1-- |
2-- Module      :  Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
3-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
4-- License     :  BSD3
5-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
6-- Stability   :  provisional
7-- Portability :  portable
8{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
15{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
16module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
17  ( module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad
18  , module Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
19  ) where
21import           Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name
22                    (FreshM(..),Supply,mkParameter
23                    , nameInfo, NameInfo(..),NameSource(..))
24import           Cryptol.Parser.Position
25import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
26import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
27import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst
28import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Unify(mgu, runResult, UnificationError(..))
29import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes
30import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Error( Warning(..),Error(..)
31                                        , cleanupErrors, computeFreeVarNames
32                                        )
33import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpleSolver as Simple
34import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.SMT as SMT
35import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(NameMap)
36import           Cryptol.Utils.PP(pp, (<+>), text,commaSep,brackets)
37import           Cryptol.Utils.Ident(Ident)
38import           Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)
40import qualified Control.Applicative as A
41import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
42import           Control.Monad.Fix(MonadFix(..))
43import qualified Data.Map as Map
44import qualified Data.Set as Set
45import           Data.Map (Map)
46import           Data.Set (Set)
47import           Data.List(find, foldl')
48import           Data.Maybe(mapMaybe,fromMaybe)
49import           MonadLib hiding (mapM)
51import           Data.IORef
54import GHC.Generics (Generic)
55import Control.DeepSeq
57-- | Information needed for type inference.
58data InferInput = InferInput
59  { inpRange     :: Range             -- ^ Location of program source
60  , inpVars      :: Map Name Schema   -- ^ Variables that are in scope
61  , inpTSyns     :: Map Name TySyn    -- ^ Type synonyms that are in scope
62  , inpNewtypes  :: Map Name Newtype  -- ^ Newtypes in scope
63  , inpAbstractTypes :: Map Name AbstractType -- ^ Abstract types in scope
65    -- When typechecking a module these start off empty.
66    -- We need them when type-checking an expression at the command
67    -- line, for example.
68  , inpParamTypes       :: !(Map Name ModTParam)  -- ^ Type parameters
69  , inpParamConstraints :: !([Located Prop])      -- ^ Constraints on parameters
70  , inpParamFuns        :: !(Map Name ModVParam)  -- ^ Value parameters
73  , inpNameSeeds :: NameSeeds         -- ^ Private state of type-checker
74  , inpMonoBinds :: Bool              -- ^ Should local bindings without
75                                      --   signatures be monomorphized?
77  , inpCallStacks :: Bool             -- ^ Are we tracking call stacks?
79  , inpSolverConfig :: SolverConfig   -- ^ Options for the constraint solver
80  , inpSearchPath :: [FilePath]
81    -- ^ Where to look for Cryptol theory file.
83  , inpPrimNames :: !PrimMap
84    -- ^ This is used when the type-checker needs to refer to a predefined
85    -- identifier (e.g., @number@).
87  , inpSupply :: !Supply              -- ^ The supply for fresh name generation
89  , inpSolver :: SMT.Solver           -- ^ Solver connection for typechecking
90  }
92-- | This is used for generating various names.
93data NameSeeds = NameSeeds
94  { seedTVar    :: !Int
95  , seedGoal    :: !Int
96  } deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
98-- | The initial seeds, used when checking a fresh program.
99-- XXX: why does this start at 10?
100nameSeeds :: NameSeeds
101nameSeeds = NameSeeds { seedTVar = 10, seedGoal = 0 }
104-- | The results of type inference.
105data InferOutput a
106  = InferFailed NameMap [(Range,Warning)] [(Range,Error)]
107    -- ^ We found some errors
109  | InferOK NameMap [(Range,Warning)] NameSeeds Supply a
110    -- ^ Type inference was successful.
