3# python3 status: compatible
5import sys, os
6import copy, glob
7from afnipy import afni_util as UTIL
8from afnipy import lib_vars_object as VO
10g_mema_tests = [None, 'paired', 'unpaired']
11g_ttpp_tests = ['-AminusB', '-BminusA']
13# atomic (type within nested list) and simple types for VarsObject
14g_valid_atomic_types = [int, float, str, list]
15g_simple_types = [int, float, str]
16g_subject_sort_key = None
18def comment_section_string(comment, length=70, cchar='-'):
19   """return a string of the form:
20      # -------------- some comment --------------
21      where the total length is given
22   """
23   clen = len(comment)
25   ndash = (length - clen - 4) // 2     # one '#' and 3 spaces
27   # if no space for multiple dashes, don't use any
28   if ndash < 2: return '# %s' % comment
30   dstr = cchar * ndash  # make one ------------- string
32   return '# %s %s %s\n' % (dstr, comment, dstr)
34def make_message_list_string(mlist, title):
35   if len(mlist) == 0: return ''
36   mesg = ''
37   for ind, mm in enumerate(mlist):
38      if ind == 0: mesg += mm
39      else:        mesg += ('\n' + mm)
40   return mesg
43# ===========================================================================
44# begin Subject stuff  (class should be rewritten to use VarsObject types)
45# ===========================================================================
47def subj_compare_key(subj):
48   """subj_compare() will no longer be valid in python3, as sort() will
49      lose the cmp= attribute.  Generate a key that would be equivalent,
50      and just use reverse() after the fact, if desired.
52      The key is now stored in g_subject_sort_key.
54      Return a [key, sid] pair (or sid, if key==None).
55   """
56   if g_subject_sort_key == None:
57      return subj.sid
59   if g_subject_sort_key in subj.atrs:
60      val = subj.atrs[g_subject_sort_key]
61   else:
62      val = None
64   return [val, subj.sid]
66def subj_compare(subj0, subj1):
67   """compare 2 Subject objects:        used for sorting a list of subjects
68         if _sort_key is set, compare by key, then by sid
69         else, compare by sid
70   """
72   cval = 0
73   key = subj0._sort_key
74   if key != None:
75      if key in subj0.atrs: v0 = subj0.atrs[key]
76      else: v0 = None
77      if key in subj1.atrs: v1 = subj1.atrs[key]
78      else: v1 = None
79      cval = cmp(v0, v1)
81   # remove subj0._order, as compare must be replaced by key
82   if cval != 0: return cval
83   return cmp(subj0.sid, subj1.sid)
85def set_var_str_from_def(obj, name, vlist, vobj, defs,
86                         verb=1, csort=1, spec=None):
87   """try to set name = value based on vlist
88        (just set as string)
89      if name is not known by the defaults, return failure
91      if spec: update_vars_from_special(csort)
93      This function will generally be called via a user interface library
94      or in the user interface itself.  Since we are setting variables as
95      string
97      return 1 on change, 0 on unchanged, -1 on error
98   """
100   if not defs.valid(name):
101      print('** invalid %s variable: %s' % (obj, name))
102      return -1
104   dtype = type(defs.val(name))
105   if dtype not in g_valid_atomic_types:
106      print('** SVSFD: unknown %s variable type for %s' % (obj, name))
107      return -1
109   # if simple type but have list, fail
110   if dtype != list and len(vlist) > 1:
111      print("** SVSFD: simple variable '%s' %s\n" \
112            "          but have list value: %s" % (name, dtype, vlist))
113      return -1
115   # ----------------------------------------
116   # try to apply the value (list)
118   val = None
120   # update val,
121   # check that the it can be properly converted (if simple type)
122   if defs.has_simple_type(name):
123      val = vlist[0]
124      try: vv = dtype(val)
125      except:
126         print('** SVSFD %s.%s, cannot convert value %s to %s' \
127               % (obj, name, val, dtype))
128         return -1
129   elif dtype == list: val = vlist
130   else:
131      print('** SVSFD: invalid type %s for %s'%(dtype,name))
132      return -1
134   # actually set the value
135   rv = vobj.set_var(name, val)
136   if verb > 1:
137      if rv: print('++ %s: updating %s to %s %s' % (obj, name, val, type(val)))
138      else:  print('++ %s: no update for %s to %s' % (obj, name, val))
140   # if no update, we're outta here
141   if rv == 0: return rv
143   # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
144   # handle some special cases, such as indices and labels, which might
145   # come with file name lists
147   # this function must be passed, since it will vary per library
149   if spec != None: spec(name, vobj, check_sort=csort)
151   return rv
153def goto_proc_dir(dname):
154   """ go to processing directory, returning return_dir
155        - if proc_dir does not exist, create it
156        - cd
157        - return ret_dir
158   """
159   if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(dname): return '' # nowhere to go
161   retdir = os.getcwd()                     # so need return directory
163   # if the directory does not yet exist, create it
164   if not os.path.isdir(dname):
165      try: os.makedirs(dname)
166      except:
167         print('** failed makedirs(%s)' % dname)
168         return ''
170   # now try to go there
171   try: os.chdir(dname)
172   except:
173      print('** failed to go to process dir, %s' % dname)
174      return ''
176   return retdir   # only returned on success
178def ret_from_proc_dir(rname):
179   """if retdir is set, cd to retdir
180      (should be called 'atomically' with goto_proc_dir)
181      return '', to use to clear previous return dir"""
183   # if retdir is useless, bail
184   if rname == None or rname == '' or rname == '.': return ''
186   try: os.chdir(rname)
187   except:
188      print('** failed to return to %s from process dir' % rname)
190   return ''
192def proc_dir_file_exists(dname, fname):
193   if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(dname): pathname = fname
194   else:                          pathname = '%s/%s' % (dname, fname)
196   return os.path.isfile(pathname)
198def get_def_tool_path(prog_name, top_dir='tool_results', prefix='tool',
199                                 keep_if_missing='', digits=3):
200   """return something of the form top_dir/prefix.0001.prog_name
202      if top_dir exists:
203         - look for anything of the form prefix.*
204         - if keep_is_missing and the last entry does not contain it,
205              then return that last entry
206              ** goal is to only create new directory when process has happened
207         - find the lowest index that is not used
208         - return top_dir/prefix.NEW_INDEX.tname
210      else: return top_dir/prefix.001.tname
212      e.g. tool_results/tool.004.align_test
213      e.g. group_results/test.004.3dttest++
214   """
216   tname = prog_name            # yeah, shorter, but less descriptive ...
