1 /*********************************************************************/
2 /*  bibView: Administration of BibTeX-Databases                      */
3 /*           (Verwaltung von BibTeX-Literaturdatenbanken)            */
4 /*                                                                   */
5 /*  Module:  gui_widg.c                                              */
6 /*                                                                   */
7 /*             GUI: Widgets and misc functions                       */
8 /*             - Notice/Warning/Error windows                        */
9 /*                                                                   */
10 /*  Author:  Holger Martin,  martinh@informatik.tu-muenchen.de       */
11 /*           Peter M. Urban, urban@informatik.tu-muenchen.de         */
12 /*                                                                   */
13 /*  History:                                                         */
14 /*    12.05.91  PMU  created                                         */
15 /*    05.26.92       Version 1.0 released                            */
16 /*                                                                   */
17 /*  Copyright 1992 TU MUENCHEN                                       */
18 /*    See ./Copyright for complete rights and liability information. */
19 /*                                                                   */
20 /*********************************************************************/
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
24 #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
25 #include <X11/Shell.h>
26 #include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
27 #include <X11/Xaw/Paned.h>
28 #include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
29 #include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
30 #include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
31 #include <X11/Xaw/Viewport.h>
32 #include <X11/Xaw/List.h>
33 #include "bibview.h"
36 /* imported global variables */
37 /* ------------------------- */
38 extern Widget topLevel, desktop, mainMenu;
39 extern Pixmap errorPixmap;
40 extern Pixmap warnPixmap;
41 extern Pixmap noticePixmap;
42 extern Pixmap confirmPixmap;
43 extern Pixmap progInfoPixmap;
44 extern Pixmap questPixmap;
47 /* exported global variables */
48 /* ------------------------- */
51 /* local global variables */
52 /* ---------------------- */
53 static Widget selShell;
54 static BibPtr *bibptrArgv;
55 static String *bibselArgv;
56 static int    bibselArgc;
59 /* local function prototypes */
60 /* ------------------------- */
61 static void selectBibOK (Widget w, XtPointer ClientData, XtPointer CallData);
62 static void selectBibCancel (Widget w, XtPointer ClientData, XtPointer CallData);
63 static void closeMsgWin (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);
64 static void closeProgInfoWin (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);
67 /*********************************************************************/
68 /* guwSelectBib:                                                     */
69 /*    Display List of opened bibs to select one                      */
70 /*********************************************************************/
71 Errcode
guwSelectBib(String head,CtlFuncPtr ctlFunc)72 guwSelectBib(String head, CtlFuncPtr ctlFunc)
73 {
74 static Widget selForm, selLabel, selVport, selList, selQuit;
75 BibPtr bp;
76 Position dx, dy, x, y;
77 int i = 0;
79    /* check number of opened bibs */
80    if ((bibselArgc = gubNoOfOpenBibs()) == 0)
81       return(ERR_NOBIBOPEN);
83    /* create argv for list */
84    if ((bibselArgv = (String *)XtCalloc(bibselArgc, sizeof(String))) == NULL)
85       return(ERR_NOMALLOC);
86    if ((bibptrArgv = (BibPtr *)XtCalloc(bibselArgc, sizeof(BibPtr))) == NULL) {
87       XtFree((char *)bibselArgv);
88       return(ERR_NOMALLOC);
89    }
90    bp = glbFirstBibListEl();
91    i = 0;
92    while (bp != NULL) {
93       bibptrArgv[i] = bp;
94       bibselArgv[i] = bp->filepath;
95       bp = glbNextBibListEl(bp);
96       i++;
97    }
99    /* display window */
100    XtVaGetValues(desktop,
101                  XtNx, &dx,
102                  XtNy, &dy, NULL);
103    XtTranslateCoords(desktop,
104                      (Position)dx + SUBWIN_MARGIN,
105                      (Position)dy + SUBWIN_MARGIN,
106                      &x, &y);
107    selShell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("bibselShell",
108 	        transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
109 		XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
110    selForm  = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("bibselWin",
111 	        formWidgetClass, selShell, NULL);
112    selLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(head,
113 	        labelWidgetClass, selForm,
114 		XtNborderWidth, 0,
115 	        XtNleft, XtChainLeft,
116 	        XtNtop, XtChainTop, NULL);
117    selVport = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("bibselVport",
118 		viewportWidgetClass, selForm,
119 		XtNallowVert, True,
120 		XtNfromVert, selLabel, NULL);
121    selList  = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("bibselLst",
122 		listWidgetClass, selVport,
123 		XtNnumberStrings, bibselArgc,
124 		XtNlist, bibselArgv,
125 		XtNforceColumns, True,
