1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <sys/types.h>
21 #include <chrono>
22 #include <map>
23 #include <memory>
25 #include <folly/ConstructorCallback.h>
26 #include <folly/Optional.h>
27 #include <folly/SocketAddress.h>
28 #include <folly/detail/SocketFastOpen.h>
29 #include <folly/io/IOBuf.h>
30 #include <folly/io/IOBufIovecBuilder.h>
31 #include <folly/io/ShutdownSocketSet.h>
32 #include <folly/io/SocketOptionMap.h>
33 #include <folly/io/async/AsyncSocketException.h>
34 #include <folly/io/async/AsyncTimeout.h>
35 #include <folly/io/async/AsyncTransport.h>
36 #include <folly/io/async/DelayedDestruction.h>
37 #include <folly/io/async/EventHandler.h>
38 #include <folly/net/NetOpsDispatcher.h>
39 #include <folly/portability/Sockets.h>
40 #include <folly/small_vector.h>
42 namespace folly {
44 /**
45  * A class for performing asynchronous I/O on a socket.
46  *
47  * AsyncSocket allows users to asynchronously wait for data on a socket, and
48  * to asynchronously send data.
49  *
50  * The APIs for reading and writing are intentionally asymmetric.  Waiting for
51  * data to read is a persistent API: a callback is installed, and is notified
52  * whenever new data is available.  It continues to be notified of new events
53  * until it is uninstalled.
54  *
55  * AsyncSocket does not provide read timeout functionality, because it
56  * typically cannot determine when the timeout should be active.  Generally, a
57  * timeout should only be enabled when processing is blocked waiting on data
58  * from the remote endpoint.  For server sockets, the timeout should not be
59  * active if the server is currently processing one or more outstanding
60  * requests for this socket.  For client sockets, the timeout should not be
61  * active if there are no requests pending on the socket.  Additionally, if a
62  * client has multiple pending requests, it will ususally want a separate
63  * timeout for each request, rather than a single read timeout.
64  *
65  * The write API is fairly intuitive: a user can request to send a block of
66  * data, and a callback will be informed once the entire block has been
67  * transferred to the kernel, or on error.  AsyncSocket does provide a send
68  * timeout, since most callers want to give up if the remote end stops
69  * responding and no further progress can be made sending the data.
70  */
72 #if defined __linux__ && !defined SO_NO_TRANSPARENT_TLS
73 #define SO_NO_TRANSPARENT_TLS 200
74 #endif
76 #if defined __linux__ && !defined SO_NO_TSOCKS
77 #define SO_NO_TSOCKS 201
78 #endif
80 class AsyncSocket : public AsyncTransport {
81  public:
82   using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<AsyncSocket, Destructor>;
84   class ConnectCallback {
85    public:
86     virtual ~ConnectCallback() = default;
88     /**
89      * connectSuccess() will be invoked when the connection has been
90      * successfully established.
91      */
92     virtual void connectSuccess() noexcept = 0;
94     /**
95      * connectErr() will be invoked if the connection attempt fails.
96      *
97      * @param ex        An exception describing the error that occurred.
98      */
99     virtual void connectErr(const AsyncSocketException& ex) noexcept = 0;
101     /**
102      * preConnect() will be invoked just before the actual connect happens,
103      *              default is no-ops.
104      *
105      * @param fd      An underneath created socket, use for connection.
106      *
107      */
preConnect(NetworkSocket)108     virtual void preConnect(NetworkSocket /*fd*/) {}
109   };
111   class EvbChangeCallback {
112    public:
113     virtual ~EvbChangeCallback() = default;
115     // Called when the socket has been attached to a new EVB
116     // and is called from within that EVB thread
117     virtual void evbAttached(AsyncSocket* socket) = 0;
119     // Called when the socket is detached from an EVB and
120     // is called from the EVB thread being detached
121     virtual void evbDetached(AsyncSocket* socket) = 0;
122   };
124   /**
125    * This interface is implemented only for platforms supporting
126    * per-socket error queues.
127    */
128   class ErrMessageCallback {
129    public:
130     virtual ~ErrMessageCallback() = default;
132     /**
133      * errMessage() will be invoked when kernel puts a message to
134      * the error queue associated with the socket.
135      *
136      * @param cmsg      Reference to cmsghdr structure describing
137      *                  a message read from error queue associated
138      *                  with the socket.
139      */
140     virtual void errMessage(const cmsghdr& cmsg) noexcept = 0;
142     /**
143      * errMessageError() will be invoked if an error occurs reading a message
144      * from the socket error stream.
145      *
146      * @param ex        An exception describing the error that occurred.
147      */
148     virtual void errMessageError(const AsyncSocketException& ex) noexcept = 0;
149   };
151   class ReadAncillaryDataCallback {
152    public:
153     virtual ~ReadAncillaryDataCallback() = default;
155     /**
156      * ancillaryData() will be invoked when we read a buffer
157      * from the socket together with the ancillary data.
158      *
159      * @param msgh      Reference to msghdr structure describing
160      *                  a message read together with the data buffer associated
161      *                  with the socket.
162      */
163     virtual void ancillaryData(struct msghdr& msgh) noexcept = 0;
165     /**
166      * getAncillaryDataCtrlBuffer() will be invoked in order to fill the
167      * ancillary data buffer when it is received.
168      * getAncillaryDataCtrlBuffer will never return nullptr.
169      */
170     virtual folly::MutableByteRange getAncillaryDataCtrlBuffer() = 0;
171   };
173   class SendMsgParamsCallback {
174    public:
175     virtual ~SendMsgParamsCallback() = default;
177     /**
178      * getFlags() will be invoked to retrieve the desired flags to be passed
179      * to ::sendmsg() system call. It is responsible for converting flags set in
180      * the passed folly::WriteFlags enum into a integer flag bitmask that can be
181      * passed to ::sendmsg. Some flags in folly::WriteFlags do not correspond to
182      * flags that can be passed to ::sendmsg and may instead be handled via
183      * getAncillaryData.
184      *
185      * This method was intentionally declared non-virtual, so there is no way to
186      * override it. Instead feel free to override getFlagsImpl(...) instead, and
187      * enjoy the convenience of defaultFlags passed there.
188      *
189      * @param flags     Write flags requested for the given write operation
190      */
getFlags(folly::WriteFlags flags,bool zeroCopyEnabled)191     int getFlags(folly::WriteFlags flags, bool zeroCopyEnabled) noexcept {
192       return getFlagsImpl(flags, getDefaultFlags(flags, zeroCopyEnabled));
193     }
195     /**
196      * getAncillaryData() will be invoked to initialize ancillary data buffer
197      * referred by "msg_control" field of msghdr structure passed to ::sendmsg()
198      * system call based on the flags set in the passed folly::WriteFlags enum.
199      *
200      * Some flags in folly::WriteFlags are not relevant during this process;
201      * the default implementation only handles timestamping flags.
202      *
203      * The function requires that the size of buffer passed is equal to the
204      * value returned by getAncillaryDataSize() method for the same combination
205      * of flags.
206      *
207      * @param flags     Write flags requested for the given write operation
208      * @param data      Pointer to ancillary data buffer to initialize.
209      * @param byteEventsEnabled      If byte events are enabled for this socket.
210      *                               When enabled, flags relevant to socket
211      *                               timestamps (e.g., TIMESTAMP_TX) should be
212      *                               included in ancillary (msg_control) data.
213      */
214     virtual void getAncillaryData(
215         folly::WriteFlags flags,
216         void* data,
217         const bool byteEventsEnabled = false) noexcept;
219     /**
220      * getAncillaryDataSize() will be invoked to retrieve the size of
221      * ancillary data buffer which should be passed to ::sendmsg() system call
222      *
223      * @param flags     Write flags requested for the given write operation
224      * @param byteEventsEnabled      If byte events are enabled for this socket.
