subtitutableMap.keySet())
333         {
334             isSubstituted(substitutable, substituteStatuses);
335         }
337         // Remove any substituted exports from candidates
338         for (Map.Entry<Capability, Integer> substituteStatus : substituteStatuses.fast())
339         {
340             // add a permutation that imports a different candidate for the substituted if possible
341             Requirement substitutedReq = m_subtitutableMap.get(substituteStatus.getKey());
342             if (substitutedReq != null)
343             {
344                 m_session.permutateIfNeeded(PermutationType.SUBSTITUTE, substitutedReq, this);
345             }
346             Set<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(substituteStatus.getKey());
347             if (dependents != null)
348             {
349                 for (Requirement dependent : dependents)
350                 {
351                     CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(dependent);
352                     if (candidates != null)
353                     {
354                         candidates:
355                         while (!candidates.isEmpty())
356                         {
357                             Capability candidate = candidates.getCurrentCandidate();
358                             Integer candidateStatus = substituteStatuses.get(candidate);
359                             if (candidateStatus == null)
360                             {
361                                 candidateStatus = EXPORTED;
362                             }
363                             switch (candidateStatus)
364                             {
365                                 case EXPORTED:
366                                     // non-substituted candidate hit before the substituted one; do not continue
367                                     break candidates;
368                                 case SUBSTITUTED:
369                                 default:
370                                     // Need to remove any substituted that comes before an exported candidate
371                                     candidates.removeCurrentCandidate();
372                                     // continue to next candidate
373                                     break;
374                             }
375                         }
376                         if (candidates.isEmpty())
377                         {
378                             if (Util.isOptional(dependent))
379                             {
380                                 m_candidateMap.remove(dependent);
381                             }
382                             else
383                             {
384                                 return new MissingRequirementError(dependent);
385                             }
386                         }
387                     }
388                 }
389             }
390         }
391         return null;
392     }
isSubstituted(Capability substitutableCap, Map<Capability, Integer> substituteStatuses)394     private boolean isSubstituted(Capability substitutableCap, Map<Capability, Integer> substituteStatuses)
395     {
396         Integer substituteState = substituteStatuses.get(substitutableCap);
397         if (substituteState == null)
398         {
399             return false;
400         }
402         switch (substituteState)
403         {
404             case PROCESSING:
405                 // found a cycle mark the initiator as not substituted
406                 substituteStatuses.put(substitutableCap, EXPORTED);
407                 return false;
408             case SUBSTITUTED:
409                 return true;
410             case EXPORTED:
411                 return false;
412             default:
413                 break;
414         }
416         Requirement substitutableReq = m_subtitutableMap.get(substitutableCap);
417         if (substitutableReq == null)
418         {
419             // this should never happen.
420             return false;
421         }
422         // mark as processing to detect cycles
423         substituteStatuses.put(substitutableCap, PROCESSING);
424         // discover possible substitutes
425         CandidateSelector substitutes = m_candidateMap.get(substitutableReq);
426         if (substitutes != null)
427         {
428             for (Capability substituteCandidate : substitutes.getRemainingCandidates())
429             {
430                 if (substituteCandidate.getResource().equals(substitutableCap.getResource()))
431                 {
432                     substituteStatuses.put(substitutableCap, EXPORTED);
433                     return false;
434                 }
435                 if (!isSubstituted(substituteCandidate, substituteStatuses))
436                 {
437                     // The resource's exported package is substituted for this permutation.
438                     substituteStatuses.put(substitutableCap, SUBSTITUTED);
439                     return true;
440                 }
441             }
442         }
443         // if we get here then the export is not substituted
444         substituteStatuses.put(substitutableCap, EXPORTED);
445         return false;
446     }
populateDynamic()448     public ResolutionError populateDynamic()
449     {
451         // Process the candidates, removing any candidates that
452         // cannot resolve.
453         // TODO: verify the two following statements
454         LinkedList<Resource> toPopulate = new LinkedList<Resource>();
455         ResolutionError rethrow = processCandidates(toPopulate, m_session.getDynamicRequirement(), m_session.getDynamicCandidates());
457         // Add the dynamic imports candidates.