126 		XtNdefaultColumns, 1, NULL);
127    selQuit  = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("cancel",
128 	        commandWidgetClass, selForm,
129 		XtNfromVert, selVport,
130 		XtNleft, XtChainLeft, NULL);
132    XtAddCallback(selList, XtNcallback, selectBibOK, (XtPointer)ctlFunc);
133    XtAddCallback(selQuit, XtNcallback, selectBibCancel, NULL);
135    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
136    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
137    XtPopup(selShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
138    return(OK);
139 }
142 /*********************************************************************/
143 /* selectBibOK:                                                      */
144 /*    Callback for select bib list entries                           */
145 /*********************************************************************/
146 static void
selectBibOK(Widget w,XtPointer clientData,XtPointer callData)147 selectBibOK (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData)
148 {
149 XawListReturnStruct *item = (XawListReturnStruct*)callData;
150 CtlFuncPtr ctlFunc = (CtlFuncPtr)clientData;
151 BibPtr bp;
153    XtPopdown(selShell);
154    XSync(XtDisplay(selShell), 1);
155    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, TRUE);
156    gubSetSensitive(NULL, TRUE);
158    bp = bibptrArgv[item->list_index];
159    XtFree((char *)bibptrArgv);
160    XtFree((char *)bibselArgv);
161    (ctlFunc) (bp);
162 }
165 /*********************************************************************/
166 /* selectBibCancel:                                                  */
167 /*    Callback for Cancel button of select bib shell                 */
168 /*********************************************************************/
169 static void
selectBibCancel(Widget w,XtPointer ClientData,XtPointer CallData)170 selectBibCancel (Widget w, XtPointer ClientData, XtPointer CallData)
171 {
173    XtPopdown(selShell);
174    XtFree((char *)bibptrArgv);
175    XtFree((char *)bibselArgv);
176    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, TRUE);
177    gubSetSensitive(NULL, TRUE);
178 }
180 /*********************************************************************/
181 /* guwConfirmClose:                                                  */
182 /*    Opens dialogbox for user to confirm closing without saving     */
183 /*********************************************************************/
184 void
guwConfirmClose(Position x,Position y,XtCallbackProc p1,XtCallbackProc p2)185 guwConfirmClose (Position x, Position y, XtCallbackProc p1, XtCallbackProc p2)
186 {
187 static Widget conShell, conDialog, conOKButton, conQuitButton;
189    conShell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("confirmQuitShell",
190 	        transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
191 		XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
192    conDialog = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("confirmQuitBox",
193 	         dialogWidgetClass, conShell,
194 		 XtNicon, questPixmap, NULL);
195    conOKButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ok",
196 	           commandWidgetClass, conDialog, NULL);
197    conQuitButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("cancel",
198 	           commandWidgetClass, conDialog, NULL);
199    XtAddCallback(conQuitButton, XtNcallback, p1, conShell);
200    XtAddCallback(conOKButton, XtNcallback, p2, conShell);
202    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
203    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
204    XtPopup(conShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
205 }
208 /*********************************************************************/
209 /* guwConfirmDelete:                                                 */
210 /*    Opens dialogbox for user to confirm deleting an entry          */
211 /*********************************************************************/
212 void
guwConfirmDelete(Position x,Position y,XtCallbackProc p1,XtCallbackProc p2)213 guwConfirmDelete (Position x, Position y, XtCallbackProc p1, XtCallbackProc p2)
214 {
215 static Widget conShell, conDialog, conOKButton, conQuitButton;
217    conShell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("confirmDeleteShell",
218 	        transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
219 		XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
220    conDialog = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("confirmDeleteBox",
221 	         dialogWidgetClass, conShell,
222 		 XtNicon, questPixmap, NULL);
223    conOKButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ok",
224 	           commandWidgetClass, conDialog, NULL);
225    conQuitButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("cancel",
226 	           commandWidgetClass, conDialog, NULL);
227    XtAddCallback(conQuitButton, XtNcallback, p1, conShell);
228    XtAddCallback(conOKButton, XtNcallback, p2, conShell);
230    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
231    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
232    XtPopup(conShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
233 }
236 /*********************************************************************/
237 /* guwError:                                                         */
