1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright 2016-2019 Intel Corporation.
3 *
4 * This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted  materials,  and
5 * your use of  them is  governed by the  express license  under which  they were
6 * provided to you (License).  Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not
7 * use, modify, copy, publish, distribute,  disclose or transmit this software or
8 * the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
9 *
10 * This software and the related documents  are provided as  is,  with no express
11 * or implied  warranties,  other  than those  that are  expressly stated  in the
12 * License.
13 *******************************************************************************/
15 #if !defined( __IPP_IW_IMAGE__ )
16 #define __IPP_IW_IMAGE__
18 #include "iw/iw_core.h"
20 #ifdef __cplusplus
21 extern "C" {
22 #endif
24 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 //                   Image IW definitions
26 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
28 typedef IppiSizeL      IwiSize;
29 typedef IppiRectL      IwiRoi;
30 typedef IppiPointL     IwiPoint;
31 typedef IppiBorderType IwiBorderType;
33 typedef struct {
34     IwSize left;
35     IwSize top;
36     IwSize right;
37     IwSize bottom;
38 } IwiBorderSize;
40 // Special channels descriptor
41 // These codes specify how to process non-standard channels configurations
42 // If the descriptor is not supported, then error will be returned.
43 // If the descriptor is for different channels number, then it will be ignored.
44 typedef enum _IwiChDescriptor
45 {
46     iwiChDesc_None    = 0,          // Process all channels
48     // C4 descriptors
49     iwiChDesc_C4M1110 = 0x00004007, // Process only the first 3 channels as RGB. Equivalent of AC4 functions from the main Intel(R) IPP library.
50     iwiChDesc_C4M1000 = 0x00004001, // Process only the first channel as Gray-scale.
51     iwiChDesc_C4M1001 = 0x00004009, // Process only the first channel and the last channel as Gray-scale with Alpha.
52     iwiChDesc_C4M1XX0 = 0x00064001, // Process only the first channel as Gray-scale and replicate it to remaining color channels.
53     iwiChDesc_C4M1XX1 = 0x00064009  // Process only the first channel and the last channel as Gray-scale with Alpha and replicate Gray-scale to remaining color channels.
55 } IwiChDescriptor;
58 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 //                   Image IW utility functions
60 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
62 // Convert IppiMaskSize enumerator to actual IwiSize size
63 // Returns:
64 //      Width and height of IppiMaskSize in pixels
65 IW_DECL(IwiSize) iwiMaskToSize(
66     IppiMaskSize mask    // Kernel or mask size enumerator
67 );
69 // Convert kernel or mask size to border size
70 // Returns:
71 //      Border required for a filter with specified kernel size
iwiSizeToBorderSize(IwiSize kernelSize)72 static IW_INLINE IwiBorderSize iwiSizeToBorderSize(
73     IwiSize kernelSize   // Size of kernel as from iwiMaskToSize() or arbitrary
74 )
75 {
76     IwiBorderSize bordSize;
77     bordSize.left = bordSize.right  = kernelSize.width/2;
78     bordSize.top  = bordSize.bottom = kernelSize.height/2;
79     return bordSize;
80 }
82 // Converts symmetric kernel or mask length to border size
83 // Returns:
84 //      Border required for a filter with specified kernel length
iwiSizeSymToBorderSize(IwSize kernelSize)85 static IW_INLINE IwiBorderSize iwiSizeSymToBorderSize(
86     IwSize kernelSize   // Size of symmetric kernel
87 )
88 {
89     IwiBorderSize bordSize;
90     bordSize.left = bordSize.right  = kernelSize/2;
91     bordSize.top  = bordSize.bottom = kernelSize/2;
92     return bordSize;
93 }
95 // Shift pointer to specific pixel coordinates
96 // Returns:
97 //      Shifted pointer
iwiShiftPtr(const void * pPtr,IwSize step,int typeSize,int channels,IwSize y,IwSize x)98 static IW_INLINE void* iwiShiftPtr(
99     const void *pPtr,       // Original pointer
100     IwSize      step,       // Image step
101     int         typeSize,   // Size of image type as from iwTypeToLen()
102     int         channels,   // Number of channels in image
103     IwSize      y,          // y shift, as rows
104     IwSize      x           // x shift, as columns
105 )
106 {
107     return (((Ipp8u*)pPtr) + step*y + typeSize*channels*x);
108 }
110 // Shift pointer to specific pixel coordinates for read-only image
111 // Returns:
112 //      Shifted pointer
iwiShiftPtrConst(const void * pPtr,IwSize step,int typeSize,int channels,IwSize y,IwSize x)113 static IW_INLINE const void* iwiShiftPtrConst(
114     const void *pPtr,       // Original pointer
115     IwSize      step,       // Image step
116     int         typeSize,   // Size of image type as from iwTypeToLen()
117     int         channels,   // Number of channels in image
118     IwSize      y,          // y shift, as rows
119     IwSize      x           // x shift, as columns
120 )
121 {
122     return (((const Ipp8u*)pPtr) + step*y + typeSize*channels*x);
123 }
126 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127 //                   IwiImage - Image structure
128 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
130 // IwiImage is a base structure for IW image processing functions to store input and output data.