225      *                               When enabled, flags relevant to socket
226      *                               timestamps (e.g., TIMESTAMP_TX) should be
227      *                               included in ancillary (msg_control) data.
228      */
229     virtual uint32_t getAncillaryDataSize(
230         folly::WriteFlags flags, const bool byteEventsEnabled = false) noexcept;
232     static const size_t maxAncillaryDataSize{0x5000};
234    private:
235     /**
236      * getFlagsImpl() will be invoked by getFlags(folly::WriteFlags flags)
237      * method to retrieve the flags to be passed to ::sendmsg() system call.
238      * SendMsgParamsCallback::getFlags() is calling this method, and returns
239      * its results directly to the caller in AsyncSocket.
240      * Classes inheriting from SendMsgParamsCallback are welcome to override
241      * this method to force SendMsgParamsCallback to return its own set
242      * of flags.
243      *
244      * @param flags        Write flags requested for the given write operation
245      * @param defaultflags A set of message flags returned by getDefaultFlags()
246      *                     method for the given "flags" mask.
247      */
getFlagsImpl(folly::WriteFlags,int defaultFlags)248     virtual int getFlagsImpl(folly::WriteFlags /*flags*/, int defaultFlags) {
249       return defaultFlags;
250     }
252     /**
253      * getDefaultFlags() will be invoked by  getFlags(folly::WriteFlags flags)
254      * to retrieve the default set of flags, and pass them to getFlagsImpl(...)
255      *
256      * @param flags     Write flags requested for the given write operation
257      */
258     int getDefaultFlags(folly::WriteFlags flags, bool zeroCopyEnabled) noexcept;
259   };
261   /**
262    * Container with state and processing logic for ByteEvents.
263    */
264   struct ByteEventHelper {
265     bool byteEventsEnabled{false};
266     size_t rawBytesWrittenWhenByteEventsEnabled{0};
267     folly::Optional<AsyncSocketException> maybeEx;
269     /**
270      * Process a Cmsg and return a ByteEvent if available.
271      *
272      * The kernel will pass two cmsg for each timestamp:
273      *   1. ScmTimestamping: Software / Hardware Timestamps.
274      *   2. SockExtendedErrTimestamping: Byte offset associated with timestamp.
275      *
276      * These messages will be passed back-to-back; processCmsg() can handle them
277      * in any order (1 then 2, or 2 then 1), as long the order is consistent
278      * across timestamps.
279      *
280      * processCmsg() gracefully ignores Cmsg unrelated to socket timestamps, but
281      * will throw if it receives a sequence of Cmsg that are not compliant with
282      * its expectations.
283      *
284      * @return If the helper has received all components required to generate a
285      *         ByteEvent (e.g., ScmTimestamping and SockExtendedErrTimestamping
286      *         messages), it returns a ByteEvent and clears its local state.
287      *         Otherwise, returns an empty optional.
288      *
289      *         If the helper has previously thrown a ByteEventHelper::Exception,
290      *         it will not process further Cmsg and will continiously return an
291      *         empty optional.
292      *
293      * @throw  If the helper receives a sequence of Cmsg that violate its
294      *         expectations (e.g., multiple ScmTimestamping messages in a row
295      *         without corresponding SockExtendedErrTimestamping messages), it
296      *         throws a ByteEventHelper::Exception. Subsequent calls will return
297      *         an empty optional.
298      */
299     folly::Optional<ByteEvent> processCmsg(
300         const cmsghdr& cmsg, const size_t rawBytesWritten);
302     /**
303      * Exception class thrown by processCmsg.
304      *
305      * ByteEventHelper does not know the socket address and thus cannot
306      * construct a AsyncSocketException. Instead, ByteEventHelper throws a
307      * custom Exception and AsyncSocket rewraps it as an AsyncSocketException.
308      */
309     class Exception : public std::runtime_error {
310       using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
311     };
313    private:
314     // state, reinitialized each time a complete timestamp is processed
315     struct TimestampState {
316       bool serrReceived{false};
317       uint32_t typeRaw{0};
318       uint32_t byteOffsetKernel{0};
320       bool scmTsReceived{false};
321       folly::Optional<std::chrono::nanoseconds> maybeSoftwareTs;
322       folly::Optional<std::chrono::nanoseconds> maybeHardwareTs;
323     };
324     folly::Optional<TimestampState> maybeTsState_;
325   };
327   explicit AsyncSocket();
328   /**
329    * Create a new unconnected AsyncSocket.
330    *
331    * connect() must later be called on this socket to establish a connection.
332    */
333   explicit AsyncSocket(EventBase* evb);
335   void setShutdownSocketSet(const std::weak_ptr<ShutdownSocketSet>& wSS);
337   /**
338    * Create a new AsyncSocket and begin the connection process.
339    *
340    * @param evb             EventBase that will manage this socket.
341    * @param address         The address to connect to.
342    * @param connectTimeout  Optional timeout in milliseconds for the connection
343    *                        attempt.
344    * @param useZeroCopy     Optional zerocopy socket mode
345    */
346   AsyncSocket(
347       EventBase* evb,
348       const folly::SocketAddress& address,
349       uint32_t connectTimeout = 0,
350       bool useZeroCopy = false);
352   /**
353    * Create a new AsyncSocket and begin the connection process.
354    *
355    * @param evb             EventBase that will manage this socket.
356    * @param ip              IP address to connect to (dotted-quad).
357    * @param port            Destination port in host byte order.
358    * @param connectTimeout  Optional timeout in milliseconds for the connection
359    *                        attempt.
360    * @param useZeroCopy     Optional zerocopy socket mode
361    */
362   AsyncSocket(
363       EventBase* evb,
364       const std::string& ip,
365       uint16_t port,
366       uint32_t connectTimeout = 0,
367       bool useZeroCopy = false);
369   /**
370    * Create a AsyncSocket from an already connected socket file descriptor.
371    *
372    * Note that while AsyncSocket enables TCP_NODELAY for sockets it creates
373    * when connecting, it does not change the socket options when given an
374    * existing file descriptor.  If callers want TCP_NODELAY enabled when using
375    * this version of the constructor, they need to explicitly call
376    * setNoDelay(true) after the constructor returns.
377    *
378    * @param evb EventBase that will manage this socket.
379    * @param fd  File descriptor to take over (should be a connected socket).
380    * @param zeroCopyBufId Zerocopy buf id to start with.
381    * @param peerAddress optional peer address (eg: returned from accept).  If
382    *        nullptr, AsyncSocket will lazily attempt to determine it from fd
383    *        via a system call
384    */
385   AsyncSocket(
386       EventBase* evb,
387       NetworkSocket fd,
388       uint32_t zeroCopyBufId = 0,
389       const SocketAddress* peerAddress = nullptr);
391   /**
392    * Create an AsyncSocket from a different, already connected AsyncSocket.
393    *
394    * Similar to AsyncSocket(evb, fd) when fd was previously owned by an
395    * AsyncSocket.
396    */
397   explicit AsyncSocket(AsyncSocket::UniquePtr);
399   /**
400    * Create an AsyncSocket from a different, already connected AsyncSocket.
401    *
402    * Similar to AsyncSocket(evb, fd) when fd was previously owned by an
403    * AsyncSocket. Caller must call destroy on old AsyncSocket unless it is
404    * in a smart pointer with appropriate destructor.
405    */
406   explicit AsyncSocket(AsyncSocket*);
408   /**
409    * Helper function to create an AsyncSocket..
410    *
411    * This passes in the correct destructor object, since AsyncSocket's
412    * destructor is protected and cannot be invoked directly.
413    */
newSocket(EventBase * evb)414   static UniquePtr newSocket(EventBase* evb) {
415     return UniquePtr{new AsyncSocket(evb)};
416   }
418   /**
419    * Helper function to create an AsyncSocket.
