1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
7 #include "build/build_config.h"
8 #include "media/media_buildflags.h"
10 namespace switches {
12 // Allows processing of input before a frame has been committed.
13 // TODO(schenney): crbug.com/987626. Used by headless. Look for a way not
14 // involving a command line switch.
15 const char kAllowPreCommitInput[] = "allow-pre-commit-input";
17 // By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an
18 // override for developers who need the old behavior for testing.
19 const char kAllowFileAccessFromFiles[]      = "allow-file-access-from-files";
21 // Enables TLS/SSL errors on localhost to be ignored (no interstitial,
22 // no blocking of requests).
23 const char kAllowInsecureLocalhost[] = "allow-insecure-localhost";
25 // Allows loopback interface to be added in network list for peer connection.
26 const char kAllowLoopbackInPeerConnection[] =
27     "allow-loopback-in-peer-connection";
29 // Allow a page to send synchronus XHR during its unloading.
30 // TODO(https://crbug.com/1003101): Remove this in Chrome 88.
31 const char kAllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal[] = "allow-sync-xhr-in-page-dimissal";
33 // Uses the android SkFontManager on linux. The specified directory should
34 // include the configuration xml file with the name "fonts.xml".
35 // This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on linux.
36 const char kAndroidFontsPath[]          = "android-fonts-path";
38 // Allows app cache to be forced on, even when gated by an origin trial.
39 // TODO(enne): remove this once app cache has been removed.
40 const char kAppCacheForceEnabled[] = "app-cache-force-enabled";
42 // Causes the browser process to crash on startup.
43 const char kBrowserCrashTest[]              = "crash-test";
45 // Causes the browser process to display a dialog on launch.
46 const char kBrowserStartupDialog[]          = "browser-startup-dialog";
48 // Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin subprocesses.
49 const char kBrowserSubprocessPath[]         = "browser-subprocess-path";
51 // Tells whether the code is running browser tests (this changes the startup URL
52 // used by the content shell and also disables features that can make tests
53 // flaky [like monitoring of memory pressure]).
54 const char kBrowserTest[] = "browser-test";
56 // Causes the Conversion Measurement API to run without delays or noise.
57 const char kConversionsDebugMode[] = "conversions-debug-mode";
59 // Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas.
60 const char kDisable2dCanvasAntialiasing[]   = "disable-canvas-aa";
62 // Disables Canvas2D rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
63 const char kDisable2dCanvasImageChromium[] = "disable-2d-canvas-image-chromium";
65 // Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D.
66 // This is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other
67 // enable/disable switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy
68 // support for controlling access to these APIs.
69 const char kDisable3DAPIs[]                 = "disable-3d-apis";
71 // Disable gpu-accelerated 2d canvas.
72 const char kDisableAccelerated2dCanvas[]    = "disable-accelerated-2d-canvas";
74 // Enable in-progress canvas 2d API features.
75 const char kEnableNewCanvas2DAPI[] = "new-canvas-2d-api";
77 // Disables hardware acceleration of video encode, where available.
78 const char kDisableAcceleratedVideoEncode[] =
79     "disable-accelerated-video-encode";
81 // Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for
82 // users with many windows/tabs and lots of memory.
83 const char kDisableBackingStoreLimit[]      = "disable-backing-store-limit";
85 // Disable backgrounding renders for occluded windows. Done for tests to avoid
86 // nondeterministic behavior.
87 const char kDisableBackgroundingOccludedWindowsForTesting[] =
88     "disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows";
90 // Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background pages.
91 const char kDisableBackgroundTimerThrottling[] =
92     "disable-background-timer-throttling";
94 // Disables the BackForwardCache feature.
95 const char kDisableBackForwardCache[] = "disable-back-forward-cache";
97 // Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features.
98 // Use names from runtime_enabled_features.json5, separated by commas.
99 // Applied after kEnableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these
100 // features.
101 const char kDisableBlinkFeatures[]          = "disable-blink-features";
103 // Disables HTML5 DB support.
104 const char kDisableDatabases[]              = "disable-databases";
106 // Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset.
107 // This switch is intended only for tests.
108 const char kDisableDomainBlockingFor3DAPIs[] =
109     "disable-domain-blocking-for-3d-apis";
111 // Disables the in-process stack traces.