113    deriving Show
115bumpCounter :: InferM ()
116bumpCounter = do RO { .. } <- IM ask
117                 io $ modifyIORef' iSolveCounter (+1)
119runInferM :: TVars a => InferInput -> InferM a -> IO (InferOutput a)
120runInferM info (IM m) =
121  do counter <- newIORef 0
122     rec ro <- return RO { iRange     = inpRange info
123                         , iVars          = Map.map ExtVar (inpVars info)
124                         , iTVars         = []
125                         , iTSyns         = fmap mkExternal (inpTSyns info)
126                         , iNewtypes      = fmap mkExternal (inpNewtypes info)
127                         , iAbstractTypes = mkExternal <$> inpAbstractTypes info
128                         , iParamTypes    = inpParamTypes info
129                         , iParamFuns     = inpParamFuns info
130                         , iParamConstraints = inpParamConstraints info
132                         , iSolvedHasLazy = iSolvedHas finalRW     -- RECURSION
133                         , iMonoBinds     = inpMonoBinds info
134                         , iCallStacks    = inpCallStacks info
135                         , iSolver        = inpSolver info
136                         , iPrimNames     = inpPrimNames info
137                         , iSolveCounter  = counter
138                         }
140         (result, finalRW) <- runStateT rw
141                            $ runReaderT ro m  -- RECURSION
143     let theSu    = iSubst finalRW
144         defSu    = defaultingSubst theSu
145         warns    = fmap' (fmap' (apSubst theSu)) (iWarnings finalRW)
147     case iErrors finalRW of
148       [] ->
149         case (iCts finalRW, iHasCts finalRW) of
150           (cts,[])
151             | nullGoals cts -> inferOk warns
152                                  (iNameSeeds finalRW)
153                                  (iSupply finalRW)
154                                  (apSubst defSu result)
155           (cts,has) ->
156              inferFailed warns
157                [ ( goalRange g
158                  , UnsolvedGoals [apSubst theSu g]
159                  ) | g <- fromGoals cts ++ map hasGoal has
160                ]
162       errs -> inferFailed warns [(r,apSubst theSu e) | (r,e) <- errs]
164  where
165  inferOk ws a b c  = pure (InferOK (computeFreeVarNames ws []) ws a b c)
166  inferFailed ws es =
167    let es1 = cleanupErrors es
168    in pure (InferFailed (computeFreeVarNames ws es1) ws es1)
171  mkExternal x = (IsExternal, x)
172  rw = RW { iErrors     = []
173          , iWarnings   = []
174          , iSubst      = emptySubst
175          , iExistTVars = []
177          , iNameSeeds  = inpNameSeeds info
179          , iCts        = emptyGoals
180          , iHasCts     = []
181          , iSolvedHas  = Map.empty
183          , iSupply     = inpSupply info
184          }
192newtype InferM a = IM { unIM :: ReaderT RO (StateT RW IO) a }
194data DefLoc = IsLocal | IsExternal
196-- | Read-only component of the monad.
197data RO = RO
198  { iRange    :: Range                  -- ^ Source code being analysed
199  , iVars     :: Map Name VarType      -- ^ Type of variable that are in scope
201  {- NOTE: We assume no shadowing between these two, so it does not matter
202  where we look first. Similarly, we assume no shadowing with
203  the existential type variable (in RW).  See 'checkTShadowing'. -}
205  , iTVars    :: [TParam]                  -- ^ Type variable that are in scope
206  , iTSyns    :: Map Name (DefLoc, TySyn) -- ^ Type synonyms that are in scope
207  , iNewtypes :: Map Name (DefLoc, Newtype)
208   -- ^ Newtype declarations in scope
209   --
210   -- NOTE: type synonyms take precedence over newtype.  The reason is
211   -- that we can define local type synonyms, but not local newtypes.
212   -- So, either a type-synonym shadows a newtype, or it was declared
213   -- at the top-level, but then there can't be a newtype with the
214   -- same name (this should be caught by the renamer).
215  , iAbstractTypes :: Map Name (DefLoc, AbstractType)
217  , iParamTypes :: Map Name ModTParam
218    -- ^ Parameter types
220  , iParamConstraints :: [Located Prop]
221    -- ^ Constraints on the type parameters
223  , iParamFuns :: Map Name ModVParam
224    -- ^ Parameter functions
227  , iSolvedHasLazy :: Map Int HasGoalSln
228    -- ^ NOTE: This field is lazy in an important way!  It is the
229    -- final version of 'iSolvedHas' in 'RW', and the two are tied
230    -- together through recursion.  The field is here so that we can
231    -- look thing up before they are defined, which is OK because we
232    -- don't need to know the results until everything is done.
234  , iMonoBinds :: Bool
235    -- ^ When this flag is set to true, bindings that lack signatures
236    -- in where-blocks will never be generalized. Bindings with type
237    -- signatures, and all bindings at top level are unaffected.
239  , iCallStacks :: Bool
240    -- ^ When this flag is true, retain source location information
241    --   in typechecked terms
243  , iSolver :: SMT.Solver
245  , iPrimNames :: !PrimMap
247  , iSolveCounter :: !(IORef Int)
248  }
250-- | Read-write component of the monad.
251data RW = RW
252  { iErrors   :: ![(Range,Error)]       -- ^ Collected errors
253  , iWarnings :: ![(Range,Warning)]     -- ^ Collected warnings
254  , iSubst    :: !Subst                 -- ^ Accumulated substitution
256  , iExistTVars  :: [Map Name Type]
257    -- ^ These keeps track of what existential type variables are available.
