1 // Copyright (C) 2005 Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com>
2 //               2008 Stephen Leake <stephen_leake@stephe-leake.org>
3 //
4 // This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
5 // greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
6 //
7 // This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
11 #ifndef __ROSTER_HH__
12 #define __ROSTER_HH__
14 #include "hybrid_map.hh"
15 #include "paths.hh"
16 #include "rev_types.hh"
17 #include "cset.hh" // need full definition of editable_tree
19 #include <stack>
21 struct node_id_source
22 {
23   virtual node_id next() = 0;
~node_id_sourcenode_id_source24   virtual ~node_id_source() {}
25 };
27 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 node_id const the_null_node = 0;
31 inline bool
null_node(node_id n)32 null_node(node_id n)
33 {
34   return n == the_null_node;
35 }
37 template <> void dump(attr_map_t const & val, std::string & out);
39 enum roster_node_type { node_type_none, node_type_file, node_type_dir };
41 struct dfs_iter
42 {
43   const_dir_t root;
44   std::string curr_path;
45   bool return_root;
46   bool track_path;
47   std::stack< std::pair<const_dir_t, dir_map::const_iterator> > stk;
49   dfs_iter(const_dir_t r, bool t);
50   bool finished() const;
51   std::string const & path() const;
52   const_node_t operator*() const;
53   void operator++();
55 private:
56   void advance_top();
57 };
59 struct node
60 {
61   node();
62   node(node_id i);
63   node_id self;
64   node_id parent; // the_null_node iff this is a root dir
65   path_component name; // the_null_component iff this is a root dir
66   attr_map_t attrs;
67   roster_node_type type;
68   u32 cow_version; // see roster_t::cow_version below
70   // need a virtual function to make dynamic_cast work
71   virtual node_t clone() = 0;
~nodenode72   virtual ~node() {}
73 };
76 struct dir_node
77   : public node
78 {
79   dir_node();
80   dir_node(node_id i);
81   dir_map children;
82   bool has_child(path_component const & pc) const;
83   node_t get_child(path_component const & pc) const;
84   void attach_child(path_component const & pc, node_t child);
85   node_t detach_child(path_component const & pc);
87   // need a virtual function to make dynamic_cast work
88   virtual node_t clone();
~dir_nodedir_node89   virtual ~dir_node() {}
90 };
93 struct file_node
94   : public node
95 {
96   file_node();
97   file_node(node_id i, file_id const & f);
98   file_id content;
100   // need a virtual function to make dynamic_cast work
101   virtual node_t clone();
~file_nodefile_node102   virtual ~file_node() {}
103 };
105 inline bool
is_dir_t(const_node_t n)106 is_dir_t(const_node_t n)
107 {
108   return n->type == node_type_dir;
109 }
111 inline bool
is_file_t(const_node_t n)112 is_file_t(const_node_t n)
113 {
114   return n->type == node_type_file;
115 }
117 inline bool
is_root_dir_t(node_t n)118 is_root_dir_t(node_t n)
119 {
120   if (is_dir_t(n) && n->name.empty())
121     {
122       I(null_node(n->parent));
123       return true;
124     }
126   return false;
127 }
129 inline dir_t
downcast_to_dir_t(node_t const & n)130 downcast_to_dir_t(node_t const & n)
131 {
132   dir_t d = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<dir_node, node>(n);
133   I(static_cast<bool>(d));
134   return d;
135 }
137 inline file_t
downcast_to_file_t(node_t const & n)138 downcast_to_file_t(node_t const & n)
139 {
140   file_t f = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<file_node, node>(n);
141   I(static_cast<bool>(f));
142   return f;
143 }
145 inline const_dir_t
downcast_to_dir_t(const_node_t const & n)146 downcast_to_dir_t(const_node_t const & n)
147 {
148   const_dir_t d = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<dir_node const, node const>(n);
149   I(static_cast<bool>(d));
150   return d;
151 }
153 inline const_file_t
downcast_to_file_t(const_node_t const & n)154 downcast_to_file_t(const_node_t const & n)
155 {
156   const_file_t f = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<file_node const, node const>(n);
157   I(static_cast<bool>(f));
158   return f;
159 }
161 bool
162 shallow_equal(const_node_t a, const_node_t b,
163               bool shallow_compare_dir_children,
164               bool compare_file_contents = true);
166 template <> void dump(node_t const & n, std::string & out);
168 struct marking
169 {
170   u32 cow_version;
171   revision_id birth_revision;
172   std::set<revision_id> parent_name;
173   std::set<revision_id> file_content;
174   std::map<attr_key, std::set<revision_id> > attrs;
175   marking();
176   marking(marking const & other);
177   marking const & operator=(marking const & other);
operator ==marking178   bool operator==(marking const & other) const
179   {
180     return birth_revision == other.birth_revision
181       && parent_name == other.parent_name
182       && file_content == other.file_content
183       && attrs == other.attrs;
184   }
185 };
187 class marking_map
188 {
189   mutable u32 cow_version;
