1 /*
2  * mod_specifications.h
3  * --------------------
4  * Purpose: Mod specifications characterise the features of every editable module format in OpenMPT, such as the number of supported channels, samples, effects, etc...
5  * Notes  : (currently none)
6  * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
7  * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
8  */
11 #pragma once
13 #include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
15 #include "Snd_defs.h"
16 #include "modcommand.h"                       // ModCommand::
17 #include "../soundlib/SoundFilePlayConfig.h"  // mixlevel constants.
23 struct CModSpecifications
24 {
25 	/// Returns modtype corresponding to given file extension. The extension string
26 	/// may begin with or without dot, e.g. both ".it" and "it" will be handled correctly.
27 	static MODTYPE ExtensionToType(std::string ext); // (encoded in UTF8)
29 	// Return true if format supports given note.
30 	bool HasNote(ModCommand::NOTE note) const;
31 	bool HasVolCommand(ModCommand::VOLCMD volcmd) const;
32 	bool HasCommand(ModCommand::COMMAND cmd) const;
33 	// Return corresponding effect letter for this format
34 	char GetEffectLetter(ModCommand::COMMAND cmd) const;
35 	char GetVolEffectLetter(ModCommand::VOLCMD cmd) const;
37 	// NOTE: If changing order, update all initializations in .cpp file.
38 	MODTYPE internalType;       // Internal MODTYPE value
39 	const char *fileExtension;  // File extension without dot (encoded in UTF8).
40 	ModCommand::NOTE noteMin;   // Minimum note index (index starts from 1)
41 	ModCommand::NOTE noteMax;   // Maximum note index (index starts from 1)
42 	PATTERNINDEX patternsMax;
43 	ORDERINDEX ordersMax;
44 	SEQUENCEINDEX sequencesMax;
45 	CHANNELINDEX channelsMin;  // Minimum number of editable channels in pattern.
46 	CHANNELINDEX channelsMax;  // Maximum number of editable channels in pattern.
47 	uint32 tempoMinInt;
48 	uint32 tempoMaxInt;
49 	uint32 speedMin;  // Minimum ticks per frame
50 	uint32 speedMax;  // Maximum ticks per frame
51 	ROWINDEX patternRowsMin;
52 	ROWINDEX patternRowsMax;
53 	uint16 modNameLengthMax;         // Meaning 'usable letters', possible null character is not included.
54 	uint16 sampleNameLengthMax;      // Ditto
55 	uint16 sampleFilenameLengthMax;  // Ditto
56 	uint16 instrNameLengthMax;       // Ditto
57 	uint16 instrFilenameLengthMax;   // Ditto
58 	uint16 commentLineLengthMax;     // not including line break, 0 for unlimited
59 	SAMPLEINDEX samplesMax;          // Max number of samples == Highest possible sample index
60 	INSTRUMENTINDEX instrumentsMax;  // Max number of instruments == Highest possible instrument index
61 	MixLevels defaultMixLevels;      // Default mix levels that are used when creating a new file in this format
62 	FlagSet<SongFlags> songFlags;    // Supported song flags
63 	uint8 MIDIMappingDirectivesMax;  // Number of MIDI Mapping directives that the format can store (0 = none)
64 	uint8 envelopePointsMax;         // Maximum number of points of each envelope
65 	bool hasNoteCut;                 // True if format has note cut (^^).
66 	bool hasNoteOff;                 // True if format has note off (==).
67 	bool hasNoteFade;                // True if format has note fade (~~).
68 	bool hasReleaseNode;             // Envelope release node
69 	bool hasComments;                // True if format has a comments field
70 	bool hasIgnoreIndex;             // Does "+++" pattern exist?
71 	bool hasStopIndex;               // Does "---" pattern exist?
72 	bool hasRestartPos;              // Format has an automatic restart order position
73 	bool supportsPlugins;            // Format can store plugins
74 	bool hasPatternSignatures;       // Can patterns have a custom time signature?
75 	bool hasPatternNames;            // Can patterns have a name?
76 	bool hasArtistName;              // Can artist name be stored in file?
77 	bool hasDefaultResampling;       // Can default resampling be saved? (if not, it can still be modified in the GUI but won't set the module as modified)
78 	bool hasFractionalTempo;         // Are fractional tempos allowed?
79 	const char *commands;            // An array holding all commands this format supports; commands that are not supported are marked with "?"
80 	const char *volcommands;         // Ditto, but for volume column
GetTempoMinCModSpecifications81 	MPT_CONSTEXPRINLINE TEMPO GetTempoMin() const { return TEMPO(tempoMinInt, 0); }
GetTempoMaxCModSpecifications82 	MPT_CONSTEXPRINLINE TEMPO GetTempoMax() const { return TEMPO(tempoMaxInt, 0); }
83 };
86 namespace ModSpecs
87 {
88 	extern const CModSpecifications & mptm;
89 	extern const CModSpecifications & mod;
90 	extern const CModSpecifications & s3m;
91 	extern const CModSpecifications & s3mEx;
92 	extern const CModSpecifications & xm;
93 	extern const CModSpecifications & xmEx;
94 	extern const CModSpecifications & it;
95 	extern const CModSpecifications & itEx;
96 	extern const std::array<const CModSpecifications *, 8> Collection;
97 }