1 //===- llvm/CodeGen/TargetLowering.h - Target Lowering Info -----*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// This file describes how to lower LLVM code to machine code.  This has two
11 /// main components:
12 ///
13 ///  1. Which ValueTypes are natively supported by the target.
14 ///  2. Which operations are supported for supported ValueTypes.
15 ///  3. Cost thresholds for alternative implementations of certain operations.
16 ///
17 /// In addition it has a few other components, like information about FP
18 /// immediates.
19 ///
20 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
25 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
27 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
28 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
29 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
30 #include "llvm/CodeGen/ComplexDeinterleavingPass.h"
31 #include "llvm/CodeGen/DAGCombine.h"
32 #include "llvm/CodeGen/ISDOpcodes.h"
33 #include "llvm/CodeGen/LowLevelType.h"
34 #include "llvm/CodeGen/RuntimeLibcalls.h"
35 #include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAG.h"
36 #include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAGNodes.h"
37 #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetCallingConv.h"
38 #include "llvm/CodeGen/ValueTypes.h"
39 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
40 #include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
41 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
42 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
43 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
44 #include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
45 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
46 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
47 #include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
48 #include "llvm/Support/Alignment.h"
49 #include "llvm/Support/AtomicOrdering.h"
50 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
51 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
52 #include "llvm/Support/MachineValueType.h"
53 #include <algorithm>
54 #include <cassert>
55 #include <climits>
56 #include <cstdint>
57 #include <iterator>
58 #include <map>
59 #include <string>
60 #include <utility>
61 #include <vector>
63 namespace llvm {
65 class AssumptionCache;
66 class CCState;
67 class CCValAssign;
68 class Constant;
69 class FastISel;
70 class FunctionLoweringInfo;
71 class GlobalValue;
72 class Loop;
73 class GISelKnownBits;
74 class IntrinsicInst;
75 class IRBuilderBase;
76 struct KnownBits;
77 class LegacyDivergenceAnalysis;
78 class LLVMContext;
79 class MachineBasicBlock;
80 class MachineFunction;
81 class MachineInstr;
82 class MachineJumpTableInfo;
83 class MachineLoop;
84 class MachineRegisterInfo;
85 class MCContext;
86 class MCExpr;
87 class Module;
88 class ProfileSummaryInfo;
89 class TargetLibraryInfo;
90 class TargetMachine;
91 class TargetRegisterClass;
92 class TargetRegisterInfo;
93 class TargetTransformInfo;
94 class Value;
96 namespace Sched {
98 enum Preference {
99   None,        // No preference
100   Source,      // Follow source order.
101   RegPressure, // Scheduling for lowest register pressure.
102   Hybrid,      // Scheduling for both latency and register pressure.
103   ILP,         // Scheduling for ILP in low register pressure mode.
104   VLIW,        // Scheduling for VLIW targets.
105   Fast,        // Fast suboptimal list scheduling
106   Linearize    // Linearize DAG, no scheduling
107 };
109 } // end namespace Sched
111 // MemOp models a memory operation, either memset or memcpy/memmove.
112 struct MemOp {
113 private:
114   // Shared
115   uint64_t Size;
116   bool DstAlignCanChange; // true if destination alignment can satisfy any
117                           // constraint.
118   Align DstAlign;         // Specified alignment of the memory operation.
120   bool AllowOverlap;
121   // memset only
122   bool IsMemset;   // If setthis memory operation is a memset.
123   bool ZeroMemset; // If set clears out memory with zeros.
124   // memcpy only
125   bool MemcpyStrSrc; // Indicates whether the memcpy source is an in-register
126                      // constant so it does not need to be loaded.
127   Align SrcAlign;    // Inferred alignment of the source or default value if the
128                      // memory operation does not need to load the value.
129 public:
130   static MemOp Copy(uint64_t Size, bool DstAlignCanChange, Align DstAlign,
131                     Align SrcAlign, bool IsVolatile,
132                     bool MemcpyStrSrc = false) {
133     MemOp Op;
134     Op.Size = Size;
135     Op.DstAlignCanChange = DstAlignCanChange;
136     Op.DstAlign = DstAlign;
137     Op.AllowOverlap = !IsVolatile;
138     Op.IsMemset = false;
139     Op.ZeroMemset = false;
140     Op.MemcpyStrSrc = MemcpyStrSrc;
141     Op.SrcAlign = SrcAlign;
142     return Op;
143   }
SetMemOp145   static MemOp Set(uint64_t Size, bool DstAlignCanChange, Align DstAlign,
146                    bool IsZeroMemset, bool IsVolatile) {
147     MemOp Op;
148     Op.Size = Size;
149     Op.DstAlignCanChange = DstAlignCanChange;
150     Op.DstAlign = DstAlign;
151     Op.AllowOverlap = !IsVolatile;
152     Op.IsMemset = true;
153     Op.ZeroMemset = IsZeroMemset;
154     Op.MemcpyStrSrc = false;
155     return Op;
156   }
sizeMemOp158   uint64_t size() const { return Size; }
getDstAlignMemOp159   Align getDstAlign() const {
160     assert(!DstAlignCanChange);
161     return DstAlign;
162   }
isFixedDstAlignMemOp163   bool isFixedDstAlign() const { return !DstAlignCanChange; }
allowOverlapMemOp164   bool allowOverlap() const { return AllowOverlap; }
isMemsetMemOp165   bool isMemset() const { return IsMemset; }
isMemcpyMemOp166   bool isMemcpy() const { return !IsMemset; }
isMemcpyWithFixedDstAlignMemOp167   bool isMemcpyWithFixedDstAlign() const {
168     return isMemcpy() && !DstAlignCanChange;
169   }
isZeroMemsetMemOp170   bool isZeroMemset() const { return isMemset() && ZeroMemset; }
isMemcpyStrSrcMemOp171   bool isMemcpyStrSrc() const {
172     assert(isMemcpy() && "Must be a memcpy");
173     return MemcpyStrSrc;
174   }
getSrcAlignMemOp175   Align getSrcAlign() const {
176     assert(isMemcpy() && "Must be a memcpy");
177     return SrcAlign;
178   }
isSrcAlignedMemOp179   bool isSrcAligned(Align AlignCheck) const {
180     return isMemset() || llvm::isAligned(AlignCheck, SrcAlign.value());
181   }
isDstAlignedMemOp182   bool isDstAligned(Align AlignCheck) const {
183     return DstAlignCanChange || llvm::isAligned(AlignCheck, DstAlign.value());
184   }
isAlignedMemOp185   bool isAligned(Align AlignCheck) const {
186     return isSrcAligned(AlignCheck) && isDstAligned(AlignCheck);
187   }
188 };
190 /// This base class for TargetLowering contains the SelectionDAG-independent
191 /// parts that can be used from the rest of CodeGen.
192 class TargetLoweringBase {
193 public:
194   /// This enum indicates whether operations are valid for a target, and if not,
195   /// what action should be used to make them valid.
196   enum LegalizeAction : uint8_t {
197     Legal,      // The target natively supports this operation.
198     Promote,    // This operation should be executed in a larger type.
199     Expand,     // Try to expand this to other ops, otherwise use a libcall.
200     LibCall,    // Don't try to expand this to other ops, always use a libcall.
201     Custom      // Use the LowerOperation hook to implement custom lowering.
202   };
204   /// This enum indicates whether a types are legal for a target, and if not,
205   /// what action should be used to make them valid.
206   enum LegalizeTypeAction : uint8_t {
207     TypeLegal,           // The target natively supports this type.
208     TypePromoteInteger,  // Replace this integer with a larger one.
209     TypeExpandInteger,   // Split this integer into two of half the size.
210     TypeSoftenFloat,     // Convert this float to a same size integer type.
211     TypeExpandFloat,     // Split this float into two of half the size.
212     TypeScalarizeVector, // Replace this one-element vector with its element.
213     TypeSplitVector,     // Split this vector into two of half the size.
214     TypeWidenVector,     // This vector should be widened into a larger vector.
215     TypePromoteFloat,    // Replace this float with a larger one.
216     TypeSoftPromoteHalf, // Soften half to i16 and use float to do arithmetic.
217     TypeScalarizeScalableVector, // This action is explicitly left unimplemented.
218                                  // While it is theoretically possible to
219                                  // legalize operations on scalable types with a
220                                  // loop that handles the vscale * #lanes of the
221                                  // vector, this is non-trivial at SelectionDAG
222                                  // level and these types are better to be
223                                  // widened or promoted.
224   };
226   /// LegalizeKind holds the legalization kind that needs to happen to EVT
227   /// in order to type-legalize it.
228   using LegalizeKind = std::pair<LegalizeTypeAction, EVT>;
230   /// Enum that describes how the target represents true/false values.
231   enum BooleanContent {
232     UndefinedBooleanContent,    // Only bit 0 counts, the rest can hold garbage.
233     ZeroOrOneBooleanContent,        // All bits zero except for bit 0.
234     ZeroOrNegativeOneBooleanContent // All bits equal to bit 0.
235   };
237   /// Enum that describes what type of support for selects the target has.
238   enum SelectSupportKind {
239     ScalarValSelect,      // The target supports scalar selects (ex: cmov).
240     ScalarCondVectorVal,  // The target supports selects with a scalar condition
241                           // and vector values (ex: cmov).
242     VectorMaskSelect      // The target supports vector selects with a vector
243                           // mask (ex: x86 blends).
244   };
246   /// Enum that specifies what an atomic load/AtomicRMWInst is expanded
247   /// to, if at all. Exists because different targets have different levels of
248   /// support for these atomic instructions, and also have different options
249   /// w.r.t. what they should expand to.
250   enum class AtomicExpansionKind {
251     None,    // Don't expand the instruction.
252     CastToInteger,    // Cast the atomic instruction to another type, e.g. from
253                       // floating-point to integer type.
254     LLSC,    // Expand the instruction into loadlinked/storeconditional; used
255              // by ARM/AArch64.
256     LLOnly,  // Expand the (load) instruction into just a load-linked, which has
257              // greater atomic guarantees than a normal load.
258     CmpXChg, // Expand the instruction into cmpxchg; used by at least X86.
259     MaskedIntrinsic,  // Use a target-specific intrinsic for the LL/SC loop.
260     BitTestIntrinsic, // Use a target-specific intrinsic for special bit
261                       // operations; used by X86.
262     CmpArithIntrinsic,// Use a target-specific intrinsic for special compare
263                       // operations; used by X86.
264     Expand,           // Generic expansion in terms of other atomic operations.
266     // Rewrite to a non-atomic form for use in a known non-preemptible
267     // environment.
268     NotAtomic
269   };
271   /// Enum that specifies when a multiplication should be expanded.
272   enum class MulExpansionKind {
273     Always,            // Always expand the instruction.
274     OnlyLegalOrCustom, // Only expand when the resulting instructions are legal
275                        // or custom.
276   };
278   /// Enum that specifies when a float negation is beneficial.
279   enum class NegatibleCost {
280     Cheaper = 0,    // Negated expression is cheaper.
281     Neutral = 1,    // Negated expression has the same cost.
282     Expensive = 2   // Negated expression is more expensive.
283   };
285   class ArgListEntry {
286   public:
287     Value *Val = nullptr;
288     SDValue Node = SDValue();
289     Type *Ty = nullptr;
290     bool IsSExt : 1;
291     bool IsZExt : 1;
292     bool IsInReg : 1;
293     bool IsSRet : 1;
294     bool IsNest : 1;
295     bool IsByVal : 1;
296     bool IsByRef : 1;
297     bool IsInAlloca : 1;
298     bool IsPreallocated : 1;
299     bool IsReturned : 1;
300     bool IsSwiftSelf : 1;
301     bool IsSwiftAsync : 1;
302     bool IsSwiftError : 1;
303     bool IsCFGuardTarget : 1;
304     MaybeAlign Alignment = std::nullopt;
305     Type *IndirectType = nullptr;
ArgListEntry()307     ArgListEntry()
308         : IsSExt(false), IsZExt(false), IsInReg(false), IsSRet(false),
309           IsNest(false), IsByVal(false), IsByRef(false), IsInAlloca(false),
310           IsPreallocated(false), IsReturned(false), IsSwiftSelf(false),
311           IsSwiftAsync(false), IsSwiftError(false), IsCFGuardTarget(false) {}
313     void setAttributes(const CallBase *Call, unsigned ArgIdx);
314   };
315   using ArgListTy = std::vector<ArgListEntry>;
markLibCallAttributes(MachineFunction * MF,unsigned CC,ArgListTy & Args)317   virtual void markLibCallAttributes(MachineFunction *MF, unsigned CC,
318                                      ArgListTy &Args) const {};
getExtendForContent(BooleanContent Content)320   static ISD::NodeType getExtendForContent(BooleanContent Content) {
321     switch (Content) {
322     case UndefinedBooleanContent:
323       // Extend by adding rubbish bits.
324       return ISD::ANY_EXTEND;
325     case ZeroOrOneBooleanContent:
326       // Extend by adding zero bits.
327       return ISD::ZERO_EXTEND;
328     case ZeroOrNegativeOneBooleanContent:
329       // Extend by copying the sign bit.
330       return ISD::SIGN_EXTEND;
331     }
332     llvm_unreachable("Invalid content kind");
333   }
335   explicit TargetLoweringBase(const TargetMachine &TM);
336   TargetLoweringBase(const TargetLoweringBase &) = delete;
337   TargetLoweringBase &operator=(const TargetLoweringBase &) = delete;
338   virtual ~TargetLoweringBase() = default;
340   /// Return true if the target support strict float operation
isStrictFPEnabled()341   bool isStrictFPEnabled() const {
342     return IsStrictFPEnabled;
343   }
345 protected:
346   /// Initialize all of the actions to default values.
347   void initActions();
349 public:
getTargetMachine()350   const TargetMachine &getTargetMachine() const { return TM; }
useSoftFloat()352   virtual bool useSoftFloat() const { return false; }
354   /// Return the pointer type for the given address space, defaults to
355   /// the pointer type from the data layout.
356   /// FIXME: The default needs to be removed once all the code is updated.
357   virtual MVT getPointerTy(const DataLayout &DL, uint32_t AS = 0) const {
358     return MVT::getIntegerVT(DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AS));
359   }
361   /// Return the in-memory pointer type for the given address space, defaults to
362   /// the pointer type from the data layout.  FIXME: The default needs to be
363   /// removed once all the code is updated.
364   virtual MVT getPointerMemTy(const DataLayout &DL, uint32_t AS = 0) const {
365     return MVT::getIntegerVT(DL.getPointerSizeInBits(AS));
366   }
368   /// Return the type for frame index, which is determined by
369   /// the alloca address space specified through the data layout.
getFrameIndexTy(const DataLayout & DL)370   MVT getFrameIndexTy(const DataLayout &DL) const {
371     return getPointerTy(DL, DL.getAllocaAddrSpace());
372   }
374   /// Return the type for code pointers, which is determined by the program
375   /// address space specified through the data layout.
getProgramPointerTy(const DataLayout & DL)376   MVT getProgramPointerTy(const DataLayout &DL) const {
377     return getPointerTy(DL, DL.getProgramAddressSpace());
378   }
380   /// Return the type for operands of fence.
381   /// TODO: Let fence operands be of i32 type and remove this.
getFenceOperandTy(const DataLayout & DL)382   virtual MVT getFenceOperandTy(const DataLayout &DL) const {
383     return getPointerTy(DL);
384   }
386   /// Return the type to use for a scalar shift opcode, given the shifted amount
387   /// type. Targets should return a legal type if the input type is legal.
388   /// Targets can return a type that is too small if the input type is illegal.
389   virtual MVT getScalarShiftAmountTy(const DataLayout &, EVT) const;
391   /// Returns the type for the shift amount of a shift opcode. For vectors,
392   /// returns the input type. For scalars, behavior depends on \p LegalTypes. If
393   /// \p LegalTypes is true, calls getScalarShiftAmountTy, otherwise uses
394   /// pointer type. If getScalarShiftAmountTy or pointer type cannot represent
395   /// all possible shift amounts, returns MVT::i32. In general, \p LegalTypes
396   /// should be set to true for calls during type legalization and after type
397   /// legalization has been completed.
398   EVT getShiftAmountTy(EVT LHSTy, const DataLayout &DL,
399                        bool LegalTypes = true) const;
401   /// Return the preferred type to use for a shift opcode, given the shifted
402   /// amount type is \p ShiftValueTy.
getPreferredShiftAmountTy(LLT ShiftValueTy)404   virtual LLT getPreferredShiftAmountTy(LLT ShiftValueTy) const {
405     return ShiftValueTy;
406   }
408   /// Returns the type to be used for the index operand of:
getVectorIdxTy(const DataLayout & DL)411   virtual MVT getVectorIdxTy(const DataLayout &DL) const {
412     return getPointerTy(DL);
413   }
415   /// Returns the type to be used for the EVL/AVL operand of VP nodes:
416   /// ISD::VP_ADD, ISD::VP_SUB, etc. It must be a legal scalar integer type,
417   /// and must be at least as large as i32. The EVL is implicitly zero-extended
418   /// to any larger type.
getVPExplicitVectorLengthTy()419   virtual MVT getVPExplicitVectorLengthTy() const { return MVT::i32; }
421   /// This callback is used to inspect load/store instructions and add
422   /// target-specific MachineMemOperand flags to them.  The default
423   /// implementation does nothing.
getTargetMMOFlags(const Instruction & I)424   virtual MachineMemOperand::Flags getTargetMMOFlags(const Instruction &I) const {
425     return MachineMemOperand::MONone;
426   }
428   MachineMemOperand::Flags
429   getLoadMemOperandFlags(const LoadInst &LI, const DataLayout &DL,
430                          AssumptionCache *AC = nullptr,
431                          const TargetLibraryInfo *LibInfo = nullptr) const;
432   MachineMemOperand::Flags getStoreMemOperandFlags(const StoreInst &SI,
433                                                    const DataLayout &DL) const;
434   MachineMemOperand::Flags getAtomicMemOperandFlags(const Instruction &AI,
435                                                     const DataLayout &DL) const;
isSelectSupported(SelectSupportKind)437   virtual bool isSelectSupported(SelectSupportKind /*kind*/) const {
438     return true;
439   }
441   /// Return true if the @llvm.get.active.lane.mask intrinsic should be expanded
442   /// using generic code in SelectionDAGBuilder.
shouldExpandGetActiveLaneMask(EVT VT,EVT OpVT)443   virtual bool shouldExpandGetActiveLaneMask(EVT VT, EVT OpVT) const {
444     return true;
445   }
447   /// Return true if it is profitable to convert a select of FP constants into
448   /// a constant pool load whose address depends on the select condition. The
449   /// parameter may be used to differentiate a select with FP compare from
450   /// integer compare.
reduceSelectOfFPConstantLoads(EVT CmpOpVT)451   virtual bool reduceSelectOfFPConstantLoads(EVT CmpOpVT) const {
452     return true;
453   }
455   /// Return true if multiple condition registers are available.
hasMultipleConditionRegisters()456   bool hasMultipleConditionRegisters() const {
457     return HasMultipleConditionRegisters;
458   }
460   /// Return true if the target has BitExtract instructions.
hasExtractBitsInsn()461   bool hasExtractBitsInsn() const { return HasExtractBitsInsn; }
463   /// Return the preferred vector type legalization action.
464   virtual TargetLoweringBase::LegalizeTypeAction
getPreferredVectorAction(MVT VT)465   getPreferredVectorAction(MVT VT) const {
466     // The default action for one element vectors is to scalarize
467     if (VT.getVectorElementCount().isScalar())
468       return TypeScalarizeVector;
469     // The default action for an odd-width vector is to widen.
470     if (!VT.isPow2VectorType())
471       return TypeWidenVector;
472     // The default action for other vectors is to promote
473     return TypePromoteInteger;
474   }
476   // Return true if the half type should be passed around as i16, but promoted
477   // to float around arithmetic. The default behavior is to pass around as
478   // float and convert around loads/stores/bitcasts and other places where
479   // the size matters.
softPromoteHalfType()480   virtual bool softPromoteHalfType() const { return false; }
482   // There are two general methods for expanding a BUILD_VECTOR node:
483   //  1. Use SCALAR_TO_VECTOR on the defined scalar values and then shuffle
484   //     them together.
485   //  2. Build the vector on the stack and then load it.
486   // If this function returns true, then method (1) will be used, subject to
487   // the constraint that all of the necessary shuffles are legal (as determined
488   // by isShuffleMaskLegal). If this function returns false, then method (2) is
489   // always used. The vector type, and the number of defined values, are
490   // provided.
491   virtual bool
shouldExpandBuildVectorWithShuffles(EVT,unsigned DefinedValues)492   shouldExpandBuildVectorWithShuffles(EVT /* VT */,
493                                       unsigned DefinedValues) const {
494     return DefinedValues < 3;
495   }
497   /// Return true if integer divide is usually cheaper than a sequence of
498   /// several shifts, adds, and multiplies for this target.
499   /// The definition of "cheaper" may depend on whether we're optimizing
500   /// for speed or for size.
isIntDivCheap(EVT VT,AttributeList Attr)501   virtual bool isIntDivCheap(EVT VT, AttributeList Attr) const { return false; }
503   /// Return true if the target can handle a standalone remainder operation.
hasStandaloneRem(EVT VT)504   virtual bool hasStandaloneRem(EVT VT) const {
505     return true;
506   }
508   /// Return true if SQRT(X) shouldn't be replaced with X*RSQRT(X).
isFsqrtCheap(SDValue X,SelectionDAG & DAG)509   virtual bool isFsqrtCheap(SDValue X, SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
510     // Default behavior is to replace SQRT(X) with X*RSQRT(X).
511     return false;
512   }
514   /// Reciprocal estimate status values used by the functions below.
515   enum ReciprocalEstimate : int {
516     Unspecified = -1,
517     Disabled = 0,
518     Enabled = 1
519   };
521   /// Return a ReciprocalEstimate enum value for a square root of the given type
522   /// based on the function's attributes. If the operation is not overridden by
523   /// the function's attributes, "Unspecified" is returned and target defaults
524   /// are expected to be used for instruction selection.
525   int getRecipEstimateSqrtEnabled(EVT VT, MachineFunction &MF) const;
527   /// Return a ReciprocalEstimate enum value for a division of the given type
528   /// based on the function's attributes. If the operation is not overridden by
529   /// the function's attributes, "Unspecified" is returned and target defaults
530   /// are expected to be used for instruction selection.
531   int getRecipEstimateDivEnabled(EVT VT, MachineFunction &MF) const;
533   /// Return the refinement step count for a square root of the given type based
534   /// on the function's attributes. If the operation is not overridden by
535   /// the function's attributes, "Unspecified" is returned and target defaults
536   /// are expected to be used for instruction selection.
537   int getSqrtRefinementSteps(EVT VT, MachineFunction &MF) const;
539   /// Return the refinement step count for a division of the given type based
540   /// on the function's attributes. If the operation is not overridden by
541   /// the function's attributes, "Unspecified" is returned and target defaults
542   /// are expected to be used for instruction selection.
543   int getDivRefinementSteps(EVT VT, MachineFunction &MF) const;
545   /// Returns true if target has indicated at least one type should be bypassed.
isSlowDivBypassed()546   bool isSlowDivBypassed() const { return !BypassSlowDivWidths.empty(); }
548   /// Returns map of slow types for division or remainder with corresponding
549   /// fast types
getBypassSlowDivWidths()550   const DenseMap<unsigned int, unsigned int> &getBypassSlowDivWidths() const {
551     return BypassSlowDivWidths;
552   }
554   /// Return true only if vscale must be a power of two.
isVScaleKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo()555   virtual bool isVScaleKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo() const { return false; }
557   /// Return true if Flow Control is an expensive operation that should be
558   /// avoided.
isJumpExpensive()559   bool isJumpExpensive() const { return JumpIsExpensive; }
561   /// Return true if selects are only cheaper than branches if the branch is
562   /// unlikely to be predicted right.
isPredictableSelectExpensive()563   bool isPredictableSelectExpensive() const {
564     return PredictableSelectIsExpensive;
565   }
fallBackToDAGISel(const Instruction & Inst)567   virtual bool fallBackToDAGISel(const Instruction &Inst) const {
568     return false;
569   }
571   /// Return true if the following transform is beneficial:
572   /// fold (conv (load x)) -> (load (conv*)x)
573   /// On architectures that don't natively support some vector loads
574   /// efficiently, casting the load to a smaller vector of larger types and
575   /// loading is more efficient, however, this can be undone by optimizations in
576   /// dag combiner.
577   virtual bool isLoadBitCastBeneficial(EVT LoadVT, EVT BitcastVT,
578                                        const SelectionDAG &DAG,
579                                        const MachineMemOperand &MMO) const;
581   /// Return true if the following transform is beneficial:
582   /// (store (y (conv x)), y*)) -> (store x, (x*))
isStoreBitCastBeneficial(EVT StoreVT,EVT BitcastVT,const SelectionDAG & DAG,const MachineMemOperand & MMO)583   virtual bool isStoreBitCastBeneficial(EVT StoreVT, EVT BitcastVT,
584                                         const SelectionDAG &DAG,
585                                         const MachineMemOperand &MMO) const {
586     // Default to the same logic as loads.
587     return isLoadBitCastBeneficial(StoreVT, BitcastVT, DAG, MMO);
588   }
590   /// Return true if it is expected to be cheaper to do a store of a non-zero
591   /// vector constant with the given size and type for the address space than to
592   /// store the individual scalar element constants.
storeOfVectorConstantIsCheap(EVT MemVT,unsigned NumElem,unsigned AddrSpace)593   virtual bool storeOfVectorConstantIsCheap(EVT MemVT,
594                                             unsigned NumElem,
595                                             unsigned AddrSpace) const {
596     return false;
597   }
599   /// Allow store merging for the specified type after legalization in addition
600   /// to before legalization. This may transform stores that do not exist
601   /// earlier (for example, stores created from intrinsics).
mergeStoresAfterLegalization(EVT MemVT)602   virtual bool mergeStoresAfterLegalization(EVT MemVT) const {
603     return true;
604   }
606   /// Returns if it's reasonable to merge stores to MemVT size.
canMergeStoresTo(unsigned AS,EVT MemVT,const MachineFunction & MF)607   virtual bool canMergeStoresTo(unsigned AS, EVT MemVT,
608                                 const MachineFunction &MF) const {
609     return true;
610   }
612   /// Return true if it is cheap to speculate a call to intrinsic cttz.
isCheapToSpeculateCttz(Type * Ty)613   virtual bool isCheapToSpeculateCttz(Type *Ty) const {
614     return false;
615   }
617   /// Return true if it is cheap to speculate a call to intrinsic ctlz.
isCheapToSpeculateCtlz(Type * Ty)618   virtual bool isCheapToSpeculateCtlz(Type *Ty) const {
619     return false;
620   }
622   /// Return true if ctlz instruction is fast.
isCtlzFast()623   virtual bool isCtlzFast() const {
624     return false;
625   }
627   /// Return the maximum number of "x & (x - 1)" operations that can be done
628   /// instead of deferring to a custom CTPOP.
getCustomCtpopCost(EVT VT,ISD::CondCode Cond)629   virtual unsigned getCustomCtpopCost(EVT VT, ISD::CondCode Cond) const {
630     return 1;
631   }
633   /// Return true if instruction generated for equality comparison is folded
634   /// with instruction generated for signed comparison.
isEqualityCmpFoldedWithSignedCmp()635   virtual bool isEqualityCmpFoldedWithSignedCmp() const { return true; }
637   /// Return true if the heuristic to prefer icmp eq zero should be used in code
638   /// gen prepare.
preferZeroCompareBranch()639   virtual bool preferZeroCompareBranch() const { return false; }
641   /// Return true if it is safe to transform an integer-domain bitwise operation
642   /// into the equivalent floating-point operation. This should be set to true
643   /// if the target has IEEE-754-compliant fabs/fneg operations for the input
644   /// type.
hasBitPreservingFPLogic(EVT VT)645   virtual bool hasBitPreservingFPLogic(EVT VT) const {
646     return false;
647   }
649   /// Return true if it is cheaper to split the store of a merged int val
650   /// from a pair of smaller values into multiple stores.
isMultiStoresCheaperThanBitsMerge(EVT LTy,EVT HTy)651   virtual bool isMultiStoresCheaperThanBitsMerge(EVT LTy, EVT HTy) const {
652     return false;
653   }
655   /// Return if the target supports combining a
656   /// chain like:
657   /// \code
658   ///   %andResult = and %val1, #mask
659   ///   %icmpResult = icmp %andResult, 0
660   /// \endcode
661   /// into a single machine instruction of a form like:
662   /// \code
663   ///   cc = test %register, #mask
664   /// \endcode
isMaskAndCmp0FoldingBeneficial(const Instruction & AndI)665   virtual bool isMaskAndCmp0FoldingBeneficial(const Instruction &AndI) const {
666     return false;
667   }
669   /// Use bitwise logic to make pairs of compares more efficient. For example:
670   /// and (seteq A, B), (seteq C, D) --> seteq (or (xor A, B), (xor C, D)), 0
671   /// This should be true when it takes more than one instruction to lower
672   /// setcc (cmp+set on x86 scalar), when bitwise ops are faster than logic on
673   /// condition bits (crand on PowerPC), and/or when reducing cmp+br is a win.
convertSetCCLogicToBitwiseLogic(EVT VT)674   virtual bool convertSetCCLogicToBitwiseLogic(EVT VT) const {
675     return false;
676   }
678   /// Return the preferred operand type if the target has a quick way to compare
679   /// integer values of the given size. Assume that any legal integer type can
680   /// be compared efficiently. Targets may override this to allow illegal wide
681   /// types to return a vector type if there is support to compare that type.
hasFastEqualityCompare(unsigned NumBits)682   virtual MVT hasFastEqualityCompare(unsigned NumBits) const {
683     MVT VT = MVT::getIntegerVT(NumBits);
684     return isTypeLegal(VT) ? VT : MVT::INVALID_SIMPLE_VALUE_TYPE;
685   }
687   /// Return true if the target should transform:
688   /// (X & Y) == Y ---> (~X & Y) == 0
689   /// (X & Y) != Y ---> (~X & Y) != 0
690   ///
691   /// This may be profitable if the target has a bitwise and-not operation that
692   /// sets comparison flags. A target may want to limit the transformation based
693   /// on the type of Y or if Y is a constant.
694   ///
695   /// Note that the transform will not occur if Y is known to be a power-of-2
696   /// because a mask and compare of a single bit can be handled by inverting the
697   /// predicate, for example:
698   /// (X & 8) == 8 ---> (X & 8) != 0
hasAndNotCompare(SDValue Y)699   virtual bool hasAndNotCompare(SDValue Y) const {
700     return false;
701   }
703   /// Return true if the target has a bitwise and-not operation:
704   /// X = ~A & B
705   /// This can be used to simplify select or other instructions.
hasAndNot(SDValue X)706   virtual bool hasAndNot(SDValue X) const {
707     // If the target has the more complex version of this operation, assume that
708     // it has this operation too.
709     return hasAndNotCompare(X);
710   }
712   /// Return true if the target has a bit-test instruction:
713   ///   (X & (1 << Y)) ==/!= 0
714   /// This knowledge can be used to prevent breaking the pattern,
715   /// or creating it if it could be recognized.
hasBitTest(SDValue X,SDValue Y)716   virtual bool hasBitTest(SDValue X, SDValue Y) const { return false; }
718   /// There are two ways to clear extreme bits (either low or high):
719   /// Mask:    x &  (-1 << y)  (the instcombine canonical form)
720   /// Shifts:  x >> y << y
721   /// Return true if the variant with 2 variable shifts is preferred.
