2Module implementing geometry classes
4from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
5from math import ceil
7import shapely.geometry
8import shapely.ops
9import shapely.wkt
11from .constants import CRS
12from .geo_utils import transform_point
15class BaseGeometry(ABC):
16    """ Base geometry class
17    """
18    def __init__(self, crs):
19        """
20        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the geometry
21        :type crs: constants.CRS
22        """
23        self._crs = CRS(crs)
25    @property
26    def crs(self):
27        """ Returns the coordinate reference system (CRS)
29        :return: Coordinate reference system Enum
30        :rtype: constants.CRS
31        """
32        return self._crs
34    @property
35    @abstractmethod
36    def geometry(self):
37        """ An abstract property - ever subclass must implement geometry property
38        """
39        raise NotImplementedError
41    @property
42    def geojson(self):
43        """ Returns representation in a GeoJSON format. Use json.dump for writing it to file.
45        :return: A dictionary in GeoJSON format
46        :rtype: dict
47        """
48        return self.get_geojson(with_crs=True)
50    def get_geojson(self, with_crs=True):
51        """ Returns representation in a GeoJSON format. Use json.dump for writing it to file.
53        :param with_crs: A flag indicating if GeoJSON dictionary should contain CRS part
54        :type with_crs: bool
55        :return: A dictionary in GeoJSON format
56        :rtype: dict
57        """
58        geometry_geojson = shapely.geometry.mapping(self.geometry)
60        if with_crs:
61            return {
62                **self._crs_to_geojson(),
63                **geometry_geojson
64            }
65        return geometry_geojson
67    def _crs_to_geojson(self):
68        """ Helper method which generates part of GeoJSON format related to CRS
69        """
70        return {
71            'crs': {
72                'type': 'name',
73                'properties': {'name': f'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::{self.crs.value}'}
74            }
75        }
77    @property
78    def wkt(self):
79        """ Transforms geometry object into `Well-known text` format
81        :return: string in WKT format
82        :rtype: str
83        """
84        return self.geometry.wkt
87class BBox(BaseGeometry):
88    """ Class representing a bounding box in a given CRS.
90    Throughout the sentinelhub package this class serves as the canonical representation of a bounding
91    box. It can initialize itself from multiple representations:
93        1) ``((min_x,min_y),(max_x,max_y))``,
94        2) ``(min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y)``,
95        3) ``[min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y]``,
96        4) ``[[min_x, min_y],[max_x,max_y]]``,
97        5) ``[(min_x, min_y),(max_x,max_y)]``,
98        6) ``([min_x, min_y],[max_x,max_y])``,
99        7) ``'min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y'``,
100        8) ``{'min_x':min_x, 'max_x':max_x, 'min_y':min_y, 'max_y':max_y}``,
101        9) ``bbox``, where ``bbox`` is an instance of ``BBox``.
103    Note that BBox coordinate system depends on ``crs`` parameter:
105    - In case of ``constants.CRS.WGS84`` axis x represents longitude and axis y represents latitude
106    - In case of ``constants.CRS.POP_WEB`` axis x represents easting and axis y represents northing
107    - In case of ``constants.CRS.UTM_*`` axis x represents easting and axis y represents northing
108    """
109    def __init__(self, bbox, crs):
110        """
111        :param bbox: A bbox in any valid representation
112        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the bounding box
113        :type crs: constants.CRS
114        """
115        x_fst, y_fst, x_snd, y_snd = BBox._to_tuple(bbox)
116        self.min_x = min(x_fst, x_snd)
117        self.max_x = max(x_fst, x_snd)
118        self.min_y = min(y_fst, y_snd)
119        self.max_y = max(y_fst, y_snd)
121        super().__init__(crs)
123    def __iter__(self):
124        """ This method enables iteration over coordinates of bounding box
125        """
126        return iter(self.lower_left + self.upper_right)
128    def __repr__(self):
129        """ Class representation
130        """
131        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(({self.lower_left}, {self.upper_right}), crs={repr(self.crs)})'
133    def __str__(self, reverse=False):
134        """ Transforms bounding box into a string of coordinates
136        :param reverse: `True` if x and y coordinates should be switched and `False` otherwise
137        :type reverse: bool
138        :return: String of coordinates
139        :rtype: str