258    -- When we start checking a function, we push a new scope for
259    -- its arguments, and we pop it when we are done checking the function
260    -- body. The front element of the list is the current scope, which is
261    -- the only thing that will be modified, as follows.  When we encounter
262    -- a existential type variable:
263    --     1. we look in all scopes to see if it is already defined.
264    --     2. if it was not defined, we create a fresh type variable,
265    --        and we add it to the current scope.
266    --     3. it is an error if we encounter an existential variable but we
267    --        have no current scope.
269  , iSolvedHas :: Map Int HasGoalSln
270    -- ^ Selector constraints that have been solved (ref. iSolvedSelectorsLazy)
272  -- Generating names
273  , iNameSeeds :: !NameSeeds
275  -- Constraints that need solving
276  , iCts      :: !Goals                -- ^ Ordinary constraints
277  , iHasCts   :: ![HasGoal]
278    {- ^ Tuple/record projection constraints.  The 'Int' is the "name"
279         of the constraint, used so that we can name its solution properly. -}
281  , iSupply :: !Supply
282  }
284instance Functor InferM where
285  fmap f (IM m) = IM (fmap f m)
287instance A.Applicative InferM where
288  pure  = return
289  (<*>) = ap
291instance Monad InferM where
292  return x      = IM (return x)
293  IM m >>= f    = IM (m >>= unIM . f)
295instance Fail.MonadFail InferM where
296  fail x        = IM (fail x)
298instance MonadFix InferM where
299  mfix f        = IM (mfix (unIM . f))
301instance FreshM InferM where
302  liftSupply f = IM $
303    do rw <- get
304       let (a,s') = f (iSupply rw)
305       set rw { iSupply = s' }
306       return a
309io :: IO a -> InferM a
310io m = IM $ inBase m
312-- | The monadic computation is about the given range of source code.
313-- This is useful for error reporting.
314inRange :: Range -> InferM a -> InferM a
315inRange r (IM m) = IM $ mapReader (\ro -> ro { iRange = r }) m
317inRangeMb :: Maybe Range -> InferM a -> InferM a
318inRangeMb Nothing m  = m
319inRangeMb (Just r) m = inRange r m
321-- | This is the current range that we are working on.
322curRange :: InferM Range
323curRange = IM $ asks iRange
325-- | Report an error.
326recordError :: Error -> InferM ()
327recordError e =
328  do r <- case e of
329            AmbiguousSize d _ -> return (tvarSource d)
330            _ -> curRange
331     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iErrors = (r,e) : iErrors s }
333recordWarning :: Warning -> InferM ()
334recordWarning w =
335  unless ignore $
336  do r <- case w of
337            DefaultingTo d _ -> return (tvarSource d)
338            _ -> curRange
339     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iWarnings = (r,w) : iWarnings s }
340  where
341  ignore
342    | DefaultingTo d _ <- w
343    , Just n <- tvSourceName (tvarDesc d)
344    , Declared _ SystemName <- nameInfo n
345      = True
346    | otherwise = False
348getSolver :: InferM SMT.Solver
349getSolver =
350  do RO { .. } <- IM ask
351     return iSolver
353-- | Retrieve the mapping between identifiers and declarations in the prelude.
354getPrimMap :: InferM PrimMap
355getPrimMap  =
356  do RO { .. } <- IM ask
357     return iPrimNames
361newGoal :: ConstraintSource -> Prop -> InferM Goal
362newGoal goalSource goal =
363  do goalRange <- curRange
364     return Goal { .. }
366-- | Record some constraints that need to be solved.
367-- The string explains where the constraints came from.
368newGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> InferM ()
369newGoals src ps = addGoals =<< mapM (newGoal src) ps
371{- | The constraints are removed, and returned to the caller.
372The substitution IS applied to them. -}
373getGoals :: InferM [Goal]
374getGoals =
375  do goals <- applySubst =<<
376                  IM (sets $ \s -> (iCts s, s { iCts = emptyGoals }))
377     return (fromGoals goals)
379-- | Add a bunch of goals that need solving.
380addGoals :: [Goal] -> InferM ()
381addGoals gs0 = doAdd =<< simpGoals gs0
382  where
383  doAdd [] = return ()
384  doAdd gs = IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iCts = foldl' (flip insertGoal) (iCts s) gs }
387-- | Collect the goals emitted by the given sub-computation.
388-- Does not emit any new goals.