420    */
421   static UniquePtr newSocket(
422       EventBase* evb,
423       const folly::SocketAddress& address,
424       uint32_t connectTimeout = 0,
425       bool useZeroCopy = false) {
426     return UniquePtr{
427         new AsyncSocket(evb, address, connectTimeout, useZeroCopy)};
428   }
430   /**
431    * Helper function to create an AsyncSocket.
432    */
433   static UniquePtr newSocket(
434       EventBase* evb,
435       const std::string& ip,
436       uint16_t port,
437       uint32_t connectTimeout = 0,
438       bool useZeroCopy = false) {
439     return UniquePtr{
440         new AsyncSocket(evb, ip, port, connectTimeout, useZeroCopy)};
441   }
443   /**
444    * Helper function to create an AsyncSocket.
445    */
446   static UniquePtr newSocket(
447       EventBase* evb,
448       NetworkSocket fd,
449       const SocketAddress* peerAddress = nullptr) {
450     return UniquePtr{new AsyncSocket(evb, fd, 0, peerAddress)};
451   }
453   /**
454    * Destroy the socket.
455    *
456    * AsyncSocket::destroy() must be called to destroy the socket.
457    * The normal destructor is private, and should not be invoked directly.
458    * This prevents callers from deleting a AsyncSocket while it is invoking a
459    * callback.
460    */
461   void destroy() override;
463   /**
464    * Get the EventBase used by this socket.
465    */
getEventBase()466   EventBase* getEventBase() const override { return eventBase_; }
468   /**
469    * Get the network socket used by the AsyncSocket.
470    */
getNetworkSocket()471   virtual NetworkSocket getNetworkSocket() const { return fd_; }
473   /**
474    * Extract the file descriptor from the AsyncSocket.
475    *
476    * This will immediately cause any installed callbacks to be invoked with an
477    * error.  The AsyncSocket may no longer be used after the file descriptor
478    * has been extracted.
479    *
480    * This method should be used with care as the resulting fd is not guaranteed
481    * to perfectly reflect the state of the AsyncSocket (security state,
482    * pre-received data, etc.).
483    *
484    * Returns the file descriptor.  The caller assumes ownership of the
485    * descriptor, and it will not be closed when the AsyncSocket is destroyed.
486    */
487   virtual NetworkSocket detachNetworkSocket();
489   static const folly::SocketAddress& anyAddress();
491   /**
492    * Initiate a connection.
493    *
494    * @param callback  The callback to inform when the connection attempt
495    *                  completes.
496    * @param address   The address to connect to.
497    * @param timeout   A timeout value, in milliseconds.  If the connection
498    *                  does not succeed within this period,
499    *                  callback->connectError() will be invoked.
500    */
501   virtual void connect(
502       ConnectCallback* callback,
503       const folly::SocketAddress& address,
504       int timeout = 0,
505       const SocketOptionMap& options = emptySocketOptionMap,
506       const folly::SocketAddress& bindAddr = anyAddress(),
507       const std::string& ifName = "") noexcept;
509   void connect(
510       ConnectCallback* callback,
511       const std::string& ip,
512       uint16_t port,
513       int timeout = 0,
514       const SocketOptionMap& options = emptySocketOptionMap) noexcept;
516   /**
517    * If a connect request is in-flight, cancels it and closes the socket
518    * immediately. Otherwise, this is a no-op.
519    *
520    * This does not invoke any connection related callbacks. Call this to
521    * prevent any connect callback while cleaning up, etc.
522    */
523   virtual void cancelConnect();
525   /**
526    * Set the send timeout.
527    *
528    * If write requests do not make any progress for more than the specified
529    * number of milliseconds, fail all pending writes and close the socket.
530    *
531    * If write requests are currently pending when setSendTimeout() is called,
532    * the timeout interval is immediately restarted using the new value.
533    *
534    * (See the comments for AsyncSocket for an explanation of why AsyncSocket
535    * provides setSendTimeout() but not setRecvTimeout().)
536    *
537    * @param milliseconds  The timeout duration, in milliseconds.  If 0, no
538    *                      timeout will be used.
539    */
540   void setSendTimeout(uint32_t milliseconds) override;
542   /**
543    * Get the send timeout.
544    *
545    * @return Returns the current send timeout, in milliseconds.  A return value
546    *         of 0 indicates that no timeout is set.
547    */
getSendTimeout()548   uint32_t getSendTimeout() const override { return sendTimeout_; }
550   /**
551    * Set the maximum number of reads to execute from the underlying
552    * socket each time the EventBase detects that new ingress data is
553    * available. The default is unlimited, but callers can use this method
554    * to limit the amount of data read from the socket per event loop
555    * iteration.
556    *
557    * @param maxReads  Maximum number of reads per data-available event;
558    *                  a value of zero means unlimited.
559    */
setMaxReadsPerEvent(uint16_t maxReads)560   void setMaxReadsPerEvent(uint16_t maxReads) { maxReadsPerEvent_ = maxReads; }
562   /**
563    * Get the maximum number of reads this object will execute from
564    * the underlying socket each time the EventBase detects that new
565    * ingress data is available.
566    *
567    * @returns Maximum number of reads per data-available event; a value
568    *          of zero means unlimited.
569    */
getMaxReadsPerEvent()570   uint16_t getMaxReadsPerEvent() const { return maxReadsPerEvent_; }
572   /**
573    * Set a pointer to ErrMessageCallback implementation which will be
574    * receiving notifications for messages posted to the error queue
575    * associated with the socket.
576    * ErrMessageCallback is implemented only for platforms with
577    * per-socket error message queus support (recvmsg() system call must
578    * )
579    *
580    */
581   virtual void setErrMessageCB(ErrMessageCallback* callback);
583   /**
584    * Get a pointer to ErrMessageCallback implementation currently
585    * registered with this socket.
586    *
587    */
588   virtual ErrMessageCallback* getErrMessageCallback() const;
590   /**
591    * Set a pointer to ReadAncillaryDataCallback implementation which will
592    * be invoked with the ancillary data when we read a buffer from the
593    * associated socket.
594    * ReadAncillaryDataCallback is implemented only for platforms with
595    * kernel timestamp support.
596    *
597    */
598   virtual void setReadAncillaryDataCB(ReadAncillaryDataCallback* callback);
600   /**
601    * Get a pointer to ReadAncillaryDataCallback implementation currently
602    * registered with this socket.
603    *
604    */
605   virtual ReadAncillaryDataCallback* getReadAncillaryDataCallback() const;
607   /**
608    * Set a pointer to SendMsgParamsCallback implementation which
609    * will be used to form ::sendmsg() system call parameters
610    *
611    */
612   virtual void setSendMsgParamCB(SendMsgParamsCallback* callback);
614   /**
615    * Get a pointer to SendMsgParamsCallback implementation currently
616    * registered with this socket.
617    *
618    */
619   virtual SendMsgParamsCallback* getSendMsgParamsCB() const;
621   /**
622    * Override netops::Dispatcher to be used for netops:: calls.
623    *
624    * Pass empty shared_ptr to reset to default.
625    * Override can be used by unit tests to intercept and mock netops:: calls.
626    */
setOverrideNetOpsDispatcher(std::shared_ptr<netops::Dispatcher> dispatcher)627   virtual void setOverrideNetOpsDispatcher(
628       std::shared_ptr<netops::Dispatcher> dispatcher) {
629     netops_.setOverride(std::move(dispatcher));
630   }
632   /**
633    * Returns override netops::Dispatcher being used for netops:: calls.
634    *
635    * Returns empty shared_ptr if no override set.
636    * Override can be used by unit tests to intercept and mock netops:: calls.