458         // Make sure this is done after the call to processCandidates since we want to ensure
459         // fragment candidates are properly hosted before adding the candidates list which makes a copy
460         addCandidates(m_session.getDynamicRequirement(), m_session.getDynamicCandidates());
462         populate(toPopulate);
464         CandidateSelector caps = m_candidateMap.get(m_session.getDynamicRequirement());
465         if (caps != null)
466         {
467             m_session.getDynamicCandidates().retainAll(caps.getRemainingCandidates());
468         }
469         else
470         {
471             m_session.getDynamicCandidates().clear();
472         }
474         if (m_session.getDynamicCandidates().isEmpty())
475         {
476             if (rethrow == null)
477             {
478                 rethrow = new DynamicImportFailed(m_session.getDynamicRequirement());
479             }
480             return rethrow;
481         }
483         PopulateResult result = new PopulateResult();
484         result.success = true;
485         m_populateResultCache.put(m_session.getDynamicHost(), result);
486         return null;
487     }
processCandidates( LinkedList<Resource> toPopulate, Requirement req, List<Capability> candidates)489     private ResolutionError processCandidates(
490         LinkedList<Resource> toPopulate,
491         Requirement req,
492         List<Capability> candidates)
493     {
494         ResolveContext rc = m_session.getContext();
495         // Get satisfying candidates and populate their candidates if necessary.
496         ResolutionError rethrow = null;
497         Set<Capability> fragmentCands = null;
498         for (Iterator<Capability> itCandCap = candidates.iterator();
499             itCandCap.hasNext();)
500         {
501             Capability candCap = itCandCap.next();
503             boolean isFragment = Util.isFragment(candCap.getResource());
505             // If the capability is from a fragment, then record it
506             // because we have to insert associated host capabilities
507             // if the fragment is already attached to any hosts.
508             if (isFragment)
509             {
510                 if (fragmentCands == null)
511                 {
512                     fragmentCands = new HashSet<Capability>();
513                 }
514                 fragmentCands.add(candCap);
515             }
517             // Do a sanity check incase the resolve context tries to attach
518             // a fragment to an already resolved host capability
519             if (HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE.equals(req.getNamespace())) {
520                 if (rc.getWirings().containsKey(candCap.getResource())) {
521                     itCandCap.remove();
522                     continue;
523                 }
524             }
525             // If the candidate revision is a fragment, then always attempt
526             // to populate candidates for its dependency, since it must be
527             // attached to a host to be used. Otherwise, if the candidate
528             // revision is not already resolved and is not the current version
529             // we are trying to populate, then populate the candidates for
530             // its dependencies as well.
531             // NOTE: Technically, we don't have to check to see if the
532             // candidate revision is equal to the current revision, but this
533             // saves us from recursing and also simplifies exceptions messages
534             // since we effectively chain exception messages for each level
535             // of recursion; thus, any avoided recursion results in fewer
536             // exceptions to chain when an error does occur.
537             if ((isFragment || !rc.getWirings().containsKey(candCap.getResource()))
538                 && !candCap.getResource().equals(req.getResource()))
539             {
540                 PopulateResult result = m_populateResultCache.get(candCap.getResource());
541                 if (result != null)
542                 {
543                     if (result.error != null)
544                     {
545                         if (rethrow == null)
546                         {
547                             rethrow = result.error;
548                         }
549                         // Remove the candidate since we weren't able to
550                         // populate its candidates.
551                         itCandCap.remove();
552                     }
553                     else if (!result.success)
554                     {
555                         toPopulate.add(candCap.getResource());
556                     }
557                 }
558                 else
559                 {
560                     toPopulate.add(candCap.getResource());
561                 }
562             }
563         }
565         // If any of the candidates for the requirement were from a fragment,
566         // then also insert synthesized hosted capabilities for any other host
567         // to which the fragment is attached since they are all effectively
568         // unique capabilities.
569         if (fragmentCands != null)
570         {
571             for (Capability fragCand : fragmentCands)
572             {
573                 String fragCandName = fragCand.getNamespace();
574                 if (IdentityNamespace.IDENTITY_NAMESPACE.equals(fragCandName))
575                 {
576                     // no need to wrap identity namespace ever
577                     continue;
578                 }
579                 // Only necessary for resolved fragments.
580                 Wiring wiring = rc.getWirings().get(fragCand.getResource());
581                 if (wiring != null)
582                 {
583                     // Fragments only have host wire, so each wire represents
584                     // an attached host.
585                     for (Wire wire : wiring.getRequiredResourceWires(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE))
586                     {
587                         // If the capability is a package, then make sure the
588                         // host actually provides it in its resolved capabilities,
589                         // since it may be a substitutable export.
590                         if (!fragCandName.equals(PackageNamespace.PACKAGE_NAMESPACE)
591                             || rc.getWirings().get(wire.getProvider())
592                             .getResourceCapabilities(null).contains(fragCand))
593                         {
594                             // Note that we can just add this as a candidate
595                             // directly, since we know it is already resolved.