112 const char kDisableInProcessStackTraces[] = "disable-in-process-stack-traces";
114 // Disable all versions of WebGL.
115 const char kDisableWebGL[] = "disable-webgl";
117 // Disable WebGL2.
118 const char kDisableWebGL2[] = "disable-webgl2";
120 // Disable FileSystem API.
121 const char kDisableFileSystem[]             = "disable-file-system";
123 // Disable 3D inside of flapper.
124 const char kDisableFlash3d[]                = "disable-flash-3d";
126 // Disable Stage3D inside of flapper.
127 const char kDisableFlashStage3d[]           = "disable-flash-stage3d";
129 // Disable user gesture requirement for presentation.
130 const char kDisableGestureRequirementForPresentation[] =
131     "disable-gesture-requirement-for-presentation";
133 // Disables GPU hardware acceleration.  If software renderer is not in place,
134 // then the GPU process won't launch.
135 const char kDisableGpu[]                    = "disable-gpu";
137 // Prevent the compositor from using its GPU implementation.
138 const char kDisableGpuCompositing[]         = "disable-gpu-compositing";
140 // Disable proactive early init of GPU process.
141 const char kDisableGpuEarlyInit[]           = "disable-gpu-early-init";
143 // Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory buffers.
144 const char kDisableGpuMemoryBufferCompositorResources[] =
145     "disable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources";
147 // Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames.
148 const char kDisableGpuMemoryBufferVideoFrames[] =
149     "disable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames";
151 // For tests, to disable the limit on the number of times the GPU process may be
152 // restarted.
153 const char kDisableGpuProcessCrashLimit[] = "disable-gpu-process-crash-limit";
155 // For tests, to disable falling back to software compositing if the GPU Process
156 // has crashed, and reached the GPU Process crash limit.
157 const char kDisableSoftwareCompositingFallback[] =
158     "disable-software-compositing-fallback";
160 // Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to
161 // messages.
162 const char kDisableGpuWatchdog[] = "disable-gpu-watchdog";
164 // Disables the IPC flooding protection.
165 // It is activated by default. Some javascript functions can be used to flood
166 // the browser process with IPC. This protection limits the rate at which they
167 // can be used.
168 const char kDisableIpcFloodingProtection[] = "disable-ipc-flooding-protection";
170 // Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes.  This may allow slow
171 // unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task
172 // Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this case.
173 const char kDisableHangMonitor[]            = "disable-hang-monitor";
175 // Disable the RenderThread's HistogramCustomizer.
176 const char kDisableHistogramCustomizer[]    = "disable-histogram-customizer";
178 // Don't kill a child process when it sends a bad IPC message.  Apart
179 // from testing, it is a bad idea from a security perspective to enable
180 // this switch.
181 const char kDisableKillAfterBadIPC[]        = "disable-kill-after-bad-ipc";
183 // Disables LCD text.
184 const char kDisableLCDText[]                = "disable-lcd-text";
186 // Disable LocalStorage.
187 const char kDisableLocalStorage[]           = "disable-local-storage";
189 // Force logging to be disabled.  Logging is enabled by default in debug
190 // builds.
191 const char kDisableLogging[]                = "disable-logging";
193 // Disables using CODECAPI_AVLowLatencyMode when creating DXVA decoders.
194 const char kDisableLowLatencyDxva[]         = "disable-low-latency-dxva";
196 // Disables clearing the rendering output of a renderer when it didn't commit
197 // new output for a while after a top-frame navigation.
198 const char kDisableNewContentRenderingTimeout[] =
199     "disable-new-content-rendering-timeout";
201 // Disables the Web Notification and the Push APIs.
202 const char kDisableNotifications[]          = "disable-notifications";
204 // Disable Pepper3D.
205 const char kDisablePepper3d[]               = "disable-pepper-3d";
207 // Disables the Permissions API.
208 const char kDisablePermissionsAPI[]         = "disable-permissions-api";
210 // Disable Image Chromium for Pepper 3d.
211 const char kDisablePepper3DImageChromium[] = "disable-pepper-3d-image-chromium";
213 // Disables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch gestures.
214 const char kDisablePinch[]                  = "disable-pinch";
216 // Disables the Presentation API.