722   /// Return false if there is no preference.
shouldFoldMaskToVariableShiftPair(SDValue X)723   virtual bool shouldFoldMaskToVariableShiftPair(SDValue X) const {
724     // By default, let's assume that no one prefers shifts.
725     return false;
726   }
728   /// Return true if it is profitable to fold a pair of shifts into a mask.
729   /// This is usually true on most targets. But some targets, like Thumb1,
730   /// have immediate shift instructions, but no immediate "and" instruction;
731   /// this makes the fold unprofitable.
shouldFoldConstantShiftPairToMask(const SDNode * N,CombineLevel Level)732   virtual bool shouldFoldConstantShiftPairToMask(const SDNode *N,
733                                                  CombineLevel Level) const {
734     return true;
735   }
737   /// Should we tranform the IR-optimal check for whether given truncation
738   /// down into KeptBits would be truncating or not:
739   ///   (add %x, (1 << (KeptBits-1))) srccond (1 << KeptBits)
740   /// Into it's more traditional form:
741   ///   ((%x << C) a>> C) dstcond %x
742   /// Return true if we should transform.
743   /// Return false if there is no preference.
shouldTransformSignedTruncationCheck(EVT XVT,unsigned KeptBits)744   virtual bool shouldTransformSignedTruncationCheck(EVT XVT,
745                                                     unsigned KeptBits) const {
746     // By default, let's assume that no one prefers shifts.
747     return false;
748   }
750   /// Given the pattern
751   ///   (X & (C l>>/<< Y)) ==/!= 0
752   /// return true if it should be transformed into:
753   ///   ((X <</l>> Y) & C) ==/!= 0
754   /// WARNING: if 'X' is a constant, the fold may deadlock!
755   /// FIXME: we could avoid passing XC, but we can't use isConstOrConstSplat()
756   ///        here because it can end up being not linked in.
shouldProduceAndByConstByHoistingConstFromShiftsLHSOfAnd(SDValue X,ConstantSDNode * XC,ConstantSDNode * CC,SDValue Y,unsigned OldShiftOpcode,unsigned NewShiftOpcode,SelectionDAG & DAG)757   virtual bool shouldProduceAndByConstByHoistingConstFromShiftsLHSOfAnd(
758       SDValue X, ConstantSDNode *XC, ConstantSDNode *CC, SDValue Y,
759       unsigned OldShiftOpcode, unsigned NewShiftOpcode,
760       SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
761     if (hasBitTest(X, Y)) {
762       // One interesting pattern that we'd want to form is 'bit test':
763       //   ((1 << Y) & C) ==/!= 0
764       // But we also need to be careful not to try to reverse that fold.
766       // Is this '1 << Y' ?
767       if (OldShiftOpcode == ISD::SHL && CC->isOne())
768         return false; // Keep the 'bit test' pattern.
770       // Will it be '1 << Y' after the transform ?
771       if (XC && NewShiftOpcode == ISD::SHL && XC->isOne())
772         return true; // Do form the 'bit test' pattern.
773     }
775     // If 'X' is a constant, and we transform, then we will immediately
776     // try to undo the fold, thus causing endless combine loop.
777     // So by default, let's assume everyone prefers the fold
778     // iff 'X' is not a constant.
779     return !XC;
780   }
782   /// These two forms are equivalent:
783   ///   sub %y, (xor %x, -1)
784   ///   add (add %x, 1), %y
785   /// The variant with two add's is IR-canonical.
786   /// Some targets may prefer one to the other.
preferIncOfAddToSubOfNot(EVT VT)787   virtual bool preferIncOfAddToSubOfNot(EVT VT) const {
788     // By default, let's assume that everyone prefers the form with two add's.
789     return true;
790   }
792   // Return true if the target wants to transform Op(Splat(X)) -> Splat(Op(X))
preferScalarizeSplat(unsigned Opc)793   virtual bool preferScalarizeSplat(unsigned Opc) const { return true; }
795   /// Return true if the target wants to use the optimization that
796   /// turns ext(promotableInst1(...(promotableInstN(load)))) into
797   /// promotedInst1(...(promotedInstN(ext(load)))).
enableExtLdPromotion()798   bool enableExtLdPromotion() const { return EnableExtLdPromotion; }
800   /// Return true if the target can combine store(extractelement VectorTy,
801   /// Idx).
802   /// \p Cost[out] gives the cost of that transformation when this is true.
canCombineStoreAndExtract(Type * VectorTy,Value * Idx,unsigned & Cost)803   virtual bool canCombineStoreAndExtract(Type *VectorTy, Value *Idx,
804                                          unsigned &Cost) const {
805     return false;
806   }
808   /// Return true if inserting a scalar into a variable element of an undef
809   /// vector is more efficiently handled by splatting the scalar instead.
shouldSplatInsEltVarIndex(EVT)810   virtual bool shouldSplatInsEltVarIndex(EVT) const {
811     return false;
812   }
814   /// Return true if target always benefits from combining into FMA for a
815   /// given value type. This must typically return false on targets where FMA
816   /// takes more cycles to execute than FADD.
enableAggressiveFMAFusion(EVT VT)817   virtual bool enableAggressiveFMAFusion(EVT VT) const { return false; }
819   /// Return true if target always benefits from combining into FMA for a
820   /// given value type. This must typically return false on targets where FMA
821   /// takes more cycles to execute than FADD.
enableAggressiveFMAFusion(LLT Ty)822   virtual bool enableAggressiveFMAFusion(LLT Ty) const { return false; }
824   /// Return the ValueType of the result of SETCC operations.
825   virtual EVT getSetCCResultType(const DataLayout &DL, LLVMContext &Context,
826                                  EVT VT) const;
828   /// Return the ValueType for comparison libcalls. Comparison libcalls include
829   /// floating point comparison calls, and Ordered/Unordered check calls on
830   /// floating point numbers.
831   virtual
832   MVT::SimpleValueType getCmpLibcallReturnType() const;
834   /// For targets without i1 registers, this gives the nature of the high-bits
835   /// of boolean values held in types wider than i1.
836   ///
837   /// "Boolean values" are special true/false values produced by nodes like
838   /// SETCC and consumed (as the condition) by nodes like SELECT and BRCOND.
839   /// Not to be confused with general values promoted from i1.  Some cpus
840   /// distinguish between vectors of boolean and scalars; the isVec parameter
841   /// selects between the two kinds.  For example on X86 a scalar boolean should
842   /// be zero extended from i1, while the elements of a vector of booleans
843   /// should be sign extended from i1.
844   ///
845   /// Some cpus also treat floating point types the same way as they treat
846   /// vectors instead of the way they treat scalars.
getBooleanContents(bool isVec,bool isFloat)847   BooleanContent getBooleanContents(bool isVec, bool isFloat) const {
848     if (isVec)
849       return BooleanVectorContents;
850     return isFloat ? BooleanFloatContents : BooleanContents;
851   }
getBooleanContents(EVT Type)853   BooleanContent getBooleanContents(EVT Type) const {
854     return getBooleanContents(Type.isVector(), Type.isFloatingPoint());
855   }
857   /// Promote the given target boolean to a target boolean of the given type.
858   /// A target boolean is an integer value, not necessarily of type i1, the bits
859   /// of which conform to getBooleanContents.
860   ///
861   /// ValVT is the type of values that produced the boolean.
promoteTargetBoolean(SelectionDAG & DAG,SDValue Bool,EVT ValVT)862   SDValue promoteTargetBoolean(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue Bool,
863                                EVT ValVT) const {
864     SDLoc dl(Bool);
865     EVT BoolVT =
866         getSetCCResultType(DAG.getDataLayout(), *DAG.getContext(), ValVT);
867     ISD::NodeType ExtendCode = getExtendForContent(getBooleanContents(ValVT));
868     return DAG.getNode(ExtendCode, dl, BoolVT, Bool);
869   }
871   /// Return target scheduling preference.
getSchedulingPreference()872   Sched::Preference getSchedulingPreference() const {
873     return SchedPreferenceInfo;
874   }
876   /// Some scheduler, e.g. hybrid, can switch to different scheduling heuristics
877   /// for different nodes. This function returns the preference (or none) for
878   /// the given node.
getSchedulingPreference(SDNode *)879   virtual Sched::Preference getSchedulingPreference(SDNode *) const {
880     return Sched::None;
881   }
883   /// Return the register class that should be used for the specified value
884   /// type.
885   virtual const TargetRegisterClass *getRegClassFor(MVT VT, bool isDivergent = false) const {
886     (void)isDivergent;
887     const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RegClassForVT[VT.SimpleTy];
888     assert(RC && "This value type is not natively supported!");
889     return RC;
890   }
892   /// Allows target to decide about the register class of the
893   /// specific value that is live outside the defining block.
894   /// Returns true if the value needs uniform register class.
requiresUniformRegister(MachineFunction & MF,const Value *)895   virtual bool requiresUniformRegister(MachineFunction &MF,
896                                        const Value *) const {
897     return false;
898   }
900   /// Return the 'representative' register class for the specified value
901   /// type.
902   ///
903   /// The 'representative' register class is the largest legal super-reg
904   /// register class for the register class of the value type.  For example, on
905   /// i386 the rep register class for i8, i16, and i32 are GR32; while the rep
906   /// register class is GR64 on x86_64.
getRepRegClassFor(MVT VT)907   virtual const TargetRegisterClass *getRepRegClassFor(MVT VT) const {
908     const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RepRegClassForVT[VT.SimpleTy];
909     return RC;
910   }
912   /// Return the cost of the 'representative' register class for the specified
913   /// value type.
getRepRegClassCostFor(MVT VT)914   virtual uint8_t getRepRegClassCostFor(MVT VT) const {
915     return RepRegClassCostForVT[VT.SimpleTy];
916   }
918   /// Return the preferred strategy to legalize tihs SHIFT instruction, with
919   /// \p ExpansionFactor being the recursion depth - how many expansion needed.
920   enum class ShiftLegalizationStrategy {
921     ExpandToParts,
922     ExpandThroughStack,
923     LowerToLibcall
924   };
925   virtual ShiftLegalizationStrategy
preferredShiftLegalizationStrategy(SelectionDAG & DAG,SDNode * N,unsigned ExpansionFactor)926   preferredShiftLegalizationStrategy(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDNode *N,
927                                      unsigned ExpansionFactor) const {
928     if (ExpansionFactor == 1)
929       return ShiftLegalizationStrategy::ExpandToParts;
930     return ShiftLegalizationStrategy::ExpandThroughStack;
931   }
933   /// Return true if the target has native support for the specified value type.
934   /// This means that it has a register that directly holds it without
935   /// promotions or expansions.
isTypeLegal(EVT VT)936   bool isTypeLegal(EVT VT) const {
937     assert(!VT.isSimple() ||
938            (unsigned)VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy < std::size(RegClassForVT));
939     return VT.isSimple() && RegClassForVT[VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy] != nullptr;
940   }
942   class ValueTypeActionImpl {
943     /// ValueTypeActions - For each value type, keep a LegalizeTypeAction enum
944     /// that indicates how instruction selection should deal with the type.
945     LegalizeTypeAction ValueTypeActions[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
947   public:
ValueTypeActionImpl()948     ValueTypeActionImpl() {
949       std::fill(std::begin(ValueTypeActions), std::end(ValueTypeActions),
950                 TypeLegal);
951     }
getTypeAction(MVT VT)953     LegalizeTypeAction getTypeAction(MVT VT) const {
954       return ValueTypeActions[VT.SimpleTy];
955     }
setTypeAction(MVT VT,LegalizeTypeAction Action)957     void setTypeAction(MVT VT, LegalizeTypeAction Action) {
958       ValueTypeActions[VT.SimpleTy] = Action;
959     }
960   };
getValueTypeActions()962   const ValueTypeActionImpl &getValueTypeActions() const {
963     return ValueTypeActions;
964   }
966   /// Return pair that represents the legalization kind (first) that needs to
967   /// happen to EVT (second) in order to type-legalize it.
968   ///
969   /// First: how we should legalize values of this type, either it is already
970   /// legal (return 'Legal') or we need to promote it to a larger type (return
971   /// 'Promote'), or we need to expand it into multiple registers of smaller
972   /// integer type (return 'Expand').  'Custom' is not an option.
973   ///
974   /// Second: for types supported by the target, this is an identity function.
975   /// For types that must be promoted to larger types, this returns the larger
976   /// type to promote to.  For integer types that are larger than the largest
977   /// integer register, this contains one step in the expansion to get to the
978   /// smaller register. For illegal floating point types, this returns the
979   /// integer type to transform to.
980   LegalizeKind getTypeConversion(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT) const;
982   /// Return how we should legalize values of this type, either it is already
983   /// legal (return 'Legal') or we need to promote it to a larger type (return
984   /// 'Promote'), or we need to expand it into multiple registers of smaller
985   /// integer type (return 'Expand').  'Custom' is not an option.
getTypeAction(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT)986   LegalizeTypeAction getTypeAction(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT) const {
987     return getTypeConversion(Context, VT).first;
988   }
getTypeAction(MVT VT)989   LegalizeTypeAction getTypeAction(MVT VT) const {
990     return ValueTypeActions.getTypeAction(VT);
991   }
993   /// For types supported by the target, this is an identity function.  For
994   /// types that must be promoted to larger types, this returns the larger type
995   /// to promote to.  For integer types that are larger than the largest integer
996   /// register, this contains one step in the expansion to get to the smaller
997   /// register. For illegal floating point types, this returns the integer type
998   /// to transform to.
getTypeToTransformTo(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT)999   virtual EVT getTypeToTransformTo(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT) const {
1000     return getTypeConversion(Context, VT).second;
1001   }
1003   /// For types supported by the target, this is an identity function.  For
1004   /// types that must be expanded (i.e. integer types that are larger than the
1005   /// largest integer register or illegal floating point types), this returns
1006   /// the largest legal type it will be expanded to.
getTypeToExpandTo(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT)1007   EVT getTypeToExpandTo(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT) const {
1008     assert(!VT.isVector());
1009     while (true) {
1010       switch (getTypeAction(Context, VT)) {
1011       case TypeLegal:
1012         return VT;
1013       case TypeExpandInteger:
1014         VT = getTypeToTransformTo(Context, VT);
1015         break;
1016       default:
1017         llvm_unreachable("Type is not legal nor is it to be expanded!");
1018       }
1019     }
1020   }
1022   /// Vector types are broken down into some number of legal first class types.
1023   /// For example, EVT::v8f32 maps to 2 EVT::v4f32 with Altivec or SSE1, or 8
1024   /// promoted EVT::f64 values with the X86 FP stack.  Similarly, EVT::v2i64
1025   /// turns into 4 EVT::i32 values with both PPC and X86.
1026   ///
1027   /// This method returns the number of registers needed, and the VT for each
1028   /// register.  It also returns the VT and quantity of the intermediate values
1029   /// before they are promoted/expanded.
1030   unsigned getVectorTypeBreakdown(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT,
1031                                   EVT &IntermediateVT,
1032                                   unsigned &NumIntermediates,
1033                                   MVT &RegisterVT) const;
1035   /// Certain targets such as MIPS require that some types such as vectors are
1036   /// always broken down into scalars in some contexts. This occurs even if the
1037   /// vector type is legal.
getVectorTypeBreakdownForCallingConv(LLVMContext & Context,CallingConv::ID CC,EVT VT,EVT & IntermediateVT,unsigned & NumIntermediates,MVT & RegisterVT)1038   virtual unsigned getVectorTypeBreakdownForCallingConv(
1039       LLVMContext &Context, CallingConv::ID CC, EVT VT, EVT &IntermediateVT,
1040       unsigned &NumIntermediates, MVT &RegisterVT) const {
1041     return getVectorTypeBreakdown(Context, VT, IntermediateVT, NumIntermediates,
1042                                   RegisterVT);
1043   }
1045   struct IntrinsicInfo {
1046     unsigned     opc = 0;          // target opcode
1047     EVT          memVT;            // memory VT
1049     // value representing memory location
1050     PointerUnion<const Value *, const PseudoSourceValue *> ptrVal;
1052     // Fallback address space for use if ptrVal is nullptr. std::nullopt means
1053     // unknown address space.
1054     std::optional<unsigned> fallbackAddressSpace;
1056     int          offset = 0;       // offset off of ptrVal
1057     uint64_t     size = 0;         // the size of the memory location
1058                                    // (taken from memVT if zero)
1059     MaybeAlign align = Align(1);   // alignment
1061     MachineMemOperand::Flags flags = MachineMemOperand::MONone;
1062     IntrinsicInfo() = default;
1063   };
1065   /// Given an intrinsic, checks if on the target the intrinsic will need to map
1066   /// to a MemIntrinsicNode (touches memory). If this is the case, it returns
1067   /// true and store the intrinsic information into the IntrinsicInfo that was
1068   /// passed to the function.
getTgtMemIntrinsic(IntrinsicInfo &,const CallInst &,MachineFunction &,unsigned)1069   virtual bool getTgtMemIntrinsic(IntrinsicInfo &, const CallInst &,
1070                                   MachineFunction &,
1071                                   unsigned /*Intrinsic*/) const {
1072     return false;
1073   }
1075   /// Returns true if the target can instruction select the specified FP
1076   /// immediate natively. If false, the legalizer will materialize the FP
1077   /// immediate as a load from a constant pool.
1078   virtual bool isFPImmLegal(const APFloat & /*Imm*/, EVT /*VT*/,
1079                             bool ForCodeSize = false) const {
1080     return false;
1081   }
1083   /// Targets can use this to indicate that they only support *some*
1084   /// VECTOR_SHUFFLE operations, those with specific masks.  By default, if a
1085   /// target supports the VECTOR_SHUFFLE node, all mask values are assumed to be
1086   /// legal.
isShuffleMaskLegal(ArrayRef<int>,EVT)1087   virtual bool isShuffleMaskLegal(ArrayRef<int> /*Mask*/, EVT /*VT*/) const {
1088     return true;
1089   }
1091   /// Returns true if the operation can trap for the value type.
1092   ///
1093   /// VT must be a legal type. By default, we optimistically assume most
1094   /// operations don't trap except for integer divide and remainder.
1095   virtual bool canOpTrap(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const;
1097   /// Similar to isShuffleMaskLegal. Targets can use this to indicate if there
1098   /// is a suitable VECTOR_SHUFFLE that can be used to replace a VAND with a
1099   /// constant pool entry.
isVectorClearMaskLegal(ArrayRef<int>,EVT)1100   virtual bool isVectorClearMaskLegal(ArrayRef<int> /*Mask*/,
1101                                       EVT /*VT*/) const {
1102     return false;
1103   }
1105   /// How to legalize this custom operation?
getCustomOperationAction(SDNode & Op)1106   virtual LegalizeAction getCustomOperationAction(SDNode &Op) const {
1107     return Legal;
1108   }
1110   /// Return how this operation should be treated: either it is legal, needs to
1111   /// be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other code
1112   /// sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getOperationAction(unsigned Op,EVT VT)1113   LegalizeAction getOperationAction(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const {
1114     if (VT.isExtended()) return Expand;
1115     // If a target-specific SDNode requires legalization, require the target
1116     // to provide custom legalization for it.
1117     if (Op >= std::size(OpActions[0]))
1118       return Custom;
1119     return OpActions[(unsigned)VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy][Op];
1120   }
1122   /// Custom method defined by each target to indicate if an operation which
1123   /// may require a scale is supported natively by the target.
1124   /// If not, the operation is illegal.
isSupportedFixedPointOperation(unsigned Op,EVT VT,unsigned Scale)1125   virtual bool isSupportedFixedPointOperation(unsigned Op, EVT VT,
1126                                               unsigned Scale) const {
1127     return false;
1128   }
1130   /// Some fixed point operations may be natively supported by the target but
1131   /// only for specific scales. This method allows for checking
1132   /// if the width is supported by the target for a given operation that may
1133   /// depend on scale.
getFixedPointOperationAction(unsigned Op,EVT VT,unsigned Scale)1134   LegalizeAction getFixedPointOperationAction(unsigned Op, EVT VT,
1135                                               unsigned Scale) const {
1136     auto Action = getOperationAction(Op, VT);
1137     if (Action != Legal)
1138       return Action;
1140     // This operation is supported in this type but may only work on specific
1141     // scales.
1142     bool Supported;
1143     switch (Op) {
1144     default:
1145       llvm_unreachable("Unexpected fixed point operation.");
1146     case ISD::SMULFIX:
1147     case ISD::SMULFIXSAT:
1148     case ISD::UMULFIX:
1149     case ISD::UMULFIXSAT:
1150     case ISD::SDIVFIX:
1151     case ISD::SDIVFIXSAT:
1152     case ISD::UDIVFIX:
1153     case ISD::UDIVFIXSAT:
1154       Supported = isSupportedFixedPointOperation(Op, VT, Scale);
1155       break;
1156     }
1158     return Supported ? Action : Expand;
1159   }
1161   // If Op is a strict floating-point operation, return the result
1162   // of getOperationAction for the equivalent non-strict operation.
getStrictFPOperationAction(unsigned Op,EVT VT)1163   LegalizeAction getStrictFPOperationAction(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const {
1164     unsigned EqOpc;
1165     switch (Op) {
1166       default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected FP pseudo-opcode");
1168       case ISD::STRICT_##DAGN: EqOpc = ISD::DAGN; break;
1170       case ISD::STRICT_##DAGN: EqOpc = ISD::SETCC; break;
1171 #include "llvm/IR/ConstrainedOps.def"
1172     }
1174     return getOperationAction(EqOpc, VT);
1175   }
1177   /// Return true if the specified operation is legal on this target or can be
1178   /// made legal with custom lowering. This is used to help guide high-level
1179   /// lowering decisions. LegalOnly is an optional convenience for code paths
1180   /// traversed pre and post legalisation.
1181   bool isOperationLegalOrCustom(unsigned Op, EVT VT,
1182                                 bool LegalOnly = false) const {
1183     if (LegalOnly)
1184       return isOperationLegal(Op, VT);
1186     return (VT == MVT::Other || isTypeLegal(VT)) &&
1187       (getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Legal ||
1188        getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Custom);
1189   }
1191   /// Return true if the specified operation is legal on this target or can be
1192   /// made legal using promotion. This is used to help guide high-level lowering
1193   /// decisions. LegalOnly is an optional convenience for code paths traversed
1194   /// pre and post legalisation.
1195   bool isOperationLegalOrPromote(unsigned Op, EVT VT,
1196                                  bool LegalOnly = false) const {
1197     if (LegalOnly)
1198       return isOperationLegal(Op, VT);
1200     return (VT == MVT::Other || isTypeLegal(VT)) &&
1201       (getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Legal ||
1202        getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Promote);
1203   }
1205   /// Return true if the specified operation is legal on this target or can be
1206   /// made legal with custom lowering or using promotion. This is used to help
1207   /// guide high-level lowering decisions. LegalOnly is an optional convenience
1208   /// for code paths traversed pre and post legalisation.
1209   bool isOperationLegalOrCustomOrPromote(unsigned Op, EVT VT,
1210                                          bool LegalOnly = false) const {
1211     if (LegalOnly)
1212       return isOperationLegal(Op, VT);
1214     return (VT == MVT::Other || isTypeLegal(VT)) &&
1215       (getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Legal ||
1216        getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Custom ||
1217        getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Promote);
1218   }
1220   /// Return true if the operation uses custom lowering, regardless of whether
1221   /// the type is legal or not.
isOperationCustom(unsigned Op,EVT VT)1222   bool isOperationCustom(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const {
1223     return getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Custom;
1224   }
1226   /// Return true if lowering to a jump table is allowed.
areJTsAllowed(const Function * Fn)1227   virtual bool areJTsAllowed(const Function *Fn) const {
1228     if (Fn->getFnAttribute("no-jump-tables").getValueAsBool())
1229       return false;
1231     return isOperationLegalOrCustom(ISD::BR_JT, MVT::Other) ||
1232            isOperationLegalOrCustom(ISD::BRIND, MVT::Other);
1233   }
1235   /// Check whether the range [Low,High] fits in a machine word.
rangeFitsInWord(const APInt & Low,const APInt & High,const DataLayout & DL)1236   bool rangeFitsInWord(const APInt &Low, const APInt &High,
1237                        const DataLayout &DL) const {
1238     // FIXME: Using the pointer type doesn't seem ideal.
1239     uint64_t BW = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(0u);
1240     uint64_t Range = (High - Low).getLimitedValue(UINT64_MAX - 1) + 1;
1241     return Range <= BW;
1242   }
1244   /// Return true if lowering to a jump table is suitable for a set of case
1245   /// clusters which may contain \p NumCases cases, \p Range range of values.
1246   virtual bool isSuitableForJumpTable(const SwitchInst *SI, uint64_t NumCases,
1247                                       uint64_t Range, ProfileSummaryInfo *PSI,
1248                                       BlockFrequencyInfo *BFI) const;
1250   /// Returns preferred type for switch condition.
1251   virtual MVT getPreferredSwitchConditionType(LLVMContext &Context,
1252                                               EVT ConditionVT) const;
1254   /// Return true if lowering to a bit test is suitable for a set of case
1255   /// clusters which contains \p NumDests unique destinations, \p Low and
1256   /// \p High as its lowest and highest case values, and expects \p NumCmps
1257   /// case value comparisons. Check if the number of destinations, comparison
1258   /// metric, and range are all suitable.
isSuitableForBitTests(unsigned NumDests,unsigned NumCmps,const APInt & Low,const APInt & High,const DataLayout & DL)1259   bool isSuitableForBitTests(unsigned NumDests, unsigned NumCmps,
1260                              const APInt &Low, const APInt &High,
1261                              const DataLayout &DL) const {
1262     // FIXME: I don't think NumCmps is the correct metric: a single case and a
1263     // range of cases both require only one branch to lower. Just looking at the
1264     // number of clusters and destinations should be enough to decide whether to
1265     // build bit tests.
1267     // To lower a range with bit tests, the range must fit the bitwidth of a
1268     // machine word.
1269     if (!rangeFitsInWord(Low, High, DL))
1270       return false;
1272     // Decide whether it's profitable to lower this range with bit tests. Each
1273     // destination requires a bit test and branch, and there is an overall range
1274     // check branch. For a small number of clusters, separate comparisons might
1275     // be cheaper, and for many destinations, splitting the range might be
1276     // better.
1277     return (NumDests == 1 && NumCmps >= 3) || (NumDests == 2 && NumCmps >= 5) ||
1278            (NumDests == 3 && NumCmps >= 6);
1279   }
1281   /// Return true if the specified operation is illegal on this target or
1282   /// unlikely to be made legal with custom lowering. This is used to help guide
1283   /// high-level lowering decisions.
isOperationExpand(unsigned Op,EVT VT)1284   bool isOperationExpand(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const {
1285     return (!isTypeLegal(VT) || getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Expand);
1286   }
1288   /// Return true if the specified operation is legal on this target.
isOperationLegal(unsigned Op,EVT VT)1289   bool isOperationLegal(unsigned Op, EVT VT) const {
1290     return (VT == MVT::Other || isTypeLegal(VT)) &&
1291            getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Legal;
1292   }
1294   /// Return how this load with extension should be treated: either it is legal,
1295   /// needs to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other
1296   /// code sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getLoadExtAction(unsigned ExtType,EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1297   LegalizeAction getLoadExtAction(unsigned ExtType, EVT ValVT,
1298                                   EVT MemVT) const {
1299     if (ValVT.isExtended() || MemVT.isExtended()) return Expand;
1300     unsigned ValI = (unsigned) ValVT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy;
1301     unsigned MemI = (unsigned) MemVT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy;
1302     assert(ExtType < ISD::LAST_LOADEXT_TYPE && ValI < MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE &&
1303            MemI < MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE && "Table isn't big enough!");
1304     unsigned Shift = 4 * ExtType;
1305     return (LegalizeAction)((LoadExtActions[ValI][MemI] >> Shift) & 0xf);
1306   }
1308   /// Return true if the specified load with extension is legal on this target.
isLoadExtLegal(unsigned ExtType,EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1309   bool isLoadExtLegal(unsigned ExtType, EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT) const {
1310     return getLoadExtAction(ExtType, ValVT, MemVT) == Legal;
1311   }
1313   /// Return true if the specified load with extension is legal or custom
1314   /// on this target.
isLoadExtLegalOrCustom(unsigned ExtType,EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1315   bool isLoadExtLegalOrCustom(unsigned ExtType, EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT) const {
1316     return getLoadExtAction(ExtType, ValVT, MemVT) == Legal ||
1317            getLoadExtAction(ExtType, ValVT, MemVT) == Custom;
1318   }
1320   /// Return how this store with truncation should be treated: either it is
1321   /// legal, needs to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some
1322   /// other code sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getTruncStoreAction(EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1323   LegalizeAction getTruncStoreAction(EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT) const {
1324     if (ValVT.isExtended() || MemVT.isExtended()) return Expand;
1325     unsigned ValI = (unsigned) ValVT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy;
1326     unsigned MemI = (unsigned) MemVT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy;
1327     assert(ValI < MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE && MemI < MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE &&
1328            "Table isn't big enough!");
1329     return TruncStoreActions[ValI][MemI];
1330   }
1332   /// Return true if the specified store with truncation is legal on this
1333   /// target.
isTruncStoreLegal(EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1334   bool isTruncStoreLegal(EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT) const {
1335     return isTypeLegal(ValVT) && getTruncStoreAction(ValVT, MemVT) == Legal;
1336   }
1338   /// Return true if the specified store with truncation has solution on this
1339   /// target.
isTruncStoreLegalOrCustom(EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT)1340   bool isTruncStoreLegalOrCustom(EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT) const {
1341     return isTypeLegal(ValVT) &&
1342       (getTruncStoreAction(ValVT, MemVT) == Legal ||
1343        getTruncStoreAction(ValVT, MemVT) == Custom);
1344   }
canCombineTruncStore(EVT ValVT,EVT MemVT,bool LegalOnly)1346   virtual bool canCombineTruncStore(EVT ValVT, EVT MemVT,
1347                                     bool LegalOnly) const {
1348     if (LegalOnly)
1349       return isTruncStoreLegal(ValVT, MemVT);
1351     return isTruncStoreLegalOrCustom(ValVT, MemVT);
1352   }
1354   /// Return how the indexed load should be treated: either it is legal, needs
1355   /// to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other code
1356   /// sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getIndexedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT)1357   LegalizeAction getIndexedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT) const {
1358     return getIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_Load);
1359   }
1361   /// Return true if the specified indexed load is legal on this target.
isIndexedLoadLegal(unsigned IdxMode,EVT VT)1362   bool isIndexedLoadLegal(unsigned IdxMode, EVT VT) const {
1363     return VT.isSimple() &&
1364       (getIndexedLoadAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Legal ||
1365        getIndexedLoadAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Custom);
1366   }
1368   /// Return how the indexed store should be treated: either it is legal, needs
1369   /// to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other code
1370   /// sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getIndexedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT)1371   LegalizeAction getIndexedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT) const {
1372     return getIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_Store);
1373   }
1375   /// Return true if the specified indexed load is legal on this target.
isIndexedStoreLegal(unsigned IdxMode,EVT VT)1376   bool isIndexedStoreLegal(unsigned IdxMode, EVT VT) const {
1377     return VT.isSimple() &&
1378       (getIndexedStoreAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Legal ||
1379        getIndexedStoreAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Custom);
1380   }
1382   /// Return how the indexed load should be treated: either it is legal, needs
1383   /// to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other code
1384   /// sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getIndexedMaskedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT)1385   LegalizeAction getIndexedMaskedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT) const {
1386     return getIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_MaskedLoad);
1387   }
1389   /// Return true if the specified indexed load is legal on this target.
isIndexedMaskedLoadLegal(unsigned IdxMode,EVT VT)1390   bool isIndexedMaskedLoadLegal(unsigned IdxMode, EVT VT) const {
1391     return VT.isSimple() &&
1392            (getIndexedMaskedLoadAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Legal ||
1393             getIndexedMaskedLoadAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Custom);
1394   }
1396   /// Return how the indexed store should be treated: either it is legal, needs
1397   /// to be promoted to a larger size, needs to be expanded to some other code
1398   /// sequence, or the target has a custom expander for it.
getIndexedMaskedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT)1399   LegalizeAction getIndexedMaskedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT) const {
1400     return getIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_MaskedStore);
1401   }
1403   /// Return true if the specified indexed load is legal on this target.
isIndexedMaskedStoreLegal(unsigned IdxMode,EVT VT)1404   bool isIndexedMaskedStoreLegal(unsigned IdxMode, EVT VT) const {
1405     return VT.isSimple() &&
1406            (getIndexedMaskedStoreAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Legal ||
1407             getIndexedMaskedStoreAction(IdxMode, VT.getSimpleVT()) == Custom);
1408   }
1410   /// Returns true if the index type for a masked gather/scatter requires
1411   /// extending
shouldExtendGSIndex(EVT VT,EVT & EltTy)1412   virtual bool shouldExtendGSIndex(EVT VT, EVT &EltTy) const { return false; }
1414   // Returns true if VT is a legal index type for masked gathers/scatters
1415   // on this target
shouldRemoveExtendFromGSIndex(EVT IndexVT,EVT DataVT)1416   virtual bool shouldRemoveExtendFromGSIndex(EVT IndexVT, EVT DataVT) const {
1417     return false;
1418   }
1420   // Return true if the target supports a scatter/gather instruction with
1421   // indices which are scaled by the particular value.  Note that all targets
1422   // must by definition support scale of 1.
isLegalScaleForGatherScatter(uint64_t Scale,uint64_t ElemSize)1423   virtual bool isLegalScaleForGatherScatter(uint64_t Scale,
1424                                             uint64_t ElemSize) const {
1425     // MGATHER/MSCATTER are only required to support scaling by one or by the
1426     // element size.
