1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
3  *               2002, 2003, 2004
4  *	Ohio University.
5  *
6  * ---
7  *
8  * Starting with the release of tcptrace version 6 in 2001, tcptrace
9  * is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).  We believe
10  * that, among the available licenses, the GPL will do the best job of
11  * allowing tcptrace to continue to be a valuable, freely-available
12  * and well-maintained tool for the networking community.
13  *
14  * Previous versions of tcptrace were released under a license that
15  * was much less restrictive with respect to how tcptrace could be
16  * used in commercial products.  Because of this, I am willing to
17  * consider alternate license arrangements as allowed in Section 10 of
18  * the GNU GPL.  Before I would consider licensing tcptrace under an
19  * alternate agreement with a particular individual or company,
20  * however, I would have to be convinced that such an alternative
21  * would be to the greater benefit of the networking community.
22  *
23  * ---
24  *
25  * This file is part of Tcptrace.
26  *
27  * Tcptrace was originally written and continues to be maintained by
28  * Shawn Ostermann with the help of a group of devoted students and
29  * users (see the file 'THANKS').  The work on tcptrace has been made
30  * possible over the years through the generous support of NASA GRC,
31  * the National Science Foundation, and Sun Microsystems.
32  *
33  * Tcptrace is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
34  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
35  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
36  * (at your option) any later version.
37  *
38  * Tcptrace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
39  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
41  * General Public License for more details.
42  *
43  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
44  * along with Tcptrace (in the file 'COPYING'); if not, write to the
45  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
46  * MA 02111-1307 USA
47  *
48  * Author:	Shawn Ostermann
49  * 		School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
50  * 		Ohio University
51  * 		Athens, OH
52  *		ostermann@cs.ohiou.edu
53  *		http://www.tcptrace.org/
54  */
55 static char const GCC_UNUSED rcsid_ipv6[] =
56     "@(#)$Header$";
59 /*
60  * ipv6.h:
61  *
62  * Structures for IPv6 packets
63  *
64  */
65 #include <sys/types.h>
67 #ifndef ETHERTYPE_IPV6
68 #define ETHERTYPE_IPV6 0x86DD	/* Ethernet type for ipv6 */
69 #endif
71 /* just guessing... */
72 #if !defined(IPPROTO_NONE) && !defined(IPPROTO_FRAGMENT) && !defined(IPPROTO_DSTOPTS) && !defined(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)
73 /* when IPv6 is more widely/standardly deployed, these constants won't need to be
74    here.  In the mean time, here's the stuff we need... */
75 #define IPV6NOTFOUND
77 /* header types */
78 #define	IPPROTO_HOPOPTS		0		/* Hop by hop header for v6 */
79 #define	IPPROTO_IPV6		41		/* IPv6 encapsulated in IP */
80 #define	IPPROTO_ROUTING		43		/* Routing header for IPv6 */
81 #define	IPPROTO_FRAGMENT	44		/* Fragment header for IPv6 */
82 #define	IPPROTO_ICMPV6		58		/* ICMP for IPv6 */
83 #define	IPPROTO_NONE		59		/* No next header for IPv6 */
84 #define	IPPROTO_DSTOPTS		60		/* Destinations options */
86 /* other constants we need */
87 #define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN        46              /* IPv6 Address length in a string format*/
89 /* this is SOMETIMES already defined */
90 #ifndef AF_INET6
91 #define AF_INET6                24              /* Internet Protocol, V6 */
92 #endif /* AF_INET6 */
96 /*
97  * IPv6 address data structure.
98  */
99 #ifdef __WIN32
100 typedef struct in6_addr {
101 	u_char	s6_addr[16];	/* IPv6 address */
102 } in6_addr;
103 #endif /* __WIN32 */
105 #endif /* notdef IPPROTO_NONE */
108 /*
109  * IPv6 datagram header
110  */
111 struct ipv6 {
112     u_int ip6_ver_tc_flabel;	/* first 4  bits = version #,
113                                    next  8  bits = Trafic class,
114 				   next  20 bits = flow label */
115     u_short	ip6_lngth;	/* Payload length */
116     u_char	ip6_nheader;	/* Next Header */
117     u_char	ip6_hlimit;	/* Hop Limit */
118     struct in6_addr ip6_saddr;	/* Source Address */
119     struct in6_addr ip6_daddr;	/* Destination Address */
120 };
123 /* IPv6 extension header format */
124 struct ipv6_ext {
125     u_char	ip6ext_nheader;	/* Next Header */
126     u_char	ip6ext_len;	/* number of bytes in this header */
127     u_char	ip6ext_data[2];	/* optional data */
128 };
131 /* IPv6 fragmentation header */
132 struct ipv6_ext_frag {
133     u_char	ip6ext_fr_nheader;	/* Next Header */
134     u_char	ip6ext_fr_res;	/* (reserved) */
135     u_short	ip6ext_fr_offset; /* fragment offset(13),res(2),M(1) */
136     u_long	ip6ext_fr_ID;	/* ID field */
137 };
140 /* tcptrace's IPv6 access routines */
141 int gettcp(struct ip *pip, struct tcphdr **pptcp, void **pplast);
142 int getudp(struct ip *pip, struct udphdr **ppudp, void **pplast);
143 int getroutingheader(struct ip *pip, struct ipv6_ext **ppipv6_ext, void **pplast);
144 int gethdrlength (struct ip *pip, void *plast);
145 int getpayloadlength (struct ip *pip, void *plast);
146 struct ipv6_ext *ipv6_nextheader(void *pheader0, u_char *pnextheader);
147 char *ipv6_header_name(u_char nextheader);
148 char *my_inet_ntop(int af, const char *src, char *dst, size_t size);
149 int total_length_ext_headers(struct ipv6 *pip6);