217 const char kDisablePresentationAPI[]        = "disable-presentation-api";
219 // Disables throttling of history.pushState/replaceState calls.
220 const char kDisablePushStateThrottle[] = "disable-pushstate-throttle";
222 // Taints all <canvas> elements, regardless of origin.
223 const char kDisableReadingFromCanvas[]      = "disable-reading-from-canvas";
225 // Disables remote web font support. SVG font should always work whether this
226 // option is specified or not.
227 const char kDisableRemoteFonts[]            = "disable-remote-fonts";
229 // Disables the RemotePlayback API.
230 const char kDisableRemotePlaybackAPI[]      = "disable-remote-playback-api";
232 // Turns off the accessibility in the renderer.
233 const char kDisableRendererAccessibility[]  = "disable-renderer-accessibility";
235 // Prevent renderer process backgrounding when set.
236 const char kDisableRendererBackgrounding[]  = "disable-renderer-backgrounding";
238 // Whether the ResourceScheduler is disabled.  Note this is only useful for C++
239 // Headless embedders who need to implement their own resource scheduling.
240 const char kDisableResourceScheduler[] = "disable-resource-scheduler";
242 // Disable shared workers.
243 const char kDisableSharedWorkers[]          = "disable-shared-workers";
245 // Do not use runtime-detected high-end CPU optimizations in Skia.  This is
246 // useful for forcing a baseline code path for e.g. web tests.
247 const char kDisableSkiaRuntimeOpts[]        = "disable-skia-runtime-opts";
249 // Disable smooth scrolling for testing.
250 const char kDisableSmoothScrolling[]        = "disable-smooth-scrolling";
252 // Disables the use of a 3D software rasterizer.
253 const char kDisableSoftwareRasterizer[]     = "disable-software-rasterizer";
255 // Disables the Web Speech API (both speech recognition and synthesis).
256 const char kDisableSpeechAPI[]              = "disable-speech-api";
258 // Disables the speech synthesis part of Web Speech API.
259 const char kDisableSpeechSynthesisAPI[]     = "disable-speech-synthesis-api";
261 // Used to communicate managed policy for the TargetBlankImpliesNoOpenerDisable
262 // behavioral change.
263 extern const char kDisableTargetBlankImpliesNoOpener[] =
264     "target-blank-implies-no-opener-disable";
266 // Disables adding the test certs in the network process.
267 const char kDisableTestCerts[]              = "disable-test-root-certs";
269 // Disable multithreaded GPU compositing of web content.
270 const char kDisableThreadedCompositing[]    = "disable-threaded-compositing";
272 // Disable V8 idle tasks.
273 const char kDisableV8IdleTasks[]            = "disable-v8-idle-tasks";
275 // Disables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
276 const char kDisableWebGLImageChromium[]     = "disable-webgl-image-chromium";
278 // Don't enforce the same-origin policy. (Used by people testing their sites.)
279 const char kDisableWebSecurity[]            = "disable-web-security";
281 // Disable the video decoder from drawing directly to a texture.
282 const char kDisableZeroCopyDxgiVideo[]      = "disable-zero-copy-dxgi-video";
284 // Specifies if the |DOMAutomationController| needs to be bound in the
285 // renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially
286 // be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating dom
287 // based tests.
288 const char kDomAutomationController[]       = "dom-automation";
290 // Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas clips
291 const char kDisable2dCanvasClipAntialiasing[] = "disable-2d-canvas-clip-aa";
293 // Disable YUV image decoding for those formats and cases where it's supported.
294 // Has no effect unless GPU rasterization is enabled.
295 const char kDisableYUVImageDecoding[] = "disable-yuv-image-decoding";
297 // Logs Runtime Call Stats for Blink. --single-process also needs to be
298 // used along with this for the stats to be logged.
299 const char kDumpBlinkRuntimeCallStats[] = "dump-blink-runtime-call-stats";
301 // Enables LCD text.
302 const char kEnableLCDText[]                 = "enable-lcd-text";
304 // Enable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features.
305 // Use names from runtime_enabled_features.json5, separated by commas.
306 // Applied before kDisableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these
307 // features.
