1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
9 //
10 // This file implements FunctionGroup, FunctionGroupAnalysis.
11 // See FunctionGroup.h for more details.
12 //
13 // The FunctionGroupPass part was adapted from CallGraphSCCPass.cpp.
14 //
15 // This file is currently in lib/Target/GenX, as that is the only place it
16 // is used. It could be moved somewhere more general.
17 //
18 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
20 #include "FunctionGroup.h"
21 #include "vc/GenXOpts/Utils/KernelInfo.h"
22 #include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
23 #include "llvm/GenXIntrinsics/GenXMetadata.h"
24 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
25 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
26 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
27 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
28 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
29 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
30 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
31 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
32 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
33 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
35 #include "GenXUtil.h"
37 #include "llvmWrapper/IR/LegacyPassManagers.h"
38 #include "llvmWrapper/IR/PassTimingInfo.h"
40 #include "Probe/Assertion.h"
42 #define DEBUG_TYPE "functiongroup-passmgr"
44 using namespace llvm;
verify() const46 bool FunctionGroup::verify() const {
47   // TODO: ideally, we'd like to access call-graph here. However,
48   // we do not maintain it here.
49   for (auto I = Functions.begin(), E = Functions.end(); I != E; ++I) {
50     Function *F = &(**I);
51     // Note: we do not check FG heads here -
52     // users of FG heads can belong to different FG
53     if (F == getHead())
54       continue;
55     for (auto *U : F->users()) {
56       auto *CI = genx::checkFunctionCall(U, F);
57       if (!CI)
58         continue;
60       // Note: it is expected that all users of any function from
61       // Functions array belong to the same FG
62       Function *Caller = CI->getFunction();
63       auto *OtherGroup = FGA->getAnyGroup(Caller);
64       IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(OtherGroup == this,
65                          "inconsistent function group detected!");
66       if (OtherGroup != this)
67         return false;
68     }
69   }
70   return true;
71 }
73 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
print(raw_ostream & OS) const74 void FunctionGroup::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
75   OS << "{{{" << getName() << "}}}\n";
76   for (const Function *F : Functions) {
77     OS << "  " << F->getName() << "\n";
78   }
80   for (const auto &EnItem : enumerate(Subgroups)) {
81     OS << "--SGR[" << EnItem.index() << "]: ";
82     OS << "<" << EnItem.value()->getHead()->getName() << ">]\n";
83   }
84 }
dump() const86 void FunctionGroup::dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
87 #endif // if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
89 /***********************************************************************
90  * FunctionGroupAnalysis implementation
91  */
92 char FunctionGroupAnalysis::ID = 0;
93 INITIALIZE_PASS(FunctionGroupAnalysis, "FunctionGroupAnalysis",
94                 "FunctionGroupAnalysis", false, true /*analysis*/)
createFunctionGroupAnalysisPass()96 ModulePass *llvm::createFunctionGroupAnalysisPass() {
97   initializeFunctionGroupAnalysisPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
98   return new FunctionGroupAnalysis();
99 }
101 // clear : clear out the analysis
clear()102 void FunctionGroupAnalysis::clear() {
103   for (auto T : TypesToProcess)
104     GroupMap[T].clear();
106   Groups.clear();
107   NonMainGroups.clear();
108   Visited.clear();
109   M = nullptr;
110 }
getGroup(const Function * F,FGType Type) const112 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::getGroup(const Function *F,
113                                                FGType Type) const {
114   auto i = GroupMap[Type].find(F);
115   if (i == GroupMap[Type].end())
116     return nullptr;
117   return i->second;
118 }
120 // getGroup : get the FunctionGroup containing Function F, else 0
getGroup(const Function * F) const121 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::getGroup(const Function *F) const {
122   return getGroup(F, FGType::GROUP);
123 }
getSubGroup(const Function * F) const125 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::getSubGroup(const Function *F) const {
126   return getGroup(F, FGType::SUBGROUP);
127 }
getAnyGroup(const Function * F) const129 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::getAnyGroup(const Function *F) const {
130   auto *Group = getGroup(F, FGType::SUBGROUP);
131   if (!Group)
132     Group = getGroup(F, FGType::GROUP);
133   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(Group, "Function isn't assigned to any function group");
134   return Group;
135 }
137 // getGroupForHead : get the FunctionGroup for which Function F is the
138 // head, else 0
getGroupForHead(const Function * F) const139 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::getGroupForHead(const Function *F) const {
140   auto *FG = getGroup(F);
141   IGC_ASSERT(FG->size());
142   if (*FG->begin() == F)
143     return FG;
144   return nullptr;
145 }
147 // replaceFunction : replace a Function in a FunctionGroup
148 // An in-use iterator in the modified FunctionGroup remains valid.