217   tdir = top_dir
218   index = 1                    # default index
220   # generate form for name (e.g. tr/t.%03d.t); insert index later
221   form = '%s/%s.%%0%dd.%s' % (tdir, prefix, digits, tname)
222   sform = '%s/%s.%%0%dd' % (tdir, prefix, digits) # short form
224   # if tdir does not yet exist, we can start with the default
225   if not os.path.isdir(tdir):
226      return form % index
228   # see what is under tdir, and go with default if nothing is found
229   glist = glob.glob('%s/%s.*.*' % (tdir, prefix))
230   if len(glist) == 0: return form % index
232   # get trailing directory name
233   tlist = [name.split('/')[-1] for name in glist]
235   # abuse '.': make a list of integers from field 1 when split over '.'
236   try: ilist = [int(name.split('.')[1]) for name in tlist]
237   except:
238      print('** found non-int VAL in %s/%s.VAL.*' % (tdir, prefix))
239      return form % 999
241   ilist.sort()
242   nvals = len(ilist)
244   # if the keep_if_missing file does NOT exist underneath the last dir,
245   # return the directory for that index
246   if keep_if_missing:
247      fdir = sform % ilist[-1]
248      if not UTIL.glob_form_has_match('%s.*/%s' % (fdir, keep_if_missing)):
249         return form % ilist[-1]        # longer form includes tool name
251   # quick check, if ilist[n-1] <= n, just increment
252   # (or should we forget this, since non-unique values break logic?)
253   # (no, tool name may change without 'keep' file/dir, so values may repeat)
254   if ilist[-1] <= nvals: return form % (ilist[-1]+1)
256   # finally!  now find first value > index+1 (else, just use next)
258   for ind, ival in enumerate(ilist):
259      if ival > ind+1: break
261   return form % (ind+1)
263class Subject(object):
264   """a simple subject object holding an ID, dataset name, and an
265      attribute dictionary"""
267   _sort_key = None             # attribute key used in compare()
268   _order    = 1                # 1 for normal, -1 for reverse
270   def __init__(self, sid='', dset='', atrs=None):
272      self.sid   = sid          # subject ID (string)
273      self.dset  = dset         # dset name (string: existing filename)
274      self.atrs  = None         # attributes (VarsObject instance)
276      self.ddir  = '.'          # split dset name into directory and file
277      self.dfile = ''
278      self.maxlinelen = 0       # if set, maximum line len for subj in command
279                                # rcr - todo
281      dir, file = os.path.split(dset)   # and update them
282      if dir: self.ddir = dir
283      self.dfile = file
285      # init to empty, and merge if something is passed
286      self.atrs = VO.VarsObject('subject %s' % sid)
287      if atrs != None: self.atrs.merge(atrs)
289   def show(self):
290      natr = self.atrs.count()-1  # do not include name
291      print("Subject %s, dset %s, natr = %d" % (self.sid, self.dset, natr))
292      print("   ddir = %s\n   dfile = %s\n" % (self.ddir, self.dfile))
293      if natr > 0:
294         self.atrs.show('  attributes: ')
296class SubjectList(object):
297   """list of Subject elements, with attributes and command writing functions
299        - can pass list of SIDs, dset names, attributes (VarsObject instances)
300        - if any lists are past, the lengths must be equal
302        - given a list of datasets (and no SIDs), try to extract SIDs
303          by parsing into a regular expression
305        - sort comparison should be by _sort_key (else sid), then by sid
306   """
308   def __init__(self, name='subject list', sid_l=None, dset_l=None, atr_l=None,
309                verb=1):
311      self.name         = name     # in case there are multiple lists in use
312      self.subjects     = []       # list of Subject instances
313      self.atrl         = []       # list of subject attributes (names only)
314      self.disp_atrs    = []       # attributes to display, in order
315      self.common_dir   = ''       # common parent dir to subject dsets
316      self.common_dname = ''       # variable to apply for common_dir ($ddir)
317      self.verb         = verb     # verbose level
318      self.status       = 0        # non-zero is bad
320      if sid_l == None and dset_l == None and atr_l == None: return
322      # set the length, and check for consistency
323      llen = -1
324      errs = 0
325      for ilist in [sid_l, dset_l, atr_l]:
326         if ilist == None: continue
327         if llen < 0: llen = len(ilist)         # set, or
328         elif llen != len(ilist): errs += 1     # ... test
330      if errs > 0:
331         print('** SubjectList init requires equal lengths (or None)')
332         print('   sid_l  = %s' % sid_l)
333         print('   dset_l = %s' % dset_l)
334         print('   atr_l  = %s' % atr_l)
335         self.status = 1
336         return
338      if llen == 0: return      # empty lists?