238 /*    Display error message in a popup shell on desktop              */
239 /*********************************************************************/
240 void
guwError(Errcode errcode)241 guwError (Errcode errcode)
242 {
243 static Widget errShell, errForm, errIcon, errType, errText, errOKButton;
244 char textLabel[20];
245 Window rw, cw;
246 int xw, yw;
247 int x, y;
248 unsigned int key_buttons;
250    XQueryPointer(XtDisplay(topLevel),
251 		 DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(topLevel)),
252 		 &rw, &cw, &x, &y, &xw, &yw, &key_buttons);
254    errShell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("errorShell",
255 	        transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
256 		XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
257    errForm = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("errorWin",
258 	       formWidgetClass, errShell, NULL);
259    errIcon = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("errorIcon",
260 	       labelWidgetClass, errForm,
261 	       XtNborderWidth, 0,
262 	       XtNtop, XtChainTop,
263 	       XtNleft, XtChainLeft,
264 	       XtNbitmap, errorPixmap, NULL);
265    errType = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("type",
266 	       labelWidgetClass, errForm,
267 	       XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
268 	       XtNborderWidth, 0,
269 	       XtNtop, XtChainTop,
270 	       XtNfromHoriz, errIcon, NULL);
271    sprintf(textLabel, "msgText%d", abs((int)errcode));
272    errText = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(textLabel,
273 	       labelWidgetClass, errForm,
274 	       XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
275 	       XtNborderWidth, 0,
276 	       XtNfromVert, errType,
277 	       XtNfromHoriz, errIcon, NULL);
278    errOKButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ok",
279 	           commandWidgetClass, errForm,
280 		   XtNfromVert, errText,
281 		   XtNbottom, XtChainBottom,
282 		   XtNfromHoriz, errIcon, NULL);
284    XtAddCallback(errOKButton, XtNcallback, closeMsgWin, errShell);
286    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
287    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
288    if (cotBeepOnError())
289       XBell(XtDisplay(topLevel), 100);
290    XtPopup(errShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
291 }
294 /*********************************************************************/
295 /* guwWarning:                                                       */
296 /*    Display warning message in a popup shell on desktop            */
297 /*********************************************************************/
298 void
guwWarning(Errcode errcode)299 guwWarning (Errcode errcode)
300 {
301 static Widget warnShell, warnForm, warnIcon,
302 	      warnType, warnText, warnOKButton;
303 char textLabel[20],
304      warnLabel[120];
305 Window rw, cw;
306 int xw, yw;
307 int x, y;
308 unsigned int key_buttons;
310    XQueryPointer(XtDisplay(topLevel),
311 		 DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(topLevel)),
312 		 &rw, &cw, &x, &y, &xw, &yw, &key_buttons);
314    warnShell    = XtVaCreatePopupShell("warnShell",
315 	            transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
316 		    XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
317    warnForm     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("warnWin",
318 	            formWidgetClass, warnShell, NULL);
319    warnIcon     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("warnIcon",
320 	            labelWidgetClass, warnForm,
321 	            XtNborderWidth, 0,
322 	            XtNtop, XtChainTop,
323 	            XtNleft, XtChainLeft,
324 	            XtNbitmap, warnPixmap, NULL);
325    warnType     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("type",
326 	            labelWidgetClass, warnForm,
327 		    XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
328 	            XtNborderWidth, 0,
329 	            XtNtop, XtChainTop,
330 	            XtNfromHoriz, warnIcon, NULL);
331    sprintf(textLabel, "msgText%d", abs((int)errcode));
332    if (errcode >= 200){
333 #ifdef GERMAN
334       sprintf(warnLabel, "Karte unvollstaendig: kein %s",
335 			 glbFldToName(errcode-200));
336 #else
337       sprintf(warnLabel, "Card incomplete: no %s", glbFldToName(errcode-200));
338 #endif
339       warnText     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(textLabel,
340   	               labelWidgetClass, warnForm,
341 		       XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
342 	               XtNborderWidth, 0,
343 	               XtNfromVert, warnType,
344 	               XtNlabel, warnLabel,
345 	               XtNfromHoriz, warnIcon, NULL);
346       }
347    else
348    warnText     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(textLabel,
349 	            labelWidgetClass, warnForm,
350 		    XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
351 	            XtNborderWidth, 0,
352 	            XtNfromVert, warnType,
353 	            XtNfromHoriz, warnIcon, NULL);
354    warnOKButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ok",
355 	            commandWidgetClass, warnForm,
356 		    XtNfromVert, warnText,
357 		    XtNbottom, XtChainBottom,
358 		    XtNfromHoriz, warnIcon, NULL);
360    XtAddCallback(warnOKButton, XtNcallback, closeMsgWin, warnShell);
