1# Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see https://eclipse.org/sumo
2# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
3# SUMOPy module
4# Copyright (C) 2012-2017 University of Bologna - DICAM
5# This program and the accompanying materials
6# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
7# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
8# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
9# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
11# @file    routing.py
12# @author  Joerg Schweizer
13# @date
14# @version $Id$
16import os
17import numpy as np
19from agilepy.lib_base.processes import Process, CmlMixin, ff, call
22class priorityDictionary(dict):
23    def __init__(self):
24        '''Initialize priorityDictionary by creating binary heap
25            of pairs (value,key).  Note that changing or removing a dict entry will
26            not remove the old pair from the heap until it is found by smallest() or
27            until the heap is rebuilt.'''
28        self.__heap = []
29        dict.__init__(self)
31    def smallest(self):
32        '''Find smallest item after removing deleted items from heap.'''
33        if len(self) == 0:
34            raise IndexError, "smallest of empty priorityDictionary"
35        heap = self.__heap
36        while heap[0][1] not in self or self[heap[0][1]] != heap[0][0]:
37            lastItem = heap.pop()
38            insertionPoint = 0
39            while 1:
40                smallChild = 2*insertionPoint+1
41                if smallChild+1 < len(heap) and \
42                        heap[smallChild][0] > heap[smallChild+1][0]:
43                    smallChild += 1
44                if smallChild >= len(heap) or lastItem <= heap[smallChild]:
45                    heap[insertionPoint] = lastItem
46                    break
47                heap[insertionPoint] = heap[smallChild]
48                insertionPoint = smallChild
49        return heap[0][1]
51    def __iter__(self):
52        '''Create destructive sorted iterator of priorityDictionary.'''
53        def iterfn():
54            while len(self) > 0:
55                x = self.smallest()
56                yield x
57                del self[x]
58        return iterfn()
60    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
61        '''Change value stored in dictionary and add corresponding
62            pair to heap.  Rebuilds the heap if the number of deleted items grows
63            too large, to avoid memory leakage.'''
64        dict.__setitem__(self, key, val)
65        heap = self.__heap
66        if len(heap) > 2 * len(self):
67            self.__heap = [(v, k) for k, v in self.iteritems()]
68            self.__heap.sort()  # builtin sort likely faster than O(n) heapify
69        else:
70            newPair = (val, key)
71            insertionPoint = len(heap)
72            heap.append(None)
73            while insertionPoint > 0 and val < heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2][0]:
74                heap[insertionPoint] = heap[(insertionPoint-1)//2]
75                insertionPoint = (insertionPoint-1)//2
76            heap[insertionPoint] = newPair
78    def setdefault(self, key, val):
79        '''Reimplement setdefault to call our customized __setitem__.'''
80        if key not in self:
81            self[key] = val
82        return self[key]
84    def update(self, other):
85        for key in other.keys():
86            self[key] = other[key]
89def dijkstra(id_node_start, nodes, edges, ids_node_target=None,  weights={}):
90    """
91    OUTDATED!!! see edgedijkstra
92    Calculates minimum cost tree and minimum route costs from
93    id_node_start to all nodes of the network or to
94    target nodes given in set ids_node_target.
95    Attention does not take into consideration missing connectors!!
96    """
97    # print '\n\ndijkstraPlain',id_node_start.getID()
98    # dictionary of final distances
99    D = {}
100    # dictionary of predecessors
101    P = {}
102    # est.dist. of non-final vert.
