1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
3# Under the hood, there are 3 separate classes that perform different
4# parts of the transformation:
6#    - `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm`: Is a direct wrapper of the core WCS
7#      functionality in `wcslib`_.  (This includes TPV and TPD
8#      polynomial distortion, but not SIP distortion).
10#    - `~astropy.wcs.Sip`: Handles polynomial distortion as defined in the
11#      `SIP`_ convention.
13#    - `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable`: Handles `distortion paper`_
14#      lookup tables.
16# Additionally, the class `WCS` aggregates all of these transformations
17# together in a pipeline:
19#    - Detector to image plane correction (by a pair of
20#      `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable` objects).
22#    - `SIP`_ distortion correction (by an underlying `~astropy.wcs.Sip`
23#      object)
25#    - `distortion paper`_ table-lookup correction (by a pair of
26#      `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable` objects).
28#    - `wcslib`_ WCS transformation (by a `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm` object)
31import copy
32import uuid
33import io
34import itertools
35import os
36import re
37import textwrap
38import warnings
39import builtins
42import numpy as np
45from astropy import log
46from astropy.io import fits
47from . import docstrings
48from . import _wcs
50from astropy import units as u
51from astropy.utils.compat import possible_filename
52from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyUserWarning, AstropyDeprecationWarning
53from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument
55# Mix-in class that provides the APE 14 API
56from .wcsapi.fitswcs import FITSWCSAPIMixin, SlicedFITSWCS
58__all__ = ['FITSFixedWarning', 'WCS', 'find_all_wcs',
59           'DistortionLookupTable', 'Sip', 'Tabprm', 'Wcsprm', 'Auxprm',
60           'Wtbarr', 'WCSBase', 'validate', 'WcsError', 'SingularMatrixError',
61           'InconsistentAxisTypesError', 'InvalidTransformError',
62           'InvalidCoordinateError', 'NoSolutionError',
63           'InvalidSubimageSpecificationError', 'NoConvergence',
64           'NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError',
65           'NoWcsKeywordsFoundError', 'InvalidTabularParametersError']
68__doctest_skip__ = ['WCS.all_world2pix']
71if _wcs is not None:
72    _parsed_version = _wcs.__version__.split('.')
73    if int(_parsed_version[0]) == 5 and int(_parsed_version[1]) < 8:
74        raise ImportError(
75            "astropy.wcs is built with wcslib {0}, but only versions 5.8 and "
76            "later on the 5.x series are known to work.  The version of wcslib "
77            "that ships with astropy may be used.")
79    if not _wcs._sanity_check():
80        raise RuntimeError(
81            "astropy.wcs did not pass its sanity check for your build "
82            "on your platform.")
84    WCSBase = _wcs._Wcs
85    DistortionLookupTable = _wcs.DistortionLookupTable
86    Sip = _wcs.Sip
87    Wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm
88    Auxprm = _wcs.Auxprm
89    Tabprm = _wcs.Tabprm
90    Wtbarr = _wcs.Wtbarr
91    WcsError = _wcs.WcsError
92    SingularMatrixError = _wcs.SingularMatrixError
93    InconsistentAxisTypesError = _wcs.InconsistentAxisTypesError
94    InvalidTransformError = _wcs.InvalidTransformError
95    InvalidCoordinateError = _wcs.InvalidCoordinateError
96    NoSolutionError = _wcs.NoSolutionError
97    InvalidSubimageSpecificationError = _wcs.InvalidSubimageSpecificationError
98    NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError = _wcs.NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError
99    NoWcsKeywordsFoundError = _wcs.NoWcsKeywordsFoundError
100    InvalidTabularParametersError = _wcs.InvalidTabularParametersError
102    # Copy all the constants from the C extension into this module's namespace
103    for key, val in _wcs.__dict__.items():
104        if key.startswith(('WCSSUB_', 'WCSHDR_', 'WCSHDO_', 'WCSCOMPARE_')):
105            locals()[key] = val
106            __all__.append(key)
108    # Set coordinate extraction callback for WCS -TAB:
109    def _load_tab_bintable(hdulist, extnam, extver, extlev, kind, ttype, row, ndim):
110        arr = hdulist[(extnam, extver)].data[ttype][row - 1]
112        if arr.ndim != ndim:
113            if kind == 'c' and ndim == 2:
114                arr = arr.reshape((arr.size, 1))
115            else:
116                raise ValueError("Bad TDIM")
118        return np.ascontiguousarray(arr, dtype=np.double)
120    _wcs.set_wtbarr_fitsio_callback(_load_tab_bintable)
123    WCSBase = object
124    Wcsprm = object
125    DistortionLookupTable = object
126    Sip = object
127    Tabprm = object
128    Wtbarr = object
129    WcsError = None
130    SingularMatrixError = None
131    InconsistentAxisTypesError = None
132    InvalidTransformError = None
133    InvalidCoordinateError = None
134    NoSolutionError = None
135    InvalidSubimageSpecificationError = None
136    NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError = None
137    NoWcsKeywordsFoundError = None
138    InvalidTabularParametersError = None
141# Additional relax bit flags
142WCSHDO_SIP = 0x80000
144# Regular expression defining SIP keyword It matches keyword that starts with A
145# or B, optionally followed by P, followed by an underscore then a number in
146# range of 0-19, followed by an underscore and another number in range of 0-19.
147# Keyword optionally ends with a capital letter.
148SIP_KW = re.compile('''^[AB]P?_1?[0-9]_1?[0-9][A-Z]?$''')
151def _parse_keysel(keysel):
152    keysel_flags = 0
153    if keysel is not None:
154        for element in keysel:
155            if element.lower() == 'image':
156                keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_IMGHEAD
157            elif element.lower() == 'binary':
158                keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_BIMGARR
159            elif element.lower() == 'pixel':
160                keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_PIXLIST
161            else:
162                raise ValueError(
163                    "keysel must be a list of 'image', 'binary' " +
164                    "and/or 'pixel'")
165    else:
166        keysel_flags = -1
168    return keysel_flags
171class NoConvergence(Exception):
172    """
173    An error class used to report non-convergence and/or divergence
174    of numerical methods. It is used to report errors in the
175    iterative solution used by
176    the :py:meth:`~astropy.wcs.WCS.all_world2pix`.
178    Attributes
179    ----------
181    best_solution : `numpy.ndarray`
182        Best solution achieved by the numerical method.
184    accuracy : `numpy.ndarray`
185        Accuracy of the ``best_solution``.
187    niter : `int`
188        Number of iterations performed by the numerical method
189        to compute ``best_solution``.
191    divergent : None, `numpy.ndarray`
192        Indices of the points in ``best_solution`` array
193        for which the solution appears to be divergent. If the
194        solution does not diverge, ``divergent`` will be set to `None`.
196    slow_conv : None, `numpy.ndarray`
197        Indices of the solutions in ``best_solution`` array
198        for which the solution failed to converge within the
199        specified maximum number of iterations. If there are no
200        non-converging solutions (i.e., if the required accuracy
201        has been achieved for all input data points)
202        then ``slow_conv`` will be set to `None`.
204    """
206    def __init__(self, *args, best_solution=None, accuracy=None, niter=None,
207                 divergent=None, slow_conv=None, **kwargs):
208        super().__init__(*args)
210        self.best_solution = best_solution
211        self.accuracy = accuracy
212        self.niter = niter
213        self.divergent = divergent
214        self.slow_conv = slow_conv
216        if kwargs:
217            warnings.warn("Function received unexpected arguments ({}) these "
218                          "are ignored but will raise an Exception in the "
219                          "future.".format(list(kwargs)),
220                          AstropyDeprecationWarning)
223class FITSFixedWarning(AstropyWarning):
224    """
225    The warning raised when the contents of the FITS header have been
226    modified to be standards compliant.
227    """
228    pass
231class WCS(FITSWCSAPIMixin, WCSBase):
232    """WCS objects perform standard WCS transformations, and correct for
233    `SIP`_ and `distortion paper`_ table-lookup transformations, based
234    on the WCS keywords and supplementary data read from a FITS file.
236    See also: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/wcs/
238    Parameters
239    ----------
240    header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`, `~astropy.io.fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU`, `~astropy.io.fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU`, str, dict-like, or None, optional
241        If *header* is not provided or None, the object will be
242        initialized to default values.
244    fobj : `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`, optional
245        It is needed when header keywords point to a `distortion
246        paper`_ lookup table stored in a different extension.
248    key : str, optional
249        The name of a particular WCS transform to use.  This may be
250        either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the
251        ``\"a\"`` part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards.  *key* may only be
252        provided if *header* is also provided.
254    minerr : float, optional
255        The minimum value a distortion correction must have in order
256        to be applied. If the value of ``CQERRja`` is smaller than
257        *minerr*, the corresponding distortion is not applied.
259    relax : bool or int, optional
260        Degree of permissiveness:
262        - `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions
263          of the WCS standard.
265        - `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the
266          published WCS standard.
268        - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.
269          See :ref:`astropy:relaxread` for details.
271    naxis : int or sequence, optional
272        Extracts specific coordinate axes using
273        :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub`.  If a header is provided, and
274        *naxis* is not ``None``, *naxis* will be passed to
275        :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` in order to select specific
276        axes from the header.  See :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` for
277        more details about this parameter.
279    keysel : sequence of str, optional
280        A sequence of flags used to select the keyword types
281        considered by wcslib.  When ``None``, only the standard image
282        header keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C
283        function is called).  To use binary table image array or pixel
284        list keywords, *keysel* must be set.
286        Each element in the list should be one of the following
287        strings:
289        - 'image': Image header keywords
291        - 'binary': Binary table image array keywords
293        - 'pixel': Pixel list keywords
295        Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to
296        binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including
297        ``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and
298        'pixel'.
300    colsel : sequence of int, optional
301        A sequence of table column numbers used to restrict the WCS
302        transformations considered to only those pertaining to the
303        specified columns.  If `None`, there is no restriction.
305    fix : bool, optional
306        When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on
307        the resulting object to fix any non-standard uses in the
308        header.  `FITSFixedWarning` Warnings will be emitted if any
309        changes were made.
311    translate_units : str, optional
312        Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard
313        unit strings to perform.  By default, performs none.  See
314        `WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter.  Only
315        effective when ``fix`` is `True`.
317    Raises
318    ------
319    MemoryError
320         Memory allocation failed.
322    ValueError
323         Invalid key.
325    KeyError
326         Key not found in FITS header.
328    ValueError
329         Lookup table distortion present in the header but *fobj* was
330         not provided.
332    Notes
333    -----
335    1. astropy.wcs supports arbitrary *n* dimensions for the core WCS
336       (the transformations handled by WCSLIB).  However, the
337       `distortion paper`_ lookup table and `SIP`_ distortions must be
338       two dimensional.  Therefore, if you try to create a WCS object
339       where the core WCS has a different number of dimensions than 2
340       and that object also contains a `distortion paper`_ lookup
341       table or `SIP`_ distortion, a `ValueError`
342       exception will be raised.  To avoid this, consider using the
343       *naxis* kwarg to select two dimensions from the core WCS.
345    2. The number of coordinate axes in the transformation is not
346       determined directly from the ``NAXIS`` keyword but instead from
347       the highest of:
349           - ``NAXIS`` keyword
351           - ``WCSAXESa`` keyword
353           - The highest axis number in any parameterized WCS keyword.
354             The keyvalue, as well as the keyword, must be
355             syntactically valid otherwise it will not be considered.
357       If none of these keyword types is present, i.e. if the header
358       only contains auxiliary WCS keywords for a particular
359       coordinate representation, then no coordinate description is
360       constructed for it.
362       The number of axes, which is set as the ``naxis`` member, may
363       differ for different coordinate representations of the same
364       image.
366    3. When the header includes duplicate keywords, in most cases the
367       last encountered is used.
369    4. `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.set` is called immediately after
370       construction, so any invalid keywords or transformations will
371       be raised by the constructor, not when subsequently calling a
372       transformation method.
374    """  # noqa: E501
376    def __init__(self, header=None, fobj=None, key=' ', minerr=0.0,
377                 relax=True, naxis=None, keysel=None, colsel=None,
378                 fix=True, translate_units='', _do_set=True):
379        close_fds = []
381        if header is None:
382            if naxis is None:
383                naxis = 2
384            wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=None, key=key,
385                                 relax=relax, naxis=naxis)
386            self.naxis = wcsprm.naxis
387            # Set some reasonable defaults.
388            det2im = (None, None)
389            cpdis = (None, None)
390            sip = None
391        else:
392            keysel_flags = _parse_keysel(keysel)
394            if isinstance(header, (str, bytes)):
395                try:
396                    is_path = (possible_filename(header) and
397                               os.path.exists(header))
398                except (OSError, ValueError):
399                    is_path = False
401                if is_path:
402                    if fobj is not None:
403                        raise ValueError(
404                            "Can not provide both a FITS filename to "
405                            "argument 1 and a FITS file object to argument 2")
406                    fobj = fits.open(header)
407                    close_fds.append(fobj)
408                    header = fobj[0].header
409            elif isinstance(header, fits.hdu.image._ImageBaseHDU):
410                header = header.header
411            elif not isinstance(header, fits.Header):
412                try:
413                    # Accept any dict-like object
414                    orig_header = header
415                    header = fits.Header()
416                    for dict_key in orig_header.keys():
417                        header[dict_key] = orig_header[dict_key]
418                except TypeError:
419                    raise TypeError(
420                        "header must be a string, an astropy.io.fits.Header "
421                        "object, or a dict-like object")
423            if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
424                header_string = header.tostring().rstrip()
425            else:
426                header_string = header
428            # Importantly, header is a *copy* of the passed-in header
429            # because we will be modifying it
430            if isinstance(header_string, str):
431                header_bytes = header_string.encode('ascii')
432                header_string = header_string
433            else:
434                header_bytes = header_string
435                header_string = header_string.decode('ascii')
437            if not (fobj is None or isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList)):
438                raise AssertionError("'fobj' must be either None or an "
439                                     "astropy.io.fits.HDUList object.")
