1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
3 // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
5 #include "../precomp.hpp"
6 #include "../usac.hpp"
8 namespace cv { namespace usac {
9 class EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy {
10 private:
11     const Mat * points_mat;
12     const float * const points; // i-th row xi1 yi1 xi2 yi2
13     const int min_sample_size;
14 public:
EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl(const Mat & points_,int sample_size_)15     explicit EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_) :
16         points_mat(&points_), points ((float*) points_.data), min_sample_size (sample_size_) {}
17     /*
18      * Do oriented constraint to verify if epipolar geometry is in front or behind the camera.
19      * Return: true if all points are in front of the camers w.r.t. tested epipolar geometry - satisfies constraint.
20      *         false - otherwise.
21      * x'^T F x = 0
22      * e' × x' ~+ Fx   <=>  λe' × x' = Fx, λ > 0
23      * e  × x ~+ x'^T F
24      */
isModelValid(const Mat & F_,const std::vector<int> & sample) const25     inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F_, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override {
26         // F is of rank 2, taking cross product of two rows we obtain null vector of F
27         Vec3d ec_mat = F_.row(0).cross(F_.row(2));
28         auto * ec = ec_mat.val; // of size 3x1
30         // e is zero vector, recompute e
31         if (ec[0] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[0] >= -1.9984e-15 &&
32             ec[1] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[1] >= -1.9984e-15 &&
33             ec[2] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[2] >= -1.9984e-15) {
34             ec_mat = F_.row(1).cross(F_.row(2));
35             ec = ec_mat.val;
36         }
37         const auto * const F = (double *) F_.data;
39         // without loss of generality, let the first point in sample be in front of the camera.
40         int pt = 4*sample[0];
41         // s1 = F11 * x2 + F21 * y2 + F31 * 1
42         // s2 = e'_2 * 1 - e'_3 * y1
43         // sign1 = s1 * s2
44         const double sign1 = (F[0]*points[pt+2]+F[3]*points[pt+3]+F[6])*(ec[1]-ec[2]*points[pt+1]);
46         for (int i = 1; i < min_sample_size; i++) {
47             pt = 4 * sample[i];
48             // if signum of the first point and tested point differs
49             // then two points are on different sides of the camera.
50             if (sign1*(F[0]*points[pt+2]+F[3]*points[pt+3]+F[6])*(ec[1]-ec[2]*points[pt+1])<0)
51                 return false;
52         }
53         return true;
54     }
clone(int) const56     Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override {
57         return makePtr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat, min_sample_size);
58     }
59 };
recoverRank(Mat & model,bool is_fundamental_mat)60 void EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy::recoverRank (Mat &model, bool is_fundamental_mat) {
61     /*
62      * Do singular value decomposition.
63      * Make last eigen value zero of diagonal matrix of singular values.
64      */
65     Matx33d U, Vt;
66     Vec3d w;
67     SVD::compute(model, w, U, Vt, SVD::MODIFY_A);
68     if (is_fundamental_mat)
69         model = Mat(U * Matx33d(w(0), 0, 0, 0, w(1), 0, 0, 0, 0) * Vt);
70     else {
71         const double mean_singular_val = (w[0] + w[1]) * 0.5;
72         model = Mat(U * Matx33d(mean_singular_val, 0, 0, 0, mean_singular_val, 0, 0, 0, 0) * Vt);
73     }
74 }
create(const Mat & points_,int sample_size_)75 Ptr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy> EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_,
76         int sample_size_) {
77     return makePtr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl>(points_, sample_size_);
78 }
80 class HomographyDegeneracyImpl : public HomographyDegeneracy {
81 private:
82     const Mat * points_mat;
83     const float * const points;
84 public:
HomographyDegeneracyImpl(const Mat & points_)85     explicit HomographyDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points_) :
86             points_mat(&points_), points ((float *)points_.data) {}
isSampleGood(const std::vector<int> & sample) const88     inline bool isSampleGood (const std::vector<int> &sample) const override {
89         const int smpl1 = 4*sample[0], smpl2 = 4*sample[1], smpl3 = 4*sample[2], smpl4 = 4*sample[3];
90         // planar correspondences must lie on the same side of any line from two points in sample
91         const float x1 = points[smpl1], y1 = points[smpl1+1], X1 = points[smpl1+2], Y1 = points[smpl1+3];
92         const float x2 = points[smpl2], y2 = points[smpl2+1], X2 = points[smpl2+2], Y2 = points[smpl2+3];