596                             // NOTE: We are synthesizing a hosted capability here,
597                             // but we are not using a ShadowList like we do when
598                             // we synthesizing capabilities for unresolved hosts.
599                             // It is not necessary to use the ShadowList here since
600                             // the host is resolved, because in that case we can
601                             // calculate the proper package space by traversing
602                             // the wiring. In the unresolved case, this isn't possible
603                             // so we need to use the ShadowList so we can keep
604                             // a reference to a synthesized resource with attached
605                             // fragments so we can correctly calculate its package
606                             // space.
607                             // Must remove the fragment candidate because we must
608                             // only use hosted capabilities for package namespace
609                             candidates.remove(fragCand);
610                             rc.insertHostedCapability(
611                                 candidates,
612                                 new WrappedCapability(
613                                     wire.getCapability().getResource(),
614                                     fragCand));
615                         }
616                     }
617                 }
618             }
619         }
621         return rethrow;
622     }
isPopulated(Resource resource)624     public boolean isPopulated(Resource resource)
625     {
626         PopulateResult value = m_populateResultCache.get(resource);
627         return (value != null && value.success);
628     }
getResolutionError(Resource resource)630     public ResolutionError getResolutionError(Resource resource)
631     {
632         PopulateResult value = m_populateResultCache.get(resource);
633         return value != null ? value.error : null;
634     }
636     /**
637      * Adds a requirement and its matching candidates to the internal data
638      * structure. This method assumes it owns the data being passed in and does
639      * not make a copy. It takes the data and processes, such as calculating
640      * which requirements depend on which capabilities and recording any
641      * fragments it finds for future merging.
642      *
643      * @param req the requirement to add.
644      * @param candidates the candidates matching the requirement.
645      */
addCandidates(Requirement req, List<Capability> candidates)646     private void addCandidates(Requirement req, List<Capability> candidates)
647     {
648         // Record the candidates.
649         m_candidateMap.put(req, new CandidateSelector(candidates, m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable));
650         for (Capability cap : candidates)
651         {
652             m_dependentMap.getOrCompute(cap).add(req);
653         }
654     }
656     /**
657      * Adds requirements and candidates in bulk. The outer map is not retained
658      * by this method, but the inner data structures are, so they should not be
659      * further modified by the caller.
660      *
661      * @param candidates the bulk requirements and candidates to add.
662      */
addCandidates(Map<Requirement, List<Capability>> candidates)663     private void addCandidates(Map<Requirement, List<Capability>> candidates)
664     {
665         for (Map.Entry<Requirement, List<Capability>> entry : candidates.entrySet())
666         {
667             addCandidates(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
668         }
669     }
671     /**
672      * Returns the wrapped resource associated with the given resource. If the
673      * resource was not wrapped, then the resource itself is returned. This is
674      * really only needed to determine if the root resources of the resolve have
675      * been wrapped.
676      *
677      * @param r the resource whose wrapper is desired.
678      * @return the wrapper resource or the resource itself if it was not
679      * wrapped.
680      */
getWrappedHost(Resource r)681     public Resource getWrappedHost(Resource r)
682     {
683         Resource wrapped = m_allWrappedHosts.get(r);
684         return (wrapped == null) ? r : wrapped;
685     }
687     /**
688      * Gets the candidates associated with a given requirement.
689      *
690      * @param req the requirement whose candidates are desired.
691      * @return the matching candidates or null.
692      */
getCandidates(Requirement req)693     public List<Capability> getCandidates(Requirement req)
694     {
695         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
696         if (candidates != null)
697         {
698             return candidates.getRemainingCandidates();
699         }
700         return null;
701     }
getFirstCandidate(Requirement req)703     public Capability getFirstCandidate(Requirement req)
704     {
705         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
706         if (candidates != null && !candidates.isEmpty())
707         {
708             return candidates.getCurrentCandidate();
709         }
710         return null;
711     }
removeFirstCandidate(Requirement req)713     public void removeFirstCandidate(Requirement req)
714     {
715         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
716         // Remove the conflicting candidate.
