1 // This is brl/bseg/brec/brec_part_hierarchy_learner.h
2 #ifndef brec_part_hierarchy_learner_h_
3 #define brec_part_hierarchy_learner_h_
4 //:
5 // \file
6 // \brief class to build hierarchies for a given number of classes by estimating parameter distributions from labeled imgs and their background models
7 //
8 //        The classes to be learned are assumed to be "foreground" regions wrt the supplied background models
9 //        (or they will only be recognized when they are "foreground" after this learning stage)
10 //
11 //        Layer 0: primitive parts. This layer is common to all classes and learned on the sole basis of being foreground or background
12 //                 The parts with high rho = foreground_posterior/background_posterior on average are kept as layer 0
13 //                 ranked from highest to lowest rho
14 //                 Initialize a number of primitive part types, make two passes on the training set:
15 //                    1st pass: collect strength statistics for each part
16 //                    fit parametric distributions for each type
17 //                    2nd pass: measure rho's (posterior ratios for being foreground and background) of each instance of each type
18 //                              measure expected value of log of rho's of each type
19 //                 Rank parts based on measure value and pick top N
20 //
21 //        Starting from layer 1, upper layers are constructed recursively
22 //        Layer n: stages:
23 //                 1) construction of parts as compositions of two layer_n-1 parts
24 //                 2) construction of parts as compositions of one layer_n-1 part and one layer_n-2 parts
25 //
26 //                 Implementation
27 //                 1) a) Initialize N*N pairs for each class
28 //                    b) collect stats for angle and distance distributions for each pair of each class
29 //                    c) find peaks at angle and distance distributions via mean-shift
30 //                    d) if pa angle peaks and pd distance peaks, find data likelihood for pa*pd models
31 //                    e) pick top M models of pairs for each class
32 //
33 // \author Ozge C Ozcanli (ozge@lems.brown.edu)
34 // \date Jan 19, 2009
35 //
36 // \verbatim
37 //  Modifications
38 //   <none yet>
39 // \endverbatim
41 #include <vector>
42 #include <iostream>
43 #include <utility>
44 #include <vbl/vbl_ref_count.h>
45 #ifdef _MSC_VER
46 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
47 #endif
48 #include <vsl/vsl_binary_io.h>
50 #include <vil/vil_image_view.h>
51 #include <bsta/bsta_histogram.h>
52 #include <bsta/bsta_joint_histogram.h>
53 #include <bsta/algo/bsta_mean_shift.h>
55 #include <brec/brec_part_base_sptr.h>
56 #include <brec/brec_part_hierarchy_sptr.h>
57 #include <brec/brec_part_hierarchy_detector_sptr.h>
60 class brec_part_hierarchy_learner : public vbl_ref_count
61 {
62  public:
64    typedef bsta_sample_set<double,2>* sample_set_ptr;
65    typedef bsta_sample_set<double,2> sample_set;
66    typedef bsta_histogram<double>* hist_ptr;
67    typedef bsta_histogram<double> hist;
68    //typedef std::pair<sample_set_ptr,sample_set_ptr> sample_set_ptr_pair;
69    typedef std::pair<hist_ptr, hist_ptr> hist_ptr_pair;
70    //typedef std::map<unsigned, std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, std::pair<brec_part_instance_sptr, std::pair<hist_ptr_pair, sample_set_ptr_pair> > >* > layer_n_map;
71    typedef std::map<unsigned, std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, std::pair<brec_part_instance_sptr, std::pair<hist_ptr_pair, sample_set_ptr> > >* > layer_n_map;
72    typedef std::map<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, std::pair<brec_part_instance_sptr, std::pair<hist_ptr_pair, sample_set_ptr> > > class_map;
brec_part_hierarchy_learner()74    brec_part_hierarchy_learner() : n_(10) {}
76    void initialize_layer0_as_gaussians(int ndirs, float lambda_range, float lambda_inc, int n);
~brec_part_hierarchy_learner()78    ~brec_part_hierarchy_learner() override {
79      for (auto & i : stats_layer0_) {
80        delete i.second;
81      }
82      stats_layer0_.clear();
84      layer_n_map::iterator it;
85      for (it = stats_layer_n_.begin(); it != stats_layer_n_.end(); it++) {