637    */
getOverrideNetOpsDispatcher()638   virtual std::shared_ptr<netops::Dispatcher> getOverrideNetOpsDispatcher()
639       const {
640     return netops_.getOverride();
641   }
643   // Read and write methods
644   void setReadCB(ReadCallback* callback) override;
645   ReadCallback* getReadCallback() const override;
setEventCallback(EventRecvmsgCallback * cb)646   void setEventCallback(EventRecvmsgCallback* cb) override {
647     if (cb) {
648       ioHandler_.setEventCallback(cb);
649     } else {
650       ioHandler_.resetEventCallback();
651     }
652   }
654   bool setZeroCopy(bool enable) override;
getZeroCopy()655   bool getZeroCopy() const override { return zeroCopyEnabled_; }
getZeroCopyBufId()657   uint32_t getZeroCopyBufId() const { return zeroCopyBufId_; }
getZeroCopyReenableThreshold()659   size_t getZeroCopyReenableThreshold() const {
660     return zeroCopyReenableThreshold_;
661   }
663   void setZeroCopyEnableFunc(AsyncWriter::ZeroCopyEnableFunc func) override;
665   void setZeroCopyReenableThreshold(size_t threshold);
667   void write(
668       WriteCallback* callback,
669       const void* buf,
670       size_t bytes,
671       WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) override;
672   void writev(
673       WriteCallback* callback,
674       const iovec* vec,
675       size_t count,
676       WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) override;
677   void writeChain(
678       WriteCallback* callback,
679       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>&& buf,
680       WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE) override;
682   class WriteRequest;
683   virtual void writeRequest(WriteRequest* req);
writeRequestReady()684   void writeRequestReady() { handleWrite(); }
686   // Methods inherited from AsyncTransport
687   void close() override;
688   void closeNow() override;
689   void closeWithReset() override;
690   void shutdownWrite() override;
691   void shutdownWriteNow() override;
693   bool readable() const override;
694   bool writable() const override;
695   bool isPending() const override;
696   virtual bool hangup() const;
697   bool good() const override;
698   bool error() const override;
699   void attachEventBase(EventBase* eventBase) override;
700   void detachEventBase() override;
701   bool isDetachable() const override;
703   void getLocalAddress(folly::SocketAddress* address) const override;
704   void getPeerAddress(folly::SocketAddress* address) const override;
isEorTrackingEnabled()706   bool isEorTrackingEnabled() const override { return trackEor_; }
setEorTracking(bool track)708   void setEorTracking(bool track) override { trackEor_ = track; }
connecting()710   bool connecting() const override { return (state_ == StateEnum::CONNECTING); }
isClosedByPeer()712   virtual bool isClosedByPeer() const {
713     return (
714         state_ == StateEnum::CLOSED &&
715         (readErr_ == READ_EOF || readErr_ == READ_ERROR));
716   }
isClosedBySelf()718   virtual bool isClosedBySelf() const {
719     return (
720         state_ == StateEnum::CLOSED &&
721         (readErr_ != READ_EOF && readErr_ != READ_ERROR));
722   }
getAppBytesWritten()724   size_t getAppBytesWritten() const override { return appBytesWritten_; }
getRawBytesWritten()726   size_t getRawBytesWritten() const override { return rawBytesWritten_; }
getAppBytesReceived()728   size_t getAppBytesReceived() const override { return appBytesReceived_; }
getRawBytesReceived()730   size_t getRawBytesReceived() const override { return getAppBytesReceived(); }
getAppBytesBuffered()732   size_t getAppBytesBuffered() const override {
733     return totalAppBytesScheduledForWrite_ - appBytesWritten_;
734   }
getRawBytesBuffered()735   size_t getRawBytesBuffered() const override { return getAppBytesBuffered(); }
getAllocatedBytesBuffered()737   size_t getAllocatedBytesBuffered() const override {
738     return allocatedBytesBuffered_;
739   }
741   // End of methods inherited from AsyncTransport
getConnectTime()743   std::chrono::nanoseconds getConnectTime() const {
744     return connectEndTime_ - connectStartTime_;
745   }
getConnectTimeout()747   std::chrono::milliseconds getConnectTimeout() const {
748     return connectTimeout_;
749   }
getConnectStartTime()751   std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point getConnectStartTime() const {
752     return connectStartTime_;
753   }
getConnectEndTime()755   std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point getConnectEndTime() const {
756     return connectEndTime_;
757   }
getTFOAttempted()759   bool getTFOAttempted() const { return tfoAttempted_; }
761   /**
762    * Returns whether or not the attempt to use TFO
763    * finished successfully. This does not necessarily
764    * mean TFO worked, just that trying to use TFO
765    * succeeded.
766    */
getTFOFinished()767   bool getTFOFinished() const { return tfoFinished_; }
769   /**
770    * Returns whether or not TFO attempt succeded on this
771    * connection.
772    * For servers this is pretty straightforward API and can
773    * be invoked right after the connection is accepted. This API
774    * will perform one syscall.
775    * This API is a bit tricky to use for clients, since clients
776    * only know this for sure after the SYN-ACK is returned. So it's
777    * appropriate to call this only after the first application
778    * data is read from the socket when the caller knows that
779    * the SYN has been ACKed by the server.
780    */
781   bool getTFOSucceded() const;
783   // Methods controlling socket options
785   /**
786    * Force writes to be transmitted immediately.
787    *
788    * This controls the TCP_NODELAY socket option.  When enabled, TCP segments
789    * are sent as soon as possible, even if it is not a full frame of data.
790    * When disabled, the data may be buffered briefly to try and wait for a full
791    * frame of data.
792    *
793    * By default, TCP_NODELAY is enabled for AsyncSocket objects.
794    *
795    * This method will fail if the socket is not currently open.
796    *
797    * @return Returns 0 if the TCP_NODELAY flag was successfully updated,
798    *         or a non-zero errno value on error.
799    */
800   int setNoDelay(bool noDelay);
802   /**
803    * Set the FD_CLOEXEC flag so that the socket will be closed if the program
804    * later forks and execs.
805    */
806   void setCloseOnExec();
808   /*
809    * Set the Flavor of Congestion Control to be used for this Socket
810    * Please check '/lib/modules/<kernel>/kernel/net/ipv4' for tcp_*.ko
811    * first to make sure the module is available for plugging in
812    * Alternatively you can choose from net.ipv4.tcp_allowed_congestion_control
813    */
814   int setCongestionFlavor(const std::string& cname);
816   /*
817    * Forces ACKs to be sent immediately
818    *
819    * @return Returns 0 if the TCP_QUICKACK flag was successfully updated,
820    *         or a non-zero errno value on error.
821    */
822   int setQuickAck(bool quickack);
824   /**
825    * Set the send bufsize
826    */
827   int setSendBufSize(size_t bufsize);
829   /**
830    * Set the recv bufsize
831    */
832   int setRecvBufSize(size_t bufsize);
834 #if defined(__linux__)
835   /**
836    * @brief This method is used to get the number of bytes that are currently
837    *        stored in the TCP send/tx buffer
838    *
839    * @return the number of bytes in the send/tx buffer or folly::none if there
840    *         was a problem
841    */
842   size_t getSendBufInUse() const;
844   /**
845    * @brief This method is used to get the number of bytes that are currently
846    *        stored in the TCP receive/rx buffer
847    *
848    * @return the number of bytes in the receive/rx buffer or folly::none if
849    *         there was a problem
850    */
851   size_t getRecvBufInUse() const;
852 #endif
854 /**
855  * Sets a specific tcp personality
856  * Available only on kernels 3.2 and greater
857  */
858 #define SO_SET_NAMESPACE 41
859   int setTCPProfile(int profd);
861   /**
862    * Generic API for reading a socket option.
863    *
864    * @param level     same as the "level" parameter in getsockopt().
865    * @param optname   same as the "optname" parameter in getsockopt().
866    * @param optval    pointer to the variable in which the option value should
867    *                  be returned.