717         Capability cap = candidates.removeCurrentCandidate();
718         if (candidates.isEmpty())
719         {
720             m_candidateMap.remove(req);
721         }
722         // Update the delta with the removed capability
723         CopyOnWriteSet<Capability> capPath = m_delta.getOrCompute(req);
724         capPath.add(cap);
725     }
clearMultipleCardinalityCandidates(Requirement req, Collection<Capability> caps)727     public CandidateSelector clearMultipleCardinalityCandidates(Requirement req, Collection<Capability> caps)
728     {
729         // this is a special case where we need to completely replace the CandidateSelector
730         // this method should never be called from normal Candidates permutations
731         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
732         List<Capability> remaining = new ArrayList<Capability>(candidates.getRemainingCandidates());
733         remaining.removeAll(caps);
734         candidates = new CandidateSelector(remaining, m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable);
735         m_candidateMap.put(req, candidates);
736         return candidates;
737     }
739     /**
740      * Merges fragments into their hosts. It does this by wrapping all host
741      * modules and attaching their selected fragments, removing all unselected
742      * fragment modules, and replacing all occurrences of the original fragments
743      * in the internal data structures with the wrapped host modules instead.
744      * Thus, fragment capabilities and requirements are merged into the
745      * appropriate host and the candidates for the fragment now become
746      * candidates for the host. Likewise, any module depending on a fragment now
747      * depend on the host. Note that this process is sort of like
748      * multiplication, since one fragment that can attach to two hosts
749      * effectively gets multiplied across the two hosts. So, any modules being
750      * satisfied by the fragment will end up having the two hosts as potential
751      * candidates, rather than the single fragment.
752      *
753      * @return  ResolutionError if the removal of any unselected fragments
754      * result in the root module being unable to resolve.
755      */
prepare()756     public ResolutionError prepare()
757     {
758         // Maps a host capability to a map containing its potential fragments;
759         // the fragment map maps a fragment symbolic name to a map that maps
760         // a version to a list of fragments requirements matching that symbolic
761         // name and version.
762         Map<Capability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>> hostFragments =
763             getHostFragments();
765         // This method performs the following steps:
766         // 1. Select the fragments to attach to a given host.
767         // 2. Wrap hosts and attach fragments.
768         // 3. Remove any unselected fragments. This is necessary because
769         //    other revisions may depend on the capabilities of unselected
770         //    fragments, so we need to remove the unselected fragments and
771         //    any revisions that depends on them, which could ultimately cause
772         //    the entire resolve to fail.
773         // 4. Replace all fragments with any host it was merged into
774         //    (effectively multiplying it).
775         //    * This includes setting candidates for attached fragment
776         //      requirements as well as replacing fragment capabilities
777         //      with host's attached fragment capabilities.
778         // Steps 1 and 2
779         List<WrappedResource> hostResources = new ArrayList<WrappedResource>();
780         List<Resource> unselectedFragments = new ArrayList<Resource>();
781         for (Entry<Capability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>> hostEntry : hostFragments.entrySet())
782         {
783             // Step 1
784             Capability hostCap = hostEntry.getKey();
785             Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>> fragments =
786                 hostEntry.getValue();
787             List<Resource> selectedFragments = new ArrayList<Resource>();
788             for (Entry<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>> fragEntry
789                 : fragments.entrySet())
790             {
791                 boolean isFirst = true;
792                 for (Entry<Version, List<Requirement>> versionEntry
793                     : fragEntry.getValue().entrySet())
794                 {
795                     for (Requirement hostReq : versionEntry.getValue())
796                     {
797                         // Selecting the first fragment in each entry, which
798                         // is equivalent to selecting the highest version of
799                         // each fragment with a given symbolic name.
800                         if (isFirst)
801                         {
802                             selectedFragments.add(hostReq.getResource());
803                             isFirst = false;
804                         }
805                         // For any fragment that wasn't selected, remove the
806                         // current host as a potential host for it and remove it
807                         // as a dependent on the host. If there are no more
808                         // potential hosts for the fragment, then mark it as
809                         // unselected for later removal.
810                         else
811                         {
812                             m_dependentMap.get(hostCap).remove(hostReq);
813                             CandidateSelector hosts = removeCandidate(hostReq, hostCap);
814                             if (hosts.isEmpty())
815                             {
816                                 unselectedFragments.add(hostReq.getResource());
817                             }
818                         }
819                     }
820                 }
821             }
823             // Step 2
824             WrappedResource wrappedHost =
825                 new WrappedResource(hostCap.getResource(), selectedFragments);
826             hostResources.add(wrappedHost);
827             m_allWrappedHosts.put(hostCap.getResource(), wrappedHost);
828         }
830         // Step 3
831         for (Resource fragment : unselectedFragments)
832         {
833             removeResource(fragment, new FragmentNotSelectedError(fragment));
834         }
836         // Step 4
837         // First copy candidates for wrapped requirements to the host.
