1{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
3           , NoImplicitPrelude
4           , RecordWildCards
5           , BangPatterns
6           , NondecreasingIndentation
7           , MagicHash
8  #-}
9{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
10{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
11{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
14-- |
15-- Module      :  GHC.IO.Text
16-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2008
17-- License     :  see libraries/base/LICENSE
19-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
20-- Stability   :  internal
21-- Portability :  non-portable
23-- String I\/O functions
27module GHC.IO.Handle.Text (
28        hWaitForInput, hGetChar, hGetLine, hGetContents, hPutChar, hPutStr,
29        commitBuffer',       -- hack, see below
30        hGetBuf, hGetBufSome, hGetBufNonBlocking, hPutBuf, hPutBufNonBlocking,
31        memcpy, hPutStrLn,
32    ) where
34import GHC.IO
35import GHC.IO.FD
36import GHC.IO.Buffer
37import qualified GHC.IO.BufferedIO as Buffered
38import GHC.IO.Exception
39import GHC.Exception
40import GHC.IO.Handle.Types
41import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals
42import qualified GHC.IO.Device as IODevice
43import qualified GHC.IO.Device as RawIO
45import Foreign
46import Foreign.C
48import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
49import Data.Typeable
50import System.IO.Error
51import Data.Maybe
53import GHC.IORef
54import GHC.Base
55import GHC.Real
56import GHC.Num
57import GHC.Show
58import GHC.List
60-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
61-- Simple input operations
63-- If hWaitForInput finds anything in the Handle's buffer, it
64-- immediately returns.  If not, it tries to read from the underlying
65-- OS handle. Notice that for buffered Handles connected to terminals
66-- this means waiting until a complete line is available.
68-- | Computation 'hWaitForInput' @hdl t@
69-- waits until input is available on handle @hdl@.
70-- It returns 'True' as soon as input is available on @hdl@,
71-- or 'False' if no input is available within @t@ milliseconds.  Note that
72-- 'hWaitForInput' waits until one or more full /characters/ are available,
73-- which means that it needs to do decoding, and hence may fail
74-- with a decoding error.
76-- If @t@ is less than zero, then @hWaitForInput@ waits indefinitely.
78-- This operation may fail with:
80--  * 'isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
82--  * a decoding error, if the input begins with an invalid byte sequence
83--    in this Handle's encoding.
85-- NOTE for GHC users: unless you use the @-threaded@ flag,
86-- @hWaitForInput hdl t@ where @t >= 0@ will block all other Haskell
87-- threads for the duration of the call.  It behaves like a
88-- @safe@ foreign call in this respect.
91hWaitForInput :: Handle -> Int -> IO Bool
92hWaitForInput h msecs = do
93  wantReadableHandle_ "hWaitForInput" h $ \ handle_@Handle__{..} -> do
94  cbuf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
96  if not (isEmptyBuffer cbuf) then return True else do
98  if msecs < 0
99        then do cbuf' <- readTextDevice handle_ cbuf
100                writeIORef haCharBuffer cbuf'
101                return True
102        else do
103               -- there might be bytes in the byte buffer waiting to be decoded
104               cbuf' <- decodeByteBuf handle_ cbuf
105               writeIORef haCharBuffer cbuf'
107               if not (isEmptyBuffer cbuf') then return True else do
109                r <- IODevice.ready haDevice False{-read-} msecs
110                if r then do -- Call hLookAhead' to throw an EOF
111                             -- exception if appropriate
112                             _ <- hLookAhead_ handle_
113                             return True
114                     else return False
115                -- XXX we should only return when there are full characters
116                -- not when there are only bytes.  That would mean looping
117                -- and re-running IODevice.ready if we don't have any full
118                -- characters; but we don't know how long we've waited
119                -- so far.
121-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
122-- hGetChar
124-- | Computation 'hGetChar' @hdl@ reads a character from the file or
125-- channel managed by @hdl@, blocking until a character is available.
127-- This operation may fail with:
129--  * 'isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
131hGetChar :: Handle -> IO Char
132hGetChar handle =
133  wantReadableHandle_ "hGetChar" handle $ \handle_@Handle__{..} -> do
135  -- buffering mode makes no difference: we just read whatever is available
136  -- from the device (blocking only if there is nothing available), and then
137  -- return the first character.