190   typedef cow_trie<node_id, marking_t, 8> map_type;
191   map_type _store;
192 public:
193   typedef map_type::key_type key_type;
194   typedef map_type::value_type value_type;
196   marking_map();
197   marking_map(marking_map const & other);
198   marking_map const & operator=(marking_map const & other);
199   const_marking_t get_marking(node_id nid) const;
200   marking_t const & get_marking_for_update(node_id nid);
201   void put_marking(node_id nid, marking_t const & m);
202   void put_marking(node_id nid, const_marking_t const & m);
204   // for roster_delta
205   void put_or_replace_marking(node_id nid, const_marking_t const & m);
207   typedef map_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
208   const_iterator begin() const;
209   const_iterator end() const;
210   size_t size() const;
211   bool contains(node_id nid) const;
212   void clear();
213   void remove_marking(node_id nid);
214 };
216 template <> void dump(std::set<revision_id> const & revids, std::string & out);
217 template <> void dump(marking_t const & marking, std::string & out);
218 template <> void dump(marking_map const & marking_map, std::string & out);
220 class roster_t
221 {
222 public:
223   roster_t();
224   roster_t(roster_t const & other);
225   roster_t & operator=(roster_t const & other);
226   bool has_root() const;
227   bool has_node(file_path const & sp) const;
228   bool has_node(node_id nid) const;
229   bool is_root(node_id nid) const;
230   bool is_attached(node_id nid) const;
231 private:
232   node_t get_node_internal(file_path const & p) const;
233 public:
234   const_node_t get_node(file_path const & sp) const;
235   const_node_t get_node(node_id nid) const;
236   node_t get_node_for_update(file_path const & sp);
237   node_t get_node_for_update(node_id nid);
238   void get_name(node_id nid, file_path & sp) const;
239   void unshare(node_t & n, bool is_in_node_map = true);
240   void replace_node_id(node_id from, node_id to);
242   // editable_tree operations
243   node_id detach_node(file_path const & src);
244   void drop_detached_node(node_id nid);
245   node_id create_dir_node(node_id_source & nis);
246   void create_dir_node(node_id nid);
247   node_id create_file_node(file_id const & content,
248                            node_id_source & nis);
249   void create_file_node(file_id const & content,
250                         node_id nid);
251   void attach_node(node_id nid, file_path const & dst);
252   void attach_node(node_id nid, node_id parent, path_component name);
253   void apply_delta(file_path const & pth,
254                    file_id const & old_id,
255                    file_id const & new_id);
256   void clear_attr(file_path const & path,
257                   attr_key const & key);
258   void set_attr(file_path const & path,
259                 attr_key const & key,
260                 attr_value const & val);
261   void set_attr(file_path const & path,
262                 attr_key const & key,
263                 std::pair<bool, attr_value> const & val);
265   // more direct, lower-level operations, for the use of roster_delta's
266   void detach_node(node_id nid);
267   void set_content(node_id nid,
268                    file_id const & new_id);
269   void set_attr_unknown_to_dead_ok(node_id nid,
270                                    attr_key const & name,
271                                    std::pair<bool, attr_value> const & val);
272   void erase_attr(node_id nid,
273                   attr_key const & name);
275   // misc.
277   bool get_attr(file_path const & pth,
278                 attr_key const & key,
279                 attr_value & val) const;
281   void get_file_details(node_id nid,
282                         file_id & fid,
283                         file_path & pth) const;
285   void extract_path_set(std::set<file_path> & paths) const;
all_nodes() const287   node_map const & all_nodes() const
288   {
289     return nodes;
290   }
292   bool operator==(roster_t const & other) const;
294   friend bool equal_shapes(roster_t const & a, roster_t const & b);
296   void check_sane(bool temp_nodes_ok=false) const;
298   // verify that this roster is sane, and corresponds to the given
299   // marking map
300   void check_sane_against(marking_map const & marks, bool temp_nodes_ok=false) const;
302   void print_to(data & dat,
303                 marking_map const & mm,
304                 bool print_local_parts) const;
306   void parse_from(basic_io::parser & pa,
307                   marking_map & mm);
root() const309   dir_t const & root() const
310   {
311     return root_dir;
312   }
314 private:
315   //void do_deep_copy_from(roster_t const & other);
316   dir_t root_dir;
317   node_map nodes;
318   // This is set to a unique value when a roster is created or
319   // copied to/from another roster. If a node has the same version
320   // as the roster it's in, then it is not shared. Nodes with version
321   // zero are also not shared, since that means they haven't been added
322   // to a roster yet.