838         for (WrappedResource hostResource : hostResources) {
839             for (Requirement r : hostResource.getRequirements(null))
840             {
841                 Requirement origReq = ((WrappedRequirement) r).getDeclaredRequirement();
842                 CandidateSelector cands = m_candidateMap.get(origReq);
843                 if (cands != null)
844                 {
845                     if (cands instanceof ShadowList)
846                     {
847                         m_candidateMap.put(r, ShadowList.deepCopy((ShadowList) cands));
848                     } else {
849                         m_candidateMap.put(r, cands.copy());
850                     }
851                     for (Capability cand : cands.getRemainingCandidates())
852                     {
853                         Set<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(cand);
854                         dependents.remove(origReq);
855                         dependents.add(r);
856                     }
857                 }
858             }
859         }
861         for (WrappedResource hostResource : hostResources)
862         {
863             // Replaces capabilities from fragments with the capabilities
864             // from the merged host.
865             for (Capability c : hostResource.getCapabilities(null))
866             {
867                 // Don't replace the host capability, since the fragment will
868                 // really be attached to the original host, not the wrapper.
869                 if (!c.getNamespace().equals(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE))
870                 {
871                     Capability origCap = ((HostedCapability) c).getDeclaredCapability();
872                     // Note that you might think we could remove the original cap
873                     // from the dependent map, but you can't since it may come from
874                     // a fragment that is attached to multiple hosts, so each host
875                     // will need to make their own copy.
876                     CopyOnWriteSet<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(origCap);
877                     if (dependents != null)
878                     {
879                         dependents = new CopyOnWriteSet<Requirement>(dependents);
880                         m_dependentMap.put(c, dependents);
881                         for (Requirement r : dependents)
882                         {
883                             // We have synthesized hosted capabilities for all
884                             // fragments that have been attached to hosts by
885                             // wrapping the host bundle and their attached
886                             // fragments. We need to use the ResolveContext to
887                             // determine the proper priority order for hosted
888                             // capabilities since the order may depend on the
889                             // declaring host/fragment combination. However,
890                             // internally we completely wrap the host revision
891                             // and make all capabilities/requirements point back
892                             // to the wrapped host not the declaring host. The
893                             // ResolveContext expects HostedCapabilities to point
894                             // to the declaring revision, so we need two separate
895                             // candidate lists: one for the ResolveContext with
896                             // HostedCapabilities pointing back to the declaring
897                             // host and one for the resolver with HostedCapabilities
898                             // pointing back to the wrapped host. We ask the
899                             // ResolveContext to insert its appropriate HostedCapability
900                             // into its list, then we mirror the insert into a
901                             // shadow list with the resolver's HostedCapability.
902                             // We only need to ask the ResolveContext to find
903                             // the insert position for fragment caps since these
904                             // were synthesized and we don't know their priority.
905                             // However, in the resolver's candidate list we need
906                             // to replace all caps with the wrapped caps, no
907                             // matter if they come from the host or fragment,
908                             // since we are completing replacing the declaring
909                             // host and fragments with the wrapped host.
910                             CandidateSelector cands = m_candidateMap.get(r);
911                             ShadowList shadow;
912                             if (!(cands instanceof ShadowList))
913                             {
914                                 shadow = ShadowList.createShadowList(cands);
915                                 m_candidateMap.put(r, shadow);
916                                 cands = shadow;
917                             }
918                             else
919                             {
920                                 shadow = (ShadowList) cands;
921                             }
923                             // If the original capability is from a fragment, then
924                             // ask the ResolveContext to insert it and update the
925                             // shadow copy of the list accordingly.
926                             if (!origCap.getResource().equals(hostResource.getDeclaredResource()))
927                             {
928                                 shadow.insertHostedCapability(
929                                         m_session.getContext(),
930                                         (HostedCapability) c,
931                                         new SimpleHostedCapability(
932                                                 hostResource.getDeclaredResource(),
933                                                 origCap));
934                             }
935                             // If the original capability is from the host, then
936                             // we just need to replace it in the shadow list.
937                             else
938                             {
939                                 shadow.replace(origCap, c);
940                             }
941                         }
942                     }
943                 }
944             }
945         }
947         // Lastly, verify that all mandatory revisions are still
948         // populated, since some might have become unresolved after
949         // selecting fragments/singletons.