138  -- See [note Buffered Reading] in GHC.IO.Handle.Types
139  buf0 <- readIORef haCharBuffer
141  buf1 <- if isEmptyBuffer buf0
142             then readTextDevice handle_ buf0
143             else return buf0
145  (c1,i) <- readCharBuf (bufRaw buf1) (bufL buf1)
146  let buf2 = bufferAdjustL i buf1
148  if haInputNL == CRLF && c1 == '\r'
149     then do
150            mbuf3 <- if isEmptyBuffer buf2
151                      then maybeFillReadBuffer handle_ buf2
152                      else return (Just buf2)
154            case mbuf3 of
155               -- EOF, so just return the '\r' we have
156               Nothing -> do
157                  writeIORef haCharBuffer buf2
158                  return '\r'
159               Just buf3 -> do
160                  (c2,i2) <- readCharBuf (bufRaw buf2) (bufL buf2)
161                  if c2 == '\n'
162                     then do
163                       writeIORef haCharBuffer (bufferAdjustL i2 buf3)
164                       return '\n'
165                     else do
166                       -- not a \r\n sequence, so just return the \r
167                       writeIORef haCharBuffer buf3
168                       return '\r'
169     else do
170            writeIORef haCharBuffer buf2
171            return c1
173-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
174-- hGetLine
176-- | Computation 'hGetLine' @hdl@ reads a line from the file or
177-- channel managed by @hdl@.
179-- This operation may fail with:
181--  * 'isEOFError' if the end of file is encountered when reading
182--    the /first/ character of the line.
184-- If 'hGetLine' encounters end-of-file at any other point while reading
185-- in a line, it is treated as a line terminator and the (partial)
186-- line is returned.
188hGetLine :: Handle -> IO String
189hGetLine h =
190  wantReadableHandle_ "hGetLine" h $ \ handle_ -> do
191     hGetLineBuffered handle_
193hGetLineBuffered :: Handle__ -> IO String
194hGetLineBuffered handle_@Handle__{..} = do
195  buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
196  hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ buf []
198hGetLineBufferedLoop :: Handle__
199                     -> CharBuffer -> [String]
200                     -> IO String
201hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_@Handle__{..}
202        buf@Buffer{ bufL=r0, bufR=w, bufRaw=raw0 } xss =
203  let
204        -- find the end-of-line character, if there is one
205        loop raw r
206           | r == w = return (False, w)
207           | otherwise =  do
208                (c,r') <- readCharBuf raw r
209                if c == '\n'
210                   then return (True, r) -- NB. not r': don't include the '\n'
211                   else loop raw r'
212  in do
213  (eol, off) <- loop raw0 r0
215  debugIO ("hGetLineBufferedLoop: r=" ++ show r0 ++ ", w=" ++ show w ++ ", off=" ++ show off)
217  (xs,r') <- if haInputNL == CRLF
218                then unpack_nl raw0 r0 off ""
219                else do xs <- unpack raw0 r0 off ""
220                        return (xs,off)
222  -- if eol == True, then off is the offset of the '\n'
223  -- otherwise off == w and the buffer is now empty.
224  if eol -- r' == off
225        then do writeIORef haCharBuffer (bufferAdjustL (off+1) buf)
226                return (concat (reverse (xs:xss)))
227        else do
228             let buf1 = bufferAdjustL r' buf
229             maybe_buf <- maybeFillReadBuffer handle_ buf1
230             case maybe_buf of
231                -- Nothing indicates we caught an EOF, and we may have a
232                -- partial line to return.
233                Nothing -> do
234                     -- we reached EOF.  There might be a lone \r left
235                     -- in the buffer, so check for that and
236                     -- append it to the line if necessary.
237                     --
238                     let pre = if not (isEmptyBuffer buf1) then "\r" else ""
239                     writeIORef haCharBuffer buf1{ bufL=0, bufR=0 }
240                     let str = concat (reverse (pre:xs:xss))
241                     if not (null str)
242                        then return str
243                        else ioe_EOF
244                Just new_buf ->
245                     hGetLineBufferedLoop handle_ new_buf (xs:xss)
247maybeFillReadBuffer :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO (Maybe CharBuffer)
248maybeFillReadBuffer handle_ buf
249  = catchException
250     (do buf' <- getSomeCharacters handle_ buf
251         return (Just buf')
252     )
253     (\e -> do if isEOFError e
254                  then return Nothing
255                  else ioError e)
257-- See GHC.IO.Buffer
258#define CHARBUF_UTF32
259-- #define CHARBUF_UTF16
261-- NB. performance-critical code: eyeball the Core.
262unpack :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> IO [Char]
263unpack !buf !r !w acc0
264 | r == w    = return acc0
265 | otherwise =
266  withRawBuffer buf $ \pbuf ->
267    let
268        unpackRB acc !i
269         | i < r  = return acc
270         | otherwise = do
271              -- Here, we are rather careful to only put an *evaluated* character
272              -- in the output string. Due to pointer tagging, this allows the consumer
273              -- to avoid ping-ponging between the actual consumer code and the thunk code
274#if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16)
275              -- reverse-order decoding of UTF-16
276              c2 <- peekElemOff pbuf i
277              if (c2 < 0xdc00 || c2 > 0xdffff)
278                 then unpackRB (unsafeChr (fromIntegral c2) : acc) (i-1)
279                 else do c1 <- peekElemOff pbuf (i-1)
280                         let c = (fromIntegral c1 - 0xd800) * 0x400 +
281                                 (fromIntegral c2 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000
282                         case desurrogatifyRoundtripCharacter (unsafeChr c) of
283                           { C# c# -> unpackRB (C# c# : acc) (i-2) }
285              c <- peekElemOff pbuf i
286              unpackRB (c : acc) (i-1)
288     in
289     unpackRB acc0 (w-1)
291-- NB. performance-critical code: eyeball the Core.