323   // A simple refcount isn't good enough, because everything that points
324   // to a node in question could also be shared.
325   mutable u32 cow_version;
326   // This requires some explanation.  There is a particular kind of
327   // nonsensical behavior which we wish to discourage -- when a node is
328   // detached from some location, and then re-attached at that same location
329   // (or similarly, if a new node is created, then immediately deleted -- this
330   // is like the previous case, if you think of "does not exist" as a
331   // location).  In particular, we _must_ error out if a cset attempts to do
332   // this, because it indicates that the cset had something non-normalized,
333   // like "rename a a" in it, and that is illegal.  There are two options for
334   // detecting this.  The more natural approach, perhaps, is to keep a chunk
335   // of state around while performing any particular operation (like cset
336   // application) for which we wish to detect these kinds of redundant
337   // computations.  The other option is to keep this state directly within the
338   // roster, at all times.  In the first case, we explicitly turn on checking
339   // when we want it; the the latter, we must explicitly turn _off_ checking
340   // when we _don't_ want it.  We choose the latter, because it is more
341   // conservative --- perhaps it will turn out that it is _too_ conservative
342   // and causes problems, in which case we should probably switch to the
343   // former.
344   //
345   // The implementation itself uses the map old_locations.  A node can be in
346   // the following states:
347   //   -- attached, no entry in old_locations map
348   //   -- detached, no entry in old_locations map
349   //      -- create_dir_node, create_file_node put a node into this state
350   //      -- a node in this state can be attached, anywhere, but may not be
351   //         deleted.
352   //   -- detached, an entry in old_locations map
353   //      -- detach_node puts a node into this state
354   //      -- a node in this state can be attached anywhere _except_ the
355   //         (parent, basename) entry given in the map, or may be deleted.
356   std::map<node_id, std::pair<node_id, path_component> > old_locations;
357   template <typename T> friend void dump(T const & val, std::string & out);
358 };
360 struct temp_node_id_source
361   : public node_id_source
362 {
363   temp_node_id_source();
364   virtual node_id next();
365   node_id curr;
366 };
368 template <> void dump(roster_t const & val, std::string & out);
370 // adaptor class to enable cset application on rosters.
371 class editable_roster_base
372   : public editable_tree
373 {
374 public:
375   editable_roster_base(roster_t & r, node_id_source & nis);
376   virtual node_id detach_node(file_path const & src);
377   virtual void drop_detached_node(node_id nid);
378   virtual node_id create_dir_node();
379   virtual node_id create_file_node(file_id const & content);
380   virtual void attach_node(node_id nid, file_path const & dst);
381   virtual void apply_delta(file_path const & pth,
382                            file_id const & old_id,
383                            file_id const & new_id);
384   virtual void clear_attr(file_path const & path,
385                           attr_key const & key);
386   virtual void set_attr(file_path const & path,
387                         attr_key const & key,
388                         attr_value const & val);
389   virtual void commit();
390 protected:
391   roster_t & r;
392   node_id_source & nis;
393 };
396 void
397 make_cset(roster_t const & from,
398           roster_t const & to,
399           cset & cs);
401 bool
402 equal_up_to_renumbering(roster_t const & a, marking_map const & a_markings,
403                         roster_t const & b, marking_map const & b_markings);
406 // various (circular?) dependencies prevent inclusion of restrictions.hh
407 class node_restriction;
409 void
410 make_restricted_roster(roster_t const & from, roster_t const & to,
411                        roster_t & restricted,
412                        node_restriction const & mask);
414 void
415 select_nodes_modified_by_cset(cset const & cs,
416                               roster_t const & old_roster,
417                               roster_t const & new_roster,
418                               std::set<node_id> & nodes_modified);
420 void
421 get_content_paths(roster_t const & roster,
422                   std::map<file_id, file_path> & paths);
424 // These functions are for the use of things like 'update' or 'pluck', that
425 // need to construct fake rosters and/or markings in-memory, to achieve
426 // particular merge results.