389collectGoals :: InferM a -> InferM (a, [Goal])
390collectGoals m =
391  do origGs <- applySubst =<< getGoals'
392     a      <- m
393     newGs  <- getGoals
394     setGoals' origGs
395     return (a, newGs)
397  where
399  -- retrieve the type map only
400  getGoals'    = IM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } -> (iCts, RW { iCts = emptyGoals, .. })
402  -- set the type map directly
403  setGoals' gs = IM $ sets $ \ RW { .. } -> ((),   RW { iCts = gs, .. })
405simpGoal :: Goal -> InferM [Goal]
406simpGoal g =
407  case Simple.simplify mempty (goal g) of
408    p | Just t <- tIsError p ->
409        do recordError $ UnsolvableGoals [g { goal = t }]
410           return []
411      | ps <- pSplitAnd p -> return [ g { goal = pr } | pr <- ps ]
413simpGoals :: [Goal] -> InferM [Goal]
414simpGoals gs = concat <$> mapM simpGoal gs
418{- | Record a constraint that when we select from the first type,
419we should get a value of the second type.
420The returned function should be used to wrap the expression from
421which we are selecting (i.e., the record or tuple).  Plese note
422that the resulting expression should not be forced before the
423constraint is solved.
425newHasGoal :: P.Selector -> Type -> Type -> InferM HasGoalSln
426newHasGoal l ty f =
427  do goalName <- newGoalName
428     g        <- newGoal CtSelector (pHas l ty f)
429     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iHasCts = HasGoal goalName g : iHasCts s }
430     solns    <- IM $ fmap iSolvedHasLazy ask
431     return $ case Map.lookup goalName solns of
432                Just e1 -> e1
433                Nothing -> panic "newHasGoal" ["Unsolved has goal in result"]
436-- | Add a previously generate has constrained
437addHasGoal :: HasGoal -> InferM ()
438addHasGoal g = IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iHasCts = g : iHasCts s }
440-- | Get the @Has@ constraints.  Each of this should either be solved,
441-- or added back using 'addHasGoal'.
442getHasGoals :: InferM [HasGoal]
443getHasGoals = do gs <- IM $ sets $ \s -> (iHasCts s, s { iHasCts = [] })
444                 applySubst gs
446-- | Specify the solution (@Expr -> Expr@) for the given constraint ('Int').
447solveHasGoal :: Int -> HasGoalSln -> InferM ()
448solveHasGoal n e =
449  IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iSolvedHas = Map.insert n e (iSolvedHas s) }
454-- | Generate a fresh variable name to be used in a local binding.
455newParamName :: Ident -> InferM Name
456newParamName x =
457  do r <- curRange
458     liftSupply (mkParameter x r)
460newName :: (NameSeeds -> (a , NameSeeds)) -> InferM a
461newName upd = IM $ sets $ \s -> let (x,seeds) = upd (iNameSeeds s)
462                                in (x, s { iNameSeeds = seeds })
465-- | Generate a new name for a goal.
466newGoalName :: InferM Int
467newGoalName = newName $ \s -> let x = seedGoal s
468                              in (x, s { seedGoal = x + 1})
470-- | Generate a new free type variable.
471newTVar :: TypeSource -> Kind -> InferM TVar
472newTVar src k = newTVar' src Set.empty k
474-- | Generate a new free type variable that depends on these additional
475-- type parameters.
476newTVar' :: TypeSource -> Set TParam -> Kind -> InferM TVar
477newTVar' src extraBound k =
478  do r <- curRange
479     bound <- getBoundInScope
480     let vs = Set.union extraBound bound
481         msg = TVarInfo { tvarDesc = src, tvarSource = r }
482     newName $ \s -> let x = seedTVar s
483                     in (TVFree x k vs msg, s { seedTVar = x + 1 })
486-- | Check that the given "flavor" of parameter is allowed to
487--   have the given type, and raise an error if not
488checkParamKind :: TParam -> TPFlavor -> Kind -> InferM ()
490checkParamKind tp flav k =
491    case flav of
492      TPModParam _     -> return () -- All kinds allowed as module parameters
493      TPPropSynParam _ -> starOrHashOrProp
494      TPTySynParam _   -> starOrHash
495      TPSchemaParam _  -> starOrHash
496      TPNewtypeParam _ -> starOrHash
497      TPPrimParam _    -> starOrHash
498      TPUnifyVar       -> starOrHash
500  where
501    starOrHashOrProp =
502      case k of
503        KNum  -> return ()
504        KType -> return ()
505        KProp -> return ()
506        _ -> recordError (BadParameterKind tp k)
508    starOrHash =
509      case k of
510        KNum  -> return ()
511        KType -> return ()
512        _ -> recordError (BadParameterKind tp k)
515-- | Generate a new free type variable.