308 const char kEnableBlinkFeatures[]           = "enable-blink-features";
310 // Enable native caret browsing, in which a moveable cursor is placed on a web
311 // page, allowing a user to select and navigate through non-editable text using
312 // just a keyboard. See https://crbug.com/977390 for links to i2i.
313 const char kEnableCaretBrowsing[] = "enable-caret-browsing";
315 // Flag that turns on a group of experimental/newly added cookie-related
316 // features together, as a convenience for e.g. testing, to avoid having to set
317 // multiple switches individually which may be error-prone (not to mention
318 // tedious). There is not a corresponding switch to disable all these features,
319 // because that is discouraged, and for testing purposes you'd need to switch
320 // them off individually to identify the problematic feature anyway.
321 //
322 // At present this turns on:
323 //   net::features::kCookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure
324 //   net::features::kSameSiteByDefaultCookies
325 //   net::features::kSameSiteDefaultChecksMethodRigorously
326 // It will soon also turn on:
327 //   content_settings::kImprovedCookieControls
328 //   content_settings::kImprovedCookieControlsForThirdPartyCookieBlocking
329 //   net::features::kSchemefulSameSite
330 const char kEnableExperimentalCookieFeatures[] =
331     "enable-experimental-cookie-features";
333 // Enables experimental WebAssembly features.
334 const char kEnableExperimentalWebAssemblyFeatures[] =
335     "enable-experimental-webassembly-features";
337 // Enables Web Platform features that are in development.
338 const char kEnableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures[] =
339     "enable-experimental-web-platform-features";
341 // Enables blink runtime enabled features with status:"test" or
342 // status:"experimental", which are enabled when running web tests.
343 const char kEnableBlinkTestFeatures[] = "enable-blink-test-features";
345 // Enables support for FTP URLs. See https://crbug.com/333943.
346 const char kEnableFtp[] = "enable-ftp";
348 // Disables all RuntimeEnabledFeatures that can be enabled via OriginTrials.
349 const char kDisableOriginTrialControlledBlinkFeatures[] =
350     "disable-origin-trial-controlled-blink-features";
352 // Enable GpuMemoryBuffer backed VideoFrames.
353 const char kEnableGpuMemoryBufferVideoFrames[] =
354     "enable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames";
356 // Force logging to be enabled.  Logging is disabled by default in release
357 // builds.
358 const char kEnableLogging[]                 = "enable-logging";
360 // Enables the type, downlinkMax attributes of the NetInfo API. Also, enables
361 // triggering of change attribute of the NetInfo API when there is a change in
362 // the connection type.
363 const char kEnableNetworkInformationDownlinkMax[] =
364     "enable-network-information-downlink-max";
366 // Disables the video decoder from drawing to an NV12 textures instead of ARGB.
367 const char kDisableNv12DxgiVideo[] = "disable-nv12-dxgi-video";
369 // Enables testing features of the Plugin Placeholder. For internal use only.
370 const char kEnablePluginPlaceholderTesting[] =
371     "enable-plugin-placeholder-testing";
373 // Make the values returned to window.performance.memory more granular and more
374 // up to date in shared worker. Without this flag, the memory information is
375 // still available, but it is bucketized and updated less frequently. This flag
376 // also applys to workers.
377 const char kEnablePreciseMemoryInfo[] = "enable-precise-memory-info";
379 // Set options to cache V8 data. (off, preparse data, or code)
380 const char kV8CacheOptions[] = "v8-cache-options";
382 // If true the ServiceProcessLauncher is used to launch services. This allows
383 // for service binaries to be loaded rather than using the utility process. This
384 // is only useful for tests.
385 const char kEnableServiceBinaryLauncher[] = "enable-service-binary-launcher";
387 // Enables the Skia benchmarking extension.
388 const char kEnableSkiaBenchmarking[]        = "enable-skia-benchmarking";
390 // On platforms that support it, enables smooth scroll animation.
391 const char kEnableSmoothScrolling[]         = "enable-smooth-scrolling";
393 // Enable spatial navigation
394 const char kEnableSpatialNavigation[]       = "enable-spatial-navigation";
396 // Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user
397 // from overriding that decision.
398 const char kEnableStrictMixedContentChecking[] =
399     "enable-strict-mixed-content-checking";
401 // Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation,
402 // for example) that we haven't yet deprecated for the web at large.