292unpack_nl :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> IO ([Char],Int)
293unpack_nl !buf !r !w acc0
294 | r == w    =  return (acc0, 0)
295 | otherwise =
296  withRawBuffer buf $ \pbuf ->
297    let
298        unpackRB acc !i
299         | i < r  = return acc
300         | otherwise = do
301              c <- peekElemOff pbuf i
302              if (c == '\n' && i > r)
303                 then do
304                         c1 <- peekElemOff pbuf (i-1)
305                         if (c1 == '\r')
306                            then unpackRB ('\n':acc) (i-2)
307                            else unpackRB ('\n':acc) (i-1)
308                 else do
309                         unpackRB (c : acc) (i-1)
310     in do
311     c <- peekElemOff pbuf (w-1)
312     if (c == '\r')
313        then do
314                -- If the last char is a '\r', we need to know whether or
315                -- not it is followed by a '\n', so leave it in the buffer
316                -- for now and just unpack the rest.
317                str <- unpackRB acc0 (w-2)
318                return (str, w-1)
319        else do
320                str <- unpackRB acc0 (w-1)
321                return (str, w)
323-- Note [#5536]
325-- We originally had
327--    let c' = desurrogatifyRoundtripCharacter c in
328--    c' `seq` unpackRB (c':acc) (i-1)
330-- but this resulted in Core like
332--    case (case x <# y of True -> C# e1; False -> C# e2) of c
333--      C# _ -> unpackRB (c:acc) (i-1)
335-- which compiles into a continuation for the outer case, with each
336-- branch of the inner case building a C# and then jumping to the
337-- continuation.  We'd rather not have this extra jump, which makes
338-- quite a difference to performance (see #5536) It turns out that
339-- matching on the C# directly causes GHC to do the case-of-case,
340-- giving much straighter code.
342-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
343-- hGetContents
345-- hGetContents on a DuplexHandle only affects the read side: you can
346-- carry on writing to it afterwards.
348-- | Computation 'hGetContents' @hdl@ returns the list of characters
349-- corresponding to the unread portion of the channel or file managed
350-- by @hdl@, which is put into an intermediate state, /semi-closed/.
351-- In this state, @hdl@ is effectively closed,
352-- but items are read from @hdl@ on demand and accumulated in a special
353-- list returned by 'hGetContents' @hdl@.
355-- Any operation that fails because a handle is closed,
356-- also fails if a handle is semi-closed.  The only exception is
357-- 'System.IO.hClose'.  A semi-closed handle becomes closed:
359--  * if 'System.IO.hClose' is applied to it;
361--  * if an I\/O error occurs when reading an item from the handle;
363--  * or once the entire contents of the handle has been read.
365-- Once a semi-closed handle becomes closed, the contents of the
366-- associated list becomes fixed.  The contents of this final list is
367-- only partially specified: it will contain at least all the items of
368-- the stream that were evaluated prior to the handle becoming closed.
370-- Any I\/O errors encountered while a handle is semi-closed are simply
371-- discarded.
373-- This operation may fail with:
375--  * 'isEOFError' if the end of file has been reached.
377hGetContents :: Handle -> IO String
378hGetContents handle =
379   wantReadableHandle "hGetContents" handle $ \handle_ -> do
380      xs <- lazyRead handle
381      return (handle_{ haType=SemiClosedHandle}, xs )
383-- Note that someone may close the semi-closed handle (or change its
384-- buffering), so each time these lazy read functions are pulled on,
385-- they have to check whether the handle has indeed been closed.