441            est_naxis = 2
442            try:
443                tmp_header = fits.Header.fromstring(header_string)
444                self._remove_sip_kw(tmp_header)
445                tmp_header_bytes = tmp_header.tostring().rstrip()
446                if isinstance(tmp_header_bytes, str):
447                    tmp_header_bytes = tmp_header_bytes.encode('ascii')
448                tmp_wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=tmp_header_bytes, key=key,
449                                         relax=relax, keysel=keysel_flags,
450                                         colsel=colsel, warnings=False,
451                                         hdulist=fobj)
452                if naxis is not None:
453                    try:
454                        tmp_wcsprm = tmp_wcsprm.sub(naxis)
455                    except ValueError:
456                        pass
457                    est_naxis = tmp_wcsprm.naxis if tmp_wcsprm.naxis else 2
459            except _wcs.NoWcsKeywordsFoundError:
460                pass
462            self.naxis = est_naxis
464            header = fits.Header.fromstring(header_string)
466            det2im = self._read_det2im_kw(header, fobj, err=minerr)
467            cpdis = self._read_distortion_kw(
468                header, fobj, dist='CPDIS', err=minerr)
469            sip = self._read_sip_kw(header, wcskey=key)
470            self._remove_sip_kw(header)
472            header_string = header.tostring()
473            header_string = header_string.replace('END' + ' ' * 77, '')
475            if isinstance(header_string, str):
476                header_bytes = header_string.encode('ascii')
477                header_string = header_string
478            else:
479                header_bytes = header_string
480                header_string = header_string.decode('ascii')
482            try:
483                wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=header_bytes, key=key,
484                                     relax=relax, keysel=keysel_flags,
485                                     colsel=colsel, hdulist=fobj)
486            except _wcs.NoWcsKeywordsFoundError:
487                # The header may have SIP or distortions, but no core
488                # WCS.  That isn't an error -- we want a "default"
489                # (identity) core Wcs transformation in that case.
490                if colsel is None:
491                    wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=None, key=key,
492                                         relax=relax, keysel=keysel_flags,
493                                         colsel=colsel, hdulist=fobj)
494                else:
495                    raise
497            if naxis is not None:
498                wcsprm = wcsprm.sub(naxis)
499            self.naxis = wcsprm.naxis
501            if (wcsprm.naxis != 2 and
502                    (det2im[0] or det2im[1] or cpdis[0] or cpdis[1] or sip)):
503                raise ValueError(
504                    """
505FITS WCS distortion paper lookup tables and SIP distortions only work
506in 2 dimensions.  However, WCSLIB has detected {} dimensions in the
507core WCS keywords.  To use core WCS in conjunction with FITS WCS
508distortion paper lookup tables or SIP distortion, you must select or
509reduce these to 2 dimensions using the naxis kwarg.
512            header_naxis = header.get('NAXIS', None)
513            if header_naxis is not None and header_naxis < wcsprm.naxis:
514                warnings.warn(
515                    "The WCS transformation has more axes ({:d}) than the "
516                    "image it is associated with ({:d})".format(
517                        wcsprm.naxis, header_naxis), FITSFixedWarning)
519        self._get_naxis(header)
520        WCSBase.__init__(self, sip, cpdis, wcsprm, det2im)
522        if fix:
523            if header is None:
524                with warnings.catch_warnings():
525                    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FITSFixedWarning)
526                    self.fix(translate_units=translate_units)
527            else:
528                self.fix(translate_units=translate_units)
530        if _do_set:
531            self.wcs.set()
533        for fd in close_fds:
534            fd.close()
536        self._pixel_bounds = None
538    def __copy__(self):
539        new_copy = self.__class__()
540        WCSBase.__init__(new_copy, self.sip,
541                         (self.cpdis1, self.cpdis2),
542                         self.wcs,
543                         (self.det2im1, self.det2im2))
544        new_copy.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
545        return new_copy
547    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
548        from copy import deepcopy
550        new_copy = self.__class__()
551        new_copy.naxis = deepcopy(self.naxis, memo)
552        WCSBase.__init__(new_copy, deepcopy(self.sip, memo),
553                         (deepcopy(self.cpdis1, memo),
554                          deepcopy(self.cpdis2, memo)),
555                         deepcopy(self.wcs, memo),
556                         (deepcopy(self.det2im1, memo),
557                          deepcopy(self.det2im2, memo)))
558        for key, val in self.__dict__.items():
559            new_copy.__dict__[key] = deepcopy(val, memo)
560        return new_copy
562    def copy(self):
563        """
564        Return a shallow copy of the object.
566        Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
567        :mod:`copy` stdlib module.
569        .. warning::
570            Use `deepcopy` instead of `copy` unless you know why you need a
571            shallow copy.
572        """
573        return copy.copy(self)
575    def deepcopy(self):
576        """
577        Return a deep copy of the object.
579        Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
580        :mod:`copy` stdlib module.
581        """
582        return copy.deepcopy(self)
584    def sub(self, axes=None):
586        copy = self.deepcopy()
588        # We need to know which axes have been dropped, but there is no easy
589        # way to do this with the .sub function, so instead we assign UUIDs to
590        # the CNAME parameters in copy.wcs. We can later access the original
591        # CNAME properties from self.wcs.
592        cname_uuid = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(copy.wcs.naxis)]
593        copy.wcs.cname = cname_uuid
595        # Subset the WCS
596        copy.wcs = copy.wcs.sub(axes)
597        copy.naxis = copy.wcs.naxis
599        # Construct a list of dimensions from the original WCS in the order
600        # in which they appear in the final WCS.
601        keep = [cname_uuid.index(cname) if cname in cname_uuid else None
602                for cname in copy.wcs.cname]
604        # Restore the original CNAMEs
605        copy.wcs.cname = ['' if i is None else self.wcs.cname[i] for i in keep]
607        # Subset pixel_shape and pixel_bounds
608        if self.pixel_shape:
609            copy.pixel_shape = tuple([None if i is None else self.pixel_shape[i] for i in keep])
610        if self.pixel_bounds:
611            copy.pixel_bounds = [None if i is None else self.pixel_bounds[i] for i in keep]
613        return copy
615    if _wcs is not None:
616        sub.__doc__ = _wcs.Wcsprm.sub.__doc__
618    def _fix_scamp(self):
619        """
620        Remove SCAMP's PVi_m distortion parameters if SIP distortion parameters
621        are also present. Some projects (e.g., Palomar Transient Factory)
622        convert SCAMP's distortion parameters (which abuse the PVi_m cards) to
623        SIP. However, wcslib gets confused by the presence of both SCAMP and
624        SIP distortion parameters.
626        See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/299.
627        """
628        # Nothing to be done if no WCS attached
629        if self.wcs is None:
630            return
632        # Nothing to be done if no PV parameters attached
633        pv = self.wcs.get_pv()
634        if not pv:
635            return
637        # Nothing to be done if axes don't use SIP distortion parameters
638        if self.sip is None:
639            return
641        # Nothing to be done if any radial terms are present...
642        # Loop over list to find any radial terms.
643        # Certain values of the `j' index are used for storing
644        # radial terms; refer to Equation (1) in
645        # <http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/shupe/reprints/SIP_to_PV_SPIE2012.pdf>.
646        pv = np.asarray(pv)
647        # Loop over distinct values of `i' index
648        for i in set(pv[:, 0]):
649            # Get all values of `j' index for this value of `i' index
650            js = set(pv[:, 1][pv[:, 0] == i])
651            # Find max value of `j' index
652            max_j = max(js)
653            for j in (3, 11, 23, 39):
654                if j < max_j and j in js:
655                    return
657        self.wcs.set_pv([])
658        warnings.warn("Removed redundant SCAMP distortion parameters " +
659                      "because SIP parameters are also present", FITSFixedWarning)
661    def fix(self, translate_units='', naxis=None):
662        """
663        Perform the fix operations from wcslib, and warn about any
664        changes it has made.
666        Parameters
667        ----------
668        translate_units : str, optional
669            Specify which potentially unsafe translations of
670            non-standard unit strings to perform.  By default,
671            performs none.
673            Although ``"S"`` is commonly used to represent seconds,
674            its translation to ``"s"`` is potentially unsafe since the
675            standard recognizes ``"S"`` formally as Siemens, however
676            rarely that may be used.  The same applies to ``"H"`` for
677            hours (Henry), and ``"D"`` for days (Debye).
679            This string controls what to do in such cases, and is
680            case-insensitive.
682            - If the string contains ``"s"``, translate ``"S"`` to
683              ``"s"``.
685            - If the string contains ``"h"``, translate ``"H"`` to
686              ``"h"``.
688            - If the string contains ``"d"``, translate ``"D"`` to
689              ``"d"``.
691            Thus ``''`` doesn't do any unsafe translations, whereas
692            ``'shd'`` does all of them.
694        naxis : int array, optional
695            Image axis lengths.  If this array is set to zero or
696            ``None``, then `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.cylfix` will not be
697            invoked.
698        """
699        if self.wcs is not None:
700            self._fix_scamp()
701            fixes = self.wcs.fix(translate_units, naxis)
702            for key, val in fixes.items():
703                if val != "No change":
704                    if (key == 'datfix' and '1858-11-17' in val and
705                            not np.count_nonzero(self.wcs.mjdref)):
706                        continue
707                    warnings.warn(
708                        ("'{0}' made the change '{1}'.").
709                        format(key, val),
710                        FITSFixedWarning)
712    def calc_footprint(self, header=None, undistort=True, axes=None, center=True):
713        """
714        Calculates the footprint of the image on the sky.
716        A footprint is defined as the positions of the corners of the
717        image on the sky after all available distortions have been
718        applied.
720        Parameters
721        ----------
722        header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header` object, optional
723            Used to get ``NAXIS1`` and ``NAXIS2``
724            header and axes are mutually exclusive, alternative ways
725            to provide the same information.
727        undistort : bool, optional
728            If `True`, take SIP and distortion lookup table into
729            account
731        axes : (int, int), optional
732            If provided, use the given sequence as the shape of the
733            image.  Otherwise, use the ``NAXIS1`` and ``NAXIS2``
734            keywords from the header that was used to create this
735            `WCS` object.
737        center : bool, optional
738            If `True` use the center of the pixel, otherwise use the corner.
740        Returns
741        -------
742        coord : (4, 2) array of (*x*, *y*) coordinates.
743            The order is clockwise starting with the bottom left corner.
744        """
745        if axes is not None:
746            naxis1, naxis2 = axes
747        else:
748            if header is None:
749                try:
750                    # classes that inherit from WCS and define naxis1/2
751                    # do not require a header parameter
752                    naxis1, naxis2 = self.pixel_shape
753                except (AttributeError, TypeError):
754                    warnings.warn(
755                        "Need a valid header in order to calculate footprint\n", AstropyUserWarning)
756                    return None
757            else:
758                naxis1 = header.get('NAXIS1', None)
759                naxis2 = header.get('NAXIS2', None)
761        if naxis1 is None or naxis2 is None:
762            raise ValueError(
763                    "Image size could not be determined.")
765        if center:
766            corners = np.array([[1, 1],
767                                [1, naxis2],
768                                [naxis1, naxis2],
769                                [naxis1, 1]], dtype=np.float64)
770        else:
771            corners = np.array([[0.5, 0.5],
772                                [0.5, naxis2 + 0.5],
773                                [naxis1 + 0.5, naxis2 + 0.5],
774                                [naxis1 + 0.5, 0.5]], dtype=np.float64)
776        if undistort:
777            return self.all_pix2world(corners, 1)
778        else:
779            return self.wcs_pix2world(corners, 1)
781    def _read_det2im_kw(self, header, fobj, err=0.0):
782        """
783        Create a `distortion paper`_ type lookup table for detector to
784        image plane correction.
785        """
786        if fobj is None:
787            return (None, None)
789        if not isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList):
790            return (None, None)
792        try:
793            axiscorr = header['AXISCORR']
794            d2imdis = self._read_d2im_old_format(header, fobj, axiscorr)
795            return d2imdis
796        except KeyError:
797            pass
799        dist = 'D2IMDIS'
800        d_kw = 'D2IM'
801        err_kw = 'D2IMERR'
802        tables = {}
803        for i in range(1, self.naxis + 1):
804            d_error = header.get(err_kw + str(i), 0.0)
805            if d_error < err:
806                tables[i] = None
807                continue
808            distortion = dist + str(i)
809            if distortion in header:
810                dis = header[distortion].lower()
811                if dis == 'lookup':
812                    del header[distortion]
813                    assert isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList), (
814                        'An astropy.io.fits.HDUList'
815                        'is required for Lookup table distortion.')
816                    dp = (d_kw + str(i)).strip()
817                    dp_extver_key = dp + '.EXTVER'
818                    if dp_extver_key in header:
819                        d_extver = header[dp_extver_key]
820                        del header[dp_extver_key]
821                    else:
822                        d_extver = 1
823                    dp_axis_key = dp + f'.AXIS.{i:d}'
824                    if i == header[dp_axis_key]:
825                        d_data = fobj['D2IMARR', d_extver].data
826                    else:
827                        d_data = (fobj['D2IMARR', d_extver].data).transpose()
828                    del header[dp_axis_key]
829                    d_header = fobj['D2IMARR', d_extver].header
830                    d_crpix = (d_header.get('CRPIX1', 0.0), d_header.get('CRPIX2', 0.0))
831                    d_crval = (d_header.get('CRVAL1', 0.0), d_header.get('CRVAL2', 0.0))
832                    d_cdelt = (d_header.get('CDELT1', 1.0), d_header.get('CDELT2', 1.0))
833                    d_lookup = DistortionLookupTable(d_data, d_crpix,
834                                                     d_crval, d_cdelt)
835                    tables[i] = d_lookup
836                else:
837                    warnings.warn('Polynomial distortion is not implemented.\n', AstropyUserWarning)
838                for key in set(header):
839                    if key.startswith(dp + '.'):
840                        del header[key]
841            else:
842                tables[i] = None
843        if not tables:
844            return (None, None)
845        else:
846            return (tables.get(1), tables.get(2))
848    def _read_d2im_old_format(self, header, fobj, axiscorr):
849        warnings.warn(
850            "The use of ``AXISCORR`` for D2IM correction has been deprecated."
851            "`~astropy.wcs` will read in files with ``AXISCORR`` but ``to_fits()`` will write "
852            "out files without it.",
853            AstropyDeprecationWarning)
854        cpdis = [None, None]
855        crpix = [0., 0.]
856        crval = [0., 0.]
857        cdelt = [1., 1.]
858        try:
859            d2im_data = fobj[('D2IMARR', 1)].data
860        except KeyError:
861            return (None, None)
862        except AttributeError:
863            return (None, None)
865        d2im_data = np.array([d2im_data])
866        d2im_hdr = fobj[('D2IMARR', 1)].header
867        naxis = d2im_hdr['NAXIS']
869        for i in range(1, naxis + 1):
870            crpix[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get('CRPIX' + str(i), 0.0)
871            crval[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get('CRVAL' + str(i), 0.0)
872            cdelt[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get('CDELT' + str(i), 1.0)
874        cpdis = DistortionLookupTable(d2im_data, crpix, crval, cdelt)
876        if axiscorr == 1:
877            return (cpdis, None)
878        elif axiscorr == 2:
879            return (None, cpdis)
880        else:
881            warnings.warn("Expected AXISCORR to be 1 or 2", AstropyUserWarning)
882            return (None, None)
884    def _write_det2im(self, hdulist):
885        """
886        Writes a `distortion paper`_ type lookup table to the given
887        `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`.