103    Q = priorityDictionary()
104    Q[id_node_start] = 0
105    for v in Q:
106        D[v] = Q[v]
108        if ids_node_target is not None:
109            ids_node_target.discard(v)
110            # if ids_node_target.discard(v):
111            if len(ids_node_target) == 0:
112                return (D, P)
113        # print ' v=',v.getID(),len(v.getOutgoing())
114        for id_edge in nodes.ids_outgoing[v]:
115            # print '    ',edge.getID(),edge._to.getID()
116            w = edges.ids_tonode[id_edge]
117            #vwLength = D[v] + weights.get(edge,edge._cost)
118            vwLength = D[v] + weights.get(id_edge, edges.lengths[id_edge])
119            if w not in D and (w not in Q or vwLength < Q[w]):
120                Q[w] = vwLength
121                P[w] = id_edge
122    return (D, P)
125def edgedijkstra_backwards(id_edge_start, cost_limit,
126                           weights=None, bstar=None):
127    """
128    Calculates minimum cost tree and minimum route costs from
129    id_edge_start to all edges of the network or to
130    target edges given in set ids_edge_target.
132    """
133    ids_origin = set()
134    # print 'edgedijkstra_backwards id_edge_start',id_edge_start,'cost_limit',cost_limit
135    # dictionary of final distances
136    D = {}
138    # dictionary of predecessors
139    P = {}
140    # est.dist. of non-final vert.
142    if weights[id_edge_start] < 0:
143        print '  no access id_edge_start, weights', id_edge_start, weights[id_edge_start]
144        return ([], {}, {})
146    Q = priorityDictionary()
147    Q[id_edge_start] = weights[id_edge_start]
148    ids_edges_nochange = set()
149    for e in Q:
150        if (e not in ids_edges_nochange) & (e not in ids_origin):
152            D[e] = Q[e]
153            has_changed = False
155            # print '  --------------'
156            # print '  toedge',e,'ids_bedge',bstar[e]
157            # print '    D=',D
158            # print '    Q=',Q
159            if not bstar.has_key(e):
160                print 'WARNING in edgedijkstra: bstar has no edge', e
161                print 'routes = \n', P
162                return ([], None, P)
164            for id_edge in bstar[e]:
165                if 0:
166                    weight_tot = D[e] + weights[id_edge]
167                    newstate = '|'
168                    if id_edge not in D:
169                        newstate += '*D'
170                    if id_edge not in Q:
171                        newstate += '*Q'
172                    elif weight_tot < Q[id_edge]:
173                        newstate += '<Q'
174                    else:
175                        newstate += '>Q|'
176                    print '    id_bedge', id_edge, 'w=%.2f,w_tot=%.2f' % (
177                        weights[id_edge], weight_tot), weights[id_edge] >= 0, D[e] + weights[id_edge] < cost_limit, id_edge not in D, (id_edge not in Q or weight_tot < Q[id_edge]), newstate
179                if weights[id_edge] >= 0:  # edge accessible?
180                    weight_tot = D[e] + weights[id_edge]
181                    if weight_tot < cost_limit:
182                        if id_edge not in D and (id_edge not in Q or weight_tot < Q[id_edge]):
183                            Q[id_edge] = weight_tot
184                            P[id_edge] = e
185                            has_changed = True
186                    else:
187                        # print '   **found origin',e
188                        ids_origin.add(e)
190            # print '  has_changed',e,has_changed
191            if not has_changed:
192                #    break
193                ids_edges_nochange.add(e)
195    # print '  P',P
196    # print '  D',D
197    return (ids_origin, D, P)  # returns in tree with all reachable destinations
200def edgedijkstra(id_edge_start, ids_edge_target=None,
201                 weights=None, fstar=None):
202    """
203    Calculates minimum cost tree and minimum route costs from
204    id_edge_start to all edges of the network or to
205    target edges given in set ids_edge_target.
207    """
208    ids_target = ids_edge_target.copy()
209    # print 'edgedijkstra'
210    # dictionary of final distances
211    D = {}
213    # dictionary of predecessors
214    P = {}
215    # est.dist. of non-final vert.
217    if weights[id_edge_start] < 0:
218        print '  WARNING in edgedijkstra: no access id_edge_start, weights', id_edge_start, weights[id_edge_start]
219        return ({}, {})
221    Q = priorityDictionary()
222    Q[id_edge_start] = weights[id_edge_start]
224    for e in Q:
225        D[e] = Q[e]
227        if ids_target is not None:
228            ids_target.discard(e)
229            if len(ids_target) == 0:
230                return (D, P)
231        if not fstar.has_key(e):
232            print 'WARNING in edgedijkstra: fstar has no edge', e
233            print 'routes = \n', P
234            return (None, P)
235        for id_edge in fstar[e]:
236            if weights[id_edge] >= 0:  # edge accessible?