131 typedef struct _IwiImage
132 {
133 // public:
134     void           *m_ptr;          // Pointer to the start of actual image data. This pointer must be NULL for read-only image.
135     const void     *m_ptrConst;     // Pointer to the start of actual read-only image data. This pointer is valid for any image.
136     IwSize          m_step;         // Distance, in bytes, between the starting points of consecutive lines in the source image memory
137     IwiSize         m_size;         // Image size, in pixels
138     IppDataType     m_dataType;     // Image pixel type
139     int             m_typeSize;     // Size of image pixel type in bytes
140     int             m_channels;     // Number of image channels
141     IwiBorderSize   m_inMemSize;    // Memory border size around image data
143 // private:
144     void           *m_pBuffer;      // Pointer to the allocated image buffer. This variable must be NULL for any external buffer.
146 } IwiImage;
148 // Initializes image structure with external buffer
149 // Returns:
150 //      ippStsDataTypeErr                   data type is illegal
151 //      ippStsNumChannelsErr                channels value is illegal
152 //      ippStsSizeErr                       size fields values are illegal
153 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
154 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
155 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_InitExternal(
156     IwiImage               *pImage,         // Pointer to IwiImage structure
157     IwiSize                 size,           // Image size, in pixels, without border
158     IppDataType             dataType,       // Image pixel type
159     int                     channels,       // Number of image channels
160     const IwiBorderSize    *pInMemBorder,   // Size of border around image or NULL if there is no border
161     void                   *pBuffer,        // Pointer to the external buffer image buffer
162     IwSize                  step            // Distance, in bytes, between the starting points of consecutive lines in the external buffer
163 );
165 // Initializes image structure with external read-only buffer
166 // Returns:
167 //      ippStsDataTypeErr                   data type is illegal
168 //      ippStsNumChannelsErr                channels value is illegal
169 //      ippStsSizeErr                       size fields values are illegal
170 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
171 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
172 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_InitExternalConst(
173     IwiImage               *pImage,         // Pointer to IwiImage structure
174     IwiSize                 size,           // Image size, in pixels, without border
175     IppDataType             dataType,       // Image pixel type
176     int                     channels,       // Number of image channels
177     const IwiBorderSize    *pInMemBorder,   // Size of border around image or NULL if there is no border
178     const void             *pBuffer,        // Pointer to the external buffer image buffer
179     IwSize                  step            // Distance, in bytes, between the starting points of consecutive lines in the external buffer
180 );
182 // Resets image structure values. This functions doesn't release data!
183 IW_DECL(void) iwiImage_Init(
184     IwiImage *pImage
185 );
187 // Allocates image data for initialized structure. iwiImage_Init must be called once before.