1427     if (Scale != ElemSize && Scale != 1)
1428       return false;
1429     return true;
1430   }
1432   /// Return how the condition code should be treated: either it is legal, needs
1433   /// to be expanded to some other code sequence, or the target has a custom
1434   /// expander for it.
1435   LegalizeAction
getCondCodeAction(ISD::CondCode CC,MVT VT)1436   getCondCodeAction(ISD::CondCode CC, MVT VT) const {
1437     assert((unsigned)CC < std::size(CondCodeActions) &&
1438            ((unsigned)VT.SimpleTy >> 3) < std::size(CondCodeActions[0]) &&
1439            "Table isn't big enough!");
1440     // See setCondCodeAction for how this is encoded.
1441     uint32_t Shift = 4 * (VT.SimpleTy & 0x7);
1442     uint32_t Value = CondCodeActions[CC][VT.SimpleTy >> 3];
1443     LegalizeAction Action = (LegalizeAction) ((Value >> Shift) & 0xF);
1444     assert(Action != Promote && "Can't promote condition code!");
1445     return Action;
1446   }
1448   /// Return true if the specified condition code is legal on this target.
isCondCodeLegal(ISD::CondCode CC,MVT VT)1449   bool isCondCodeLegal(ISD::CondCode CC, MVT VT) const {
1450     return getCondCodeAction(CC, VT) == Legal;
1451   }
1453   /// Return true if the specified condition code is legal or custom on this
1454   /// target.
isCondCodeLegalOrCustom(ISD::CondCode CC,MVT VT)1455   bool isCondCodeLegalOrCustom(ISD::CondCode CC, MVT VT) const {
1456     return getCondCodeAction(CC, VT) == Legal ||
1457            getCondCodeAction(CC, VT) == Custom;
1458   }
1460   /// If the action for this operation is to promote, this method returns the
1461   /// ValueType to promote to.
getTypeToPromoteTo(unsigned Op,MVT VT)1462   MVT getTypeToPromoteTo(unsigned Op, MVT VT) const {
1463     assert(getOperationAction(Op, VT) == Promote &&
1464            "This operation isn't promoted!");
1466     // See if this has an explicit type specified.
1467     std::map<std::pair<unsigned, MVT::SimpleValueType>,
1468              MVT::SimpleValueType>::const_iterator PTTI =
1469       PromoteToType.find(std::make_pair(Op, VT.SimpleTy));
1470     if (PTTI != PromoteToType.end()) return PTTI->second;
1472     assert((VT.isInteger() || VT.isFloatingPoint()) &&
1473            "Cannot autopromote this type, add it with AddPromotedToType.");
1475     MVT NVT = VT;
1476     do {
1477       NVT = (MVT::SimpleValueType)(NVT.SimpleTy+1);
1478       assert(NVT.isInteger() == VT.isInteger() && NVT != MVT::isVoid &&
1479              "Didn't find type to promote to!");
1480     } while (!isTypeLegal(NVT) ||
1481               getOperationAction(Op, NVT) == Promote);
1482     return NVT;
1483   }
1485   virtual EVT getAsmOperandValueType(const DataLayout &DL, Type *Ty,
1486                                      bool AllowUnknown = false) const {
1487     return getValueType(DL, Ty, AllowUnknown);
1488   }
1490   /// Return the EVT corresponding to this LLVM type.  This is fixed by the LLVM
1491   /// operations except for the pointer size.  If AllowUnknown is true, this
1492   /// will return MVT::Other for types with no EVT counterpart (e.g. structs),
1493   /// otherwise it will assert.
1494   EVT getValueType(const DataLayout &DL, Type *Ty,
1495                    bool AllowUnknown = false) const {
1496     // Lower scalar pointers to native pointer types.
1497     if (auto *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty))
1498       return getPointerTy(DL, PTy->getAddressSpace());
1500     if (auto *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
1501       Type *EltTy = VTy->getElementType();
1502       // Lower vectors of pointers to native pointer types.
1503       if (auto *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(EltTy)) {
1504         EVT PointerTy(getPointerTy(DL, PTy->getAddressSpace()));
1505         EltTy = PointerTy.getTypeForEVT(Ty->getContext());
1506       }
1507       return EVT::getVectorVT(Ty->getContext(), EVT::getEVT(EltTy, false),
1508                               VTy->getElementCount());
1509     }
1511     return EVT::getEVT(Ty, AllowUnknown);
1512   }
1514   EVT getMemValueType(const DataLayout &DL, Type *Ty,
1515                       bool AllowUnknown = false) const {
1516     // Lower scalar pointers to native pointer types.
1517     if (PointerType *PTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Ty))
1518       return getPointerMemTy(DL, PTy->getAddressSpace());
1519     else if (VectorType *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty)) {
1520       Type *Elm = VTy->getElementType();
1521       if (PointerType *PT = dyn_cast<PointerType>(Elm)) {
1522         EVT PointerTy(getPointerMemTy(DL, PT->getAddressSpace()));
1523         Elm = PointerTy.getTypeForEVT(Ty->getContext());
1524       }
1525       return EVT::getVectorVT(Ty->getContext(), EVT::getEVT(Elm, false),
1526                               VTy->getElementCount());
1527     }
1529     return getValueType(DL, Ty, AllowUnknown);
1530   }
1533   /// Return the MVT corresponding to this LLVM type. See getValueType.
1534   MVT getSimpleValueType(const DataLayout &DL, Type *Ty,
1535                          bool AllowUnknown = false) const {
1536     return getValueType(DL, Ty, AllowUnknown).getSimpleVT();
1537   }
1539   /// Return the desired alignment for ByVal or InAlloca aggregate function
1540   /// arguments in the caller parameter area.  This is the actual alignment, not
1541   /// its logarithm.
1542   virtual uint64_t getByValTypeAlignment(Type *Ty, const DataLayout &DL) const;
1544   /// Return the type of registers that this ValueType will eventually require.
getRegisterType(MVT VT)1545   MVT getRegisterType(MVT VT) const {
1546     assert((unsigned)VT.SimpleTy < std::size(RegisterTypeForVT));
1547     return RegisterTypeForVT[VT.SimpleTy];
1548   }
1550   /// Return the type of registers that this ValueType will eventually require.
getRegisterType(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT)1551   MVT getRegisterType(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT) const {
1552     if (VT.isSimple()) {
1553       assert((unsigned)VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy <
1554              std::size(RegisterTypeForVT));
1555       return RegisterTypeForVT[VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy];
1556     }
1557     if (VT.isVector()) {
1558       EVT VT1;
1559       MVT RegisterVT;
1560       unsigned NumIntermediates;
1561       (void)getVectorTypeBreakdown(Context, VT, VT1,
1562                                    NumIntermediates, RegisterVT);
1563       return RegisterVT;
1564     }
1565     if (VT.isInteger()) {
1566       return getRegisterType(Context, getTypeToTransformTo(Context, VT));
1567     }
1568     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported extended type!");
1569   }
1571   /// Return the number of registers that this ValueType will eventually
1572   /// require.
1573   ///
1574   /// This is one for any types promoted to live in larger registers, but may be
1575   /// more than one for types (like i64) that are split into pieces.  For types
1576   /// like i140, which are first promoted then expanded, it is the number of
1577   /// registers needed to hold all the bits of the original type.  For an i140
1578   /// on a 32 bit machine this means 5 registers.
1579   ///
1580   /// RegisterVT may be passed as a way to override the default settings, for
1581   /// instance with i128 inline assembly operands on SystemZ.
1582   virtual unsigned
1583   getNumRegisters(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT,
1584                   std::optional<MVT> RegisterVT = std::nullopt) const {
1585     if (VT.isSimple()) {
1586       assert((unsigned)VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy <
1587              std::size(NumRegistersForVT));
1588       return NumRegistersForVT[VT.getSimpleVT().SimpleTy];
1589     }
1590     if (VT.isVector()) {
1591       EVT VT1;
1592       MVT VT2;
1593       unsigned NumIntermediates;
1594       return getVectorTypeBreakdown(Context, VT, VT1, NumIntermediates, VT2);
1595     }
1596     if (VT.isInteger()) {
1597       unsigned BitWidth = VT.getSizeInBits();
1598       unsigned RegWidth = getRegisterType(Context, VT).getSizeInBits();
1599       return (BitWidth + RegWidth - 1) / RegWidth;
1600     }
1601     llvm_unreachable("Unsupported extended type!");
1602   }
1604   /// Certain combinations of ABIs, Targets and features require that types
1605   /// are legal for some operations and not for other operations.
1606   /// For MIPS all vector types must be passed through the integer register set.
getRegisterTypeForCallingConv(LLVMContext & Context,CallingConv::ID CC,EVT VT)1607   virtual MVT getRegisterTypeForCallingConv(LLVMContext &Context,
1608                                             CallingConv::ID CC, EVT VT) const {
1609     return getRegisterType(Context, VT);
1610   }
1612   /// Certain targets require unusual breakdowns of certain types. For MIPS,
1613   /// this occurs when a vector type is used, as vector are passed through the
1614   /// integer register set.
getNumRegistersForCallingConv(LLVMContext & Context,CallingConv::ID CC,EVT VT)1615   virtual unsigned getNumRegistersForCallingConv(LLVMContext &Context,
1616                                                  CallingConv::ID CC,
1617                                                  EVT VT) const {
1618     return getNumRegisters(Context, VT);
1619   }
1621   /// Certain targets have context sensitive alignment requirements, where one
1622   /// type has the alignment requirement of another type.
getABIAlignmentForCallingConv(Type * ArgTy,const DataLayout & DL)1623   virtual Align getABIAlignmentForCallingConv(Type *ArgTy,
1624                                               const DataLayout &DL) const {
1625     return DL.getABITypeAlign(ArgTy);
1626   }
1628   /// If true, then instruction selection should seek to shrink the FP constant
1629   /// of the specified type to a smaller type in order to save space and / or
1630   /// reduce runtime.
ShouldShrinkFPConstant(EVT)1631   virtual bool ShouldShrinkFPConstant(EVT) const { return true; }
1633   /// Return true if it is profitable to reduce a load to a smaller type.
1634   /// Example: (i16 (trunc (i32 (load x))) -> i16 load x
shouldReduceLoadWidth(SDNode * Load,ISD::LoadExtType ExtTy,EVT NewVT)1635   virtual bool shouldReduceLoadWidth(SDNode *Load, ISD::LoadExtType ExtTy,
1636                                      EVT NewVT) const {
1637     // By default, assume that it is cheaper to extract a subvector from a wide
1638     // vector load rather than creating multiple narrow vector loads.
1639     if (NewVT.isVector() && !Load->hasOneUse())
1640       return false;
1642     return true;
1643   }
1645   /// When splitting a value of the specified type into parts, does the Lo
1646   /// or Hi part come first?  This usually follows the endianness, except
1647   /// for ppcf128, where the Hi part always comes first.
hasBigEndianPartOrdering(EVT VT,const DataLayout & DL)1648   bool hasBigEndianPartOrdering(EVT VT, const DataLayout &DL) const {
1649     return DL.isBigEndian() || VT == MVT::ppcf128;
1650   }
1652   /// If true, the target has custom DAG combine transformations that it can
1653   /// perform for the specified node.
hasTargetDAGCombine(ISD::NodeType NT)1654   bool hasTargetDAGCombine(ISD::NodeType NT) const {
1655     assert(unsigned(NT >> 3) < std::size(TargetDAGCombineArray));
1656     return TargetDAGCombineArray[NT >> 3] & (1 << (NT&7));
1657   }
getGatherAllAliasesMaxDepth()1659   unsigned getGatherAllAliasesMaxDepth() const {
1660     return GatherAllAliasesMaxDepth;
1661   }
1663   /// Returns the size of the platform's va_list object.
getVaListSizeInBits(const DataLayout & DL)1664   virtual unsigned getVaListSizeInBits(const DataLayout &DL) const {
1665     return getPointerTy(DL).getSizeInBits();
1666   }
1668   /// Get maximum # of store operations permitted for llvm.memset
1669   ///
1670   /// This function returns the maximum number of store operations permitted
1671   /// to replace a call to llvm.memset. The value is set by the target at the
1672   /// performance threshold for such a replacement. If OptSize is true,
1673   /// return the limit for functions that have OptSize attribute.
getMaxStoresPerMemset(bool OptSize)1674   unsigned getMaxStoresPerMemset(bool OptSize) const {
1675     return OptSize ? MaxStoresPerMemsetOptSize : MaxStoresPerMemset;
1676   }
1678   /// Get maximum # of store operations permitted for llvm.memcpy
1679   ///
1680   /// This function returns the maximum number of store operations permitted
1681   /// to replace a call to llvm.memcpy. The value is set by the target at the
1682   /// performance threshold for such a replacement. If OptSize is true,
1683   /// return the limit for functions that have OptSize attribute.
getMaxStoresPerMemcpy(bool OptSize)1684   unsigned getMaxStoresPerMemcpy(bool OptSize) const {
1685     return OptSize ? MaxStoresPerMemcpyOptSize : MaxStoresPerMemcpy;
1686   }
1688   /// \brief Get maximum # of store operations to be glued together
1689   ///
1690   /// This function returns the maximum number of store operations permitted
1691   /// to glue together during lowering of llvm.memcpy. The value is set by
1692   //  the target at the performance threshold for such a replacement.
getMaxGluedStoresPerMemcpy()1693   virtual unsigned getMaxGluedStoresPerMemcpy() const {
1694     return MaxGluedStoresPerMemcpy;
1695   }
1697   /// Get maximum # of load operations permitted for memcmp
1698   ///
1699   /// This function returns the maximum number of load operations permitted
1700   /// to replace a call to memcmp. The value is set by the target at the
1701   /// performance threshold for such a replacement. If OptSize is true,
1702   /// return the limit for functions that have OptSize attribute.
getMaxExpandSizeMemcmp(bool OptSize)1703   unsigned getMaxExpandSizeMemcmp(bool OptSize) const {
1704     return OptSize ? MaxLoadsPerMemcmpOptSize : MaxLoadsPerMemcmp;
1705   }
1707   /// Get maximum # of store operations permitted for llvm.memmove
1708   ///
1709   /// This function returns the maximum number of store operations permitted
1710   /// to replace a call to llvm.memmove. The value is set by the target at the
1711   /// performance threshold for such a replacement. If OptSize is true,
1712   /// return the limit for functions that have OptSize attribute.
getMaxStoresPerMemmove(bool OptSize)1713   unsigned getMaxStoresPerMemmove(bool OptSize) const {
1714     return OptSize ? MaxStoresPerMemmoveOptSize : MaxStoresPerMemmove;
1715   }
1717   /// Determine if the target supports unaligned memory accesses.
1718   ///
1719   /// This function returns true if the target allows unaligned memory accesses
1720   /// of the specified type in the given address space. If true, it also returns
1721   /// a relative speed of the unaligned memory access in the last argument by
1722   /// reference. The higher the speed number the faster the operation comparing
1723   /// to a number returned by another such call. This is used, for example, in
1724   /// situations where an array copy/move/set is converted to a sequence of
1725   /// store operations. Its use helps to ensure that such replacements don't
1726   /// generate code that causes an alignment error (trap) on the target machine.
1727   virtual bool allowsMisalignedMemoryAccesses(
1728       EVT, unsigned AddrSpace = 0, Align Alignment = Align(1),
1729       MachineMemOperand::Flags Flags = MachineMemOperand::MONone,
1730       unsigned * /*Fast*/ = nullptr) const {
1731     return false;
1732   }
1734   /// LLT handling variant.
1735   virtual bool allowsMisalignedMemoryAccesses(
1736       LLT, unsigned AddrSpace = 0, Align Alignment = Align(1),
1737       MachineMemOperand::Flags Flags = MachineMemOperand::MONone,
1738       unsigned * /*Fast*/ = nullptr) const {
1739     return false;
1740   }
1742   /// This function returns true if the memory access is aligned or if the
1743   /// target allows this specific unaligned memory access. If the access is
1744   /// allowed, the optional final parameter returns a relative speed of the
1745   /// access (as defined by the target).
1746   bool allowsMemoryAccessForAlignment(
1747       LLVMContext &Context, const DataLayout &DL, EVT VT,
1748       unsigned AddrSpace = 0, Align Alignment = Align(1),
1749       MachineMemOperand::Flags Flags = MachineMemOperand::MONone,
1750       unsigned *Fast = nullptr) const;
1752   /// Return true if the memory access of this type is aligned or if the target
1753   /// allows this specific unaligned access for the given MachineMemOperand.
1754   /// If the access is allowed, the optional final parameter returns a relative
1755   /// speed of the access (as defined by the target).
1756   bool allowsMemoryAccessForAlignment(LLVMContext &Context,
1757                                       const DataLayout &DL, EVT VT,
1758                                       const MachineMemOperand &MMO,
1759                                       unsigned *Fast = nullptr) const;
1761   /// Return true if the target supports a memory access of this type for the
1762   /// given address space and alignment. If the access is allowed, the optional
1763   /// final parameter returns the relative speed of the access (as defined by
1764   /// the target).
1765   virtual bool
1766   allowsMemoryAccess(LLVMContext &Context, const DataLayout &DL, EVT VT,
1767                      unsigned AddrSpace = 0, Align Alignment = Align(1),
1768                      MachineMemOperand::Flags Flags = MachineMemOperand::MONone,
1769                      unsigned *Fast = nullptr) const;
1771   /// Return true if the target supports a memory access of this type for the
1772   /// given MachineMemOperand. If the access is allowed, the optional
1773   /// final parameter returns the relative access speed (as defined by the
1774   /// target).
1775   bool allowsMemoryAccess(LLVMContext &Context, const DataLayout &DL, EVT VT,
1776                           const MachineMemOperand &MMO,
1777                           unsigned *Fast = nullptr) const;
1779   /// LLT handling variant.
1780   bool allowsMemoryAccess(LLVMContext &Context, const DataLayout &DL, LLT Ty,
1781                           const MachineMemOperand &MMO,
1782                           unsigned *Fast = nullptr) const;
1784   /// Returns the target specific optimal type for load and store operations as
1785   /// a result of memset, memcpy, and memmove lowering.
1786   /// It returns EVT::Other if the type should be determined using generic
1787   /// target-independent logic.
1788   virtual EVT
getOptimalMemOpType(const MemOp & Op,const AttributeList &)1789   getOptimalMemOpType(const MemOp &Op,
1790                       const AttributeList & /*FuncAttributes*/) const {
1791     return MVT::Other;
1792   }
1794   /// LLT returning variant.
1795   virtual LLT
getOptimalMemOpLLT(const MemOp & Op,const AttributeList &)1796   getOptimalMemOpLLT(const MemOp &Op,
1797                      const AttributeList & /*FuncAttributes*/) const {
1798     return LLT();
1799   }
1801   /// Returns true if it's safe to use load / store of the specified type to
1802   /// expand memcpy / memset inline.
1803   ///
1804   /// This is mostly true for all types except for some special cases. For
1805   /// example, on X86 targets without SSE2 f64 load / store are done with fldl /
1806   /// fstpl which also does type conversion. Note the specified type doesn't
1807   /// have to be legal as the hook is used before type legalization.
isSafeMemOpType(MVT)1808   virtual bool isSafeMemOpType(MVT /*VT*/) const { return true; }
1810   /// Return lower limit for number of blocks in a jump table.
1811   virtual unsigned getMinimumJumpTableEntries() const;
1813   /// Return lower limit of the density in a jump table.
1814   unsigned getMinimumJumpTableDensity(bool OptForSize) const;
1816   /// Return upper limit for number of entries in a jump table.
1817   /// Zero if no limit.
1818   unsigned getMaximumJumpTableSize() const;
1820   virtual bool isJumpTableRelative() const;
1822   /// If a physical register, this specifies the register that
1823   /// llvm.savestack/llvm.restorestack should save and restore.
getStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore()1824   Register getStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore() const {
1825     return StackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore;
1826   }
1828   /// If a physical register, this returns the register that receives the
1829   /// exception address on entry to an EH pad.
1830   virtual Register
getExceptionPointerRegister(const Constant * PersonalityFn)1831   getExceptionPointerRegister(const Constant *PersonalityFn) const {
1832     return Register();
1833   }
1835   /// If a physical register, this returns the register that receives the
1836   /// exception typeid on entry to a landing pad.
1837   virtual Register
getExceptionSelectorRegister(const Constant * PersonalityFn)1838   getExceptionSelectorRegister(const Constant *PersonalityFn) const {
1839     return Register();
1840   }
needsFixedCatchObjects()1842   virtual bool needsFixedCatchObjects() const {
1843     report_fatal_error("Funclet EH is not implemented for this target");
1844   }
1846   /// Return the minimum stack alignment of an argument.
getMinStackArgumentAlignment()1847   Align getMinStackArgumentAlignment() const {
1848     return MinStackArgumentAlignment;
1849   }
1851   /// Return the minimum function alignment.
getMinFunctionAlignment()1852   Align getMinFunctionAlignment() const { return MinFunctionAlignment; }
1854   /// Return the preferred function alignment.
getPrefFunctionAlignment()1855   Align getPrefFunctionAlignment() const { return PrefFunctionAlignment; }
1857   /// Return the preferred loop alignment.
1858   virtual Align getPrefLoopAlignment(MachineLoop *ML = nullptr) const;
1860   /// Return the maximum amount of bytes allowed to be emitted when padding for
1861   /// alignment
1862   virtual unsigned
1863   getMaxPermittedBytesForAlignment(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const;
1865   /// Should loops be aligned even when the function is marked OptSize (but not
1866   /// MinSize).
alignLoopsWithOptSize()1867   virtual bool alignLoopsWithOptSize() const { return false; }
1869   /// If the target has a standard location for the stack protector guard,
1870   /// returns the address of that location. Otherwise, returns nullptr.
1871   /// DEPRECATED: please override useLoadStackGuardNode and customize
1872   ///             LOAD_STACK_GUARD, or customize \@llvm.stackguard().
1873   virtual Value *getIRStackGuard(IRBuilderBase &IRB) const;
1875   /// Inserts necessary declarations for SSP (stack protection) purpose.
1876   /// Should be used only when getIRStackGuard returns nullptr.
1877   virtual void insertSSPDeclarations(Module &M) const;
1879   /// Return the variable that's previously inserted by insertSSPDeclarations,
1880   /// if any, otherwise return nullptr. Should be used only when
1881   /// getIRStackGuard returns nullptr.
1882   virtual Value *getSDagStackGuard(const Module &M) const;
1884   /// If this function returns true, stack protection checks should XOR the
1885   /// frame pointer (or whichever pointer is used to address locals) into the
1886   /// stack guard value before checking it. getIRStackGuard must return nullptr
1887   /// if this returns true.
useStackGuardXorFP()1888   virtual bool useStackGuardXorFP() const { return false; }
1890   /// If the target has a standard stack protection check function that
1891   /// performs validation and error handling, returns the function. Otherwise,
1892   /// returns nullptr. Must be previously inserted by insertSSPDeclarations.
1893   /// Should be used only when getIRStackGuard returns nullptr.
1894   virtual Function *getSSPStackGuardCheck(const Module &M) const;
1896   /// \returns true if a constant G_UBFX is legal on the target.
isConstantUnsignedBitfieldExtractLegal(unsigned Opc,LLT Ty1,LLT Ty2)1897   virtual bool isConstantUnsignedBitfieldExtractLegal(unsigned Opc, LLT Ty1,
1898                                                       LLT Ty2) const {
1899     return false;
1900   }
1902 protected:
1903   Value *getDefaultSafeStackPointerLocation(IRBuilderBase &IRB,
1904                                             bool UseTLS) const;
1906 public:
1907   /// Returns the target-specific address of the unsafe stack pointer.
1908   virtual Value *getSafeStackPointerLocation(IRBuilderBase &IRB) const;
1910   /// Returns the name of the symbol used to emit stack probes or the empty
1911   /// string if not applicable.
hasStackProbeSymbol(const MachineFunction & MF)1912   virtual bool hasStackProbeSymbol(const MachineFunction &MF) const { return false; }
hasInlineStackProbe(const MachineFunction & MF)1914   virtual bool hasInlineStackProbe(const MachineFunction &MF) const { return false; }
getStackProbeSymbolName(const MachineFunction & MF)1916   virtual StringRef getStackProbeSymbolName(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
1917     return "";
1918   }
1920   /// Returns true if a cast from SrcAS to DestAS is "cheap", such that e.g. we
1921   /// are happy to sink it into basic blocks. A cast may be free, but not
1922   /// necessarily a no-op. e.g. a free truncate from a 64-bit to 32-bit pointer.
1923   virtual bool isFreeAddrSpaceCast(unsigned SrcAS, unsigned DestAS) const;
1925   /// Return true if the pointer arguments to CI should be aligned by aligning
1926   /// the object whose address is being passed. If so then MinSize is set to the
1927   /// minimum size the object must be to be aligned and PrefAlign is set to the
1928   /// preferred alignment.
shouldAlignPointerArgs(CallInst *,unsigned &,Align &)1929   virtual bool shouldAlignPointerArgs(CallInst * /*CI*/, unsigned & /*MinSize*/,
1930                                       Align & /*PrefAlign*/) const {
1931     return false;
1932   }
1934   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1935   /// \name Helpers for TargetTransformInfo implementations
1936   /// @{
1938   /// Get the ISD node that corresponds to the Instruction class opcode.
1939   int InstructionOpcodeToISD(unsigned Opcode) const;
1941   /// @}
1943   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
1944   /// \name Helpers for atomic expansion.
1945   /// @{
1947   /// Returns the maximum atomic operation size (in bits) supported by
1948   /// the backend. Atomic operations greater than this size (as well
1949   /// as ones that are not naturally aligned), will be expanded by
1950   /// AtomicExpandPass into an __atomic_* library call.
getMaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported()1951   unsigned getMaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported() const {
1952     return MaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported;
1953   }
1955   /// Returns the size in bits of the maximum div/rem the backend supports.
1956   /// Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeDivRem.
getMaxDivRemBitWidthSupported()1957   unsigned getMaxDivRemBitWidthSupported() const {
1958     return MaxDivRemBitWidthSupported;
1959   }
1961   /// Returns the size in bits of the maximum larget fp convert the backend
1962   /// supports. Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeFPConvert.
getMaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported()1963   unsigned getMaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported() const {
1964     return MaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported;
1965   }
1967   /// Returns the size of the smallest cmpxchg or ll/sc instruction
1968   /// the backend supports.  Any smaller operations are widened in
1969   /// AtomicExpandPass.
1970   ///
1971   /// Note that *unlike* operations above the maximum size, atomic ops
1972   /// are still natively supported below the minimum; they just
1973   /// require a more complex expansion.
getMinCmpXchgSizeInBits()1974   unsigned getMinCmpXchgSizeInBits() const { return MinCmpXchgSizeInBits; }
1976   /// Whether the target supports unaligned atomic operations.
supportsUnalignedAtomics()1977   bool supportsUnalignedAtomics() const { return SupportsUnalignedAtomics; }
1979   /// Whether AtomicExpandPass should automatically insert fences and reduce
1980   /// ordering for this atomic. This should be true for most architectures with
1981   /// weak memory ordering. Defaults to false.
shouldInsertFencesForAtomic(const Instruction * I)1982   virtual bool shouldInsertFencesForAtomic(const Instruction *I) const {
1983     return false;
1984   }
1986   /// Whether AtomicExpandPass should automatically insert a trailing fence
1987   /// without reducing the ordering for this atomic. Defaults to false.
1988   virtual bool
shouldInsertTrailingFenceForAtomicStore(const Instruction * I)1989   shouldInsertTrailingFenceForAtomicStore(const Instruction *I) const {
1990     return false;
1991   }
1993   /// Perform a load-linked operation on Addr, returning a "Value *" with the
1994   /// corresponding pointee type. This may entail some non-trivial operations to
1995   /// truncate or reconstruct types that will be illegal in the backend. See
1996   /// ARMISelLowering for an example implementation.
emitLoadLinked(IRBuilderBase & Builder,Type * ValueTy,Value * Addr,AtomicOrdering Ord)1997   virtual Value *emitLoadLinked(IRBuilderBase &Builder, Type *ValueTy,
1998                                 Value *Addr, AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
1999     llvm_unreachable("Load linked unimplemented on this target");
2000   }
2002   /// Perform a store-conditional operation to Addr. Return the status of the
2003   /// store. This should be 0 if the store succeeded, non-zero otherwise.
emitStoreConditional(IRBuilderBase & Builder,Value * Val,Value * Addr,AtomicOrdering Ord)2004   virtual Value *emitStoreConditional(IRBuilderBase &Builder, Value *Val,
2005                                       Value *Addr, AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
2006     llvm_unreachable("Store conditional unimplemented on this target");
2007   }
2009   /// Perform a masked atomicrmw using a target-specific intrinsic. This
2010   /// represents the core LL/SC loop which will be lowered at a late stage by
2011   /// the backend. The target-specific intrinsic returns the loaded value and
2012   /// is not responsible for masking and shifting the result.
emitMaskedAtomicRMWIntrinsic(IRBuilderBase & Builder,AtomicRMWInst * AI,Value * AlignedAddr,Value * Incr,Value * Mask,Value * ShiftAmt,AtomicOrdering Ord)2013   virtual Value *emitMaskedAtomicRMWIntrinsic(IRBuilderBase &Builder,
2014                                               AtomicRMWInst *AI,
2015                                               Value *AlignedAddr, Value *Incr,
2016                                               Value *Mask, Value *ShiftAmt,
2017                                               AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
2018     llvm_unreachable("Masked atomicrmw expansion unimplemented on this target");
2019   }
2021   /// Perform a atomicrmw expansion using a target-specific way. This is
2022   /// expected to be called when masked atomicrmw and bit test atomicrmw don't
2023   /// work, and the target supports another way to lower atomicrmw.
emitExpandAtomicRMW(AtomicRMWInst * AI)2024   virtual void emitExpandAtomicRMW(AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
2025     llvm_unreachable(
2026         "Generic atomicrmw expansion unimplemented on this target");
2027   }
2029   /// Perform a bit test atomicrmw using a target-specific intrinsic. This
2030   /// represents the combined bit test intrinsic which will be lowered at a late
2031   /// stage by the backend.
emitBitTestAtomicRMWIntrinsic(AtomicRMWInst * AI)2032   virtual void emitBitTestAtomicRMWIntrinsic(AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
2033     llvm_unreachable(
2034         "Bit test atomicrmw expansion unimplemented on this target");
2035   }
2037   /// Perform a atomicrmw which the result is only used by comparison, using a
2038   /// target-specific intrinsic. This represents the combined atomic and compare
2039   /// intrinsic which will be lowered at a late stage by the backend.
emitCmpArithAtomicRMWIntrinsic(AtomicRMWInst * AI)2040   virtual void emitCmpArithAtomicRMWIntrinsic(AtomicRMWInst *AI) const {
2041     llvm_unreachable(
2042         "Compare arith atomicrmw expansion unimplemented on this target");
2043   }
2045   /// Perform a masked cmpxchg using a target-specific intrinsic. This
2046   /// represents the core LL/SC loop which will be lowered at a late stage by
2047   /// the backend. The target-specific intrinsic returns the loaded value and
2048   /// is not responsible for masking and shifting the result.
emitMaskedAtomicCmpXchgIntrinsic(IRBuilderBase & Builder,AtomicCmpXchgInst * CI,Value * AlignedAddr,Value * CmpVal,Value * NewVal,Value * Mask,AtomicOrdering Ord)2049   virtual Value *emitMaskedAtomicCmpXchgIntrinsic(
2050       IRBuilderBase &Builder, AtomicCmpXchgInst *CI, Value *AlignedAddr,
2051       Value *CmpVal, Value *NewVal, Value *Mask, AtomicOrdering Ord) const {
2052     llvm_unreachable("Masked cmpxchg expansion unimplemented on this target");
2053   }
2055   /// Inserts in the IR a target-specific intrinsic specifying a fence.