868    * @param optlen    value-result argument, initially containing the size of
869    *                  the buffer pointed to by optval, and modified on return
870    *                  to indicate the actual size of the value returned.
871    * @return          same as the return value of getsockopt().
872    */
873   template <typename T>
getSockOpt(int level,int optname,T * optval,socklen_t * optlen)874   int getSockOpt(int level, int optname, T* optval, socklen_t* optlen) {
875     return netops_->getsockopt(fd_, level, optname, (void*)optval, optlen);
876   }
878   /**
879    * Generic API for setting a socket option.
880    *
881    * @param level     same as the "level" parameter in getsockopt().
882    * @param optname   same as the "optname" parameter in getsockopt().
883    * @param optval    the option value to set.
884    * @return          same as the return value of setsockopt().
885    */
886   template <typename T>
setSockOpt(int level,int optname,const T * optval)887   int setSockOpt(int level, int optname, const T* optval) {
888     return netops_->setsockopt(fd_, level, optname, optval, sizeof(T));
889   }
891   /**
892    * Virtual method for reading a socket option returning integer
893    * value, which is the most typical case. Convenient for overriding
894    * and mocking.
895    *
896    * @param level     same as the "level" parameter in getsockopt().
897    * @param optname   same as the "optname" parameter in getsockopt().
898    * @param optval    same as "optval" parameter in getsockopt().
899    * @param optlen    same as "optlen" parameter in getsockopt().
900    * @return          same as the return value of getsockopt().
901    */
getSockOptVirtual(int level,int optname,void * optval,socklen_t * optlen)902   virtual int getSockOptVirtual(
903       int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen) {
904     return netops_->getsockopt(fd_, level, optname, optval, optlen);
905   }
907   /**
908    * Virtual method for setting a socket option accepting integer
909    * value, which is the most typical case. Convenient for overriding
910    * and mocking.
911    *
912    * @param level     same as the "level" parameter in setsockopt().
913    * @param optname   same as the "optname" parameter in setsockopt().
914    * @param optval    same as "optval" parameter in setsockopt().
915    * @param optlen    same as "optlen" parameter in setsockopt().
916    * @return          same as the return value of setsockopt().
917    */
setSockOptVirtual(int level,int optname,void const * optval,socklen_t optlen)918   virtual int setSockOptVirtual(
919       int level, int optname, void const* optval, socklen_t optlen) {
920     return netops_->setsockopt(fd_, level, optname, optval, optlen);
921   }
923   /**
924    * Set pre-received data, to be returned to read callback before any data
925    * from the socket.
926    */
setPreReceivedData(std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> data)927   virtual void setPreReceivedData(std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> data) {
928     if (preReceivedData_) {
929       preReceivedData_->prependChain(std::move(data));
930     } else {
931       preReceivedData_ = std::move(data);
932     }
933   }
935   /**
936    * Enables TFO behavior on the AsyncSocket if FOLLY_ALLOW_TFO
937    * is set.
938    */
enableTFO()939   void enableTFO() {
940     // No-op if folly does not allow tfo
942     tfoEnabled_ = true;
943 #endif
944   }
disableTransparentTls()946   void disableTransparentTls() { noTransparentTls_ = true; }
disableTSocks()948   void disableTSocks() { noTSocks_ = true; }
950   enum class StateEnum : uint8_t {
951     UNINIT,
954     CLOSED,
955     ERROR,
956     FAST_OPEN,
957   };
959   void setBufferCallback(BufferCallback* cb);
961   // Callers should set this prior to connecting the socket for the safest
962   // behavior.
setEvbChangedCallback(std::unique_ptr<EvbChangeCallback> cb)963   void setEvbChangedCallback(std::unique_ptr<EvbChangeCallback> cb) {
964     evbChangeCb_ = std::move(cb);
965   }
967   /**
968    * Attempt to cache the current local and peer addresses (if not already
969    * cached) so that they are available from getPeerAddress() and
970    * getLocalAddress() even after the socket is closed.
971    */
972   void cacheAddresses();
974   /**
975    * Returns true if there is any zero copy write in progress
976    * Needs to be called from within the socket's EVB thread
977    */
978   bool isZeroCopyWriteInProgress() const noexcept;
980   /**
981    * Tries to process the msg error queue
982    * And returns true if there are no more zero copy writes in progress
983    */
984   bool processZeroCopyWriteInProgress() noexcept;
setPeerCertificate(std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> cert)986   void setPeerCertificate(
987       std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> cert) {
988     peerCertData_ = std::move(cert);
989   }
getPeerCertificate()990   const AsyncTransportCertificate* getPeerCertificate() const override {
991     return peerCertData_.get();
992   }
dropPeerCertificate()994   void dropPeerCertificate() noexcept override { peerCertData_.reset(); }
setSelfCertificate(std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> cert)996   void setSelfCertificate(
997       std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> cert) {
998     selfCertData_ = std::move(cert);
999   }
dropSelfCertificate()1001   void dropSelfCertificate() noexcept override { selfCertData_.reset(); }
getSelfCertificate()1003   const AsyncTransportCertificate* getSelfCertificate() const override {
1004     return selfCertData_.get();
1005   }
1007   /**
1008    * Whether socket should be closed on write failure (true by default).
1009    */
setCloseOnFailedWrite(bool closeOnFailedWrite)1010   void setCloseOnFailedWrite(bool closeOnFailedWrite) {
1011     closeOnFailedWrite_ = closeOnFailedWrite;
1012   }
1014   /**
1015    * writeReturn is the total number of bytes written, or WRITE_ERROR on error.
1016    * If no data has been written, 0 is returned.
1017    * exception is a more specific exception that cause a write error.
1018    * Not all writes have exceptions associated with them thus writeReturn
1019    * should be checked to determine whether the operation resulted in an error.
1020    */
1021   struct WriteResult {
WriteResultWriteResult1022     explicit WriteResult(ssize_t ret) : writeReturn(ret) {}
WriteResultWriteResult1024     WriteResult(ssize_t ret, std::unique_ptr<const AsyncSocketException> e)
1025         : writeReturn(ret), exception(std::move(e)) {}
1027     ssize_t writeReturn;
1028     std::unique_ptr<const AsyncSocketException> exception;
1029   };
1031   /**
1032    * readReturn is the number of bytes read, or READ_EOF on EOF, or
1033    * READ_ERROR on error, or READ_BLOCKING if the operation will
1034    * block.
1035    * exception is a more specific exception that may have caused a read error.
1036    * Not all read errors have exceptions associated with them thus readReturn
1037    * should be checked to determine whether the operation resulted in an error.
1038    */
1039   struct ReadResult {
ReadResultReadResult1040     explicit ReadResult(ssize_t ret) : readReturn(ret) {}
ReadResultReadResult1042     ReadResult(ssize_t ret, std::unique_ptr<const AsyncSocketException> e)
1043         : readReturn(ret), exception(std::move(e)) {}
1045     ssize_t readReturn;
1046     std::unique_ptr<const AsyncSocketException> exception;
1047   };
1049   /**
1050    * A WriteRequest object tracks information about a pending write operation.