950         for (Resource resource : m_session.getMandatoryResources())
951         {
952             if (!isPopulated(resource))
953             {
954                 return getResolutionError(resource);
955             }
956         }
958         populateSubstitutables();
960         m_candidateMap.trim();
961         m_dependentMap.trim();
963         // mark the selectors as unmodifiable now
964         m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable.set(true);
965         return null;
966     }
968     // Maps a host capability to a map containing its potential fragments;
969     // the fragment map maps a fragment symbolic name to a map that maps
970     // a version to a list of fragments requirements matching that symbolic
971     // name and version.
getHostFragments()972     private Map<Capability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>> getHostFragments()
973     {
974         Map<Capability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>> hostFragments =
975             new HashMap<Capability, Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>>();
976         for (Entry<Requirement, CandidateSelector> entry : m_candidateMap.fast())
977         {
978             Requirement req = entry.getKey();
979             CandidateSelector caps = entry.getValue();
980             for (Capability cap : caps.getRemainingCandidates())
981             {
982                 // Keep track of hosts and associated fragments.
983                 if (req.getNamespace().equals(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE))
984                 {
985                     String resSymName = Util.getSymbolicName(req.getResource());
986                     Version resVersion = Util.getVersion(req.getResource());
988                     Map<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>> fragments = hostFragments.get(cap);
989                     if (fragments == null)
990                     {
991                         fragments = new HashMap<String, Map<Version, List<Requirement>>>();
992                         hostFragments.put(cap, fragments);
993                     }
994                     Map<Version, List<Requirement>> fragmentVersions = fragments.get(resSymName);
995                     if (fragmentVersions == null)
996                     {
997                         fragmentVersions =
998                             new TreeMap<Version, List<Requirement>>(Collections.reverseOrder());
999                         fragments.put(resSymName, fragmentVersions);
1000                     }
1001                     List<Requirement> actual = fragmentVersions.get(resVersion);
1002                     if (actual == null)
1003                     {
1004                         actual = new ArrayList<Requirement>();
1005                         if (resVersion == null)
1006                             resVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0);
1007                         fragmentVersions.put(resVersion, actual);
1008                     }
1009                     actual.add(req);
1010                 }
1011             }
1012         }
1014         return hostFragments;
1015     }
1017     /**
1018      * Removes a module from the internal data structures if it wasn't selected
1019      * as a fragment or a singleton. This process may cause other modules to
1020      * become unresolved if they depended on the module's capabilities and there
1021      * is no other candidate.
1022      *
1023      * @param resource the module to remove.
1024      * @param ex the resolution error
1025      */
removeResource(Resource resource, ResolutionError ex)1026     private void removeResource(Resource resource, ResolutionError ex)
1027     {
1028         // Add removal reason to result cache.
1029         PopulateResult result = m_populateResultCache.get(resource);
1030         result.success = false;
1031         result.error = ex;
1032         // Remove from dependents.
1033         Set<Resource> unresolvedResources = new HashSet<Resource>();
1034         remove(resource, unresolvedResources);
1035         // Remove dependents that failed as a result of removing revision.
1036         while (!unresolvedResources.isEmpty())
1037         {
1038             Iterator<Resource> it = unresolvedResources.iterator();
1039             resource = it.next();
1040             it.remove();
1041             remove(resource, unresolvedResources);
1042         }
1043     }
1045     /**
1046      * Removes the specified module from the internal data structures, which
1047      * involves removing its requirements and its capabilities. This may cause
1048      * other modules to become unresolved as a result.
1049      *
1050      * @param resource the module to remove.
1051      * @param unresolvedResources a list to containing any additional modules
1052      * that that became unresolved as a result of removing this module and will
1053      * also need to be removed.
1054      */
remove(Resource resource, Set<Resource> unresolvedResources)1055     private void remove(Resource resource, Set<Resource> unresolvedResources)
1056     {
1057         for (Requirement r : resource.getRequirements(null))
1058         {
1059             remove(r);
1060         }
1062         for (Capability c : resource.getCapabilities(null))
1063         {
1064             remove(c, unresolvedResources);
1065         }
1066     }
1068     /**
1069      * Removes a requirement from the internal data structures.
1070      *
1071      * @param req the requirement to remove.
1072      */
remove(Requirement req)1073     private void remove(Requirement req)
1074     {
1075         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.remove(req);
1076         if (candidates != null)
1077         {
1078             for (Capability cap : candidates.getRemainingCandidates())
1079             {
1080                 Set<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(cap);
1081                 if (dependents != null)
1082                 {
1083                     dependents.remove(req);
1084                 }
1085             }
1086         }
1087     }
1089     /**
1090      * Removes a capability from the internal data structures. This may cause
1091      * other modules to become unresolved as a result.
1092      *
1093      * @param c the capability to remove.