237                weight_tot = D[e] + weights[id_edge]
238                if id_edge not in D and (id_edge not in Q or weight_tot < Q[id_edge]):
239                    Q[id_edge] = weight_tot
240                    P[id_edge] = e
241    return (D, P)  # returns in tree with all reachable destinations
244def get_mincostroute_edge2edge(id_rootedge, id_targetedge, D=None, P=None,
245                               weights=None, fstar=None):
246    """
247    Returns cost and shortest path from rootedge to a specific targetedge.
248    D, P must be precalculated for rootnode with function dijkstraPlainEdge
250    """
251    if D is None:
252        D, P = edgedijkstra(id_rootedge, set([id_targetedge, ]),
253                            weights=weights, fstar=fstar)
255    route = [id_targetedge]
256    if not P.has_key(id_targetedge):
257        return 0.0, []
259    e = id_targetedge
260    while e != id_rootedge:
261        id_edge = P[e]
262        route.append(id_edge)
263        e = id_edge
264    # route.append(e)
265    route.reverse()
266    return D[id_targetedge], route
269def get_mincostroute_node2node(id_rootnode, id_targetnode, D, P, edges):
270    """
271    Returns cost and shortest path from rootnode to a specific targetnode.
272    D, P must be precalculated for rootnode with function dijkstraPlain
274    """
275    # print 'getMinCostRoute node_start=%s, edge_end =%s node_end=%s'%(rootnode.getID(),P[targetnode].getID(),targetnode.getID())
276    id_node = id_targetnode
277    route = []
278    if not P.has_key(id_targetnode):
279        return 0.0, []
281    while id_node != id_rootnode:
282        id_edge = P[id_node]
283        route.append(id_edge)
284        id_node = edges.ids_fromnode[id_edge]
286    # for edge in route:
287    #    print '        ',edge.getID()
288    route.reverse()
289    return D[id_targetnode], route
292def duaroute(tripfilepath, netfilepath, routefilepath, options='-v --ignore-errors'):
293    """
294    Simple shortes path duaoute function
295    """
296    #  do not use options: --repair --remove-loops
297    cmd = 'duarouter '+options+' --trip-files %s --net-file %s --output-file %s'\
298        % (ff(tripfilepath), ff(netfilepath), ff(routefilepath))
299    return call(cmd)
302def init_random(self, **kwargs):
303    optiongroup = 'random'
304    self.add_option('is_timeseed', kwargs.get('is_timeseed', False),
305                    groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
306                    name='Time seed',
307                    perm='rw',
308                    info='Initialises the random number generator with the current system time.',
309                    cml='--random',
310                    )
312    self.add_option('seed', kwargs.get('seed', 23423),
313                    groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
314                    name='Random seed',
315                    perm='rw',
316                    info='Initialises the random number generator with the given value.',
317                    cml='--seed',
318                    )
321class RouterMixin(CmlMixin, Process):
322    def init_tripsrouter(self, ident, net,
323                         trips,
324                         netfilepath=None,
325                         outfilepath=None,
326                         name='Duarouter',
327                         info='Generates routes from trips, flows or previous routes',
328                         is_export_net=True,
329                         logger=None, cml='duarouter'):
331        self._init_common(ident, name=name,
332                          parent=net,
333                          logger=logger,
334                          info=info,
335                          )
337        self.init_cml(cml)  # pass main shell command
338        self.is_export_net = is_export_net
339        self._trips = trips
341        if netfilepath is None:
342            netfilepath = net.get_filepath()
344        self.add_option('netfilepath', netfilepath,
345                        groupnames=['_private'],
346                        cml='--net-file',
347                        perm='r',
348                        name='Net file',
349                        wildcards='Net XML files (*.net.xml)|*.net.xml',
350                        metatype='filepath',
351                        info='SUMO Net file in XML format.',
352                        )
354        if outfilepath is None:
355            outfilepath = trips.get_routefilepath()
357        self.add_option('outfilepath', outfilepath,
358                        groupnames=['_private'],
359                        cml='--output-file',
360                        perm='r',
361                        name='Out routefile',
362                        wildcards='Route XML files (*.rou.xml)|*.rou.xml',
363                        metatype='filepath',
364                        info='Output file of the routing process, which is a SUMO route file in XML format.',
365                        )
367    def init_options_time(self, **kwargs):
368        optiongroup = 'time'
369        self.add_option('time_begin', kwargs.get('time_begin', -1),
370                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
371                        name='Start time',