403 const char kEnableStrictPowerfulFeatureRestrictions[] =
404     "enable-strict-powerful-feature-restrictions";
406 // Enabled threaded compositing for web tests.
407 const char kEnableThreadedCompositing[]     = "enable-threaded-compositing";
409 // Enable tracing during the execution of browser tests.
410 const char kEnableTracing[]                 = "enable-tracing";
412 // The filename to write the output of the test tracing to. If it is empty
413 // or it ends in a directory separator then an auto-generated filename will be
414 // appended.
415 const char kEnableTracingOutput[]           = "enable-tracing-output";
417 // Enable screen capturing support for MediaStream API.
418 const char kEnableUserMediaScreenCapturing[] =
419     "enable-usermedia-screen-capturing";
421 // Enable the mode that uses zooming to implment device scale factor behavior.
422 const char kEnableUseZoomForDSF[]            = "enable-use-zoom-for-dsf";
424 // Enables the use of the @viewport CSS rule, which allows
425 // pages to control aspects of their own layout. This also turns on touch-screen
426 // pinch gestures.
427 const char kEnableViewport[]                = "enable-viewport";
429 // Enable the Vtune profiler support.
430 const char kEnableVtune[]                   = "enable-vtune-support";
432 // Enable the WebAuthn Mojo Testing API. This is a way to interact with the
433 // virtual authenticator environment through a mojo interface and is supported
434 // only to run web-platform-tests on content shell.
435 // Removal of this deprecated API is blocked on crbug.com/937369.
436 const char kEnableWebAuthDeprecatedMojoTestingApi[] =
437     "enable-web-auth-deprecated-mojo-testing-api";
439 // Enables WebGL extensions not yet approved by the community.
440 const char kEnableWebGLDraftExtensions[] = "enable-webgl-draft-extensions";
442 // Enables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay support.
443 const char kEnableWebGLImageChromium[] = "enable-webgl-image-chromium";
445 // Handle to the shared memory segment containing field trial state that is to
446 // be shared between processes. The argument to this switch is the handle id
447 // (pointer on Windows) as a string, followed by a comma, then the size of the
448 // shared memory segment as a string.
449 const char kFieldTrialHandle[] = "field-trial-handle";
451 // Define an alias root directory which is replaced with the replacement string
452 // in file URLs. The format is "/alias=/replacement", which would turn
453 // file:///alias/some/path.html into file:///replacement/some/path.html.
454 const char kFileUrlPathAlias[] = "file-url-path-alias";
456 // Disables OOP rasterization.  Takes precedence over the enable flag.
457 const char kDisableOopRasterization[] = "disable-oop-rasterization";
459 // Turns on out of process raster for the renderer whenever gpu raster
460 // would have been used.  Enables the chromium_raster_transport extension.
461 const char kEnableOopRasterization[] = "enable-oop-rasterization";
463 // Forces use of hardware overlay for fullscreen video playback. Useful for
464 // testing the Android overlay fullscreen functionality on other platforms.
465 const char kForceOverlayFullscreenVideo[]   = "force-overlay-fullscreen-video";
467 // This forces pages to be loaded as presentation receivers.  Useful for testing
468 // behavior specific to presentation receivers.
469 // Spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/presentation-api/#interface-presentationreceiver
470 const char kForcePresentationReceiverForTesting[] =
471     "force-presentation-receiver-for-testing";
473 // Force renderer accessibility to be on instead of enabling it on demand when
474 // a screen reader is detected. The disable-renderer-accessibility switch
475 // overrides this if present.
476 const char kForceRendererAccessibility[]    = "force-renderer-accessibility";
478 // For development / testing only. When running content_browsertests,
479 // saves output of failing accessibility tests to their expectations files in
480 // content/test/data/accessibility/, overwriting existing file content.
481 const char kGenerateAccessibilityTestExpectations[] =
482     "generate-accessibility-test-expectations";
484 // Extra command line options for launching the GPU process (normally used
485 // for debugging). Use like renderer-cmd-prefix.
486 const char kGpuLauncher[]                   = "gpu-launcher";
488 // Makes this process a GPU sub-process.
489 const char kGpuProcess[]                    = "gpu-process";
491 // Starts the GPU sandbox before creating a GL context.