188 // Returns:
189 //      ippStsDataTypeErr                   data type is illegal
190 //      ippStsNumChannelsErr                channels value is illegal
191 //      ippStsSizeErr                       size fields values are illegal
192 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
193 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
194 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_Alloc(
195     IwiImage               *pImage,         // Pointer to IwiImage structure
196     IwiSize                 size,           // Image size, in pixels, without border
197     IppDataType             dataType,       // Image pixel type
198     int                     channels,       // Number of image channels
199     const IwiBorderSize    *pInMemBorder    // Size of border around image or NULL if there is no border
200 );
202 // Releases image data if it was allocated by iwiImage_Alloc
203 IW_DECL(void) iwiImage_Release(
204     IwiImage   *pImage      // Pointer to IwiImage structure
205 );
207 // Returns pointer to specified pixel position in image buffer
208 // Returns:
209 //      Pointer to the image data
210 IW_DECL(void*)     iwiImage_GetPtr(
211     const IwiImage *pImage, // Pointer to IwiImage structure
212     IwSize          y,      // y shift, as rows
213     IwSize          x,      // x shift, as columns
214     int             ch      // channels shift
215 );
217 // Returns pointer to specified pixel position in read-only image buffer
218 // Returns:
219 //      Pointer to the image data
220 IW_DECL(const void*) iwiImage_GetPtrConst(
221     const IwiImage *pImage, // Pointer to IwiImage structure
222     IwSize          y,      // y shift, as rows
223     IwSize          x,      // x shift, as columns
224     int             ch      // channels shift
225 );
227 // Add border size to current inMem image border, making image size smaller. Resulted image cannot be smaller than 1x1 pixels
228 // Returns:
229 //      ippStsSizeErr                       ROI size is illegal
230 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
231 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
232 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_BorderAdd(
233     IwiImage       *pImage,     // Pointer to IwiImage structure
234     IwiBorderSize   borderSize  // Size of border
235 );
237 // Subtracts border size from current inMem image border, making image size bigger. Resulted border cannot be lesser than 0
238 // Returns:
239 //      ippStsOutOfRangeErr                 ROI is out of image
240 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
241 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
242 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_BorderSub(
243     IwiImage       *pImage,     // Pointer to IwiImage structure
244     IwiBorderSize   borderSize  // Size of border
245 );
247 // Set border size to current inMem image border, adjusting image size. Resulted image cannot be smaller than 1x1 pixels
248 // Returns:
249 //      ippStsSizeErr                       ROI size is illegal
250 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
251 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
252 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_BorderSet(
253     IwiImage       *pImage,     // Pointer to IwiImage structure
254     IwiBorderSize   borderSize  // Size of border
255 );
257 // Applies ROI to the current image by adjusting size and starting point of the image. Can be applied recursively.
258 // This function saturates ROIs which step outside of the image border.
259 // If ROI has no intersection with the image then resulted image size will be 0x0
260 // Returns:
261 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
262 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
263 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiImage_RoiSet(
264     IwiImage       *pImage, // Pointer to IwiImage structure
265     IwiRoi          roi     // ROI rectangle of the required sub-image
266 );
268 // Returns sub-image with size and starting point of the specified ROI. Can be applied recursively.
269 // See iwiImage_RoiSet
270 // Returns:
271 //      IwiImage structure of sub-image
272 IW_DECL(IwiImage) iwiImage_GetRoiImage(
273     const IwiImage *pImage, // Pointer to IwiImage structure
274     IwiRoi          roi     // ROI rectangle of the required sub-image
275 );
277 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
278 //                   IW Tiling
279 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
281 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
282 //                   Manual tiling control
283 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
285 // Returns border with proper ippBorderInMem flags for current tile position, image size and border size
286 // Returns:
287 //      Border type with proper ippBorderInMem flags
288 IW_DECL(IwiBorderType) iwiTile_GetTileBorder(
289     IwiRoi          roi,            // [in]     Tile position and size
290     IwiBorderType   border,         // [in]     Initial border type
291     IwiBorderSize   borderSize,     // [in]     Border size
292     IwiSize         srcImageSize    // [in]     Source image size
293 );
295 // Returns minimal acceptable tile size for the current border size and type
296 // Returns:
297 //      Minimal tile size
298 IW_DECL(IwiSize) iwiTile_GetMinTileSize(
299     IwiBorderType   border,     // [in]     Border type
300     IwiBorderSize   borderSize  // [in]     Border size
301 );
303 /* Function corrects ROI position and size to prevent overlapping between filtering function border and image border in
304 // case of border reconstruction. If image already has a right or a bottom border in memory and border type flags
305 // ippBorderInMemRight or ippBorderInMemBottom were specified accordingly then no correction is required.
306 //
307 // Overlapping example:
308 //                      image border
309 //                      /
310 // |-------------------|
311 // | image {  [      ]~|~}     ~ - pixels of the tile border which overlaps the image border.