1051    */
1052   class WriteRequest {
1053    public:
WriteRequest(AsyncSocket * socket,WriteCallback * callback)1054     WriteRequest(AsyncSocket* socket, WriteCallback* callback)
1055         : socket_(socket),
1056           callback_(callback),
1057           releaseIOBufCallback_(
1058               callback ? callback->getReleaseIOBufCallback() : nullptr) {}
start()1060     virtual void start() {}
1062     virtual void destroy() = 0;
1064     virtual WriteResult performWrite() = 0;
1066     virtual void consume() = 0;
1068     virtual bool isComplete() = 0;
getNext()1070     WriteRequest* getNext() const { return next_; }
getCallback()1072     WriteCallback* getCallback() const { return callback_; }
getTotalBytesWritten()1074     uint32_t getTotalBytesWritten() const { return totalBytesWritten_; }
append(WriteRequest * next)1076     void append(WriteRequest* next) {
1077       assert(next_ == nullptr);
1078       next_ = next;
1079     }
fail(const char * fn,const AsyncSocketException & ex)1081     void fail(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex) {
1082       socket_->failWrite(fn, ex);
1083     }
bytesWritten(size_t count)1085     void bytesWritten(size_t count) {
1086       totalBytesWritten_ += uint32_t(count);
1087       socket_->appBytesWritten_ += count;
1088     }
1090    protected:
1091     // protected destructor, to ensure callers use destroy()
~WriteRequest()1092     virtual ~WriteRequest() {}
1094     AsyncSocket* socket_; ///< parent socket
1095     WriteRequest* next_{nullptr}; ///< pointer to next WriteRequest
1096     WriteCallback* callback_; ///< completion callback
1097     ReleaseIOBufCallback* releaseIOBufCallback_; ///< release IOBuf callback
1098     uint32_t totalBytesWritten_{0}; ///< total bytes written
1099   };
1101   class LifecycleObserver : virtual public AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver {
1102    public:
1103     using AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver::LifecycleObserver;
1105     /**
1106      * fdDetach() is invoked if the socket file descriptor is detached.
1107      *
1108      * detachNetworkSocket() will be triggered when a new AsyncSocket is being
1109      * constructed from an old one. See the moved() event for details about
1110      * this special case.
1111      *
1112      * @param socket      Socket for which detachNetworkSocket was invoked.
1113      */
1114     virtual void fdDetach(AsyncSocket* /* socket */) noexcept = 0;
1116     /**
1117      * fdAttach() is invoked when the socket file descriptor is attached.
1118      *
1119      * @param socket      Socket for which handleNetworkSocketAttached was
1120      * invoked.
1121      */
fdAttach(AsyncSocket *)1122     virtual void fdAttach(AsyncSocket* /* socket */) noexcept {}
1124     /**
1125      * move() will be invoked when a new AsyncSocket is being constructed via
1126      * constructor AsyncSocket(AsyncSocket* oldAsyncSocket) from an AsyncSocket
1127      * that has an observer attached.
1128      *
1129      * This type of construction is common during TLS/SSL accept process.
1130      * wangle::Acceptor may transform an AsyncSocket to an AsyncFizzServer, and
1131      * then transform the AsyncFizzServer to an AsyncSSLSocket on fallback.
1132      * AsyncFizzServer and AsyncSSLSocket derive from AsyncSocket and at each
1133      * stage the aforementioned constructor will be called.
1134      *
1135      * Observers may be attached when the initial AsyncSocket is created, before
1136      * TLS/SSL accept handling has completed. As a result, AsyncSocket must
1137      * notify the observer during each transformation so that:
1138      *   (1) The observer can track these transformations for debugging.
1139      *   (2) The observer does not become separated from the underlying
1140      *        operating system socket and corresponding file descriptor.
1141      *
1142      * When a new AsyncSocket is being constructed via the aforementioned
1143      * constructor, the following observer events will be triggered:
1144      *   (1) fdDetach
1145      *   (2) move
1146      *
1147      * When move is triggered, the observer can CHOOSE to detach the old socket
1148      * and attach to the new socket. This process will not happen automatically;
1149      * the observer must explicitly perform these steps.
1150      *
1151      * @param oldSocket   Old socket that fd was detached from.
1152      * @param newSocket   New socket being constructed with fd attached.
1153      */
1154     virtual void move(
1155         AsyncSocket* /* oldSocket */,
1156         AsyncSocket* /* newSocket */) noexcept = 0;
1157   };
1159   /**
1160    * Adds a lifecycle observer.
1161    *
1162    * Observers can tie their lifetime to aspects of this socket's lifecycle /
1163    * lifetime and perform inspection at various states.
1164    *
1165    * This enables instrumentation to be added without changing / interfering
1166    * with how the application uses the socket.
1167    *
1168    * Observer should implement AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver to receive
1169    * additional lifecycle events specific to AsyncSocket.
1170    *
1171    * @param observer     Observer to add (implements LifecycleObserver).
1172    */
1173   void addLifecycleObserver(
1174       AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver* observer) override;
1176   /**
1177    * Removes a lifecycle observer.
1178    *
1179    * @param observer     Observer to remove.
1180    * @return             Whether observer found and removed from list.
1181    */
1182   bool removeLifecycleObserver(
1183       AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver* observer) override;
1185   /**
1186    * Returns installed lifecycle observers.
1187    *
1188    * @return             Vector with installed observers.
1189    */
1190   FOLLY_NODISCARD virtual std::vector<AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver*>
1191   getLifecycleObservers() const override;
1193   /**
1194    * Split iovec array at given byte offsets; produce a new array with result.
1195    */
1196   static void splitIovecArray(
1197       const size_t startOffset,
1198       const size_t endOffset,
1199       const iovec* srcVec,
1200       const size_t srcCount,
1201       iovec* dstVec,
1202       size_t& dstCount);
1204  protected:
1205   enum ReadResultEnum {
1206     READ_EOF = 0,
1207     READ_ERROR = -1,
1208     READ_BLOCKING = -2,
1209     READ_NO_ERROR = -3,
1210   };
1212   enum WriteResultEnum {
1213     WRITE_ERROR = -1,
1214   };
1216   /**
1217    * Protected destructor.
1218    *
1219    * Users of AsyncSocket must never delete it directly.  Instead, invoke
1220    * destroy() instead.  (See the documentation in DelayedDestruction.h for
1221    * more details.)
1222    */
1223   ~AsyncSocket() override;
1225   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StateEnum& state);
1227   enum ShutdownFlags {
1228     /// shutdownWrite() called, but we are still waiting on writes to drain
1229     SHUT_WRITE_PENDING = 0x01,
1230     /// writes have been completely shut down
1231     SHUT_WRITE = 0x02,
1232     /**
1233      * Reads have been shutdown.
1234      *
1235      * At the moment we don't distinguish between remote read shutdown
1236      * (received EOF from the remote end) and local read shutdown.  We can
1237      * only receive EOF when a read callback is set, and we immediately inform
1238      * it of the EOF.  Therefore there doesn't seem to be any reason to have a
1239      * separate state of "received EOF but the local side may still want to
1240      * read".
1241      *
1242      * We also don't currently provide any API for only shutting down the read
1243      * side of a socket.  (This is a no-op as far as TCP is concerned, anyway.)
1244      */
1245     SHUT_READ = 0x04,
1246   };
1248   class BytesWriteRequest;
1250   class WriteTimeout : public AsyncTimeout {
1251    public:
WriteTimeout(AsyncSocket * socket,EventBase * eventBase)1252     WriteTimeout(AsyncSocket* socket, EventBase* eventBase)
1253         : AsyncTimeout(eventBase), socket_(socket) {}
timeoutExpired()1255     void timeoutExpired() noexcept override { socket_->timeoutExpired(); }
1257    private:
1258     AsyncSocket* socket_;
1259   };
1261   class IoHandler : public EventHandler {
1262    public:
IoHandler(AsyncSocket * socket,EventBase * eventBase)1263     IoHandler(AsyncSocket* socket, EventBase* eventBase)
1264         : EventHandler(eventBase, NetworkSocket()), socket_(socket) {}
IoHandler(AsyncSocket * socket,EventBase * eventBase,NetworkSocket fd)1265     IoHandler(AsyncSocket* socket, EventBase* eventBase, NetworkSocket fd)
1266         : EventHandler(eventBase, fd), socket_(socket) {}
handlerReady(uint16_t events)1268     void handlerReady(uint16_t events) noexcept override {
1269       socket_->ioReady(events);
1270     }
1272    private:
1273     AsyncSocket* socket_;
1274   };
1276   void init();
1278   class ImmediateReadCB : public folly::EventBase::LoopCallback {
1279    public:
ImmediateReadCB(AsyncSocket * socket)1280     explicit ImmediateReadCB(AsyncSocket* socket) : socket_(socket) {}
runLoopCallback()1281     void runLoopCallback() noexcept override {
1282       DestructorGuard dg(socket_);
1283       socket_->checkForImmediateRead();
1284     }
1286    private:
1287     AsyncSocket* socket_;
1288   };
1290   /**
1291    * Schedule checkForImmediateRead to be executed in the next loop
1292    * iteration.
