1# Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com>
2#                    Junglecow J <junglecow AT gmail.com>
3# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Tomasz Melcer <liori AT exroot.org>
4#                         Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com>
5#                         Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com>
6# Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org>
7# Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com>
8# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com>
9#                         Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org>
10#                         Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de>
11# Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org>
13# This file is part of Gajim.
15# Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
17# by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
19# Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22# GNU General Public License for more details.
24# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25# along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27import socket
28import logging
30import nbxmpp
31from nbxmpp.namespaces import Namespace
32from nbxmpp.structs import StanzaHandler
33from gi.repository import GLib
35from gajim.common import app
36from gajim.common import helpers
37from gajim.common import jingle_xtls
38from gajim.common.file_props import FilesProp
39from gajim.common.socks5 import Socks5SenderClient
40from gajim.common.nec import NetworkEvent
41from gajim.common.modules.base import BaseModule
44log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.bytestream')
46def is_transfer_paused(file_props):
47    if file_props.stopped:
48        return False
49    if file_props.completed:
50        return False
51    if file_props.disconnect_cb:
52        return False
53    return file_props.paused
55def is_transfer_active(file_props):
56    if file_props.stopped:
57        return False
58    if file_props.completed:
59        return False
60    if not file_props.started:
61        return False
62    if file_props.paused:
63        return True
64    return not file_props.paused
66def is_transfer_stopped(file_props):
67    if not file_props:
68        return True
69    if file_props.error:
70        return True
71    if file_props.completed:
72        return True
73    if not file_props.stopped:
74        return False
75    return True
78class Bytestream(BaseModule):
79    def __init__(self, con):
80        BaseModule.__init__(self, con)
82        self.handlers = [
83            StanzaHandler(name='iq',
84                          typ='result',
85                          ns=Namespace.BYTESTREAM,
86                          callback=self._on_bytestream_result),
87            StanzaHandler(name='iq',
88                          typ='error',
89                          ns=Namespace.BYTESTREAM,
90                          callback=self._on_bytestream_error),
91            StanzaHandler(name='iq',
92                          typ='set',
93                          ns=Namespace.BYTESTREAM,
94                          callback=self._on_bytestream_set),
95            StanzaHandler(name='iq',
96                          typ='result',
97                          callback=self._on_result),
98        ]
100        self.no_gupnp_reply_id = None
101        self.ok_id = None
102        self.fail_id = None
104    def pass_disco(self, info):
105        if Namespace.BYTESTREAM not in info.features:
106            return
107        if app.settings.get_account_setting(self._account, 'use_ft_proxies'):
108            log.info('Discovered proxy: %s', info.jid)
109            our_fjid = self._con.get_own_jid()
110            testit = app.settings.get_account_setting(
111                self._account, 'test_ft_proxies_on_startup')
112            app.proxy65_manager.resolve(
113                info.jid, self._con.connection, str(our_fjid),
114                default=self._account, testit=testit)
115            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
117    def _ft_get_receiver_jid(self, file_props):
118        if self._account == 'Local':
119            return file_props.receiver.jid
120        return file_props.receiver.jid + '/' + file_props.receiver.resource
122    def _ft_get_from(self, iq_obj):
123        if self._account == 'Local':
124            return iq_obj.getFrom()
125        return helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
127    def _ft_get_streamhost_jid_attr(self, streamhost):
128        if self._account == 'Local':
129            return streamhost.getAttr('jid')
130        return helpers.parse_jid(streamhost.getAttr('jid'))
132    def send_file_approval(self, file_props):
133        """
134        Send iq, confirming that we want to download the file
135        """
136        # user response to ConfirmationDialog may come after we've disconnected
137        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
138            return
140        # file transfer initiated by a jingle session
141        log.info("send_file_approval: jingle session accept")
143        session = self._con.get_module('Jingle').get_jingle_session(
144            file_props.sender, file_props.sid)
145        if not session:
146            return
147        content = None
148        for content_ in session.contents.values():
149            if content_.transport.sid == file_props.transport_sid:
150                content = content_
151                break
153        if not content:
154            return
156        if not session.accepted:
157            content = session.get_content('file', content.name)
158            if content.use_security:
159                fingerprint = content.x509_fingerprint
160                if not jingle_xtls.check_cert(
161                        app.get_jid_without_resource(file_props.sender),
162                        fingerprint):
163                    id_ = jingle_xtls.send_cert_request(
164                        self._con, file_props.sender)
165                    jingle_xtls.key_exchange_pend(id_,
166                                                  content.on_cert_received, [])
167                    return
168            session.approve_session()
170        session.approve_content('file', content.name)
172    def send_file_rejection(self, file_props):
173        """