340      # okay, fill the subjects and atrs fields
341      sid = ''
342      dname = ''
343      atr = None
344      for ind in range(llen):
345         if sid_l  != None: sid  = sid_l[ind]
346         if dset_l != None: dset = dset_l[ind]
347         if atr_l  != None: atr = atr_l[ind]
348         self.add(Subject(sid=sid, dset=dset, atrs=atr))
350   def copy(self, sid_l=[], atr='', atrval=None):
351      """make a full copy of the SubjectList element
353         start with a complete copy
354         if len(sid_l)>0, remove subjects not in list
355         if atr is not '', remove subjects for which atrs.atr!=atrval
356      """
357      # start with everything and then delete
358      olen = len(newSL.subjects)
359      newSL = copy.deepcopy(self)
360      if len(sid_l) > 0:
361         skeep = []
362         snuke = []
363         for subj in self.subjects:
364            if subj.sid in sid_l: skeep.append(subj)
365            else                : snuke.append(subj)
366         if self.verb > 2:
367            print('++ SL copy: nuking %d subjs not in sid list' % len(snuke))
368         for subj in snuke: del(subj)
369         newSL.subjects = skeep
370      if atr != '':
371         skeep = []
372         snuke = []
373         for subj in self.subjects:
374            if subj.atrs.val(atr) == atrval: skeep.append(subj)
375            else:                            snuke.append(subj)
376         if self.verb>2: print('++ SL copy: nuking %d subjs with atr[%s] != %s'\
377                               % (atr, atrval))
378         for subj in snuke: del(subj)
379         newSL.subjects = skeep
380      if self.verb > 1: print('++ SL copy: keeping %d of %d subjects' \
381                              % (len(newSL.subjects), olen))
382      return newSL
384   def show(self, mesg=''):
385      if mesg: mstr = " (%s)" % mesg
386      else:    mstr = ''
387      print("SubjectList: %s%s" % (self.name, mstr))
388      print("  nsubj = %d, natrs = %d, ndisp_atrs = %d" % \
389               (len(self.subjects), len(self.atrl), len(self.disp_atrs)))
390      print("  atrl      = %s" % self.atrl)
391      print("  disp_atrs = %s" % self.disp_atrs)
393      if len(self.subjects) == 0: return
395      print("  subject sort key: %s" % self.subjects[0]._sort_key)
396      for subj in self.subjects:
397         subj.show()
399   def add(self, subj):
400      """add the subject to the list and update the atrl list"""
402      for atr in subj.atrs.attributes():
403         if not atr in self.atrl: self.atrl.append(atr)
405      self.atrl.sort()
407      self.subjects.append(subj)
409   def set_common_data_dir(self, cname='data_dir'):
410      """return the directory common to all subject ddir names"""
411      cdir = UTIL.common_dir([s.dset for s in self.subjects])
412      if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir) or (len(cdir) < len(cname)):
413         self.common_dir   = ''
414         self.common_dname = ''
415      else:
416         self.common_dir   = cdir
417         self.common_dname = cname
418         if self.verb > 1:
419            print('++ setting common dir, %s = %s' % (cname, cdir))
421   def set_ids_from_dsets(self, prefix='', suffix='', hpad=0, tpad=0, dpre=0):
422      """use the varying part of the dataset names for subject IDs
424         If hpad > 0 or tpad > 0, expand into the head or tail of the dsets.
425         If prefix or suffix is passed, apply them.
427         return 0 on success, 1 on error
428      """
430      if hpad < 0 or tpad < 0:
431         print('** set_ids_from_dsets: will not apply negative padding')
432         return 1
434      # try filenames without paths, first
435      dlist = [s.dset.split('/')[-1] for s in self.subjects]
436      if UTIL.vals_are_constant(dlist):
437         print('** constant dataset names (%s)' % dlist[0])
438         print('   trying directories...')
439         dlist = [s.dset for s in self.subjects]
441      slist = UTIL.list_minus_glob_form(dlist, hpad, tpad, keep_dent_pre=dpre)
443      # in the case of diretories, check for success
444      # (maybe we can try to skip past them, that might be okay)
445      for index in range(len(slist)):
446         if '/' in slist[index]:
447            posn = slist[index].rfind('/')
448            slist[index] = slist[index][posn+1:]
449            if len(slist[index]) < 1:
450               print('** failed to extract subject IDs from directory list')
451               print('   (directories do not vary at single level)')
452               return 1
454      if len(slist) != len(self.subjects):
455         print('** failed to set SIDs from dset names\n'        \
456               '   dsets = %s\n'                                \
457               '   slist = %s' % (dlist, slist))
458         return 1
460      if not UTIL.vals_are_unique(slist):
461         print('** cannot set IDs from dsets, labels not unique: %s' % slist)
462         print('-- labels come from dsets: %s' % dlist)
463         return 1
465      for ind, subj in enumerate(self.subjects):
466         subj.sid = '%s%s%s' % (prefix, slist[ind], suffix)
468      return 0
470   def restrict_ids_to_dsets(self, valid_ids=[], require=1):
471      """restrict subject IDs to those in valid_ids list
472         require all valid_ids to exist, or fail
474         return 0 on success
475      """
476      # bail if either list is empty
477      if len(self.subjects) == 0: return 0
478      if len(valid_ids) == 0: return 0
480      # check that valid_ids are unique
481      if not UTIL.vals_are_unique(valid_ids):
482         print('** restrict_ids: ids are not unique')
483         return 1