86        class_map* v = it->second;
87        for (auto & itm : *v)
88        {
89          delete (itm.second).second.first.first;
90          delete (itm.second).second.first.second;
91          delete (itm.second).second.second;
92          (itm.second).first = nullptr;
93        }
94        v->clear();
95        delete v;
96      }
97      stats_layer_n_.clear();
98    }
100   // assumes float img with values in [0,1] range
101   // collect stats for foreground and background regions in the image using the fg_prob_img
102   void layer0_collect_stats(vil_image_view<float>& inp, vil_image_view<float>& fg_prob_img, vil_image_view<bool>& mask);
103   void layer0_collect_stats(vil_image_view<float>& inp, vil_image_view<float>& fg_prob_img);
105   void layer0_fit_parametric_dist();
107   void layer0_collect_posterior_stats(vil_image_view<float>& inp, vil_image_view<float>& fg_prob_img, vil_image_view<bool>& mask,
108                                       vil_image_view<float>& mean_img, vil_image_view<float>& std_dev_img);
109   void layer0_collect_posterior_stats(vil_image_view<float>& inp, vil_image_view<float>& fg_prob_img,
110                                       vil_image_view<float>& mean_img, vil_image_view<float>& std_dev_img);
112   //: create a part hierarchy of primitive parts which are added with respect to their average rho_ (posterior ratios)
113   //  This will be used to construct layers 1 and above
114   //  Clears \p stats_layer0_ and initializes \p stats_layer_n_
115   brec_part_hierarchy_sptr layer0_rank_and_create_hierarchy(int N);
117   //: initialize learner to construct layer_n as pairs of layer_n-1 of the given hierarchy
118   //  Radius is used to initialize the histograms
119   //  We use 8 bins for angle in [0, 2*pi] range and 8 bins for distance in [0,radius] range
120   bool initialize_layer_n_as_pairs(const brec_part_hierarchy_sptr& h, unsigned layer_id, unsigned nclasses, float radius);
122   //: collect stats to construct parts of layer with layer_id using detected parts of layer_id-1
123   //  Collect stats for a pair if they exist within radius pixels of each other
124   bool layer_n_collect_stats(const brec_part_hierarchy_detector_sptr& hd, unsigned layer_id, unsigned class_id);
126   //: uses the joint histograms to fit gaussian distributions to distance for 8 orientations
127   //  Replaces the histograms with the fitted distributions' histograms
128   bool layer_n_fit_distributions(unsigned class_id, unsigned layer_id, unsigned M);
stats_layer0()130   std::vector<std::pair<brec_part_instance_sptr, bsta_histogram<float>*> >& stats_layer0() { return stats_layer0_; }
132   void print_to_m_file_layer0(const std::string& file_name);
133   void print_to_m_file_layer0_fitted_dists(const std::string& file_name);
134   void print_layer0();
136   void print_to_m_file_layer_n(const std::string& file_name, unsigned class_id, bool print_set);
138  public:
140   // collect stats for each type of primitive part types
141   std::vector<std::pair<brec_part_instance_sptr, bsta_histogram<float>*> > stats_layer0_;
143   //: for each class, collect stats
144   layer_n_map stats_layer_n_;
145   float radius_;  // radius to search for pair compositions for layer_n
146   float d_bandwidth_;  // bandwidth to run mean-shift on 1D distance sample set
147   float a_bandwidth_;  // bandwidth to run mean-shift on 1D angle sample set
149   unsigned type_cnt_;
151   //: a visualization parameter, set by initialize method according to the type of primitive initialized
152   int n_;
154   brec_part_hierarchy_sptr h_; // keep the current hierarchy for visualization purposes.
156   //: create a hierarchy instance for each class
157   std::map<unsigned, brec_part_hierarchy_sptr> h_map_;
158 };
160 // Binary io, NOT IMPLEMENTED, signatures defined to use brec_part_hierarchy_learner as a brdb_value
161 void vsl_b_write(vsl_b_ostream & os, brec_part_hierarchy_learner const &hl);
162 void vsl_b_read(vsl_b_istream & is, brec_part_hierarchy_learner &hl);
163 void vsl_b_read(vsl_b_istream& is, brec_part_hierarchy_learner* hl);
164 void vsl_b_write(vsl_b_ostream& os, const brec_part_hierarchy_learner* &hl);
166 #endif // brec_part_hierarchy_learner_h_