1293    */
scheduleImmediateRead()1294   void scheduleImmediateRead() noexcept {
1295     if (good()) {
1296       eventBase_->runInLoop(&immediateReadHandler_);
1297     }
1298   }
1300   /**
1301    * Schedule handleInitalReadWrite to run in the next iteration.
1302    */
scheduleInitialReadWrite()1303   void scheduleInitialReadWrite() noexcept {
1304     if (good()) {
1305       DestructorGuard dg(this);
1306       eventBase_->runInLoop([this, dg] {
1307         if (good()) {
1308           handleInitialReadWrite();
1309         }
1310       });
1311     }
1312   }
1314   // event notification methods
1315   void ioReady(uint16_t events) noexcept;
1316   virtual void checkForImmediateRead() noexcept;
1317   virtual void handleInitialReadWrite() noexcept;
1318   virtual void prepareReadBuffer(void** buf, size_t* buflen);
1319   virtual void prepareReadBuffers(IOBufIovecBuilder::IoVecVec& iovs);
1320   virtual size_t handleErrMessages() noexcept;
1321   virtual void handleRead() noexcept;
1322   virtual void handleWrite() noexcept;
1323   virtual void handleConnect() noexcept;
1324   void timeoutExpired() noexcept;
1326   /**
1327    * Handler for when the file descriptor is attached to the AsyncSocket.
1329    * This updates the EventHandler to start using the fd and notifies all
1330    * observers attached to the socket. This is necessary to let
1331    * observers know about an attached fd immediately (i.e., on connection
1332    * attempt) rather than when the connection succeeds.
1333    */
1334   virtual void handleNetworkSocketAttached();
1336   /**
1337    * Attempt to read from the socket into a single buffer
1338    *
1339    * @param buf      The buffer to read data into.
1340    * @param buflen   The length of the buffer.
1341    *
1342    * @return Returns a read result. See read result for details.
1343    */
1344   virtual ReadResult performRead(void** buf, size_t* buflen, size_t* offset);
1346   /**
1347    * Attempt to read from the socket into an iovec array
1348    *
1349    * @param iovs     The iovec array to read data into.
1350    * @param num      The number of elements in the iovec array
1351    *
1352    * @return Returns a read result. See read result for details.
1353    */
1354   virtual ReadResult performReadv(struct iovec* iovs, size_t num);
1356   /**
1357    * Populate an iovec array from an IOBuf and attempt to write it.
1358    *
1359    * @param callback Write completion/error callback.
1360    * @param vec      Target iovec array; caller retains ownership.
1361    * @param count    Number of IOBufs to write, beginning at start of buf.
1362    * @param buf      Chain of iovecs.
1363    * @param flags    set of flags for the underlying write calls, like cork
1364    */
1365   void writeChainImpl(
1366       WriteCallback* callback,
1367       iovec* vec,
1368       size_t count,
1369       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>&& buf,
1370       WriteFlags flags);
1372   /**
1373    * Write as much data as possible to the socket without blocking,
1374    * and queue up any leftover data to send when the socket can
1375    * handle writes again.
1376    *
1377    * @param callback    The callback to invoke when the write is completed.
1378    * @param vec         Array of buffers to write; this method will make a
1379    *                    copy of the vector (but not the buffers themselves)
1380    *                    if the write has to be completed asynchronously.
1381    * @param count       Number of elements in vec.
1382    * @param buf         The IOBuf that manages the buffers referenced by
1383    *                    vec, or a pointer to nullptr if the buffers are not
1384    *                    associated with an IOBuf.  Note that ownership of
1385    *                    the IOBuf is transferred here; upon completion of
1386    *                    the write, the AsyncSocket deletes the IOBuf.
1387    * @param totalBytes  The total number of bytes to be written.
1388    * @param flags       Set of write flags.
1389    */
1390   void writeImpl(
1391       WriteCallback* callback,
1392       const iovec* vec,
1393       size_t count,
1394       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>&& buf,
1395       size_t totalBytes,
1396       WriteFlags flags = WriteFlags::NONE);
1398   /**
1399    * Attempt to write to the socket.
1400    *
1401    * @param vec             The iovec array pointing to the buffers to write.
1402    * @param count           The length of the iovec array.
1403    * @param flags           Set of write flags.
1404    * @param countWritten    On return, the value pointed to by this parameter
1405    *                          will contain the number of iovec entries that were
1406    *                          fully written.
1407    * @param partialWritten  On return, the value pointed to by this parameter
1408    *                          will contain the number of bytes written in the
1409    *                          partially written iovec entry.
1410    *
1411    * @return Returns a WriteResult. See WriteResult for more details.
1412    */
1413   virtual WriteResult performWrite(
1414       const iovec* vec,
1415       uint32_t count,
1416       WriteFlags flags,
1417       uint32_t* countWritten,
1418       uint32_t* partialWritten);
1420   /**
1421    * Prepares a msghdr and sends the message over the socket using sendmsg
1422    *
1423    * @param vec             The iovec array pointing to the buffers to write.
1424    * @param count           The length of the iovec array.
1425    * @param flags           Set of write flags.
1426    */
1427   virtual AsyncSocket::WriteResult sendSocketMessage(
1428       const iovec* vec, size_t count, WriteFlags flags);
1430   /**
1431    * Sends the message over the socket using sendmsg
1432    *
1433    * @param msg       Message to send
1434    * @param msg_flags Flags to pass to sendmsg
1435    */
1436   virtual AsyncSocket::WriteResult sendSocketMessage(
1437       NetworkSocket fd, struct msghdr* msg, int msg_flags);
1439   virtual ssize_t tfoSendMsg(
1440       NetworkSocket fd, struct msghdr* msg, int msg_flags);
1442   int socketConnect(const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t len);
1444   virtual void scheduleConnectTimeout();
1445   void registerForConnectEvents();
1447   bool updateEventRegistration();
1449   /**
1450    * Update event registration.
1451    *
1452    * @param enable Flags of events to enable. Set it to 0 if no events
1453    * need to be enabled in this call.
1454    * @param disable Flags of events
1455    * to disable. Set it to 0 if no events need to be disabled in this
1456    * call.
1457    *
1458    * @return true iff the update is successful.
1459    */
1460   bool updateEventRegistration(uint16_t enable, uint16_t disable);
1462   // read methods
1463   ReadResult performReadInternal(struct iovec* iovs, size_t num);
1465   // Actually close the file descriptor and set it to -1 so we don't
1466   // accidentally close it again.