485      # check that all valid_ids exist, and generate new subject list
486      all_ids = [subj.sid for subj in self.subjects]
488      new_subjs = []
489      missing = 0
490      missed_id = ''    # example of missing ID
491      for sid in valid_ids:
492         if sid in all_ids:
493            old_index = all_ids.index(sid)
494            new_subjs.append(self.subjects[old_index])
495         else:
496            if self.verb > 1:
497               print("** restrict_ids: cannot restrict to missing ID '%s'"%sid)
498            missed_id = sid
499            missing += 1
500      if missing:
501         print("** restrict_ids: missing %d of %d IDs" \
502               % (missing,len(valid_ids)))
503         print("   IDs look like: %s" % ' '.join(all_ids[:3]))
504         print("   missing IDs look like: %s" % missed_id)
505         if require:
506            return 1
507         else:
508            print("-- restrict_ids: allowing %d missing IDs..." % missing)
510      # apply restricted list
511      self.subjects = new_subjs
513      return 0
515   def remove_ids_from_dsets(self, remove_ids=[], require=1):
516      """restrict subject IDs to those not in remove_ids list
517         if require: require all remove_ids to exist, or fail
519         return 0 on success
520      """
521      # bail if either list is empty
522      if len(self.subjects) == 0: return 0
523      if len(remove_ids) == 0: return 0
525      # check that remove_ids are unique
526      if not UTIL.vals_are_unique(remove_ids):
527         print('** remove_ids: ids are not unique')
528         return 1
530      # check that all remove_ids exist, and fail if not
531      all_ids = [subj.sid for subj in self.subjects]
532      missing = 0
533      for sid in remove_ids:
534         if sid not in all_ids:
535            if self.verb > 1:
536               print("** remove_ids: cannot remove missing ID '%s'"%sid)
537            missed_id = sid
538            missing += 1
539      if missing and (require or self.verb > 1):
540         print("** remove_ids: missing %d of %d IDs" \
541               % (missing,len(remove_ids)))
542         print("   IDs look like: %s" % ' '.join(all_ids[:3]))
543         print("   missing IDs look like: %s" % missed_id)
544         # if required, this is fatal
545         if require:
546            return 1
547         else:
548            print("-- remove_ids: allowing %d missing IDs..." % missing)
550      # generate a new subject list
551      new_subjs = []
552      for sindex, sid in enumerate(all_ids):
553         if sid not in remove_ids:
554            new_subjs.append(self.subjects[sindex])
556      # apply remove list
557      self.subjects = new_subjs
559      return 0
561   def sort(self, key=None, order=1):
562      if len(self.subjects) == 0: return
563      # sort() has no cmp keyword in python3, use key method
564      # Subject._sort_key = key     # None or otherwise
565      # Subject._order = order      # 1 for small first, -1 for reverse
566      # self.subjects.sort(cmp=subj_compare)
568      g_subject_sort_key = key
569      self.subjects.sort(key=subj_compare_key)
570      if order < 0: self.subjects.reverse()
572   def make_anova2_command(self, bsubs=None, prefix=None, options=None, verb=1):
573      """create a basic 3dANOVA2 -type 3 command
575         ** bsubs should be lists of strings, even if integral sub-bricks
576            (they are applied as sub-brick selectors)
578         attach options after subject lists
580            bsubs          - beta sub-bricks (1 list of sub-brick selectors)
581            prefix         - prefix for command output
582            options        - other options added to the command
583            verb           - verbose level
585         return None on failure, command on success
586      """
588      if prefix == '' or prefix == None: prefix = 'anova2_result'
589      if verb > 1: print('-- make_anova2_command: have prefix %s' % prefix)
591      if bsubs == None:
592         print('** missing sub-brick selection list')
593         return None
594      if len(bsubs) < 2:
595         print('** anova2_command: need at least 2 sub-bricks (have %d)' \
596               % len(bsubs))
597         return None
599      indent = 9  # minimum indent: spaces to following -set option
601      cmd   = '#!/bin/tcsh\n\n'
603      # maybe we will use directory variables
604      self.set_common_data_dir()
605      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
606         self.common_dname = 'data'
607         cmd += '# apply any data directories with variables\n' \
608               'set %s = %s\n' % (self.common_dname, self.common_dir)
609         cmd += '\n'
611      cmd += '# note: factor A is condition, B is subject\n\n'
613      # command and first set of subject files
614      cmd += '3dANOVA2 -type 3 \\\n' \
615             '%s' %  self.make_anova2_set_list(bsubs, indent)
617      if len(options) > 0: cmd += '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent,'', ' '.join(options))
618      else:     # add some basic option
619         opt = '-amean 1 amean1'
620         cmd += '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent, '', opt)
621         print('++ no contrast options given, adding simple: %s' % opt)
623      if prefix.find('/') >= 0: pp = prefix
624      else:                     pp = './%s' % prefix
625      cmd += '%*s-bucket %s\n' % (indent, '', pp)
627      cmd += '\n'
629      return cmd
631   def make_anova3_command(self, bsubs=None, prefix=None, subjlists=None,
632                           options=None, factors=[], verb=1):
633      """create a basic 3dANOVA3 -type 5 command
635         ** other types may be added later...