312 // |       {  [      ]~|~}         One pixel of the tile border is inside the image, the other is outside
313 // |       {  [ tile ]~|~}
314 // |       {  [      ]~|~}
315 // |-------------------|  \
316 //                        tile border (2px)
317 //
318 // Assumption 1: processing of some pixels can be delayed. If your program expects EXACT same result as specified
319 // tile parameters demand then you should not use this function.
320 // Assumption 2: tile size for a function is not less than the maximum border size (use function iwiTile_GetMinTileSize)
321 //
322 // To prevent borders overlapping this function changes the tile according to following logic (keeping assumptions in mind):
323 // 1. If the "right" tile border overlaps "right" image border, then function decreases tile size to move
324 //    whole border inside the image.
325 //
326 // Corrected overlapping:
327 //                       image border
328 //                       /
329 // |--------------------|
330 // | image {  [     ]  }|
331 // |       {  [     ]  }|
332 // |       {  [ tile]  }|
333 // |       {  [     ]  }|
334 // |--------------------\
335 //                       tile border
336 //
337 // 2. Now we need to compensate right adjacent tile. So if the "left" tile border is located in the overlapping zone of
338 //    the "right" image boundary, then the function assumes that the previous step was taken and changes tile position and
339 //    size to process all remaining input
340 //
341 // Before compensation:                     After compensation (now missing pixels are inside tile ROI):
342 //                      image border                              image border
343 //                      /                                         /
344 // |--------------------|                   |--------------------|
345 // | image        { ~[ ]|  }                | image       {  [~ ]|  }
346 // |              { ~[ ]|  }                |             {  [~ ]|  }
347 // |              { ~[ ]|  }                |             {  [~ ]|  }
348 // |              { ~[ ]|  }                |             {  [~ ]|  }
349 // |---------------\----|                   |--------------\-----|
350 //                 tile border                             tile border
351 //  ~ - missing pixels after step 1
352 */
353 // Returns:
354 //      Corrected ROI
355 IW_DECL(IwiRoi) iwiTile_CorrectBordersOverlap(
356     IwiRoi          roi,            // [in]     Tile position and size to be checked and corrected
357     IwiBorderType   border,         // [in]     Border type
358     IwiBorderSize   borderSize,     // [in]     Border size
359     IwiSize         srcImageSize    // [in]     Source image size
360 );
362 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
363 //                   IwiTile - tiling structure
364 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
366 // Function pointer type for return of src ROI by dst ROI
367 // Returns:
368 //      0 if operation is successful, any other if failed
369 typedef int (IPP_STDCALL *IwiTile_GetSrcRoiFunPtr)(
370     IwiRoi     dstRoi,  // [in]     Destination ROI for transform operation
371     IwiRoi    *pSrcRoi, // [in,out] Output source ROI for transform operation
372     void*      pParams  // [in]     Parameters of transform operation
373 );
375 // Tile geometric transform structure
376 // This structure contains function pointers and parameters which are necessary for tile geometric transformations inside the pipeline
377 typedef struct _IwiTileTransform
378 {
379 // public:
380     IwiTile_GetSrcRoiFunPtr  getSrcRoiFun;  // Pointer to IwiRoiRectTransformFunctionPtr function which returns source ROI for the current destination one
381     void                    *pParams;       // Pointer to user parameters for transform functions
383     IwiSize                  srcImageSize;  // Image size before transformation
385 } IwiTileTransform;
387 // Main structure for semi-automatic ROI operations
388 // This structure provides main context for tiling across IW API
389 // Mainly it contains values for complex pipelines tiling
390 typedef struct _IwiTile
391 {
392 // private:
393     IwiRoi            m_srcRoi;            // Absolute ROI for the source image
394     IwiRoi            m_dstRoi;            // Absolute ROI for the destination image
396     IwiPoint          m_untaintSrcPos;     // Absolute unaligned source ROI position
397     IwiPoint          m_untaintDstPos;     // Absolute unaligned destination ROI position
399     IwiRoi            m_boundSrcRoi;       // Relative ROI for the source image bounded to the buffer
400     IwiRoi            m_boundDstRoi;       // Relative ROI for the destination image bounded to the buffer
402     IwiSize           m_srcBufferSize;     // Actual source buffer size
403     IwiSize           m_dstBufferSize;     // Actual destination buffer size
405     IwiSize           m_srcImageSize;      // Full source image size
406     IwiSize           m_dstImageSize;      // Full destination image size
408     IwiSize           m_srcExImageSize;    // Source image size extended on parent InMem border size
409     IwiSize           m_dstExImageSize;    // Destination image size extended on parent InMem border size
411     IwiSize           m_maxTileSize;       // Maximum tile size
413     IwiBorderType     m_borderType;        // Type of source image border
414     IwiBorderSize     m_borderSize;        // Border required for the current operation
415     IwiBorderSize     m_borderSizeAcc;     // Accumulated border size for current and parent operations
416     IwiBorderSize     m_externalMem;       // Amount of memory required to process InMem border for current edge tile
417     IwiBorderSize     m_externalMemAcc;    // Amount of memory required to process InMem border for all edge tiles
419     IwiTileTransform  m_transformStruct;   // Transformation proxy functions and data structure
421     int               m_initialized;       // Internal initialization states
423     struct _IwiTile  *m_pChild;            // Next Tile in the pipeline
424     struct _IwiTile  *m_pParent;           // Previous Tile in the pipeline
426 } IwiTile;
428 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
429 //                   IwiTile-based basic tiling
430 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
432 // Basic tiling initializer for IwiTile structure.
