2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
18package org.apache.spark.ui
20import java.net.URLDecoder
21import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
22import java.util.{Date, Locale, TimeZone}
24import scala.util.control.NonFatal
25import scala.xml._
26import scala.xml.transform.{RewriteRule, RuleTransformer}
28import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
29import org.apache.spark.ui.scope.RDDOperationGraph
31/** Utility functions for generating XML pages with spark content. */
32private[spark] object UIUtils extends Logging {
33  val TABLE_CLASS_NOT_STRIPED = "table table-bordered table-condensed"
37  // SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe. Don't expose it to avoid improper use.
38  private val dateFormat = new ThreadLocal[SimpleDateFormat]() {
39    override def initialValue(): SimpleDateFormat =
40      new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US)
41  }
43  def formatDate(date: Date): String = dateFormat.get.format(date)
45  def formatDate(timestamp: Long): String = dateFormat.get.format(new Date(timestamp))
47  def formatDuration(milliseconds: Long): String = {
48    if (milliseconds < 100) {
49      return "%d ms".format(milliseconds)
50    }
51    val seconds = milliseconds.toDouble / 1000
52    if (seconds < 1) {
53      return "%.1f s".format(seconds)
54    }
55    if (seconds < 60) {
56      return "%.0f s".format(seconds)
57    }
58    val minutes = seconds / 60
59    if (minutes < 10) {
60      return "%.1f min".format(minutes)
61    } else if (minutes < 60) {
62      return "%.0f min".format(minutes)
63    }
64    val hours = minutes / 60
65    "%.1f h".format(hours)
66  }
68  /** Generate a verbose human-readable string representing a duration such as "5 second 35 ms" */
69  def formatDurationVerbose(ms: Long): String = {
70    try {
71      val second = 1000L
72      val minute = 60 * second
73      val hour = 60 * minute
74      val day = 24 * hour
75      val week = 7 * day
76      val year = 365 * day
78      def toString(num: Long, unit: String): String = {
79        if (num == 0) {
80          ""
81        } else if (num == 1) {
82          s"$num $unit"
83        } else {
84          s"$num ${unit}s"
85        }
86      }
88      val millisecondsString = if (ms >= second && ms % second == 0) "" else s"${ms % second} ms"
89      val secondString = toString((ms % minute) / second, "second")
90      val minuteString = toString((ms % hour) / minute, "minute")
91      val hourString = toString((ms % day) / hour, "hour")
92      val dayString = toString((ms % week) / day, "day")
93      val weekString = toString((ms % year) / week, "week")
94      val yearString = toString(ms / year, "year")
96      Seq(
97        second -> millisecondsString,
98        minute -> s"$secondString $millisecondsString",
99        hour -> s"$minuteString $secondString",
100        day -> s"$hourString $minuteString $secondString",
101        week -> s"$dayString $hourString $minuteString",
102        year -> s"$weekString $dayString $hourString"
103      ).foreach { case (durationLimit, durationString) =>
104        if (ms < durationLimit) {
105          // if time is less than the limit (upto year)
106          return durationString
107        }
108      }
109      // if time is more than a year
110      return s"$yearString $weekString $dayString"
111    } catch {
112      case e: Exception =>
113        logError("Error converting time to string", e)
114        // if there is some error, return blank string
115        return ""
116    }
117  }
119  /** Generate a human-readable string representing a number (e.g. 100 K) */
120  def formatNumber(records: Double): String = {
121    val trillion = 1e12
122    val billion = 1e9
123    val million = 1e6
124    val thousand = 1e3
126    val (value, unit) = {
127      if (records >= 2*trillion) {
128        (records / trillion, " T")
129      } else if (records >= 2*billion) {
130        (records / billion, " B")
131      } else if (records >= 2*million) {
132        (records / million, " M")
133      } else if (records >= 2*thousand) {
134        (records / thousand, " K")
135      } else {
136        (records, "")
137      }
138    }
139    if (unit.isEmpty) {
140      "%d".formatLocal(Locale.US, value.toInt)
141    } else {
142      "%.1f%s".formatLocal(Locale.US, value, unit)
143    }
144  }
146  // Yarn has to go through a proxy so the base uri is provided and has to be on all links
147  def uiRoot: String = {
148    // SPARK-11484 - Use the proxyBase set by the AM, if not found then use env.