637         ** bsubs should be lists of strings, even if integral sub-bricks
638            (they are applied as sub-brick selectors)
640         attach options after subject lists
642            bsubs          - beta sub-bricks (1 list of sub-brick selectors)
643            prefix         - prefix for command output
644            subjlists      - len > 1 for type 5
645            options        - other options added to the command
646            atype          - 3dANOVA3 -type (should be 4 or 5)
647            factors        - if type 4, #factors of each type (f0*f1 = len(b))
648            verb           - verbose level
650         Note: for type 5: factor A is group, B is condition, C is subject
652         return None on failure, command on success
653      """
655      if prefix == '' or prefix == None: prefix = 'anova3_result'
656      if verb > 1: print('-- make_anova2_command: have prefix %s' % prefix)
658      if bsubs == None:
659         print('** missing sub-brick selection list')
660         return None
661      if len(bsubs) < 2:
662         print('** anova3_command: need at least 2 sub-bricks (have %d)' \
663               % len(bsubs))
664         return None
666      ncond = len(factors)
667      ngroups = len(subjlists)
669      atype = 0
670      if ngroups > 1: atype = 5
671      elif ncond == 2: atype = 4
673      if atype == 4:
674         if ngroups != 1:
675            print('** anova3_cmd: -type 4 requires only 1 dset group')
676            return None
677         if ncond != 2:
678            print('** anova3_cmd: -type 4 requires 2 factor lengths')
679            print('               (product should be length -subs_betas)')
680            return None
681         if factors[0]*factors[1] != len(bsubs):
682            print('** anova3_cmd: -type 4 factor mismatch')
683            print('               (%d x %d design requires %d betas, have %d' \
684                  % (factors[0], factors[1], factors[0]*factors[1], len(bsubs)))
685            return None
686      elif atype == 5:
687         if ngroups < 2:
688            print('** anova3_cmd: -type 5 requires >= 2 subject lists')
689            return None
690         if ncond > 1:
691            print('** anova3_cmd: -type 5 should not have sets of factors')
692            return None
693      else:
694         print('** anova3_cmd: cannot detect -type 4 or -type 5, seek -help!')
695         return None
697      indent = 4  # indent after main command
699      # maybe we will use directory variables
700      cmd   = '#!/bin/tcsh\n\n'
701      found = 0
702      slen0 = len(subjlists[0].subjects)
703      subjlists[0].set_common_data_dir()
704      cd0 = subjlists[0].common_dir
706      for ilist, slist in enumerate(subjlists):
707         slist.set_common_data_dir()
708         if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(slist.common_dir):
709            if not found: # first time found
710               cmd += '# apply any data directories with variables\n'
711               found = 1
712            if ilist > 0 and slist.common_dir == cd0:
713               slist.common_dname = 'data1'
714            else:
715               slist.common_dname = 'data%d' % (ilist+1)
716               cmd += 'set %s = %s\n' % (slist.common_dname, slist.common_dir)
717      if found: cmd += '\n'
719      if atype == 4:
720         cmd += '# note: factor A is cond 1, B is cond 2, C is subject\n\n'
721         sfunc = self.make_anova3_t4_set_list
722      else:
723         cmd += '# note: factor A is group, B is condition, C is subject\n\n'
724         sfunc = self.make_anova3_t5_set_list
726      # command and first set of subject files
727      cstr = sfunc(bsubs, subjlists, factors, indent)
728      if cstr == None: return None
729      cmd += '3dANOVA3 -type %d \\\n' '%s' % (atype, cstr)
731      if len(options) > 0: cmd += '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent,'', ' '.join(options))
732      else:     # add some basic options
733         opt = '-amean 1 amean1 -bmean 1 bmean1'
734         cmd += '%*s-amean 1 amean1 \\\n' \
735                '%*s-bmean 1 bmean1 \\\n' % (indent, '', indent, '')
736         print('++ no contrast options given, adding simple: %s' % opt)
738      if prefix.find('/') >= 0: pp = prefix
739      else:                     pp = './%s' % prefix
740      cmd += '%*s-bucket %s\n' % (indent, '', pp)
742      cmd += '\n'
744      return cmd
746   def make_generic_command(self, command, bsubs=None, subjlist2=None,
747                            prefix=None, options=''):
748      """create a generic command
750         This basically allows one to create a generic command that takes
751         AFNI-style inputs.
753         Note: this is almost identical to make_mema_command, except for use
754               of tsubs.
756         attach options before subject lists
757         bsubs can be of length 1 even with 2 set_labs, in that case:
758            - length 1: must have subjlist2 set, and apply to it
759            - length 2: no subjlist2, use with subjlist 1
761         return None on failure, command on success
762      """
764      if not command: return
766      # do we have a second slist?
767      s2 = subjlist2    # so much typing...
769      # make sure we have sub-brick selectors for possibly both lists
770      if bsubs == None: bsubs = [None]
771      if s2 and len(bsubs) == 1: bsubs.append(bsubs[0])
773      # ready for work, maybe note status
774      if self.verb > 1:
775         print('-- make_generic_command: %s -prefix %s' % (command, prefix))
776         print('                         s2 = %d, bsubs = %s'%(s2!=None,bsubs))
778      # initialize directories and variables
779      rv, cmd = self.set_data_dirs(subjlist2=s2)
780      if rv: return
782      # append actual command, prefix and options
783      indent = len(command)+1
785      # having no prefix is valid, skip that part
786      if prefix: cmd += '%s -prefix %s \\\n' % (command, prefix)
787      else:      cmd += '%s \\\n'            % (command)
789      if len(options) > 0:
790         cmd += '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent, '', ' '.join(options))
792      # if s2: cmd += '%*s# dataset list 1 \\\n' % (indent,'')
793      cmd += self.make_generic_set_list(bsubs[0], indent)
794      if s2:
795         cmd += '\\\n' + s2.make_generic_set_list(bsubs[1], indent)
796      elif len(bsubs) > 1:
797         cmd += '\\\n' + self.make_generic_set_list(bsubs[1], indent)
799      # strip trailing backslash (must dupe memory)
800      if cmd[-2:] == '\\\n': cmd = cmd[0:-2]
802      cmd += '\n\n'
804      return cmd
806   def set_data_dirs(self, subjlist2=None):
807      """Given 1 or 2 file lists, set directories and return initial
808         script to apply them with variables.
810         return status and script text
812         if there are 0 or 1 common dirs use them
813         if there are 2 and they are different, adjust var names
814      """
815      s2 = subjlist2  # so much typing...