174        Inform sender that we refuse to download the file
176        typ is used when code = '400', in this case typ can be 'stream' for
177        invalid stream or 'profile' for invalid profile
178        """
179        # user response to ConfirmationDialog may come after we've disconnected
180        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
181            return
183        for session in self._con.get_module('Jingle').get_jingle_sessions(
184                None, file_props.sid):
185            session.cancel_session()
187    def send_success_connect_reply(self, streamhost):
188        """
189        Send reply to the initiator of FT that we made a connection
190        """
191        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
192            return
193        if streamhost is None:
194            return
195        iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=streamhost['initiator'],
196                       typ='result',
197                       frm=streamhost['target'])
198        iq.setAttr('id', streamhost['id'])
199        query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=Namespace.BYTESTREAM)
200        stream_tag = query.setTag('streamhost-used')
201        stream_tag.setAttr('jid', streamhost['jid'])
202        self._con.connection.send(iq)
204    def stop_all_active_file_transfers(self, contact):
205        """
206        Stop all active transfer to or from the given contact
207        """
208        for file_props in FilesProp.getAllFileProp():
209            if is_transfer_stopped(file_props):
210                continue
211            receiver_jid = file_props.receiver
212            if contact.get_full_jid() == receiver_jid:
213                file_props.error = -5
214                self.remove_transfer(file_props)
215                app.nec.push_incoming_event(
216                    NetworkEvent('file-request-error',
217                                 conn=self._con,
218                                 jid=app.get_jid_without_resource(contact.jid),
219                                 file_props=file_props,
220                                 error_msg=''))
221            sender_jid = file_props.sender
222            if contact.get_full_jid() == sender_jid:
223                file_props.error = -3
224                self.remove_transfer(file_props)
226    def remove_all_transfers(self):
227        """
228        Stop and remove all active connections from the socks5 pool
229        """
230        for file_props in FilesProp.getAllFileProp():
231            self.remove_transfer(file_props)
233    def remove_transfer(self, file_props):
234        if file_props is None:
235            return
236        self.disconnect_transfer(file_props)
238    @staticmethod
239    def disconnect_transfer(file_props):
240        if file_props is None:
241            return
242        if file_props.hash_:
243            app.socks5queue.remove_sender(file_props.hash_)
245        if file_props.streamhosts:
246            for host in file_props.streamhosts:
247                if 'idx' in host and host['idx'] > 0:
248                    app.socks5queue.remove_receiver(host['idx'])
249                    app.socks5queue.remove_sender(host['idx'])
251    def _send_socks5_info(self, file_props):
252        """
253        Send iq for the present streamhosts and proxies
254        """
255        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
256            return
257        receiver = file_props.receiver
258        sender = file_props.sender
260        sha_str = helpers.get_auth_sha(file_props.sid, sender, receiver)
261        file_props.sha_str = sha_str
263        port = app.settings.get('file_transfers_port')
264        listener = app.socks5queue.start_listener(
265            port,
266            sha_str,
267            self._result_socks5_sid, file_props)
268        if not listener:
269            file_props.error = -5
270            app.nec.push_incoming_event(
271                NetworkEvent('file-request-error',
272                             conn=self._con,
273                             jid=app.get_jid_without_resource(receiver),
274                             file_props=file_props,
275                             error_msg=''))
276            self._connect_error(file_props.sid,
277                                error='not-acceptable',
278                                error_type='modify')
279        else:
280            iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=receiver, typ='set')
281            file_props.request_id = 'id_' + file_props.sid
282            iq.setID(file_props.request_id)
283            query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=Namespace.BYTESTREAM)
284            query.setAttr('sid', file_props.sid)
286            self._add_addiditional_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props)
287            self._add_local_ips_as_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props)
288            self._add_proxy_streamhosts_to_query(query, file_props)
289            self._add_upnp_igd_as_streamhost_to_query(query, file_props, iq)
290            # Upnp-igd is asynchronous, so it will send the iq itself
292    @staticmethod
293    def _add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, port, hosts):
294        for host in hosts:
295            streamhost = nbxmpp.Node(tag='streamhost')
296            query.addChild(node=streamhost)
297            streamhost.setAttr('port', str(port))
298            streamhost.setAttr('host', host)
299            streamhost.setAttr('jid', sender)
301    def _add_local_ips_as_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props):
302        if not app.settings.get_account_setting(self._account,
303                                                'ft_send_local_ips'):
304            return
306        my_ip = self._con.local_address
307        if my_ip is None:
308            log.warning('No local address available')
309            return
311        try:
312            # The ip we're connected to server with
313            my_ips = [my_ip]
314            # all IPs from local DNS
315            for addr in socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), None):
316                if (not addr[4][0] in my_ips and
317                        not addr[4][0].startswith('127') and
318                        not addr[4][0] == '::1'):