149    sys.props.get("spark.ui.proxyBase")
150      .orElse(sys.env.get("APPLICATION_WEB_PROXY_BASE"))
151      .getOrElse("")
152  }
154  def prependBaseUri(basePath: String = "", resource: String = ""): String = {
155    uiRoot + basePath + resource
156  }
158  def commonHeaderNodes: Seq[Node] = {
159    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
160    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/bootstrap.min.css")} type="text/css"/>
161    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/vis.min.css")} type="text/css"/>
162    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/webui.css")} type="text/css"/>
163    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/timeline-view.css")} type="text/css"/>
164    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/sorttable.js")} ></script>
165    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery-1.11.1.min.js")}></script>
166    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/vis.min.js")}></script>
167    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/bootstrap-tooltip.js")}></script>
168    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/initialize-tooltips.js")}></script>
169    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/table.js")}></script>
170    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/additional-metrics.js")}></script>
171    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/timeline-view.js")}></script>
172    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/log-view.js")}></script>
173    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/webui.js")}></script>
174    <script>setUIRoot('{UIUtils.uiRoot}')</script>
175  }
177  def vizHeaderNodes: Seq[Node] = {
178    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/spark-dag-viz.css")} type="text/css" />
179    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/d3.min.js")}></script>
180    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/dagre-d3.min.js")}></script>
181    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/graphlib-dot.min.js")}></script>
182    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/spark-dag-viz.js")}></script>
183  }
185  def dataTablesHeaderNodes: Seq[Node] = {
186    <link rel="stylesheet"
187          href={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery.dataTables.1.10.4.min.css")} type="text/css"/>
188    <link rel="stylesheet"
189          href={prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.bootstrap.css")} type="text/css"/>
190    <link rel="stylesheet" href={prependBaseUri("/static/jsonFormatter.min.css")} type="text/css"/>
191    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery.dataTables.1.10.4.min.js")}></script>
192    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery.cookies.2.2.0.min.js")}></script>
193    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery.blockUI.min.js")}></script>
194    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/dataTables.bootstrap.min.js")}></script>
195    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jsonFormatter.min.js")}></script>
196    <script src={prependBaseUri("/static/jquery.mustache.js")}></script>
197  }
199  /** Returns a spark page with correctly formatted headers */
200  def headerSparkPage(
201      title: String,
202      content: => Seq[Node],
203      activeTab: SparkUITab,
204      refreshInterval: Option[Int] = None,
205      helpText: Option[String] = None,
206      showVisualization: Boolean = false,
207      useDataTables: Boolean = false): Seq[Node] = {
209    val appName = activeTab.appName
210    val shortAppName = if (appName.length < 36) appName else appName.take(32) + "..."
211    val header = activeTab.headerTabs.map { tab =>
212      <li class={if (tab == activeTab) "active" else ""}>
213        <a href={prependBaseUri(activeTab.basePath, "/" + tab.prefix + "/")}>{tab.name}</a>
214      </li>
215    }
216    val helpButton: Seq[Node] = helpText.map(tooltip(_, "bottom")).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
218    <html>
219      <head>
220        {commonHeaderNodes}
221        {if (showVisualization) vizHeaderNodes else Seq.empty}
222        {if (useDataTables) dataTablesHeaderNodes else Seq.empty}
223        <title>{appName} - {title}</title>
224      </head>
225      <body>
226        <div class="navbar navbar-static-top">
227          <div class="navbar-inner">
228            <div class="brand">
229              <a href={prependBaseUri("/")} class="brand">
230                <img src={prependBaseUri("/static/spark-logo-77x50px-hd.png")} />
231                <span class="version">{org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION}</span>
232              </a>
233            </div>
234            <p class="navbar-text pull-right">
235              <strong title={appName}>{shortAppName}</strong> application UI
236            </p>
237            <ul class="nav">{header}</ul>
238          </div>
239        </div>
240        <div class="container-fluid">
241          <div class="row-fluid">
242            <div class="span12">
243              <h3 style="vertical-align: bottom; display: inline-block;">
244                {title}
245                {helpButton}
246              </h3>
247            </div>
248          </div>
249          {content}
250        </div>
251      </body>
252    </html>
253  }
255  /** Returns a page with the spark css/js and a simple format. Used for scheduler UI. */
256  def basicSparkPage(
257      content: => Seq[Node],
258      title: String,
259      useDataTables: Boolean = false): Seq[Node] = {
260    <html>
261      <head>
262        {commonHeaderNodes}
263        {if (useDataTables) dataTablesHeaderNodes else Seq.empty}
264        <title>{title}</title>
265      </head>
266      <body>
267        <div class="container-fluid">
268          <div class="row-fluid">
269            <div class="span12">
270              <h3 style="vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block;">
