1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1995-2010 University of Karlsruhe.  All right reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of libFirm.
5  *
6  * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
7  * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
8  * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
9  * packaging of this file.
10  *
11  * Licensees holding valid libFirm Professional Edition licenses may use
12  * this file in accordance with the libFirm Commercial License.
13  * Agreement provided with the Software.
14  *
15  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
17  * PURPOSE.
18  */
20 /**
21  * @file
22  * @brief      Definition of opaque firm types
23  * @author     Michael Beck
24  */
28 #include "begin.h"
30 /**
31  * @page visited_counters Visited Counters
32  * A visited counter is an alternative to a visited flag for elements of a
33  * graph datastructure.
34  * A visited counter is an integer number added to the elements of a graph.
35  * There is also a global reference number for the whole datastructure. It is
36  * now possible to mark nodes by setting their visited counter to the global
37  * reference counter. Testing is done by comparing with the global reference
38  * counter.
39  * The advantage to simple boolean flag variables is that you can clear all
40  * element marks by increasing the global reference counter and don't need to
41  * visit the whole structure.
42  * This makes it more efficient when you only visit/mark a small amount of
43  * nodes in the graph.
44  */
46 /** Type for visited counters
47  * @see visited_counters */
48 typedef unsigned long ir_visited_t;
49 /** A label in the code (usually attached to a @ref Block) */
50 typedef unsigned long ir_label_t;
52 /** @ingroup dbg_info
53  * Source Reference */
54 typedef struct dbg_info             dbg_info;
55 /** @ingroup dbg_info
56  * Source Type Reference */
57 typedef struct type_dbg_info        type_dbg_info;
58 /** @ingroup ir_ident
59  * Identifier */
60 typedef struct ident                ident;
61 /** @ingroup ir_node
62  * Procedure Graph Node */
63 typedef struct ir_node              ir_node;
64 /** @ingroup ir_op
65  * Node Opcode */
66 typedef struct ir_op                ir_op;
67 /** @ingroup ir_mode
68  * SSA Value mode */
69 typedef struct ir_mode              ir_mode;
70 /** @ingroup iredges
71  * Dynamic Reverse Edge */
72 typedef struct ir_edge_t            ir_edge_t;
73 /** @ingroup ir_heights
74  * Computed graph Heights */
75 typedef struct ir_heights_t         ir_heights_t;
76 /** @ingroup ir_tarval
77  * Target Machine Value */
78 typedef struct ir_tarval            ir_tarval;
79 /** @ingroup enumeration_type
80  * Enumeration constant */
81 typedef struct ir_enum_const        ir_enum_const;
82 /** @ingroup ir_type
83  * Type */
84 typedef struct ir_type              ir_type;
85 /** @ingroup ir_graph
86  * Procedure Grpah */
87 typedef struct ir_graph             ir_graph;
88 /** @ingroup ir_prog
89  * Program */
90 typedef struct ir_prog              ir_prog;
91 /** @ingroup ir_loop
92  * Loop */
93 typedef struct ir_loop              ir_loop;
94 /** @ingroup ir_entity
95  * Entity */
96 typedef struct ir_entity            ir_entity;
97 /** @ingroup ir_cdep
98  * Control Dependence Analysis Results */
99 typedef struct ir_cdep              ir_cdep;
100 /** @ingroup be
101  * Target Architecture specific node operations */
102 typedef struct arch_irn_ops_t       arch_irn_ops_t;
103 /** A graph transformation pass */
104 typedef struct ir_graph_pass_t      ir_graph_pass_t;
105 /** A whole program transformation pass */
106 typedef struct ir_prog_pass_t       ir_prog_pass_t;
108 /** A graph pass manager */
109 typedef struct ir_graph_pass_manager_t      ir_graph_pass_manager_t;
110 /** A program pass manager */
111 typedef struct ir_prog_pass_manager_t       ir_prog_pass_manager_t;
113 /** @ingroup ir_initializer
114  * Initializer (for entities) */
115 typedef union  ir_initializer_t     ir_initializer_t;
117 /**
118  * @ingroup irgwalk
119  * type for graph-walk callbacks */
120 typedef void irg_walk_func(ir_node *, void *);
122 /**
123  * @ingroup Switch
124  * A switch table mapping integer numbers to proj-numbers of a Switch-node.
125  * Entries map a continuous range of integer numbers to a proj-number.
126  * There must never be two different entries matching the same integer number.