140        """
141        if reverse:
142            return f'{self.min_y},{self.min_x},{self.max_y},{self.max_x}'
143        return f'{self.min_x},{self.min_y},{self.max_x},{self.max_y}'
145    def __eq__(self, other):
146        """ Method for comparing two bounding boxes
148        :param other: Another bounding box object
149        :type other: BBox
150        :return: `True` if bounding boxes have the same coordinates and the same CRS and `False otherwise
151        :rtype: bool
152        """
153        if not isinstance(other, BBox):
154            return False
155        return list(self) == list(other) and self.crs is other.crs
157    @property
158    def lower_left(self):
159        """ Returns the lower left vertex of the bounding box
161        :return: min_x, min_y
162        :rtype: (float, float)
163        """
164        return self.min_x, self.min_y
166    @property
167    def upper_right(self):
168        """ Returns the upper right vertex of the bounding box
170        :return: max_x, max_y
171        :rtype: (float, float)
172        """
173        return self.max_x, self.max_y
175    @property
176    def middle(self):
177        """ Returns the middle point of the bounding box
179        :return: middle point
180        :rtype: (float, float)
181        """
182        return (self.min_x + self.max_x) / 2, (self.min_y + self.max_y) / 2
184    def reverse(self):
185        """ Returns a new BBox object where x and y coordinates are switched
187        :return: New BBox object with switched coordinates
188        :rtype: BBox
189        """
190        return BBox((self.min_y, self.min_x, self.max_y, self.max_x), crs=self.crs)
192    def transform(self, crs, always_xy=True):
193        """ Transforms BBox from current CRS to target CRS
195        This transformation will take lower left and upper right corners of the bounding box, transform these 2 points
196        and define a new bounding box with them. The resulting bounding box might not completely cover the original
197        bounding box but at least the transformation is reversible.
199        :param crs: target CRS
200        :type crs: constants.CRS
201        :param always_xy: Parameter that is passed to `pyproj.Transformer` object and defines axis order for
202            transformation. The default value `True` is in most cases the correct one.
203        :type always_xy: bool
204        :return: Bounding box in target CRS
205        :rtype: BBox
206        """
207        new_crs = CRS(crs)
208        return BBox((transform_point(self.lower_left, self.crs, new_crs, always_xy=always_xy),
209                     transform_point(self.upper_right, self.crs, new_crs, always_xy=always_xy)), crs=new_crs)
211    def transform_bounds(self, crs, always_xy=True):
212        """ Alternative way to transform BBox from current CRS to target CRS.
214        This transformation will transform the bounding box geometry to another CRS as a geometric object, and then
215        define a new bounding box from boundaries of that geometry. The resulting bounding box might be larger than
216        original bounding box but it will always completely cover it.
218        :param crs: target CRS
219        :type crs: constants.CRS
220        :param always_xy: Parameter that is passed to `pyproj.Transformer` object and defines axis order for
221            transformation. The default value `True` is in most cases the correct one.
222        :type always_xy: bool
223        :return: Bounding box in target CRS
224        :rtype: BBox
225        """
226        bbox_geometry = Geometry(self.geometry, self.crs)
227        bbox_geometry = bbox_geometry.transform(crs, always_xy=always_xy)
228        return bbox_geometry.bbox
230    def buffer(self, buffer):
231        """ Changes both BBox dimensions (width and height) by a percentage of size of each dimension. If number is
232        negative, the size will decrease. Returns a new instance of BBox object.
234        :param buffer: A percentage of BBox size change
235        :type buffer: float
236        :return: A new bounding box of buffered size
237        :rtype: BBox
238        """
239        if buffer < -1:
240            raise ValueError('Cannot reduce the bounding box to nothing, buffer must be >= -1.0')
241        ratio = 1 + buffer
242        mid_x, mid_y = self.middle
243        return BBox((mid_x - (mid_x - self.min_x) * ratio, mid_y - (mid_y - self.min_y) * ratio,
244                     mid_x + (self.max_x - mid_x) * ratio, mid_y + (self.max_y - mid_y) * ratio), self.crs)
246    def get_polygon(self, reverse=False):
247        """ Returns a tuple of coordinates of 5 points describing a polygon. Points are listed in clockwise order, first
248        point is the same as the last.