516newTParam :: P.TParam Name -> TPFlavor -> Kind -> InferM TParam
517newTParam nm flav k =
518  do let desc = TVarInfo { tvarDesc = TVFromSignature (P.tpName nm)
519                         , tvarSource = fromMaybe emptyRange (P.tpRange nm)
520                         }
521     tp <- newName $ \s ->
522             let x = seedTVar s
523             in (TParam { tpUnique = x
524                        , tpKind   = k
525                        , tpFlav   = flav
526                        , tpInfo   = desc
527                        }
528                , s { seedTVar = x + 1 })
530     checkParamKind tp flav k
531     return tp
534-- | Generate an unknown type.  The doc is a note about what is this type about.
535newType :: TypeSource -> Kind -> InferM Type
536newType src k = TVar `fmap` newTVar src k
543-- | Record that the two types should be syntactically equal.
544unify :: TypeWithSource -> Type -> InferM [Prop]
545unify (WithSource t1 src) t2 =
546  do t1' <- applySubst t1
547     t2' <- applySubst t2
548     let ((su1, ps), errs) = runResult (mgu t1' t2')
549     extendSubst su1
550     let toError :: UnificationError -> Error
551         toError err =
552           case err of
553             UniTypeLenMismatch _ _ -> TypeMismatch src t1' t2'
554             UniTypeMismatch s1 s2  -> TypeMismatch src s1 s2
555             UniKindMismatch k1 k2  -> KindMismatch (Just src) k1 k2
556             UniRecursive x t       -> RecursiveType src (TVar x) t
557             UniNonPolyDepends x vs -> TypeVariableEscaped src (TVar x) vs
558             UniNonPoly x t         -> NotForAll src x t
559     case errs of
560       [] -> return ps
561       _  -> do mapM_ (recordError . toError) errs
562                return []
564-- | Apply the accumulated substitution to something with free type variables.
565applySubst :: TVars t => t -> InferM t
566applySubst t =
567  do su <- getSubst
568     return (apSubst su t)
570applySubstPreds :: [Prop] -> InferM [Prop]
571applySubstPreds ps =
572  do ps1 <- applySubst ps
573     return (concatMap pSplitAnd ps1)
576applySubstGoals :: [Goal] -> InferM [Goal]
577applySubstGoals gs =
578  do gs1 <- applySubst gs
579     return [ g { goal = p } | g <- gs1, p <- pSplitAnd (goal g) ]
581-- | Get the substitution that we have accumulated so far.
582getSubst :: InferM Subst
583getSubst = IM $ fmap iSubst get
585-- | Add to the accumulated substitution, checking that the datatype
586-- invariant for 'Subst' is maintained.
587extendSubst :: Subst -> InferM ()
588extendSubst su =
589  do mapM_ check (substToList su)
590     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iSubst = su @@ iSubst s }
591  where
592    check :: (TVar, Type) -> InferM ()
593    check (v, ty) =
594      case v of
595        TVBound _ ->
596          panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad.extendSubst"
597            [ "Substitution instantiates bound variable:"
598            , "Variable: " ++ show (pp v)
599            , "Type:     " ++ show (pp ty)
600            ]
601        TVFree _ _ tvs _ ->
602          do let escaped = Set.difference (freeParams ty) tvs
603             if Set.null escaped then return () else
604               panic "Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad.extendSubst"
605                 [ "Escaped quantified variables:"
606                 , "Substitution:  " ++ show (pp v <+> text ":=" <+> pp ty)
607                 , "Vars in scope: " ++ show (brackets (commaSep (map pp (Set.toList tvs))))
608                 , "Escaped:       " ++ show (brackets (commaSep (map pp (Set.toList escaped))))
609                 ]
612-- | Variables that are either mentioned in the environment or in
613-- a selector constraint.
614varsWithAsmps :: InferM (Set TVar)
615varsWithAsmps =
616  do env     <- IM $ fmap (Map.elems . iVars) ask
617     fromEnv <- forM env $ \v ->
618                  case v of
619                    ExtVar sch  -> getVars sch
620                    CurSCC _ t  -> getVars t
621     sels <- IM $ fmap (map (goal . hasGoal) . iHasCts) get
622     fromSels <- mapM getVars sels
623     fromEx   <- (getVars . concatMap Map.elems) =<< IM (fmap iExistTVars get)
624     return (Set.unions fromEnv `Set.union` Set.unions fromSels
625                                `Set.union` fromEx)
626  where
627  getVars x = fvs `fmap` applySubst x
632-- | Lookup the type of a variable.