127  */
128 typedef struct ir_switch_table  ir_switch_table;
130 /**
131  * @ingroup ir_cons
132  * This function is called, whenever a local variable is used before definition
133  *
134  * @param irg       the IR graph on which this happens
135  * @param mode      the mode of the local var
136  * @param pos       position chosen be the frontend for this variable (n_loc)
137  *
138  * @return a firm node of mode @p mode that initializes the var at position pos
139  *
140  * @note
141  *      Do not return NULL!
142  *      If this function is not set, FIRM will create an Unknown node.
143  *      Use set_irg_loc_description()/get_irg_loc_description() to assign additional
144  *      informations to local variables.
145  */
146 typedef ir_node *uninitialized_local_variable_func_t(ir_graph *irg, ir_mode *mode, int pos);
148 #ifdef __cplusplus
149 # define ENUM_BITSET(type) \
150 	extern "C++" { \
151 		static inline type operator ~  (type  a)         { return     (type)~(int)a;           } \
152 		static inline type operator &  (type  a, type b) { return     (type)((int)a & (int)b); } \
153 		static inline type operator &= (type& a, type b) { return a = (type)((int)a & (int)b); } \
154 		static inline type operator ^  (type  a, type b) { return     (type)((int)a ^ (int)b); } \
155 		static inline type operator ^= (type& a, type b) { return a = (type)((int)a ^ (int)b); } \
156 		static inline type operator |  (type  a, type b) { return     (type)((int)a | (int)b); } \
157 		static inline type operator |= (type& a, type b) { return a = (type)((int)a | (int)b); } \
158 	}
159 #else
160 /** Marks an enum type as bitset enum. That is the enumeration values will
161  * probably be combined to form a (bit)set of flags.
162  * When compiling for C++ this macro will define the ~, &, &=, ^, ^=, | and |=
163  * operators for the enum values. */
164 # define ENUM_BITSET(type)
165 #endif
167 #ifdef __cplusplus
168 # define ENUM_COUNTABLE(type) \
169 	extern "C++" { \
170 		static inline type operator ++(type& a) { return a = (type)((int)a + 1); } \
171 		static inline type operator --(type& a) { return a = (type)((int)a - 1); } \
172 	}
173 #else
174 /** Marks an enum type as countable enum. The enumeration values will be a
175  * linear sequence of numbers which can be iterated through by incrementing
176  * by 1.
177  * When compiling for C++ this macro will define the ++ and -- operators. */
178 # define ENUM_COUNTABLE(type)
179 #endif
181 /**
182  * @ingroup ir_node
183  * Relations for comparing numbers
184  */
185 typedef enum ir_relation {
186 	ir_relation_false              = 0,       /**< always false */
187 	ir_relation_equal              = 1u << 0, /**< equal */
188 	ir_relation_less               = 1u << 1, /**< less */
189 	ir_relation_greater            = 1u << 2, /**< greater */
190 	ir_relation_unordered          = 1u << 3, /**< unordered */
191 	ir_relation_less_equal         = ir_relation_equal|ir_relation_less,    /**< less or equal */
192 	ir_relation_greater_equal      = ir_relation_equal|ir_relation_greater, /**< greater or equal */
193 	ir_relation_less_greater       = ir_relation_less|ir_relation_greater,  /** less or greater ('not equal' for integer numbers) */
194 	ir_relation_less_equal_greater = ir_relation_equal|ir_relation_less|ir_relation_greater, /**< less equal or greater ('not unordered') */
195 	ir_relation_unordered_equal    = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_equal, /**< unordered or equal */
196 	ir_relation_unordered_less     = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_less,  /**< unordered or less */
197 	ir_relation_unordered_less_equal = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_less|ir_relation_equal, /**< unordered, less or equal */
198 	ir_relation_unordered_greater    = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_greater, /**< unordered or greater */
199 	ir_relation_unordered_greater_equal = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_greater|ir_relation_equal, /**< unordered, greater or equal */
200 	ir_relation_unordered_less_greater  = ir_relation_unordered|ir_relation_less|ir_relation_greater, /**< unordered, less or greater ('not equal' for floatingpoint numbers) */
201 	ir_relation_true                    = ir_relation_equal|ir_relation_less|ir_relation_greater|ir_relation_unordered, /**< always true */
202 } ir_relation;
203 ENUM_BITSET(ir_relation)
205 /**
206  * @ingroup ir_node
207  * constrained flags for memory operations.