1094      * @param unresolvedResources a list to containing any additional modules
1095      * that that became unresolved as a result of removing this module and will
1096      * also need to be removed.
1097      */
remove(Capability c, Set<Resource> unresolvedResources)1098     private void remove(Capability c, Set<Resource> unresolvedResources)
1099     {
1100         Set<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.remove(c);
1101         if (dependents != null)
1102         {
1103             for (Requirement r : dependents)
1104             {
1105                 CandidateSelector candidates = removeCandidate(r, c);
1106                 if (candidates.isEmpty())
1107                 {
1108                     m_candidateMap.remove(r);
1109                     if (!Util.isOptional(r))
1110                     {
1111                         PopulateResult result = m_populateResultCache.get(r.getResource());
1112                         if (result != null)
1113                         {
1114                             result.success = false;
1115                             result.error =
1116                                     new MissingRequirementError(r, m_populateResultCache.get(c.getResource()).error);
1117                         }
1118                         unresolvedResources.add(r.getResource());
1119                     }
1120                 }
1121             }
1122         }
1123     }
removeCandidate(Requirement req, Capability cap)1125     private CandidateSelector removeCandidate(Requirement req, Capability cap) {
1126         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
1127         candidates.remove(cap);
1128         return candidates;
1129     }
1131     /**
1132      * Creates a copy of the Candidates object. This is used for creating
1133      * permutations when package space conflicts are discovered.
1134      *
1135      * @return copy of this Candidates object.
1136      */
copy()1137     public Candidates copy()
1138     {
1139         return new Candidates(
1140                 m_session,
1141                 m_candidateSelectorsUnmodifiable,
1142                 m_dependentMap,
1143                 m_candidateMap.deepClone(),
1144                 m_allWrappedHosts,
1145                 m_populateResultCache,
1146                 m_subtitutableMap,
1147                 m_delta.deepClone());
1148     }
dump(ResolveContext rc)1150     public void dump(ResolveContext rc)
1151     {
1152         // Create set of all revisions from requirements.
1153         Set<Resource> resources = new CopyOnWriteSet<Resource>();
1154         for (Entry<Requirement, CandidateSelector> entry
1155             : m_candidateMap.entrySet())
1156         {
1157             resources.add(entry.getKey().getResource());
1158         }
1159         // Now dump the revisions.
1160         System.out.println("=== BEGIN CANDIDATE MAP ===");
1161         for (Resource resource : resources)
1162         {
1163             Wiring wiring = rc.getWirings().get(resource);
1164             System.out.println("  " + resource
1165                 + " (" + ((wiring != null) ? "RESOLVED)" : "UNRESOLVED)"));
1166             List<Requirement> reqs = (wiring != null)
1167                 ? wiring.getResourceRequirements(null)
1168                 : resource.getRequirements(null);
1169             for (Requirement req : reqs)
1170             {
1171                 CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
1172                 if ((candidates != null) && (!candidates.isEmpty()))
1173                 {
1174                     System.out.println("    " + req + ": " + candidates);
1175                 }
1176             }
1177             reqs = (wiring != null)
1178                 ? Util.getDynamicRequirements(wiring.getResourceRequirements(null))
1179                 : Util.getDynamicRequirements(resource.getRequirements(null));
1180             for (Requirement req : reqs)
1181             {
1182                 CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
1183                 if ((candidates != null) && (!candidates.isEmpty()))
1184                 {
1185                     System.out.println("    " + req + ": " + candidates);
1186                 }
1187             }
1188         }
1189         System.out.println("=== END CANDIDATE MAP ===");
1190     }
permutate(Requirement req)1192     public Candidates permutate(Requirement req)
1193     {
1194         if (!Util.isMultiple(req) && canRemoveCandidate(req))
1195         {
1196             Candidates perm = copy();
1197             perm.removeFirstCandidate(req);
1198             return perm;
1199         }
1200         return null;
1201     }
canRemoveCandidate(Requirement req)1203     public boolean canRemoveCandidate(Requirement req)
1204     {
1205         CandidateSelector candidates = m_candidateMap.get(req);
1206         if (candidates != null)
1207         {
1208             Capability current = candidates.getCurrentCandidate();
1209             if (current != null)
1210             {
1211                 // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE:
1212                 // Here we check for a req that is used for a substitutable export.
1213                 // If we find a substitutable req then an extra check is done to see
1214                 // if the substitutable capability is currently depended on as the
1215                 // only provider of some other requirement.  If it is then we do not
1216                 // allow the candidate to be removed.