633lookupVar :: Name -> InferM VarType
634lookupVar x =
635  do mb <- IM $ asks $ Map.lookup x . iVars
636     case mb of
637       Just t  -> return t
638       Nothing ->
639         do mbNT <- lookupNewtype x
640            case mbNT of
641              Just nt -> return (ExtVar (newtypeConType nt))
642              Nothing ->
643                do mbParamFun <- lookupParamFun x
644                   case mbParamFun of
645                     Just pf -> return (ExtVar (mvpType pf))
646                     Nothing -> panic "lookupVar" [ "Undefined type variable"
647                                                  , show x]
649-- | Lookup a type variable.  Return `Nothing` if there is no such variable
650-- in scope, in which case we must be dealing with a type constant.
651lookupTParam :: Name -> InferM (Maybe TParam)
652lookupTParam x = IM $ asks $ find this . iTVars
653  where this tp = tpName tp == Just x
655-- | Lookup the definition of a type synonym.
656lookupTSyn :: Name -> InferM (Maybe TySyn)
657lookupTSyn x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getTSyns
659-- | Lookup the definition of a newtype
660lookupNewtype :: Name -> InferM (Maybe Newtype)
661lookupNewtype x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getNewtypes
663lookupAbstractType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe AbstractType)
664lookupAbstractType x = fmap (fmap snd . Map.lookup x) getAbstractTypes
666-- | Lookup the kind of a parameter type
667lookupParamType :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModTParam)
668lookupParamType x = Map.lookup x <$> getParamTypes
670-- | Lookup the schema for a parameter function.
671lookupParamFun :: Name -> InferM (Maybe ModVParam)
672lookupParamFun x = Map.lookup x <$> getParamFuns
674-- | Check if we already have a name for this existential type variable and,
675-- if so, return the definition.  If not, try to create a new definition,
676-- if this is allowed.  If not, returns nothing.
678existVar :: Name -> Kind -> InferM Type
679existVar x k =
680  do scopes <- iExistTVars <$> IM get
681     case msum (map (Map.lookup x) scopes) of
682       Just ty -> return ty
683       Nothing ->
684         case scopes of
685           [] ->
686              do recordError (UndefinedExistVar x)
687                 newType TypeErrorPlaceHolder k
689           sc : more ->
690             do ty <- newType TypeErrorPlaceHolder k
691                IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s{ iExistTVars = Map.insert x ty sc : more }
692                return ty
695-- | Returns the type synonyms that are currently in scope.
696getTSyns :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,TySyn))
697getTSyns = IM $ asks iTSyns
699-- | Returns the newtype declarations that are in scope.
700getNewtypes :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,Newtype))
701getNewtypes = IM $ asks iNewtypes
703-- | Returns the abstract type declarations that are in scope.
704getAbstractTypes :: InferM (Map Name (DefLoc,AbstractType))
705getAbstractTypes = IM $ asks iAbstractTypes
707-- | Returns the parameter functions declarations
708getParamFuns :: InferM (Map Name ModVParam)
709getParamFuns = IM $ asks iParamFuns
711-- | Returns the abstract function declarations
712getParamTypes :: InferM (Map Name ModTParam)
713getParamTypes = IM $ asks iParamTypes
715-- | Constraints on the module's parameters.
716getParamConstraints :: InferM [Located Prop]
717getParamConstraints = IM $ asks iParamConstraints
719-- | Get the set of bound type variables that are in scope.
720getTVars :: InferM (Set Name)
721getTVars = IM $ asks $ Set.fromList . mapMaybe tpName . iTVars
723-- | Return the keys of the bound variables that are in scope.
724getBoundInScope :: InferM (Set TParam)
725getBoundInScope =
726  do ro <- IM ask
727     let params = Set.fromList (map mtpParam (Map.elems (iParamTypes ro)))
728         bound  = Set.fromList (iTVars ro)
729     return $! Set.union params bound
731-- | Retrieve the value of the `mono-binds` option.
732getMonoBinds :: InferM Bool
733getMonoBinds  = IM (asks iMonoBinds)
735getCallStacks :: InferM Bool
736getCallStacks = IM (asks iCallStacks)
738{- | We disallow shadowing between type synonyms and type variables
739because it is confusing.  As a bonus, in the implementation we don't
740need to worry about where we lookup things (i.e., in the variable or
741type synonym environment. -}
743checkTShadowing :: String -> Name -> InferM ()
744checkTShadowing this new =
745  do ro <- IM ask
746     rw <- IM get
747     let shadowed =
748           do _ <- Map.lookup new (iTSyns ro)
749              return "type synonym"
750           `mplus`
751           do guard (new `elem` mapMaybe tpName (iTVars ro))
752              return "type variable"
753           `mplus`
754           do _ <- msum (map (Map.lookup new) (iExistTVars rw))
755              return "type"
757     case shadowed of
758       Nothing -> return ()
759       Just that ->
760          recordError (TypeShadowing this new that)
764-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type parameter in scope.