2056   /// It is called by AtomicExpandPass before expanding an
2057   ///   AtomicRMW/AtomicCmpXchg/AtomicStore/AtomicLoad
2058   ///   if shouldInsertFencesForAtomic returns true.
2059   ///
2060   /// Inst is the original atomic instruction, prior to other expansions that
2061   /// may be performed.
2062   ///
2063   /// This function should either return a nullptr, or a pointer to an IR-level
2064   ///   Instruction*. Even complex fence sequences can be represented by a
2065   ///   single Instruction* through an intrinsic to be lowered later.
2066   /// Backends should override this method to produce target-specific intrinsic
2067   ///   for their fences.
2068   /// FIXME: Please note that the default implementation here in terms of
2069   ///   IR-level fences exists for historical/compatibility reasons and is
2070   ///   *unsound* ! Fences cannot, in general, be used to restore sequential
2071   ///   consistency. For example, consider the following example:
2072   /// atomic<int> x = y = 0;
2073   /// int r1, r2, r3, r4;
2074   /// Thread 0:
2075   ///   x.store(1);
2076   /// Thread 1:
2077   ///   y.store(1);
2078   /// Thread 2:
2079   ///   r1 = x.load();
2080   ///   r2 = y.load();
2081   /// Thread 3:
2082   ///   r3 = y.load();
2083   ///   r4 = x.load();
2084   ///  r1 = r3 = 1 and r2 = r4 = 0 is impossible as long as the accesses are all
2085   ///  seq_cst. But if they are lowered to monotonic accesses, no amount of
2086   ///  IR-level fences can prevent it.
2087   /// @{
2088   virtual Instruction *emitLeadingFence(IRBuilderBase &Builder,
2089                                         Instruction *Inst,
2090                                         AtomicOrdering Ord) const;
2092   virtual Instruction *emitTrailingFence(IRBuilderBase &Builder,
2093                                          Instruction *Inst,
2094                                          AtomicOrdering Ord) const;
2095   /// @}
2097   // Emits code that executes when the comparison result in the ll/sc
2098   // expansion of a cmpxchg instruction is such that the store-conditional will
2099   // not execute.  This makes it possible to balance out the load-linked with
2100   // a dedicated instruction, if desired.
2101   // E.g., on ARM, if ldrex isn't followed by strex, the exclusive monitor would
2102   // be unnecessarily held, except if clrex, inserted by this hook, is executed.
emitAtomicCmpXchgNoStoreLLBalance(IRBuilderBase & Builder)2103   virtual void emitAtomicCmpXchgNoStoreLLBalance(IRBuilderBase &Builder) const {}
2105   /// Returns true if arguments should be sign-extended in lib calls.
shouldSignExtendTypeInLibCall(EVT Type,bool IsSigned)2106   virtual bool shouldSignExtendTypeInLibCall(EVT Type, bool IsSigned) const {
2107     return IsSigned;
2108   }
2110   /// Returns true if arguments should be extended in lib calls.
shouldExtendTypeInLibCall(EVT Type)2111   virtual bool shouldExtendTypeInLibCall(EVT Type) const {
2112     return true;
2113   }
2115   /// Returns how the given (atomic) load should be expanded by the
2116   /// IR-level AtomicExpand pass.
shouldExpandAtomicLoadInIR(LoadInst * LI)2117   virtual AtomicExpansionKind shouldExpandAtomicLoadInIR(LoadInst *LI) const {
2118     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2119   }
2121   /// Returns how the given (atomic) load should be cast by the IR-level
2122   /// AtomicExpand pass.
shouldCastAtomicLoadInIR(LoadInst * LI)2123   virtual AtomicExpansionKind shouldCastAtomicLoadInIR(LoadInst *LI) const {
2124     if (LI->getType()->isFloatingPointTy())
2125       return AtomicExpansionKind::CastToInteger;
2126     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2127   }
2129   /// Returns how the given (atomic) store should be expanded by the IR-level
2130   /// AtomicExpand pass into. For instance AtomicExpansionKind::Expand will try
2131   /// to use an atomicrmw xchg.
shouldExpandAtomicStoreInIR(StoreInst * SI)2132   virtual AtomicExpansionKind shouldExpandAtomicStoreInIR(StoreInst *SI) const {
2133     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2134   }
2136   /// Returns how the given (atomic) store should be cast by the IR-level
2137   /// AtomicExpand pass into. For instance AtomicExpansionKind::CastToInteger
2138   /// will try to cast the operands to integer values.
shouldCastAtomicStoreInIR(StoreInst * SI)2139   virtual AtomicExpansionKind shouldCastAtomicStoreInIR(StoreInst *SI) const {
2140     if (SI->getValueOperand()->getType()->isFloatingPointTy())
2141       return AtomicExpansionKind::CastToInteger;
2142     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2143   }
2145   /// Returns how the given atomic cmpxchg should be expanded by the IR-level
2146   /// AtomicExpand pass.
2147   virtual AtomicExpansionKind
shouldExpandAtomicCmpXchgInIR(AtomicCmpXchgInst * AI)2148   shouldExpandAtomicCmpXchgInIR(AtomicCmpXchgInst *AI) const {
2149     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2150   }
2152   /// Returns how the IR-level AtomicExpand pass should expand the given
2153   /// AtomicRMW, if at all. Default is to never expand.
shouldExpandAtomicRMWInIR(AtomicRMWInst * RMW)2154   virtual AtomicExpansionKind shouldExpandAtomicRMWInIR(AtomicRMWInst *RMW) const {
2155     return RMW->isFloatingPointOperation() ?
2156       AtomicExpansionKind::CmpXChg : AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2157   }
2159   /// Returns how the given atomic atomicrmw should be cast by the IR-level
2160   /// AtomicExpand pass.
2161   virtual AtomicExpansionKind
shouldCastAtomicRMWIInIR(AtomicRMWInst * RMWI)2162   shouldCastAtomicRMWIInIR(AtomicRMWInst *RMWI) const {
2163     if (RMWI->getOperation() == AtomicRMWInst::Xchg &&
2164         (RMWI->getValOperand()->getType()->isFloatingPointTy() ||
2165          RMWI->getValOperand()->getType()->isPointerTy()))
2166       return AtomicExpansionKind::CastToInteger;
2168     return AtomicExpansionKind::None;
2169   }
2171   /// On some platforms, an AtomicRMW that never actually modifies the value
2172   /// (such as fetch_add of 0) can be turned into a fence followed by an
2173   /// atomic load. This may sound useless, but it makes it possible for the
2174   /// processor to keep the cacheline shared, dramatically improving
2175   /// performance. And such idempotent RMWs are useful for implementing some
2176   /// kinds of locks, see for example (justification + benchmarks):
2177   /// http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2012/HPL-2012-68.pdf
2178   /// This method tries doing that transformation, returning the atomic load if
2179   /// it succeeds, and nullptr otherwise.
2180   /// If shouldExpandAtomicLoadInIR returns true on that load, it will undergo
2181   /// another round of expansion.
2182   virtual LoadInst *
lowerIdempotentRMWIntoFencedLoad(AtomicRMWInst * RMWI)2183   lowerIdempotentRMWIntoFencedLoad(AtomicRMWInst *RMWI) const {
2184     return nullptr;
2185   }
2187   /// Returns how the platform's atomic operations are extended (ZERO_EXTEND,
2188   /// SIGN_EXTEND, or ANY_EXTEND).
getExtendForAtomicOps()2189   virtual ISD::NodeType getExtendForAtomicOps() const {
2190     return ISD::ZERO_EXTEND;
2191   }
2193   /// Returns how the platform's atomic compare and swap expects its comparison
2194   /// value to be extended (ZERO_EXTEND, SIGN_EXTEND, or ANY_EXTEND). This is
2195   /// separate from getExtendForAtomicOps, which is concerned with the
2196   /// sign-extension of the instruction's output, whereas here we are concerned
2197   /// with the sign-extension of the input. For targets with compare-and-swap
2198   /// instructions (or sub-word comparisons in their LL/SC loop expansions),
2199   /// the input can be ANY_EXTEND, but the output will still have a specific
2200   /// extension.
getExtendForAtomicCmpSwapArg()2201   virtual ISD::NodeType getExtendForAtomicCmpSwapArg() const {
2202     return ISD::ANY_EXTEND;
2203   }
2205   /// @}
2207   /// Returns true if we should normalize
2208   /// select(N0&N1, X, Y) => select(N0, select(N1, X, Y), Y) and
2209   /// select(N0|N1, X, Y) => select(N0, select(N1, X, Y, Y)) if it is likely
2210   /// that it saves us from materializing N0 and N1 in an integer register.
2211   /// Targets that are able to perform and/or on flags should return false here.
shouldNormalizeToSelectSequence(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT)2212   virtual bool shouldNormalizeToSelectSequence(LLVMContext &Context,
2213                                                EVT VT) const {
2214     // If a target has multiple condition registers, then it likely has logical
2215     // operations on those registers.
2216     if (hasMultipleConditionRegisters())
2217       return false;
2218     // Only do the transform if the value won't be split into multiple
2219     // registers.
2220     LegalizeTypeAction Action = getTypeAction(Context, VT);
2221     return Action != TypeExpandInteger && Action != TypeExpandFloat &&
2222       Action != TypeSplitVector;
2223   }
isProfitableToCombineMinNumMaxNum(EVT VT)2225   virtual bool isProfitableToCombineMinNumMaxNum(EVT VT) const { return true; }
2227   /// Return true if a select of constants (select Cond, C1, C2) should be
2228   /// transformed into simple math ops with the condition value. For example:
2229   /// select Cond, C1, C1-1 --> add (zext Cond), C1-1
convertSelectOfConstantsToMath(EVT VT)2230   virtual bool convertSelectOfConstantsToMath(EVT VT) const {
2231     return false;
2232   }
2234   /// Return true if it is profitable to transform an integer
2235   /// multiplication-by-constant into simpler operations like shifts and adds.
2236   /// This may be true if the target does not directly support the
2237   /// multiplication operation for the specified type or the sequence of simpler
2238   /// ops is faster than the multiply.
decomposeMulByConstant(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT,SDValue C)2239   virtual bool decomposeMulByConstant(LLVMContext &Context,
2240                                       EVT VT, SDValue C) const {
2241     return false;
2242   }
2244   /// Return true if it may be profitable to transform
2245   /// (mul (add x, c1), c2) -> (add (mul x, c2), c1*c2).
2246   /// This may not be true if c1 and c2 can be represented as immediates but
2247   /// c1*c2 cannot, for example.
2248   /// The target should check if c1, c2 and c1*c2 can be represented as
2249   /// immediates, or have to be materialized into registers. If it is not sure
2250   /// about some cases, a default true can be returned to let the DAGCombiner
2251   /// decide.
2252   /// AddNode is (add x, c1), and ConstNode is c2.
isMulAddWithConstProfitable(SDValue AddNode,SDValue ConstNode)2253   virtual bool isMulAddWithConstProfitable(SDValue AddNode,
2254                                            SDValue ConstNode) const {
2255     return true;
2256   }
2258   /// Return true if it is more correct/profitable to use strict FP_TO_INT
2259   /// conversion operations - canonicalizing the FP source value instead of
2260   /// converting all cases and then selecting based on value.
2261   /// This may be true if the target throws exceptions for out of bounds
2262   /// conversions or has fast FP CMOV.
shouldUseStrictFP_TO_INT(EVT FpVT,EVT IntVT,bool IsSigned)2263   virtual bool shouldUseStrictFP_TO_INT(EVT FpVT, EVT IntVT,
2264                                         bool IsSigned) const {
2265     return false;
2266   }
2268   /// Return true if it is beneficial to expand an @llvm.powi.* intrinsic.
2269   /// If not optimizing for size, expanding @llvm.powi.* intrinsics is always
2270   /// considered beneficial.
2271   /// If optimizing for size, expansion is only considered beneficial for upto
2272   /// 5 multiplies and a divide (if the exponent is negative).
isBeneficialToExpandPowI(int Exponent,bool OptForSize)2273   bool isBeneficialToExpandPowI(int Exponent, bool OptForSize) const {
2274     if (Exponent < 0)
2275       Exponent = -Exponent;
2276     return !OptForSize ||
2277            (llvm::popcount((unsigned int)Exponent) + Log2_32(Exponent) < 7);
2278   }
2280   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2281   // TargetLowering Configuration Methods - These methods should be invoked by
2282   // the derived class constructor to configure this object for the target.
2283   //
2284 protected:
2285   /// Specify how the target extends the result of integer and floating point
2286   /// boolean values from i1 to a wider type.  See getBooleanContents.
setBooleanContents(BooleanContent Ty)2287   void setBooleanContents(BooleanContent Ty) {
2288     BooleanContents = Ty;
2289     BooleanFloatContents = Ty;
2290   }
2292   /// Specify how the target extends the result of integer and floating point
2293   /// boolean values from i1 to a wider type.  See getBooleanContents.
setBooleanContents(BooleanContent IntTy,BooleanContent FloatTy)2294   void setBooleanContents(BooleanContent IntTy, BooleanContent FloatTy) {
2295     BooleanContents = IntTy;
2296     BooleanFloatContents = FloatTy;
2297   }
2299   /// Specify how the target extends the result of a vector boolean value from a
2300   /// vector of i1 to a wider type.  See getBooleanContents.
setBooleanVectorContents(BooleanContent Ty)2301   void setBooleanVectorContents(BooleanContent Ty) {
2302     BooleanVectorContents = Ty;
2303   }
2305   /// Specify the target scheduling preference.
setSchedulingPreference(Sched::Preference Pref)2306   void setSchedulingPreference(Sched::Preference Pref) {
2307     SchedPreferenceInfo = Pref;
2308   }
2310   /// Indicate the minimum number of blocks to generate jump tables.
2311   void setMinimumJumpTableEntries(unsigned Val);
2313   /// Indicate the maximum number of entries in jump tables.
2314   /// Set to zero to generate unlimited jump tables.
2315   void setMaximumJumpTableSize(unsigned);
2317   /// If set to a physical register, this specifies the register that
2318   /// llvm.savestack/llvm.restorestack should save and restore.
setStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore(Register R)2319   void setStackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore(Register R) {
2320     StackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore = R;
2321   }
2323   /// Tells the code generator that the target has multiple (allocatable)
2324   /// condition registers that can be used to store the results of comparisons
2325   /// for use by selects and conditional branches. With multiple condition
2326   /// registers, the code generator will not aggressively sink comparisons into
2327   /// the blocks of their users.
2328   void setHasMultipleConditionRegisters(bool hasManyRegs = true) {
2329     HasMultipleConditionRegisters = hasManyRegs;
2330   }
2332   /// Tells the code generator that the target has BitExtract instructions.
2333   /// The code generator will aggressively sink "shift"s into the blocks of
2334   /// their users if the users will generate "and" instructions which can be
2335   /// combined with "shift" to BitExtract instructions.
2336   void setHasExtractBitsInsn(bool hasExtractInsn = true) {
2337     HasExtractBitsInsn = hasExtractInsn;
2338   }
2340   /// Tells the code generator not to expand logic operations on comparison
2341   /// predicates into separate sequences that increase the amount of flow
2342   /// control.
2343   void setJumpIsExpensive(bool isExpensive = true);
2345   /// Tells the code generator which bitwidths to bypass.
addBypassSlowDiv(unsigned int SlowBitWidth,unsigned int FastBitWidth)2346   void addBypassSlowDiv(unsigned int SlowBitWidth, unsigned int FastBitWidth) {
2347     BypassSlowDivWidths[SlowBitWidth] = FastBitWidth;
2348   }
2350   /// Add the specified register class as an available regclass for the
2351   /// specified value type. This indicates the selector can handle values of
2352   /// that class natively.
addRegisterClass(MVT VT,const TargetRegisterClass * RC)2353   void addRegisterClass(MVT VT, const TargetRegisterClass *RC) {
2354     assert((unsigned)VT.SimpleTy < std::size(RegClassForVT));
2355     RegClassForVT[VT.SimpleTy] = RC;
2356   }
2358   /// Return the largest legal super-reg register class of the register class
2359   /// for the specified type and its associated "cost".
2360   virtual std::pair<const TargetRegisterClass *, uint8_t>
2361   findRepresentativeClass(const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, MVT VT) const;
2363   /// Once all of the register classes are added, this allows us to compute
2364   /// derived properties we expose.
2365   void computeRegisterProperties(const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI);
2367   /// Indicate that the specified operation does not work with the specified
2368   /// type and indicate what to do about it. Note that VT may refer to either
2369   /// the type of a result or that of an operand of Op.
setOperationAction(unsigned Op,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2370   void setOperationAction(unsigned Op, MVT VT, LegalizeAction Action) {
2371     assert(Op < std::size(OpActions[0]) && "Table isn't big enough!");
2372     OpActions[(unsigned)VT.SimpleTy][Op] = Action;
2373   }
setOperationAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> Ops,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2374   void setOperationAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> Ops, MVT VT,
2375                           LegalizeAction Action) {
2376     for (auto Op : Ops)
2377       setOperationAction(Op, VT, Action);
2378   }
setOperationAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> Ops,ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,LegalizeAction Action)2379   void setOperationAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> Ops, ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,
2380                           LegalizeAction Action) {
2381     for (auto VT : VTs)
2382       setOperationAction(Ops, VT, Action);
2383   }
2385   /// Indicate that the specified load with extension does not work with the
2386   /// specified type and indicate what to do about it.
setLoadExtAction(unsigned ExtType,MVT ValVT,MVT MemVT,LegalizeAction Action)2387   void setLoadExtAction(unsigned ExtType, MVT ValVT, MVT MemVT,
2388                         LegalizeAction Action) {
2389     assert(ExtType < ISD::LAST_LOADEXT_TYPE && ValVT.isValid() &&
2390            MemVT.isValid() && "Table isn't big enough!");
2391     assert((unsigned)Action < 0x10 && "too many bits for bitfield array");
2392     unsigned Shift = 4 * ExtType;
2393     LoadExtActions[ValVT.SimpleTy][MemVT.SimpleTy] &= ~((uint16_t)0xF << Shift);
2394     LoadExtActions[ValVT.SimpleTy][MemVT.SimpleTy] |= (uint16_t)Action << Shift;
2395   }
setLoadExtAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> ExtTypes,MVT ValVT,MVT MemVT,LegalizeAction Action)2396   void setLoadExtAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> ExtTypes, MVT ValVT, MVT MemVT,
2397                         LegalizeAction Action) {
2398     for (auto ExtType : ExtTypes)
2399       setLoadExtAction(ExtType, ValVT, MemVT, Action);
2400   }
setLoadExtAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> ExtTypes,MVT ValVT,ArrayRef<MVT> MemVTs,LegalizeAction Action)2401   void setLoadExtAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> ExtTypes, MVT ValVT,
2402                         ArrayRef<MVT> MemVTs, LegalizeAction Action) {
2403     for (auto MemVT : MemVTs)
2404       setLoadExtAction(ExtTypes, ValVT, MemVT, Action);
2405   }
2407   /// Indicate that the specified truncating store does not work with the
2408   /// specified type and indicate what to do about it.
setTruncStoreAction(MVT ValVT,MVT MemVT,LegalizeAction Action)2409   void setTruncStoreAction(MVT ValVT, MVT MemVT, LegalizeAction Action) {
2410     assert(ValVT.isValid() && MemVT.isValid() && "Table isn't big enough!");
2411     TruncStoreActions[(unsigned)ValVT.SimpleTy][MemVT.SimpleTy] = Action;
2412   }
2414   /// Indicate that the specified indexed load does or does not work with the
2415   /// specified type and indicate what to do abort it.
2416   ///
2417   /// NOTE: All indexed mode loads are initialized to Expand in
2418   /// TargetLowering.cpp
setIndexedLoadAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2419   void setIndexedLoadAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes, MVT VT,
2420                             LegalizeAction Action) {
2421     for (auto IdxMode : IdxModes)
2422       setIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_Load, Action);
2423   }
setIndexedLoadAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes,ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,LegalizeAction Action)2425   void setIndexedLoadAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes, ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,
2426                             LegalizeAction Action) {
2427     for (auto VT : VTs)
2428       setIndexedLoadAction(IdxModes, VT, Action);
2429   }
2431   /// Indicate that the specified indexed store does or does not work with the
2432   /// specified type and indicate what to do about it.
2433   ///
2434   /// NOTE: All indexed mode stores are initialized to Expand in
2435   /// TargetLowering.cpp
setIndexedStoreAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2436   void setIndexedStoreAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes, MVT VT,
2437                              LegalizeAction Action) {
2438     for (auto IdxMode : IdxModes)
2439       setIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_Store, Action);
2440   }
setIndexedStoreAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes,ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,LegalizeAction Action)2442   void setIndexedStoreAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> IdxModes, ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,
2443                              LegalizeAction Action) {
2444     for (auto VT : VTs)
2445       setIndexedStoreAction(IdxModes, VT, Action);
2446   }
2448   /// Indicate that the specified indexed masked load does or does not work with
2449   /// the specified type and indicate what to do about it.
2450   ///
2451   /// NOTE: All indexed mode masked loads are initialized to Expand in
2452   /// TargetLowering.cpp
setIndexedMaskedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2453   void setIndexedMaskedLoadAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT,
2454                                   LegalizeAction Action) {
2455     setIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_MaskedLoad, Action);
2456   }
2458   /// Indicate that the specified indexed masked store does or does not work
2459   /// with the specified type and indicate what to do about it.
2460   ///
2461   /// NOTE: All indexed mode masked stores are initialized to Expand in
2462   /// TargetLowering.cpp
setIndexedMaskedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2463   void setIndexedMaskedStoreAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT,
2464                                    LegalizeAction Action) {
2465     setIndexedModeAction(IdxMode, VT, IMAB_MaskedStore, Action);
2466   }
2468   /// Indicate that the specified condition code is or isn't supported on the
2469   /// target and indicate what to do about it.
setCondCodeAction(ArrayRef<ISD::CondCode> CCs,MVT VT,LegalizeAction Action)2470   void setCondCodeAction(ArrayRef<ISD::CondCode> CCs, MVT VT,
2471                          LegalizeAction Action) {
2472     for (auto CC : CCs) {
2473       assert(VT.isValid() && (unsigned)CC < std::size(CondCodeActions) &&
2474              "Table isn't big enough!");
2475       assert((unsigned)Action < 0x10 && "too many bits for bitfield array");
2476       /// The lower 3 bits of the SimpleTy index into Nth 4bit set from the
2477       /// 32-bit value and the upper 29 bits index into the second dimension of
2478       /// the array to select what 32-bit value to use.
2479       uint32_t Shift = 4 * (VT.SimpleTy & 0x7);
2480       CondCodeActions[CC][VT.SimpleTy >> 3] &= ~((uint32_t)0xF << Shift);
2481       CondCodeActions[CC][VT.SimpleTy >> 3] |= (uint32_t)Action << Shift;
2482     }
2483   }
setCondCodeAction(ArrayRef<ISD::CondCode> CCs,ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,LegalizeAction Action)2484   void setCondCodeAction(ArrayRef<ISD::CondCode> CCs, ArrayRef<MVT> VTs,
2485                          LegalizeAction Action) {
2486     for (auto VT : VTs)
2487       setCondCodeAction(CCs, VT, Action);
2488   }
2490   /// If Opc/OrigVT is specified as being promoted, the promotion code defaults
2491   /// to trying a larger integer/fp until it can find one that works. If that
2492   /// default is insufficient, this method can be used by the target to override
2493   /// the default.
AddPromotedToType(unsigned Opc,MVT OrigVT,MVT DestVT)2494   void AddPromotedToType(unsigned Opc, MVT OrigVT, MVT DestVT) {
2495     PromoteToType[std::make_pair(Opc, OrigVT.SimpleTy)] = DestVT.SimpleTy;
2496   }
2498   /// Convenience method to set an operation to Promote and specify the type
2499   /// in a single call.
setOperationPromotedToType(unsigned Opc,MVT OrigVT,MVT DestVT)2500   void setOperationPromotedToType(unsigned Opc, MVT OrigVT, MVT DestVT) {
2501     setOperationAction(Opc, OrigVT, Promote);
2502     AddPromotedToType(Opc, OrigVT, DestVT);
2503   }
2505   /// Targets should invoke this method for each target independent node that
2506   /// they want to provide a custom DAG combiner for by implementing the
2507   /// PerformDAGCombine virtual method.
setTargetDAGCombine(ArrayRef<ISD::NodeType> NTs)2508   void setTargetDAGCombine(ArrayRef<ISD::NodeType> NTs) {
2509     for (auto NT : NTs) {
2510       assert(unsigned(NT >> 3) < std::size(TargetDAGCombineArray));
2511       TargetDAGCombineArray[NT >> 3] |= 1 << (NT & 7);
2512     }
2513   }
2515   /// Set the target's minimum function alignment.
setMinFunctionAlignment(Align Alignment)2516   void setMinFunctionAlignment(Align Alignment) {
2517     MinFunctionAlignment = Alignment;
2518   }
2520   /// Set the target's preferred function alignment.  This should be set if
2521   /// there is a performance benefit to higher-than-minimum alignment
setPrefFunctionAlignment(Align Alignment)2522   void setPrefFunctionAlignment(Align Alignment) {
2523     PrefFunctionAlignment = Alignment;
2524   }
2526   /// Set the target's preferred loop alignment. Default alignment is one, it
2527   /// means the target does not care about loop alignment. The target may also
2528   /// override getPrefLoopAlignment to provide per-loop values.
setPrefLoopAlignment(Align Alignment)2529   void setPrefLoopAlignment(Align Alignment) { PrefLoopAlignment = Alignment; }
setMaxBytesForAlignment(unsigned MaxBytes)2530   void setMaxBytesForAlignment(unsigned MaxBytes) {
2531     MaxBytesForAlignment = MaxBytes;
2532   }
2534   /// Set the minimum stack alignment of an argument.
setMinStackArgumentAlignment(Align Alignment)2535   void setMinStackArgumentAlignment(Align Alignment) {
2536     MinStackArgumentAlignment = Alignment;
2537   }
2539   /// Set the maximum atomic operation size supported by the
2540   /// backend. Atomic operations greater than this size (as well as
2541   /// ones that are not naturally aligned), will be expanded by
2542   /// AtomicExpandPass into an __atomic_* library call.
setMaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported(unsigned SizeInBits)2543   void setMaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported(unsigned SizeInBits) {
2544     MaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported = SizeInBits;
2545   }
2547   /// Set the size in bits of the maximum div/rem the backend supports.
2548   /// Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeDivRem.
setMaxDivRemBitWidthSupported(unsigned SizeInBits)2549   void setMaxDivRemBitWidthSupported(unsigned SizeInBits) {
2550     MaxDivRemBitWidthSupported = SizeInBits;
2551   }
2553   /// Set the size in bits of the maximum fp convert the backend supports.
2554   /// Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeFPConvert.
setMaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported(unsigned SizeInBits)2555   void setMaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported(unsigned SizeInBits) {
2556     MaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported = SizeInBits;
2557   }
2559   /// Sets the minimum cmpxchg or ll/sc size supported by the backend.
setMinCmpXchgSizeInBits(unsigned SizeInBits)2560   void setMinCmpXchgSizeInBits(unsigned SizeInBits) {
2561     MinCmpXchgSizeInBits = SizeInBits;
2562   }
2564   /// Sets whether unaligned atomic operations are supported.
setSupportsUnalignedAtomics(bool UnalignedSupported)2565   void setSupportsUnalignedAtomics(bool UnalignedSupported) {
2566     SupportsUnalignedAtomics = UnalignedSupported;
2567   }
2569 public:
2570   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
2571   // Addressing mode description hooks (used by LSR etc).
2572   //
2574   /// CodeGenPrepare sinks address calculations into the same BB as Load/Store
2575   /// instructions reading the address. This allows as much computation as
2576   /// possible to be done in the address mode for that operand. This hook lets
2577   /// targets also pass back when this should be done on intrinsics which
2578   /// load/store.
getAddrModeArguments(IntrinsicInst *,SmallVectorImpl<Value * > &,Type * &)2579   virtual bool getAddrModeArguments(IntrinsicInst * /*I*/,
2580                                     SmallVectorImpl<Value*> &/*Ops*/,
2581                                     Type *&/*AccessTy*/) const {
2582     return false;
2583   }
2585   /// This represents an addressing mode of:
2586   ///    BaseGV + BaseOffs + BaseReg + Scale*ScaleReg
2587   /// If BaseGV is null,  there is no BaseGV.
2588   /// If BaseOffs is zero, there is no base offset.
2589   /// If HasBaseReg is false, there is no base register.
2590   /// If Scale is zero, there is no ScaleReg.  Scale of 1 indicates a reg with
2591   /// no scale.
2592   struct AddrMode {
2593     GlobalValue *BaseGV = nullptr;
2594     int64_t      BaseOffs = 0;
2595     bool         HasBaseReg = false;
2596     int64_t      Scale = 0;
2597     AddrMode() = default;
2598   };
2600   /// Return true if the addressing mode represented by AM is legal for this
2601   /// target, for a load/store of the specified type.
2602   ///
2603   /// The type may be VoidTy, in which case only return true if the addressing
2604   /// mode is legal for a load/store of any legal type.  TODO: Handle
2605   /// pre/postinc as well.
2606   ///
2607   /// If the address space cannot be determined, it will be -1.