427 void
428 mark_roster_with_no_parents(revision_id const & rid,
429                             roster_t const & roster,
430                             marking_map & markings);
431 void
432 mark_roster_with_one_parent(roster_t const & parent,
433                             marking_map const & parent_markings,
434                             revision_id const & child_rid,
435                             roster_t const & child,
436                             marking_map & child_markings);
438 void
439 mark_merge_roster(roster_t const & left_roster,
440                   marking_map const & left_markings,
441                   std::set<revision_id> const & left_uncommon_ancestors,
442                   roster_t const & right_roster,
443                   marking_map const & right_markings,
444                   std::set<revision_id> const & right_uncommon_ancestors,
445                   revision_id const & new_rid,
446                   roster_t const & merge,
447                   marking_map & new_markings);
449 // These functions are an internal interface between ancestry.cc and
450 // roster.cc; unless you know exactly what you're doing you probably want
451 // something else.
453 void
454 make_roster_for_merge(revision_id const & left_rid,
455                       roster_t const & left_roster,
456                       marking_map const & left_markings,
457                       cset const & left_cs,
458                       std::set<revision_id> const & left_uncommon_ancestors,
460                       revision_id const & right_rid,
461                       roster_t const & right_roster,
462                       marking_map const & right_markings,
463                       cset const & right_cs,
464                       std::set<revision_id> const & right_uncommon_ancestors,
466                       revision_id const & new_rid,
467                       roster_t & new_roster,
468                       marking_map & new_markings,
469                       node_id_source & nis);
471 void
472 make_roster_for_nonmerge(cset const & cs,
473                          revision_id const & new_rid,
474                          roster_t & new_roster, marking_map & new_markings,
475                          node_id_source & nis);
478 // This is for revisions that are being written to the db, only.  It assigns
479 // permanent node ids.
480 void
481 make_roster_for_revision(database & db,
482                          revision_t const & rev,
483                          revision_id const & rid,
484                          roster_t & result,
485                          marking_map & marking);
487 // This is for revisions that are not necessarily going to be written to the
488 // db; you can specify your own node_id_source.
489 void
490 make_roster_for_revision(database & db,
491                          node_id_source & nis,
492                          revision_t const & rev,
493                          revision_id const & rid,
494                          roster_t & result,
495                          marking_map & marking);
497 void
498 read_roster_and_marking(roster_data const & dat,
499                         roster_t & ros,
500                         marking_map & mm);
502 void
503 write_roster_and_marking(roster_t const & ros,
504                          marking_map const & mm,
505                          roster_data & dat);
507 void
508 write_manifest_of_roster(roster_t const & ros,
509                          manifest_data & dat,
510                          bool do_sanity_check = true);
513 void calculate_ident(roster_t const & ros,
514                      manifest_id & ident,
515                      bool do_sanity_check = true);
517 // for roster_delta
519 void append_with_escaped_quotes(std::string & collection,
520                                 std::string const & item);
521 void push_marking(std::string & contents,
522                   bool is_file, const_marking_t const & mark,
523                   int symbol_length);
524 void parse_marking(basic_io::parser & pa, marking_t & marking);
526 // Parent maps are used in a number of places to keep track of all the
527 // parent rosters of a given revision.
parent_id(parent_entry const & p)529 inline revision_id const & parent_id(parent_entry const & p)
530 {
531   return p.first;
532 }
parent_id(parent_map::const_iterator i)534 inline revision_id const & parent_id(parent_map::const_iterator i)
535 {
536   return i->first;
537 }
539 inline cached_roster const &
parent_cached_roster(parent_entry const & p)540 parent_cached_roster(parent_entry const & p)
541 {
542   return p.second;
543 }
545 inline cached_roster const &
parent_cached_roster(parent_map::const_iterator i)546 parent_cached_roster(parent_map::const_iterator i)
547 {
548   return i->second;
549 }
parent_roster(parent_entry const & p)551 inline roster_t const & parent_roster(parent_entry const & p)
552 {
553   return *(p.second.first);
554 }
parent_roster(parent_map::const_iterator i)556 inline roster_t const & parent_roster(parent_map::const_iterator i)
557 {
558   return *(i->second.first);
559 }
parent_marking(parent_entry const & p)561 inline marking_map const & parent_marking(parent_entry const & p)
562 {
563   return *(p.second.second);
564 }
parent_marking(parent_map::const_iterator i)566 inline marking_map const & parent_marking(parent_map::const_iterator i)
567 {
568   return *(i->second.second);
569 }
571 #endif
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574 // mode: C++
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578 // End:
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