1 #ifndef TYPEDEFS_H__
2 #define TYPEDEFS_H__ 1
4 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5  * Type definitions for opaque uses.
6  *
7  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8  * This file defines several types whose opaque definitions need to be known
9  * in many places. Main purpose is to decouple the header files.
10  */
12 #include "driver.h"
14 typedef struct action_s           action_t;           /* sent.h */
15 typedef struct callback_s         callback_t;         /* simulate.h */
16 typedef struct case_list_entry_s  case_list_entry_t;  /* switch.h */
17 typedef struct case_state_s       case_state_t;       /* switch.h */
18 typedef struct function_s         function_t;         /* exec.h */
19 typedef struct ident_s            ident_t;            /* lex.h */
20 typedef struct include_s          include_t;          /* exec.h */
21 typedef struct inherit_s          inherit_t;          /* exec.h */
22 typedef struct interactive_s      interactive_t;      /* comm.h */
23 typedef struct input_s            input_t;            /* comm.h */
24 typedef struct instr_s            instr_t;            /* exec.h */
25 typedef struct lambda_s           lambda_t;           /* closure.h */
26 typedef struct linenumbers_s      linenumbers_t;      /* exec.h */
27 typedef struct mapping_s          mapping_t;          /* mapping.h */
28 typedef struct object_s           object_t;           /* object.h */
29 typedef struct program_s          program_t;          /* exec.h */
30 typedef struct pointer_table      ptrtable_t;         /* ptrtable.h */
31 typedef struct regexp_s           regexp_t;           /* mregex.c */
32 typedef struct replace_ob_s       replace_ob_t;       /* object.h */
33 typedef struct rt_context_s       rt_context_t;       /* backend.h */
34 typedef struct sentence_s         sentence_t;         /* sent.h */
35 typedef struct shadow_s           shadow_t;           /* sent.h */
36 typedef struct simul_efun_table_s simul_efun_table_t; /* simul_efun.h */
37 typedef struct statistic_s        statistic_t;        /* backend.h */
38 typedef struct string_s           string_t;           /* mstrings.h */
39 typedef struct strbuf_s           strbuf_t;           /* strfuns.h */
40 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
41 typedef struct struct_s           struct_t;           /* structs.h */
42 typedef struct struct_def_s       struct_def_t;       /* exec.h */
43 typedef struct struct_member_s    struct_member_t;    /* structs.h */
44 typedef struct struct_type_s      struct_type_t;      /* structs.h */
45 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
46 typedef struct svalue_s           svalue_t;           /* svalue.h */
47 typedef struct variable_s         variable_t;         /* exec.h */
48 typedef struct vector_s           vector_t;           /* array.h */
49 typedef struct wiz_list_s         wiz_list_t;         /* wiz_list.h */
51 #endif /* TYPEDEFS_H__ */