2608   ///
2609   /// TODO: Remove default argument
2610   virtual bool isLegalAddressingMode(const DataLayout &DL, const AddrMode &AM,
2611                                      Type *Ty, unsigned AddrSpace,
2612                                      Instruction *I = nullptr) const;
2614   /// Return true if the specified immediate is legal icmp immediate, that is
2615   /// the target has icmp instructions which can compare a register against the
2616   /// immediate without having to materialize the immediate into a register.
isLegalICmpImmediate(int64_t)2617   virtual bool isLegalICmpImmediate(int64_t) const {
2618     return true;
2619   }
2621   /// Return true if the specified immediate is legal add immediate, that is the
2622   /// target has add instructions which can add a register with the immediate
2623   /// without having to materialize the immediate into a register.
isLegalAddImmediate(int64_t)2624   virtual bool isLegalAddImmediate(int64_t) const {
2625     return true;
2626   }
2628   /// Return true if the specified immediate is legal for the value input of a
2629   /// store instruction.
isLegalStoreImmediate(int64_t Value)2630   virtual bool isLegalStoreImmediate(int64_t Value) const {
2631     // Default implementation assumes that at least 0 works since it is likely
2632     // that a zero register exists or a zero immediate is allowed.
2633     return Value == 0;
2634   }
2636   /// Return true if it's significantly cheaper to shift a vector by a uniform
2637   /// scalar than by an amount which will vary across each lane. On x86 before
2638   /// AVX2 for example, there is a "psllw" instruction for the former case, but
2639   /// no simple instruction for a general "a << b" operation on vectors.
2640   /// This should also apply to lowering for vector funnel shifts (rotates).
isVectorShiftByScalarCheap(Type * Ty)2641   virtual bool isVectorShiftByScalarCheap(Type *Ty) const {
2642     return false;
2643   }
2645   /// Given a shuffle vector SVI representing a vector splat, return a new
2646   /// scalar type of size equal to SVI's scalar type if the new type is more
2647   /// profitable. Returns nullptr otherwise. For example under MVE float splats
2648   /// are converted to integer to prevent the need to move from SPR to GPR
2649   /// registers.
shouldConvertSplatType(ShuffleVectorInst * SVI)2650   virtual Type* shouldConvertSplatType(ShuffleVectorInst* SVI) const {
2651     return nullptr;
2652   }
2654   /// Given a set in interconnected phis of type 'From' that are loaded/stored
2655   /// or bitcast to type 'To', return true if the set should be converted to
2656   /// 'To'.
shouldConvertPhiType(Type * From,Type * To)2657   virtual bool shouldConvertPhiType(Type *From, Type *To) const {
2658     return (From->isIntegerTy() || From->isFloatingPointTy()) &&
2659            (To->isIntegerTy() || To->isFloatingPointTy());
2660   }
2662   /// Returns true if the opcode is a commutative binary operation.
isCommutativeBinOp(unsigned Opcode)2663   virtual bool isCommutativeBinOp(unsigned Opcode) const {
2664     // FIXME: This should get its info from the td file.
2665     switch (Opcode) {
2666     case ISD::ADD:
2667     case ISD::SMIN:
2668     case ISD::SMAX:
2669     case ISD::UMIN:
2670     case ISD::UMAX:
2671     case ISD::MUL:
2672     case ISD::MULHU:
2673     case ISD::MULHS:
2674     case ISD::SMUL_LOHI:
2675     case ISD::UMUL_LOHI:
2676     case ISD::FADD:
2677     case ISD::FMUL:
2678     case ISD::AND:
2679     case ISD::OR:
2680     case ISD::XOR:
2681     case ISD::SADDO:
2682     case ISD::UADDO:
2683     case ISD::ADDC:
2684     case ISD::ADDE:
2685     case ISD::SADDSAT:
2686     case ISD::UADDSAT:
2687     case ISD::FMINNUM:
2688     case ISD::FMAXNUM:
2689     case ISD::FMINNUM_IEEE:
2690     case ISD::FMAXNUM_IEEE:
2691     case ISD::FMINIMUM:
2692     case ISD::FMAXIMUM:
2693     case ISD::AVGFLOORS:
2694     case ISD::AVGFLOORU:
2695     case ISD::AVGCEILS:
2696     case ISD::AVGCEILU:
2697       return true;
2698     default: return false;
2699     }
2700   }
2702   /// Return true if the node is a math/logic binary operator.
isBinOp(unsigned Opcode)2703   virtual bool isBinOp(unsigned Opcode) const {
2704     // A commutative binop must be a binop.
2705     if (isCommutativeBinOp(Opcode))
2706       return true;
2707     // These are non-commutative binops.
2708     switch (Opcode) {
2709     case ISD::SUB:
2710     case ISD::SHL:
2711     case ISD::SRL:
2712     case ISD::SRA:
2713     case ISD::ROTL:
2714     case ISD::ROTR:
2715     case ISD::SDIV:
2716     case ISD::UDIV:
2717     case ISD::SREM:
2718     case ISD::UREM:
2719     case ISD::SSUBSAT:
2720     case ISD::USUBSAT:
2721     case ISD::FSUB:
2722     case ISD::FDIV:
2723     case ISD::FREM:
2724       return true;
2725     default:
2726       return false;
2727     }
2728   }
2730   /// Return true if it's free to truncate a value of type FromTy to type
2731   /// ToTy. e.g. On x86 it's free to truncate a i32 value in register EAX to i16
2732   /// by referencing its sub-register AX.
2733   /// Targets must return false when FromTy <= ToTy.
isTruncateFree(Type * FromTy,Type * ToTy)2734   virtual bool isTruncateFree(Type *FromTy, Type *ToTy) const {
2735     return false;
2736   }
2738   /// Return true if a truncation from FromTy to ToTy is permitted when deciding
2739   /// whether a call is in tail position. Typically this means that both results
2740   /// would be assigned to the same register or stack slot, but it could mean
2741   /// the target performs adequate checks of its own before proceeding with the
2742   /// tail call.  Targets must return false when FromTy <= ToTy.
allowTruncateForTailCall(Type * FromTy,Type * ToTy)2743   virtual bool allowTruncateForTailCall(Type *FromTy, Type *ToTy) const {
2744     return false;
2745   }
isTruncateFree(EVT FromVT,EVT ToVT)2747   virtual bool isTruncateFree(EVT FromVT, EVT ToVT) const { return false; }
isTruncateFree(LLT FromTy,LLT ToTy,const DataLayout & DL,LLVMContext & Ctx)2748   virtual bool isTruncateFree(LLT FromTy, LLT ToTy, const DataLayout &DL,
2749                               LLVMContext &Ctx) const {
2750     return isTruncateFree(getApproximateEVTForLLT(FromTy, DL, Ctx),
2751                           getApproximateEVTForLLT(ToTy, DL, Ctx));
2752   }
isProfitableToHoist(Instruction * I)2754   virtual bool isProfitableToHoist(Instruction *I) const { return true; }
2756   /// Return true if the extension represented by \p I is free.
2757   /// Unlikely the is[Z|FP]ExtFree family which is based on types,
2758   /// this method can use the context provided by \p I to decide
2759   /// whether or not \p I is free.
2760   /// This method extends the behavior of the is[Z|FP]ExtFree family.
2761   /// In other words, if is[Z|FP]Free returns true, then this method
2762   /// returns true as well. The converse is not true.
2763   /// The target can perform the adequate checks by overriding isExtFreeImpl.
2764   /// \pre \p I must be a sign, zero, or fp extension.
isExtFree(const Instruction * I)2765   bool isExtFree(const Instruction *I) const {
2766     switch (I->getOpcode()) {
2767     case Instruction::FPExt:
2768       if (isFPExtFree(EVT::getEVT(I->getType()),
2769                       EVT::getEVT(I->getOperand(0)->getType())))
2770         return true;
2771       break;
2772     case Instruction::ZExt:
2773       if (isZExtFree(I->getOperand(0)->getType(), I->getType()))
2774         return true;
2775       break;
2776     case Instruction::SExt:
2777       break;
2778     default:
2779       llvm_unreachable("Instruction is not an extension");
2780     }
2781     return isExtFreeImpl(I);
2782   }
2784   /// Return true if \p Load and \p Ext can form an ExtLoad.
2785   /// For example, in AArch64
2786   ///   %L = load i8, i8* %ptr
2787   ///   %E = zext i8 %L to i32
2788   /// can be lowered into one load instruction
2789   ///   ldrb w0, [x0]
isExtLoad(const LoadInst * Load,const Instruction * Ext,const DataLayout & DL)2790   bool isExtLoad(const LoadInst *Load, const Instruction *Ext,
2791                  const DataLayout &DL) const {
2792     EVT VT = getValueType(DL, Ext->getType());
2793     EVT LoadVT = getValueType(DL, Load->getType());
2795     // If the load has other users and the truncate is not free, the ext
2796     // probably isn't free.
2797     if (!Load->hasOneUse() && (isTypeLegal(LoadVT) || !isTypeLegal(VT)) &&
2798         !isTruncateFree(Ext->getType(), Load->getType()))
2799       return false;
2801     // Check whether the target supports casts folded into loads.
2802     unsigned LType;
2803     if (isa<ZExtInst>(Ext))
2804       LType = ISD::ZEXTLOAD;
2805     else {
2806       assert(isa<SExtInst>(Ext) && "Unexpected ext type!");
2807       LType = ISD::SEXTLOAD;
2808     }
2810     return isLoadExtLegal(LType, VT, LoadVT);
2811   }
2813   /// Return true if any actual instruction that defines a value of type FromTy
2814   /// implicitly zero-extends the value to ToTy in the result register.
2815   ///
2816   /// The function should return true when it is likely that the truncate can
2817   /// be freely folded with an instruction defining a value of FromTy. If
2818   /// the defining instruction is unknown (because you're looking at a
2819   /// function argument, PHI, etc.) then the target may require an
2820   /// explicit truncate, which is not necessarily free, but this function
2821   /// does not deal with those cases.
2822   /// Targets must return false when FromTy >= ToTy.
isZExtFree(Type * FromTy,Type * ToTy)2823   virtual bool isZExtFree(Type *FromTy, Type *ToTy) const {
2824     return false;
2825   }
isZExtFree(EVT FromTy,EVT ToTy)2827   virtual bool isZExtFree(EVT FromTy, EVT ToTy) const { return false; }
isZExtFree(LLT FromTy,LLT ToTy,const DataLayout & DL,LLVMContext & Ctx)2828   virtual bool isZExtFree(LLT FromTy, LLT ToTy, const DataLayout &DL,
2829                           LLVMContext &Ctx) const {
2830     return isZExtFree(getApproximateEVTForLLT(FromTy, DL, Ctx),
2831                       getApproximateEVTForLLT(ToTy, DL, Ctx));
2832   }
2834   /// Return true if sign-extension from FromTy to ToTy is cheaper than
2835   /// zero-extension.
isSExtCheaperThanZExt(EVT FromTy,EVT ToTy)2836   virtual bool isSExtCheaperThanZExt(EVT FromTy, EVT ToTy) const {
2837     return false;
2838   }
2840   /// Return true if this constant should be sign extended when promoting to
2841   /// a larger type.
signExtendConstant(const ConstantInt * C)2842   virtual bool signExtendConstant(const ConstantInt *C) const { return false; }
2844   /// Return true if sinking I's operands to the same basic block as I is
2845   /// profitable, e.g. because the operands can be folded into a target
2846   /// instruction during instruction selection. After calling the function
2847   /// \p Ops contains the Uses to sink ordered by dominance (dominating users
2848   /// come first).
shouldSinkOperands(Instruction * I,SmallVectorImpl<Use * > & Ops)2849   virtual bool shouldSinkOperands(Instruction *I,
2850                                   SmallVectorImpl<Use *> &Ops) const {
2851     return false;
2852   }
2854   /// Try to optimize extending or truncating conversion instructions (like
2855   /// zext, trunc, fptoui, uitofp) for the target.
optimizeExtendOrTruncateConversion(Instruction * I,Loop * L)2856   virtual bool optimizeExtendOrTruncateConversion(Instruction *I,
2857                                                   Loop *L) const {
2858     return false;
2859   }
2861   /// Return true if the target supplies and combines to a paired load
2862   /// two loaded values of type LoadedType next to each other in memory.
2863   /// RequiredAlignment gives the minimal alignment constraints that must be met
2864   /// to be able to select this paired load.
2865   ///
2866   /// This information is *not* used to generate actual paired loads, but it is
2867   /// used to generate a sequence of loads that is easier to combine into a
2868   /// paired load.
2869   /// For instance, something like this:
2870   /// a = load i64* addr
2871   /// b = trunc i64 a to i32
2872   /// c = lshr i64 a, 32
2873   /// d = trunc i64 c to i32
2874   /// will be optimized into:
2875   /// b = load i32* addr1
2876   /// d = load i32* addr2
2877   /// Where addr1 = addr2 +/- sizeof(i32).
2878   ///
2879   /// In other words, unless the target performs a post-isel load combining,
2880   /// this information should not be provided because it will generate more
2881   /// loads.
hasPairedLoad(EVT,Align &)2882   virtual bool hasPairedLoad(EVT /*LoadedType*/,
2883                              Align & /*RequiredAlignment*/) const {
2884     return false;
2885   }
2887   /// Return true if the target has a vector blend instruction.
hasVectorBlend()2888   virtual bool hasVectorBlend() const { return false; }
2890   /// Get the maximum supported factor for interleaved memory accesses.
2891   /// Default to be the minimum interleave factor: 2.
getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor()2892   virtual unsigned getMaxSupportedInterleaveFactor() const { return 2; }
2894   /// Lower an interleaved load to target specific intrinsics. Return
2895   /// true on success.
2896   ///
2897   /// \p LI is the vector load instruction.
2898   /// \p Shuffles is the shufflevector list to DE-interleave the loaded vector.
2899   /// \p Indices is the corresponding indices for each shufflevector.
2900   /// \p Factor is the interleave factor.
lowerInterleavedLoad(LoadInst * LI,ArrayRef<ShuffleVectorInst * > Shuffles,ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices,unsigned Factor)2901   virtual bool lowerInterleavedLoad(LoadInst *LI,
2902                                     ArrayRef<ShuffleVectorInst *> Shuffles,
2903                                     ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices,
2904                                     unsigned Factor) const {
2905     return false;
2906   }
2908   /// Lower an interleaved store to target specific intrinsics. Return
2909   /// true on success.
2910   ///
2911   /// \p SI is the vector store instruction.
2912   /// \p SVI is the shufflevector to RE-interleave the stored vector.
2913   /// \p Factor is the interleave factor.
lowerInterleavedStore(StoreInst * SI,ShuffleVectorInst * SVI,unsigned Factor)2914   virtual bool lowerInterleavedStore(StoreInst *SI, ShuffleVectorInst *SVI,
2915                                      unsigned Factor) const {
2916     return false;
2917   }
2919   /// Return true if zero-extending the specific node Val to type VT2 is free
2920   /// (either because it's implicitly zero-extended such as ARM ldrb / ldrh or
2921   /// because it's folded such as X86 zero-extending loads).
isZExtFree(SDValue Val,EVT VT2)2922   virtual bool isZExtFree(SDValue Val, EVT VT2) const {
2923     return isZExtFree(Val.getValueType(), VT2);
2924   }
2926   /// Return true if an fpext operation is free (for instance, because
2927   /// single-precision floating-point numbers are implicitly extended to
2928   /// double-precision).
isFPExtFree(EVT DestVT,EVT SrcVT)2929   virtual bool isFPExtFree(EVT DestVT, EVT SrcVT) const {
2930     assert(SrcVT.isFloatingPoint() && DestVT.isFloatingPoint() &&
2931            "invalid fpext types");
2932     return false;
2933   }
2935   /// Return true if an fpext operation input to an \p Opcode operation is free
2936   /// (for instance, because half-precision floating-point numbers are
2937   /// implicitly extended to float-precision) for an FMA instruction.
isFPExtFoldable(const MachineInstr & MI,unsigned Opcode,LLT DestTy,LLT SrcTy)2938   virtual bool isFPExtFoldable(const MachineInstr &MI, unsigned Opcode,
2939                                LLT DestTy, LLT SrcTy) const {
2940     return false;
2941   }
2943   /// Return true if an fpext operation input to an \p Opcode operation is free
2944   /// (for instance, because half-precision floating-point numbers are
2945   /// implicitly extended to float-precision) for an FMA instruction.
isFPExtFoldable(const SelectionDAG & DAG,unsigned Opcode,EVT DestVT,EVT SrcVT)2946   virtual bool isFPExtFoldable(const SelectionDAG &DAG, unsigned Opcode,
2947                                EVT DestVT, EVT SrcVT) const {
2948     assert(DestVT.isFloatingPoint() && SrcVT.isFloatingPoint() &&
2949            "invalid fpext types");
2950     return isFPExtFree(DestVT, SrcVT);
2951   }
2953   /// Return true if folding a vector load into ExtVal (a sign, zero, or any
2954   /// extend node) is profitable.
isVectorLoadExtDesirable(SDValue ExtVal)2955   virtual bool isVectorLoadExtDesirable(SDValue ExtVal) const { return false; }
2957   /// Return true if an fneg operation is free to the point where it is never
2958   /// worthwhile to replace it with a bitwise operation.
isFNegFree(EVT VT)2959   virtual bool isFNegFree(EVT VT) const {
2960     assert(VT.isFloatingPoint());
2961     return false;
2962   }
2964   /// Return true if an fabs operation is free to the point where it is never
2965   /// worthwhile to replace it with a bitwise operation.
isFAbsFree(EVT VT)2966   virtual bool isFAbsFree(EVT VT) const {
2967     assert(VT.isFloatingPoint());
2968     return false;
2969   }
2971   /// Return true if an FMA operation is faster than a pair of fmul and fadd
2972   /// instructions. fmuladd intrinsics will be expanded to FMAs when this method
2973   /// returns true, otherwise fmuladd is expanded to fmul + fadd.
2974   ///
2975   /// NOTE: This may be called before legalization on types for which FMAs are
2976   /// not legal, but should return true if those types will eventually legalize
2977   /// to types that support FMAs. After legalization, it will only be called on
2978   /// types that support FMAs (via Legal or Custom actions)
isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const MachineFunction & MF,EVT)2979   virtual bool isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const MachineFunction &MF,
2980                                           EVT) const {
2981     return false;
2982   }
2984   /// Return true if an FMA operation is faster than a pair of fmul and fadd
2985   /// instructions. fmuladd intrinsics will be expanded to FMAs when this method
2986   /// returns true, otherwise fmuladd is expanded to fmul + fadd.
2987   ///
2988   /// NOTE: This may be called before legalization on types for which FMAs are
2989   /// not legal, but should return true if those types will eventually legalize
2990   /// to types that support FMAs. After legalization, it will only be called on
2991   /// types that support FMAs (via Legal or Custom actions)
isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const MachineFunction & MF,LLT)2992   virtual bool isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const MachineFunction &MF,
2993                                           LLT) const {
2994     return false;
2995   }
2997   /// IR version
isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const Function & F,Type *)2998   virtual bool isFMAFasterThanFMulAndFAdd(const Function &F, Type *) const {
2999     return false;
3000   }
3002   /// Returns true if \p MI can be combined with another instruction to
3003   /// form TargetOpcode::G_FMAD. \p N may be an TargetOpcode::G_FADD,
3004   /// TargetOpcode::G_FSUB, or an TargetOpcode::G_FMUL which will be
3005   /// distributed into an fadd/fsub.
isFMADLegal(const MachineInstr & MI,LLT Ty)3006   virtual bool isFMADLegal(const MachineInstr &MI, LLT Ty) const {
3007     assert((MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_FADD ||
3008             MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_FSUB ||
3009             MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_FMUL) &&
3010            "unexpected node in FMAD forming combine");
3011     switch (Ty.getScalarSizeInBits()) {
3012     case 16:
3013       return isOperationLegal(TargetOpcode::G_FMAD, MVT::f16);
3014     case 32:
3015       return isOperationLegal(TargetOpcode::G_FMAD, MVT::f32);
3016     case 64:
3017       return isOperationLegal(TargetOpcode::G_FMAD, MVT::f64);
3018     default:
3019       break;
3020     }
3022     return false;
3023   }
3025   /// Returns true if be combined with to form an ISD::FMAD. \p N may be an
3026   /// ISD::FADD, ISD::FSUB, or an ISD::FMUL which will be distributed into an
3027   /// fadd/fsub.
isFMADLegal(const SelectionDAG & DAG,const SDNode * N)3028   virtual bool isFMADLegal(const SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDNode *N) const {
3029     assert((N->getOpcode() == ISD::FADD || N->getOpcode() == ISD::FSUB ||
3030             N->getOpcode() == ISD::FMUL) &&
3031            "unexpected node in FMAD forming combine");
3032     return isOperationLegal(ISD::FMAD, N->getValueType(0));
3033   }
3035   // Return true when the decision to generate FMA's (or FMS, FMLA etc) rather
3036   // than FMUL and ADD is delegated to the machine combiner.
generateFMAsInMachineCombiner(EVT VT,CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel)3037   virtual bool generateFMAsInMachineCombiner(EVT VT,
3038                                              CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel) const {
3039     return false;
3040   }
3042   /// Return true if it's profitable to narrow operations of type VT1 to
3043   /// VT2. e.g. on x86, it's profitable to narrow from i32 to i8 but not from
3044   /// i32 to i16.
isNarrowingProfitable(EVT,EVT)3045   virtual bool isNarrowingProfitable(EVT /*VT1*/, EVT /*VT2*/) const {
3046     return false;
3047   }
3049   /// Return true if pulling a binary operation into a select with an identity
3050   /// constant is profitable. This is the inverse of an IR transform.
3051   /// Example: X + (Cond ? Y : 0) --> Cond ? (X + Y) : X
shouldFoldSelectWithIdentityConstant(unsigned BinOpcode,EVT VT)3052   virtual bool shouldFoldSelectWithIdentityConstant(unsigned BinOpcode,
3053                                                     EVT VT) const {
3054     return false;
3055   }
3057   /// Return true if it is beneficial to convert a load of a constant to
3058   /// just the constant itself.
3059   /// On some targets it might be more efficient to use a combination of
3060   /// arithmetic instructions to materialize the constant instead of loading it
3061   /// from a constant pool.
shouldConvertConstantLoadToIntImm(const APInt & Imm,Type * Ty)3062   virtual bool shouldConvertConstantLoadToIntImm(const APInt &Imm,
3063                                                  Type *Ty) const {
3064     return false;
3065   }
3067   /// Return true if EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR is cheap for extracting this result type
3068   /// from this source type with this index. This is needed because
3069   /// EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR usually has custom lowering that depends on the index of
3070   /// the first element, and only the target knows which lowering is cheap.
isExtractSubvectorCheap(EVT ResVT,EVT SrcVT,unsigned Index)3071   virtual bool isExtractSubvectorCheap(EVT ResVT, EVT SrcVT,
3072                                        unsigned Index) const {
3073     return false;
3074   }
3076   /// Try to convert an extract element of a vector binary operation into an
3077   /// extract element followed by a scalar operation.
shouldScalarizeBinop(SDValue VecOp)3078   virtual bool shouldScalarizeBinop(SDValue VecOp) const {
3079     return false;
3080   }
3082   /// Return true if extraction of a scalar element from the given vector type
3083   /// at the given index is cheap. For example, if scalar operations occur on
3084   /// the same register file as vector operations, then an extract element may
3085   /// be a sub-register rename rather than an actual instruction.
isExtractVecEltCheap(EVT VT,unsigned Index)3086   virtual bool isExtractVecEltCheap(EVT VT, unsigned Index) const {
3087     return false;
3088   }
3090   /// Try to convert math with an overflow comparison into the corresponding DAG
3091   /// node operation. Targets may want to override this independently of whether
3092   /// the operation is legal/custom for the given type because it may obscure
3093   /// matching of other patterns.
shouldFormOverflowOp(unsigned Opcode,EVT VT,bool MathUsed)3094   virtual bool shouldFormOverflowOp(unsigned Opcode, EVT VT,
3095                                     bool MathUsed) const {
3096     // TODO: The default logic is inherited from code in CodeGenPrepare.
3097     // The opcode should not make a difference by default?
3098     if (Opcode != ISD::UADDO)
3099       return false;
3101     // Allow the transform as long as we have an integer type that is not
3102     // obviously illegal and unsupported and if the math result is used
3103     // besides the overflow check. On some targets (e.g. SPARC), it is
3104     // not profitable to form on overflow op if the math result has no
3105     // concrete users.
3106     if (VT.isVector())
3107       return false;
3108     return MathUsed && (VT.isSimple() || !isOperationExpand(Opcode, VT));
3109   }
3111   // Return true if it is profitable to use a scalar input to a BUILD_VECTOR
3112   // even if the vector itself has multiple uses.
aggressivelyPreferBuildVectorSources(EVT VecVT)3113   virtual bool aggressivelyPreferBuildVectorSources(EVT VecVT) const {
3114     return false;
3115   }
3117   // Return true if CodeGenPrepare should consider splitting large offset of a
3118   // GEP to make the GEP fit into the addressing mode and can be sunk into the
3119   // same blocks of its users.
shouldConsiderGEPOffsetSplit()3120   virtual bool shouldConsiderGEPOffsetSplit() const { return false; }
3122   /// Return true if creating a shift of the type by the given
3123   /// amount is not profitable.
shouldAvoidTransformToShift(EVT VT,unsigned Amount)3124   virtual bool shouldAvoidTransformToShift(EVT VT, unsigned Amount) const {
3125     return false;
3126   }
3128   /// Does this target require the clearing of high-order bits in a register
3129   /// passed to the fp16 to fp conversion library function.
shouldKeepZExtForFP16Conv()3130   virtual bool shouldKeepZExtForFP16Conv() const { return false; }
3132   /// Should we generate fp_to_si_sat and fp_to_ui_sat from type FPVT to type VT
3133   /// from min(max(fptoi)) saturation patterns.
shouldConvertFpToSat(unsigned Op,EVT FPVT,EVT VT)3134   virtual bool shouldConvertFpToSat(unsigned Op, EVT FPVT, EVT VT) const {
3135     return isOperationLegalOrCustom(Op, VT);
3136   }
3138   /// Does this target support complex deinterleaving
isComplexDeinterleavingSupported()3139   virtual bool isComplexDeinterleavingSupported() const { return false; }
3141   /// Does this target support complex deinterleaving with the given operation
3142   /// and type
isComplexDeinterleavingOperationSupported(ComplexDeinterleavingOperation Operation,Type * Ty)3143   virtual bool isComplexDeinterleavingOperationSupported(
3144       ComplexDeinterleavingOperation Operation, Type *Ty) const {
3145     return false;
3146   }
3148   /// Create the IR node for the given complex deinterleaving operation.
3149   /// If one cannot be created using all the given inputs, nullptr should be
3150   /// returned.
3151   virtual Value *createComplexDeinterleavingIR(
3152       Instruction *I, ComplexDeinterleavingOperation OperationType,
3153       ComplexDeinterleavingRotation Rotation, Value *InputA, Value *InputB,
3154       Value *Accumulator = nullptr) const {
3155     return nullptr;
3156   }
3158   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3159   // Runtime Library hooks
3160   //
3162   /// Rename the default libcall routine name for the specified libcall.
setLibcallName(RTLIB::Libcall Call,const char * Name)3163   void setLibcallName(RTLIB::Libcall Call, const char *Name) {
3164     LibcallRoutineNames[Call] = Name;
3165   }
setLibcallName(ArrayRef<RTLIB::Libcall> Calls,const char * Name)3166   void setLibcallName(ArrayRef<RTLIB::Libcall> Calls, const char *Name) {
3167     for (auto Call : Calls)
3168       setLibcallName(Call, Name);
3169   }
3171   /// Get the libcall routine name for the specified libcall.
getLibcallName(RTLIB::Libcall Call)3172   const char *getLibcallName(RTLIB::Libcall Call) const {
3173     return LibcallRoutineNames[Call];
3174   }
3176   /// Override the default CondCode to be used to test the result of the
3177   /// comparison libcall against zero.
setCmpLibcallCC(RTLIB::Libcall Call,ISD::CondCode CC)3178   void setCmpLibcallCC(RTLIB::Libcall Call, ISD::CondCode CC) {
3179     CmpLibcallCCs[Call] = CC;
3180   }
3182   /// Get the CondCode that's to be used to test the result of the comparison
3183   /// libcall against zero.
getCmpLibcallCC(RTLIB::Libcall Call)3184   ISD::CondCode getCmpLibcallCC(RTLIB::Libcall Call) const {
3185     return CmpLibcallCCs[Call];
3186   }
3188   /// Set the CallingConv that should be used for the specified libcall.
setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::Libcall Call,CallingConv::ID CC)3189   void setLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::Libcall Call, CallingConv::ID CC) {
3190     LibcallCallingConvs[Call] = CC;
3191   }
3193   /// Get the CallingConv that should be used for the specified libcall.
getLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::Libcall Call)3194   CallingConv::ID getLibcallCallingConv(RTLIB::Libcall Call) const {
3195     return LibcallCallingConvs[Call];
3196   }
3198   /// Execute target specific actions to finalize target lowering.
3199   /// This is used to set extra flags in MachineFrameInformation and freezing
3200   /// the set of reserved registers.
3201   /// The default implementation just freezes the set of reserved registers.
3202   virtual void finalizeLowering(MachineFunction &MF) const;
3204   //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3205   //  GlobalISel Hooks
3206   //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3207   /// Check whether or not \p MI needs to be moved close to its uses.
3208   virtual bool shouldLocalize(const MachineInstr &MI, const TargetTransformInfo *TTI) const;
3211 private:
3212   const TargetMachine &TM;
3214   /// Tells the code generator that the target has multiple (allocatable)
3215   /// condition registers that can be used to store the results of comparisons
3216   /// for use by selects and conditional branches. With multiple condition
3217   /// registers, the code generator will not aggressively sink comparisons into
3218   /// the blocks of their users.
3219   bool HasMultipleConditionRegisters;
3221   /// Tells the code generator that the target has BitExtract instructions.
3222   /// The code generator will aggressively sink "shift"s into the blocks of
3223   /// their users if the users will generate "and" instructions which can be
3224   /// combined with "shift" to BitExtract instructions.
3225   bool HasExtractBitsInsn;
3227   /// Tells the code generator to bypass slow divide or remainder
3228   /// instructions. For example, BypassSlowDivWidths[32,8] tells the code
3229   /// generator to bypass 32-bit integer div/rem with an 8-bit unsigned integer
3230   /// div/rem when the operands are positive and less than 256.
3231   DenseMap <unsigned int, unsigned int> BypassSlowDivWidths;
3233   /// Tells the code generator that it shouldn't generate extra flow control
3234   /// instructions and should attempt to combine flow control instructions via
3235   /// predication.
3236   bool JumpIsExpensive;
3238   /// Information about the contents of the high-bits in boolean values held in
3239   /// a type wider than i1. See getBooleanContents.
3240   BooleanContent BooleanContents;
3242   /// Information about the contents of the high-bits in boolean values held in
3243   /// a type wider than i1. See getBooleanContents.
3244   BooleanContent BooleanFloatContents;
3246   /// Information about the contents of the high-bits in boolean vector values
3247   /// when the element type is wider than i1. See getBooleanContents.
3248   BooleanContent BooleanVectorContents;
3250   /// The target scheduling preference: shortest possible total cycles or lowest
3251   /// register usage.
3252   Sched::Preference SchedPreferenceInfo;
3254   /// The minimum alignment that any argument on the stack needs to have.
3255   Align MinStackArgumentAlignment;
3257   /// The minimum function alignment (used when optimizing for size, and to
3258   /// prevent explicitly provided alignment from leading to incorrect code).
3259   Align MinFunctionAlignment;
3261   /// The preferred function alignment (used when alignment unspecified and
3262   /// optimizing for speed).
