1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file GeomMapData.hpp
19   \author D. Martin, E. Lunéville
20   \since 13 apr 2012
21   \date 23 may 2012
23   \brief Definition of the xlifepp::GeomMapData class
25   A xlifepp::GeomMapData is a data structure to store data related to the map from reference element
26   to geometric element (jacobian matrix, its determinant and the differential element,...)
27 */
30 #ifndef GEOM_MAP_DATA_HPP
31 #define GEOM_MAP_DATA_HPP
33 #include "utils.h"
35 namespace xlifepp
36 {
37 //forward declaration
38 class MeshElement;
39 class Quadrature;
40 class ShapeValues;
41 class ExtensionData;
43 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 /*!
45  \class GeomMapData
46  object handles useful computational data of a geometric element
47  It stores jacobian, its determinant, ... depending of a point
48 */
49 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 class GeomMapData
51 {
52   private:
53     const MeshElement* geomElement_p;       //!< current geometric element
54     Point currentPoint;                     //!< point in reference element used for last computation
56   public:
57     Matrix<real_t> jacobianMatrix;           //!< jacobian matrix of mapping from reference element to current one
58     Matrix<real_t> inverseJacobianMatrix;    //!< inverse jacobian matrix (when needed)
59     real_t jacobianDeterminant;              //!< jacobian determinant
60     real_t differentialElement;              //!< differential element for elementary integrals (abs(jac. det.))
61     Vector<real_t> normalVector;             //!< unit outward normal vector at a given boundary point
62     Matrix<real_t> metricTensor;             //!< symetric metric tensor (t_i|t_j)
63     real_t metricTensorDeterminant;          //!< metric_tensor determinant for differential geometry
65 	dimen_t elementDim;                      //!< dim of reference space
66 	dimen_t spaceDim;                        //!< dim of physical space
68 	std::map<Quadrature*,std::vector<Point> > phyPoints;      //!< to store image of quadrature points in physical space
69 	ExtensionData* extdata;                                   //!< pointer to additionnal data used by extension
70     mutable std::vector< Vector<real_t> > sideNormalVectors;  //!< normal to the sides of the element (build if required)
71     std::vector< Vector<real_t> >& sideNV() const;            //!< get normals to the sides of the element
73     //constructor
74     GeomMapData(const MeshElement*, const Point&);                        //!< basic constructor
75     GeomMapData(const MeshElement*, std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator); //!< basic constructor
76     GeomMapData(const MeshElement*);                                      //!< basic constructor (element centroid as point)
78     //point mapping
79     Point geomMap(number_t side = 0);                              //!< mapping from ref. elt onto geom. elt. Element (shape functions known)
80     Point geomMap(const ShapeValues& shv, number_t side);          //!< mapping from ref. elt onto geom. elt. Element (shape functions given, thread safe)
81     Point geomMap(const std::vector<real_t>& p, number_t side = 0);//!< mapping from ref. elt onto geom. elt. Element of point p
82     Point geomMap(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator p, number_t side = 0); //!< mapping from ref. elt onto geom. elt. Element of point p
83     Point geomMapInverse(const std::vector<real_t>&, real_t eps=theTolerance,
84                          number_t maxIter = 50);                  //!< mapping from elt onto ref. elt. of point p
85     Point piolaMap(number_t side = 0);                            //!< Piola mapping from ref. elt onto geom. elt. Element (shape functions known)
86     Matrix<real_t> covariantPiolaMap(const Point& =Point());      //!< return the covariant Piola map matrix at current point
87     Matrix<real_t> contravariantPiolaMap(const Point& =Point());  //!< return the contravariant Piola map matrix at current point
89     //geometric computation functions
90     void computeJacobianMatrix(number_t side = 0);                        //!< compute jacobian matrix (shape functions known)
91     void computeJacobianMatrix(const ShapeValues& shv, number_t side =0); //!< compute jacobian matrix (shape functions given)
92     void computeJacobianMatrix(const std::vector<real_t>&,
93                                number_t side = 0);      //!< compute jacobian matrix at a point given as vector or Point
94     void computeJacobianMatrix(std::vector<real_t>::const_iterator,
95                                number_t side=0);        //!< compute jacobian matrix at a point given by iterator
97     real_t computeJacobianDeterminant();                //!< compute jacobian determinant (jacobian already computed)
98     void invertJacobianMatrix();                        //!< compute inverse of jacobian matrix (jacobian already computed)
99     void computeDifferentialElement();                  //!< compute differential element assuming jacobian matrix is update
100     void computeNormalVector();                         //!< computes normal vector at a (boundary) point of element
101     real_t diffElement();                               //!< update and return differential element
102     real_t diffElement(number_t);                       //!< update and return differential element on side
103     void normalize();                                   //!< normalize normal vector to element
104     void computeOutwardNormal();                        //!< compute outward unit normal vector, assuming jacobian matrix is update
105     void computeMetricTensor();                         //!< compute metric tensor for surface differential geometry
106     void computeSurfaceGradient(real_t, real_t, std::vector<real_t>&); //!< compute surface gradient gradS from 2D reference gradient (grad0, grad1)
107     void print(std::ostream&) const;                    //!< print GeoMapData
print(PrintStream & os) const108     void print(PrintStream& os) const {print(os.currentStream());}
110     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const GeomMapData&);
111 };
113 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const GeomMapData&); //!< print operator
115 } // end of namespace xlifepp
117 #endif // GEOM_MAP_DATA_HPP