319                    my_ips.append(addr[4][0])
321            sender = file_props.sender
322            port = app.settings.get('file_transfers_port')
323            self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, port, my_ips)
324        except socket.gaierror:
325            from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import InformationEvent
326            app.nec.push_incoming_event(
327                InformationEvent(None, dialog_name='wrong-host'))
329    def _add_addiditional_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props):
330        sender = file_props.sender
331        port = app.settings.get('file_transfers_port')
332        ft_add_hosts_to_send = app.settings.get('ft_add_hosts_to_send')
333        add_hosts = []
334        if ft_add_hosts_to_send:
335            add_hosts = [e.strip() for e in ft_add_hosts_to_send.split(',')]
336        else:
337            add_hosts = []
338        self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query, sender, port, add_hosts)
340    def _add_upnp_igd_as_streamhost_to_query(self, query, file_props, iq):
341        my_ip = self._con.local_address
342        if my_ip is None or not app.is_installed('UPNP'):
343            log.warning('No local address available')
344            self._con.connection.send(iq)
345            return
347        # check if we are connected with an IPv4 address
348        try:
349            socket.inet_aton(my_ip)
350        except socket.error:
351            self._con.connection.send(iq)
352            return
354        def ip_is_local(ip):
355            if '.' not in ip:
356                # it's an IPv6
357                return True
358            ip_s = ip.split('.')
359            ip_l = int(ip_s[0])<<24 | int(ip_s[1])<<16 | int(ip_s[2])<<8 | \
360                 int(ip_s[3])
361            # 10/8
362            if ip_l & (255<<24) == 10<<24:
363                return True
364            # 172.16/12
365            if ip_l & (255<<24 | 240<<16) == (172<<24 | 16<<16):
366                return True
367            # 192.168
368            if ip_l & (255<<24 | 255<<16) == (192<<24 | 168<<16):
369                return True
370            return False
372        if not ip_is_local(my_ip):
373            self.connection.send(iq)
374            return
376        self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0
378        def cleanup_gupnp():
379            if self.no_gupnp_reply_id:
380                GLib.source_remove(self.no_gupnp_reply_id)
381                self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0
382            app.gupnp_igd.disconnect(self.ok_id)
383            app.gupnp_igd.disconnect(self.fail_id)
385        def success(_gupnp, _proto, ext_ip, _re, ext_port,
386                    local_ip, local_port, _desc):
387            log.debug('Got GUPnP-IGD answer: external: %s:%s, internal: %s:%s',
388                      ext_ip, ext_port, local_ip, local_port)
389            if local_port != app.settings.get('file_transfers_port'):
390                sender = file_props.sender
391                receiver = file_props.receiver
392                sha_str = helpers.get_auth_sha(file_props.sid,
393                                               sender,
394                                               receiver)
395                listener = app.socks5queue.start_listener(
396                    local_port,
397                    sha_str,
398                    self._result_socks5_sid,
399                    file_props.sid)
400                if listener:
401                    self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query,
402                                                   sender,
403                                                   ext_port,
404                                                   [ext_ip])
405            else:
406                self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query,
407                                               file_props.sender,
408                                               ext_port,
409                                               [ext_ip])
410            self._con.connection.send(iq)
411            cleanup_gupnp()
413        def fail(_gupnp, error, _proto, _ext_ip, _local_ip, _local_port, _desc):
414            log.debug('Got GUPnP-IGD error: %s', error)
415            self._con.connection.send(iq)
416            cleanup_gupnp()
418        def no_upnp_reply():
419            log.debug('Got not GUPnP-IGD answer')
420            # stop trying to use it
421            app.disable_dependency('UPNP')
422            self.no_gupnp_reply_id = 0
423            self._con.connection.send(iq)
424            cleanup_gupnp()
425            return False
428        self.ok_id = app.gupnp_igd.connect('mapped-external-port', success)
429        self.fail_id = app.gupnp_igd.connect('error-mapping-port', fail)
431        port = app.settings.get('file_transfers_port')
432        self.no_gupnp_reply_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, no_upnp_reply)
433        app.gupnp_igd.add_port('TCP',
434                               0,
435                               my_ip,
436                               port,
437                               3600,
438                               'Gajim file transfer')
440    def _add_proxy_streamhosts_to_query(self, query, file_props):
441        proxyhosts = self._get_file_transfer_proxies_from_config(file_props)
442        if proxyhosts:
443            file_props.proxy_receiver = file_props.receiver
444            file_props.proxy_sender = file_props.sender
445            file_props.proxyhosts = proxyhosts
447            for proxyhost in proxyhosts:
448                self._add_streamhosts_to_query(query,
449                                               proxyhost['jid'],
450                                               proxyhost['port'],
451                                               [proxyhost['host']])
453    def _get_file_transfer_proxies_from_config(self, file_props):
454        configured_proxies = app.settings.get_account_setting(
455            self._account, 'file_transfer_proxies')
456        shall_use_proxies = app.settings.get_account_setting(
457            self._account, 'use_ft_proxies')
458        if shall_use_proxies:
459            proxyhost_dicts = []
460            proxies = []
461            if configured_proxies:
462                proxies = [item.strip() for item in