372                        perm='rw',
373                        info='Defines the begin time; Previous trips will be discarded. The value of  -1 takes all routes from the beginning.',
374                        unit='s',
375                        cml='--begin',
376                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.time_begin >= 0.0,
377                        )
379        self.add_option('time_end', kwargs.get('time_end', -1),
380                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
381                        name='End time',
382                        perm='rw',
383                        info='Defines the end time; Later trips will be discarded; The value of -1 takes all routes to the end.',
384                        unit='s',
385                        cml='--end',
386                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.time_end >= 0.0,
387                        )
389    def init_options_processing_common(self, **kwargs):
390        optiongroup = 'processing'
392        self.add_option('n_alternatives_max', kwargs.get('n_alternatives_max', 5),
393                        name='Max. alternatives',
394                        info='Maximum number of considered route alternatives.',
395                        cml='--max-alternatives',
396                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
397                        perm='rw',
398                        )
400        self.add_option('is_ignore_errors', kwargs.get('is_ignore_errors', True),
401                        name='Ignore disconnected',
402                        info='Continue if a route could not be build.',
403                        cml='--ignore-errors',
404                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
405                        perm='rw',
406                        )
408        self.add_option('n_threads', kwargs.get('n_threads', 0),
409                        name='Parallel threads',
410                        info="The number of parallel execution threads used for routing.",
411                        cml='--routing-threads',
412                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
413                        perm='rw',
414                        )
416    def init_options_processing_dua(self, **kwargs):
417        optiongroup = 'processing'
419        self.add_option('time_preload', kwargs.get('time_preload', 200),
420                        name='Preload time',
421                        unit='s',
422                        info='Load routes for the next number of seconds ahead.',
423                        cml='--route-steps',
424                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
425                        perm='rw',
426                        )
427        # self.add_option('is_randomize_flows',kwargs.get('is_randomize_flows',False),
428        #                name = 'Preload time',
429        #                info = 'generate random departure times for flow input.',
430        #                cml = '--randomize-flows',
431        #                groupnames = [optiongroup,'options',],#
432        #                perm='rw',
433        #                )
435        self.add_option('is_remove_loops', kwargs.get('is_remove_loops', False),
436                        name='Remove loops',
437                        info='Remove loops within the route; Remove turnarounds at start and end of the route. May cause errors!',
438                        cml='--remove-loops',
439                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
440                        perm='rw',
441                        )
443        self.add_option('is_repair', kwargs.get('is_repair', False),
444                        name='Repair',
445                        info='Tries to correct a false route. May cause errors!',
446                        cml='--repair',
447                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
448                        perm='rw',
449                        )
451        self.add_option('is_repair_from', kwargs.get('is_repair_from', False),
452                        name='Repair start',
453                        info='Tries to correct an invalid starting edge by using the first usable edge instead.',
454                        cml='--repair.from',
455                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
456                        perm='rw',
457                        )
459        self.add_option('is_repair_to', kwargs.get('is_repair_from', False),
460                        name='Repair end',
461                        info='Tries to correct an invalid destination edge by using the last usable edge instead.',
462                        cml='--repair.to',
463                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
464                        perm='rw',
465                        )
467        self.add_option('is_bulkrouting', kwargs.get('is_bulkrouting', False),
468                        name='Bulk routing?',
469                        info="Aggregate routing queries with the same origin.",
470                        cml='--bulk-routing',
471                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