1467   void doClose();
1469   // error handling methods
1470   void startFail();
1471   void finishFail();
1472   void finishFail(const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1473   void invokeAllErrors(const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1474   void fail(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1475   void failConnect(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1476   void failRead(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1477   void failErrMessageRead(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1478   void failWrite(
1479       const char* fn,
1480       WriteCallback* callback,
1481       size_t bytesWritten,
1482       const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1483   void failWrite(const char* fn, const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1484   void failAllWrites(const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1485   void failByteEvents(const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1486   virtual void invokeConnectErr(const AsyncSocketException& ex);
1487   virtual void invokeConnectSuccess();
1488   virtual void invokeConnectAttempt();
1489   void invalidState(ConnectCallback* callback);
1490   void invalidState(ErrMessageCallback* callback);
1491   void invalidState(ReadCallback* callback);
1492   void invalidState(WriteCallback* callback);
1494   std::string withAddr(folly::StringPiece s);
1496   void cacheLocalAddress() const;
1497   void cachePeerAddress() const;
1499   void applyOptions(
1500       const SocketOptionMap& options, SocketOptionKey::ApplyPos pos);
1502   bool isZeroCopyRequest(WriteFlags flags);
1504   bool isZeroCopyMsg(const cmsghdr& cmsg) const;
1505   void processZeroCopyMsg(const cmsghdr& cmsg);
getNextZeroCopyBufId()1507   uint32_t getNextZeroCopyBufId() { return zeroCopyBufId_++; }
1508   void adjustZeroCopyFlags(folly::WriteFlags& flags);
1509   void addZeroCopyBuf(
1510       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>&& buf, ReleaseIOBufCallback* cb);
1511   void addZeroCopyBuf(folly::IOBuf* ptr);
1512   void setZeroCopyBuf(
1513       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf>&& buf, ReleaseIOBufCallback* cb);
1514   bool containsZeroCopyBuf(folly::IOBuf* ptr);
1515   void releaseZeroCopyBuf(uint32_t id);
1517   void releaseIOBuf(
1518       std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf> buf, ReleaseIOBufCallback* callback);
1520   /**
1521    * Attempt to enable Observer ByteEvents for this socket.
1522    *
1523    * Once enabled, ByteEvents rename enabled for the socket's life.
1524    *
1525    * ByteEvents are delivered to Observers; when an observer is added:
1526    *    - If this function has already been called, byteEventsEnabled() or
1527    *      byteEventsUnavailable() will be called, depending on ByteEvent state.
1528    *    - Else if the socket is connected, this function is called immediately.
1529    *    - Else if the socket has not yet connected, this function will be called
1530    *      after the socket has connected (ByteEvents cannot be set up earlier).
1531    *
1532    * If ByteEvents are successfully enabled, byteEventsEnabled() will be called
1533    * on each Observer that has requested ByteEvents. If unable to enable, or if
1534    * ByteEvents become unavailable (e.g., due to close), byteEventsUnavailable()
1535    * will be called on each Observer that has requested ByteEvents.
1536    *
1537    * This function does need to be explicitly called under other circumstances.
1538    */
1539   virtual void enableByteEvents();
1541   AsyncWriter::ZeroCopyEnableFunc zeroCopyEnableFunc_;
1543   // a folly::IOBuf can be used in multiple partial requests
1544   // there is a that maps a buffer id to a raw folly::IOBuf ptr
1545   // and another one that adds a ref count for a folly::IOBuf that is either
1546   // the original ptr or nullptr
1547   uint32_t zeroCopyBufId_{0};
1549   struct IOBufInfo {
1550     uint32_t count_{0};
1551     ReleaseIOBufCallback* cb_{nullptr};
1552     std::unique_ptr<folly::IOBuf> buf_;
1553   };
1555   std::unordered_map<uint32_t, folly::IOBuf*> idZeroCopyBufPtrMap_;
1556   std::unordered_map<folly::IOBuf*, IOBufInfo> idZeroCopyBufInfoMap_;
1558   StateEnum state_{StateEnum::UNINIT}; ///< StateEnum describing current state
1559   uint8_t shutdownFlags_{0}; ///< Shutdown state (ShutdownFlags)
1560   uint16_t eventFlags_; ///< EventBase::HandlerFlags settings
1561   NetworkSocket fd_; ///< The socket file descriptor
1562   mutable folly::SocketAddress addr_; ///< The address we tried to connect to
1563   mutable folly::SocketAddress localAddr_;
1564   ///< The address we are connecting from
1565   uint32_t sendTimeout_; ///< The send timeout, in milliseconds
1566   uint16_t maxReadsPerEvent_; ///< Max reads per event loop iteration
1568   int8_t readErr_{READ_NO_ERROR}; ///< The read error encountered, if any
1570   EventBase* eventBase_; ///< The EventBase
1571   WriteTimeout writeTimeout_; ///< A timeout for connect and write
1572   IoHandler ioHandler_; ///< A EventHandler to monitor the fd
1573   ImmediateReadCB immediateReadHandler_; ///< LoopCallback for checking read
1575   ConnectCallback* connectCallback_; ///< ConnectCallback
1576   ErrMessageCallback* errMessageCallback_; ///< TimestampCallback
1577   ReadAncillaryDataCallback*
1578       readAncillaryDataCallback_; ///< AncillaryDataCallback
1579   SendMsgParamsCallback* ///< Callback for retrieving
1580       sendMsgParamCallback_; ///< ::sendmsg() parameters
1581   ReadCallback* readCallback_; ///< ReadCallback
1582   WriteRequest* writeReqHead_; ///< Chain of WriteRequests
1583   WriteRequest* writeReqTail_; ///< End of WriteRequest chain
1584   std::weak_ptr<ShutdownSocketSet> wShutdownSocketSet_;
1585   size_t appBytesReceived_; ///< Num of bytes received from socket
1586   size_t appBytesWritten_{0}; ///< Num of bytes written to socket
1587   size_t rawBytesWritten_{0}; ///< Num of (raw) bytes written to socket
1588   // The total num of bytes passed to AsyncSocket's write functions. It doesn't
1589   // include failed writes, but it does include buffered writes.
1590   size_t totalAppBytesScheduledForWrite_;
1591   // Num of bytes allocated in IOBufs pending write.
1592   size_t allocatedBytesBuffered_{0};
1594   // Lifecycle observers.
1595   //
1596   // Use small_vector to avoid heap allocation for up to two observers, unless
1597   // mobile, in which case we fallback to std::vector to prioritize code size.
1598   using LifecycleObserverVecImpl = conditional_t<
1599       !kIsMobile,
1600       folly::small_vector<AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver*, 2>,
1601       std::vector<AsyncTransport::LifecycleObserver*>>;
1602   LifecycleObserverVecImpl lifecycleObservers_;
1604   // Pre-received data, to be returned to read callback before any data from the
1605   // socket.
1606   std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> preReceivedData_;
1608   std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connectStartTime_;
1609   std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connectEndTime_;
1611   std::chrono::milliseconds connectTimeout_{0};
1613   std::unique_ptr<EvbChangeCallback> evbChangeCb_{nullptr};
1615   BufferCallback* bufferCallback_{nullptr};
1616   bool tfoEnabled_{false};
1617   bool tfoAttempted_{false};
1618   bool tfoFinished_{false};
1619   bool noTransparentTls_{false};
1620   bool noTSocks_{false};
1621   // Whether to track EOR or not.
1622   bool trackEor_{false};
1624   // ByteEvent state
1625   std::unique_ptr<ByteEventHelper> byteEventHelper_;
1627   bool zeroCopyEnabled_{false};
1628   bool zeroCopyVal_{false};
1629   // zerocopy re-enable logic
1630   size_t zeroCopyReenableThreshold_{0};
1631   size_t zeroCopyReenableCounter_{0};
1633   // subclasses may cache these on first call to get
1634   mutable std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> peerCertData_{
1635       nullptr};
1636   mutable std::unique_ptr<const AsyncTransportCertificate> selfCertData_{
1637       nullptr};
1639   bool closeOnFailedWrite_{true};
1641   netops::DispatcherContainer netops_;
1643   // allow other functions to register for callbacks when
1644   // new AsyncSocket()'s are created
1645   // must be LAST member defined to ensure other members are initialized
1646   // before access; see ConstructorCallback.h for details
1647   ConstructorCallback<AsyncSocket> constructorCallback_{this};
1648 };
1650 } // namespace folly