888        """
890        if self.det2im1 is None and self.det2im2 is None:
891            return
892        dist = 'D2IMDIS'
893        d_kw = 'D2IM'
895        def write_d2i(num, det2im):
896            if det2im is None:
897                return
899            hdulist[0].header[f'{dist}{num:d}'] = (
900                'LOOKUP', 'Detector to image correction type')
901            hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.EXTVER'] = (
902                num, 'Version number of WCSDVARR extension')
903            hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.NAXES'] = (
904                len(det2im.data.shape), 'Number of independent variables in D2IM function')
906            for i in range(det2im.data.ndim):
907                jth = {1: '1st', 2: '2nd', 3: '3rd'}.get(i + 1, f'{i + 1}th')
908                hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.AXIS.{i + 1:d}'] = (
909                    i + 1, f'Axis number of the {jth} variable in a D2IM function')
911            image = fits.ImageHDU(det2im.data, name='D2IMARR')
912            header = image.header
914            header['CRPIX1'] = (det2im.crpix[0],
915                                'Coordinate system reference pixel')
916            header['CRPIX2'] = (det2im.crpix[1],
917                                'Coordinate system reference pixel')
918            header['CRVAL1'] = (det2im.crval[0],
919                                'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
920            header['CRVAL2'] = (det2im.crval[1],
921                                'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
922            header['CDELT1'] = (det2im.cdelt[0],
923                                'Coordinate increment along axis')
924            header['CDELT2'] = (det2im.cdelt[1],
925                                'Coordinate increment along axis')
926            image.ver = int(hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.EXTVER'])
927            hdulist.append(image)
928        write_d2i(1, self.det2im1)
929        write_d2i(2, self.det2im2)
931    def _read_distortion_kw(self, header, fobj, dist='CPDIS', err=0.0):
932        """
933        Reads `distortion paper`_ table-lookup keywords and data, and
934        returns a 2-tuple of `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable`
935        objects.
937        If no `distortion paper`_ keywords are found, ``(None, None)``
938        is returned.
939        """
940        if isinstance(header, (str, bytes)):
941            return (None, None)
943        if dist == 'CPDIS':
944            d_kw = 'DP'
945            err_kw = 'CPERR'
946        else:
947            d_kw = 'DQ'
948            err_kw = 'CQERR'
950        tables = {}
951        for i in range(1, self.naxis + 1):
952            d_error_key = err_kw + str(i)
953            if d_error_key in header:
954                d_error = header[d_error_key]
955                del header[d_error_key]
956            else:
957                d_error = 0.0
958            if d_error < err:
959                tables[i] = None
960                continue
961            distortion = dist + str(i)
962            if distortion in header:
963                dis = header[distortion].lower()
964                del header[distortion]
965                if dis == 'lookup':
966                    if not isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList):
967                        raise ValueError('an astropy.io.fits.HDUList is '
968                                         'required for Lookup table distortion.')
969                    dp = (d_kw + str(i)).strip()
970                    dp_extver_key = dp + '.EXTVER'
971                    if dp_extver_key in header:
972                        d_extver = header[dp_extver_key]
973                        del header[dp_extver_key]
974                    else:
975                        d_extver = 1
976                    dp_axis_key = dp + f'.AXIS.{i:d}'
977                    if i == header[dp_axis_key]:
978                        d_data = fobj['WCSDVARR', d_extver].data
979                    else:
980                        d_data = (fobj['WCSDVARR', d_extver].data).transpose()
981                    del header[dp_axis_key]
982                    d_header = fobj['WCSDVARR', d_extver].header
983                    d_crpix = (d_header.get('CRPIX1', 0.0),
984                               d_header.get('CRPIX2', 0.0))
985                    d_crval = (d_header.get('CRVAL1', 0.0),
986                               d_header.get('CRVAL2', 0.0))
987                    d_cdelt = (d_header.get('CDELT1', 1.0),
988                               d_header.get('CDELT2', 1.0))
989                    d_lookup = DistortionLookupTable(d_data, d_crpix, d_crval, d_cdelt)
990                    tables[i] = d_lookup
992                    for key in set(header):
993                        if key.startswith(dp + '.'):
994                            del header[key]
995                else:
996                    warnings.warn('Polynomial distortion is not implemented.\n', AstropyUserWarning)
997            else:
998                tables[i] = None
1000        if not tables:
1001            return (None, None)
1002        else:
1003            return (tables.get(1), tables.get(2))
1005    def _write_distortion_kw(self, hdulist, dist='CPDIS'):
1006        """
1007        Write out `distortion paper`_ keywords to the given
1008        `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`.
1009        """
1010        if self.cpdis1 is None and self.cpdis2 is None:
1011            return
1013        if dist == 'CPDIS':
1014            d_kw = 'DP'
1015        else:
1016            d_kw = 'DQ'
1018        def write_dist(num, cpdis):
1019            if cpdis is None:
1020                return
1022            hdulist[0].header[f'{dist}{num:d}'] = (
1023                'LOOKUP', 'Prior distortion function type')
1024            hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.EXTVER'] = (
1025                num, 'Version number of WCSDVARR extension')
1026            hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.NAXES'] = (
1027                len(cpdis.data.shape), f'Number of independent variables in {dist} function')
1029            for i in range(cpdis.data.ndim):
1030                jth = {1: '1st', 2: '2nd', 3: '3rd'}.get(i + 1, f'{i + 1}th')
1031                hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.AXIS.{i + 1:d}'] = (
1032                    i + 1,
1033                    f'Axis number of the {jth} variable in a {dist} function')
1035            image = fits.ImageHDU(cpdis.data, name='WCSDVARR')
1036            header = image.header
1038            header['CRPIX1'] = (cpdis.crpix[0], 'Coordinate system reference pixel')
1039            header['CRPIX2'] = (cpdis.crpix[1], 'Coordinate system reference pixel')
1040            header['CRVAL1'] = (cpdis.crval[0], 'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
1041            header['CRVAL2'] = (cpdis.crval[1], 'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
1042            header['CDELT1'] = (cpdis.cdelt[0], 'Coordinate increment along axis')
1043            header['CDELT2'] = (cpdis.cdelt[1], 'Coordinate increment along axis')
1044            image.ver = int(hdulist[0].header[f'{d_kw}{num:d}.EXTVER'])
1045            hdulist.append(image)
1047        write_dist(1, self.cpdis1)
1048        write_dist(2, self.cpdis2)
1050    def _remove_sip_kw(self, header):
1051        """
1052        Remove SIP information from a header.
1053        """
1054        # Never pass SIP coefficients to wcslib
1055        # CTYPE must be passed with -SIP to wcslib
1056        for key in set(m.group() for m in map(SIP_KW.match, list(header))
1057                       if m is not None):
1058            del header[key]
1060    def _read_sip_kw(self, header, wcskey=""):
1061        """
1062        Reads `SIP`_ header keywords and returns a `~astropy.wcs.Sip`
1063        object.
1065        If no `SIP`_ header keywords are found, ``None`` is returned.
1066        """
1067        if isinstance(header, (str, bytes)):
1068            # TODO: Parse SIP from a string without pyfits around
1069            return None
1071        if "A_ORDER" in header and header['A_ORDER'] > 1:
1072            if "B_ORDER" not in header:
1073                raise ValueError(
1074                    "A_ORDER provided without corresponding B_ORDER "
1075                    "keyword for SIP distortion")
1077            m = int(header["A_ORDER"])
1078            a = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
1079            for i in range(m + 1):
1080                for j in range(m - i + 1):
1081                    key = f"A_{i}_{j}"
1082                    if key in header:
1083                        a[i, j] = header[key]
1084                        del header[key]
1086            m = int(header["B_ORDER"])
1087            if m > 1:
1088                b = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
1089                for i in range(m + 1):
1090                    for j in range(m - i + 1):
1091                        key = f"B_{i}_{j}"
1092                        if key in header:
1093                            b[i, j] = header[key]
1094                            del header[key]
1095            else:
1096                a = None
1097                b = None
1099            del header['A_ORDER']
1100            del header['B_ORDER']
1102            ctype = [header[f'CTYPE{nax}{wcskey}'] for nax in range(1, self.naxis + 1)]
1103            if any(not ctyp.endswith('-SIP') for ctyp in ctype):
1104                message = """
1105                Inconsistent SIP distortion information is present in the FITS header and the WCS object:
1106                SIP coefficients were detected, but CTYPE is missing a "-SIP" suffix.
1107                astropy.wcs is using the SIP distortion coefficients,
1108                therefore the coordinates calculated here might be incorrect.
1110                If you do not want to apply the SIP distortion coefficients,
1111                please remove the SIP coefficients from the FITS header or the
1112                WCS object.  As an example, if the image is already distortion-corrected
1113                (e.g., drizzled) then distortion components should not apply and the SIP
1114                coefficients should be removed.
1116                While the SIP distortion coefficients are being applied here, if that was indeed the intent,
1117                for consistency please append "-SIP" to the CTYPE in the FITS header or the WCS object.
1119                """  # noqa: E501
1120                log.info(message)
1121        elif "B_ORDER" in header and header['B_ORDER'] > 1:
1122            raise ValueError(
1123                "B_ORDER provided without corresponding A_ORDER " +
1124                "keyword for SIP distortion")
1125        else:
1126            a = None
1127            b = None
1129        if "AP_ORDER" in header and header['AP_ORDER'] > 1:
1130            if "BP_ORDER" not in header:
1131                raise ValueError(
1132                    "AP_ORDER provided without corresponding BP_ORDER "
1133                    "keyword for SIP distortion")
1135            m = int(header["AP_ORDER"])
1136            ap = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
1137            for i in range(m + 1):
1138                for j in range(m - i + 1):
1139                    key = f"AP_{i}_{j}"
1140                    if key in header:
1141                        ap[i, j] = header[key]
1142                        del header[key]
1144            m = int(header["BP_ORDER"])
1145            if m > 1:
1146                bp = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
1147                for i in range(m + 1):
1148                    for j in range(m - i + 1):
1149                        key = f"BP_{i}_{j}"
1150                        if key in header:
1151                            bp[i, j] = header[key]
1152                            del header[key]
1153            else:
1154                ap = None
1155                bp = None
1157            del header['AP_ORDER']
1158            del header['BP_ORDER']
1159        elif "BP_ORDER" in header and header['BP_ORDER'] > 1:
1160            raise ValueError(
1161                "BP_ORDER provided without corresponding AP_ORDER "
1162                "keyword for SIP distortion")
1163        else:
1164            ap = None
1165            bp = None
1167        if a is None and b is None and ap is None and bp is None:
1168            return None
1170        if f"CRPIX1{wcskey}" not in header or f"CRPIX2{wcskey}" not in header:
1171            raise ValueError(
1172                "Header has SIP keywords without CRPIX keywords")
1174        crpix1 = header.get(f"CRPIX1{wcskey}")
1175        crpix2 = header.get(f"CRPIX2{wcskey}")
1177        return Sip(a, b, ap, bp, (crpix1, crpix2))
1179    def _write_sip_kw(self):
1180        """
1181        Write out SIP keywords.  Returns a dictionary of key-value
1182        pairs.
1183        """
1184        if self.sip is None:
1185            return {}
1187        keywords = {}
1189        def write_array(name, a):
1190            if a is None:
1191                return
1192            size = a.shape[0]
1193            trdir = 'sky to detector' if name[-1] == 'P' else 'detector to sky'
1194            comment = ('SIP polynomial order, axis {:d}, {:s}'
1195                       .format(ord(name[0]) - ord('A'), trdir))
1196            keywords[f'{name}_ORDER'] = size - 1, comment
1198            comment = 'SIP distortion coefficient'
1199            for i in range(size):
1200                for j in range(size - i):
1201                    if a[i, j] != 0.0:
1202                        keywords[
1203                            f'{name}_{i:d}_{j:d}'] = a[i, j], comment
1205        write_array('A', self.sip.a)
1206        write_array('B', self.sip.b)
1207        write_array('AP', self.sip.ap)
1208        write_array('BP', self.sip.bp)
1210        return keywords
1212    def _denormalize_sky(self, sky):
1213        if self.wcs.lngtyp != 'RA':
1214            raise ValueError(
1215                "WCS does not have longitude type of 'RA', therefore " +
1216                "(ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
1217        if self.wcs.lattyp != 'DEC':
1218            raise ValueError(
1219                "WCS does not have longitude type of 'DEC', therefore " +
1220                "(ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
1221        if self.wcs.naxis == 2:
1222            if self.wcs.lng == 0 and self.wcs.lat == 1:
1223                return sky
1224            elif self.wcs.lng == 1 and self.wcs.lat == 0:
1225                # Reverse the order of the columns
1226                return sky[:, ::-1]
1227            else:
1228                raise ValueError(
1229                    "WCS does not have longitude and latitude celestial " +
1230                    "axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
1231        else:
1232            if self.wcs.lng < 0 or self.wcs.lat < 0:
1233                raise ValueError(
1234                    "WCS does not have both longitude and latitude "
1235                    "celestial axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be " +
1236                    "used as input")
1237            out = np.zeros((sky.shape[0], self.wcs.naxis))
1238            out[:, self.wcs.lng] = sky[:, 0]
1239            out[:, self.wcs.lat] = sky[:, 1]
1240            return out
1242    def _normalize_sky(self, sky):
1243        if self.wcs.lngtyp != 'RA':
1244            raise ValueError(
1245                "WCS does not have longitude type of 'RA', therefore " +
1246                "(ra, dec) data can not be returned")
1247        if self.wcs.lattyp != 'DEC':
1248            raise ValueError(
1249                "WCS does not have longitude type of 'DEC', therefore " +
1250                "(ra, dec) data can not be returned")
1251        if self.wcs.naxis == 2:
1252            if self.wcs.lng == 0 and self.wcs.lat == 1:
1253                return sky
1254            elif self.wcs.lng == 1 and self.wcs.lat == 0:
1255                # Reverse the order of the columns
1256                return sky[:, ::-1]
1257            else:
1258                raise ValueError(
1259                    "WCS does not have longitude and latitude celestial "
1260                    "axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be returned")
1261        else:
1262            if self.wcs.lng < 0 or self.wcs.lat < 0:
1263                raise ValueError(
1264                    "WCS does not have both longitude and latitude celestial "
1265                    "axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be returned")
1266            out = np.empty((sky.shape[0], 2))
1267            out[:, 0] = sky[:, self.wcs.lng]
1268            out[:, 1] = sky[:, self.wcs.lat]
1269            return out
1271    def _array_converter(self, func, sky, *args, ra_dec_order=False):
1272        """
1273        A helper function to support reading either a pair of arrays
1274        or a single Nx2 array.