492 const char kGpuSandboxStartEarly[] = "gpu-sandbox-start-early";
494 // Causes the GPU process to display a dialog on launch.
495 const char kGpuStartupDialog[]              = "gpu-startup-dialog";
497 // Start the renderer with an initial virtual time override specified in
498 // seconds since the epoch.
499 const char kInitialVirtualTime[] = "initial-virtual-time";
501 // Run the GPU process as a thread in the browser process.
502 const char kInProcessGPU[]                  = "in-process-gpu";
504 // Overrides the timeout, in seconds, that a child process waits for a
505 // connection from the browser before killing itself.
506 const char kIPCConnectionTimeout[]          = "ipc-connection-timeout";
508 // Require dedicated processes for a set of origins, specified as a
509 // comma-separated list. For example:
510 //   --isolate-origins=https://www.foo.com,https://www.bar.com
511 const char kIsolateOrigins[] = "isolate-origins";
513 // Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 features.
514 const char kDisableJavaScriptHarmonyShipping[] =
515     "disable-javascript-harmony-shipping";
517 // Enables experimental Harmony (ECMAScript 6) features.
518 const char kJavaScriptHarmony[]             = "javascript-harmony";
520 // Enables unsafe fast JS calls between Blink and V8.
521 const char kEnableUnsafeFastJSCalls[] = "enable-unsafe-fast-js-calls";
523 // Specifies the flags passed to JS engine.
524 const char kJavaScriptFlags[]               = "js-flags";
526 // Flag to launch tests in the browser process.
527 const char kLaunchAsBrowser[] = "as-browser";
529 // Logs GPU control list decisions when enforcing blacklist rules.
530 const char kLogGpuControlListDecisions[]    = "log-gpu-control-list-decisions";
532 // Sets the minimum log level. Valid values are from 0 to 3:
533 // INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = 3.
534 const char kLoggingLevel[]                  = "log-level";
536 // Overrides the default file name to use for general-purpose logging (does not
537 // affect which events are logged).
538 const char kLogFile[] = "log-file";
540 // Resizes of the main frame are caused by changing between landscape and
541 // portrait mode (i.e. Android) so the page should be rescaled to fit.
542 const char kMainFrameResizesAreOrientationChanges[] =
543     "main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes";
545 // Allows user to override maximum number of active WebGL contexts per
546 // renderer process.
547 const char kMaxActiveWebGLContexts[] = "max-active-webgl-contexts";
549 // Sets the maximium decoded image size limitation.
550 const char kMaxDecodedImageSizeMb[] = "max-decoded-image-size-mb";
552 // Indicates the utility process should run with a message loop type of UI.
553 const char kMessageLoopTypeUi[] = "message-loop-type-ui";
555 // Set the default result for MockCertVerifier. This only works in test code.
556 const char kMockCertVerifierDefaultResultForTesting[] =
557     "mock-cert-verifier-default-result-for-testing";
559 // Initializes Mojo Core from a shared library at the specified path, rather
560 // than using the version of Mojo Core embedded within the Content executable.
561 const char kMojoCoreLibraryPath[] = "mojo-core-library-path";
563 // Use a Mojo-based LocalStorage implementation.
564 const char kMojoLocalStorage[]              = "mojo-local-storage";
566 // Disables the use of a zygote process for forking child processes. Instead,
567 // child processes will be forked and exec'd directly. Note that --no-sandbox
568 // should also be used together with this flag because the sandbox needs the
569 // zygote to work.
570 const char kNoZygote[] = "no-zygote";
572 // Disables V8 mitigations for executing untrusted code.
573 const char kNoV8UntrustedCodeMitigations[] = "no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations";
575 // Number of worker threads used to rasterize content.
576 const char kNumRasterThreads[]              = "num-raster-threads";
578 // Runs PPAPI (Pepper) plugins in-process.
579 const char kPpapiInProcess[]                = "ppapi-in-process";
581 // Specifies a command that should be used to launch the ppapi plugin process.
582 // Useful for running the plugin process through purify or quantify.  Ex:
583 //   --ppapi-plugin-launcher="path\to\purify /Run=yes"
584 const char kPpapiPluginLauncher[]           = "ppapi-plugin-launcher";
586 // Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI plugin process type.