387lazyRead :: Handle -> IO String
388lazyRead handle =
389   unsafeInterleaveIO $
390        withHandle "hGetContents" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
391        case haType handle_ of
392          SemiClosedHandle -> lazyReadBuffered handle handle_
393          ClosedHandle
394            -> ioException
395                  (IOError (Just handle) IllegalOperation "hGetContents"
396                        "delayed read on closed handle" Nothing Nothing)
397          _ -> ioException
398                  (IOError (Just handle) IllegalOperation "hGetContents"
399                        "illegal handle type" Nothing Nothing)
401lazyReadBuffered :: Handle -> Handle__ -> IO (Handle__, [Char])
402lazyReadBuffered h handle_@Handle__{..} = do
403   buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
404   Exception.catch
405        (do
406            buf'@Buffer{..} <- getSomeCharacters handle_ buf
407            lazy_rest <- lazyRead h
408            (s,r) <- if haInputNL == CRLF
409                         then unpack_nl bufRaw bufL bufR lazy_rest
410                         else do s <- unpack bufRaw bufL bufR lazy_rest
411                                 return (s,bufR)
412            writeIORef haCharBuffer (bufferAdjustL r buf')
413            return (handle_, s)
414        )
415        (\e -> do (handle_', _) <- hClose_help handle_
416                  debugIO ("hGetContents caught: " ++ show e)
417                  -- We might have a \r cached in CRLF mode.  So we
418                  -- need to check for that and return it:
419                  let r = if isEOFError e
420                             then if not (isEmptyBuffer buf)
421                                     then "\r"
422                                     else ""
423                             else
424                                  throw (augmentIOError e "hGetContents" h)
426                  return (handle_', r)
427        )
429-- ensure we have some characters in the buffer
430getSomeCharacters :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO CharBuffer
431getSomeCharacters handle_@Handle__{..} buf@Buffer{..} =
432  case bufferElems buf of
434    -- buffer empty: read some more
435    0 -> readTextDevice handle_ buf
437    -- if the buffer has a single '\r' in it and we're doing newline
438    -- translation: read some more
439    1 | haInputNL == CRLF -> do
440      (c,_) <- readCharBuf bufRaw bufL
441      if c == '\r'
442         then do -- shuffle the '\r' to the beginning.  This is only safe
443                 -- if we're about to call readTextDevice, otherwise it
444                 -- would mess up flushCharBuffer.
445                 -- See [note Buffer Flushing], GHC.IO.Handle.Types
446                 _ <- writeCharBuf bufRaw 0 '\r'
447                 let buf' = buf{ bufL=0, bufR=1 }
448                 readTextDevice handle_ buf'
449         else do
450                 return buf
452    -- buffer has some chars in it already: just return it
453    _otherwise ->
454      return buf
456-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
457-- hPutChar
459-- | Computation 'hPutChar' @hdl ch@ writes the character @ch@ to the
460-- file or channel managed by @hdl@.  Characters may be buffered if
461-- buffering is enabled for @hdl@.
463-- This operation may fail with:
465--  * 'isFullError' if the device is full; or
467--  * 'isPermissionError' if another system resource limit would be exceeded.
469hPutChar :: Handle -> Char -> IO ()
470hPutChar handle c = do
471    c `seq` return ()
472    wantWritableHandle "hPutChar" handle $ \ handle_  -> do
473     hPutcBuffered handle_ c
475hPutcBuffered :: Handle__ -> Char -> IO ()
476hPutcBuffered handle_@Handle__{..} c = do
477  buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
478  if c == '\n'
479     then do buf1 <- if haOutputNL == CRLF
480                        then do
481                          buf1 <- putc buf '\r'
482                          putc buf1 '\n'
483                        else do
484                          putc buf '\n'
485             writeCharBuffer handle_ buf1
486             when is_line $ flushByteWriteBuffer handle_
487      else do
488          buf1 <- putc buf c
489          writeCharBuffer handle_ buf1
490          return ()
491  where
492    is_line = case haBufferMode of
493                LineBuffering -> True
494                _             -> False
496    putc buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w } c = do
497       debugIO ("putc: " ++ summaryBuffer buf)
498       w'  <- writeCharBuf raw w c
499       return buf{ bufR = w' }
501-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
502-- hPutStr
504-- We go to some trouble to avoid keeping the handle locked while we're
505-- evaluating the string argument to hPutStr, in case doing so triggers another
506-- I/O operation on the same handle which would lead to deadlock.  The classic
507-- case is
509--              putStr (trace "hello" "world")
511-- so the basic scheme is this:
513--      * copy the string into a fresh buffer,
514--      * "commit" the buffer to the handle.
516-- Committing may involve simply copying the contents of the new
517-- buffer into the handle's buffer, flushing one or both buffers, or
518-- maybe just swapping the buffers over (if the handle's buffer was
519-- empty).  See commitBuffer below.
521-- | Computation 'hPutStr' @hdl s@ writes the string
522-- @s@ to the file or channel managed by @hdl@.
524-- This operation may fail with:
526--  * 'isFullError' if the device is full; or
528--  * 'isPermissionError' if another system resource limit would be exceeded.
530hPutStr :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
531hPutStr handle str = hPutStr' handle str False
533-- | The same as 'hPutStr', but adds a newline character.
534hPutStrLn :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
535hPutStrLn handle str = hPutStr' handle str True
536  -- An optimisation: we treat hPutStrLn specially, to avoid the
537  -- overhead of a single putChar '\n', which is quite high now that we
538  -- have to encode eagerly.