replaceFunction(Function * OldF,Function * NewF)149 void FunctionGroupAnalysis::replaceFunction(Function *OldF, Function *NewF) {
150   for (auto T : TypesToProcess) {
151     auto OldFIt = GroupMap[T].find(OldF);
152     if (OldFIt == GroupMap[T].end())
153       continue;
154     FunctionGroup *FG = OldFIt->second;
155     GroupMap[T].erase(OldFIt);
156     GroupMap[T][NewF] = FG;
157     for (auto i = FG->begin();; ++i) {
158       IGC_ASSERT(i != FG->end());
159       if (*i == OldF) {
160         *i = NewF;
161         break;
162       }
163     }
164   }
165 }
167 // addToFunctionGroup : add Function F to FunctionGroup FG
168 // Using this (rather than calling push_back directly on the FunctionGroup)
169 // means that the mapping from F to FG will be created, and getGroup() will
170 // work for this Function.
addToFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup * FG,Function * F,FGType Type)171 void FunctionGroupAnalysis::addToFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup *FG, Function *F,
172                                                FGType Type) {
174   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(FG->getParent()->getModule() == M,
175     "attaching to FunctionGroup from wrong Module");
176   IGC_ASSERT_MESSAGE(!GroupMap[Type][F],
177     "Function already attached to FunctionGroup");
178   GroupMap[Type][F] = FG;
179   FG->push_back(F);
180 }
182 // createFunctionGroup : create new FunctionGroup for which F is the head
createFunctionGroup(Function * F,FGType Type)183 FunctionGroup *FunctionGroupAnalysis::createFunctionGroup(Function *F,
184                                                           FGType Type) {
185   auto *FG = new FunctionGroup(this);
186   auto FGOwner = std::unique_ptr<FunctionGroup>(FG);
187   if (Type == FGType::GROUP)
188     Groups.push_back(std::move(FGOwner));
189   else
190     NonMainGroups.push_back(std::move(FGOwner));
191   addToFunctionGroup(FG, F, Type);
192   return FG;
193 }
195 // Returns true if pass is simple module pass,
196 // e.g. it is neither FG pass nor function pass manager.
isModulePass(Pass * P)197 static bool isModulePass(Pass *P) {
198   if (P->getPassKind() != PT_Module)
199     return false;
200   return !P->getAsPMDataManager();
201 }
TypeToAttr(FunctionGroupAnalysis::FGType Type)203 static StringRef TypeToAttr(FunctionGroupAnalysis::FGType Type) {
204   switch (Type) {
205   case FunctionGroupAnalysis::FGType::GROUP:
206     return genx::FunctionMD::CMGenXMain;
207   case FunctionGroupAnalysis::FGType::SUBGROUP:
208     return genx::FunctionMD::CMStackCall;
209   default:
210     IGC_ASSERT_EXIT_MESSAGE(0, "Can't gen attribute for nox-existent FG type");
211     break;
212   }
213   return "";
214 }
buildGroup(CallGraph & Callees,Function * F,FunctionGroup * curGr,FGType Type)216 bool FunctionGroupAnalysis::buildGroup(CallGraph &Callees, Function *F,
217                                        FunctionGroup *curGr, FGType Type) {
218   bool result = false;
219   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "process function " << F->getName() << " from " << curGr
220                     << ", type = " << Type << "\n");
221   if (Visited.count(F) > 0) {
222     bool NeedCloning =
223         std::any_of(std::begin(TypesToProcess), std::end(TypesToProcess),
224                     [&GM = GroupMap, curGr, F](FGType CurType) {
225                       return GM[CurType].count(F) && GM[CurType][F] != curGr;
226                     });
227     if (NeedCloning && !F->hasFnAttribute(TypeToAttr(Type))) {
228       ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
229       Function *ClonedFunc = CloneFunction(F, VMap);
230       LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Cloning: " << ClonedFunc->getName() << "\n");
232       result = true;
234       for (auto it = F->use_begin(); it != F->use_end();) {
235         Use *u = &*it++;
236         auto *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(u->getUser());
237         IGC_ASSERT(CI);
238         if (GroupMap[Type][CI->getFunction()] == curGr)
239           *u = ClonedFunc;
240       }
241       addToFunctionGroup(curGr, ClonedFunc, Type);
243       for (auto &Callee : Callees[F]) {
244         if (Callee == F)
245           continue;
246         if (genx::requiresStackCall(Callee)) {
247           LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs()
248                      << "\tDo not process next callee " << Callee->getName()
249                      << " because it's a stack call\n");
250           continue;
251         }
252         LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Next callee: " << Callee->getName() << "\n");
253         result |= buildGroup(Callees, Callee, curGr, Type);
254       }
255     }
256   } else if (!Visited.count(F)) {
257     Visited.insert(F);
258     // group is created either on a function with a corresponding attribute
259     // or on a root of a whole function tree that is kernel (genx_main)
260     if (F->hasFnAttribute(TypeToAttr(Type)) ||
261         F->hasFnAttribute(genx::FunctionMD::CMGenXMain)) {
262       LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Create new group of type " << Type << "\n");
263       curGr = createFunctionGroup(F, Type);
264     } else if (curGr) {
265       LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Add to group " << curGr->getHead()->getName()
266                         << " of type " << Type << "\n");
267       addToFunctionGroup(curGr, F, Type);
268     }
269     for (auto &Callee : Callees[F]) {