765withTParam :: TParam -> InferM a -> InferM a
766withTParam p (IM m) =
767  do case tpName p of
768       Just x  -> checkTShadowing "variable" x
769       Nothing -> return ()
770     IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iTVars = p : iTVars r }) m
772withTParams :: [TParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a
773withTParams ps m = foldr withTParam m ps
775-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type-synonym in scope.
776withTySyn :: TySyn -> InferM a -> InferM a
777withTySyn t (IM m) =
778  do let x = tsName t
779     checkTShadowing "synonym" x
780     IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iTSyns = Map.insert x (IsLocal,t) (iTSyns r) }) m
782withNewtype :: Newtype -> InferM a -> InferM a
783withNewtype t (IM m) =
784  IM $ mapReader
785        (\r -> r { iNewtypes = Map.insert (ntName t) (IsLocal,t)
786                                                     (iNewtypes r) }) m
788withPrimType :: AbstractType -> InferM a -> InferM a
789withPrimType t (IM m) =
790  IM $ mapReader
791      (\r -> r { iAbstractTypes = Map.insert (atName t) (IsLocal,t)
792                                                        (iAbstractTypes r) }) m
795withParamType :: ModTParam -> InferM a -> InferM a
796withParamType a (IM m) =
797  IM $ mapReader
798        (\r -> r { iParamTypes = Map.insert (mtpName a) a (iParamTypes r) })
799        m
801-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variable in scope.
802withVarType :: Name -> VarType -> InferM a -> InferM a
803withVarType x s (IM m) =
804  IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iVars = Map.insert x s (iVars r) }) m
806withVarTypes :: [(Name,VarType)] -> InferM a -> InferM a
807withVarTypes xs m = foldr (uncurry withVarType) m xs
809withVar :: Name -> Schema -> InferM a -> InferM a
810withVar x s = withVarType x (ExtVar s)
812-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given abstract function in scope.
813withParamFuns :: [ModVParam] -> InferM a -> InferM a
814withParamFuns xs (IM m) =
815  IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iParamFuns = foldr add (iParamFuns r) xs }) m
816  where
817  add x = Map.insert (mvpName x) x
819-- | Add some assumptions for an entire module
820withParameterConstraints :: [Located Prop] -> InferM a -> InferM a
821withParameterConstraints ps (IM m) =
822  IM $ mapReader (\r -> r { iParamConstraints = ps ++ iParamConstraints r }) m
825-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.
826withMonoType :: (Name,Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
827withMonoType (x,lt) = withVar x (Forall [] [] (thing lt))
829-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given variables in scope.
830withMonoTypes :: Map Name (Located Type) -> InferM a -> InferM a
831withMonoTypes xs m = foldr withMonoType m (Map.toList xs)
833-- | The sub-computation is performed with the given type synonyms
834-- and variables in scope.
835withDecls :: ([TySyn], Map Name Schema) -> InferM a -> InferM a
836withDecls (ts,vs) m = foldr withTySyn (foldr add m (Map.toList vs)) ts
837  where
838  add (x,t) = withVar x t
840-- | Perform the given computation in a new scope (i.e., the subcomputation
841-- may use existential type variables).
842inNewScope :: InferM a -> InferM a
843inNewScope m =
844  do curScopes <- iExistTVars <$> IM get
845     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = Map.empty : curScopes }
846     a <- m
847     IM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { iExistTVars = curScopes }
848     return a
853-- Kind checking
856newtype KindM a = KM { unKM :: ReaderT KRO (StateT KRW InferM)  a }
858data KRO = KRO { lazyTParams :: Map Name TParam -- ^ lazy map, with tparams.
859               , allowWild   :: AllowWildCards  -- ^ are type-wild cards allowed?
860               }
862-- | Do we allow wild cards in the given context.
863data AllowWildCards = AllowWildCards | NoWildCards
865data KRW = KRW { typeParams :: Map Name Kind -- ^ kinds of (known) vars.
866               , kCtrs      :: [(ConstraintSource,[Prop])]
867               }
869instance Functor KindM where
870  fmap f (KM m) = KM (fmap f m)
872instance A.Applicative KindM where
873  pure  = return
874  (<*>) = ap
876instance Monad KindM where
877  return x      = KM (return x)
878  KM m >>= k    = KM (m >>= unKM . k)
880instance Fail.MonadFail KindM where
881  fail x        = KM (fail x)
884{- | The arguments to this function are as follows:
886(type param. name, kind signature (opt.), type parameter)
888The type parameter is just a thunk that we should not force.