208  */
209 typedef enum ir_cons_flags {
210 	cons_none             = 0,        /**< No constrains. */
211 	cons_volatile         = 1U << 0,  /**< Memory operation is volatile. */
212 	cons_unaligned        = 1U << 1,  /**< Memory operation is unaligned. */
213 	cons_floats           = 1U << 2,  /**< Memory operation can float. */
214 	cons_throws_exception = 1U << 3,  /**< fragile op throws exception (and
215 	                                       produces X_regular and X_except
216 	                                       values) */
217 } ir_cons_flags;
218 ENUM_BITSET(ir_cons_flags)
220 /**
221  * @ingroup ir_node
222  * pinned states.
223  */
224 typedef enum op_pin_state {
225 	op_pin_state_floats = 0,    /**< Nodes of this opcode can be placed in any basic block. */
226 	op_pin_state_pinned = 1,    /**< Nodes must remain in this basic block. */
227 	op_pin_state_exc_pinned,    /**< Node must be remain in this basic block if it can throw an
228 	                                 exception, else can float. Used internally. */
229 	op_pin_state_mem_pinned     /**< Node must be remain in this basic block if it can throw an
230 	                                 exception or uses memory, else can float. Used internally. */
231 } op_pin_state;
233 /**
234  * @ingroup Cond
235  * A type to express conditional jump predictions.
236  */
237 typedef enum cond_jmp_predicate {
238 	COND_JMP_PRED_NONE,        /**< No jump prediction. Default. */
239 	COND_JMP_PRED_TRUE,        /**< The True case is predicted. */
240 	COND_JMP_PRED_FALSE        /**< The False case is predicted. */
241 } cond_jmp_predicate;
243 /**
244  * @ingroup method_type
245  * Additional method type properties:
246  * Tell about special properties of a method type. Some
247  * of these may be discovered by analyses.
248  */
249 typedef enum mtp_additional_properties {
250 	/** no additional properties */
251 	mtp_no_property                 = 0,
252 	/** This method did not access memory and calculates its return values
253 	 * solely from its parameters. The only observable effect of a const
254 	 * function must be its return value. So they must not exhibit infinite
255 	 * loops or wait for user input. The return value must not depend on any
256 	 * global variables/state.
257 	 * GCC: __attribute__((const)). */
258 	mtp_property_const              = 1u << 0,
259 	/** This method did NOT write to memory and calculates its return values
260 	 * solely from its parameters and the memory they points to (or global
261 	 * vars). The only observable effect of a const function must be its return
262 	 * value. So they must not exhibit infinite loops or wait for user input.
263 	 * GCC: __attribute__((pure)). */
264 	mtp_property_pure               = 1u << 1,
265 	/** This method did not return due to an aborting system call.
266 	 * GCC: __attribute__((noreturn)). */
267 	mtp_property_noreturn           = 1u << 2,
268 	/** This method cannot throw an exception. GCC: __attribute__((nothrow)). */
269 	mtp_property_nothrow            = 1u << 3,
270 	/** This method is naked. GCC: __attribute__((naked)). */
271 	mtp_property_naked              = 1u << 4,
272 	/** This method returns newly allocate memory.
273 	 * GCC: __attribute__((malloc)). */
274 	mtp_property_malloc             = 1u << 5,
275 	/** This method can return more than one (typically setjmp).
276 	 * GCC: __attribute__((returns_twice)). */
277 	mtp_property_returns_twice      = 1u << 6,
278 	/** This method is intrinsic. It is expected that a lowering phase will
279 	 * remove all calls to it. */
280 	mtp_property_intrinsic          = 1u << 7,
281 	/** This method represents a runtime routine. */
282 	mtp_property_runtime            = 1u << 8,
283 	/** All method invocations are known, the backend is free to optimize the
284 	 * call in any possible way. */
285 	mtp_property_private            = 1u << 9,
286 	/** Set, if this method contains one possibly endless loop. */
287 	mtp_property_has_loop           = 1u << 10,
288 	/** try to always inline this function, even if it seems nonprofitable */
289 	mtp_property_always_inline      = 1u << 11,
290 	/** the function should not be inlined */
291 	mtp_property_noinline           = 1u << 12,
292 	/** the programmer recommends to inline the function */
293 	mtp_property_inline_recommended = 1u << 13,
294 	/** stupid hack used by opt_funccall... */
295 	mtp_temporary                   = 1u << 14,
296 } mtp_additional_properties;
297 ENUM_BITSET(mtp_additional_properties)
299 /**
300  * @ingroup SymConst
301  * This enum names the different kinds of symbolic Constants represented by
302  * SymConst.  The content of the attribute symconst_symbol depends on this tag.