93         const float x3 = points[smpl3], y3 = points[smpl3+1], X3 = points[smpl3+2], Y3 = points[smpl3+3];
94         const float x4 = points[smpl4], y4 = points[smpl4+1], X4 = points[smpl4+2], Y4 = points[smpl4+3];
95         // line from points 1 and 2
96         const float ab_cross_x = y1 - y2, ab_cross_y = x2 - x1, ab_cross_z = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2;
97         const float AB_cross_x = Y1 - Y2, AB_cross_y = X2 - X1, AB_cross_z = X1 * Y2 - Y1 * X2;
99         // check if points 3 and 4 are on the same side of line ab on both images
100         if ((ab_cross_x * x3 + ab_cross_y * y3 + ab_cross_z) *
101             (AB_cross_x * X3 + AB_cross_y * Y3 + AB_cross_z) < 0)
102             return false;
103         if ((ab_cross_x * x4 + ab_cross_y * y4 + ab_cross_z) *
104             (AB_cross_x * X4 + AB_cross_y * Y4 + AB_cross_z) < 0)
105             return false;
107         // line from points 3 and 4
108         const float cd_cross_x = y3 - y4, cd_cross_y = x4 - x3, cd_cross_z = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4;
109         const float CD_cross_x = Y3 - Y4, CD_cross_y = X4 - X3, CD_cross_z = X3 * Y4 - Y3 * X4;
111         // check if points 1 and 2 are on the same side of line cd on both images
112         if ((cd_cross_x * x1 + cd_cross_y * y1 + cd_cross_z) *
113             (CD_cross_x * X1 + CD_cross_y * Y1 + CD_cross_z) < 0)
114             return false;
115         if ((cd_cross_x * x2 + cd_cross_y * y2 + cd_cross_z) *
116             (CD_cross_x * X2 + CD_cross_y * Y2 + CD_cross_z) < 0)
117             return false;
119         // Checks if points are not collinear
120         // If area of triangle constructed with 3 points is less then threshold then points are collinear:
121         //           |x1 y1 1|             |x1      y1      1|
122         // (1/2) det |x2 y2 1| = (1/2) det |x2-x1   y2-y1   0| = (1/2) det |x2-x1   y2-y1| < threshold
123         //           |x3 y3 1|             |x3-x1   y3-y1   0|             |x3-x1   y3-y1|
124         // for points on the first image
125         if (fabsf((x2-x1) * (y3-y1) - (y2-y1) * (x3-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,3
126         if (fabsf((x2-x1) * (y4-y1) - (y2-y1) * (x4-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,4
127         if (fabsf((x3-x1) * (y4-y1) - (y3-y1) * (x4-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,3,4
128         if (fabsf((x3-x2) * (y4-y2) - (y3-y2) * (x4-x2)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //2,3,4
129         // for points on the second image
130         if (fabsf((X2-X1) * (Y3-Y1) - (Y2-Y1) * (X3-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,3
131         if (fabsf((X2-X1) * (Y4-Y1) - (Y2-Y1) * (X4-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,4
132         if (fabsf((X3-X1) * (Y4-Y1) - (Y3-Y1) * (X4-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,3,4
133         if (fabsf((X3-X2) * (Y4-Y2) - (Y3-Y2) * (X4-X2)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //2,3,4
135         return true;
136     }
clone(int) const137     Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override {
138         return makePtr<HomographyDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat);
139     }
140 };
create(const Mat & points_)141 Ptr<HomographyDegeneracy> HomographyDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_) {
142     return makePtr<HomographyDegeneracyImpl>(points_);
143 }
145 ///////////////////////////////// Fundamental Matrix Degeneracy ///////////////////////////////////
146 class FundamentalDegeneracyImpl : public FundamentalDegeneracy {
147 private:
148     RNG rng;
149     const Ptr<Quality> quality;
150     const float * const points;
151     const Mat * points_mat;
152     const Ptr<ReprojectionErrorForward> h_reproj_error;
153     Ptr<HomographyNonMinimalSolver> h_non_min_solver;
154     const EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl ep_deg;
155     // threshold to find inliers for homography model
156     const double homography_threshold, log_conf = log(0.05);
157     // points (1-7) to verify in sample
158     std::vector<std::vector<int>> h_sample {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{0,1,6},{3,4,6},{2,5,6}};
159     std::vector<int> h_inliers;
160     std::vector<double> weights;
161     std::vector<Mat> h_models;
162     const int points_size, sample_size;
163 public:
FundamentalDegeneracyImpl(int state,const Ptr<Quality> & quality_,const Mat & points_,int sample_size_,double homography_threshold_)165     FundamentalDegeneracyImpl (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Mat &points_,
166             int sample_size_, double homography_threshold_) :