270       if (genx::requiresStackCall(Callee)) {
271         LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tDo not process next callee "
272                           << Callee->getName()
273                           << " because it's a stack call\n");
274         continue;
275       }
277       LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Next callee: " << Callee->getName() << "\n");
278       result |= buildGroup(Callees, Callee, curGr, Type);
279     }
280   }
281   LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "finish processing function " << F->getName()
282                     << " on level " << Type << "\n");
283   return result;
284 }
verify() const286 bool FunctionGroupAnalysis::verify() const {
287   return llvm::all_of(AllGroups(), [](const auto &GR) { return GR->verify(); });
288 }
290 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
print(raw_ostream & OS) const291 void FunctionGroupAnalysis::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
292   OS << "Number of Groups = " << Groups.size() << "\n";
293   for (const auto &X : enumerate(Groups)) {
294     OS << "GR[" << X.index() << "] = <\n";
295     X.value()->print(OS);
296     OS << ">\n";
297   }
298   OS << "Number of SubGroups = " << NonMainGroups.size() << "\n";
299   for (const auto &X : enumerate(NonMainGroups)) {
300     OS << "SGR[" << X.index() << "] = <\n";
301     X.value()->print(OS);
302     OS << ">\n";
303   }
304 }
dump() const306 void FunctionGroupAnalysis::dump() const { print(dbgs()); }
307 #endif // if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
309 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
310 //  DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass Implementation
311 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
312 //
313 // The implementation details of the wrapper pass that holds a DominatorTree
314 // per Function in a FunctionGroup.
315 //
316 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
317 INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPassWrapper,
318                       "groupdomtreeWrapper",
319                       "Group Dominator Tree Construction Wrapper", true, true)
320 INITIALIZE_PASS_END(DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPassWrapper, "groupdomtreeWrapper",
321                     "Group Dominator Tree Construction", true, true)
releaseMemory()323 void DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass::releaseMemory() {
324   for (auto i = DTs.begin(), e = DTs.end(); i != e; ++i)
325     delete i->second;
326   DTs.clear();
327 }
runOnFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup & FG)329 bool DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass::runOnFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup &FG) {
330   for (auto fgi = FG.begin(), fge = FG.end(); fgi != fge; ++fgi) {
331     Function *F = *fgi;
332     auto DT = new DominatorTree;
333     DT->recalculate(*F);
334     DTs[F] = DT;
335   }
336   return false;
337 }
verifyAnalysis() const339 void DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass::verifyAnalysis() const {
340   for (auto i = DTs.begin(), e = DTs.end(); i != e; ++i)
341     i->second->verify();
342 }
print(raw_ostream & OS,const FunctionGroup *) const344 void DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass::print(raw_ostream &OS,
345                                           const FunctionGroup *) const {
346   for (auto i = DTs.begin(), e = DTs.end(); i != e; ++i)
347     i->second->print(OS);
348 }
350 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
351 //  LoopInfoGroupWrapperPass Implementation
352 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
353 //
354 // The implementation details of the wrapper pass that holds a LoopInfo
355 // per Function in a FunctionGroup.
356 //
357 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
358 INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(LoopInfoGroupWrapperPassWrapper, "grouploopinfoWrapper",
359                       "Group Loop Info Construction Wrapper", true, true)
INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPassWrapper)360 INITIALIZE_PASS_DEPENDENCY(DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPassWrapper)
361 INITIALIZE_PASS_END(LoopInfoGroupWrapperPassWrapper, "grouploopinfoWrapper",
362                     "Group Loop Info Construction Wrapper", true, true)
364 void LoopInfoGroupWrapperPass::releaseMemory() {
365   for (auto i = LIs.begin(), e = LIs.end(); i != e; ++i)
366     delete i->second;
367   LIs.clear();
368 }
runOnFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup & FG)370 bool LoopInfoGroupWrapperPass::runOnFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup &FG) {
371   auto &DTs = getAnalysis<DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass>();
372   for (auto fgi = FG.begin(), fge = FG.end(); fgi != fge; ++fgi) {
373     Function *F = *fgi;
374     auto LI = new LoopInfo;
375     LI->analyze(*DTs.getDomTree(F));
376     LIs[F] = LI;
377   }
378   return false;
379 }
verifyAnalysis() const381 void LoopInfoGroupWrapperPass::verifyAnalysis() const {
382   auto &DTs = getAnalysis<DominatorTreeGroupWrapperPass>();
383   for (auto i = LIs.begin(), e = LIs.end(); i != e; ++i)
384     i->second->verify(*DTs.getDomTree(i->first));
385 }
print(raw_ostream & OS,const FunctionGroup *) const387 void LoopInfoGroupWrapperPass::print(raw_ostream &OS,
388                                      const FunctionGroup *) const {
389   for (auto i = LIs.begin(), e = LIs.end(); i != e; ++i)
390     i->second->print(OS);
391 }