3263   Align PrefFunctionAlignment;
3265   /// The preferred loop alignment (in log2 bot in bytes).
3266   Align PrefLoopAlignment;
3267   /// The maximum amount of bytes permitted to be emitted for alignment.
3268   unsigned MaxBytesForAlignment;
3270   /// Size in bits of the maximum atomics size the backend supports.
3271   /// Accesses larger than this will be expanded by AtomicExpandPass.
3272   unsigned MaxAtomicSizeInBitsSupported;
3274   /// Size in bits of the maximum div/rem size the backend supports.
3275   /// Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeDivRem.
3276   unsigned MaxDivRemBitWidthSupported;
3278   /// Size in bits of the maximum larget fp convert size the backend
3279   /// supports. Larger operations will be expanded by ExpandLargeFPConvert.
3280   unsigned MaxLargeFPConvertBitWidthSupported;
3282   /// Size in bits of the minimum cmpxchg or ll/sc operation the
3283   /// backend supports.
3284   unsigned MinCmpXchgSizeInBits;
3286   /// This indicates if the target supports unaligned atomic operations.
3287   bool SupportsUnalignedAtomics;
3289   /// If set to a physical register, this specifies the register that
3290   /// llvm.savestack/llvm.restorestack should save and restore.
3291   Register StackPointerRegisterToSaveRestore;
3293   /// This indicates the default register class to use for each ValueType the
3294   /// target supports natively.
3295   const TargetRegisterClass *RegClassForVT[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3296   uint16_t NumRegistersForVT[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3297   MVT RegisterTypeForVT[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3299   /// This indicates the "representative" register class to use for each
3300   /// ValueType the target supports natively. This information is used by the
3301   /// scheduler to track register pressure. By default, the representative
3302   /// register class is the largest legal super-reg register class of the
3303   /// register class of the specified type. e.g. On x86, i8, i16, and i32's
3304   /// representative class would be GR32.
3305   const TargetRegisterClass *RepRegClassForVT[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3307   /// This indicates the "cost" of the "representative" register class for each
3308   /// ValueType. The cost is used by the scheduler to approximate register
3309   /// pressure.
3310   uint8_t RepRegClassCostForVT[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3312   /// For any value types we are promoting or expanding, this contains the value
3313   /// type that we are changing to.  For Expanded types, this contains one step
3314   /// of the expand (e.g. i64 -> i32), even if there are multiple steps required
3315   /// (e.g. i64 -> i16).  For types natively supported by the system, this holds
3316   /// the same type (e.g. i32 -> i32).
3317   MVT TransformToType[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3319   /// For each operation and each value type, keep a LegalizeAction that
3320   /// indicates how instruction selection should deal with the operation.  Most
3321   /// operations are Legal (aka, supported natively by the target), but
3322   /// operations that are not should be described.  Note that operations on
3323   /// non-legal value types are not described here.
3324   LegalizeAction OpActions[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE][ISD::BUILTIN_OP_END];
3326   /// For each load extension type and each value type, keep a LegalizeAction
3327   /// that indicates how instruction selection should deal with a load of a
3328   /// specific value type and extension type. Uses 4-bits to store the action
3329   /// for each of the 4 load ext types.
3330   uint16_t LoadExtActions[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE][MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3332   /// For each value type pair keep a LegalizeAction that indicates whether a
3333   /// truncating store of a specific value type and truncating type is legal.
3334   LegalizeAction TruncStoreActions[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE][MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE];
3336   /// For each indexed mode and each value type, keep a quad of LegalizeAction
3337   /// that indicates how instruction selection should deal with the load /
3338   /// store / maskedload / maskedstore.
3339   ///
3340   /// The first dimension is the value_type for the reference. The second
3341   /// dimension represents the various modes for load store.
3342   uint16_t IndexedModeActions[MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE][ISD::LAST_INDEXED_MODE];
3344   /// For each condition code (ISD::CondCode) keep a LegalizeAction that
3345   /// indicates how instruction selection should deal with the condition code.
3346   ///
3347   /// Because each CC action takes up 4 bits, we need to have the array size be
3348   /// large enough to fit all of the value types. This can be done by rounding
3349   /// up the MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE value to the next multiple of 8.
3350   uint32_t CondCodeActions[ISD::SETCC_INVALID][(MVT::VALUETYPE_SIZE + 7) / 8];
3352   ValueTypeActionImpl ValueTypeActions;
3354 private:
3355   /// Targets can specify ISD nodes that they would like PerformDAGCombine
3356   /// callbacks for by calling setTargetDAGCombine(), which sets a bit in this
3357   /// array.
3358   unsigned char
3359   TargetDAGCombineArray[(ISD::BUILTIN_OP_END+CHAR_BIT-1)/CHAR_BIT];
3361   /// For operations that must be promoted to a specific type, this holds the
3362   /// destination type.  This map should be sparse, so don't hold it as an
3363   /// array.
3364   ///
3365   /// Targets add entries to this map with AddPromotedToType(..), clients access
3366   /// this with getTypeToPromoteTo(..).
3367   std::map<std::pair<unsigned, MVT::SimpleValueType>, MVT::SimpleValueType>
3368     PromoteToType;
3370   /// Stores the name each libcall.
3371   const char *LibcallRoutineNames[RTLIB::UNKNOWN_LIBCALL + 1];
3373   /// The ISD::CondCode that should be used to test the result of each of the
3374   /// comparison libcall against zero.
3375   ISD::CondCode CmpLibcallCCs[RTLIB::UNKNOWN_LIBCALL];
3377   /// Stores the CallingConv that should be used for each libcall.
3378   CallingConv::ID LibcallCallingConvs[RTLIB::UNKNOWN_LIBCALL];
3380   /// Set default libcall names and calling conventions.
3381   void InitLibcalls(const Triple &TT);
3383   /// The bits of IndexedModeActions used to store the legalisation actions
3384   /// We store the data as   | ML | MS |  L |  S | each taking 4 bits.
3385   enum IndexedModeActionsBits {
3386     IMAB_Store = 0,
3387     IMAB_Load = 4,
3388     IMAB_MaskedStore = 8,
3389     IMAB_MaskedLoad = 12
3390   };
setIndexedModeAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT,unsigned Shift,LegalizeAction Action)3392   void setIndexedModeAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT, unsigned Shift,
3393                             LegalizeAction Action) {
3394     assert(VT.isValid() && IdxMode < ISD::LAST_INDEXED_MODE &&
3395            (unsigned)Action < 0xf && "Table isn't big enough!");
3396     unsigned Ty = (unsigned)VT.SimpleTy;
3397     IndexedModeActions[Ty][IdxMode] &= ~(0xf << Shift);
3398     IndexedModeActions[Ty][IdxMode] |= ((uint16_t)Action) << Shift;
3399   }
getIndexedModeAction(unsigned IdxMode,MVT VT,unsigned Shift)3401   LegalizeAction getIndexedModeAction(unsigned IdxMode, MVT VT,
3402                                       unsigned Shift) const {
3403     assert(IdxMode < ISD::LAST_INDEXED_MODE && VT.isValid() &&
3404            "Table isn't big enough!");
3405     unsigned Ty = (unsigned)VT.SimpleTy;
3406     return (LegalizeAction)((IndexedModeActions[Ty][IdxMode] >> Shift) & 0xf);
3407   }
3409 protected:
3410   /// Return true if the extension represented by \p I is free.
3411   /// \pre \p I is a sign, zero, or fp extension and
3412   ///      is[Z|FP]ExtFree of the related types is not true.
isExtFreeImpl(const Instruction * I)3413   virtual bool isExtFreeImpl(const Instruction *I) const { return false; }
3415   /// Depth that GatherAllAliases should should continue looking for chain
3416   /// dependencies when trying to find a more preferable chain. As an
3417   /// approximation, this should be more than the number of consecutive stores
3418   /// expected to be merged.
3419   unsigned GatherAllAliasesMaxDepth;
3421   /// \brief Specify maximum number of store instructions per memset call.
3422   ///
3423   /// When lowering \@llvm.memset this field specifies the maximum number of
3424   /// store operations that may be substituted for the call to memset. Targets
3425   /// must set this value based on the cost threshold for that target. Targets
3426   /// should assume that the memset will be done using as many of the largest
3427   /// store operations first, followed by smaller ones, if necessary, per
3428   /// alignment restrictions. For example, storing 9 bytes on a 32-bit machine
3429   /// with 16-bit alignment would result in four 2-byte stores and one 1-byte
3430   /// store.  This only applies to setting a constant array of a constant size.
3431   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemset;
3432   /// Likewise for functions with the OptSize attribute.
3433   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemsetOptSize;
3435   /// \brief Specify maximum number of store instructions per memcpy call.
3436   ///
3437   /// When lowering \@llvm.memcpy this field specifies the maximum number of
3438   /// store operations that may be substituted for a call to memcpy. Targets
3439   /// must set this value based on the cost threshold for that target. Targets
3440   /// should assume that the memcpy will be done using as many of the largest
3441   /// store operations first, followed by smaller ones, if necessary, per
3442   /// alignment restrictions. For example, storing 7 bytes on a 32-bit machine
3443   /// with 32-bit alignment would result in one 4-byte store, a one 2-byte store
3444   /// and one 1-byte store. This only applies to copying a constant array of
3445   /// constant size.
3446   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemcpy;
3447   /// Likewise for functions with the OptSize attribute.
3448   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemcpyOptSize;
3449   /// \brief Specify max number of store instructions to glue in inlined memcpy.
3450   ///
3451   /// When memcpy is inlined based on MaxStoresPerMemcpy, specify maximum number
3452   /// of store instructions to keep together. This helps in pairing and
3453   //  vectorization later on.
3454   unsigned MaxGluedStoresPerMemcpy = 0;
3456   /// \brief Specify maximum number of load instructions per memcmp call.
3457   ///
3458   /// When lowering \@llvm.memcmp this field specifies the maximum number of
3459   /// pairs of load operations that may be substituted for a call to memcmp.
3460   /// Targets must set this value based on the cost threshold for that target.
3461   /// Targets should assume that the memcmp will be done using as many of the
3462   /// largest load operations first, followed by smaller ones, if necessary, per
3463   /// alignment restrictions. For example, loading 7 bytes on a 32-bit machine
3464   /// with 32-bit alignment would result in one 4-byte load, a one 2-byte load
3465   /// and one 1-byte load. This only applies to copying a constant array of
3466   /// constant size.
3467   unsigned MaxLoadsPerMemcmp;
3468   /// Likewise for functions with the OptSize attribute.
3469   unsigned MaxLoadsPerMemcmpOptSize;
3471   /// \brief Specify maximum number of store instructions per memmove call.
3472   ///
3473   /// When lowering \@llvm.memmove this field specifies the maximum number of
3474   /// store instructions that may be substituted for a call to memmove. Targets
3475   /// must set this value based on the cost threshold for that target. Targets
3476   /// should assume that the memmove will be done using as many of the largest
3477   /// store operations first, followed by smaller ones, if necessary, per
3478   /// alignment restrictions. For example, moving 9 bytes on a 32-bit machine
3479   /// with 8-bit alignment would result in nine 1-byte stores.  This only
3480   /// applies to copying a constant array of constant size.
3481   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemmove;
3482   /// Likewise for functions with the OptSize attribute.
3483   unsigned MaxStoresPerMemmoveOptSize;
3485   /// Tells the code generator that select is more expensive than a branch if
3486   /// the branch is usually predicted right.
3487   bool PredictableSelectIsExpensive;
3489   /// \see enableExtLdPromotion.
3490   bool EnableExtLdPromotion;
3492   /// Return true if the value types that can be represented by the specified
3493   /// register class are all legal.
3494   bool isLegalRC(const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
3495                  const TargetRegisterClass &RC) const;
3497   /// Replace/modify any TargetFrameIndex operands with a targte-dependent
3498   /// sequence of memory operands that is recognized by PrologEpilogInserter.
3499   MachineBasicBlock *emitPatchPoint(MachineInstr &MI,
3500                                     MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const;
3502   bool IsStrictFPEnabled;
3503 };
3505 /// This class defines information used to lower LLVM code to legal SelectionDAG
3506 /// operators that the target instruction selector can accept natively.
3507 ///
3508 /// This class also defines callbacks that targets must implement to lower
3509 /// target-specific constructs to SelectionDAG operators.
3510 class TargetLowering : public TargetLoweringBase {
3511 public:
3512   struct DAGCombinerInfo;
3513   struct MakeLibCallOptions;
3515   TargetLowering(const TargetLowering &) = delete;
3516   TargetLowering &operator=(const TargetLowering &) = delete;
3518   explicit TargetLowering(const TargetMachine &TM);
3520   bool isPositionIndependent() const;
isSDNodeSourceOfDivergence(const SDNode * N,FunctionLoweringInfo * FLI,LegacyDivergenceAnalysis * DA)3522   virtual bool isSDNodeSourceOfDivergence(const SDNode *N,
3523                                           FunctionLoweringInfo *FLI,
3524                                           LegacyDivergenceAnalysis *DA) const {
3525     return false;
3526   }
3528   // Lets target to control the following reassociation of operands: (op (op x,
3529   // c1), y) -> (op (op x, y), c1) where N0 is (op x, c1) and N1 is y. By
3530   // default consider profitable any case where N0 has single use.  This
3531   // behavior reflects the condition replaced by this target hook call in the
3532   // DAGCombiner.  Any particular target can implement its own heuristic to
3533   // restrict common combiner.
isReassocProfitable(SelectionDAG & DAG,SDValue N0,SDValue N1)3534   virtual bool isReassocProfitable(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue N0,
3535                                    SDValue N1) const {
3536     return N0.hasOneUse();
3537   }
isSDNodeAlwaysUniform(const SDNode * N)3539   virtual bool isSDNodeAlwaysUniform(const SDNode * N) const {
3540     return false;
3541   }
3543   /// Returns true by value, base pointer and offset pointer and addressing mode
3544   /// by reference if the node's address can be legally represented as
3545   /// pre-indexed load / store address.
getPreIndexedAddressParts(SDNode *,SDValue &,SDValue &,ISD::MemIndexedMode &,SelectionDAG &)3546   virtual bool getPreIndexedAddressParts(SDNode * /*N*/, SDValue &/*Base*/,
3547                                          SDValue &/*Offset*/,
3548                                          ISD::MemIndexedMode &/*AM*/,
3549                                          SelectionDAG &/*DAG*/) const {
3550     return false;
3551   }
3553   /// Returns true by value, base pointer and offset pointer and addressing mode
3554   /// by reference if this node can be combined with a load / store to form a
3555   /// post-indexed load / store.
getPostIndexedAddressParts(SDNode *,SDNode *,SDValue &,SDValue &,ISD::MemIndexedMode &,SelectionDAG &)3556   virtual bool getPostIndexedAddressParts(SDNode * /*N*/, SDNode * /*Op*/,
3557                                           SDValue &/*Base*/,
3558                                           SDValue &/*Offset*/,
3559                                           ISD::MemIndexedMode &/*AM*/,
3560                                           SelectionDAG &/*DAG*/) const {
3561     return false;
3562   }
3564   /// Returns true if the specified base+offset is a legal indexed addressing
3565   /// mode for this target. \p MI is the load or store instruction that is being
3566   /// considered for transformation.
isIndexingLegal(MachineInstr & MI,Register Base,Register Offset,bool IsPre,MachineRegisterInfo & MRI)3567   virtual bool isIndexingLegal(MachineInstr &MI, Register Base, Register Offset,
3568                                bool IsPre, MachineRegisterInfo &MRI) const {
3569     return false;
3570   }
3572   /// Return the entry encoding for a jump table in the current function.  The
3573   /// returned value is a member of the MachineJumpTableInfo::JTEntryKind enum.
3574   virtual unsigned getJumpTableEncoding() const;
3576   virtual const MCExpr *
LowerCustomJumpTableEntry(const MachineJumpTableInfo *,const MachineBasicBlock *,unsigned,MCContext &)3577   LowerCustomJumpTableEntry(const MachineJumpTableInfo * /*MJTI*/,
3578                             const MachineBasicBlock * /*MBB*/, unsigned /*uid*/,
3579                             MCContext &/*Ctx*/) const {
3580     llvm_unreachable("Need to implement this hook if target has custom JTIs");
3581   }
3583   /// Returns relocation base for the given PIC jumptable.
3584   virtual SDValue getPICJumpTableRelocBase(SDValue Table,
3585                                            SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
3587   /// This returns the relocation base for the given PIC jumptable, the same as
3588   /// getPICJumpTableRelocBase, but as an MCExpr.
3589   virtual const MCExpr *
3590   getPICJumpTableRelocBaseExpr(const MachineFunction *MF,
3591                                unsigned JTI, MCContext &Ctx) const;
3593   /// Return true if folding a constant offset with the given GlobalAddress is
3594   /// legal.  It is frequently not legal in PIC relocation models.
3595   virtual bool isOffsetFoldingLegal(const GlobalAddressSDNode *GA) const;
3597   /// Return true if the operand with index OpNo corresponding to a target
3598   /// branch, for example, in following case
3599   ///
3600   /// call void asm "lea r8, $0\0A\09call qword ptr ${1:P}\0A\09ret",
3601   ///               "*m,*m,~{r8},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags}"
3602   ///                ([9 x i32]* @Arr), void (...)* @sincos_asm)
3603   ///
3604   /// the operand $1 (sincos_asm) is target branch in inline asm, but the
3605   /// operand $0 (Arr) is not.
3606   virtual bool
isInlineAsmTargetBranch(const SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> & AsmStrs,unsigned OpNo)3607   isInlineAsmTargetBranch(const SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &AsmStrs,
3608                           unsigned OpNo) const {
3609     return false;
3610   }
3612   bool isInTailCallPosition(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDNode *Node,
3613                             SDValue &Chain) const;
3615   void softenSetCCOperands(SelectionDAG &DAG, EVT VT, SDValue &NewLHS,
3616                            SDValue &NewRHS, ISD::CondCode &CCCode,
3617                            const SDLoc &DL, const SDValue OldLHS,
3618                            const SDValue OldRHS) const;
3620   void softenSetCCOperands(SelectionDAG &DAG, EVT VT, SDValue &NewLHS,
3621                            SDValue &NewRHS, ISD::CondCode &CCCode,
3622                            const SDLoc &DL, const SDValue OldLHS,
3623                            const SDValue OldRHS, SDValue &Chain,
3624                            bool IsSignaling = false) const;
3626   /// Returns a pair of (return value, chain).
3627   /// It is an error to pass RTLIB::UNKNOWN_LIBCALL as \p LC.
3628   std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> makeLibCall(SelectionDAG &DAG, RTLIB::Libcall LC,
3629                                           EVT RetVT, ArrayRef<SDValue> Ops,
3630                                           MakeLibCallOptions CallOptions,
3631                                           const SDLoc &dl,
3632                                           SDValue Chain = SDValue()) const;
3634   /// Check whether parameters to a call that are passed in callee saved
3635   /// registers are the same as from the calling function.  This needs to be
3636   /// checked for tail call eligibility.
3637   bool parametersInCSRMatch(const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
3638       const uint32_t *CallerPreservedMask,
3639       const SmallVectorImpl<CCValAssign> &ArgLocs,
3640       const SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &OutVals) const;
3642   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
3643   // TargetLowering Optimization Methods
3644   //
3646   /// A convenience struct that encapsulates a DAG, and two SDValues for
3647   /// returning information from TargetLowering to its clients that want to
3648   /// combine.
3649   struct TargetLoweringOpt {
3650     SelectionDAG &DAG;
3651     bool LegalTys;
3652     bool LegalOps;
3653     SDValue Old;
3654     SDValue New;
TargetLoweringOptTargetLoweringOpt3656     explicit TargetLoweringOpt(SelectionDAG &InDAG,
3657                                bool LT, bool LO) :
3658       DAG(InDAG), LegalTys(LT), LegalOps(LO) {}
LegalTypesTargetLoweringOpt3660     bool LegalTypes() const { return LegalTys; }
LegalOperationsTargetLoweringOpt3661     bool LegalOperations() const { return LegalOps; }
CombineToTargetLoweringOpt3663     bool CombineTo(SDValue O, SDValue N) {
3664       Old = O;
3665       New = N;
3666       return true;
3667     }
3668   };
3670   /// Determines the optimal series of memory ops to replace the memset / memcpy.
3671   /// Return true if the number of memory ops is below the threshold (Limit).
3672   /// Note that this is always the case when Limit is ~0.
3673   /// It returns the types of the sequence of memory ops to perform
3674   /// memset / memcpy by reference.
3675   virtual bool
3676   findOptimalMemOpLowering(std::vector<EVT> &MemOps, unsigned Limit,
3677                            const MemOp &Op, unsigned DstAS, unsigned SrcAS,
3678                            const AttributeList &FuncAttributes) const;
3680   /// Check to see if the specified operand of the specified instruction is a
3681   /// constant integer.  If so, check to see if there are any bits set in the
3682   /// constant that are not demanded.  If so, shrink the constant and return
3683   /// true.
3684   bool ShrinkDemandedConstant(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3685                               const APInt &DemandedElts,
3686                               TargetLoweringOpt &TLO) const;
3688   /// Helper wrapper around ShrinkDemandedConstant, demanding all elements.
3689   bool ShrinkDemandedConstant(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3690                               TargetLoweringOpt &TLO) const;
3692   // Target hook to do target-specific const optimization, which is called by
3693   // ShrinkDemandedConstant. This function should return true if the target
3694   // doesn't want ShrinkDemandedConstant to further optimize the constant.
targetShrinkDemandedConstant(SDValue Op,const APInt & DemandedBits,const APInt & DemandedElts,TargetLoweringOpt & TLO)3695   virtual bool targetShrinkDemandedConstant(SDValue Op,
3696                                             const APInt &DemandedBits,
3697                                             const APInt &DemandedElts,
3698                                             TargetLoweringOpt &TLO) const {
3699     return false;
3700   }
3702   /// Convert x+y to (VT)((SmallVT)x+(SmallVT)y) if the casts are free.  This
3703   /// uses isZExtFree and ZERO_EXTEND for the widening cast, but it could be
3704   /// generalized for targets with other types of implicit widening casts.
3705   bool ShrinkDemandedOp(SDValue Op, unsigned BitWidth, const APInt &Demanded,
3706                         TargetLoweringOpt &TLO) const;
3708   /// Look at Op.  At this point, we know that only the DemandedBits bits of the
3709   /// result of Op are ever used downstream.  If we can use this information to
3710   /// simplify Op, create a new simplified DAG node and return true, returning
3711   /// the original and new nodes in Old and New.  Otherwise, analyze the
3712   /// expression and return a mask of KnownOne and KnownZero bits for the
3713   /// expression (used to simplify the caller).  The KnownZero/One bits may only
3714   /// be accurate for those bits in the Demanded masks.
3715   /// \p AssumeSingleUse When this parameter is true, this function will
3716   ///    attempt to simplify \p Op even if there are multiple uses.
3717   ///    Callers are responsible for correctly updating the DAG based on the
3718   ///    results of this function, because simply replacing replacing TLO.Old
3719   ///    with TLO.New will be incorrect when this parameter is true and TLO.Old
3720   ///    has multiple uses.
3721   bool SimplifyDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3722                             const APInt &DemandedElts, KnownBits &Known,
3723                             TargetLoweringOpt &TLO, unsigned Depth = 0,
3724                             bool AssumeSingleUse = false) const;
3726   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyDemandedBits, demanding all elements.
3727   /// Adds Op back to the worklist upon success.
3728   bool SimplifyDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3729                             KnownBits &Known, TargetLoweringOpt &TLO,
3730                             unsigned Depth = 0,
3731                             bool AssumeSingleUse = false) const;
3733   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyDemandedBits.
3734   /// Adds Op back to the worklist upon success.
3735   bool SimplifyDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3736                             DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
3738   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyDemandedBits.
3739   /// Adds Op back to the worklist upon success.
3740   bool SimplifyDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3741                             const APInt &DemandedElts,
3742                             DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
3744   /// More limited version of SimplifyDemandedBits that can be used to "look
3745   /// through" ops that don't contribute to the DemandedBits/DemandedElts -
3746   /// bitwise ops etc.
3747   SDValue SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3748                                           const APInt &DemandedElts,
3749                                           SelectionDAG &DAG,
3750                                           unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3752   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedBits, demanding all
3753   /// elements.
3754   SDValue SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedBits(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits,
3755                                           SelectionDAG &DAG,
3756                                           unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3758   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedBits, demanding all
3759   /// bits from only some vector elements.
3760   SDValue SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedVectorElts(SDValue Op,
3761                                                 const APInt &DemandedElts,
3762                                                 SelectionDAG &DAG,
3763                                                 unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3765   /// Look at Vector Op. At this point, we know that only the DemandedElts
3766   /// elements of the result of Op are ever used downstream.  If we can use
3767   /// this information to simplify Op, create a new simplified DAG node and
3768   /// return true, storing the original and new nodes in TLO.
3769   /// Otherwise, analyze the expression and return a mask of KnownUndef and
3770   /// KnownZero elements for the expression (used to simplify the caller).
3771   /// The KnownUndef/Zero elements may only be accurate for those bits
3772   /// in the DemandedMask.
3773   /// \p AssumeSingleUse When this parameter is true, this function will
3774   ///    attempt to simplify \p Op even if there are multiple uses.
3775   ///    Callers are responsible for correctly updating the DAG based on the
3776   ///    results of this function, because simply replacing replacing TLO.Old
3777   ///    with TLO.New will be incorrect when this parameter is true and TLO.Old
3778   ///    has multiple uses.
3779   bool SimplifyDemandedVectorElts(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedEltMask,
3780                                   APInt &KnownUndef, APInt &KnownZero,
3781                                   TargetLoweringOpt &TLO, unsigned Depth = 0,
3782                                   bool AssumeSingleUse = false) const;
3784   /// Helper wrapper around SimplifyDemandedVectorElts.
3785   /// Adds Op back to the worklist upon success.
3786   bool SimplifyDemandedVectorElts(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedElts,
3787                                   DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
3789   /// Return true if the target supports simplifying demanded vector elements by
3790   /// converting them to undefs.
3791   virtual bool
shouldSimplifyDemandedVectorElts(SDValue Op,const TargetLoweringOpt & TLO)3792   shouldSimplifyDemandedVectorElts(SDValue Op,
3793                                    const TargetLoweringOpt &TLO) const {
3794     return true;
3795   }
3797   /// Determine which of the bits specified in Mask are known to be either zero
3798   /// or one and return them in the KnownZero/KnownOne bitsets. The DemandedElts
3799   /// argument allows us to only collect the known bits that are shared by the
3800   /// requested vector elements.
3801   virtual void computeKnownBitsForTargetNode(const SDValue Op,
3802                                              KnownBits &Known,
3803                                              const APInt &DemandedElts,
3804                                              const SelectionDAG &DAG,
3805                                              unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3807   /// Determine which of the bits specified in Mask are known to be either zero
3808   /// or one and return them in the KnownZero/KnownOne bitsets. The DemandedElts
3809   /// argument allows us to only collect the known bits that are shared by the
3810   /// requested vector elements. This is for GISel.
3811   virtual void computeKnownBitsForTargetInstr(GISelKnownBits &Analysis,
3812                                               Register R, KnownBits &Known,
3813                                               const APInt &DemandedElts,
3814                                               const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
3815                                               unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3817   /// Determine the known alignment for the pointer value \p R. This is can
3818   /// typically be inferred from the number of low known 0 bits. However, for a
3819   /// pointer with a non-integral address space, the alignment value may be
3820   /// independent from the known low bits.
3821   virtual Align computeKnownAlignForTargetInstr(GISelKnownBits &Analysis,
3822                                                 Register R,
3823                                                 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
3824                                                 unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3826   /// Determine which of the bits of FrameIndex \p FIOp are known to be 0.
3827   /// Default implementation computes low bits based on alignment
3828   /// information. This should preserve known bits passed into it.
3829   virtual void computeKnownBitsForFrameIndex(int FIOp,
3830                                              KnownBits &Known,
3831                                              const MachineFunction &MF) const;
3833   /// This method can be implemented by targets that want to expose additional
3834   /// information about sign bits to the DAG Combiner. The DemandedElts
3835   /// argument allows us to only collect the minimum sign bits that are shared
3836   /// by the requested vector elements.
3837   virtual unsigned ComputeNumSignBitsForTargetNode(SDValue Op,
3838                                                    const APInt &DemandedElts,
3839                                                    const SelectionDAG &DAG,
3840                                                    unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3842   /// This method can be implemented by targets that want to expose additional
3843   /// information about sign bits to GlobalISel combiners. The DemandedElts
3844   /// argument allows us to only collect the minimum sign bits that are shared
3845   /// by the requested vector elements.
3846   virtual unsigned computeNumSignBitsForTargetInstr(GISelKnownBits &Analysis,
3847                                                     Register R,
3848                                                     const APInt &DemandedElts,
3849                                                     const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI,
3850                                                     unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3852   /// Attempt to simplify any target nodes based on the demanded vector
3853   /// elements, returning true on success. Otherwise, analyze the expression and
3854   /// return a mask of KnownUndef and KnownZero elements for the expression
3855   /// (used to simplify the caller). The KnownUndef/Zero elements may only be
3856   /// accurate for those bits in the DemandedMask.
3857   virtual bool SimplifyDemandedVectorEltsForTargetNode(
3858       SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedElts, APInt &KnownUndef,
3859       APInt &KnownZero, TargetLoweringOpt &TLO, unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3861   /// Attempt to simplify any target nodes based on the demanded bits/elts,
3862   /// returning true on success. Otherwise, analyze the
3863   /// expression and return a mask of KnownOne and KnownZero bits for the
3864   /// expression (used to simplify the caller).  The KnownZero/One bits may only
3865   /// be accurate for those bits in the Demanded masks.
3866   virtual bool SimplifyDemandedBitsForTargetNode(SDValue Op,
3867                                                  const APInt &DemandedBits,
3868                                                  const APInt &DemandedElts,
3869                                                  KnownBits &Known,
3870                                                  TargetLoweringOpt &TLO,
3871                                                  unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3873   /// More limited version of SimplifyDemandedBits that can be used to "look
3874   /// through" ops that don't contribute to the DemandedBits/DemandedElts -
3875   /// bitwise ops etc.
3876   virtual SDValue SimplifyMultipleUseDemandedBitsForTargetNode(
3877       SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedBits, const APInt &DemandedElts,
3878       SelectionDAG &DAG, unsigned Depth) const;
3880   /// Return true if this function can prove that \p Op is never poison
3881   /// and, if \p PoisonOnly is false, does not have undef bits. The DemandedElts
3882   /// argument limits the check to the requested vector elements.
3883   virtual bool isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoisonForTargetNode(
3884       SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedElts, const SelectionDAG &DAG,
3885       bool PoisonOnly, unsigned Depth) const;
3887   /// Return true if Op can create undef or poison from non-undef & non-poison
3888   /// operands. The DemandedElts argument limits the check to the requested
3889   /// vector elements.
3890   virtual bool
3891   canCreateUndefOrPoisonForTargetNode(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedElts,
3892                                       const SelectionDAG &DAG, bool PoisonOnly,
3893                                       bool ConsiderFlags, unsigned Depth) const;
3895   /// Tries to build a legal vector shuffle using the provided parameters
3896   /// or equivalent variations. The Mask argument maybe be modified as the
3897   /// function tries different variations.
3898   /// Returns an empty SDValue if the operation fails.
3899   SDValue buildLegalVectorShuffle(EVT VT, const SDLoc &DL, SDValue N0,
3900                                   SDValue N1, MutableArrayRef<int> Mask,
3901                                   SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
3903   /// This method returns the constant pool value that will be loaded by LD.
3904   /// NOTE: You must check for implicit extensions of the constant by LD.