1275        """
1277        def _return_list_of_arrays(axes, origin):
1278            if any([x.size == 0 for x in axes]):
1279                return axes
1281            try:
1282                axes = np.broadcast_arrays(*axes)
1283            except ValueError:
1284                raise ValueError(
1285                    "Coordinate arrays are not broadcastable to each other")
1287            xy = np.hstack([x.reshape((x.size, 1)) for x in axes])
1289            if ra_dec_order and sky == 'input':
1290                xy = self._denormalize_sky(xy)
1291            output = func(xy, origin)
1292            if ra_dec_order and sky == 'output':
1293                output = self._normalize_sky(output)
1294                return (output[:, 0].reshape(axes[0].shape),
1295                        output[:, 1].reshape(axes[0].shape))
1296            return [output[:, i].reshape(axes[0].shape)
1297                    for i in range(output.shape[1])]
1299        def _return_single_array(xy, origin):
1300            if xy.shape[-1] != self.naxis:
1301                raise ValueError(
1302                    "When providing two arguments, the array must be "
1303                    "of shape (N, {})".format(self.naxis))
1304            if 0 in xy.shape:
1305                return xy
1306            if ra_dec_order and sky == 'input':
1307                xy = self._denormalize_sky(xy)
1308            result = func(xy, origin)
1309            if ra_dec_order and sky == 'output':
1310                result = self._normalize_sky(result)
1311            return result
1313        if len(args) == 2:
1314            try:
1315                xy, origin = args
1316                xy = np.asarray(xy)
1317                origin = int(origin)
1318            except Exception:
1319                raise TypeError(
1320                    "When providing two arguments, they must be "
1321                    "(coords[N][{}], origin)".format(self.naxis))
1322            if xy.shape == () or len(xy.shape) == 1:
1323                return _return_list_of_arrays([xy], origin)
1324            return _return_single_array(xy, origin)
1326        elif len(args) == self.naxis + 1:
1327            axes = args[:-1]
1328            origin = args[-1]
1329            try:
1330                axes = [np.asarray(x) for x in axes]
1331                origin = int(origin)
1332            except Exception:
1333                raise TypeError(
1334                    "When providing more than two arguments, they must be " +
1335                    "a 1-D array for each axis, followed by an origin.")
1337            return _return_list_of_arrays(axes, origin)
1339        raise TypeError(
1340            "WCS projection has {0} dimensions, so expected 2 (an Nx{0} array "
1341            "and the origin argument) or {1} arguments (the position in each "
1342            "dimension, and the origin argument). Instead, {2} arguments were "
1343            "given.".format(
1344                self.naxis, self.naxis + 1, len(args)))
1346    def all_pix2world(self, *args, **kwargs):
1347        return self._array_converter(
1348            self._all_pix2world, 'output', *args, **kwargs)
1349    all_pix2world.__doc__ = """
1350        Transforms pixel coordinates to world coordinates.
1352        Performs all of the following in series:
1354            - Detector to image plane correction (if present in the
1355              FITS file)
1357            - `SIP`_ distortion correction (if present in the FITS
1358              file)
1360            - `distortion paper`_ table-lookup correction (if present
1361              in the FITS file)
1363            - `wcslib`_ "core" WCS transformation
1365        Parameters
1366        ----------
1367        {}
1369            For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
1370            two-argument form must be used.
1372        {}
1374        Returns
1375        -------
1377        {}
1379        Notes
1380        -----
1381        The order of the axes for the result is determined by the
1382        ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may not
1383        always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*).  The
1384        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
1385        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
1386        members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
1388        Raises
1389        ------
1390        MemoryError
1391            Memory allocation failed.
1393        SingularMatrixError
1394            Linear transformation matrix is singular.
1396        InconsistentAxisTypesError
1397            Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
1399        ValueError
1400            Invalid parameter value.
1402        ValueError
1403            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
1405        ValueError
1406            x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
1408        InvalidTransformError
1409            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
1411        InvalidTransformError
1412            Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
1413        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
1414                   docstrings.RA_DEC_ORDER(8),
1415                   docstrings.RETURNS('sky coordinates, in degrees', 8))
1417    def wcs_pix2world(self, *args, **kwargs):
1418        if self.wcs is None:
1419            raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
1420        return self._array_converter(
1421            lambda xy, o: self.wcs.p2s(xy, o)['world'],
1422            'output', *args, **kwargs)
1423    wcs_pix2world.__doc__ = """
1424        Transforms pixel coordinates to world coordinates by doing
1425        only the basic `wcslib`_ transformation.
1427        No `SIP`_ or `distortion paper`_ table lookup correction is
1428        applied.  To perform distortion correction, see
1429        `~astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world`,
1430        `~astropy.wcs.WCS.sip_pix2foc`, `~astropy.wcs.WCS.p4_pix2foc`,
1431        or `~astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc`.
1433        Parameters
1434        ----------
1435        {}
1437            For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
1438            two-argument form must be used.
1440        {}
1442        Returns
1443        -------
1445        {}
1447        Raises
1448        ------
1449        MemoryError
1450            Memory allocation failed.
1452        SingularMatrixError
1453            Linear transformation matrix is singular.
1455        InconsistentAxisTypesError
1456            Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
1458        ValueError
1459            Invalid parameter value.
1461        ValueError
1462            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
1464        ValueError
1465            x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
1467        InvalidTransformError
1468            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
1470        InvalidTransformError
1471            Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
1473        Notes
1474        -----
1475        The order of the axes for the result is determined by the
1476        ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may not
1477        always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*).  The
1478        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
1479        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
1480        members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
1482        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
1483                   docstrings.RA_DEC_ORDER(8),
1484                   docstrings.RETURNS('world coordinates, in degrees', 8))
1486    def _all_world2pix(self, world, origin, tolerance, maxiter, adaptive,
1487                       detect_divergence, quiet):
1488        # ############################################################
1489        # #          DESCRIPTION OF THE NUMERICAL METHOD            ##
1490        # ############################################################
1491        # In this section I will outline the method of solving
1492        # the inverse problem of converting world coordinates to
1493        # pixel coordinates (*inverse* of the direct transformation
1494        # `all_pix2world`) and I will summarize some of the aspects
1495        # of the method proposed here and some of the issues of the
1496        # original `all_world2pix` (in relation to this method)
1497        # discussed in https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/1977
1498        # A more detailed discussion can be found here:
1499        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/2373
1500        #
1501        #
1502        #                  ### Background ###
1503        #
1504        #
1505        # I will refer here to the [SIP Paper]
1506        # (http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/sip/SIP_distortion_v1_0.pdf).
1507        # According to this paper, the effect of distortions as
1508        # described in *their* equation (1) is:
1509        #
1510        # (1)   x = CD*(u+f(u)),
1511        #
1512        # where `x` is a *vector* of "intermediate spherical
1513        # coordinates" (equivalent to (x,y) in the paper) and `u`
1514        # is a *vector* of "pixel coordinates", and `f` is a vector
1515        # function describing geometrical distortions
1516        # (see equations 2 and 3 in SIP Paper.
1517        # However, I prefer to use `w` for "intermediate world
1518        # coordinates", `x` for pixel coordinates, and assume that
1519        # transformation `W` performs the **linear**
1520        # (CD matrix + projection onto celestial sphere) part of the
1521        # conversion from pixel coordinates to world coordinates.
1522        # Then we can re-write (1) as:
1523        #
1524        # (2)   w = W*(x+f(x)) = T(x)
1525        #
1526        # In `astropy.wcs.WCS` transformation `W` is represented by
1527        # the `wcs_pix2world` member, while the combined ("total")
1528        # transformation (linear part + distortions) is performed by
1529        # `all_pix2world`. Below I summarize the notations and their
1530        # equivalents in `astropy.wcs.WCS`:
1531        #
1532        # | Equation term | astropy.WCS/meaning          |
1533        # | ------------- | ---------------------------- |
1534        # | `x`           | pixel coordinates            |
1535        # | `w`           | world coordinates            |
1536        # | `W`           | `wcs_pix2world()`            |
1537        # | `W^{-1}`      | `wcs_world2pix()`            |
1538        # | `T`           | `all_pix2world()`            |
1539        # | `x+f(x)`      | `pix2foc()`                  |
1540        #
1541        #
1542        #      ### Direct Solving of Equation (2)  ###
1543        #
1544        #
1545        # In order to find the pixel coordinates that correspond to
1546        # given world coordinates `w`, it is necessary to invert
1547        # equation (2): `x=T^{-1}(w)`, or solve equation `w==T(x)`
1548        # for `x`. However, this approach has the following
1549        # disadvantages:
1550        #    1. It requires unnecessary transformations (see next
1551        #       section).
1552        #    2. It is prone to "RA wrapping" issues as described in
1553        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/1977
1554        # (essentially because `all_pix2world` may return points with
1555        # a different phase than user's input `w`).
1556        #
1557        #
1558        #      ### Description of the Method Used here ###
1559        #
1560        #
1561        # By applying inverse linear WCS transformation (`W^{-1}`)
1562        # to both sides of equation (2) and introducing notation `x'`
1563        # (prime) for the pixels coordinates obtained from the world
1564        # coordinates by applying inverse *linear* WCS transformation
1565        # ("focal plane coordinates"):
1566        #
1567        # (3)   x' = W^{-1}(w)
1568        #
1569        # we obtain the following equation:
1570        #
1571        # (4)   x' = x+f(x),
1572        #
1573        # or,
1574        #
1575        # (5)   x = x'-f(x)
1576        #
1577        # This equation is well suited for solving using the method
1578        # of fixed-point iterations
1579        # (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixed-point_iteration):
1580        #
1581        # (6)   x_{i+1} = x'-f(x_i)
1582        #
1583        # As an initial value of the pixel coordinate `x_0` we take
1584        # "focal plane coordinate" `x'=W^{-1}(w)=wcs_world2pix(w)`.
1585        # We stop iterations when `|x_{i+1}-x_i|<tolerance`. We also
1586        # consider the process to be diverging if
1587        # `|x_{i+1}-x_i|>|x_i-x_{i-1}|`
1588        # **when** `|x_{i+1}-x_i|>=tolerance` (when current
1589        # approximation is close to the true solution,
1590        # `|x_{i+1}-x_i|>|x_i-x_{i-1}|` may be due to rounding errors
1591        # and we ignore such "divergences" when
1592        # `|x_{i+1}-x_i|<tolerance`). It may appear that checking for
1593        # `|x_{i+1}-x_i|<tolerance` in order to ignore divergence is
1594        # unnecessary since the iterative process should stop anyway,
1595        # however, the proposed implementation of this iterative
1596        # process is completely vectorized and, therefore, we may
1597        # continue iterating over *some* points even though they have
1598        # converged to within a specified tolerance (while iterating
1599        # over other points that have not yet converged to
1600        # a solution).
1601        #
1602        # In order to efficiently implement iterative process (6)
1603        # using available methods in `astropy.wcs.WCS`, we add and
1604        # subtract `x_i` from the right side of equation (6):
1605        #
1606        # (7)   x_{i+1} = x'-(x_i+f(x_i))+x_i = x'-pix2foc(x_i)+x_i,
1607        #
1608        # where `x'=wcs_world2pix(w)` and it is computed only *once*
1609        # before the beginning of the iterative process (and we also
1610        # set `x_0=x'`). By using `pix2foc` at each iteration instead
1611        # of `all_pix2world` we get about 25% increase in performance
1612        # (by not performing the linear `W` transformation at each
1613        # step) and we also avoid the "RA wrapping" issue described
1614        # above (by working in focal plane coordinates and avoiding
1615        # pix->world transformations).
1616        #
1617        # As an added benefit, the process converges to the correct
1618        # solution in just one iteration when distortions are not
1619        # present (compare to
1620        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/1977 and
1621        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/2294): in this case
1622        # `pix2foc` is the identical transformation
1623        # `x_i=pix2foc(x_i)` and from equation (7) we get:
1624        #
1625        # x' = x_0 = wcs_world2pix(w)
1626        # x_1 = x' - pix2foc(x_0) + x_0 = x' - pix2foc(x') + x' = x'
1627        #     = wcs_world2pix(w) = x_0
1628        # =>
1629        # |x_1-x_0| = 0 < tolerance (with tolerance > 0)
1630        #
1631        # However, for performance reasons, it is still better to
1632        # avoid iterations altogether and return the exact linear
1633        # solution (`wcs_world2pix`) right-away when non-linear
1634        # distortions are not present by checking that attributes
1635        # `sip`, `cpdis1`, `cpdis2`, `det2im1`, and `det2im2` are
1636        # *all* `None`.
1637        #
1638        #
1639        #         ### Outline of the Algorithm ###
1640        #
1641        #
1642        # While the proposed code is relatively long (considering
1643        # the simplicity of the algorithm), this is due to: 1)
1644        # checking if iterative solution is necessary at all; 2)
1645        # checking for divergence; 3) re-implementation of the
1646        # completely vectorized algorithm as an "adaptive" vectorized
1647        # algorithm (for cases when some points diverge for which we
1648        # want to stop iterations). In my tests, the adaptive version
1649        # of the algorithm is about 50% slower than non-adaptive
1650        # version for all HST images.
1651        #
1652        # The essential part of the vectorized non-adaptive algorithm
1653        # (without divergence and other checks) can be described
1654        # as follows:
1655        #
1656        #     pix0 = self.wcs_world2pix(world, origin)
1657        #     pix  = pix0.copy() # 0-order solution
1658        #
1659        #     for k in range(maxiter):
1660        #         # find correction to the previous solution:
1661        #         dpix = self.pix2foc(pix, origin) - pix0
1662        #
1663        #         # compute norm (L2) of the correction:
1664        #         dn = np.linalg.norm(dpix, axis=1)
1665        #
1666        #         # apply correction:
1667        #         pix -= dpix
1668        #
1669        #         # check convergence:
1670        #         if np.max(dn) < tolerance:
1671        #             break
1672        #
1673        #    return pix
1674        #
1675        # Here, the input parameter `world` can be a `MxN` array
1676        # where `M` is the number of coordinate axes in WCS and `N`
1677        # is the number of points to be converted simultaneously to
1678        # image coordinates.