540{-# NOINLINE hPutStr' #-}
541hPutStr' :: Handle -> String -> Bool -> IO ()
542hPutStr' handle str add_nl =
543  do
544    (buffer_mode, nl) <-
545         wantWritableHandle "hPutStr" handle $ \h_ -> do
546                       bmode <- getSpareBuffer h_
547                       return (bmode, haOutputNL h_)
549    case buffer_mode of
550       (NoBuffering, _) -> do
551            hPutChars handle str        -- v. slow, but we don't care
552            when add_nl $ hPutChar handle '\n'
553       (LineBuffering, buf) -> do
554            writeBlocks handle True  add_nl nl buf str
555       (BlockBuffering _, buf) -> do
556            writeBlocks handle False add_nl nl buf str
558hPutChars :: Handle -> [Char] -> IO ()
559hPutChars _      [] = return ()
560hPutChars handle (c:cs) = hPutChar handle c >> hPutChars handle cs
562getSpareBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO (BufferMode, CharBuffer)
563getSpareBuffer Handle__{haCharBuffer=ref,
564                        haBuffers=spare_ref,
565                        haBufferMode=mode}
566 = do
567   case mode of
568     NoBuffering -> return (mode, errorWithoutStackTrace "no buffer!")
569     _ -> do
570          bufs <- readIORef spare_ref
571          buf  <- readIORef ref
572          case bufs of
573            BufferListCons b rest -> do
574                writeIORef spare_ref rest
575                return ( mode, emptyBuffer b (bufSize buf) WriteBuffer)
576            BufferListNil -> do
577                new_buf <- newCharBuffer (bufSize buf) WriteBuffer
578                return (mode, new_buf)
581-- NB. performance-critical code: eyeball the Core.
582writeBlocks :: Handle -> Bool -> Bool -> Newline -> Buffer CharBufElem -> String -> IO ()
583writeBlocks hdl line_buffered add_nl nl
584            buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufSize=len } s =
585  let
586   shoveString :: Int -> [Char] -> [Char] -> IO ()
587   shoveString !n [] [] = do
588        commitBuffer hdl raw len n False{-no flush-} True{-release-}
589   shoveString !n [] rest = do
590        shoveString n rest []
591   shoveString !n (c:cs) rest
592     -- n+1 so we have enough room to write '\r\n' if necessary
593     | n + 1 >= len = do
594        commitBuffer hdl raw len n False{-flush-} False
595        shoveString 0 (c:cs) rest
596     | c == '\n'  =  do
597        n' <- if nl == CRLF
598                 then do
599                    n1 <- writeCharBuf raw n  '\r'
600                    writeCharBuf raw n1 '\n'
601                 else do
602                    writeCharBuf raw n c
603        if line_buffered
604           then do
605                -- end of line, so write and flush
606               commitBuffer hdl raw len n' True{-flush-} False
607               shoveString 0 cs rest
608           else do
609               shoveString n' cs rest
610     | otherwise = do
611        n' <- writeCharBuf raw n c
612        shoveString n' cs rest
613  in
614  shoveString 0 s (if add_nl then "\n" else "")
616-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
617-- commitBuffer handle buf sz count flush release
619-- Write the contents of the buffer 'buf' ('sz' bytes long, containing
620-- 'count' bytes of data) to handle (handle must be block or line buffered).
623        :: Handle                       -- handle to commit to
624        -> RawCharBuffer -> Int         -- address and size (in bytes) of buffer
625        -> Int                          -- number of bytes of data in buffer
626        -> Bool                         -- True <=> flush the handle afterward
627        -> Bool                         -- release the buffer?
628        -> IO ()
630commitBuffer hdl !raw !sz !count flush release =
631  wantWritableHandle "commitBuffer" hdl $ \h_@Handle__{..} -> do
632      debugIO ("commitBuffer: sz=" ++ show sz ++ ", count=" ++ show count
633            ++ ", flush=" ++ show flush ++ ", release=" ++ show release)
635      writeCharBuffer h_ Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufState=WriteBuffer,
636                                 bufL=0, bufR=count, bufSize=sz }
638      when flush $ flushByteWriteBuffer h_
640      -- release the buffer if necessary
641      when release $ do
642          -- find size of current buffer
643          old_buf@Buffer{ bufSize=size } <- readIORef haCharBuffer
644          when (sz == size) $ do
645               spare_bufs <- readIORef haBuffers
646               writeIORef haBuffers (BufferListCons raw spare_bufs)
648      return ()
650-- backwards compatibility; the text package uses this
651commitBuffer' :: RawCharBuffer -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Handle__
652              -> IO CharBuffer
653commitBuffer' raw sz@(I# _) count@(I# _) flush release h_@Handle__{..}
654   = do
655      debugIO ("commitBuffer: sz=" ++ show sz ++ ", count=" ++ show count
656            ++ ", flush=" ++ show flush ++ ", release=" ++ show release)
658      let this_buf = Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufState=WriteBuffer,
659                             bufL=0, bufR=count, bufSize=sz }
661      writeCharBuffer h_ this_buf
663      when flush $ flushByteWriteBuffer h_
665      -- release the buffer if necessary
666      when release $ do
667          -- find size of current buffer
668          old_buf@Buffer{ bufSize=size } <- readIORef haCharBuffer
669          when (sz == size) $ do
670               spare_bufs <- readIORef haBuffers
671               writeIORef haBuffers (BufferListCons raw spare_bufs)
673      return this_buf
675-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
676-- Reading/writing sequences of bytes.