463                           configured_proxies.split(',')]
464            default_proxy = app.proxy65_manager.get_default_for_name(
465                self._account)
466            if default_proxy:
467                # add/move default proxy at top of the others
468                if default_proxy in proxies:
469                    proxies.remove(default_proxy)
470                proxies.insert(0, default_proxy)
472            for proxy in proxies:
473                (host, _port, jid) = app.proxy65_manager.get_proxy(
474                    proxy, self._account)
475                if not host:
476                    continue
477                host_dict = {
478                    'state': 0,
479                    'target': file_props.receiver,
480                    'id': file_props.sid,
481                    'sid': file_props.sid,
482                    'initiator': proxy,
483                    'host': host,
484                    'port': str(_port),
485                    'jid': jid
486                }
487                proxyhost_dicts.append(host_dict)
488            return proxyhost_dicts
490        return []
492    @staticmethod
493    def _result_socks5_sid(sid, hash_id):
494        """
495        Store the result of SHA message from auth
496        """
497        file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(sid)
498        file_props.hash_ = hash_id
500    def _connect_error(self, sid, error, error_type, msg=None):
501        """
502        Called when there is an error establishing BS connection, or when
503        connection is rejected
504        """
505        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
506            return
507        file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self._account, sid)
508        if file_props is None:
509            log.error('can not send iq error on failed transfer')
510            return
511        if file_props.type_ == 's':
512            to = file_props.receiver
513        else:
514            to = file_props.sender
515        iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='error')
516        iq.setAttr('id', file_props.request_id)
517        err = iq.setTag('error')
518        err.setAttr('type', error_type)
519        err.setTag(error, namespace=Namespace.STANZAS)
520        self._con.connection.send(iq)
521        if msg:
522            self.disconnect_transfer(file_props)
523            file_props.error = -3
524            app.nec.push_incoming_event(
525                NetworkEvent('file-request-error',
526                             conn=self._con,
527                             jid=app.get_jid_without_resource(to),
528                             file_props=file_props,
529                             error_msg=msg))
531    def _proxy_auth_ok(self, proxy):
532        """
533        Called after authentication to proxy server
534        """
535        if not app.account_is_available(self._account):
536            return
537        file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self._account, proxy['sid'])
538        iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=proxy['initiator'], typ='set')
539        auth_id = "au_" + proxy['sid']
540        iq.setID(auth_id)
541        query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=Namespace.BYTESTREAM)
542        query.setAttr('sid', proxy['sid'])
543        activate = query.setTag('activate')
544        activate.setData(file_props.proxy_receiver)
545        iq.setID(auth_id)
546        self._con.connection.send(iq)
548    def _on_bytestream_error(self, _con, iq_obj, _properties):
549        id_ = iq_obj.getAttr('id')
550        frm = helpers.get_full_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
551        query = iq_obj.getTag('query')
552        app.proxy65_manager.error_cb(frm, query)
553        jid = helpers.get_jid_from_iq(iq_obj)
554        id_ = id_[3:]
555        file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(id_)
556        if not file_props:
557            return
558        file_props.error = -4
559        app.nec.push_incoming_event(
560            NetworkEvent('file-request-error',
561                         conn=self._con,
562                         jid=app.get_jid_without_resource(jid),
563                         file_props=file_props,
564                         error_msg=''))
565        raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
567    def _on_bytestream_set(self, con, iq_obj, _properties):
568        target = iq_obj.getAttr('to')
569        id_ = iq_obj.getAttr('id')
570        query = iq_obj.getTag('query')
571        sid = query.getAttr('sid')
572        file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self._account, sid)
573        streamhosts = []
574        for item in query.getChildren():
575            if item.getName() == 'streamhost':
576                host_dict = {
577                    'state': 0,
578                    'target': target,
579                    'id': id_,
580                    'sid': sid,
581                    'initiator': self._ft_get_from(iq_obj)
582                }
583                for attr in item.getAttrs():
584                    host_dict[attr] = item.getAttr(attr)
585                if 'host' not in host_dict:
586                    continue
587                if 'jid' not in host_dict:
588                    continue
589                if 'port' not in host_dict:
590                    continue
591                streamhosts.append(host_dict)
592        file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropBySid(sid)
593        if file_props is not None:
594            if file_props.type_ == 's': # FIXME: remove fast xmlns
595                # only psi do this
596                if file_props.streamhosts:
597                    file_props.streamhosts.extend(streamhosts)
598                else:
599                    file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts
600                app.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(
601                    self._account,
602                    sid,
603                    self.send_success_connect_reply,
604                    None)
605                raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
606        else:
607            log.warning('Gajim got streamhosts for unknown transfer. '
608                        'Ignoring it.')