1679        #
1680        #
1681        #                ###  IMPORTANT NOTE:  ###
1682        #
1683        # If, in the future releases of the `~astropy.wcs`,
1684        # `pix2foc` will not apply all the required distortion
1685        # corrections then in the code below, calls to `pix2foc` will
1686        # have to be replaced with
1687        # wcs_world2pix(all_pix2world(pix_list, origin), origin)
1688        #
1690        # ############################################################
1691        # #            INITIALIZE ITERATIVE PROCESS:                ##
1692        # ############################################################
1694        # initial approximation (linear WCS based only)
1695        pix0 = self.wcs_world2pix(world, origin)
1697        # Check that an iterative solution is required at all
1698        # (when any of the non-CD-matrix-based corrections are
1699        # present). If not required return the initial
1700        # approximation (pix0).
1701        if not self.has_distortion:
1702            # No non-WCS corrections detected so
1703            # simply return initial approximation:
1704            return pix0
1706        pix = pix0.copy()  # 0-order solution
1708        # initial correction:
1709        dpix = self.pix2foc(pix, origin) - pix0
1711        # Update initial solution:
1712        pix -= dpix
1714        # Norm (L2) squared of the correction:
1715        dn = np.sum(dpix*dpix, axis=1)
1716        dnprev = dn.copy()  # if adaptive else dn
1717        tol2 = tolerance**2
1719        # Prepare for iterative process
1720        k = 1
1721        ind = None
1722        inddiv = None
1724        # Turn off numpy runtime warnings for 'invalid' and 'over':
1725        old_invalid = np.geterr()['invalid']
1726        old_over = np.geterr()['over']
1727        np.seterr(invalid='ignore', over='ignore')
1729        # ############################################################
1730        # #                NON-ADAPTIVE ITERATIONS:                 ##
1731        # ############################################################
1732        if not adaptive:
1733            # Fixed-point iterations:
1734            while (np.nanmax(dn) >= tol2 and k < maxiter):
1735                # Find correction to the previous solution:
1736                dpix = self.pix2foc(pix, origin) - pix0
1738                # Compute norm (L2) squared of the correction:
1739                dn = np.sum(dpix*dpix, axis=1)
1741                # Check for divergence (we do this in two stages
1742                # to optimize performance for the most common
1743                # scenario when successive approximations converge):
1744                if detect_divergence:
1745                    divergent = (dn >= dnprev)
1746                    if np.any(divergent):
1747                        # Find solutions that have not yet converged:
1748                        slowconv = (dn >= tol2)
1749                        inddiv, = np.where(divergent & slowconv)
1751                        if inddiv.shape[0] > 0:
1752                            # Update indices of elements that
1753                            # still need correction:
1754                            conv = (dn < dnprev)
1755                            iconv = np.where(conv)
1757                            # Apply correction:
1758                            dpixgood = dpix[iconv]
1759                            pix[iconv] -= dpixgood
1760                            dpix[iconv] = dpixgood
1762                            # For the next iteration choose
1763                            # non-divergent points that have not yet
1764                            # converged to the requested accuracy:
1765                            ind, = np.where(slowconv & conv)
1766                            pix0 = pix0[ind]
1767                            dnprev[ind] = dn[ind]
1768                            k += 1
1770                            # Switch to adaptive iterations:
1771                            adaptive = True
1772                            break
1773                    # Save current correction magnitudes for later:
1774                    dnprev = dn
1776                # Apply correction:
1777                pix -= dpix
1778                k += 1
1780        # ############################################################
1781        # #                  ADAPTIVE ITERATIONS:                   ##
1782        # ############################################################
1783        if adaptive:
1784            if ind is None:
1785                ind, = np.where(np.isfinite(pix).all(axis=1))
1786                pix0 = pix0[ind]
1788            # "Adaptive" fixed-point iterations:
1789            while (ind.shape[0] > 0 and k < maxiter):
1790                # Find correction to the previous solution:
1791                dpixnew = self.pix2foc(pix[ind], origin) - pix0
1793                # Compute norm (L2) of the correction:
1794                dnnew = np.sum(np.square(dpixnew), axis=1)
1796                # Bookkeeping of corrections:
1797                dnprev[ind] = dn[ind].copy()
1798                dn[ind] = dnnew
1800                if detect_divergence:
1801                    # Find indices of pixels that are converging:
1802                    conv = (dnnew < dnprev[ind])
1803                    iconv = np.where(conv)
1804                    iiconv = ind[iconv]
1806                    # Apply correction:
1807                    dpixgood = dpixnew[iconv]
1808                    pix[iiconv] -= dpixgood
1809                    dpix[iiconv] = dpixgood
1811                    # Find indices of solutions that have not yet
1812                    # converged to the requested accuracy
1813                    # AND that do not diverge:
1814                    subind, = np.where((dnnew >= tol2) & conv)
1816                else:
1817                    # Apply correction:
1818                    pix[ind] -= dpixnew
1819                    dpix[ind] = dpixnew
1821                    # Find indices of solutions that have not yet
1822                    # converged to the requested accuracy:
1823                    subind, = np.where(dnnew >= tol2)
1825                # Choose solutions that need more iterations:
1826                ind = ind[subind]
1827                pix0 = pix0[subind]
1829                k += 1
1831        # ############################################################
1832        # #         FINAL DETECTION OF INVALID, DIVERGING,          ##
1833        # #         AND FAILED-TO-CONVERGE POINTS                   ##
1834        # ############################################################
1835        # Identify diverging and/or invalid points:
1836        invalid = ((~np.all(np.isfinite(pix), axis=1)) &
1837                   (np.all(np.isfinite(world), axis=1)))
1839        # When detect_divergence==False, dnprev is outdated
1840        # (it is the norm of the very first correction).
1841        # Still better than nothing...
1842        inddiv, = np.where(((dn >= tol2) & (dn >= dnprev)) | invalid)
1843        if inddiv.shape[0] == 0:
1844            inddiv = None
1846        # Identify points that did not converge within 'maxiter'
1847        # iterations:
1848        if k >= maxiter:
1849            ind, = np.where((dn >= tol2) & (dn < dnprev) & (~invalid))
1850            if ind.shape[0] == 0:
1851                ind = None
1852        else:
1853            ind = None
1855        # Restore previous numpy error settings:
1856        np.seterr(invalid=old_invalid, over=old_over)
1858        # ############################################################
1860        # #  DATA POINTS HAVE BEEN DETECTED:                        ##
1861        # ############################################################
1862        if (ind is not None or inddiv is not None) and not quiet:
1863            if inddiv is None:
1864                raise NoConvergence(
1865                    "'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to "
1866                    "converge to the requested accuracy after {:d} "
1867                    "iterations.".format(k), best_solution=pix,
1868                    accuracy=np.abs(dpix), niter=k,
1869                    slow_conv=ind, divergent=None)
1870            else:
1871                raise NoConvergence(
1872                    "'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to "
1873                    "converge to the requested accuracy.\n"
1874                    "After {:d} iterations, the solution is diverging "
1875                    "at least for one input point."
1876                    .format(k), best_solution=pix,
1877                    accuracy=np.abs(dpix), niter=k,
1878                    slow_conv=ind, divergent=inddiv)
1880        return pix
1882    @deprecated_renamed_argument('accuracy', 'tolerance', '4.3')
1883    def all_world2pix(self, *args, tolerance=1e-4, maxiter=20, adaptive=False,
1884                      detect_divergence=True, quiet=False, **kwargs):
1885        if self.wcs is None:
1886            raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
1888        return self._array_converter(
1889            lambda *args, **kwargs:
1890            self._all_world2pix(
1891                *args, tolerance=tolerance, maxiter=maxiter,
1892                adaptive=adaptive, detect_divergence=detect_divergence,
1893                quiet=quiet),
1894            'input', *args, **kwargs
1895        )
1897    all_world2pix.__doc__ = """
1898        all_world2pix(*arg, tolerance=1.0e-4, maxiter=20,
1899        adaptive=False, detect_divergence=True, quiet=False)
1901        Transforms world coordinates to pixel coordinates, using
1902        numerical iteration to invert the full forward transformation
1903        `~astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world` with complete
1904        distortion model.
1907        Parameters
1908        ----------
1909        {0}
1911            For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
1912            two-argument form must be used.
1914        {1}
1916        tolerance : float, optional (default = 1.0e-4)
1917            Tolerance of solution. Iteration terminates when the
1918            iterative solver estimates that the "true solution" is
1919            within this many pixels current estimate, more
1920            specifically, when the correction to the solution found
1921            during the previous iteration is smaller
1922            (in the sense of the L2 norm) than ``tolerance``.
1924        maxiter : int, optional (default = 20)
1925            Maximum number of iterations allowed to reach a solution.
1927        quiet : bool, optional (default = False)
1928            Do not throw :py:class:`NoConvergence` exceptions when
1929            the method does not converge to a solution with the
1930            required accuracy within a specified number of maximum
1931            iterations set by ``maxiter`` parameter. Instead,
1932            simply return the found solution.
1934        Other Parameters
1935        ----------------
1936        adaptive : bool, optional (default = False)
1937            Specifies whether to adaptively select only points that
1938            did not converge to a solution within the required
1939            accuracy for the next iteration. Default is recommended
1940            for HST as well as most other instruments.
1942            .. note::
1943               The :py:meth:`all_world2pix` uses a vectorized
1944               implementation of the method of consecutive
1945               approximations (see ``Notes`` section below) in which it
1946               iterates over *all* input points *regardless* until
1947               the required accuracy has been reached for *all* input
1948               points. In some cases it may be possible that
1949               *almost all* points have reached the required accuracy
1950               but there are only a few of input data points for
1951               which additional iterations may be needed (this
1952               depends mostly on the characteristics of the geometric
1953               distortions for a given instrument). In this situation
1954               it may be advantageous to set ``adaptive`` = `True` in
1955               which case :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will continue
1956               iterating *only* over the points that have not yet
1957               converged to the required accuracy. However, for the
1958               HST's ACS/WFC detector, which has the strongest
1959               distortions of all HST instruments, testing has
1960               shown that enabling this option would lead to a about
1961               50-100% penalty in computational time (depending on
1962               specifics of the image, geometric distortions, and
1963               number of input points to be converted). Therefore,
1964               for HST and possibly instruments, it is recommended
1965               to set ``adaptive`` = `False`. The only danger in
1966               getting this setting wrong will be a performance
1967               penalty.
1969            .. note::
1970               When ``detect_divergence`` is `True`,
1971               :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will automatically switch
1972               to the adaptive algorithm once divergence has been
1973               detected.
1975        detect_divergence : bool, optional (default = True)
1976            Specifies whether to perform a more detailed analysis
1977            of the convergence to a solution. Normally
1978            :py:meth:`all_world2pix` may not achieve the required
1979            accuracy if either the ``tolerance`` or ``maxiter`` arguments
1980            are too low. However, it may happen that for some
1981            geometric distortions the conditions of convergence for
1982            the the method of consecutive approximations used by
1983            :py:meth:`all_world2pix` may not be satisfied, in which
1984            case consecutive approximations to the solution will
1985            diverge regardless of the ``tolerance`` or ``maxiter``
1986            settings.
1988            When ``detect_divergence`` is `False`, these divergent
1989            points will be detected as not having achieved the
1990            required accuracy (without further details). In addition,
1991            if ``adaptive`` is `False` then the algorithm will not
1992            know that the solution (for specific points) is diverging
1993            and will continue iterating and trying to "improve"
1994            diverging solutions. This may result in ``NaN`` or
1995            ``Inf`` values in the return results (in addition to a
1996            performance penalties). Even when ``detect_divergence``
1997            is `False`, :py:meth:`all_world2pix`, at the end of the
1998            iterative process, will identify invalid results
1999            (``NaN`` or ``Inf``) as "diverging" solutions and will
2000            raise :py:class:`NoConvergence` unless the ``quiet``
2001            parameter is set to `True`.
2003            When ``detect_divergence`` is `True`,
2004            :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will detect points for which
2005            current correction to the coordinates is larger than
2006            the correction applied during the previous iteration
2007            **if** the requested accuracy **has not yet been
2008            achieved**. In this case, if ``adaptive`` is `True`,
2009            these points will be excluded from further iterations and
2010            if ``adaptive`` is `False`, :py:meth:`all_world2pix` will
2011            automatically switch to the adaptive algorithm. Thus, the
2012            reported divergent solution will be the latest converging
2013            solution computed immediately *before* divergence
2014            has been detected.
2016            .. note::
2017               When accuracy has been achieved, small increases in
2018               current corrections may be possible due to rounding
2019               errors (when ``adaptive`` is `False`) and such
2020               increases will be ignored.
2022            .. note::
2023               Based on our testing using HST ACS/WFC images, setting
2024               ``detect_divergence`` to `True` will incur about 5-20%
2025               performance penalty with the larger penalty
2026               corresponding to ``adaptive`` set to `True`.
2027               Because the benefits of enabling this
2028               feature outweigh the small performance penalty,
2029               especially when ``adaptive`` = `False`, it is
2030               recommended to set ``detect_divergence`` to `True`,
2031               unless extensive testing of the distortion models for
2032               images from specific instruments show a good stability
2033               of the numerical method for a wide range of
2034               coordinates (even outside the image itself).
2036            .. note::
2037               Indices of the diverging inverse solutions will be
2038               reported in the ``divergent`` attribute of the
2039               raised :py:class:`NoConvergence` exception object.
2041        Returns
2042        -------
2044        {2}
2046        Notes
2047        -----
2048        The order of the axes for the input world array is determined by
2049        the ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may
2050        not always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*).  The
2051        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
2052        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp`, and
2053        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
2054        members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
2056        Using the method of fixed-point iterations approximations we
2057        iterate starting with the initial approximation, which is
2058        computed using the non-distortion-aware
2059        :py:meth:`wcs_world2pix` (or equivalent).
2061        The :py:meth:`all_world2pix` function uses a vectorized
2062        implementation of the method of consecutive approximations and
2063        therefore it is highly efficient (>30x) when *all* data points
2064        that need to be converted from sky coordinates to image
2065        coordinates are passed at *once*. Therefore, it is advisable,
2066        whenever possible, to pass as input a long array of all points
2067        that need to be converted to :py:meth:`all_world2pix` instead
2068        of calling :py:meth:`all_world2pix` for each data point. Also
2069        see the note to the ``adaptive`` parameter.
2071        Raises
2072        ------
2073        NoConvergence
2074            The method did not converge to a
2075            solution to the required accuracy within a specified
2076            number of maximum iterations set by the ``maxiter``
2077            parameter. To turn off this exception, set ``quiet`` to
2078            `True`. Indices of the points for which the requested
2079            accuracy was not achieved (if any) will be listed in the
2080            ``slow_conv`` attribute of the
2081            raised :py:class:`NoConvergence` exception object.
2083            See :py:class:`NoConvergence` documentation for
2084            more details.