250        :param reverse: `True` if x and y coordinates should be switched and `False` otherwise
251        :type reverse: bool
252        :return: `((x_1, y_1), ... , (x_5, y_5))`
253        :rtype: tuple(tuple(float))
254        """
255        bbox = self.reverse() if reverse else self
256        polygon = ((bbox.min_x, bbox.min_y),
257                   (bbox.min_x, bbox.max_y),
258                   (bbox.max_x, bbox.max_y),
259                   (bbox.max_x, bbox.min_y),
260                   (bbox.min_x, bbox.min_y))
261        return polygon
263    @property
264    def geometry(self):
265        """ Returns polygon geometry in shapely format
267        :return: A polygon in shapely format
268        :rtype: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
269        """
270        return shapely.geometry.Polygon(self.get_polygon())
272    def get_partition(self, num_x=None, num_y=None, size_x=None, size_y=None):
273        """ Partitions bounding box into smaller bounding boxes of the same size.
275        If `num_x` and `num_y` are specified, the total number of BBoxes is know but not the size. If `size_x` and
276        `size_y` are provided, the BBox size is fixed but the number of BBoxes is not known in advance. In the latter
277        case, the generated bounding boxes might cover an area larger than the parent BBox.
279        :param num_x: Number of parts BBox will be horizontally divided into.
280        :type num_x: int or None
281        :param num_y: Number of parts BBox will be vertically divided into.
282        :type num_y: int or None
283        :param size_x: Physical dimension of BBox along easting coordinate
284        :type size_x: float or None
285        :param size_y: Physical dimension of BBox along northing coordinate
286        :type size_y: float or None
287        :return: Two-dimensional list of smaller bounding boxes. Their location is
288        :rtype: list(list(BBox))
289        """
290        if (num_x is not None and num_y is not None) and (size_x is None and size_y is None):
291            size_x, size_y = (self.max_x - self.min_x) / num_x, (self.max_y - self.min_y) / num_y
292        elif (size_x is not None and size_y is not None) and (num_x is None and num_y is None):
293            num_x, num_y = ceil((self.max_x - self.min_x) / size_x), ceil((self.max_y - self.min_y) / size_y)
294        else:
295            raise ValueError('Not supported partition. Either (num_x, num_y) or (size_x, size_y) must be specified')
297        return [[BBox([self.min_x + i * size_x, self.min_y + j * size_y,
298                       self.min_x + (i + 1) * size_x, self.min_y + (j + 1) * size_y],
299                      crs=self.crs) for j in range(num_y)] for i in range(num_x)]
301    def get_transform_vector(self, resx, resy):
302        """ Given resolution it returns a transformation vector
304        :param resx: Resolution in x direction
305        :type resx: float or int
306        :param resy: Resolution in y direction
307        :type resy: float or int
308        :return: A tuple with 6 numbers representing transformation vector
309        :rtype: tuple(float)
310        """
311        return self.min_x, self._parse_resolution(resx), 0, self.max_y, 0, -self._parse_resolution(resy)
313    @staticmethod
314    def _parse_resolution(res):
315        """ Helper method for parsing given resolution. It will also try to parse a string into float
317        :return: A float value of resolution
318        :rtype: float
319        """
320        if isinstance(res, str):
321            return float(res.strip('m'))
322        if isinstance(res, (int, float)):
323            return float(res)
325        raise TypeError(f'Resolution should be a float, got resolution of type {type(res)}')
327    @staticmethod
328    def _to_tuple(bbox):
329        """ Converts the input bbox representation (see the constructor docstring for a list of valid representations)
330        into a flat tuple
332        :param bbox: A bbox in one of 7 forms listed in the class description.
333        :return: A flat tuple of size
334        :raises: TypeError
335        """
336        if isinstance(bbox, (list, tuple)):
337            return BBox._tuple_from_list_or_tuple(bbox)
338        if isinstance(bbox, str):
339            return BBox._tuple_from_str(bbox)
340        if isinstance(bbox, dict):
341            return BBox._tuple_from_dict(bbox)
342        if isinstance(bbox, BBox):
343            return BBox._tuple_from_bbox(bbox)
344        if isinstance(bbox, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry):
345            return bbox.bounds
346        raise TypeError('Invalid bbox representation')
348    @staticmethod
349    def _tuple_from_list_or_tuple(bbox):
350        """ Converts a list or tuple representation of a bbox into a flat tuple representation.