1217                 // This is done because of the way we attempt to reduce permutations
1218                 // checked by permuting all used requirements that conflict with a
1219                 // directly imported/required capability in one go.
1220                 // If we allowed these types of substitutable requirements to move
1221                 // to the next capability then the permutation would be thrown out
1222                 // because it would cause some other resource to not resolve.
1223                 // That in turn would throw out the complete permutation along with
1224                 // any follow on permutations that could have resulted.
1225                 // See ResolverImpl::checkPackageSpaceConsistency
1227                 // Check if the current candidate is substitutable by the req;
1228                 // This check is necessary here because of the way we traverse used blames
1229                 // allows multiple requirements to be permuted in one Candidates
1230                 if (req.equals(m_subtitutableMap.get(current)))
1231                 {
1232                     // this is a substitute req,
1233                     // make sure there is not an existing dependency that would fail if we substitute
1234                     Set<Requirement> dependents = m_dependentMap.get(current);
1235                     if (dependents != null)
1236                     {
1237                         for (Requirement dependent : dependents)
1238                         {
1239                             CandidateSelector dependentSelector = m_candidateMap.get(
1240                                     dependent);
1241                             // If the dependent selector only has one capability left then check if
1242                             // the current candidate is the selector's current candidate.
1243                             if (dependentSelector != null
1244                                     && dependentSelector.getRemainingCandidateCount() <= 1)
1245                             {
1246                                 if (current.equals(
1247                                         dependentSelector.getCurrentCandidate()))
1248                                 {
1249                                     // return false since we do not want to allow this requirement
1250                                     // to substitute the capability
1251                                     return false;
1252                                 }
1253                             }
1254                         }
1255                     }
1256                 }
1257             }
1258             return candidates.getRemainingCandidateCount() > 1 || Util.isOptional(req);
1259         }
1260         return false;
1261     }
1263     static class DynamicImportFailed extends ResolutionError {
1265         private final Requirement requirement;
DynamicImportFailed(Requirement requirement)1267         public DynamicImportFailed(Requirement requirement) {
1268             this.requirement = requirement;
1269         }
getMessage()1271         public String getMessage() {
1272             return "Dynamic import failed.";
1273         }
getUnresolvedRequirements()1275         public Collection<Requirement> getUnresolvedRequirements() {
1276             return Collections.singleton(requirement);
1277         }
1279         @Override
toException()1280         public ResolutionException toException() {
1281             return new ReasonException(ReasonException.Reason.DynamicImport, getMessage(), null, getUnresolvedRequirements());
1282         }
1284     }
1286     static class FragmentNotSelectedError extends ResolutionError {
1288         private final Resource resource;
FragmentNotSelectedError(Resource resource)1290         public FragmentNotSelectedError(Resource resource) {
1291             this.resource = resource;
1292         }
getMessage()1294         public String getMessage() {
1295             return "Fragment was not selected for attachment: " + resource;
1296         }
1298         @Override
getUnresolvedRequirements()1299         public Collection<Requirement> getUnresolvedRequirements() {
1300             return resource.getRequirements(HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE);
1301         }
1303         @Override
toException()1304         public ResolutionException toException() {
1305             return new ReasonException(ReasonException.Reason.FragmentNotSelected, getMessage(), null, getUnresolvedRequirements());
1306         }
1308     }
1310     static class MissingRequirementError extends ResolutionError {
1312         private final Requirement requirement;
1313         private final ResolutionError cause;
MissingRequirementError(Requirement requirement)1315         public MissingRequirementError(Requirement requirement) {
1316             this(requirement, null);
1317         }
MissingRequirementError(Requirement requirement, ResolutionError cause)1319         public MissingRequirementError(Requirement requirement, ResolutionError cause) {
1320             this.requirement = requirement;
1321             this.cause = cause;
1322         }
getMessage()1324         public String getMessage() {
1325             String msg = "Unable to resolve " + requirement.getResource()
1326                     + ": missing requirement " + requirement;
1327             if (cause != null)
1328             {
1329                 msg = msg + " [caused by: " + cause.getMessage() + "]";
1330             }
1331             return msg;
1332         }
getUnresolvedRequirements()1334         public Collection<Requirement> getUnresolvedRequirements() {
1335             return Collections.singleton(requirement);
1336         }
1338         @Override
toException()1339         public ResolutionException toException() {
1340             return new ReasonException(
1341                 ReasonException.Reason.MissingRequirement, getMessage(), cause != null ? cause.toException() : null, getUnresolvedRequirements());
1342         }
1344     }
1346 }