271                <a style="text-decoration: none" href={prependBaseUri("/")}>
272                  <img src={prependBaseUri("/static/spark-logo-77x50px-hd.png")} />
273                  <span class="version"
274                        style="margin-right: 15px;">{org.apache.spark.SPARK_VERSION}</span>
275                </a>
276                {title}
277              </h3>
278            </div>
279          </div>
280          {content}
281        </div>
282      </body>
283    </html>
284  }
286  /** Returns an HTML table constructed by generating a row for each object in a sequence. */
287  def listingTable[T](
288      headers: Seq[String],
289      generateDataRow: T => Seq[Node],
290      data: Iterable[T],
291      fixedWidth: Boolean = false,
292      id: Option[String] = None,
293      headerClasses: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
294      stripeRowsWithCss: Boolean = true,
295      sortable: Boolean = true): Seq[Node] = {
297    val listingTableClass = {
298      val _tableClass = if (stripeRowsWithCss) TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED else TABLE_CLASS_NOT_STRIPED
299      if (sortable) {
300        _tableClass + " sortable"
301      } else {
302        _tableClass
303      }
304    }
305    val colWidth = 100.toDouble / headers.size
306    val colWidthAttr = if (fixedWidth) colWidth + "%" else ""
308    def getClass(index: Int): String = {
309      if (index < headerClasses.size) {
310        headerClasses(index)
311      } else {
312        ""
313      }
314    }
316    val newlinesInHeader = headers.exists(_.contains("\n"))
317    def getHeaderContent(header: String): Seq[Node] = {
318      if (newlinesInHeader) {
319        <ul class="unstyled">
320          { header.split("\n").map { case t => <li> {t} </li> } }
321        </ul>
322      } else {
323        Text(header)
324      }
325    }
327    val headerRow: Seq[Node] = {
328      headers.view.zipWithIndex.map { x =>
329        <th width={colWidthAttr} class={getClass(x._2)}>{getHeaderContent(x._1)}</th>
330      }
331    }
332    <table class={listingTableClass} id={id.map(Text.apply)}>
333      <thead>{headerRow}</thead>
334      <tbody>
335        {data.map(r => generateDataRow(r))}
336      </tbody>
337    </table>
338  }
340  def makeProgressBar(
341      started: Int,
342      completed: Int,
343      failed: Int,
344      skipped: Int,
345      killed: Int,
346      total: Int): Seq[Node] = {
347    val completeWidth = "width: %s%%".format((completed.toDouble/total)*100)
348    // started + completed can be > total when there are speculative tasks
349    val boundedStarted = math.min(started, total - completed)
350    val startWidth = "width: %s%%".format((boundedStarted.toDouble/total)*100)
352    <div class="progress">
353      <span style="text-align:center; position:absolute; width:100%; left:0;">
354        {completed}/{total}
355        { if (failed > 0) s"($failed failed)" }
356        { if (skipped > 0) s"($skipped skipped)" }
357        { if (killed > 0) s"($killed killed)" }
358      </span>
359      <div class="bar bar-completed" style={completeWidth}></div>
360      <div class="bar bar-running" style={startWidth}></div>
361    </div>
362  }
364  /** Return a "DAG visualization" DOM element that expands into a visualization for a stage. */
365  def showDagVizForStage(stageId: Int, graph: Option[RDDOperationGraph]): Seq[Node] = {
366    showDagViz(graph.toSeq, forJob = false)
367  }
369  /** Return a "DAG visualization" DOM element that expands into a visualization for a job. */
370  def showDagVizForJob(jobId: Int, graphs: Seq[RDDOperationGraph]): Seq[Node] = {
371    showDagViz(graphs, forJob = true)
372  }
374  /**
375   * Return a "DAG visualization" DOM element that expands into a visualization on the UI.
376   *
377   * This populates metadata necessary for generating the visualization on the front-end in
378   * a format that is expected by spark-dag-viz.js. Any changes in the format here must be
379   * reflected there.
380   */
381  private def showDagViz(graphs: Seq[RDDOperationGraph], forJob: Boolean): Seq[Node] = {
382    <div>
383      <span id={if (forJob) "job-dag-viz" else "stage-dag-viz"}
384            class="expand-dag-viz" onclick={s"toggleDagViz($forJob);"}>
385        <span class="expand-dag-viz-arrow arrow-closed"></span>
386        <a data-toggle="tooltip" title={if (forJob) ToolTips.JOB_DAG else ToolTips.STAGE_DAG}
387           data-placement="right">
388          DAG Visualization
389        </a>
390      </span>
391      <div id="dag-viz-graph"></div>
392      <div id="dag-viz-metadata" style="display:none">
393        {
394          graphs.map { g =>
395            val stageId = g.rootCluster.id.replaceAll(RDDOperationGraph.STAGE_CLUSTER_PREFIX, "")
396            val skipped = g.rootCluster.name.contains("skipped").toString
397            <div class="stage-metadata" stage-id={stageId} skipped={skipped}>
398              <div class="dot-file">{RDDOperationGraph.makeDotFile(g)}</div>
399              { g.incomingEdges.map { e => <div class="incoming-edge">{e.fromId},{e.toId}</div> } }
400              { g.outgoingEdges.map { e => <div class="outgoing-edge">{e.fromId},{e.toId}</div> } }
401              {
402                g.rootCluster.getCachedNodes.map { n =>
403                  <div class="cached-rdd">{n.id}</div>
404                }
405              }
406            </div>
407          }
408        }
409      </div>
410    </div>
411  }
413  def tooltip(text: String, position: String): Seq[Node] = {
414    <sup>
415      (<a data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement={position} title={text}>?</a>)
416    </sup>
417  }
419  /**
420   * Returns HTML rendering of a job or stage description. It will try to parse the string as HTML
421   * and make sure that it only contains anchors with root-relative links. Otherwise,
422   * the whole string will rendered as a simple escaped text.