472                        perm='rw',
473                        )
475        # --weights.interpolate <BOOL> 	Interpolate edge weights at interval boundaries; default: false
476        # --weight-period <TIME> 	Aggregation period for the given weight files; triggers rebuilding of Contraction Hierarchy; default: 3600
477        # --weights.expand <BOOL> 	Expand weights behind the simulation's end; default: false
479        # --with-taz <BOOL> 	Use origin and destination zones (districts) for in- and output; default: false
481    def init_options_methods(self, **kwargs):
482        optiongroup = 'methods'
484        self.add_option('method_routechoice', kwargs.get('method_routechoice', 'gawron'),
485                        name='Routechoice method',
486                        choices=['gawron', 'logit', 'lohse'],
487                        info="Mathematical model used for route choice.",
488                        cml='--route-choice-method',
489                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
490                        perm='rw',
491                        )
493        self.add_option('beta_gawron', kwargs.get('beta_gawron', 0.3),
494                        name="Gawron's 'beta'",
495                        info="Gawron's 'beta' parameter.",
496                        cml='--gawron.beta',
497                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
498                        perm='rw',
499                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.method_routechoice is 'gawron',
500                        )
502        self.add_option('a_gawron', kwargs.get('a_gawron', 0.05),
503                        name="Gawron's 'a'",
504                        info="Gawron's 'a' parameter.",
505                        cml='--gawron.a',
506                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
507                        perm='rw',
508                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.method_routechoice is 'gawron',
509                        )
511        self.add_option('beta_logit', kwargs.get('beta_logit', 0.15),
512                        name="Logit's 'beta'",
513                        info="C-Logit's 'beta' parameter.",
514                        cml='--logit.beta',
515                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
516                        perm='rw',
517                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.method_routechoice is 'logit',
518                        )
520        self.add_option('gamma_logit', kwargs.get('gamma_logit', 1.0),
521                        name="Logit's 'gamma'",
522                        info="C-Logit's 'gamma' parameter.",
523                        cml='--logit.gamma',
524                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
525                        perm='rw',
526                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.method_routechoice is 'logit',
527                        )
529        self.add_option('theta_logit', kwargs.get('theta_logit', 0.01),
530                        name="Logit's 'theta'",
531                        info="C-Logit's 'theta' parameter.",
532                        cml='--logit.theta',
533                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
534                        perm='rw',
535                        is_enabled=lambda self: self.method_routechoice is 'logit',
536                        )
538        self.add_option('algorithm_routing', kwargs.get('algorithm_routing', 'dijkstra'),
539                        name='Routing algorithm',
540                        choices=['dijkstra', 'astar', 'CH', 'CHWrapper'],
541                        info="Select among routing algorithms.",
542                        cml='--routing-algorithm',
543                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
544                        perm='rw',
545                        )
547        self.add_option('is_keep_all_routes', kwargs.get('is_keep_all_routes', False),
548                        name='Keep all routes?',
549                        info="Save even routes with near zero probability.",
550                        cml='--keep-all-routes',
551                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
552                        perm='rw',
553                        )
554        self.add_option('is_skip_new_routes', kwargs.get('is_skip_new_routes', False),
555                        name='Skip new routes?',
556                        info="Only reuse routes from input, do not calculate new ones.",
557                        cml='--skip-new-routes',
558                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
559                        perm='rw',
560                        )
562    def do(self):
563        if self.is_export_net:
564            # first export current net
565            self.parent.export_netxml(self.netfilepath)
567        if self.is_export_trips:
568            self._trips.export_trips_xml(self.tripfilepaths)
570        self.update_params()
571        cml = self.get_cml()
573        # print 'SumonetImporter.do',cml
574        self.run_cml(cml)
575        if self.status == 'success':
576            print '  Routing done.'
