1 //=============================================================================
2 //
3 // Adventure Game Studio (AGS)
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Chris Jones and 2011-20xx others
6 // The full list of copyright holders can be found in the Copyright.txt
7 // file, which is part of this source code distribution.
8 //
9 // The AGS source code is provided under the Artistic License 2.0.
10 // A copy of this license can be found in the file License.txt and at
11 // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
12 //
13 //=============================================================================
14 //
15 // Debug output interface provides functions which send a formatted message
16 // tagged with group ID and message type to the registered output handlers.
17 //
18 // Depending on configuration this message may be printed by any of those
19 // handlers, or none of them. The calling unit should not worry about where the
20 // message goes.
21 //
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 //
24 // On using message types.
25 //
26 // Please keep in mind, that there are different levels of errors. AGS logging
27 // system allows to classify debug message by two parameters: debug group and
28 // message type. Sometimes message type alone is not enough. Debug groups can
29 // also be used to distinct messages that has less (or higher) importance.
30 //
31 // For example, there are engine errors and user (game-dev) mistakes. Script
32 // commands that cannot be executed under given circumstances are user
33 // mistakes, and usually are not as severe as internal engine errors. This is
34 // why it is advised to use a separate debug group for mistakes like that to
35 // distinct them from reports on the internal engine's problems and make
36 // verbosity configuration flexible.
37 //
38 // kDbgMsg_Init - is a type for startup initialization notifications; use them
39 // when declaring that certain component got initialized (or not initialized),
40 // optionally noting working mode, where applicable. Such messages are intended
41 // for core engine components and plugin startup only, not work modes and game
42 // states that are normally changing during gameplay.
43 //
44 // kDbgMsg_Debug - is the most common type of message (if the printing function
45 // argument list does not specify message type, it is probably kDbgMsg_Debug).
46 // You can use it for almost anything, from noting some process steps to
47 // displaying current object state. If certain messages are meant to be printed
48 // very often, consider using another distinct debug group so that it may be
49 // disabled to reduce log verbosity.
50 //
51 // kDbgMsg_Warn - this is suggested for more significant cases, when you find
52 // out that something is not right, but is not immediately affecting engine
53 // processing. For example: certain object was constructed in a way that
54 // would make them behave unexpectedly, or certain common files are missing but
55 // it is not clear yet whether the game will be accessing them.
56 // In other words: use kDbgMsg_Warn when there is no problem right away, but
57 // you are *anticipating* that one may happen under certain circumstances.
58 //
59 // kDbgMsg_Error - use this kind of message is for actual serious problems.
60 // If certain operation assumes both positive and negative results are
61 // acceptable, it is preferred to report such negative result with simple
62 // kDbgMsg_Debug message. kDbgMsg_Error is for negative results that are not
63 // considered acceptable for normal run.
64 //
65 // kDbgMsg_Fatal - is the message type to be reported when the program or
66 // component abortion is imminent.
67 //
68 //=============================================================================
69 #ifndef __AGS_CN_DEBUG__OUT_H
70 #define __AGS_CN_DEBUG__OUT_H
72 #include "util/string.h"
74 namespace AGS
75 {
76 namespace Common
77 {
79 // Message types provide distinction for debug messages by their intent.
80 enum MessageType
81 {
82     kDbgMsg_None                = 0,
83     // Initialization messages, notify about certain engine components
84     // being created and important modes initialized.
85     kDbgMsg_Init                = 0x0001,
86     // Debug reason is for arbitrary information about events and current
87     // game state
88     kDbgMsg_Debug               = 0x0002,
89     // Warnings are made when unexpected or non-standart behavior
90     // is detected in program, which is not immediately critical,
91     // but may be a symptom of a bigger problem.
92     kDbgMsg_Warn                = 0x0004,
93     // Error messages are about engine not being able to perform requested
94     // operation in a situation when that will affect game playability and
95     // further execution.
96     kDbgMsg_Error               = 0x0008,
97     // Fatal errors are ones that make program abort immediately
98     kDbgMsg_Fatal               = 0x0010,
100     // Convenient aliases
101     kDbgMsg_Default             = kDbgMsg_Debug,
102     kDbgMsgSet_NoDebug          = 0x001D,
103     kDbgMsgSet_Errors           = 0x0019,
104     // Output everything
105     kDbgMsgSet_All              = 0xFFFF
106 };
108 // This enumeration is a list of common hard-coded groups, but more could
109 // be added via debugging configuration interface (see 'debug/debug.h').
110 enum CommonDebugGroup
111 {
112     kDbgGroup_None = -1,
113     // Main debug group is for reporting general engine status and issues
114     kDbgGroup_Main = 0,
115     // Sprite cache logging
116     kDbgGroup_SprCache,
117     // Script group is for reporting script (commands) execution
118     kDbgGroup_Script,
119     // Group for debugging managed object state (can slow engine down!)
120     kDbgGroup_ManObj
121 };
123 // Debug group identifier defining either numeric or string id, or both
124 struct DebugGroupID
125 {
126     uint32_t    ID;
127     String      SID;
DebugGroupIDDebugGroupID129     DebugGroupID() : ID(kDbgGroup_None) {}
IDDebugGroupID130     DebugGroupID(uint32_t id, const String &sid = "") : ID(id), SID(sid) {}
DebugGroupIDDebugGroupID131     DebugGroupID(const String &sid) : ID(kDbgGroup_None), SID(sid) {}
132     // Tells if any of the id components is valid
IsValidDebugGroupID133     bool IsValid() const { return ID != kDbgGroup_None || !SID.IsEmpty(); }
134     // Tells if both id components are properly set
IsCompleteDebugGroupID135     bool IsComplete() const { return ID != kDbgGroup_None && !SID.IsEmpty(); }
136 };
138 struct DebugMessage
139 {
140     String       Text;
141     uint32_t     GroupID;
142     String       GroupName;
143     MessageType  MT;
DebugMessageDebugMessage145     DebugMessage() : GroupID(kDbgGroup_None), MT(kDbgMsg_None) {}
DebugMessageDebugMessage146     DebugMessage(const String &text, uint32_t group_id, const String &group_name, MessageType mt)
147         : Text(text)
148         , GroupID(group_id)
149         , GroupName(group_name)
150         , MT(mt)
151     {}
152 };
154 namespace Debug
155 {
156     //
157     // Debug output
158     //
159     // Output formatted message of default group and default type
160     void Printf(const char *fmt, ...);
161     // Output formatted message of default group and given type
162     void Printf(MessageType mt, const char *fmt, ...);
163     // Output formatted message of given group and type
164     void Printf(DebugGroupID group_id, MessageType mt, const char *fmt, ...);
166 }   // namespace Debug
168 }   // namespace Common
169 }   // namespace AGS
171 #endif // __AGS_CN_DEBUG__OUT_H