433 // Use this method to set up single function tiling or tiling for pipelines with border-less functions.
434 // For functions which operate with different sizes for source and destination images use destination size as a base
435 // for tile parameters.
436 // Returns:
437 //      Valid IwiTile structure for simple tiling
438 IW_DECL(IwiTile) iwiTile_SetRoi(
439     IwiRoi   tileRoi     // [in] Tile offset and size
440 );
442 /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
443 //                   IwiTile-based pipeline tiling
444 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
446 // Important notice:
447 // This tiling API is created for tiling of complex pipelines with functions which use borders.
448 // Tiling of pipelines instead of isolated functions can increase scalability of threading or performance of
449 // non-threaded functions by performing all operations inside CPU cache.
450 //
451 // This is advanced tiling method, so you better know what you are doing.
452 // 1. Pipeline tiling operates in reverse order: from destination to source.
453 //    a. Use tile size based on final destination image size
454 //    b. Initialize IwiTile structure with iwiTilePipeline_Init for the last operation
455 //    c. Initialize IwiTile structure for other operations from last to first with iwiTilePipeline_InitChild
456 // 2. Derive border size for each operation from its mask size, kernel size or specific border size getter if any
457 // 3. If you have geometric transform inside pipeline, fill IwiTileTransform structure for IwiTile for this transform operation
458 // 4. In case of threading don't forget to copy initialized IwiTile structures to local thread or initialize them on
459 //    per-thread basis. Access to structures is not thread safe!
460 // 5. Do not exceed maximum tile size specified during initialization. This can lead to buffers overflow!
461 //
462 // There is a set of examples covering usage of tiling. Please refer to them for help.
463 //
464 // Pipeline tiling with scaling is not supported in this version.
466 // Pipeline tiling root node initializer for IwiTile structure.
467 // This initializer should be used first and for IwiTile structure of the final operation.
468 // Returns:
469 //      ippStsBadArgErr                     incorrect arg/param of the function
470 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
471 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
472 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_Init(
473     IwiTile                *pTile,             // [in] Pointer to IwiTile structure
474     IwiSize                 tileSizeMax,       // [in] Maximum tile size for intermediate buffers size calculation
475     IwiSize                 dstImageSize,      // [in] Destination image size for current operation
476     const IwiBorderType    *pBorderType,       // [in] Border type for the current operation. NULL if operation doesn't have a border
477     const IwiBorderSize    *pBorderSize,       // [in] Border size for the current operation. NULL if operation doesn't have a border
478     const IwiTileTransform *pTransformStruct   // [in] Initialized transform structure if operation performs geometric transformation. NULL if operation doesn't perform transformation
479 );
481 // Pipeline tiling child node initializer for IwiTile structure.
482 // This initializer should be called for any operation preceding the last operation in reverse order.
483 // Returns:
484 //      ippStsBadArgErr                     incorrect arg/param of the function
485 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
486 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
487 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_InitChild(
488     IwiTile                *pTile,             // [in] Pointer to IwiTile structure
489     IwiTile                *pParent,           // [in] Pointer to IwiTile structure of previous operation
490     const IwiBorderType    *pBorderType,       // [in] Border type for the current operation. NULL if operation doesn't have a border
491     const IwiBorderSize    *pBorderSize,       // [in] Border size for the current operation. NULL if operation doesn't have a border
492     const IwiTileTransform *pTransformStruct   // [in] Initialized transform structure if operation performs geometric transformation. NULL if operation doesn't perform transformation
493 );
495 // Releases allocated data from the pipeline tiling structure.