2086        MemoryError
2087            Memory allocation failed.
2089        SingularMatrixError
2090            Linear transformation matrix is singular.
2092        InconsistentAxisTypesError
2093            Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
2095        ValueError
2096            Invalid parameter value.
2098        ValueError
2099            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2101        ValueError
2102            x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
2104        InvalidTransformError
2105            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2107        InvalidTransformError
2108            Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
2110        Examples
2111        --------
2112        >>> import astropy.io.fits as fits
2113        >>> import astropy.wcs as wcs
2114        >>> import numpy as np
2115        >>> import os
2117        >>> filename = os.path.join(wcs.__path__[0], 'tests/data/j94f05bgq_flt.fits')
2118        >>> hdulist = fits.open(filename)
2119        >>> w = wcs.WCS(hdulist[('sci',1)].header, hdulist)
2120        >>> hdulist.close()
2122        >>> ra, dec = w.all_pix2world([1,2,3], [1,1,1], 1)
2123        >>> print(ra)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2124        [ 5.52645627  5.52649663  5.52653698]
2125        >>> print(dec)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2126        [-72.05171757 -72.05171276 -72.05170795]
2127        >>> radec = w.all_pix2world([[1,1], [2,1], [3,1]], 1)
2128        >>> print(radec)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2129        [[  5.52645627 -72.05171757]
2130         [  5.52649663 -72.05171276]
2131         [  5.52653698 -72.05170795]]
2132        >>> x, y = w.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 1)
2133        >>> print(x)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2134        [ 1.00000238  2.00000237  3.00000236]
2135        >>> print(y)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2136        [ 0.99999996  0.99999997  0.99999997]
2137        >>> xy = w.all_world2pix(radec, 1)
2138        >>> print(xy)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2139        [[ 1.00000238  0.99999996]
2140         [ 2.00000237  0.99999997]
2141         [ 3.00000236  0.99999997]]
2142        >>> xy = w.all_world2pix(radec, 1, maxiter=3,
2143        ...                      tolerance=1.0e-10, quiet=False)
2144        Traceback (most recent call last):
2145        ...
2146        NoConvergence: 'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to the
2147        requested accuracy. After 3 iterations, the solution is
2148        diverging at least for one input point.
2150        >>> # Now try to use some diverging data:
2151        >>> divradec = w.all_pix2world([[1.0, 1.0],
2152        ...                             [10000.0, 50000.0],
2153        ...                             [3.0, 1.0]], 1)
2154        >>> print(divradec)  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2155        [[  5.52645627 -72.05171757]
2156         [  7.15976932 -70.8140779 ]
2157         [  5.52653698 -72.05170795]]
2159        >>> # First, turn detect_divergence on:
2160        >>> try:  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2161        ...   xy = w.all_world2pix(divradec, 1, maxiter=20,
2162        ...                        tolerance=1.0e-4, adaptive=False,
2163        ...                        detect_divergence=True,
2164        ...                        quiet=False)
2165        ... except wcs.wcs.NoConvergence as e:
2166        ...   print("Indices of diverging points: {{0}}"
2167        ...         .format(e.divergent))
2168        ...   print("Indices of poorly converging points: {{0}}"
2169        ...         .format(e.slow_conv))
2170        ...   print("Best solution:\\n{{0}}".format(e.best_solution))
2171        ...   print("Achieved accuracy:\\n{{0}}".format(e.accuracy))
2172        Indices of diverging points: [1]
2173        Indices of poorly converging points: None
2174        Best solution:
2175        [[  1.00000238e+00   9.99999965e-01]
2176         [ -1.99441636e+06   1.44309097e+06]
2177         [  3.00000236e+00   9.99999966e-01]]
2178        Achieved accuracy:
2179        [[  6.13968380e-05   8.59638593e-07]
2180         [  8.59526812e+11   6.61713548e+11]
2181         [  6.09398446e-05   8.38759724e-07]]
2182        >>> raise e
2183        Traceback (most recent call last):
2184        ...
2185        NoConvergence: 'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to the
2186        requested accuracy.  After 5 iterations, the solution is
2187        diverging at least for one input point.
2189        >>> # This time turn detect_divergence off:
2190        >>> try:  # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
2191        ...   xy = w.all_world2pix(divradec, 1, maxiter=20,
2192        ...                        tolerance=1.0e-4, adaptive=False,
2193        ...                        detect_divergence=False,
2194        ...                        quiet=False)
2195        ... except wcs.wcs.NoConvergence as e:
2196        ...   print("Indices of diverging points: {{0}}"
2197        ...         .format(e.divergent))
2198        ...   print("Indices of poorly converging points: {{0}}"
2199        ...         .format(e.slow_conv))
2200        ...   print("Best solution:\\n{{0}}".format(e.best_solution))
2201        ...   print("Achieved accuracy:\\n{{0}}".format(e.accuracy))
2202        Indices of diverging points: [1]
2203        Indices of poorly converging points: None
2204        Best solution:
2205        [[ 1.00000009  1.        ]
2206         [        nan         nan]
2207         [ 3.00000009  1.        ]]
2208        Achieved accuracy:
2209        [[  2.29417358e-06   3.21222995e-08]
2210         [             nan              nan]
2211         [  2.27407877e-06   3.13005639e-08]]
2212        >>> raise e
2213        Traceback (most recent call last):
2214        ...
2215        NoConvergence: 'WCS.all_world2pix' failed to converge to the
2216        requested accuracy.  After 6 iterations, the solution is
2217        diverging at least for one input point.
2219        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
2220                   docstrings.RA_DEC_ORDER(8),
2221                   docstrings.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
2223    def wcs_world2pix(self, *args, **kwargs):
2224        if self.wcs is None:
2225            raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
2226        return self._array_converter(
2227            lambda xy, o: self.wcs.s2p(xy, o)['pixcrd'],
2228            'input', *args, **kwargs)
2229    wcs_world2pix.__doc__ = """
2230        Transforms world coordinates to pixel coordinates, using only
2231        the basic `wcslib`_ WCS transformation.  No `SIP`_ or
2232        `distortion paper`_ table lookup transformation is applied.
2234        Parameters
2235        ----------
2236        {}
2238            For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
2239            two-argument form must be used.
2241        {}
2243        Returns
2244        -------
2246        {}
2248        Notes
2249        -----
2250        The order of the axes for the input world array is determined by
2251        the ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may
2252        not always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*).  The
2253        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
2254        `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
2255        members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
2257        Raises
2258        ------
2259        MemoryError
2260            Memory allocation failed.
2262        SingularMatrixError
2263            Linear transformation matrix is singular.
2265        InconsistentAxisTypesError
2266            Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
2268        ValueError
2269            Invalid parameter value.
2271        ValueError
2272            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2274        ValueError
2275            x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
2277        InvalidTransformError
2278            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2280        InvalidTransformError
2281            Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
2282        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
2283                   docstrings.RA_DEC_ORDER(8),
2284                   docstrings.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
2286    def pix2foc(self, *args):
2287        return self._array_converter(self._pix2foc, None, *args)
2288    pix2foc.__doc__ = """
2289        Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using the
2290        `SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention and `distortion
2291        paper`_ table-lookup correction.
2293        The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
2294        ``CRPIX``.
2296        Parameters
2297        ----------
2299        {}
2301        Returns
2302        -------
2304        {}
2306        Raises
2307        ------
2308        MemoryError
2309            Memory allocation failed.
2311        ValueError
2312            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2313        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
2314                   docstrings.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
2316    def p4_pix2foc(self, *args):
2317        return self._array_converter(self._p4_pix2foc, None, *args)
2318    p4_pix2foc.__doc__ = """
2319        Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using
2320        `distortion paper`_ table-lookup correction.
2322        The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
2323        ``CRPIX``.
2325        Parameters
2326        ----------
2328        {}
2330        Returns
2331        -------
2333        {}
2335        Raises
2336        ------
2337        MemoryError
2338            Memory allocation failed.
2340        ValueError
2341            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2342        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
2343                   docstrings.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
2345    def det2im(self, *args):
2346        return self._array_converter(self._det2im, None, *args)
2347    det2im.__doc__ = """
2348        Convert detector coordinates to image plane coordinates using
2349        `distortion paper`_ table-lookup correction.
2351        The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
2352        ``CRPIX``.
2354        Parameters
2355        ----------
2357        {}
2359        Returns
2360        -------
2362        {}
2364        Raises
2365        ------
2366        MemoryError
2367            Memory allocation failed.
2369        ValueError
2370            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2371        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
2372                   docstrings.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
2374    def sip_pix2foc(self, *args):
2375        if self.sip is None:
2376            if len(args) == 2:
2377                return args[0]
2378            elif len(args) == 3:
2379                return args[:2]
2380            else:
2381                raise TypeError("Wrong number of arguments")
2382        return self._array_converter(self.sip.pix2foc, None, *args)
2383    sip_pix2foc.__doc__ = """
2384        Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using the
2385        `SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention.
2387        The output is in pixel coordinates, relative to ``CRPIX``.
2389        FITS WCS `distortion paper`_ table lookup correction is not
2390        applied, even if that information existed in the FITS file
2391        that initialized this :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` object.  To
2392        correct for that, use `~astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc` or
2393        `~astropy.wcs.WCS.p4_pix2foc`.
2395        Parameters
2396        ----------
2398        {}
2400        Returns
2401        -------
2403        {}
2405        Raises
2406        ------
2407        MemoryError
2408            Memory allocation failed.
2410        ValueError
2411            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2412        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
2413                   docstrings.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
2415    def sip_foc2pix(self, *args):
2416        if self.sip is None:
2417            if len(args) == 2:
2418                return args[0]
2419            elif len(args) == 3:
2420                return args[:2]
2421            else:
2422                raise TypeError("Wrong number of arguments")
2423        return self._array_converter(self.sip.foc2pix, None, *args)
2424    sip_foc2pix.__doc__ = """
2425        Convert focal plane coordinates to pixel coordinates using the
2426        `SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention.
2428        FITS WCS `distortion paper`_ table lookup distortion
2429        correction is not applied, even if that information existed in
2430        the FITS file that initialized this `~astropy.wcs.WCS` object.
2432        Parameters
2433        ----------
2435        {}
2437        Returns
2438        -------
2440        {}
2442        Raises
2443        ------
2444        MemoryError
2445            Memory allocation failed.
2447        ValueError
2448            Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
2449        """.format(docstrings.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
2450                   docstrings.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
2452    def proj_plane_pixel_scales(self):
2453        """
2454        Calculate pixel scales along each axis of the image pixel at
2455        the ``CRPIX`` location once it is projected onto the
2456        "plane of intermediate world coordinates" as defined in
2457        `Greisen & Calabretta 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...395.1061G>`_.
2459        .. note::
2460            This method is concerned **only** about the transformation
2461            "image plane"->"projection plane" and **not** about the
2462            transformation "celestial sphere"->"projection plane"->"image plane".
2463            Therefore, this function ignores distortions arising due to
2464            non-linear nature of most projections.
2466        .. note::
2467            This method only returns sensible answers if the WCS contains
2468            celestial axes, i.e., the `~astropy.wcs.WCS.celestial` WCS object.
2470        Returns
2471        -------
2472        scale : list of `~astropy.units.Quantity`
2473            A vector of projection plane increments corresponding to each
2474            pixel side (axis).
2476        See Also
2477        --------
2478        astropy.wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_scales
2480        """  # noqa: E501
2481        from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales  # Avoid circular import
2482        values = proj_plane_pixel_scales(self)
2483        units = [u.Unit(x) for x in self.wcs.cunit]
2484        return [value * unit for (value, unit) in zip(values, units)]  # Can have different units
2486    def proj_plane_pixel_area(self):
2487        """
2488        For a **celestial** WCS (see `astropy.wcs.WCS.celestial`), returns pixel
2489        area of the image pixel at the ``CRPIX`` location once it is projected
2490        onto the "plane of intermediate world coordinates" as defined in
2491        `Greisen & Calabretta 2002, A&A, 395, 1061 <https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...395.1061G>`_.
2493        .. note::
2494            This function is concerned **only** about the transformation
2495            "image plane"->"projection plane" and **not** about the
2496            transformation "celestial sphere"->"projection plane"->"image plane".
2497            Therefore, this function ignores distortions arising due to
2498            non-linear nature of most projections.
2500        .. note::
2501            This method only returns sensible answers if the WCS contains
2502            celestial axes, i.e., the `~astropy.wcs.WCS.celestial` WCS object.
2504        Returns
2505        -------
2506        area : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
2507            Area (in the projection plane) of the pixel at ``CRPIX`` location.
2509        Raises
2510        ------
2511        ValueError
2512            Pixel area is defined only for 2D pixels. Most likely the
2513            `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.cd` matrix of the `~astropy.wcs.WCS.celestial`
2514            WCS is not a square matrix of second order.
2516        Notes
2517        -----
2519        Depending on the application, square root of the pixel area can be used to
2520        represent a single pixel scale of an equivalent square pixel
2521        whose area is equal to the area of a generally non-square pixel.
2523        See Also
2524        --------
2525        astropy.wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area
2527        """  # noqa: E501
2528        from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_area  # Avoid circular import
2529        value = proj_plane_pixel_area(self)
2530        unit = u.Unit(self.wcs.cunit[0]) * u.Unit(self.wcs.cunit[1])  # 2D only
2531        return value * unit
2533    def to_fits(self, relax=False, key=None):
2534        """
2535        Generate an `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList` object with all of the
2536        information stored in this object.  This should be logically identical
2537        to the input FITS file, but it will be normalized in a number of ways.
2539        See `to_header` for some warnings about the output produced.
2541        Parameters
2542        ----------
2544        relax : bool or int, optional
2545            Degree of permissiveness:
2547            - `False` (default): Write all extensions that are
2548              considered to be safe and recommended.
2550            - `True`: Write all recognized informal extensions of the
2551              WCS standard.
2553            - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to
2554              write.  See :ref:`astropy:relaxwrite` for details.
2556        key : str
2557            The name of a particular WCS transform to use.  This may be
2558            either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the ``"a"``
2559            part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards.
2561        Returns
2562        -------
2563        hdulist : `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
2564        """
2566        header = self.to_header(relax=relax, key=key)
2568        hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
2569        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdu)
2571        self._write_det2im(hdulist)
2572        self._write_distortion_kw(hdulist)
2574        return hdulist
2576    def to_header(self, relax=None, key=None):
2577        """Generate an `astropy.io.fits.Header` object with the basic WCS
2578        and SIP information stored in this object.  This should be
2579        logically identical to the input FITS file, but it will be
2580        normalized in a number of ways.
2582        .. warning::
2584          This function does not write out FITS WCS `distortion
2585          paper`_ information, since that requires multiple FITS
2586          header data units.  To get a full representation of
2587          everything in this object, use `to_fits`.