816      self.set_common_data_dir()
817      uses2dir = 0
818      diffdirs = 0
819      if s2 != None:
820         s2.set_common_data_dir()
821         uses2dir = not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir)
822         if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir)   and \
823            not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir) and \
824            self.common_dir != s2.common_dir:
825               # differentiate the directory variable names
826               self.common_dname = 'data1'
827               s2.common_dname = 'data2'
828               diffdirs = 1
830      cmd = ''
831      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir) or uses2dir:
832         cmd += '# apply any data directories with variables\n'
834      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
835         cmd += 'set %s = %s\n' % (self.common_dname, self.common_dir)
837      if diffdirs:
838         cmd += 'set %s = %s\n' % (s2.common_dname, s2.common_dir)
840      if cmd: cmd += '\n'
842      return 0, cmd
845   def make_ttestpp_command(self, set_labs=None, bsubs=None, subjlist2=None,
846                             prefix=None, comp_dir=None, options=None, verb=1):
847      """create a basic 3dttest++ command
849         Note: this is almost identical to make_mema_command, except for use
850               of tsubs.
852         ** labs, bsubs should be lists of strings, even if they are integral
853            sub-bricks
855         if set_labs=None, use defaults depending on # of subject lists
856         else, set_labs must have 1 or 2 elements, for 1 or 2 sets of subjects
857         bsubs can be of length 1 even with 2 set_labs, in that case:
858            - length 1: must have subjlist2 set, and apply to it
859            - length 2: no subjlist2, use with subjlist 1
860         attach options after subject lists
862            set_labs       - set labels (None, 1 or 2 labels)
863            bsubs          - beta sub-bricks (length 1 or 2, matching labels)
864            subjlist2      - second subject list for 2-sample test (want if the
865                             datasets differ across sets)
866            prefix         - prefix for 3dtest++ output
867            comp_dir       - comparison direction, either -AminusB or -BminusA
868                             (if 2 sets)
869            options        - other options added to the 3dtest++ command
870            verb           - verbose level
872         return None on failure, command on success
873      """
875      if prefix == '' or prefix == None: prefix = 'ttest++_result'
876      if verb > 1: print('-- make_ttest++_command: have prefix %s' % prefix)
877      s2 = subjlist2    # sooooo much typing...
879      if set_labs == None:
880         if s2 == None: set_labs = ['setA']
881         else:                 set_labs = ['setA', 'setB']
882         if verb > 2: print('-- tt++_cmd: adding default set labels')
883      if bsubs == None: bsubs, tsubs = ['0'], ['1']
885      indent = 3  # minimum indent: spaces to following -set option
887      # want any '-AminusB' option at top of command
888      if len(set_labs) > 1: copt = '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent, '', comp_dir)
889      else:                 copt = ''
891      # maybe we will use directory variables
892      self.set_common_data_dir()
893      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
894         if s2 != None:
895            s2.set_common_data_dir()
896            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir):
897               # then do not use either
898               self.common_dir = ''
899               self.common_dname = ''
900            # else, use both (if same, default variable is okay)
901            elif self.common_dir != s2.common_dir:
902               # different, so update the names to be different
903               self.common_dname = 'data1'
904               s2.common_dname = 'data2'
906      cmd = ''
907      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
908         cmd += '# apply any data directories with variables\n' \
909               'set %s = %s\n' % (self.common_dname, self.common_dir)
910         if s2 != None:
911            if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir) \
912               and s2.common_dir != self.common_dir:
913               cmd += 'set %s = %s\n' % (s2.common_dname, s2.common_dir)
914         cmd += '\n'
916      # command and first set of subject files
917      cmd += '3dttest++ \\\n'           \
918             '%*s-prefix %s \\\n'       \
919             '%s'                       \
920             '%*s-setA %s \\\n%s'       \
921             % (indent, ' ', prefix, copt,
922                indent, ' ', set_labs[0],
923                self.make_ttpp_set_list(bsubs[0], indent+3))
925      # maybe add second set of subject files
926      if len(set_labs) > 1:
927         if verb > 2: print('-- tt++_cmd: have labels for second subject set')
929         # separate tests for bad test types
930         if comp_dir == None:
931            print('** make_tt++_cmd: missing test type, should be in %s' \
932                  % g_ttpp_tests)
933            return      # failure
934         if comp_dir not in g_ttpp_tests:
935            print('** make_tt++_cmd: comp_dir (%s) must be in the list %s' \
936                  % (comp_dir, g_ttpp_tests))
937            return      # failure
939         # note subject list and sub-brick labels
940         if s2 != None:
941            S = s2
942            if verb > 2: print('-- second subject list was passed')
943         else:
944            S = self
945            if verb > 2: print('-- no second subject list, using same list')
946         if len(bsubs) > 1: b = bsubs[1]
947         else:
948            if S != s2:
949               print('** make_tt++_cmd: same subject list in comparison')
950            b = bsubs[0]
951         cmd += '%*s-setB %s \\\n%s' % \
952                (indent, ' ', set_labs[1], S.make_ttpp_set_list(b, indent+3))
954      if len(options) > 0: cmd += '%*s%s' % (indent, '', ' '.join(options))
956      # strip trailing backslash (must dupe memory)
957      if cmd[-2:] == '\\\n': cmd = cmd[0:-2]
959      cmd += '\n\n'
961      return cmd
963   def make_mema_command(self, set_labs=None, bsubs=None, tsubs=None,
964                         subjlist2=None, prefix=None, ttype=None, options=None,
965                         verb=1):
966      """create a basic 3dMEMA command
968         ** labs, bsubs, tsubs should be lists of strings, even if they are
969            integral sub-bricks
971         if set_labs=None, use defaults depending on # of subject lists
972         else, set_labs must have 1 or 2 elements, for 1 or 2 sets of subjects
973         bsubs and tsubs can be of length 1 even with 2 set_labs, in that case:
974            - length 1: must have subjlist2 set, and apply to it
975            - length 2: no subjlist2, use with subjlist 1
976         attach options after subject lists
978            set_labs       - set labels (None, 1 or 2 labels)
979            bsubs          - beta sub-bricks (length 1 or 2, matching labels)
980            tsubs          - t-stat sub-bricks (as with bsubs)
981            subjlist2      - second subject list for 2-sample test (want if the
982                             datasets differ across sets)
983            prefix         - prefix for 3dMEMA output
984            ttype          - used for a 2-sample test, to distinguish between
985                             paired and unpaired  (results is using either
986                             -conditions (paired) or -group (un-))
987                             ** ttype == paired is no longer valid
988            options        - other options added to the 3dMEMA command
989            verb           - verbose level
991         return None on failure, command on success
992      """
994      if prefix == '' or prefix == None: prefix = 'mema_result'
995      if verb > 1: print('++ make_mema_cmd: have prefix %s' % prefix)
996      s2 = subjlist2    # sooooo much typing...