587 const char kPpapiPluginProcess[]            = "ppapi";
589 // Causes the PPAPI sub process to display a dialog on launch. Be sure to use
590 // --no-sandbox as well or the sandbox won't allow the dialog to display.
591 const char kPpapiStartupDialog[]            = "ppapi-startup-dialog";
593 // Enable the "Process Per Site" process model for all domains. This mode
594 // consolidates same-site pages so that they share a single process.
595 //
596 // More details here:
597 // - https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/process-models
598 // - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models.
599 //
600 // IMPORTANT: This isn't to be confused with --site-per-process (which is about
601 // isolation, not consolidation). You probably want the other one.
602 const char kProcessPerSite[]                = "process-per-site";
604 // Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own
605 // renderer process.  We default to using a renderer process for each
606 // site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with
607 // script connections to each other).
608 // TODO(creis): This flag is currently a no-op.  We should refactor it to avoid
609 // "unnecessary" process swaps for cross-site navigations but still swap when
610 // needed for security (e.g., isolated origins).
611 const char kProcessPerTab[]                 = "process-per-tab";
613 // The value of this switch determines whether the process is started as a
614 // renderer or plugin host.  If it's empty, it's the browser.
615 const char kProcessType[]                   = "type";
617 // Uses a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only
618 // affects HTTP and HTTPS requests. ARC-apps use only HTTP proxy server with the
619 // highest priority.
620 // TODO(yzshen): Move this switch back to chrome/common/chrome_switches.{h,cc},
621 // once the network service is able to access the corresponding setting via the
622 // pref service.
623 const char kProxyServer[] = "proxy-server";
625 // Enables or disables pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical
626 // overscroll.
627 // Set the value to '0' to disable the feature, set to '1' to enable it for both
628 // touchpad and touchscreen, and set to '2' to enable it only for touchscreen.
629 // Defaults to disabled.
630 const char kPullToRefresh[] = "pull-to-refresh";
632 // Register Pepper plugins (see pepper_plugin_list.cc for its format).
633 const char kRegisterPepperPlugins[]         = "register-pepper-plugins";
635 // Enables remote debug over stdio pipes [in=3, out=4].
636 // Optionally, specifies the format for the protocol messages, can be either
637 // "JSON" (the default) or "CBOR".
638 const char kRemoteDebuggingPipe[] = "remote-debugging-pipe";
640 // Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified port.
641 const char kRemoteDebuggingPort[]           = "remote-debugging-port";
643 const char kRendererClientId[] = "renderer-client-id";
645 // The contents of this flag are prepended to the renderer command line.
646 // Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb --args".
647 const char kRendererCmdPrefix[]             = "renderer-cmd-prefix";
649 // Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as browser.
650 const char kRendererProcess[]               = "renderer";
652 // Overrides the default/calculated limit to the number of renderer processes.
653 // Very high values for this setting can lead to high memory/resource usage
654 // or instability.
655 const char kRendererProcessLimit[]          = "renderer-process-limit";
657 // Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch. Passing this flag
658 // also adds sandbox::policy::kNoSandbox on Windows non-official builds, since
659 // that's needed to show a dialog.
660 const char kRendererStartupDialog[]         = "renderer-startup-dialog";
662 // Manual tests only run when --run-manual is specified. This allows writing
663 // tests that don't run automatically but are still in the same test binary.
664 // This is useful so that a team that wants to run a few tests doesn't have to
665 // add a new binary that must be compiled on all builds.
666 const char kRunManualTestsFlag[] = "run-manual";
668 // Causes the process to run as a sandbox IPC subprocess.
669 const char kSandboxIPCProcess[]             = "sandbox-ipc";
671 // Describes the file descriptors passed to a child process in the following
672 // list format:
673 //
674 //     <file_id>:<descriptor_id>,<file_id>:<descriptor_id>,...
675 //
676 // where <file_id> is an ID string from the manifest of the service being
677 // launched and <descriptor_id> is the numeric identifier of the descriptor for
678 // the child process can use to retrieve the file descriptor from the
679 // global descriptor table.