167             rng (state), quality(quality_), points((float *) points_.data), points_mat(&points_),
168             h_reproj_error(ReprojectionErrorForward::create(points_)),
169             ep_deg (points_, sample_size_), homography_threshold (homography_threshold_),
170             points_size (quality_->getPointsSize()), sample_size (sample_size_) {
171         if (sample_size_ == 8) {
172             // add more homography samples to test for 8-points F
173             h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{0, 1, 7});
174             h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{0, 2, 7});
175             h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{3, 5, 7});
176             h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{3, 6, 7});
177             h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{2, 4, 7});
178         }
179         h_inliers = std::vector<int>(points_size);
180         h_non_min_solver = HomographyNonMinimalSolver::create(points_);
181     }
isModelValid(const Mat & F,const std::vector<int> & sample) const182     inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override {
183         return ep_deg.isModelValid(F, sample);
184     }
recoverIfDegenerate(const std::vector<int> & sample,const Mat & F_best,Mat & non_degenerate_model,Score & non_degenerate_model_score)185     bool recoverIfDegenerate (const std::vector<int> &sample, const Mat &F_best,
186                  Mat &non_degenerate_model, Score &non_degenerate_model_score) override {
187         non_degenerate_model_score = Score(); // set worst case
189         // According to Two-view Geometry Estimation Unaffected by a Dominant Plane
190         // (http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~matas/papers/chum-degen-cvpr05.pdf)
191         // only 5 homographies enough to test
192         // triplets {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {1,2,7}, {4,5,7} and {3,6,7}
194         // H = A - e' (M^-1 b)^T
195         // A = [e']_x F
196         // b_i = (x′i × (A xi))^T (x′i × e′)‖x′i×e′‖^−2,
197         // M is a 3×3 matrix with rows x^T_i
198         // epipole e' is left nullspace of F s.t. e′^T F=0,
200         // find e', null space of F^T
201         Vec3d e_prime = F_best.col(0).cross(F_best.col(2));
202         if (fabs(e_prime(0)) < 1e-10 && fabs(e_prime(1)) < 1e-10 &&
203             fabs(e_prime(2)) < 1e-10) // if e' is zero
204             e_prime = F_best.col(1).cross(F_best.col(2));
206         const Matx33d A = Math::getSkewSymmetric(e_prime) * Matx33d(F_best);
208         Vec3d xi_prime(0,0,1), xi(0,0,1), b;
209         Matx33d M(0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1); // last column of M is 1
211         bool is_model_degenerate = false;
212         for (const auto &h_i : h_sample) { // only 5 samples
213             for (int pt_i = 0; pt_i < 3; pt_i++) {
214                 // find b and M
215                 const int smpl = 4*sample[h_i[pt_i]];
216                 xi[0] = points[smpl];
217                 xi[1] = points[smpl+1];
218                 xi_prime[0] = points[smpl+2];
219                 xi_prime[1] = points[smpl+3];
221                 // (x′i × e')
222                 const Vec3d xprime_X_eprime = xi_prime.cross(e_prime);
224                 // (x′i × (A xi))
225                 const Vec3d xprime_X_Ax = xi_prime.cross(A * xi);
227                 // x′i × (A xi))^T (x′i × e′) / ‖x′i×e′‖^2,
228                 b[pt_i] = xprime_X_Ax.dot(xprime_X_eprime) /
229                            std::pow(norm(xprime_X_eprime), 2);
231                 // M from x^T
232                 M(pt_i, 0) = xi[0];
233                 M(pt_i, 1) = xi[1];
234             }
236             // compute H
237             Matx33d H = A - e_prime * (M.inv() * b).t();
239             int inliers_out_plane = 0;
240             h_reproj_error->setModelParameters(Mat(H));
242             // find inliers from sample, points related to H, x' ~ Hx
243             for (int s = 0; s < sample_size; s++)
244                 if (h_reproj_error->getError(sample[s]) > homography_threshold)
245                     if (++inliers_out_plane > 2)
246                         break;
248             // if there are at least 5 points lying on plane then F is degenerate
249             if (inliers_out_plane <= 2) {
250                 is_model_degenerate = true;
252                 // update homography by polishing on all inliers
253                 int h_inls_cnt = 0;
254                 const auto &h_errors = h_reproj_error->getErrors(Mat(H));
255                 for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++)
256                     if (h_errors[pt] < homography_threshold)