2589        Parameters
2590        ----------
2591        relax : bool or int, optional
2592            Degree of permissiveness:
2594            - `False` (default): Write all extensions that are
2595              considered to be safe and recommended.
2597            - `True`: Write all recognized informal extensions of the
2598              WCS standard.
2600            - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to
2601              write.  See :ref:`astropy:relaxwrite` for details.
2603            If the ``relax`` keyword argument is not given and any
2604            keywords were omitted from the output, an
2605            `~astropy.utils.exceptions.AstropyWarning` is displayed.
2606            To override this, explicitly pass a value to ``relax``.
2608        key : str
2609            The name of a particular WCS transform to use.  This may be
2610            either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the ``"a"``
2611            part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards.
2613        Returns
2614        -------
2615        header : `astropy.io.fits.Header`
2617        Notes
2618        -----
2619        The output header will almost certainly differ from the input in a
2620        number of respects:
2622          1. The output header only contains WCS-related keywords.  In
2623             particular, it does not contain syntactically-required
2624             keywords such as ``SIMPLE``, ``NAXIS``, ``BITPIX``, or
2625             ``END``.
2627          2. Deprecated (e.g. ``CROTAn``) or non-standard usage will
2628             be translated to standard (this is partially dependent on
2629             whether ``fix`` was applied).
2631          3. Quantities will be converted to the units used internally,
2632             basically SI with the addition of degrees.
2634          4. Floating-point quantities may be given to a different decimal
2635             precision.
2637          5. Elements of the ``PCi_j`` matrix will be written if and
2638             only if they differ from the unit matrix.  Thus, if the
2639             matrix is unity then no elements will be written.
2641          6. Additional keywords such as ``WCSAXES``, ``CUNITia``,
2642             ``LONPOLEa`` and ``LATPOLEa`` may appear.
2644          7. The original keycomments will be lost, although
2645             `to_header` tries hard to write meaningful comments.
2647          8. Keyword order may be changed.
2649        """
2650        # default precision for numerical WCS keywords
2651        precision = WCSHDO_P14  # Defined by C-ext  # noqa: F821
2652        display_warning = False
2653        if relax is None:
2654            display_warning = True
2655            relax = False
2657        if relax not in (True, False):
2658            do_sip = relax & WCSHDO_SIP
2659            relax &= ~WCSHDO_SIP
2660        else:
2661            do_sip = relax
2662            relax = WCSHDO_all if relax is True else WCSHDO_safe  # Defined by C-ext  # noqa: F821
2664        relax = precision | relax
2666        if self.wcs is not None:
2667            if key is not None:
2668                orig_key = self.wcs.alt
2669                self.wcs.alt = key
2670            header_string = self.wcs.to_header(relax)
2671            header = fits.Header.fromstring(header_string)
2672            keys_to_remove = ["", " ", "COMMENT"]
2673            for kw in keys_to_remove:
2674                if kw in header:
2675                    del header[kw]
2676            # Check if we can handle TPD distortion correctly
2677            if int(_parsed_version[0]) * 10 + int(_parsed_version[1]) < 71:
2678                for kw, val in header.items():
2679                    if kw[:5] in ('CPDIS', 'CQDIS') and val == 'TPD':
2680                        warnings.warn(
2681                            f"WCS contains a TPD distortion model in {kw}. WCSLIB "
2682                            f"{_wcs.__version__} is writing this in a format incompatible with "
2683                            f"current versions - please update to 7.4 or use the bundled WCSLIB.",
2684                            AstropyWarning)
2685            elif int(_parsed_version[0]) * 10 + int(_parsed_version[1]) < 74:
2686                for kw, val in header.items():
2687                    if kw[:5] in ('CPDIS', 'CQDIS') and val == 'TPD':
2688                        warnings.warn(
2689                            f"WCS contains a TPD distortion model in {kw}, which requires WCSLIB "
2690                            f"7.4 or later to store in a FITS header (having {_wcs.__version__}).",
2691                            AstropyWarning)
2692        else:
2693            header = fits.Header()
2695        if do_sip and self.sip is not None:
2696            if self.wcs is not None and any(not ctyp.endswith('-SIP') for ctyp in self.wcs.ctype):
2697                self._fix_ctype(header, add_sip=True)
2699            for kw, val in self._write_sip_kw().items():
2700                header[kw] = val
2702        if not do_sip and self.wcs is not None and any(self.wcs.ctype) and self.sip is not None:
2703            # This is called when relax is not False or WCSHDO_SIP
2704            # The default case of ``relax=None`` is handled further in the code.
2705            header = self._fix_ctype(header, add_sip=False)
2707        if display_warning:
2708            full_header = self.to_header(relax=True, key=key)
2709            missing_keys = []
2710            for kw, val in full_header.items():
2711                if kw not in header:
2712                    missing_keys.append(kw)
2714            if len(missing_keys):
2715                warnings.warn(
2716                    "Some non-standard WCS keywords were excluded: {} "
2717                    "Use the ``relax`` kwarg to control this.".format(
2718                        ', '.join(missing_keys)),
2719                    AstropyWarning)
2720            # called when ``relax=None``
2721            # This is different from the case of ``relax=False``.
2722            if any(self.wcs.ctype) and self.sip is not None:
2723                header = self._fix_ctype(header, add_sip=False, log_message=False)
2724        # Finally reset the key. This must be called after ``_fix_ctype``.
2725        if key is not None:
2726            self.wcs.alt = orig_key
2727        return header
2729    def _fix_ctype(self, header, add_sip=True, log_message=True):
2730        """
2731        Parameters
2732        ----------
2733        header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`
2734            FITS header.
2735        add_sip : bool
2736            Flag indicating whether "-SIP" should be added or removed from CTYPE keywords.
2738            Remove "-SIP" from CTYPE when writing out a header with relax=False.
2739            This needs to be done outside ``to_header`` because ``to_header`` runs
2740            twice when ``relax=False`` and the second time ``relax`` is set to ``True``
2741            to display the missing keywords.
2743            If the user requested SIP distortion to be written out add "-SIP" to
2744            CTYPE if it is missing.
2745        """
2747        _add_sip_to_ctype = """
2748        Inconsistent SIP distortion information is present in the current WCS:
2749        SIP coefficients were detected, but CTYPE is missing "-SIP" suffix,
2750        therefore the current WCS is internally inconsistent.
2752        Because relax has been set to True, the resulting output WCS will have
2753        "-SIP" appended to CTYPE in order to make the header internally consistent.
2755        However, this may produce incorrect astrometry in the output WCS, if
2756        in fact the current WCS is already distortion-corrected.
2758        Therefore, if current WCS is already distortion-corrected (eg, drizzled)
2759        then SIP distortion components should not apply. In that case, for a WCS
2760        that is already distortion-corrected, please remove the SIP coefficients
2761        from the header.
2763        """
2764        if log_message:
2765            if add_sip:
2766                log.info(_add_sip_to_ctype)
2767        for i in range(1, self.naxis+1):
2768            # strip() must be called here to cover the case of alt key= " "
2769            kw = f'CTYPE{i}{self.wcs.alt}'.strip()
2770            if kw in header:
2771                if add_sip:
2772                    val = header[kw].strip("-SIP") + "-SIP"
2773                else:
2774                    val = header[kw].strip("-SIP")
2775                header[kw] = val
2776            else:
2777                continue
2778        return header
2780    def to_header_string(self, relax=None):
2781        """
2782        Identical to `to_header`, but returns a string containing the
2783        header cards.
2784        """
2785        return str(self.to_header(relax))
2787    def footprint_to_file(self, filename='footprint.reg', color='green',
2788                          width=2, coordsys=None):
2789        """
2790        Writes out a `ds9`_ style regions file. It can be loaded
2791        directly by `ds9`_.
2793        Parameters
2794        ----------
2795        filename : str, optional
2796            Output file name - default is ``'footprint.reg'``
2798        color : str, optional
2799            Color to use when plotting the line.
2801        width : int, optional
2802            Width of the region line.
2804        coordsys : str, optional
2805            Coordinate system. If not specified (default), the ``radesys``
2806            value is used. For all possible values, see
2807            http://ds9.si.edu/doc/ref/region.html#RegionFileFormat
2809        """
2810        comments = ('# Region file format: DS9 version 4.0 \n'
2811                    '# global color=green font="helvetica 12 bold '
2812                    'select=1 highlite=1 edit=1 move=1 delete=1 '
2813                    'include=1 fixed=0 source\n')
2815        coordsys = coordsys or self.wcs.radesys
2817        if coordsys not in ('PHYSICAL', 'IMAGE', 'FK4', 'B1950', 'FK5',
2818                            'J2000', 'GALACTIC', 'ECLIPTIC', 'ICRS', 'LINEAR',
2819                            'AMPLIFIER', 'DETECTOR'):
2820            raise ValueError("Coordinate system '{}' is not supported. A valid"
2821                             " one can be given with the 'coordsys' argument."
2822                             .format(coordsys))
2824        with open(filename, mode='w') as f:
2825            f.write(comments)
2826            f.write(f'{coordsys}\n')
2827            f.write('polygon(')
2828            ftpr = self.calc_footprint()
2829            if ftpr is not None:
2830                ftpr.tofile(f, sep=',')
2831                f.write(f') # color={color}, width={width:d} \n')
2833    def _get_naxis(self, header=None):
2834        _naxis = []
2835        if (header is not None and
2836                not isinstance(header, (str, bytes))):
2837            for naxis in itertools.count(1):
2838                try:
2839                    _naxis.append(header[f'NAXIS{naxis}'])
2840                except KeyError:
2841                    break
2842        if len(_naxis) == 0:
2843            _naxis = [0, 0]
2844        elif len(_naxis) == 1:
2845            _naxis.append(0)
2846        self._naxis = _naxis
2848    def printwcs(self):
2849        print(repr(self))
2851    def __repr__(self):
2852        '''
2853        Return a short description. Simply porting the behavior from
2854        the `printwcs()` method.
2855        '''
2856        description = ["WCS Keywords\n",
2857                       f"Number of WCS axes: {self.naxis!r}"]
2858        sfmt = ' : ' + "".join(["{"+f"{i}"+"!r}  " for i in range(self.naxis)])
2860        keywords = ['CTYPE', 'CRVAL', 'CRPIX']
2861        values = [self.wcs.ctype, self.wcs.crval, self.wcs.crpix]
2862        for keyword, value in zip(keywords, values):
2863            description.append(keyword+sfmt.format(*value))
2865        if hasattr(self.wcs, 'pc'):
2866            for i in range(self.naxis):
2867                s = ''
2868                for j in range(self.naxis):
2869                    s += ''.join(['PC', str(i+1), '_', str(j+1), ' '])
2870                s += sfmt
2871                description.append(s.format(*self.wcs.pc[i]))
2872            s = 'CDELT' + sfmt
2873            description.append(s.format(*self.wcs.cdelt))
2874        elif hasattr(self.wcs, 'cd'):
2875            for i in range(self.naxis):
2876                s = ''
2877                for j in range(self.naxis):
2878                    s += "".join(['CD', str(i+1), '_', str(j+1), ' '])
2879                s += sfmt
2880                description.append(s.format(*self.wcs.cd[i]))
2882        description.append(f"NAXIS : {'  '.join(map(str, self._naxis))}")
2883        return '\n'.join(description)
2885    def get_axis_types(self):
2886        """
2887        Similar to `self.wcsprm.axis_types <astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.axis_types>`
2888        but provides the information in a more Python-friendly format.
2890        Returns
2891        -------
2892        result : list of dict
2894            Returns a list of dictionaries, one for each axis, each
2895            containing attributes about the type of that axis.
2897            Each dictionary has the following keys:
2899            - 'coordinate_type':
2901              - None: Non-specific coordinate type.
2903              - 'stokes': Stokes coordinate.
2905              - 'celestial': Celestial coordinate (including ``CUBEFACE``).
2907              - 'spectral': Spectral coordinate.
2909            - 'scale':
2911              - 'linear': Linear axis.
2913              - 'quantized': Quantized axis (``STOKES``, ``CUBEFACE``).
2915              - 'non-linear celestial': Non-linear celestial axis.
2917              - 'non-linear spectral': Non-linear spectral axis.
2919              - 'logarithmic': Logarithmic axis.
2921              - 'tabular': Tabular axis.
2923            - 'group'
2925              - Group number, e.g. lookup table number
2927            - 'number'
2929              - For celestial axes:
2931                - 0: Longitude coordinate.
2933                - 1: Latitude coordinate.
2935                - 2: ``CUBEFACE`` number.
2937              - For lookup tables:
2939                - the axis number in a multidimensional table.
2941            ``CTYPEia`` in ``"4-3"`` form with unrecognized algorithm code will
2942            generate an error.
2943        """
2944        if self.wcs is None:
2945            raise AttributeError(
2946                "This WCS object does not have a wcsprm object.")
2948        coordinate_type_map = {
2949            0: None,
2950            1: 'stokes',
2951            2: 'celestial',
2952            3: 'spectral'}
2954        scale_map = {
2955            0: 'linear',
2956            1: 'quantized',
2957            2: 'non-linear celestial',
2958            3: 'non-linear spectral',
2959            4: 'logarithmic',
2960            5: 'tabular'}
2962        result = []
2963        for axis_type in self.wcs.axis_types:
2964            subresult = {}
2966            coordinate_type = (axis_type // 1000) % 10
2967            subresult['coordinate_type'] = coordinate_type_map[coordinate_type]
2969            scale = (axis_type // 100) % 10
2970            subresult['scale'] = scale_map[scale]
2972            group = (axis_type // 10) % 10
2973            subresult['group'] = group
2975            number = axis_type % 10
2976            subresult['number'] = number
2978            result.append(subresult)
2980        return result
2982    def __reduce__(self):
2983        """
2984        Support pickling of WCS objects.  This is done by serializing
2985        to an in-memory FITS file and dumping that as a string.