678-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
679-- hPutBuf
681-- | 'hPutBuf' @hdl buf count@ writes @count@ 8-bit bytes from the
682-- buffer @buf@ to the handle @hdl@.  It returns ().
684-- 'hPutBuf' ignores any text encoding that applies to the 'Handle',
685-- writing the bytes directly to the underlying file or device.
687-- 'hPutBuf' ignores the prevailing 'System.IO.TextEncoding' and
688-- 'NewlineMode' on the 'Handle', and writes bytes directly.
690-- This operation may fail with:
692--  * 'ResourceVanished' if the handle is a pipe or socket, and the
693--    reading end is closed.  (If this is a POSIX system, and the program
694--    has not asked to ignore SIGPIPE, then a SIGPIPE may be delivered
695--    instead, whose default action is to terminate the program).
697hPutBuf :: Handle                       -- handle to write to
698        -> Ptr a                        -- address of buffer
699        -> Int                          -- number of bytes of data in buffer
700        -> IO ()
701hPutBuf h ptr count = do _ <- hPutBuf' h ptr count True
702                         return ()
705        :: Handle                       -- handle to write to
706        -> Ptr a                        -- address of buffer
707        -> Int                          -- number of bytes of data in buffer
708        -> IO Int                       -- returns: number of bytes written
709hPutBufNonBlocking h ptr count = hPutBuf' h ptr count False
711hPutBuf':: Handle                       -- handle to write to
712        -> Ptr a                        -- address of buffer
713        -> Int                          -- number of bytes of data in buffer
714        -> Bool                         -- allow blocking?
715        -> IO Int
716hPutBuf' handle ptr count can_block
717  | count == 0 = return 0
718  | count <  0 = illegalBufferSize handle "hPutBuf" count
719  | otherwise =
720    wantWritableHandle "hPutBuf" handle $
721      \ h_@Handle__{..} -> do
722          debugIO ("hPutBuf count=" ++ show count)
724          r <- bufWrite h_ (castPtr ptr) count can_block
726          -- we must flush if this Handle is set to NoBuffering.  If
727          -- it is set to LineBuffering, be conservative and flush
728          -- anyway (we didn't check for newlines in the data).
729          case haBufferMode of
730             BlockBuffering _      -> do return ()
731             _line_or_no_buffering -> do flushWriteBuffer h_
732          return r
734bufWrite :: Handle__-> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Bool -> IO Int
735bufWrite h_@Handle__{..} ptr count can_block =
736  seq count $ do  -- strictness hack
737  old_buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=old_raw, bufR=w, bufSize=size }
738     <- readIORef haByteBuffer
740  -- TODO: Possible optimisation:
741  --       If we know that `w + count > size`, we should write both the
742  --       handle buffer and the `ptr` in a single `writev()` syscall.
744  -- Need to buffer and enough room in handle buffer?
745  -- There's no need to buffer if the data to be written is larger than
746  -- the handle buffer (`count >= size`).
747  if (count < size && count <= size - w)
748        -- We need to buffer and there's enough room in the buffer:
749        -- just copy the data in and update bufR.
750        then do debugIO ("hPutBuf: copying to buffer, w=" ++ show w)
751                copyToRawBuffer old_raw w ptr count
752                let copied_buf = old_buf{ bufR = w + count }
753                -- If the write filled the buffer completely, we need to flush,
754                -- to maintain the "INVARIANTS on Buffers" from
755                -- GHC.IO.Buffer.checkBuffer: "a write buffer is never full".
756                if (count == size - w)
757                  then do
758                    debugIO "hPutBuf: flushing full buffer after writing"
759                    flushed_buf <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice copied_buf
760                            -- TODO: we should do a non-blocking flush here
761                    writeIORef haByteBuffer flushed_buf
762                  else do
763                    writeIORef haByteBuffer copied_buf
764                return count
766        -- else, we have to flush any existing handle buffer data
767        -- and can then write out the data in `ptr` directly.
768        else do -- No point flushing when there's nothing in the buffer.
769                when (w > 0) $ do
770                  debugIO "hPutBuf: flushing first"
771                  flushed_buf <- Buffered.flushWriteBuffer haDevice old_buf
772                          -- TODO: we should do a non-blocking flush here
773                  writeIORef haByteBuffer flushed_buf
774                -- if we can fit in the buffer, then just loop
775                if count < size
776                   then bufWrite h_ ptr count can_block
777                   else if can_block
778                           then do writeChunk h_ (castPtr ptr) count
779                                   return count
780                           else writeChunkNonBlocking h_ (castPtr ptr) count
782writeChunk :: Handle__ -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
783writeChunk h_@Handle__{..} ptr bytes
784  | Just fd <- cast haDevice  =  RawIO.write (fd::FD) ptr bytes
785  | otherwise = error "Todo: hPutBuf"
787writeChunkNonBlocking :: Handle__ -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
788writeChunkNonBlocking h_@Handle__{..} ptr bytes
789  | Just fd <- cast haDevice  =  RawIO.writeNonBlocking (fd::FD) ptr bytes
790  | otherwise = error "Todo: hPutBuf"
792-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
793-- hGetBuf
795-- | 'hGetBuf' @hdl buf count@ reads data from the handle @hdl@
796-- into the buffer @buf@ until either EOF is reached or
797-- @count@ 8-bit bytes have been read.