257                         h_inliers[h_inls_cnt++] = pt;
258                 if (h_non_min_solver->estimate(h_inliers, h_inls_cnt, h_models, weights) != 0)
259                     H = Matx33d(h_models[0]);
261                 Mat newF;
262                 const Score newF_score = planeAndParallaxRANSAC(H, newF, h_errors);
263                 if (newF_score.isBetter(non_degenerate_model_score)) {
264                     // store non degenerate model
265                     non_degenerate_model_score = newF_score;
266                     newF.copyTo(non_degenerate_model);
267                 }
268             }
269         }
270         return is_model_degenerate;
271     }
clone(int state) const272     Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int state) const override {
273         return makePtr<FundamentalDegeneracyImpl>(state, quality->clone(), *points_mat,
274             sample_size, homography_threshold);
275     }
276 private:
277     // RANSAC with plane-and-parallax to find new Fundamental matrix
planeAndParallaxRANSAC(const Matx33d & H,Mat & best_F,const std::vector<float> & h_errors)278     Score planeAndParallaxRANSAC (const Matx33d &H, Mat &best_F, const std::vector<float> &h_errors) {
279         int max_iters = 100; // with 95% confidence assume at least 17% of inliers
280         Score best_score;
281         for (int iters = 0; iters < max_iters; iters++) {
282             // draw two random points
283             int h_outlier1 = rng.uniform(0, points_size);
284             int h_outlier2 = rng.uniform(0, points_size);
285             while (h_outlier1 == h_outlier2)
286                 h_outlier2 = rng.uniform(0, points_size);
288             // find outliers of homography H
289             if (h_errors[h_outlier1] > homography_threshold &&
290                 h_errors[h_outlier2] > homography_threshold) {
292                 // do plane and parallax with outliers of H
293                 // F = [(p1' x Hp1) x (p2' x Hp2)]_x H
294                 const Matx33d F = Math::getSkewSymmetric(
295                        (Vec3d(points[4*h_outlier1+2], points[4*h_outlier1+3], 1).cross   // p1'
296                    (H * Vec3d(points[4*h_outlier1  ], points[4*h_outlier1+1], 1))).cross // Hp1
297                        (Vec3d(points[4*h_outlier2+2], points[4*h_outlier2+3], 1).cross   // p2'
298                    (H * Vec3d(points[4*h_outlier2  ], points[4*h_outlier2+1], 1)))       // Hp2
299                  ) * H;
301                 const Score score = quality->getScore(Mat(F));
302                 if (score.isBetter(best_score)) {
303                     best_score = score;
304                     best_F = Mat(F);
305                     const double predicted_iters = log_conf / log(1 - std::pow
306                             (static_cast<double>(score.inlier_number) / points_size, 2));
308                     if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < max_iters)
309                         max_iters = static_cast<int>(predicted_iters);
310                 }
311             }
312         }
313         return best_score;
314     }
315 };
create(int state,const Ptr<Quality> & quality_,const Mat & points_,int sample_size_,double homography_threshold_)316 Ptr<FundamentalDegeneracy> FundamentalDegeneracy::create (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_,
317         const Mat &points_, int sample_size_, double homography_threshold_) {
318     return makePtr<FundamentalDegeneracyImpl>(state, quality_, points_, sample_size_,
319             homography_threshold_);
320 }
322 class EssentialDegeneracyImpl : public EssentialDegeneracy {
323 private:
324     const Mat * points_mat;
325     const int sample_size;
326     const EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl ep_deg;
327 public:
EssentialDegeneracyImpl(const Mat & points,int sample_size_)328     explicit EssentialDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points, int sample_size_) :
329             points_mat(&points), sample_size(sample_size_), ep_deg (points, sample_size_) {}
isModelValid(const Mat & E,const std::vector<int> & sample) const330     inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &E, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override {
331         return ep_deg.isModelValid(E, sample);
332     }
clone(int) const333     Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override {
334         return makePtr<EssentialDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat, sample_size);
335     }
336 };
create(const Mat & points_,int sample_size_)337 Ptr<EssentialDegeneracy> EssentialDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_) {
338     return makePtr<EssentialDegeneracyImpl>(points_, sample_size_);
339 }
340 }}