2986        """
2988        hdulist = self.to_fits(relax=True)
2990        buffer = io.BytesIO()
2991        hdulist.writeto(buffer)
2993        return (__WCS_unpickle__,
2994                (self.__class__, self.__dict__, buffer.getvalue(),))
2996    def dropaxis(self, dropax):
2997        """
2998        Remove an axis from the WCS.
3000        Parameters
3001        ----------
3002        wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
3003            The WCS with naxis to be chopped to naxis-1
3004        dropax : int
3005            The index of the WCS to drop, counting from 0 (i.e., python convention,
3006            not FITS convention)
3008        Returns
3009        -------
3010        `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
3011            A new `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance with one axis fewer
3012        """
3013        inds = list(range(self.wcs.naxis))
3014        inds.pop(dropax)
3016        # axis 0 has special meaning to sub
3017        # if wcs.wcs.ctype == ['RA','DEC','VLSR'], you want
3018        # wcs.sub([1,2]) to get 'RA','DEC' back
3019        return self.sub([i+1 for i in inds])
3021    def swapaxes(self, ax0, ax1):
3022        """
3023        Swap axes in a WCS.
3025        Parameters
3026        ----------
3027        wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
3028            The WCS to have its axes swapped
3029        ax0 : int
3030        ax1 : int
3031            The indices of the WCS to be swapped, counting from 0 (i.e., python
3032            convention, not FITS convention)
3034        Returns
3035        -------
3036        `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
3037            A new `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance with the same number of axes,
3038            but two swapped
3039        """
3040        inds = list(range(self.wcs.naxis))
3041        inds[ax0], inds[ax1] = inds[ax1], inds[ax0]
3043        return self.sub([i+1 for i in inds])
3045    def reorient_celestial_first(self):
3046        """
3047        Reorient the WCS such that the celestial axes are first, followed by
3048        the spectral axis, followed by any others.
3049        Assumes at least celestial axes are present.
3050        """
3051        return self.sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL, WCSSUB_SPECTRAL, WCSSUB_STOKES])  # Defined by C-ext  # noqa: F821 E501
3053    def slice(self, view, numpy_order=True):
3054        """
3055        Slice a WCS instance using a Numpy slice. The order of the slice should
3056        be reversed (as for the data) compared to the natural WCS order.
3058        Parameters
3059        ----------
3060        view : tuple
3061            A tuple containing the same number of slices as the WCS system.
3062            The ``step`` method, the third argument to a slice, is not
3063            presently supported.
3064        numpy_order : bool
3065            Use numpy order, i.e. slice the WCS so that an identical slice
3066            applied to a numpy array will slice the array and WCS in the same
3067            way. If set to `False`, the WCS will be sliced in FITS order,
3068            meaning the first slice will be applied to the *last* numpy index
3069            but the *first* WCS axis.
3071        Returns
3072        -------
3073        wcs_new : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
3074            A new resampled WCS axis
3075        """
3076        if hasattr(view, '__len__') and len(view) > self.wcs.naxis:
3077            raise ValueError("Must have # of slices <= # of WCS axes")
3078        elif not hasattr(view, '__len__'):  # view MUST be an iterable
3079            view = [view]
3081        if not all(isinstance(x, slice) for x in view):
3082            # We need to drop some dimensions, but this may not always be
3083            # possible with .sub due to correlated axes, so instead we use the
3084            # generalized slicing infrastructure from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.
3085            return SlicedFITSWCS(self, view)
3087        # NOTE: we could in principle use SlicedFITSWCS as above for all slicing,
3088        # but in the simple case where there are no axes dropped, we can just
3089        # create a full WCS object with updated WCS parameters which is faster
3090        # for this specific case and also backward-compatible.
3092        wcs_new = self.deepcopy()
3093        if wcs_new.sip is not None:
3094            sip_crpix = wcs_new.sip.crpix.tolist()
3096        for i, iview in enumerate(view):
3097            if iview.step is not None and iview.step < 0:
3098                raise NotImplementedError("Reversing an axis is not "
3099                                          "implemented.")
3101            if numpy_order:
3102                wcs_index = self.wcs.naxis - 1 - i
3103            else:
3104                wcs_index = i
3106            if iview.step is not None and iview.start is None:
3107                # Slice from "None" is equivalent to slice from 0 (but one
3108                # might want to downsample, so allow slices with
3109                # None,None,step or None,stop,step)
3110                iview = slice(0, iview.stop, iview.step)
3112            if iview.start is not None:
3113                if iview.step not in (None, 1):
3114                    crpix = self.wcs.crpix[wcs_index]
3115                    cdelt = self.wcs.cdelt[wcs_index]
3116                    # equivalently (keep this comment so you can compare eqns):
3117                    # wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] =
3118                    # (crpix - iview.start)*iview.step + 0.5 - iview.step/2.
3119                    crp = ((crpix - iview.start - 1.)/iview.step
3120                           + 0.5 + 1./iview.step/2.)
3121                    wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] = crp
3122                    if wcs_new.sip is not None:
3123                        sip_crpix[wcs_index] = crp
3124                    wcs_new.wcs.cdelt[wcs_index] = cdelt * iview.step
3125                else:
3126                    wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] -= iview.start
3127                    if wcs_new.sip is not None:
3128                        sip_crpix[wcs_index] -= iview.start
3130            try:
3131                # range requires integers but the other attributes can also
3132                # handle arbitrary values, so this needs to be in a try/except.
3133                nitems = len(builtins.range(self._naxis[wcs_index])[iview])
3134            except TypeError as exc:
3135                if 'indices must be integers' not in str(exc):
3136                    raise
3137                warnings.warn("NAXIS{} attribute is not updated because at "
3138                              "least one index ('{}') is no integer."
3139                              "".format(wcs_index, iview), AstropyUserWarning)
3140            else:
3141                wcs_new._naxis[wcs_index] = nitems
3143        if wcs_new.sip is not None:
3144            wcs_new.sip = Sip(self.sip.a, self.sip.b, self.sip.ap, self.sip.bp,
3145                              sip_crpix)
3147        return wcs_new
3149    def __getitem__(self, item):
3150        # "getitem" is a shortcut for self.slice; it is very limited
3151        # there is no obvious and unambiguous interpretation of wcs[1,2,3]
3152        # We COULD allow wcs[1] to link to wcs.sub([2])
3153        # (wcs[i] -> wcs.sub([i+1])
3154        return self.slice(item)
3156    def __iter__(self):
3157        # Having __getitem__ makes Python think WCS is iterable. However,
3158        # Python first checks whether __iter__ is present, so we can raise an
3159        # exception here.
3160        raise TypeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not iterable")
3162    @property
3163    def axis_type_names(self):
3164        """
3165        World names for each coordinate axis
3167        Returns
3168        -------
3169        list of str
3170            A list of names along each axis.
3171        """
3172        names = list(self.wcs.cname)
3173        types = self.wcs.ctype
3174        for i in range(len(names)):
3175            if len(names[i]) > 0:
3176                continue
3177            names[i] = types[i].split('-')[0]
3178        return names
3180    @property
3181    def celestial(self):
3182        """
3183        A copy of the current WCS with only the celestial axes included
3184        """
3185        return self.sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL])  # Defined by C-ext  # noqa: F821
3187    @property
3188    def is_celestial(self):
3189        return self.has_celestial and self.naxis == 2
3191    @property
3192    def has_celestial(self):
3193        try:
3194            return self.wcs.lng >= 0 and self.wcs.lat >= 0
3195        except InconsistentAxisTypesError:
3196            return False
3198    @property
3199    def spectral(self):
3200        """
3201        A copy of the current WCS with only the spectral axes included
3202        """
3203        return self.sub([WCSSUB_SPECTRAL])  # Defined by C-ext  # noqa: F821
3205    @property
3206    def is_spectral(self):
3207        return self.has_spectral and self.naxis == 1
3209    @property
3210    def has_spectral(self):
3211        try:
3212            return self.wcs.spec >= 0
3213        except InconsistentAxisTypesError:
3214            return False
3216    @property
3217    def has_distortion(self):
3218        """
3219        Returns `True` if any distortion terms are present.
3220        """
3221        return (self.sip is not None or
3222                self.cpdis1 is not None or self.cpdis2 is not None or
3223                self.det2im1 is not None and self.det2im2 is not None)
3225    @property
3226    def pixel_scale_matrix(self):
3228        try:
3229            cdelt = np.diag(self.wcs.get_cdelt())
3230            pc = self.wcs.get_pc()
3231        except InconsistentAxisTypesError:
3232            try:
3233                # for non-celestial axes, get_cdelt doesn't work
3234                with warnings.catch_warnings():
3235                    warnings.filterwarnings(
3236                        'ignore', 'cdelt will be ignored since cd is present', RuntimeWarning)
3237                    cdelt = np.dot(self.wcs.cd, np.diag(self.wcs.cdelt))
3238            except AttributeError:
3239                cdelt = np.diag(self.wcs.cdelt)
3241            try:
3242                pc = self.wcs.pc
3243            except AttributeError:
3244                pc = 1
3246        pccd = np.dot(cdelt, pc)
3248        return pccd
3250    def footprint_contains(self, coord, **kwargs):
3251        """
3252        Determines if a given SkyCoord is contained in the wcs footprint.
3254        Parameters
3255        ----------
3256        coord : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
3257            The coordinate to check if it is within the wcs coordinate.
3258        **kwargs :
3259           Additional arguments to pass to `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.to_pixel`
3261        Returns
3262        -------
3263        response : bool
3264           True means the WCS footprint contains the coordinate, False means it does not.
3265        """
3267        return coord.contained_by(self, **kwargs)
3270def __WCS_unpickle__(cls, dct, fits_data):
3271    """
3272    Unpickles a WCS object from a serialized FITS string.
3273    """
3275    self = cls.__new__(cls)
3276    self.__dict__.update(dct)
3278    buffer = io.BytesIO(fits_data)
3279    hdulist = fits.open(buffer)
3281    WCS.__init__(self, hdulist[0].header, hdulist)
3283    return self
3286def find_all_wcs(header, relax=True, keysel=None, fix=True,
3287                 translate_units='',
3288                 _do_set=True):
3289    """
3290    Find all the WCS transformations in the given header.
3292    Parameters
3293    ----------
3294    header : str or `~astropy.io.fits.Header` object.
3296    relax : bool or int, optional
3297        Degree of permissiveness:
3299        - `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions of the
3300          WCS standard.
3302        - `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the
3303          published WCS standard.
3305        - `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.
3306          See :ref:`astropy:relaxread` for details.
3308    keysel : sequence of str, optional
3309        A list of flags used to select the keyword types considered by
3310        wcslib.  When ``None``, only the standard image header
3311        keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C
3312        function is called).  To use binary table image array or pixel
3313        list keywords, *keysel* must be set.
3315        Each element in the list should be one of the following strings:
3317            - 'image': Image header keywords
3319            - 'binary': Binary table image array keywords
3321            - 'pixel': Pixel list keywords
3323        Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to
3324        binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including
3325        ``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and
3326        'pixel'.
3328    fix : bool, optional
3329        When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on
3330        the resulting objects to fix any non-standard uses in the
3331        header.  `FITSFixedWarning` warnings will be emitted if any
3332        changes were made.
3334    translate_units : str, optional
3335        Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard
3336        unit strings to perform.  By default, performs none.  See
3337        `WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter.  Only
3338        effective when ``fix`` is `True`.
3340    Returns
3341    -------
3342    wcses : list of `WCS`
3343    """
3345    if isinstance(header, (str, bytes)):
3346        header_string = header
3347    elif isinstance(header, fits.Header):
3348        header_string = header.tostring()
3349    else:
3350        raise TypeError(
3351            "header must be a string or astropy.io.fits.Header object")
3353    keysel_flags = _parse_keysel(keysel)
3355    if isinstance(header_string, str):
3356        header_bytes = header_string.encode('ascii')
3357    else:
3358        header_bytes = header_string
3360    wcsprms = _wcs.find_all_wcs(header_bytes, relax, keysel_flags)
3362    result = []
3363    for wcsprm in wcsprms:
3364        subresult = WCS(fix=False, _do_set=False)
3365        subresult.wcs = wcsprm
3366        result.append(subresult)
3368        if fix:
3369            subresult.fix(translate_units)
3371        if _do_set:
3372            subresult.wcs.set()
3374    return result
3377def validate(source):
3378    """
3379    Prints a WCS validation report for the given FITS file.
3381    Parameters
3382    ----------
3383    source : str or file-like or `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
3384        The FITS file to validate.
3386    Returns
3387    -------
3388    results : list subclass instance
3389        The result is returned as nested lists.  The first level
3390        corresponds to the HDUs in the given file.  The next level has
3391        an entry for each WCS found in that header.  The special
3392        subclass of list will pretty-print the results as a table when
3393        printed.
3395    """
3396    class _WcsValidateWcsResult(list):
3397        def __init__(self, key):
3398            self._key = key
3400        def __repr__(self):
3401            result = [f"  WCS key '{self._key or ' '}':"]
3402            if len(self):
3403                for entry in self:
3404                    for i, line in enumerate(entry.splitlines()):
3405                        if i == 0:
3406                            initial_indent = '    - '
3407                        else:
3408                            initial_indent = '      '
3409                        result.extend(
3410                            textwrap.wrap(
3411                                line,
3412                                initial_indent=initial_indent,
3413                                subsequent_indent='      '))
3414            else:
3415                result.append("    No issues.")
3416            return '\n'.join(result)
3418    class _WcsValidateHduResult(list):
3419        def __init__(self, hdu_index, hdu_name):
3420            self._hdu_index = hdu_index
3421            self._hdu_name = hdu_name
3422            list.__init__(self)
3424        def __repr__(self):
3425            if len(self):
3426                if self._hdu_name:
3427                    hdu_name = f' ({self._hdu_name})'
3428                else:
3429                    hdu_name = ''
3430                result = [f'HDU {self._hdu_index}{hdu_name}:']
3431                for wcs in self:
3432                    result.append(repr(wcs))
3433                return '\n'.join(result)
3434            return ''
3436    class _WcsValidateResults(list):
3437        def __repr__(self):
3438            result = []
3439            for hdu in self:
3440                content = repr(hdu)
3441                if len(content):
3442                    result.append(content)
3443            return '\n\n'.join(result)
3445    global __warningregistry__
3447    if isinstance(source, fits.HDUList):
3448        hdulist = source
3449    else:
3450        hdulist = fits.open(source)
3452    results = _WcsValidateResults()
3454    for i, hdu in enumerate(hdulist):
3455        hdu_results = _WcsValidateHduResult(i, hdu.name)
3456        results.append(hdu_results)
3458        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_lines:
3459            wcses = find_all_wcs(
3460                hdu.header, relax=_wcs.WCSHDR_reject,
3461                fix=False, _do_set=False)
3463        for wcs in wcses:
3464            wcs_results = _WcsValidateWcsResult(wcs.wcs.alt)
3465            hdu_results.append(wcs_results)
3467            try:
3468                del __warningregistry__
3469            except NameError:
3470                pass
3472            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_lines:
3473                warnings.resetwarnings()
3474                warnings.simplefilter(
3475                    "always", FITSFixedWarning, append=True)
3477                try:
3478                    WCS(hdu.header,
3479                        key=wcs.wcs.alt or ' ',
3480                        relax=_wcs.WCSHDR_reject,
3481                        fix=True, _do_set=False)
3482                except WcsError as e:
3483                    wcs_results.append(str(e))
3485                wcs_results.extend([str(x.message) for x in warning_lines])
3487    return results