609            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
611        file_props.streamhosts = streamhosts
612        def _connection_error(sid):
613            self._connect_error(sid,
614                                'item-not-found',
615                                'cancel',
616                                msg='Could not connect to given hosts')
617        if file_props.type_ == 'r':
618            app.socks5queue.connect_to_hosts(
619                self._account,
620                sid,
621                self.send_success_connect_reply,
622                _connection_error)
623        raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
625    def _on_result(self, _con, iq_obj, _properties):
626        # if we want to respect xep-0065 we have to check for proxy
627        # activation result in any result iq
628        real_id = iq_obj.getAttr('id')
629        if real_id is None:
630            log.warning('Invalid IQ without id attribute:\n%s', iq_obj)
631            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
632        if real_id is None or not real_id.startswith('au_'):
633            return
634        frm = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj)
635        id_ = real_id[3:]
636        file_props = FilesProp.getFilePropByTransportSid(self._account, id_)
637        if file_props.streamhost_used:
638            for host in file_props.proxyhosts:
639                if host['initiator'] == frm and 'idx' in host:
640                    app.socks5queue.activate_proxy(host['idx'])
641                    raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
643    def _on_bytestream_result(self, con, iq_obj, _properties):
644        frm = self._ft_get_from(iq_obj)
645        real_id = iq_obj.getAttr('id')
646        query = iq_obj.getTag('query')
647        app.proxy65_manager.resolve_result(frm, query)
649        try:
650            streamhost = query.getTag('streamhost-used')
651        except Exception: # this bytestream result is not what we need
652            pass
653        id_ = real_id[3:]
654        file_props = FilesProp.getFileProp(self._account, id_)
655        if file_props is None:
656            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
657        if streamhost is None:
658            # proxy approves the activate query
659            if real_id.startswith('au_'):
660                if file_props.streamhost_used is False:
661                    raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
662                if  not file_props.proxyhosts:
663                    raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
664                for host in file_props.proxyhosts:
665                    if host['initiator'] == frm and \
666                    query.getAttr('sid') == file_props.sid:
667                        app.socks5queue.activate_proxy(host['idx'])
668                        break
669            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
670        jid = self._ft_get_streamhost_jid_attr(streamhost)
671        if file_props.streamhost_used is True:
672            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
674        if real_id.startswith('au_'):
675            if file_props.stopped:
676                self.remove_transfer(file_props)
677            else:
678                app.socks5queue.send_file(file_props, self._account, 'server')
679            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
681        proxy = None
682        if file_props.proxyhosts:
683            for proxyhost in file_props.proxyhosts:
684                if proxyhost['jid'] == jid:
685                    proxy = proxyhost
687        if file_props.stopped:
688            self.remove_transfer(file_props)
689            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
690        if proxy is not None:
691            file_props.streamhost_used = True
692            file_props.streamhosts.append(proxy)
693            file_props.is_a_proxy = True
694            idx = app.socks5queue.idx
695            sender = Socks5SenderClient(app.idlequeue,
696                                        idx,
697                                        app.socks5queue,
698                                        _sock=None,
699                                        host=str(proxy['host']),
700                                        port=int(proxy['port']),
701                                        fingerprint=None,
702                                        connected=False,
703                                        file_props=file_props)
704            sender.streamhost = proxy
705            app.socks5queue.add_sockobj(self._account, sender)
706            proxy['idx'] = sender.queue_idx
707            app.socks5queue.on_success[file_props.sid] = self._proxy_auth_ok
708            raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
710        if file_props.stopped:
711            self.remove_transfer(file_props)
712        else:
713            app.socks5queue.send_file(file_props, self._account, 'server')
715        raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed
718def get_instance(*args, **kwargs):
719    return Bytestream(*args, **kwargs), 'Bytestream'