303  * Use the proper access routine after testing this flag.
304  */
305 typedef enum symconst_kind {
306 	symconst_type_size,   /**< The SymConst is the size of the given type.
307 	                           symconst_symbol is type *. */
308 	symconst_type_align,  /**< The SymConst is the alignment of the given type.
309 	                           symconst_symbol is type *. */
310 	symconst_addr_ent,    /**< The SymConst is a symbolic pointer to be filled in
311 	                           by the linker.  The pointer is represented by an entity.
312 	                           symconst_symbol is entity *. */
313 	symconst_ofs_ent,     /**< The SymConst is the offset of its entity in the entities
314 	                           owner type. */
315 	symconst_enum_const   /**< The SymConst is a enumeration constant of an
316 	                           enumeration type. */
317 } symconst_kind;
319 /**
320  * @ingroup SymConst
321  * SymConst attribute.
322  *
323  *  This union contains the symbolic information represented by the node.
324  *  @ingroup SymConst
325  */
326 typedef union symconst_symbol {
327 	ir_type       *type_p;    /**< The type of a SymConst. */
328 	ir_entity     *entity_p;  /**< The entity of a SymConst. */
329 	ir_enum_const *enum_p;    /**< The enumeration constant of a SymConst. */
330 } symconst_symbol;
332 /**
333  * @ingroup Alloc
334  * The allocation place.
335  */
336 typedef enum ir_where_alloc {
337 	stack_alloc,          /**< Alloc allocates the object on the stack. */
338 	heap_alloc            /**< Alloc allocates the object on the heap. */
339 } ir_where_alloc;
341 /** A input/output constraint attribute.
342  * @ingroup ASM
343  */
344 typedef struct ir_asm_constraint {
345 	unsigned       pos;           /**< The inputs/output position for this constraint. */
346 	ident          *constraint;   /**< The constraint for this input/output. */
347 	ir_mode        *mode;         /**< The mode of the constraint. */
348 } ir_asm_constraint;
350 /** Supported libFirm builtins.
351  * @ingroup Builtin
352  */
353 typedef enum ir_builtin_kind {
354 	ir_bk_trap,                   /**< GCC __builtin_trap(): insert trap */
355 	ir_bk_debugbreak,             /**< MS __debugbreak(): insert debug break */
356 	ir_bk_return_address,         /**< GCC __builtin_return_address() */
357 	ir_bk_frame_address,          /**< GCC __builtin_frame_address() */
358 	ir_bk_prefetch,               /**< GCC __builtin_prefetch() */
359 	ir_bk_ffs,                    /**< GCC __builtin_ffs(): find first (least) significant 1 bit */
360 	ir_bk_clz,                    /**< GCC __builtin_clz(): count leading zero */
361 	ir_bk_ctz,                    /**< GCC __builtin_ctz(): count trailing zero */
362 	ir_bk_popcount,               /**< GCC __builtin_popcount(): population count */
363 	ir_bk_parity,                 /**< GCC __builtin_parity(): parity */
364 	ir_bk_bswap,                  /**< byte swap */
365 	ir_bk_inport,                 /**< in port */
366 	ir_bk_outport,                /**< out port */
367 	ir_bk_inner_trampoline,       /**< address of a trampoline for GCC inner functions */
368 	ir_bk_last = ir_bk_inner_trampoline,
369 } ir_builtin_kind;
371 /**
372  * Possible return values of value_classify().
373  */
374 typedef enum ir_value_classify_sign {
375 	value_classified_unknown  = 0,   /**< could not classify */
376 	value_classified_positive = 1,   /**< value is positive, i.e. >= 0 */
377 	value_classified_negative = -1   /**< value is negative, i.e. <= 0 if
378 	                                      no signed zero exists or < 0 else */
379 } ir_value_classify_sign;
381 /**
382  * This enumeration flags the volatility of entities and Loads/Stores.
383  */
384 typedef enum {
385 	volatility_non_volatile,    /**< The entity is not volatile. Default. */
386 	volatility_is_volatile      /**< The entity is volatile. */
387 } ir_volatility;
389 /**
390  * This enumeration flags the align of Loads/Stores.
391  */
392 typedef enum {
393 	align_is_aligned = 0, /**< The entity is aligned. Default */
394 	align_non_aligned,    /**< The entity is not aligned. */
395 } ir_align;
397 #include "end.h"
399 #endif