352        :param bbox: a list or tuple with 4 coordinates that is either flat or nested
353        :return: tuple (min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y)
354        :raises: TypeError
355        """
356        if len(bbox) == 4:
357            return tuple(map(float, bbox))
358        if len(bbox) == 2 and all(isinstance(point, (list, tuple)) for point in bbox):
359            return BBox._tuple_from_list_or_tuple(bbox[0] + bbox[1])
360        raise TypeError('Expected a valid list or tuple representation of a bbox')
362    @staticmethod
363    def _tuple_from_str(bbox):
364        """ Parses a string of numbers separated by any combination of commas and spaces
366        :param bbox: e.g. str of the form `min_x ,min_y  max_x, max_y`
367        :return: tuple (min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y)
368        """
369        return tuple(float(s) for s in bbox.replace(',', ' ').split() if s)
371    @staticmethod
372    def _tuple_from_dict(bbox):
373        """ Converts a dictionary representation of a bbox into a flat tuple representation
375        :param bbox: a dict with keys "min_x, "min_y", "max_x", and "max_y"
376        :return: tuple (min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y)
377        :raises: KeyError
378        """
379        return bbox['min_x'], bbox['min_y'], bbox['max_x'], bbox['max_y']
381    @staticmethod
382    def _tuple_from_bbox(bbox):
383        """ Converts a BBox instance into a tuple
385        :param bbox: An instance of the BBox type
386        :return: tuple (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)
387        """
388        return bbox.lower_left + bbox.upper_right
391class Geometry(BaseGeometry):
392    """ A class that combines shapely geometry with coordinate reference system. It currently supports polygons and
393    multipolygons.
395    It can be initialize with any of the following geometry representations:
396    - `shapely.geometry.Polygon` or `shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon`
397    - A GeoJSON dictionary with (multi)polygon coordinates
398    - A WKT string with (multi)polygon coordinates
399    """
400    def __init__(self, geometry, crs):
401        """
402        :param geometry: A polygon or multipolygon in any valid representation
403        :type geometry: shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon or dict or str
404        :param crs: Coordinate reference system of the geometry
405        :type crs: constants.CRS
406        """
407        self._geometry = self._parse_geometry(geometry)
409        super().__init__(crs)
411    def __repr__(self):
412        """ Method for class representation
413        """
414        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.wkt}, crs={repr(self.crs)})'
416    def __eq__(self, other):
417        """ Method for comparing two Geometry classes
419        :param other: Another Geometry object
420        :type other: Geometry
421        :return: `True` if geometry objects have the same geometry and CRS and `False` otherwise
422        :rtype: bool
423        """
424        if not isinstance(other, Geometry):
425            return False
426        return self.geometry == other.geometry and self.crs is other.crs
428    def reverse(self):
429        """ Returns a new Geometry object where x and y coordinates are switched
431        :return: New Geometry object with switched coordinates
432        :rtype: Geometry
433        """
434        return Geometry(shapely.ops.transform(lambda x, y: (y, x), self.geometry), crs=self.crs)
436    def transform(self, crs, always_xy=True):
437        """ Transforms Geometry from current CRS to target CRS
439        :param crs: target CRS
440        :type crs: constants.CRS
441        :param always_xy: Parameter that is passed to `pyproj.Transformer` object and defines axis order for
442            transformation. The default value `True` is in most cases the correct one.
443        :type always_xy: bool
444        :return: Geometry in target CRS
445        :rtype: Geometry
446        """
447        new_crs = CRS(crs)
449        geometry = self.geometry
450        if new_crs is not self.crs:
451            transform_function = self.crs.get_transform_function(new_crs, always_xy=always_xy)
452            geometry = shapely.ops.transform(transform_function, geometry)
454        return Geometry(geometry, crs=new_crs)
456    @classmethod
457    def from_geojson(cls, geojson, crs=None):
458        """ Create Geometry object from geojson. It will parse crs from geojson (if info is available),
459        otherwise it will be set to crs (WGS84 if parameter is empty)
461        :param geojson: geojson geometry (single feature)
462        :param crs: crs to be used if not available in geojson, CRS.WGS84 if not provided
463        :return: Geometry object
464        """
465        try:
466            crs = CRS(geojson['crs']['properties']['name'])
467        except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError):
468            pass
470        if not crs:
471            crs = CRS.WGS84
473        return cls(geojson, crs=crs)
475    @property
476    def geometry(self):
477        """ Returns shapely object representing geometry in this class
479        :return: A polygon or a multipolygon in shapely format