362    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
363    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
364    if (cotBeepOnError())
365       XBell(XtDisplay(topLevel), 100);
366    XtPopup(warnShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
367 }
370 /*********************************************************************/
371 /* guwNotice:                                                        */
372 /*    Display notice message in a popup shell on desktop             */
373 /*********************************************************************/
374 void
guwNotice(Errcode errcode)375 guwNotice (Errcode errcode)
376 {
377 static Widget noticeShell, noticeForm, noticeIcon, noticeType,
378 	      noticeText, noticeOKButton;
379 char textLabel[20];
380 Window rw, cw;
381 int xw, yw;
382 int x, y;
383 unsigned int key_buttons;
385    XQueryPointer(XtDisplay(topLevel),
386 		 DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(topLevel)),
387 		 &rw, &cw, &x, &y, &xw, &yw, &key_buttons);
389    noticeShell    = XtVaCreatePopupShell("noticeShell",
390 	              transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
391 		      XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
392    noticeForm     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("noticeWin",
393 	              formWidgetClass, noticeShell, NULL);
394    noticeIcon     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("noticeIcon",
395 	              labelWidgetClass, noticeForm,
396 	              XtNborderWidth, 0,
397 	              XtNtop, XtChainTop,
398 	              XtNleft, XtChainLeft,
399 	              XtNbitmap, noticePixmap, NULL);
400    noticeType     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("type",
401 	              labelWidgetClass, noticeForm,
402 	              XtNborderWidth, 0,
403 		      XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
404 	              XtNtop, XtChainTop,
405 	              XtNfromHoriz, noticeIcon, NULL);
406    sprintf(textLabel, "msgText%d", abs((int)errcode));
407    noticeText     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(textLabel,
408 	              labelWidgetClass, noticeForm,
409 	              XtNborderWidth, 0,
410 		      XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
411 	              XtNfromVert, noticeType,
412 	              XtNfromHoriz, noticeIcon, NULL);
413    noticeOKButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ok",
414 	              commandWidgetClass, noticeForm,
415 		      XtNfromVert, noticeText,
416 		      XtNbottom, XtChainBottom,
417 		      XtNfromHoriz, noticeIcon, NULL);
419    XtAddCallback(noticeOKButton, XtNcallback, closeMsgWin, noticeShell);
421    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, FALSE);
422    gubSetSensitive(NULL, FALSE);
423    if (cotBeepOnError())
424       XBell(XtDisplay(topLevel), 100);
425    XtPopup(noticeShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
426 }
429 /*********************************************************************/
430 /* CloseMsgWin:                                                      */
431 /*    Callback function for OK button in message windows             */
432 /*********************************************************************/
433 static void
closeMsgWin(Widget w,XtPointer clientData,XtPointer callData)434 closeMsgWin (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData)
435 {
436 Widget shell = (Widget)clientData;
438    XtSetSensitive(mainMenu, TRUE);
439    gubSetSensitive(NULL, TRUE);
440    XtPopdown(shell);
441 }
444 /*********************************************************************/
445 /* guwProgInfo:                                                      */
446 /*    Display programm information                                   */
447 /*********************************************************************/
448 void
guwProgInfo(Widget w,XtPointer clientData,XtPointer callData)449 guwProgInfo (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData)
450 {
451 static Widget piShell, piIcon;
452 Position dx, dy, x, y;
454    XtVaGetValues(desktop,
455                  XtNx, &dx,
456                  XtNy, &dy, NULL);
457    XtTranslateCoords(desktop,
458                      (Position)dx + SUBWIN_MARGIN,
459                      (Position)dy + SUBWIN_MARGIN,
460                      &x, &y);
461    piShell  = XtVaCreatePopupShell("progInfoShell",
462 	        transientShellWidgetClass, topLevel,
463 		XtNx, x, XtNy, y, NULL);
464    piIcon  = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("progInfo",
465 	       commandWidgetClass, piShell,
466 	       XtNbitmap, progInfoPixmap, NULL);
468    XtAddCallback(piIcon, XtNcallback, closeProgInfoWin, piShell);
469    XtPopup(piShell, XtGrabNonexclusive);
470 }
473 /*********************************************************************/
474 /* CloseProgInfoWin:                                                 */
475 /*    Callback function for OK button in message windows             */
476 /*********************************************************************/
477 static void
closeProgInfoWin(Widget w,XtPointer clientData,XtPointer callData)478 closeProgInfoWin (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData)
479 {
480 Widget shell = (Widget)clientData;
482    XtPopdown(shell);
483 }