423   *
424   * Note: In terms of security, only anchor tags with root relative links are supported. So any
425   * attempts to embed links outside Spark UI, or other tags like {@code <script>} will cause in
426   * the whole description to be treated as plain text.
427   *
428   * @param desc        the original job or stage description string, which may contain html tags.
429   * @param basePathUri with which to prepend the relative links; this is used when plainText is
430   *                    false.
431   * @param plainText   whether to keep only plain text (i.e. remove html tags) from the original
432   *                    description string.
433   * @return the HTML rendering of the job or stage description, which will be a Text when plainText
434   *         is true, and an Elem otherwise.
435   */
436  def makeDescription(desc: String, basePathUri: String, plainText: Boolean = false): NodeSeq = {
437    import scala.language.postfixOps
439    // If the description can be parsed as HTML and has only relative links, then render
440    // as HTML, otherwise render as escaped string
441    try {
442      // Try to load the description as unescaped HTML
443      val xml = XML.loadString(s"""<span class="description-input">$desc</span>""")
445      // Verify that this has only anchors and span (we are wrapping in span)
446      val allowedNodeLabels = Set("a", "span")
447      val illegalNodes = xml \\ "_"  filterNot { case node: Node =>
448        allowedNodeLabels.contains(node.label)
449      }
450      if (illegalNodes.nonEmpty) {
451        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
452          "Only HTML anchors allowed in job descriptions\n" +
453            illegalNodes.map { n => s"${n.label} in $n"}.mkString("\n\t"))
454      }
456      // Verify that all links are relative links starting with "/"
457      val allLinks =
458        xml \\ "a" flatMap { _.attributes } filter { _.key == "href" } map { _.value.toString }
459      if (allLinks.exists { ! _.startsWith ("/") }) {
460        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
461          "Links in job descriptions must be root-relative:\n" + allLinks.mkString("\n\t"))
462      }
464      val rule =
465        if (plainText) {
466          // Remove all tags, retaining only their texts
467          new RewriteRule() {
468            override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = {
469              n match {
470                case e: Elem if e.child isEmpty => Text(e.text)
471                case e: Elem if e.child nonEmpty => Text(e.child.flatMap(transform).text)
472                case _ => n
473              }
474            }
475          }
476        }
477        else {
478          // Prepend the relative links with basePathUri
479          new RewriteRule() {
480            override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = {
481              n match {
482                case e: Elem if e \ "@href" nonEmpty =>
483                  val relativePath = e.attribute("href").get.toString
484                  val fullUri = s"${basePathUri.stripSuffix("/")}/${relativePath.stripPrefix("/")}"
485                  e % Attribute(null, "href", fullUri, Null)
486                case _ => n
487              }
488            }
489          }
490        }
491      new RuleTransformer(rule).transform(xml)
492    } catch {
493      case NonFatal(e) =>
494        if (plainText) Text(desc) else <span class="description-input">{desc}</span>
495    }
496  }
498  /**
499   * Decode URLParameter if URL is encoded by YARN-WebAppProxyServlet.
500   * Due to YARN-2844: WebAppProxyServlet cannot handle urls which contain encoded characters
501   * Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real URLParameter.
502   */
503  def decodeURLParameter(urlParam: String): String = {
504    var param = urlParam
505    var decodedParam = URLDecoder.decode(param, "UTF-8")
506    while (param != decodedParam) {
507      param = decodedParam
508      decodedParam = URLDecoder.decode(param, "UTF-8")
509    }
510    param
511  }
513  def getTimeZoneOffset() : Int =
514    TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000 / 60
516  /**
517  * Return the correct Href after checking if master is running in the
518  * reverse proxy mode or not.
519  */
520  def makeHref(proxy: Boolean, id: String, origHref: String): String = {
521    if (proxy) {
522      s"/proxy/$id"
523    } else {
524      origHref
525    }
526  }