480        :rtype: shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
481        """
482        return self._geometry
484    @property
485    def bbox(self):
486        """ Returns BBox object representing bounding box around the geometry
488        :return: A bounding box, with same CRS
489        :rtype: BBox
490        """
491        return BBox(self.geometry, self.crs)
493    @staticmethod
494    def _parse_geometry(geometry):
495        """ Parses given geometry into shapely object
497        :param geometry:
498        :return: Shapely polygon or multipolygon
499        :rtype: shapely.geometry.Polygon or shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
500        :raises TypeError
501        """
502        if isinstance(geometry, str):
503            geometry = shapely.wkt.loads(geometry)
504        elif isinstance(geometry, dict):
505            geometry = shapely.geometry.shape(geometry)
506        elif not isinstance(geometry, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry):
507            raise TypeError('Unsupported geometry representation')
509        if not isinstance(geometry, (shapely.geometry.Polygon, shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon)):
510            raise ValueError(f'Supported geometry types are polygon and multipolygon, got {type(geometry)}')
512        return geometry
515class BBoxCollection(BaseGeometry):
516    """ A collection of bounding boxes
517    """
518    def __init__(self, bbox_list):
519        """
520        :param bbox_list: A list of BBox objects which have to be in the same CRS
521        :type bbox_list: list(BBox)
522        """
523        self._bbox_list, crs = self._parse_bbox_list(bbox_list)
524        self._geometry = self._get_geometry()
526        super().__init__(crs)
528    def __repr__(self):
529        """ Method for class representation
530        """
531        bbox_list_repr = ', '.join([repr(bbox) for bbox in self.bbox_list])
532        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({bbox_list_repr})'
534    def __eq__(self, other):
535        """ Method for comparing two BBoxCollection classes
536        """
537        if not isinstance(other, BBoxCollection):
538            return False
539        return self.crs is other.crs and len(self.bbox_list) == len(other.bbox_list) and \
540            all(bbox == other_bbox for bbox, other_bbox in zip(self, other))
542    def __iter__(self):
543        """ This method enables iteration over bounding boxes in collection
544        """
545        return iter(self.bbox_list)
547    @property
548    def bbox_list(self):
549        """ Returns the list of bounding boxes from collection
551        :return: The list of bounding boxes
552        :rtype: list(BBox)
553        """
554        return self._bbox_list
556    @property
557    def geometry(self):
558        """ Returns shapely object representing geometry
560        :return: A multipolygon of bounding boxes
561        :rtype: shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon
562        """
563        return self._geometry
565    @property
566    def bbox(self):
567        """ Returns BBox object representing bounding box around the geometry
569        :return: A bounding box, with same CRS
570        :rtype: BBox
571        """
572        return BBox(self.geometry, self.crs)
574    def reverse(self):
575        """ Returns a new BBoxCollection object where all x and y coordinates are switched
577        :return: New Geometry object with switched coordinates
578        :rtype: BBoxCollection
579        """
580        return BBoxCollection([bbox.reverse() for bbox in self.bbox_list])
582    def transform(self, crs, always_xy=True):
583        """ Transforms BBoxCollection from current CRS to target CRS
585        :param crs: target CRS
586        :type crs: constants.CRS
587        :param always_xy: Parameter that is passed to `pyproj.Transformer` object and defines axis order for
588            transformation. The default value `True` is in most cases the correct one.
589        :type always_xy: bool
590        :return: BBoxCollection in target CRS
591        :rtype: BBoxCollection
592        """
593        return BBoxCollection([bbox.transform(crs, always_xy=always_xy) for bbox in self.bbox_list])
595    def _get_geometry(self):
596        """ Creates a multipolygon of bounding box polygons
597        """
598        return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon([bbox.geometry for bbox in self.bbox_list])
600    @staticmethod
601    def _parse_bbox_list(bbox_list):
602        """ Helper method for parsing a list of bounding boxes
603        """
604        if isinstance(bbox_list, BBoxCollection):
605            return bbox_list.bbox_list, bbox_list.crs
607        if not isinstance(bbox_list, list) or not bbox_list:
608            raise ValueError('Expected non-empty list of BBox objects')
610        for bbox in bbox_list:
611            if not isinstance(bbox, BBox):
612                raise ValueError(f'Elements in the list should be of type {BBox.__name__}, got {type(bbox)}')
614        crs = bbox_list[0].crs
615        for bbox in bbox_list:
616            if bbox.crs is not crs:
617                raise ValueError('All bounding boxes should have the same CRS')
619        return bbox_list, crs