798-- It returns the number of bytes actually read.  This may be zero if
799-- EOF was reached before any data was read (or if @count@ is zero).
801-- 'hGetBuf' never raises an EOF exception, instead it returns a value
802-- smaller than @count@.
804-- If the handle is a pipe or socket, and the writing end
805-- is closed, 'hGetBuf' will behave as if EOF was reached.
807-- 'hGetBuf' ignores the prevailing 'System.IO.TextEncoding' and 'NewlineMode'
808-- on the 'Handle', and reads bytes directly.
810hGetBuf :: Handle -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO Int
811hGetBuf h !ptr count
812  | count == 0 = return 0
813  | count <  0 = illegalBufferSize h "hGetBuf" count
814  | otherwise =
815      wantReadableHandle_ "hGetBuf" h $ \ h_@Handle__{..} -> do
816         flushCharReadBuffer h_
817         buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
818            <- readIORef haByteBuffer
819         if isEmptyBuffer buf
820            then bufReadEmpty    h_ buf (castPtr ptr) 0 count
821            else bufReadNonEmpty h_ buf (castPtr ptr) 0 count
823-- small reads go through the buffer, large reads are satisfied by
824-- taking data first from the buffer and then direct from the file
825-- descriptor.
827bufReadNonEmpty :: Handle__ -> Buffer Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
828bufReadNonEmpty h_@Handle__{..}
829                buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
830                ptr !so_far !count
831 = do
832        let avail = w - r
833        if (count < avail)
834           then do
835                copyFromRawBuffer ptr raw r count
836                writeIORef haByteBuffer buf{ bufL = r + count }
837                return (so_far + count)
838           else do
840        copyFromRawBuffer ptr raw r avail
841        let buf' = buf{ bufR=0, bufL=0 }
842        writeIORef haByteBuffer buf'
843        let remaining = count - avail
844            so_far' = so_far + avail
845            ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` avail
847        if remaining == 0
848           then return so_far'
849           else bufReadEmpty h_ buf' ptr' so_far' remaining
852bufReadEmpty :: Handle__ -> Buffer Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
853bufReadEmpty h_@Handle__{..}
854             buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
855             ptr so_far count
856 | count > sz, Just fd <- cast haDevice = loop fd 0 count
857 | otherwise = do
858     (r,buf') <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer haDevice buf
859     if r == 0
860        then return so_far
861        else do writeIORef haByteBuffer buf'
862                bufReadNonEmpty h_ buf' ptr so_far count
863 where
864  loop :: FD -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
865  loop fd off bytes | bytes <= 0 = return (so_far + off)
866  loop fd off bytes = do
867    r <- RawIO.read (fd::FD) (ptr `plusPtr` off) bytes
868    if r == 0
869        then return (so_far + off)
870        else loop fd (off + r) (bytes - r)
872-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
873-- hGetBufSome
875-- | 'hGetBufSome' @hdl buf count@ reads data from the handle @hdl@
876-- into the buffer @buf@.  If there is any data available to read,
877-- then 'hGetBufSome' returns it immediately; it only blocks if there
878-- is no data to be read.
880-- It returns the number of bytes actually read.  This may be zero if
881-- EOF was reached before any data was read (or if @count@ is zero).
883-- 'hGetBufSome' never raises an EOF exception, instead it returns a value
884-- smaller than @count@.
886-- If the handle is a pipe or socket, and the writing end
887-- is closed, 'hGetBufSome' will behave as if EOF was reached.
889-- 'hGetBufSome' ignores the prevailing 'System.IO.TextEncoding' and
890-- 'NewlineMode' on the 'Handle', and reads bytes directly.
892hGetBufSome :: Handle -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO Int
893hGetBufSome h !ptr count
894  | count == 0 = return 0
895  | count <  0 = illegalBufferSize h "hGetBufSome" count
896  | otherwise =
897      wantReadableHandle_ "hGetBufSome" h $ \ h_@Handle__{..} -> do
898         flushCharReadBuffer h_
899         buf@Buffer{ bufSize=sz } <- readIORef haByteBuffer
900         if isEmptyBuffer buf
901            then case count > sz of  -- large read? optimize it with a little special case:
902                    True | Just fd <- haFD h_ -> do RawIO.read fd (castPtr ptr) count
903                    _ -> do (r,buf') <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer haDevice buf
904                            if r == 0
905                               then return 0
906                               else do writeIORef haByteBuffer buf'
907                                       bufReadNBNonEmpty h_ buf' (castPtr ptr) 0 (min r count)
908                                        -- new count is  (min r count), so
909                                        -- that bufReadNBNonEmpty will not
910                                        -- issue another read.