496 IW_DECL(void) iwiTilePipeline_Release(
497     IwiTile *pTile  // [in] Pointer to IwiTile structure
498 );
500 // Returns buffer size required to store destination intermediate image for the current pipeline element.
501 // Returns:
502 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
503 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
504 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
505 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetDstBufferSize(
506     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
507     IwiSize         *pDstSize       // [out]    Minimal required size of destination intermediate buffer
508 );
510 // Returns full size of source image for the child pipeline element which includes required InMem borders.
511 // This function is required to supply correct image size for geometric transform functions.
512 // Returns:
513 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
514 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
515 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
516 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetChildSrcImageSize(
517     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
518     IwiSize          srcOrigSize,   // [in]     Original source image size
519     IwiSize         *pSrcFullSize   // [out]    Pointer to IwiSize structure to write full image size
520 );
522 // Returns full size of destination image for the child pipeline element which includes required InMem borders.
523 // This function is required to supply correct image size for geometric transform functions.
524 // Returns:
525 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
526 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
527 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
528 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetChildDstImageSize(
529     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
530     IwiSize          dstOrigSize,   // [in]     Original destination image size
531     IwiSize         *pDstFullSize   // [out]    Pointer to IwiSize structure to write full image size
532 );
534 // Sets current tile rectangle for the pipeline to process
535 // Returns:
536 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
537 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
538 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
539 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_SetRoi(
540     IwiTile         *pTile,         // [in] Pointer to IwiTile structure
541     IwiRoi           tileRoi        // [in] Tile offset and size
542 );
544 // This function builds border for the current tile source buffer.
545 // This allows to feed function with InMem borders only thus reducing possiblity of borders conflicts on image boundary.
546 // By default this function is not applied to the first image in the pipeline, only to intermediate buffers, but
547 // it can be used manually to construct border for it too.
548 // Returns:
549 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
550 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
551 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
552 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_BuildBorder(
553     const IwiTile   *pTile,          // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure for current tile
554     IwiImage        *pSrcImage,      // [in,out] Pointer to the source image for which to build border
555     IwiBorderType   *pBorder,        // [in,out] Extrapolation algorithm for out of image pixels. Updated InMem flags will be returned here
556     const Ipp64f    *pBorderVal      // [in]     Pointer to array of border values for ippBorderConst. One element for each channel. Can be NULL for any other border
557 );
559 // Calculates actual border parameter with InMem flags for the current tile absolute and relative offsets and sizes
560 // Returns:
561 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
562 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
563 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
564 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetTileBorder(
565     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
566     IwiBorderType   *pBorder        // [in,out] Pointer to border type, actual tile border will be written here
567 );
569 // Checks for image and buffer boundaries for the source buffer and limits tile rectangle
570 // Returns:
571 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
572 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
573 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
574 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetBoundedSrcRoi(
575     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
576     IwiRoi          *pBoundedRoi    // [out]    Pointer to ROI adjusted to source buffer boundaries
577 );
579 // Checks for image and buffer boundaries for the destination buffer and limits tile rectangle
580 // Returns:
581 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
582 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
583 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
584 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetBoundedDstRoi(
585     const IwiTile   *pTile,         // [in]     Pointer to IwiTile structure
586     IwiRoi          *pBoundedRoi    // [out]    Pointer to ROI adjusted to destination buffer boundaries
587 );
589 // Returns minimal acceptable tile size for current pipeline
590 // Returns:
591 //      ippStsContextMatchErr               internal structure is not initialized or of invalid type
592 //      ippStsNullPtrErr                    unexpected NULL pointer
593 //      ippStsNoErr                         no errors
594 IW_DECL(IppStatus) iwiTilePipeline_GetMinTileSize(
595     const IwiTile   *pTile,        // [in]      Pointer to IwiTile structure
596     IwiSize         *pMinTileSize  // [out]     Pointer to the minimal tile size for current pipeline
597 );
599 #ifdef __cplusplus
600 }
601 #endif
603 #endif