3905   virtual const Constant *getTargetConstantFromLoad(LoadSDNode *LD) const;
3907   /// If \p SNaN is false, \returns true if \p Op is known to never be any
3908   /// NaN. If \p sNaN is true, returns if \p Op is known to never be a signaling
3909   /// NaN.
3910   virtual bool isKnownNeverNaNForTargetNode(SDValue Op,
3911                                             const SelectionDAG &DAG,
3912                                             bool SNaN = false,
3913                                             unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3915   /// Return true if vector \p Op has the same value across all \p DemandedElts,
3916   /// indicating any elements which may be undef in the output \p UndefElts.
3917   virtual bool isSplatValueForTargetNode(SDValue Op, const APInt &DemandedElts,
3918                                          APInt &UndefElts,
3919                                          const SelectionDAG &DAG,
3920                                          unsigned Depth = 0) const;
3922   /// Returns true if the given Opc is considered a canonical constant for the
3923   /// target, which should not be transformed back into a BUILD_VECTOR.
isTargetCanonicalConstantNode(SDValue Op)3924   virtual bool isTargetCanonicalConstantNode(SDValue Op) const {
3925     return Op.getOpcode() == ISD::SPLAT_VECTOR;
3926   }
3928   struct DAGCombinerInfo {
3929     void *DC;  // The DAG Combiner object.
3930     CombineLevel Level;
3931     bool CalledByLegalizer;
3933   public:
3934     SelectionDAG &DAG;
DAGCombinerInfoDAGCombinerInfo3936     DAGCombinerInfo(SelectionDAG &dag, CombineLevel level,  bool cl, void *dc)
3937       : DC(dc), Level(level), CalledByLegalizer(cl), DAG(dag) {}
isBeforeLegalizeDAGCombinerInfo3939     bool isBeforeLegalize() const { return Level == BeforeLegalizeTypes; }
isBeforeLegalizeOpsDAGCombinerInfo3940     bool isBeforeLegalizeOps() const { return Level < AfterLegalizeVectorOps; }
isAfterLegalizeDAGDAGCombinerInfo3941     bool isAfterLegalizeDAG() const { return Level >= AfterLegalizeDAG; }
getDAGCombineLevelDAGCombinerInfo3942     CombineLevel getDAGCombineLevel() { return Level; }
isCalledByLegalizerDAGCombinerInfo3943     bool isCalledByLegalizer() const { return CalledByLegalizer; }
3945     void AddToWorklist(SDNode *N);
3946     SDValue CombineTo(SDNode *N, ArrayRef<SDValue> To, bool AddTo = true);
3947     SDValue CombineTo(SDNode *N, SDValue Res, bool AddTo = true);
3948     SDValue CombineTo(SDNode *N, SDValue Res0, SDValue Res1, bool AddTo = true);
3950     bool recursivelyDeleteUnusedNodes(SDNode *N);
3952     void CommitTargetLoweringOpt(const TargetLoweringOpt &TLO);
3953   };
3955   /// Return if the N is a constant or constant vector equal to the true value
3956   /// from getBooleanContents().
3957   bool isConstTrueVal(SDValue N) const;
3959   /// Return if the N is a constant or constant vector equal to the false value
3960   /// from getBooleanContents().
3961   bool isConstFalseVal(SDValue N) const;
3963   /// Return if \p N is a True value when extended to \p VT.
3964   bool isExtendedTrueVal(const ConstantSDNode *N, EVT VT, bool SExt) const;
3966   /// Try to simplify a setcc built with the specified operands and cc. If it is
3967   /// unable to simplify it, return a null SDValue.
3968   SDValue SimplifySetCC(EVT VT, SDValue N0, SDValue N1, ISD::CondCode Cond,
3969                         bool foldBooleans, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
3970                         const SDLoc &dl) const;
3972   // For targets which wrap address, unwrap for analysis.
unwrapAddress(SDValue N)3973   virtual SDValue unwrapAddress(SDValue N) const { return N; }
3975   /// Returns true (and the GlobalValue and the offset) if the node is a
3976   /// GlobalAddress + offset.
3977   virtual bool
3978   isGAPlusOffset(SDNode *N, const GlobalValue* &GA, int64_t &Offset) const;
3980   /// This method will be invoked for all target nodes and for any
3981   /// target-independent nodes that the target has registered with invoke it
3982   /// for.
3983   ///
3984   /// The semantics are as follows:
3985   /// Return Value:
3986   ///   SDValue.Val == 0   - No change was made
3987   ///   SDValue.Val == N   - N was replaced, is dead, and is already handled.
3988   ///   otherwise          - N should be replaced by the returned Operand.
3989   ///
3990   /// In addition, methods provided by DAGCombinerInfo may be used to perform
3991   /// more complex transformations.
3992   ///
3993   virtual SDValue PerformDAGCombine(SDNode *N, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
3995   /// Return true if it is profitable to move this shift by a constant amount
3996   /// through its operand, adjusting any immediate operands as necessary to
3997   /// preserve semantics. This transformation may not be desirable if it
3998   /// disrupts a particularly auspicious target-specific tree (e.g. bitfield
3999   /// extraction in AArch64). By default, it returns true.
4000   ///
4001   /// @param N the shift node
4002   /// @param Level the current DAGCombine legalization level.
isDesirableToCommuteWithShift(const SDNode * N,CombineLevel Level)4003   virtual bool isDesirableToCommuteWithShift(const SDNode *N,
4004                                              CombineLevel Level) const {
4005     return true;
4006   }
4008   /// Return true if it is profitable to combine an XOR of a logical shift
4009   /// to create a logical shift of NOT. This transformation may not be desirable
4010   /// if it disrupts a particularly auspicious target-specific tree (e.g.
4011   /// BIC on ARM/AArch64). By default, it returns true.
isDesirableToCommuteXorWithShift(const SDNode * N)4012   virtual bool isDesirableToCommuteXorWithShift(const SDNode *N) const {
4013     return true;
4014   }
4016   /// Return true if the target has native support for the specified value type
4017   /// and it is 'desirable' to use the type for the given node type. e.g. On x86
4018   /// i16 is legal, but undesirable since i16 instruction encodings are longer
4019   /// and some i16 instructions are slow.
isTypeDesirableForOp(unsigned,EVT VT)4020   virtual bool isTypeDesirableForOp(unsigned /*Opc*/, EVT VT) const {
4021     // By default, assume all legal types are desirable.
4022     return isTypeLegal(VT);
4023   }
4025   /// Return true if it is profitable for dag combiner to transform a floating
4026   /// point op of specified opcode to a equivalent op of an integer
4027   /// type. e.g. f32 load -> i32 load can be profitable on ARM.
isDesirableToTransformToIntegerOp(unsigned,EVT)4028   virtual bool isDesirableToTransformToIntegerOp(unsigned /*Opc*/,
4029                                                  EVT /*VT*/) const {
4030     return false;
4031   }
4033   /// This method query the target whether it is beneficial for dag combiner to
4034   /// promote the specified node. If true, it should return the desired
4035   /// promotion type by reference.
IsDesirableToPromoteOp(SDValue,EVT &)4036   virtual bool IsDesirableToPromoteOp(SDValue /*Op*/, EVT &/*PVT*/) const {
4037     return false;
4038   }
4040   /// Return true if the target supports swifterror attribute. It optimizes
4041   /// loads and stores to reading and writing a specific register.
supportSwiftError()4042   virtual bool supportSwiftError() const {
4043     return false;
4044   }
4046   /// Return true if the target supports that a subset of CSRs for the given
4047   /// machine function is handled explicitly via copies.
supportSplitCSR(MachineFunction * MF)4048   virtual bool supportSplitCSR(MachineFunction *MF) const {
4049     return false;
4050   }
4052   /// Return true if the target supports kcfi operand bundles.
supportKCFIBundles()4053   virtual bool supportKCFIBundles() const { return false; }
4055   /// Perform necessary initialization to handle a subset of CSRs explicitly
4056   /// via copies. This function is called at the beginning of instruction
4057   /// selection.
initializeSplitCSR(MachineBasicBlock * Entry)4058   virtual void initializeSplitCSR(MachineBasicBlock *Entry) const {
4059     llvm_unreachable("Not Implemented");
4060   }
4062   /// Insert explicit copies in entry and exit blocks. We copy a subset of
4063   /// CSRs to virtual registers in the entry block, and copy them back to
4064   /// physical registers in the exit blocks. This function is called at the end
4065   /// of instruction selection.
insertCopiesSplitCSR(MachineBasicBlock * Entry,const SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock * > & Exits)4066   virtual void insertCopiesSplitCSR(
4067       MachineBasicBlock *Entry,
4068       const SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock *> &Exits) const {
4069     llvm_unreachable("Not Implemented");
4070   }
4072   /// Return the newly negated expression if the cost is not expensive and
4073   /// set the cost in \p Cost to indicate that if it is cheaper or neutral to
4074   /// do the negation.
4075   virtual SDValue getNegatedExpression(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4076                                        bool LegalOps, bool OptForSize,
4077                                        NegatibleCost &Cost,
4078                                        unsigned Depth = 0) const;
4080   SDValue getCheaperOrNeutralNegatedExpression(
4081       SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG, bool LegalOps, bool OptForSize,
4082       const NegatibleCost CostThreshold = NegatibleCost::Neutral,
4083       unsigned Depth = 0) const {
4084     NegatibleCost Cost = NegatibleCost::Expensive;
4085     SDValue Neg =
4086         getNegatedExpression(Op, DAG, LegalOps, OptForSize, Cost, Depth);
4087     if (!Neg)
4088       return SDValue();
4090     if (Cost <= CostThreshold)
4091       return Neg;
4093     // Remove the new created node to avoid the side effect to the DAG.
4094     if (Neg->use_empty())
4095       DAG.RemoveDeadNode(Neg.getNode());
4096     return SDValue();
4097   }
4099   /// This is the helper function to return the newly negated expression only
4100   /// when the cost is cheaper.
4101   SDValue getCheaperNegatedExpression(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4102                                       bool LegalOps, bool OptForSize,
4103                                       unsigned Depth = 0) const {
4104     return getCheaperOrNeutralNegatedExpression(Op, DAG, LegalOps, OptForSize,
4105                                                 NegatibleCost::Cheaper, Depth);
4106   }
4108   /// This is the helper function to return the newly negated expression if
4109   /// the cost is not expensive.
4110   SDValue getNegatedExpression(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG, bool LegalOps,
4111                                bool OptForSize, unsigned Depth = 0) const {
4112     NegatibleCost Cost = NegatibleCost::Expensive;
4113     return getNegatedExpression(Op, DAG, LegalOps, OptForSize, Cost, Depth);
4114   }
4116   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
4117   // Lowering methods - These methods must be implemented by targets so that
4118   // the SelectionDAGBuilder code knows how to lower these.
4119   //
4121   /// Target-specific splitting of values into parts that fit a register
4122   /// storing a legal type
splitValueIntoRegisterParts(SelectionDAG & DAG,const SDLoc & DL,SDValue Val,SDValue * Parts,unsigned NumParts,MVT PartVT,std::optional<CallingConv::ID> CC)4123   virtual bool splitValueIntoRegisterParts(
4124       SelectionDAG & DAG, const SDLoc &DL, SDValue Val, SDValue *Parts,
4125       unsigned NumParts, MVT PartVT, std::optional<CallingConv::ID> CC) const {
4126     return false;
4127   }
4129   /// Allows the target to handle physreg-carried dependency
4130   /// in target-specific way. Used from the ScheduleDAGSDNodes to decide whether
4131   /// to add the edge to the dependency graph.
4132   /// Def - input: Selection DAG node defininfg physical register
4133   /// User - input: Selection DAG node using physical register
4134   /// Op - input: Number of User operand
4135   /// PhysReg - inout: set to the physical register if the edge is
4136   /// necessary, unchanged otherwise
4137   /// Cost - inout: physical register copy cost.
4138   /// Returns 'true' is the edge is necessary, 'false' otherwise
checkForPhysRegDependency(SDNode * Def,SDNode * User,unsigned Op,const TargetRegisterInfo * TRI,const TargetInstrInfo * TII,unsigned & PhysReg,int & Cost)4139   virtual bool checkForPhysRegDependency(SDNode *Def, SDNode *User, unsigned Op,
4140                                          const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
4141                                          const TargetInstrInfo *TII,
4142                                          unsigned &PhysReg, int &Cost) const {
4143     return false;
4144   }
4146   /// Target-specific combining of register parts into its original value
4147   virtual SDValue
joinRegisterPartsIntoValue(SelectionDAG & DAG,const SDLoc & DL,const SDValue * Parts,unsigned NumParts,MVT PartVT,EVT ValueVT,std::optional<CallingConv::ID> CC)4148   joinRegisterPartsIntoValue(SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDLoc &DL,
4149                              const SDValue *Parts, unsigned NumParts,
4150                              MVT PartVT, EVT ValueVT,
4151                              std::optional<CallingConv::ID> CC) const {
4152     return SDValue();
4153   }
4155   /// This hook must be implemented to lower the incoming (formal) arguments,
4156   /// described by the Ins array, into the specified DAG. The implementation
4157   /// should fill in the InVals array with legal-type argument values, and
4158   /// return the resulting token chain value.
LowerFormalArguments(SDValue,CallingConv::ID,bool,const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> &,const SDLoc &,SelectionDAG &,SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &)4159   virtual SDValue LowerFormalArguments(
4160       SDValue /*Chain*/, CallingConv::ID /*CallConv*/, bool /*isVarArg*/,
4161       const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::InputArg> & /*Ins*/, const SDLoc & /*dl*/,
4162       SelectionDAG & /*DAG*/, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> & /*InVals*/) const {
4163     llvm_unreachable("Not Implemented");
4164   }
4166   /// This structure contains all information that is necessary for lowering
4167   /// calls. It is passed to TLI::LowerCallTo when the SelectionDAG builder
4168   /// needs to lower a call, and targets will see this struct in their LowerCall
4169   /// implementation.
4170   struct CallLoweringInfo {
4171     SDValue Chain;
4172     Type *RetTy = nullptr;
4173     bool RetSExt           : 1;
4174     bool RetZExt           : 1;
4175     bool IsVarArg          : 1;
4176     bool IsInReg           : 1;
4177     bool DoesNotReturn     : 1;
4178     bool IsReturnValueUsed : 1;
4179     bool IsConvergent      : 1;
4180     bool IsPatchPoint      : 1;
4181     bool IsPreallocated : 1;
4182     bool NoMerge           : 1;
4184     // IsTailCall should be modified by implementations of
4185     // TargetLowering::LowerCall that perform tail call conversions.
4186     bool IsTailCall = false;
4188     // Is Call lowering done post SelectionDAG type legalization.
4189     bool IsPostTypeLegalization = false;
4191     unsigned NumFixedArgs = -1;
4192     CallingConv::ID CallConv = CallingConv::C;
4193     SDValue Callee;
4194     ArgListTy Args;
4195     SelectionDAG &DAG;
4196     SDLoc DL;
4197     const CallBase *CB = nullptr;
4198     SmallVector<ISD::OutputArg, 32> Outs;
4199     SmallVector<SDValue, 32> OutVals;
4200     SmallVector<ISD::InputArg, 32> Ins;
4201     SmallVector<SDValue, 4> InVals;
4202     const ConstantInt *CFIType = nullptr;
CallLoweringInfoCallLoweringInfo4204     CallLoweringInfo(SelectionDAG &DAG)
4205         : RetSExt(false), RetZExt(false), IsVarArg(false), IsInReg(false),
4206           DoesNotReturn(false), IsReturnValueUsed(true), IsConvergent(false),
4207           IsPatchPoint(false), IsPreallocated(false), NoMerge(false),
4208           DAG(DAG) {}
setDebugLocCallLoweringInfo4210     CallLoweringInfo &setDebugLoc(const SDLoc &dl) {
4211       DL = dl;
4212       return *this;
4213     }
setChainCallLoweringInfo4215     CallLoweringInfo &setChain(SDValue InChain) {
4216       Chain = InChain;
4217       return *this;
4218     }
4220     // setCallee with target/module-specific attributes
setLibCalleeCallLoweringInfo4221     CallLoweringInfo &setLibCallee(CallingConv::ID CC, Type *ResultType,
4222                                    SDValue Target, ArgListTy &&ArgsList) {
4223       RetTy = ResultType;
4224       Callee = Target;
4225       CallConv = CC;
4226       NumFixedArgs = ArgsList.size();
4227       Args = std::move(ArgsList);
4229       DAG.getTargetLoweringInfo().markLibCallAttributes(
4230           &(DAG.getMachineFunction()), CC, Args);
4231       return *this;
4232     }
setCalleeCallLoweringInfo4234     CallLoweringInfo &setCallee(CallingConv::ID CC, Type *ResultType,
4235                                 SDValue Target, ArgListTy &&ArgsList) {
4236       RetTy = ResultType;
4237       Callee = Target;
4238       CallConv = CC;
4239       NumFixedArgs = ArgsList.size();
4240       Args = std::move(ArgsList);
4241       return *this;
4242     }
setCalleeCallLoweringInfo4244     CallLoweringInfo &setCallee(Type *ResultType, FunctionType *FTy,
4245                                 SDValue Target, ArgListTy &&ArgsList,
4246                                 const CallBase &Call) {
4247       RetTy = ResultType;
4249       IsInReg = Call.hasRetAttr(Attribute::InReg);
4250       DoesNotReturn =
4251           Call.doesNotReturn() ||
4252           (!isa<InvokeInst>(Call) && isa<UnreachableInst>(Call.getNextNode()));
4253       IsVarArg = FTy->isVarArg();
4254       IsReturnValueUsed = !Call.use_empty();
4255       RetSExt = Call.hasRetAttr(Attribute::SExt);
4256       RetZExt = Call.hasRetAttr(Attribute::ZExt);
4257       NoMerge = Call.hasFnAttr(Attribute::NoMerge);
4259       Callee = Target;
4261       CallConv = Call.getCallingConv();
4262       NumFixedArgs = FTy->getNumParams();
4263       Args = std::move(ArgsList);
4265       CB = &Call;
4267       return *this;
4268     }
4270     CallLoweringInfo &setInRegister(bool Value = true) {
4271       IsInReg = Value;
4272       return *this;
4273     }
4275     CallLoweringInfo &setNoReturn(bool Value = true) {
4276       DoesNotReturn = Value;
4277       return *this;
4278     }
4280     CallLoweringInfo &setVarArg(bool Value = true) {
4281       IsVarArg = Value;
4282       return *this;
4283     }
4285     CallLoweringInfo &setTailCall(bool Value = true) {
4286       IsTailCall = Value;
4287       return *this;
4288     }
4290     CallLoweringInfo &setDiscardResult(bool Value = true) {
4291       IsReturnValueUsed = !Value;
4292       return *this;
4293     }
4295     CallLoweringInfo &setConvergent(bool Value = true) {
4296       IsConvergent = Value;
4297       return *this;
4298     }
4300     CallLoweringInfo &setSExtResult(bool Value = true) {
4301       RetSExt = Value;
4302       return *this;
4303     }
4305     CallLoweringInfo &setZExtResult(bool Value = true) {
4306       RetZExt = Value;
4307       return *this;
4308     }
4310     CallLoweringInfo &setIsPatchPoint(bool Value = true) {
4311       IsPatchPoint = Value;
4312       return *this;
4313     }
4315     CallLoweringInfo &setIsPreallocated(bool Value = true) {
4316       IsPreallocated = Value;
4317       return *this;
4318     }
4320     CallLoweringInfo &setIsPostTypeLegalization(bool Value=true) {
4321       IsPostTypeLegalization = Value;
4322       return *this;
4323     }
setCFITypeCallLoweringInfo4325     CallLoweringInfo &setCFIType(const ConstantInt *Type) {
4326       CFIType = Type;
4327       return *this;
4328     }
getArgsCallLoweringInfo4330     ArgListTy &getArgs() {
4331       return Args;
4332     }
4333   };
4335   /// This structure is used to pass arguments to makeLibCall function.
4336   struct MakeLibCallOptions {
4337     // By passing type list before soften to makeLibCall, the target hook
4338     // shouldExtendTypeInLibCall can get the original type before soften.
4339     ArrayRef<EVT> OpsVTBeforeSoften;
4340     EVT RetVTBeforeSoften;
4341     bool IsSExt : 1;
4342     bool DoesNotReturn : 1;
4343     bool IsReturnValueUsed : 1;
4344     bool IsPostTypeLegalization : 1;
4345     bool IsSoften : 1;
MakeLibCallOptionsMakeLibCallOptions4347     MakeLibCallOptions()
4348         : IsSExt(false), DoesNotReturn(false), IsReturnValueUsed(true),
4349           IsPostTypeLegalization(false), IsSoften(false) {}
4351     MakeLibCallOptions &setSExt(bool Value = true) {
4352       IsSExt = Value;
4353       return *this;
4354     }
4356     MakeLibCallOptions &setNoReturn(bool Value = true) {
4357       DoesNotReturn = Value;
4358       return *this;
4359     }
4361     MakeLibCallOptions &setDiscardResult(bool Value = true) {
4362       IsReturnValueUsed = !Value;
4363       return *this;
4364     }
4366     MakeLibCallOptions &setIsPostTypeLegalization(bool Value = true) {
4367       IsPostTypeLegalization = Value;
4368       return *this;
4369     }
4371     MakeLibCallOptions &setTypeListBeforeSoften(ArrayRef<EVT> OpsVT, EVT RetVT,
4372                                                 bool Value = true) {
4373       OpsVTBeforeSoften = OpsVT;
4374       RetVTBeforeSoften = RetVT;
4375       IsSoften = Value;
4376       return *this;
4377     }
4378   };
4380   /// This function lowers an abstract call to a function into an actual call.
4381   /// This returns a pair of operands.  The first element is the return value
4382   /// for the function (if RetTy is not VoidTy).  The second element is the
4383   /// outgoing token chain. It calls LowerCall to do the actual lowering.
4384   std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> LowerCallTo(CallLoweringInfo &CLI) const;
4386   /// This hook must be implemented to lower calls into the specified
4387   /// DAG. The outgoing arguments to the call are described by the Outs array,
4388   /// and the values to be returned by the call are described by the Ins
4389   /// array. The implementation should fill in the InVals array with legal-type
4390   /// return values from the call, and return the resulting token chain value.
4391   virtual SDValue
LowerCall(CallLoweringInfo &,SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &)4392     LowerCall(CallLoweringInfo &/*CLI*/,
4393               SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &/*InVals*/) const {
4394     llvm_unreachable("Not Implemented");
4395   }
4397   /// Target-specific cleanup for formal ByVal parameters.
HandleByVal(CCState *,unsigned &,Align)4398   virtual void HandleByVal(CCState *, unsigned &, Align) const {}
4400   /// This hook should be implemented to check whether the return values
4401   /// described by the Outs array can fit into the return registers.  If false
4402   /// is returned, an sret-demotion is performed.
CanLowerReturn(CallingConv::ID,MachineFunction &,bool,const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &,LLVMContext &)4403   virtual bool CanLowerReturn(CallingConv::ID /*CallConv*/,
4404                               MachineFunction &/*MF*/, bool /*isVarArg*/,
4405                const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &/*Outs*/,
4406                LLVMContext &/*Context*/) const
4407   {
4408     // Return true by default to get preexisting behavior.
4409     return true;
4410   }
4412   /// This hook must be implemented to lower outgoing return values, described
4413   /// by the Outs array, into the specified DAG. The implementation should
4414   /// return the resulting token chain value.
LowerReturn(SDValue,CallingConv::ID,bool,const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &,const SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &,const SDLoc &,SelectionDAG &)4415   virtual SDValue LowerReturn(SDValue /*Chain*/, CallingConv::ID /*CallConv*/,
4416                               bool /*isVarArg*/,
4417                               const SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> & /*Outs*/,
4418                               const SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> & /*OutVals*/,
4419                               const SDLoc & /*dl*/,
4420                               SelectionDAG & /*DAG*/) const {
4421     llvm_unreachable("Not Implemented");
4422   }
4424   /// Return true if result of the specified node is used by a return node
4425   /// only. It also compute and return the input chain for the tail call.
4426   ///
4427   /// This is used to determine whether it is possible to codegen a libcall as
4428   /// tail call at legalization time.
isUsedByReturnOnly(SDNode *,SDValue &)4429   virtual bool isUsedByReturnOnly(SDNode *, SDValue &/*Chain*/) const {
4430     return false;
4431   }
4433   /// Return true if the target may be able emit the call instruction as a tail
4434   /// call. This is used by optimization passes to determine if it's profitable
4435   /// to duplicate return instructions to enable tailcall optimization.
mayBeEmittedAsTailCall(const CallInst *)4436   virtual bool mayBeEmittedAsTailCall(const CallInst *) const {
4437     return false;
4438   }
4440   /// Return the builtin name for the __builtin___clear_cache intrinsic
4441   /// Default is to invoke the clear cache library call
getClearCacheBuiltinName()4442   virtual const char * getClearCacheBuiltinName() const {
4443     return "__clear_cache";
4444   }
4446   /// Return the register ID of the name passed in. Used by named register
4447   /// global variables extension. There is no target-independent behaviour
4448   /// so the default action is to bail.
getRegisterByName(const char * RegName,LLT Ty,const MachineFunction & MF)4449   virtual Register getRegisterByName(const char* RegName, LLT Ty,
4450                                      const MachineFunction &MF) const {
4451     report_fatal_error("Named registers not implemented for this target");
4452   }
4454   /// Return the type that should be used to zero or sign extend a
4455   /// zeroext/signext integer return value.  FIXME: Some C calling conventions
4456   /// require the return type to be promoted, but this is not true all the time,
4457   /// e.g. i1/i8/i16 on x86/x86_64. It is also not necessary for non-C calling
4458   /// conventions. The frontend should handle this and include all of the
4459   /// necessary information.
getTypeForExtReturn(LLVMContext & Context,EVT VT,ISD::NodeType)4460   virtual EVT getTypeForExtReturn(LLVMContext &Context, EVT VT,
4461                                        ISD::NodeType /*ExtendKind*/) const {
4462     EVT MinVT = getRegisterType(Context, MVT::i32);
4463     return VT.bitsLT(MinVT) ? MinVT : VT;
4464   }
4466   /// For some targets, an LLVM struct type must be broken down into multiple
4467   /// simple types, but the calling convention specifies that the entire struct
4468   /// must be passed in a block of consecutive registers.
4469   virtual bool
functionArgumentNeedsConsecutiveRegisters(Type * Ty,CallingConv::ID CallConv,bool isVarArg,const DataLayout & DL)4470   functionArgumentNeedsConsecutiveRegisters(Type *Ty, CallingConv::ID CallConv,
4471                                             bool isVarArg,
4472                                             const DataLayout &DL) const {
4473     return false;
4474   }
4476   /// For most targets, an LLVM type must be broken down into multiple
4477   /// smaller types. Usually the halves are ordered according to the endianness
4478   /// but for some platform that would break. So this method will default to
4479   /// matching the endianness but can be overridden.
4480   virtual bool
shouldSplitFunctionArgumentsAsLittleEndian(const DataLayout & DL)4481   shouldSplitFunctionArgumentsAsLittleEndian(const DataLayout &DL) const {
4482     return DL.isLittleEndian();
4483   }
4485   /// Returns a 0 terminated array of registers that can be safely used as
4486   /// scratch registers.
getScratchRegisters(CallingConv::ID CC)4487   virtual const MCPhysReg *getScratchRegisters(CallingConv::ID CC) const {
4488     return nullptr;
4489   }
4491   /// This callback is used to prepare for a volatile or atomic load.
4492   /// It takes a chain node as input and returns the chain for the load itself.
4493   ///
4494   /// Having a callback like this is necessary for targets like SystemZ,
4495   /// which allows a CPU to reuse the result of a previous load indefinitely,
4496   /// even if a cache-coherent store is performed by another CPU.  The default
4497   /// implementation does nothing.
prepareVolatileOrAtomicLoad(SDValue Chain,const SDLoc & DL,SelectionDAG & DAG)4498   virtual SDValue prepareVolatileOrAtomicLoad(SDValue Chain, const SDLoc &DL,
4499                                               SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4500     return Chain;
4501   }
4503   /// Should SelectionDAG lower an atomic store of the given kind as a normal
4504   /// StoreSDNode (as opposed to an AtomicSDNode)?  NOTE: The intention is to
4505   /// eventually migrate all targets to the using StoreSDNodes, but porting is
4506   /// being done target at a time.
lowerAtomicStoreAsStoreSDNode(const StoreInst & SI)4507   virtual bool lowerAtomicStoreAsStoreSDNode(const StoreInst &SI) const {
4508     assert(SI.isAtomic() && "violated precondition");
4509     return false;
4510   }
4512   /// Should SelectionDAG lower an atomic load of the given kind as a normal
4513   /// LoadSDNode (as opposed to an AtomicSDNode)?  NOTE: The intention is to
4514   /// eventually migrate all targets to the using LoadSDNodes, but porting is
4515   /// being done target at a time.
lowerAtomicLoadAsLoadSDNode(const LoadInst & LI)4516   virtual bool lowerAtomicLoadAsLoadSDNode(const LoadInst &LI) const {
4517     assert(LI.isAtomic() && "violated precondition");
4518     return false;
4519   }
4522   /// This callback is invoked by the type legalizer to legalize nodes with an
4523   /// illegal operand type but legal result types.  It replaces the
4524   /// LowerOperation callback in the type Legalizer.  The reason we can not do
4525   /// away with LowerOperation entirely is that LegalizeDAG isn't yet ready to
4526   /// use this callback.
4527   ///
4528   /// TODO: Consider merging with ReplaceNodeResults.
4529   ///
4530   /// The target places new result values for the node in Results (their number
4531   /// and types must exactly match those of the original return values of
4532   /// the node), or leaves Results empty, which indicates that the node is not
4533   /// to be custom lowered after all.
4534   /// The default implementation calls LowerOperation.
4535   virtual void LowerOperationWrapper(SDNode *N,
4536                                      SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Results,
4537                                      SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4539   /// This callback is invoked for operations that are unsupported by the
4540   /// target, which are registered to use 'custom' lowering, and whose defined
4541   /// values are all legal.  If the target has no operations that require custom
4542   /// lowering, it need not implement this.  The default implementation of this
4543   /// aborts.
4544   virtual SDValue LowerOperation(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4546   /// This callback is invoked when a node result type is illegal for the
4547   /// target, and the operation was registered to use 'custom' lowering for that
4548   /// result type.  The target places new result values for the node in Results
4549   /// (their number and types must exactly match those of the original return
4550   /// values of the node), or leaves Results empty, which indicates that the
4551   /// node is not to be custom lowered after all.
4552   ///
4553   /// If the target has no operations that require custom lowering, it need not
4554   /// implement this.  The default implementation aborts.
ReplaceNodeResults(SDNode *,SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &,SelectionDAG &)4555   virtual void ReplaceNodeResults(SDNode * /*N*/,
4556                                   SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &/*Results*/,
4557                                   SelectionDAG &/*DAG*/) const {
4558     llvm_unreachable("ReplaceNodeResults not implemented for this target!");
4559   }
4561   /// This method returns the name of a target specific DAG node.
4562   virtual const char *getTargetNodeName(unsigned Opcode) const;
4564   /// This method returns a target specific FastISel object, or null if the
4565   /// target does not support "fast" ISel.
createFastISel(FunctionLoweringInfo &,const TargetLibraryInfo *)4566   virtual FastISel *createFastISel(FunctionLoweringInfo &,
4567                                    const TargetLibraryInfo *) const {
4568     return nullptr;
4569   }
4571   bool verifyReturnAddressArgumentIsConstant(SDValue Op,
4572                                              SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4574   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
4575   // Inline Asm Support hooks
4576   //
4578   /// This hook allows the target to expand an inline asm call to be explicit
4579   /// llvm code if it wants to.  This is useful for turning simple inline asms
4580   /// into LLVM intrinsics, which gives the compiler more information about the
4581   /// behavior of the code.