998      if set_labs == None:
999         if s2 == None: set_labs = ['setA']
1000         else:                 set_labs = ['setA', 'setB']
1001         if verb > 2: print('++ mema_cmd: adding default set labels')
1002      if bsubs == None: bsubs, tsubs = ['0'], ['1']
1004      # maybe we will use directory variables
1005      self.set_common_data_dir()
1006      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
1007         if s2 != None:
1008            s2.set_common_data_dir()
1009            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir):
1010               # then do not use either
1011               self.common_dir = ''
1012               self.common_dname = ''
1013            # else, use both (if same, default variable is okay)
1014            elif self.common_dir != s2.common_dir:
1015               # different, so update the names to be different
1016               self.common_dname = 'data1'
1017               s2.common_dname = 'data2'
1019      cmd = ''
1020      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir):
1021         cmd += '# apply any data directories with variables\n' \
1022               'set %s = %s\n' % (self.common_dname, self.common_dir)
1023         if s2 != None:
1024            if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(s2.common_dir) \
1025               and s2.common_dir != self.common_dir:
1026               cmd += 'set %s = %s\n' % (s2.common_dname, s2.common_dir)
1027         cmd += '\n'
1029      # command and first set of subject files
1030      cmd += '3dMEMA -prefix %s \\\n'    \
1031             '       -set %s \\\n%s' %   \
1032             (prefix,set_labs[0],self.make_mema_set_list(bsubs[0],tsubs[0],10))
1034      # maybe add second set of subject files
1035      if len(set_labs) > 1:
1036         if verb > 2: print('-- mema_cmd: have labels for second subject set')
1037         # note subject list and sub-brick labels
1038         if s2 != None:
1039            S = s2
1040            if verb > 2: print('-- second subject list was passed')
1041         else:
1042            S = self
1043            if verb > 2: print('-- no second subject list, using same list')
1044         if len(bsubs) > 1: b, t = bsubs[1], tsubs[1]
1045         else:
1046            if S != s2:
1047               print('** make_mema_cmd: same subject list in comparison')
1048            b, t = bsubs[0], tsubs[0]
1049         cmd += '%7s-set %s \\\n%s' % \
1050                (' ', set_labs[1], S.make_mema_set_list(b, t, 10))
1052         # either 2-sample or paired
1053         if ttype not in g_mema_tests:
1054            print("** invalid 3dMEMA test %s, not in %s" % (ttype,g_mema_tests))
1055            return None
1056         if ttype == 'paired':
1057            print('** 3dMEMA -type paired: no longer valid\n' \
1058                  '   (input contrast and t-stat from original regression)')
1059            return None
1060         else: opt = '-groups'
1061         cmd += '%7s%s %s %s \\\n' % ('', opt, set_labs[0], set_labs[1])
1063      if len(options) > 0: cmd += '%7s%s' % ('', ' '.join(options))
1065      # strip trailing backslash (must dupe memory)
1066      if cmd[-2:] == '\\\n': cmd = cmd[0:-2]
1068      cmd += '\n\n'
1070      return cmd
1072   def make_mema_set_list(self, bsub, tsub, indent=0):
1073      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1074                SID1 "dset1[bsub]"
1075                     "dset1[tsub]"
1076                SID2 "dset2[bsub]"
1077                     "dset2[tsub]"
1078                ...
1079         indent is the initial indentation
1080      """
1081      # note the max subject ID length
1082      ml = 0
1083      for subj in self.subjects:
1084         if len(subj.sid) > ml: ml = len(subj.sid)
1086      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir) and self.common_dname:
1087         sdir = self.common_dname
1088      else: sdir = ''
1090      sstr = ''
1091      for subj in self.subjects:
1092         if sdir:
1093            # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1094            cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(self.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1095            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1096            else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1097            dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1098         else:    dset = subj.dset
1099         sstr += '%*s%s "%s[%s]" \\\n%*s "%s[%s]" \\\n' % \
1100                 (indent,    '', subj.sid, dset, bsub,
1101                  indent+ml, '',           dset, tsub)
1102      return sstr
1104   def make_generic_set_list(self, bsub, indent=0):
1105      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1106                "dset1[bsub]"
1107                "dset2[bsub]"
1108                ...