577            if os.path.isfile(self.outfilepath):
578                # print '  outfile exists, start importing routes'
579                self._trips.import_routes_xml(self.outfilepath,
580                                              is_clear_trips=False,
581                                              is_generate_ids=False,
582                                              is_add=True)
583                return True
584            return False
585        return False
588class DuaRouter(RouterMixin):
589    def __init__(self, net, trips,
590                 tripfilepaths=None,
591                 outfilepath=None,
592                 is_export_net=True,
593                 logger=None,
594                 **kwargs):
595        print 'DuaRouter.__init__ net, trips', net, trips
596        self.init_tripsrouter('duarouter', net,  # net becomes parent
597                              trips,
598                              outfilepath=outfilepath,
599                              logger=logger,
600                              is_export_net=is_export_net,
601                              )
603        if tripfilepaths is None:
604            if trips is not None:
605                tripfilepaths = trips.get_tripfilepath()
606                self.is_export_trips = True
607            else:
608                self.is_export_trips = False
610        else:
611            self.is_export_trips = False
612        print '  tripfilepaths', tripfilepaths
613        if tripfilepaths is not None:
614            self.add_option('tripfilepaths', tripfilepaths,
615                            groupnames=['_private'],
616                            cml='--trip-files',
617                            perm='r',
618                            name='Trip file(s)',
619                            wildcards='Trip XML files (*.trip.xml)|*.trip.xml',
620                            metatype='filepaths',
621                            info='SUMO Trip files in XML format.',
622                            )
624        self.init_options_time(**kwargs)
625        self.init_options_methods(**kwargs)
626        self.init_options_processing_common(**kwargs)
627        self.init_options_processing_dua(**kwargs)
628        init_random(self, **kwargs)
631class MacroRouter(RouterMixin):
632    """
633    Macroscopic router
634    in development
635    """
637    def __init__(self, net, trips,
638                 tripfilepaths=None,
639                 netfilepath=None,
640                 outfilepath=None,
641                 is_export_net=True,
642                 logger=None,
643                 **kwargs):
644        print 'MacroRouter.__init__ net, trips', net, trips
645        self.init_tripsrouter('macrorouter', net,  # net becomes parent
646                              trips,
647                              netfilepath=netfilepath,
648                              outfilepath=outfilepath,
649                              name='Macroscopic router',
650                              info='Generates routes from trips, flows or previous routes',
651                              is_export_net=is_export_net,
652                              logger=logger,
653                              cml='marouter'
654                              )
656        if tripfilepaths is None:
657            if trips is not None:
658                tripfilepaths = trips.get_tripfilepath()
659                self.is_export_trips = True
660            else:
661                self.is_export_trips = False
663        else:
664            self.is_export_trips = False
665        print '  tripfilepaths', tripfilepaths
666        if tripfilepaths is not None:
667            self.add_option('tripfilepaths', tripfilepaths,
668                            groupnames=['_private'],
669                            cml='--route-files',
670                            perm='r',
671                            name='Trip file(s)',
672                            wildcards='Trip XML files (*.trip.xml)|*.trip.xml',
673                            metatype='filepaths',
674                            info='SUMO Trip files in XML format.',
675                            )
677        self.init_options_time(**kwargs)
678        self.init_options_methods(**kwargs)
680        # marouter specific
681        optiongroup = 'methods'
682        self.add_option('n_iter_max', kwargs.get('n_iter_max', 20),
683                        name='Max. Iterations',
684                        info="maximal number of iterations for new route searching in incremental and stochastic user assignment.",
685                        cml='--max-iterations',
686                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
687                        perm='rw',
688                        )
690        self.add_option('n_iter_inner_max', kwargs.get('n_iter_inner_max', 1000),
691                        name='Max. inner Iter.',
692                        info="maximal number of inner iterations for user equilibrium calcuation in the stochastic user assignment.",
693                        cml='--max-inner-iterations',
694                        groupnames=[optiongroup, 'options', ],
695                        perm='rw',
696                        )
698        self.init_options_processing_common(**kwargs)
699        init_random(self, **kwargs)