889The reason is that the parameter depends on the kind that we are
890in the process of computing.
892As a result we return the value of the sub-computation and the computed
893kinds of the type parameters. -}
894runKindM :: AllowWildCards               -- Are type-wild cards allowed?
895         -> [(Name, Maybe Kind, TParam)] -- ^ See comment
896         -> KindM a -> InferM (a, Map Name Kind, [(ConstraintSource,[Prop])])
897runKindM wildOK vs (KM m) =
898  do (a,kw) <- runStateT krw (runReaderT kro m)
899     return (a, typeParams kw, kCtrs kw)
900  where
901  tps  = Map.fromList [ (x,t) | (x,_,t)      <- vs ]
902  kro  = KRO { allowWild = wildOK, lazyTParams = tps }
903  krw  = KRW { typeParams = Map.fromList [ (x,k) | (x,Just k,_) <- vs ]
904             , kCtrs = []
905             }
907-- | This is what's returned when we lookup variables during kind checking.
908data LkpTyVar = TLocalVar TParam (Maybe Kind) -- ^ Locally bound variable.
909              | TOuterVar TParam              -- ^ An outer binding.
911-- | Check if a name refers to a type variable.
912kLookupTyVar :: Name -> KindM (Maybe LkpTyVar)
913kLookupTyVar x = KM $
914  do vs <- lazyTParams `fmap` ask
915     ss <- get
916     case Map.lookup x vs of
917       Just t  -> return $ Just $ TLocalVar t $ Map.lookup x $ typeParams ss
918       Nothing -> lift $ lift $ do t <- lookupTParam x
919                                   return (fmap TOuterVar t)
921-- | Are type wild-cards OK in this context?
922kWildOK :: KindM AllowWildCards
923kWildOK = KM $ fmap allowWild ask
925-- | Reports an error.
926kRecordError :: Error -> KindM ()
927kRecordError e = kInInferM $ recordError e
929kRecordWarning :: Warning -> KindM ()
930kRecordWarning w = kInInferM $ recordWarning w
932kIO :: IO a -> KindM a
933kIO m = KM $ lift $ lift $ io m
935-- | Generate a fresh unification variable of the given kind.
936-- NOTE:  We do not simplify these, because we end up with bottom.
937-- See `Kind.hs`
938-- XXX: Perhaps we can avoid the recursion?
939kNewType :: TypeSource -> Kind -> KindM Type
940kNewType src k =
941  do tps <- KM $ do vs <- asks lazyTParams
942                    return $ Set.fromList (Map.elems vs)
943     kInInferM $ TVar `fmap` newTVar' src tps k
945-- | Lookup the definition of a type synonym.
946kLookupTSyn :: Name -> KindM (Maybe TySyn)
947kLookupTSyn x = kInInferM $ lookupTSyn x
949-- | Lookup the definition of a newtype.
950kLookupNewtype :: Name -> KindM (Maybe Newtype)
951kLookupNewtype x = kInInferM $ lookupNewtype x
953kLookupParamType :: Name -> KindM (Maybe ModTParam)
954kLookupParamType x = kInInferM (lookupParamType x)
956kLookupAbstractType :: Name -> KindM (Maybe AbstractType)
957kLookupAbstractType x = kInInferM $ lookupAbstractType x
959kExistTVar :: Name -> Kind -> KindM Type
960kExistTVar x k = kInInferM $ existVar x k
962-- | Replace the given bound variables with concrete types.
963kInstantiateT :: Type -> [(TParam, Type)] -> KindM Type
964kInstantiateT t as = return (apSubst su t)
965  where su = listParamSubst as
967{- | Record the kind for a local type variable.
968This assumes that we already checked that there was no other valid
969kind for the variable (if there was one, it gets over-written). -}
970kSetKind :: Name -> Kind -> KindM ()
971kSetKind v k = KM $ sets_ $ \s -> s{ typeParams = Map.insert v k (typeParams s)}
973-- | The sub-computation is about the given range of the source code.
974kInRange :: Range -> KindM a -> KindM a
975kInRange r (KM m) = KM $
976  do e <- ask
977     s <- get
978     (a,s1) <- lift $ lift $ inRange r $ runStateT s $ runReaderT e m
979     set s1
980     return a
982kNewGoals :: ConstraintSource -> [Prop] -> KindM ()
983kNewGoals _ [] = return ()
984kNewGoals c ps = KM $ sets_ $ \s -> s { kCtrs = (c,ps) : kCtrs s }
986kInInferM :: InferM a -> KindM a
987kInInferM m = KM $ lift $ lift m