1109         indent is per-line indentation
1110      """
1111      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir) and self.common_dname:
1112         sdir = self.common_dname
1113      else: sdir = ''
1115      sstr = ''
1116      for subj in self.subjects:
1117         if sdir:
1118            # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1119            cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(self.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1120            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1121            else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1122            dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1123         else:    dset = subj.dset
1124         if bsub == None:
1125            sstr += '%*s%s \\\n' % (indent, '', dset)
1126         else: # use bsub
1127            sstr += '%*s"%s[%s]" \\\n' % (indent, '', dset, bsub)
1129      return sstr
1131   def make_ttpp_set_list(self, bsub, indent=0):
1132      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1133                SID1 "dset1[bsub]"
1134                SID2 "dset2[bsub]"
1135                ...
1136         indent is the initial indentation
1137      """
1138      # note the max subject ID length
1139      ml = 0
1140      for subj in self.subjects:
1141         if len(subj.sid) > ml: ml = len(subj.sid)
1143      if not UTIL.is_trivial_dir(self.common_dir) and self.common_dname:
1144         sdir = self.common_dname
1145      else: sdir = ''
1147      sstr = ''
1148      for subj in self.subjects:
1149         if sdir:
1150            # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1151            cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(self.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1152            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1153            else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1154            dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1155         else:    dset = subj.dset
1156         sstr += '%*s%s "%s[%s]" \\\n' % (indent, '', subj.sid, dset, bsub)
1158      return sstr
1160   def make_anova2_set_list(self, bsub, indent=0):
1161      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1162                -alevels #bsub
1163                -blevels #subj
1164                -dset ALEVEL BLEVEL "dset#A[bsub#B]"
1165                ...
1166         indent is the initial indentation
1167      """
1168      sdir = self.common_dname
1169      sstr = '%*s-alevels %d \\\n' \
1170             '%*s-blevels %d \\\n' \
1171             % (indent,'', len(bsub), indent, '', len(self.subjects))
1173      for isubj, subj in enumerate(self.subjects):
1174         if sdir:
1175            # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1176            cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(self.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1177            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1178            else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1179            dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1180         else: dset = subj.dset
1181         for ibeta, beta in enumerate(bsub):
1182            sstr += '%*s-dset %2d %2d "%s[%s]" \\\n' \
1183                    % (indent, '', ibeta+1, isubj+1, dset, beta)
1185      return sstr
1187   def make_anova3_t4_set_list(self, bsub, subjlists, factors, indent=0):
1188      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1189                -alevels #alevels
1190                -blevels #blevels
1191                -clevels #subj
1192                -dset ALEVEL BLEVEL SUBJ "dset#A[bsub#B]"
1193                ...
1194         - factors should be of length 2
1195         - indent is the initial indentation
1196         - as in type 5, have A change slower than B, but subj be slowest
1197           (so factor order per subject matches command line)
1198      """
1200      errs  = 0
1202      if len(subjlists) != 1:
1203         print('** MAt4SL: bad subject list count = %d' % len(subjlists))
1204         return None
1206      nA = factors[0]
1207      nB = factors[1]
1208      slist = subjlists[0]
1209      if nA*nB != len(bsub):
1210         print('** MAt4SL: bad factor count: %d, %d, %d' % (nA, nB, len(bsub)))
1211         return None
1213      sstr = ''
1214      sstr += '%*s-alevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', nA)
1215      sstr += '%*s-blevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', nB)
1216      sstr += '%*s-clevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', len(slist.subjects))
1218      sdir = slist.common_dname
1219      for isubj, subj in enumerate(slist.subjects):
1220         if sdir:
1221            # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1222            cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(slist.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1223            if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1224            else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1225            dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1226         else: dset = subj.dset
1228         for iA in range(nA):
1229            for iB in range(nB):
1230               sstr += '%*s-dset %2d %2d %2d "%s[%s]" \\\n' \
1231                       % (indent, '', iA+1, iB+1, isubj+1, dset,
1232                          bsub[iA*nB+iB])
1234      if errs: return None
1236      return sstr
1238   def make_anova3_t5_set_list(self, bsub, subjlists, factors=0, indent=0):
1239      """return a multi-line string of the form:
1240                -alevels #subjlists
1241                -blevels #bsub
1242                -clevels #subj
1243                -dset GROUP BLEVEL SUBJ "dset#A[bsub#B]"
1244                ...
1245         factors is ignored, and exists only to match type4 function
1246         indent is the initial indentation
1247      """
1248      sstr = ''
1249      sstr += '%*s-alevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', len(subjlists))
1250      sstr += '%*s-blevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', len(bsub))
1251      sstr += '%*s-clevels %d \\\n' % (indent, '', len(subjlists[0].subjects))
1253      slen0 = len(subjlists[0].subjects)
1254      errs  = 0
1255      for ilist, slist in enumerate(subjlists):
1256         if len(slist.subjects) != slen0:
1257            print('** subject list %d length differs from SL 1 (%d != %d)\n'\
1258                  % (ilist+1, len(slist.subjects), slen0))
1259            errs += 1
1260         sdir = slist.common_dname
1262         for isubj, subj in enumerate(slist.subjects):
1263            if sdir:
1264               # see if the dataset is in a directory underneath
1265               cdir = UTIL.child_dir_name(slist.common_dir, subj.ddir)
1266               if UTIL.is_trivial_dir(cdir): cstr = ''
1267               else: cstr = '%s/' % cdir
1268               dset = '$%s/%s%s' % (sdir, cstr, subj.dfile)
1269            else: dset = subj.dset
1270            for ibeta, beta in enumerate(bsub):
1271               sstr += '%*s-dset %2d %2d %2d "%s[%s]" \\\n' \
1272                       % (indent, '', ilist+1, ibeta+1, isubj+1, dset, beta)
1274      if errs: return None
1276      return sstr
1278if __name__ == '__main__':
1279   print('** this is not a main program')