ExpandInlineAsm(CallInst *)4582   virtual bool ExpandInlineAsm(CallInst *) const {
4583     return false;
4584   }
4586   enum ConstraintType {
4587     C_Register,            // Constraint represents specific register(s).
4588     C_RegisterClass,       // Constraint represents any of register(s) in class.
4589     C_Memory,              // Memory constraint.
4590     C_Address,             // Address constraint.
4591     C_Immediate,           // Requires an immediate.
4592     C_Other,               // Something else.
4593     C_Unknown              // Unsupported constraint.
4594   };
4596   enum ConstraintWeight {
4597     // Generic weights.
4598     CW_Invalid  = -1,     // No match.
4599     CW_Okay     = 0,      // Acceptable.
4600     CW_Good     = 1,      // Good weight.
4601     CW_Better   = 2,      // Better weight.
4602     CW_Best     = 3,      // Best weight.
4604     // Well-known weights.
4605     CW_SpecificReg  = CW_Okay,    // Specific register operands.
4606     CW_Register     = CW_Good,    // Register operands.
4607     CW_Memory       = CW_Better,  // Memory operands.
4608     CW_Constant     = CW_Best,    // Constant operand.
4609     CW_Default      = CW_Okay     // Default or don't know type.
4610   };
4612   /// This contains information for each constraint that we are lowering.
4613   struct AsmOperandInfo : public InlineAsm::ConstraintInfo {
4614     /// This contains the actual string for the code, like "m".  TargetLowering
4615     /// picks the 'best' code from ConstraintInfo::Codes that most closely
4616     /// matches the operand.
4617     std::string ConstraintCode;
4619     /// Information about the constraint code, e.g. Register, RegisterClass,
4620     /// Memory, Other, Unknown.
4621     TargetLowering::ConstraintType ConstraintType = TargetLowering::C_Unknown;
4623     /// If this is the result output operand or a clobber, this is null,
4624     /// otherwise it is the incoming operand to the CallInst.  This gets
4625     /// modified as the asm is processed.
4626     Value *CallOperandVal = nullptr;
4628     /// The ValueType for the operand value.
4629     MVT ConstraintVT = MVT::Other;
4631     /// Copy constructor for copying from a ConstraintInfo.
AsmOperandInfoAsmOperandInfo4632     AsmOperandInfo(InlineAsm::ConstraintInfo Info)
4633         : InlineAsm::ConstraintInfo(std::move(Info)) {}
4635     /// Return true of this is an input operand that is a matching constraint
4636     /// like "4".
4637     bool isMatchingInputConstraint() const;
4639     /// If this is an input matching constraint, this method returns the output
4640     /// operand it matches.
4641     unsigned getMatchedOperand() const;
4642   };
4644   using AsmOperandInfoVector = std::vector<AsmOperandInfo>;
4646   /// Split up the constraint string from the inline assembly value into the
4647   /// specific constraints and their prefixes, and also tie in the associated
4648   /// operand values.  If this returns an empty vector, and if the constraint
4649   /// string itself isn't empty, there was an error parsing.
4650   virtual AsmOperandInfoVector ParseConstraints(const DataLayout &DL,
4651                                                 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
4652                                                 const CallBase &Call) const;
4654   /// Examine constraint type and operand type and determine a weight value.
4655   /// The operand object must already have been set up with the operand type.
4656   virtual ConstraintWeight getMultipleConstraintMatchWeight(
4657       AsmOperandInfo &info, int maIndex) const;
4659   /// Examine constraint string and operand type and determine a weight value.
4660   /// The operand object must already have been set up with the operand type.
4661   virtual ConstraintWeight getSingleConstraintMatchWeight(
4662       AsmOperandInfo &info, const char *constraint) const;
4664   /// Determines the constraint code and constraint type to use for the specific
4665   /// AsmOperandInfo, setting OpInfo.ConstraintCode and OpInfo.ConstraintType.
4666   /// If the actual operand being passed in is available, it can be passed in as
4667   /// Op, otherwise an empty SDValue can be passed.
4668   virtual void ComputeConstraintToUse(AsmOperandInfo &OpInfo,
4669                                       SDValue Op,
4670                                       SelectionDAG *DAG = nullptr) const;
4672   /// Given a constraint, return the type of constraint it is for this target.
4673   virtual ConstraintType getConstraintType(StringRef Constraint) const;
4675   /// Given a physical register constraint (e.g.  {edx}), return the register
4676   /// number and the register class for the register.
4677   ///
4678   /// Given a register class constraint, like 'r', if this corresponds directly
4679   /// to an LLVM register class, return a register of 0 and the register class
4680   /// pointer.
4681   ///
4682   /// This should only be used for C_Register constraints.  On error, this
4683   /// returns a register number of 0 and a null register class pointer.
4684   virtual std::pair<unsigned, const TargetRegisterClass *>
4685   getRegForInlineAsmConstraint(const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI,
4686                                StringRef Constraint, MVT VT) const;
getInlineAsmMemConstraint(StringRef ConstraintCode)4688   virtual unsigned getInlineAsmMemConstraint(StringRef ConstraintCode) const {
4689     if (ConstraintCode == "m")
4690       return InlineAsm::Constraint_m;
4691     if (ConstraintCode == "o")
4692       return InlineAsm::Constraint_o;
4693     if (ConstraintCode == "X")
4694       return InlineAsm::Constraint_X;
4695     if (ConstraintCode == "p")
4696       return InlineAsm::Constraint_p;
4697     return InlineAsm::Constraint_Unknown;
4698   }
4700   /// Try to replace an X constraint, which matches anything, with another that
4701   /// has more specific requirements based on the type of the corresponding
4702   /// operand.  This returns null if there is no replacement to make.
4703   virtual const char *LowerXConstraint(EVT ConstraintVT) const;
4705   /// Lower the specified operand into the Ops vector.  If it is invalid, don't
4706   /// add anything to Ops.
4707   virtual void LowerAsmOperandForConstraint(SDValue Op, std::string &Constraint,
4708                                             std::vector<SDValue> &Ops,
4709                                             SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4711   // Lower custom output constraints. If invalid, return SDValue().
4712   virtual SDValue LowerAsmOutputForConstraint(SDValue &Chain, SDValue &Flag,
4713                                               const SDLoc &DL,
4714                                               const AsmOperandInfo &OpInfo,
4715                                               SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4717   // Targets may override this function to collect operands from the CallInst
4718   // and for example, lower them into the SelectionDAG operands.
4719   virtual void CollectTargetIntrinsicOperands(const CallInst &I,
4720                                               SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Ops,
4721                                               SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4723   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
4724   // Div utility functions
4725   //
4727   SDValue BuildSDIV(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG, bool IsAfterLegalization,
4728                     SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
4729   SDValue BuildUDIV(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG, bool IsAfterLegalization,
4730                     SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
4732   /// Targets may override this function to provide custom SDIV lowering for
4733   /// power-of-2 denominators.  If the target returns an empty SDValue, LLVM
4734   /// assumes SDIV is expensive and replaces it with a series of other integer
4735   /// operations.
4736   virtual SDValue BuildSDIVPow2(SDNode *N, const APInt &Divisor,
4737                                 SelectionDAG &DAG,
4738                                 SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
4740   /// Targets may override this function to provide custom SREM lowering for
4741   /// power-of-2 denominators.  If the target returns an empty SDValue, LLVM
4742   /// assumes SREM is expensive and replaces it with a series of other integer
4743   /// operations.
4744   virtual SDValue BuildSREMPow2(SDNode *N, const APInt &Divisor,
4745                                 SelectionDAG &DAG,
4746                                 SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
4748   /// Indicate whether this target prefers to combine FDIVs with the same
4749   /// divisor. If the transform should never be done, return zero. If the
4750   /// transform should be done, return the minimum number of divisor uses
4751   /// that must exist.
combineRepeatedFPDivisors()4752   virtual unsigned combineRepeatedFPDivisors() const {
4753     return 0;
4754   }
4756   /// Hooks for building estimates in place of slower divisions and square
4757   /// roots.
4759   /// Return either a square root or its reciprocal estimate value for the input
4760   /// operand.
4761   /// \p Enabled is a ReciprocalEstimate enum with value either 'Unspecified' or
4762   /// 'Enabled' as set by a potential default override attribute.
4763   /// If \p RefinementSteps is 'Unspecified', the number of Newton-Raphson
4764   /// refinement iterations required to generate a sufficient (though not
4765   /// necessarily IEEE-754 compliant) estimate is returned in that parameter.
4766   /// The boolean UseOneConstNR output is used to select a Newton-Raphson
4767   /// algorithm implementation that uses either one or two constants.
4768   /// The boolean Reciprocal is used to select whether the estimate is for the
4769   /// square root of the input operand or the reciprocal of its square root.
4770   /// A target may choose to implement its own refinement within this function.
4771   /// If that's true, then return '0' as the number of RefinementSteps to avoid
4772   /// any further refinement of the estimate.
4773   /// An empty SDValue return means no estimate sequence can be created.
getSqrtEstimate(SDValue Operand,SelectionDAG & DAG,int Enabled,int & RefinementSteps,bool & UseOneConstNR,bool Reciprocal)4774   virtual SDValue getSqrtEstimate(SDValue Operand, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4775                                   int Enabled, int &RefinementSteps,
4776                                   bool &UseOneConstNR, bool Reciprocal) const {
4777     return SDValue();
4778   }
4780   /// Try to convert the fminnum/fmaxnum to a compare/select sequence. This is
4781   /// required for correctness since InstCombine might have canonicalized a
4782   /// fcmp+select sequence to a FMINNUM/FMAXNUM intrinsic.  If we were to fall
4783   /// through to the default expansion/soften to libcall, we might introduce a
4784   /// link-time dependency on libm into a file that originally did not have one.
4785   SDValue createSelectForFMINNUM_FMAXNUM(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4787   /// Return a reciprocal estimate value for the input operand.
4788   /// \p Enabled is a ReciprocalEstimate enum with value either 'Unspecified' or
4789   /// 'Enabled' as set by a potential default override attribute.
4790   /// If \p RefinementSteps is 'Unspecified', the number of Newton-Raphson
4791   /// refinement iterations required to generate a sufficient (though not
4792   /// necessarily IEEE-754 compliant) estimate is returned in that parameter.
4793   /// A target may choose to implement its own refinement within this function.
4794   /// If that's true, then return '0' as the number of RefinementSteps to avoid
4795   /// any further refinement of the estimate.
4796   /// An empty SDValue return means no estimate sequence can be created.
getRecipEstimate(SDValue Operand,SelectionDAG & DAG,int Enabled,int & RefinementSteps)4797   virtual SDValue getRecipEstimate(SDValue Operand, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4798                                    int Enabled, int &RefinementSteps) const {
4799     return SDValue();
4800   }
4802   /// Return a target-dependent comparison result if the input operand is
4803   /// suitable for use with a square root estimate calculation. For example, the
4804   /// comparison may check if the operand is NAN, INF, zero, normal, etc. The
4805   /// result should be used as the condition operand for a select or branch.
4806   virtual SDValue getSqrtInputTest(SDValue Operand, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4807                                    const DenormalMode &Mode) const;
4809   /// Return a target-dependent result if the input operand is not suitable for
4810   /// use with a square root estimate calculation.
getSqrtResultForDenormInput(SDValue Operand,SelectionDAG & DAG)4811   virtual SDValue getSqrtResultForDenormInput(SDValue Operand,
4812                                               SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
4813     return DAG.getConstantFP(0.0, SDLoc(Operand), Operand.getValueType());
4814   }
4816   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
4817   // Legalization utility functions
4818   //
4820   /// Expand a MUL or [US]MUL_LOHI of n-bit values into two or four nodes,
4821   /// respectively, each computing an n/2-bit part of the result.
4822   /// \param Result A vector that will be filled with the parts of the result
4823   ///        in little-endian order.
4824   /// \param LL Low bits of the LHS of the MUL.  You can use this parameter
4825   ///        if you want to control how low bits are extracted from the LHS.
4826   /// \param LH High bits of the LHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning.
4827   /// \param RL Low bits of the RHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning
4828   /// \param RH High bits of the RHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning.
4829   /// \returns true if the node has been expanded, false if it has not
4830   bool expandMUL_LOHI(unsigned Opcode, EVT VT, const SDLoc &dl, SDValue LHS,
4831                       SDValue RHS, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Result, EVT HiLoVT,
4832                       SelectionDAG &DAG, MulExpansionKind Kind,
4833                       SDValue LL = SDValue(), SDValue LH = SDValue(),
4834                       SDValue RL = SDValue(), SDValue RH = SDValue()) const;
4836   /// Expand a MUL into two nodes.  One that computes the high bits of
4837   /// the result and one that computes the low bits.
4838   /// \param HiLoVT The value type to use for the Lo and Hi nodes.
4839   /// \param LL Low bits of the LHS of the MUL.  You can use this parameter
4840   ///        if you want to control how low bits are extracted from the LHS.
4841   /// \param LH High bits of the LHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning.
4842   /// \param RL Low bits of the RHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning
4843   /// \param RH High bits of the RHS of the MUL.  See LL for meaning.
4844   /// \returns true if the node has been expanded. false if it has not
4845   bool expandMUL(SDNode *N, SDValue &Lo, SDValue &Hi, EVT HiLoVT,
4846                  SelectionDAG &DAG, MulExpansionKind Kind,
4847                  SDValue LL = SDValue(), SDValue LH = SDValue(),
4848                  SDValue RL = SDValue(), SDValue RH = SDValue()) const;
4850   /// Attempt to expand an n-bit div/rem/divrem by constant using a n/2-bit
4851   /// urem by constant and other arithmetic ops. The n/2-bit urem by constant
4852   /// will be expanded by DAGCombiner. This is not possible for all constant
4853   /// divisors.
4854   /// \param N Node to expand
4855   /// \param Result A vector that will be filled with the lo and high parts of
4856   ///        the results. For *DIVREM, this will be the quotient parts followed
4857   ///        by the remainder parts.
4858   /// \param HiLoVT The value type to use for the Lo and Hi parts. Should be
4859   ///        half of VT.
4860   /// \param LL Low bits of the LHS of the operation. You can use this
4861   ///        parameter if you want to control how low bits are extracted from
4862   ///        the LHS.
4863   /// \param LH High bits of the LHS of the operation. See LL for meaning.
4864   /// \returns true if the node has been expanded, false if it has not.
4865   bool expandDIVREMByConstant(SDNode *N, SmallVectorImpl<SDValue> &Result,
4866                               EVT HiLoVT, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4867                               SDValue LL = SDValue(),
4868                               SDValue LH = SDValue()) const;
4870   /// Expand funnel shift.
4871   /// \param N Node to expand
4872   /// \returns The expansion if successful, SDValue() otherwise
4873   SDValue expandFunnelShift(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4875   /// Expand rotations.
4876   /// \param N Node to expand
4877   /// \param AllowVectorOps expand vector rotate, this should only be performed
4878   ///        if the legalization is happening outside of LegalizeVectorOps
4879   /// \returns The expansion if successful, SDValue() otherwise
4880   SDValue expandROT(SDNode *N, bool AllowVectorOps, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4882   /// Expand shift-by-parts.
4883   /// \param N Node to expand
4884   /// \param Lo lower-output-part after conversion
4885   /// \param Hi upper-output-part after conversion
4886   void expandShiftParts(SDNode *N, SDValue &Lo, SDValue &Hi,
4887                         SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4889   /// Expand float(f32) to SINT(i64) conversion
4890   /// \param N Node to expand
4891   /// \param Result output after conversion
4892   /// \returns True, if the expansion was successful, false otherwise
4893   bool expandFP_TO_SINT(SDNode *N, SDValue &Result, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4895   /// Expand float to UINT conversion
4896   /// \param N Node to expand
4897   /// \param Result output after conversion
4898   /// \param Chain output chain after conversion
4899   /// \returns True, if the expansion was successful, false otherwise
4900   bool expandFP_TO_UINT(SDNode *N, SDValue &Result, SDValue &Chain,
4901                         SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4903   /// Expand UINT(i64) to double(f64) conversion
4904   /// \param N Node to expand
4905   /// \param Result output after conversion
4906   /// \param Chain output chain after conversion
4907   /// \returns True, if the expansion was successful, false otherwise
4908   bool expandUINT_TO_FP(SDNode *N, SDValue &Result, SDValue &Chain,
4909                         SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4911   /// Expand fminnum/fmaxnum into fminnum_ieee/fmaxnum_ieee with quieted inputs.
4912   SDValue expandFMINNUM_FMAXNUM(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4914   /// Expand FP_TO_[US]INT_SAT into FP_TO_[US]INT and selects or min/max.
4915   /// \param N Node to expand
4916   /// \returns The expansion result
4917   SDValue expandFP_TO_INT_SAT(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4919   /// Expand check for floating point class.
4920   /// \param ResultVT The type of intrinsic call result.
4921   /// \param Op The tested value.
4922   /// \param Test The test to perform.
4923   /// \param Flags The optimization flags.
4924   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4925   SDValue expandIS_FPCLASS(EVT ResultVT, SDValue Op, unsigned Test,
4926                            SDNodeFlags Flags, const SDLoc &DL,
4927                            SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4929   /// Expand CTPOP nodes. Expands vector/scalar CTPOP nodes,
4930   /// vector nodes can only succeed if all operations are legal/custom.
4931   /// \param N Node to expand
4932   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4933   SDValue expandCTPOP(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4935   /// Expand VP_CTPOP nodes.
4936   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4937   SDValue expandVPCTPOP(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4939   /// Expand CTLZ/CTLZ_ZERO_UNDEF nodes. Expands vector/scalar CTLZ nodes,
4940   /// vector nodes can only succeed if all operations are legal/custom.
4941   /// \param N Node to expand
4942   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4943   SDValue expandCTLZ(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4945   /// Expand VP_CTLZ/VP_CTLZ_ZERO_UNDEF nodes.
4946   /// \param N Node to expand
4947   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4948   SDValue expandVPCTLZ(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4950   /// Expand CTTZ via Table Lookup.
4951   /// \param N Node to expand
4952   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4953   SDValue CTTZTableLookup(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDLoc &DL, EVT VT,
4954                           SDValue Op, unsigned NumBitsPerElt) const;
4956   /// Expand CTTZ/CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF nodes. Expands vector/scalar CTTZ nodes,
4957   /// vector nodes can only succeed if all operations are legal/custom.
4958   /// \param N Node to expand
4959   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4960   SDValue expandCTTZ(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4962   /// Expand VP_CTTZ/VP_CTTZ_ZERO_UNDEF nodes.
4963   /// \param N Node to expand
4964   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4965   SDValue expandVPCTTZ(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4967   /// Expand ABS nodes. Expands vector/scalar ABS nodes,
4968   /// vector nodes can only succeed if all operations are legal/custom.
4969   /// (ABS x) -> (XOR (ADD x, (SRA x, type_size)), (SRA x, type_size))
4970   /// \param N Node to expand
4971   /// \param IsNegative indicate negated abs
4972   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4973   SDValue expandABS(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG,
4974                     bool IsNegative = false) const;
4976   /// Expand BSWAP nodes. Expands scalar/vector BSWAP nodes with i16/i32/i64
4977   /// scalar types. Returns SDValue() if expand fails.
4978   /// \param N Node to expand
4979   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4980   SDValue expandBSWAP(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4982   /// Expand VP_BSWAP nodes. Expands VP_BSWAP nodes with
4983   /// i16/i32/i64 scalar types. Returns SDValue() if expand fails. \param N Node
4984   /// to expand \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4985   SDValue expandVPBSWAP(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4987   /// Expand BITREVERSE nodes. Expands scalar/vector BITREVERSE nodes.
4988   /// Returns SDValue() if expand fails.
4989   /// \param N Node to expand
4990   /// \returns The expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4991   SDValue expandBITREVERSE(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4993   /// Expand VP_BITREVERSE nodes. Expands VP_BITREVERSE nodes with
4994   /// i8/i16/i32/i64 scalar types. \param N Node to expand \returns The
4995   /// expansion result or SDValue() if it fails.
4996   SDValue expandVPBITREVERSE(SDNode *N, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
4998   /// Turn load of vector type into a load of the individual elements.
4999   /// \param LD load to expand
5000   /// \returns BUILD_VECTOR and TokenFactor nodes.
5001   std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> scalarizeVectorLoad(LoadSDNode *LD,
5002                                                   SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5004   // Turn a store of a vector type into stores of the individual elements.
5005   /// \param ST Store with a vector value type
5006   /// \returns TokenFactor of the individual store chains.
5007   SDValue scalarizeVectorStore(StoreSDNode *ST, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5009   /// Expands an unaligned load to 2 half-size loads for an integer, and
5010   /// possibly more for vectors.
5011   std::pair<SDValue, SDValue> expandUnalignedLoad(LoadSDNode *LD,
5012                                                   SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5014   /// Expands an unaligned store to 2 half-size stores for integer values, and
5015   /// possibly more for vectors.
5016   SDValue expandUnalignedStore(StoreSDNode *ST, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5018   /// Increments memory address \p Addr according to the type of the value
5019   /// \p DataVT that should be stored. If the data is stored in compressed
5020   /// form, the memory address should be incremented according to the number of
5021   /// the stored elements. This number is equal to the number of '1's bits
5022   /// in the \p Mask.
5023   /// \p DataVT is a vector type. \p Mask is a vector value.
5024   /// \p DataVT and \p Mask have the same number of vector elements.
5025   SDValue IncrementMemoryAddress(SDValue Addr, SDValue Mask, const SDLoc &DL,
5026                                  EVT DataVT, SelectionDAG &DAG,
5027                                  bool IsCompressedMemory) const;
5029   /// Get a pointer to vector element \p Idx located in memory for a vector of
5030   /// type \p VecVT starting at a base address of \p VecPtr. If \p Idx is out of
5031   /// bounds the returned pointer is unspecified, but will be within the vector
5032   /// bounds.
5033   SDValue getVectorElementPointer(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue VecPtr, EVT VecVT,
5034                                   SDValue Index) const;
5036   /// Get a pointer to a sub-vector of type \p SubVecVT at index \p Idx located
5037   /// in memory for a vector of type \p VecVT starting at a base address of
5038   /// \p VecPtr. If \p Idx plus the size of \p SubVecVT is out of bounds the
5039   /// returned pointer is unspecified, but the value returned will be such that
5040   /// the entire subvector would be within the vector bounds.
5041   SDValue getVectorSubVecPointer(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue VecPtr, EVT VecVT,
5042                                  EVT SubVecVT, SDValue Index) const;
5044   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[US][MIN|MAX]. This
5045   /// method accepts integers as its arguments.
5046   SDValue expandIntMINMAX(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5048   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[US][ADD|SUB]SAT. This
5049   /// method accepts integers as its arguments.
5050   SDValue expandAddSubSat(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5052   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[US]SHLSAT. This
5053   /// method accepts integers as its arguments.
5054   SDValue expandShlSat(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5056   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[U|S]MULFIX[SAT]. This
5057   /// method accepts integers as its arguments.
5058   SDValue expandFixedPointMul(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5060   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[US]DIVFIX[SAT]. This
5061   /// method accepts integers as its arguments.
5062   /// Note: This method may fail if the division could not be performed
5063   /// within the type. Clients must retry with a wider type if this happens.
5064   SDValue expandFixedPointDiv(unsigned Opcode, const SDLoc &dl,
5065                               SDValue LHS, SDValue RHS,
5066                               unsigned Scale, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5068   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::U(ADD|SUB)O. Expansion
5069   /// always suceeds and populates the Result and Overflow arguments.
5070   void expandUADDSUBO(SDNode *Node, SDValue &Result, SDValue &Overflow,
5071                       SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5073   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::S(ADD|SUB)O. Expansion
5074   /// always suceeds and populates the Result and Overflow arguments.
5075   void expandSADDSUBO(SDNode *Node, SDValue &Result, SDValue &Overflow,
5076                       SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5078   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::[US]MULO. Returns whether
5079   /// expansion was successful and populates the Result and Overflow arguments.
5080   bool expandMULO(SDNode *Node, SDValue &Result, SDValue &Overflow,
5081                   SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5083   /// Expand a VECREDUCE_* into an explicit calculation. If Count is specified,
5084   /// only the first Count elements of the vector are used.
5085   SDValue expandVecReduce(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5087   /// Expand a VECREDUCE_SEQ_* into an explicit ordered calculation.
5088   SDValue expandVecReduceSeq(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5090   /// Expand an SREM or UREM using SDIV/UDIV or SDIVREM/UDIVREM, if legal.
5091   /// Returns true if the expansion was successful.
5092   bool expandREM(SDNode *Node, SDValue &Result, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5094   /// Method for building the DAG expansion of ISD::VECTOR_SPLICE. This
5095   /// method accepts vectors as its arguments.
5096   SDValue expandVectorSplice(SDNode *Node, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5098   /// Legalize a SETCC or VP_SETCC with given LHS and RHS and condition code CC
5099   /// on the current target. A VP_SETCC will additionally be given a Mask
5100   /// and/or EVL not equal to SDValue().
5101   ///
5102   /// If the SETCC has been legalized using AND / OR, then the legalized node
5103   /// will be stored in LHS. RHS and CC will be set to SDValue(). NeedInvert
5104   /// will be set to false. This will also hold if the VP_SETCC has been
5105   /// legalized using VP_AND / VP_OR.
5106   ///
5107   /// If the SETCC / VP_SETCC has been legalized by using
5108   /// getSetCCSwappedOperands(), then the values of LHS and RHS will be
5109   /// swapped, CC will be set to the new condition, and NeedInvert will be set
5110   /// to false.
5111   ///
5112   /// If the SETCC / VP_SETCC has been legalized using the inverse condcode,
5113   /// then LHS and RHS will be unchanged, CC will set to the inverted condcode,
5114   /// and NeedInvert will be set to true. The caller must invert the result of
5115   /// the SETCC with SelectionDAG::getLogicalNOT() or take equivalent action to
5116   /// swap the effect of a true/false result.
5117   ///
5118   /// \returns true if the SETCC / VP_SETCC has been legalized, false if it
5119   /// hasn't.
5120   bool LegalizeSetCCCondCode(SelectionDAG &DAG, EVT VT, SDValue &LHS,
5121                              SDValue &RHS, SDValue &CC, SDValue Mask,
5122                              SDValue EVL, bool &NeedInvert, const SDLoc &dl,
5123                              SDValue &Chain, bool IsSignaling = false) const;
5125   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
5126   // Instruction Emitting Hooks
5127   //
5129   /// This method should be implemented by targets that mark instructions with
5130   /// the 'usesCustomInserter' flag.  These instructions are special in various
5131   /// ways, which require special support to insert.  The specified MachineInstr
5132   /// is created but not inserted into any basic blocks, and this method is
5133   /// called to expand it into a sequence of instructions, potentially also
5134   /// creating new basic blocks and control flow.
5135   /// As long as the returned basic block is different (i.e., we created a new
5136   /// one), the custom inserter is free to modify the rest of \p MBB.
5137   virtual MachineBasicBlock *
5138   EmitInstrWithCustomInserter(MachineInstr &MI, MachineBasicBlock *MBB) const;
5140   /// This method should be implemented by targets that mark instructions with
5141   /// the 'hasPostISelHook' flag. These instructions must be adjusted after
5142   /// instruction selection by target hooks.  e.g. To fill in optional defs for
5143   /// ARM 's' setting instructions.
5144   virtual void AdjustInstrPostInstrSelection(MachineInstr &MI,
5145                                              SDNode *Node) const;
5147   /// If this function returns true, SelectionDAGBuilder emits a
5148   /// LOAD_STACK_GUARD node when it is lowering Intrinsic::stackprotector.
useLoadStackGuardNode()5149   virtual bool useLoadStackGuardNode() const {
5150     return false;
5151   }
emitStackGuardXorFP(SelectionDAG & DAG,SDValue Val,const SDLoc & DL)5153   virtual SDValue emitStackGuardXorFP(SelectionDAG &DAG, SDValue Val,
5154                                       const SDLoc &DL) const {
5155     llvm_unreachable("not implemented for this target");
5156   }
5158   /// Lower TLS global address SDNode for target independent emulated TLS model.
5159   virtual SDValue LowerToTLSEmulatedModel(const GlobalAddressSDNode *GA,
5160                                           SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5162   /// Expands target specific indirect branch for the case of JumpTable
5163   /// expanasion.
expandIndirectJTBranch(const SDLoc & dl,SDValue Value,SDValue Addr,SelectionDAG & DAG)5164   virtual SDValue expandIndirectJTBranch(const SDLoc& dl, SDValue Value, SDValue Addr,
5165                                          SelectionDAG &DAG) const {
5166     return DAG.getNode(ISD::BRIND, dl, MVT::Other, Value, Addr);
5167   }
5169   // seteq(x, 0) -> truncate(srl(ctlz(zext(x)), log2(#bits)))
5170   // If we're comparing for equality to zero and isCtlzFast is true, expose the
5171   // fact that this can be implemented as a ctlz/srl pair, so that the dag
5172   // combiner can fold the new nodes.
5173   SDValue lowerCmpEqZeroToCtlzSrl(SDValue Op, SelectionDAG &DAG) const;
5175 private:
5176   SDValue foldSetCCWithAnd(EVT VT, SDValue N0, SDValue N1, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5177                            const SDLoc &DL, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
5178   SDValue foldSetCCWithBinOp(EVT VT, SDValue N0, SDValue N1, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5179                              const SDLoc &DL, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI) const;
5181   SDValue optimizeSetCCOfSignedTruncationCheck(EVT SCCVT, SDValue N0,
5182                                                SDValue N1, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5183                                                DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
5184                                                const SDLoc &DL) const;
5186   // (X & (C l>>/<< Y)) ==/!= 0  -->  ((X <</l>> Y) & C) ==/!= 0
5187   SDValue optimizeSetCCByHoistingAndByConstFromLogicalShift(
5188       EVT SCCVT, SDValue N0, SDValue N1C, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5189       DAGCombinerInfo &DCI, const SDLoc &DL) const;
5191   SDValue prepareUREMEqFold(EVT SETCCVT, SDValue REMNode,
5192                             SDValue CompTargetNode, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5193                             DAGCombinerInfo &DCI, const SDLoc &DL,
5194                             SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
5195   SDValue buildUREMEqFold(EVT SETCCVT, SDValue REMNode, SDValue CompTargetNode,
5196                           ISD::CondCode Cond, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
5197                           const SDLoc &DL) const;
5199   SDValue prepareSREMEqFold(EVT SETCCVT, SDValue REMNode,
5200                             SDValue CompTargetNode, ISD::CondCode Cond,
5201                             DAGCombinerInfo &DCI, const SDLoc &DL,
5202                             SmallVectorImpl<SDNode *> &Created) const;
5203   SDValue buildSREMEqFold(EVT SETCCVT, SDValue REMNode, SDValue CompTargetNode,
5204                           ISD::CondCode Cond, DAGCombinerInfo &DCI,
5205                           const SDLoc &DL) const;
5206 };
5208 /// Given an LLVM IR type and return type attributes, compute the return value
5209 /// EVTs and flags, and optionally also the offsets, if the return value is
5210 /// being lowered to memory.
5211 void GetReturnInfo(CallingConv::ID CC, Type *ReturnType, AttributeList attr,
5212                    SmallVectorImpl<ISD::OutputArg> &Outs,
5213                    const TargetLowering &TLI, const DataLayout &DL);
5215 } // end namespace llvm