911            else
912              let count' = min count (bufferElems buf)
913              in bufReadNBNonEmpty h_ buf (castPtr ptr) 0 count'
915haFD :: Handle__ -> Maybe FD
916haFD h_@Handle__{..} = cast haDevice
918-- | 'hGetBufNonBlocking' @hdl buf count@ reads data from the handle @hdl@
919-- into the buffer @buf@ until either EOF is reached, or
920-- @count@ 8-bit bytes have been read, or there is no more data available
921-- to read immediately.
923-- 'hGetBufNonBlocking' is identical to 'hGetBuf', except that it will
924-- never block waiting for data to become available, instead it returns
925-- only whatever data is available.  To wait for data to arrive before
926-- calling 'hGetBufNonBlocking', use 'hWaitForInput'.
928-- If the handle is a pipe or socket, and the writing end
929-- is closed, 'hGetBufNonBlocking' will behave as if EOF was reached.
931-- 'hGetBufNonBlocking' ignores the prevailing 'System.IO.TextEncoding' and
932-- 'NewlineMode' on the 'Handle', and reads bytes directly.
934-- NOTE: on Windows, this function does not work correctly; it
935-- behaves identically to 'hGetBuf'.
937hGetBufNonBlocking :: Handle -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO Int
938hGetBufNonBlocking h !ptr count
939  | count == 0 = return 0
940  | count <  0 = illegalBufferSize h "hGetBufNonBlocking" count
941  | otherwise =
942      wantReadableHandle_ "hGetBufNonBlocking" h $ \ h_@Handle__{..} -> do
943         flushCharReadBuffer h_
944         buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
945            <- readIORef haByteBuffer
946         if isEmptyBuffer buf
947            then bufReadNBEmpty    h_ buf (castPtr ptr) 0 count
948            else bufReadNBNonEmpty h_ buf (castPtr ptr) 0 count
950bufReadNBEmpty :: Handle__ -> Buffer Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
951bufReadNBEmpty   h_@Handle__{..}
952                 buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
953                 ptr so_far count
954  | count > sz,
955    Just fd <- cast haDevice = do
956       m <- RawIO.readNonBlocking (fd::FD) ptr count
957       case m of
958         Nothing -> return so_far
959         Just n  -> return (so_far + n)
961 | otherwise = do
962     buf <- readIORef haByteBuffer
963     (r,buf') <- Buffered.fillReadBuffer0 haDevice buf
964     case r of
965       Nothing -> return so_far
966       Just 0  -> return so_far
967       Just r  -> do
968         writeIORef haByteBuffer buf'
969         bufReadNBNonEmpty h_ buf' ptr so_far (min count r)
970                          -- NOTE: new count is    min count r
971                          -- so we will just copy the contents of the
972                          -- buffer in the recursive call, and not
973                          -- loop again.
976bufReadNBNonEmpty :: Handle__ -> Buffer Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO Int
977bufReadNBNonEmpty h_@Handle__{..}
978                  buf@Buffer{ bufRaw=raw, bufR=w, bufL=r, bufSize=sz }
979                  ptr so_far count
980  = do
981        let avail = w - r
982        if (count < avail)
983           then do
984                copyFromRawBuffer ptr raw r count
985                writeIORef haByteBuffer buf{ bufL = r + count }
986                return (so_far + count)
987           else do
989        copyFromRawBuffer ptr raw r avail
990        let buf' = buf{ bufR=0, bufL=0 }
991        writeIORef haByteBuffer buf'
992        let remaining = count - avail
993            so_far' = so_far + avail
994            ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` avail
996        if remaining == 0
997           then return so_far'
998           else bufReadNBEmpty h_ buf' ptr' so_far' remaining
1000-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1001-- memcpy wrappers
1003copyToRawBuffer :: RawBuffer e -> Int -> Ptr e -> Int -> IO ()
1004copyToRawBuffer raw off ptr bytes =
1005 withRawBuffer raw $ \praw ->
1006   do _ <- memcpy (praw `plusPtr` off) ptr (fromIntegral bytes)
1007      return ()
1009copyFromRawBuffer :: Ptr e -> RawBuffer e -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
1010copyFromRawBuffer ptr raw off bytes =
1011 withRawBuffer raw $ \praw ->
1012   do _ <- memcpy ptr (praw `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral bytes)
1013      return ()
1015foreign import ccall unsafe "memcpy"
1016   memcpy :: Ptr a -> Ptr a -> CSize -> IO (Ptr ())
1019-- Internal Utils
1021illegalBufferSize :: Handle -> String -> Int -> IO a
1022illegalBufferSize handle fn sz =
1023        ioException (IOError (Just handle)
1024                            InvalidArgument  fn
1025                            ("illegal buffer size " ++ showsPrec 9 sz [])
1026                            Nothing Nothing)