680 const char kSharedFiles[] = "shared-files";
682 // Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browser
683 const char kSingleProcess[]                 = "single-process";
685 // Enforces a one-site-per-process security policy:
686 //  * Each renderer process, for its whole lifetime, is dedicated to rendering
687 //    pages for just one site.
688 //  * Thus, pages from different sites are never in the same process.
689 //  * A renderer process's access rights are restricted based on its site.
690 //  * All cross-site navigations force process swaps.
691 //  * <iframe>s are rendered out-of-process whenever the src= is cross-site.
692 //
693 // More details here:
694 // - https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation
695 // - https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/process-models
696 // - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models.
697 //
698 // IMPORTANT: this isn't to be confused with --process-per-site (which is about
699 // process consolidation, not isolation). You probably want this one.
700 const char kSitePerProcess[]                = "site-per-process";
702 // Disables site isolation.
703 //
704 // Note that the opt-in (to site-per-process, isolate-origins, etc.) via
705 // enterprise policy and/or cmdline takes precedence over the
706 // kDisableSiteIsolation switch (i.e. the opt-in takes effect despite potential
707 // presence of kDisableSiteIsolation switch).
708 //
709 // Note that for historic reasons the name of the switch misleadingly mentions
710 // "trials", but the switch also disables the default site isolation that ships
711 // on desktop since M67.  The name of the switch is preserved for
712 // backcompatibility of chrome://flags.
713 const char kDisableSiteIsolation[] = "disable-site-isolation-trials";
715 // Specifies if the browser should start in fullscreen mode, like if the user
716 // had pressed F11 right after startup.
717 const char kStartFullscreen[] = "start-fullscreen";
719 // Specifies if the |StatsCollectionController| needs to be bound in the
720 // renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially
721 // be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when running a test
722 // that needs to access the provided statistics.
723 const char kStatsCollectionController[] =
724     "enable-stats-collection-bindings";
726 // Specifies the max number of bytes that should be used by the skia font cache.
727 // If the cache needs to allocate more, skia will purge previous entries.
728 const char kSkiaFontCacheLimitMb[] = "skia-font-cache-limit-mb";
730 // Specifies the max number of bytes that should be used by the skia resource
731 // cache. The previous entries are purged from the cache when the memory useage
732 // exceeds this limit.
733 const char kSkiaResourceCacheLimitMb[] = "skia-resource-cache-limit-mb";
735 // Type of the current test harness ("browser" or "ui").
736 const char kTestType[]                      = "test-type";
738 // Enable support for touch event feature detection.
739 const char kTouchEventFeatureDetection[] = "touch-events";
741 // The values the kTouchEventFeatureDetection switch may have, as in
742 // --touch-events=disabled.
743 //   auto: enabled at startup when an attached touchscreen is present.
744 const char kTouchEventFeatureDetectionAuto[] = "auto";
745 //   enabled: touch events always enabled.
746 const char kTouchEventFeatureDetectionEnabled[] = "enabled";
747 //   disabled: touch events are disabled.
748 const char kTouchEventFeatureDetectionDisabled[] = "disabled";
750 // Accepts specified file URL of a trustable WebBundle file. This flag
751 // should be used only for testing purpose.
752 const char kTrustableWebBundleFileUrl[] = "trustable-web-bundles-file-url";
754 // Replaces the existing codecs supported in peer connection with a single fake
755 // codec entry that create a fake video encoder and decoder.
756 const char kUseFakeCodecForPeerConnection[] =
757     "use-fake-codec-for-peer-connection";
759 // Bypass the media stream infobar by selecting the default device for media
760 // streams (e.g. WebRTC). Works with --use-fake-device-for-media-stream.
761 const char kUseFakeUIForMediaStream[]     = "use-fake-ui-for-media-stream";
763 // Texture target for CHROMIUM_image backed video frame textures.
764 const char kVideoImageTextureTarget[] = "video-image-texture-target";
766 // Set when Chromium should use a mobile user agent.
767 const char kUseMobileUserAgent[] = "use-mobile-user-agent";
769 // Use the MockCertVerifier. This only works in test code.
770 const char kUseMockCertVerifierForTesting[] =
771     "use-mock-cert-verifier-for-testing";
773 // The contents of this flag are prepended to the utility process command line.
774 // Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb --args".
775 const char kUtilityCmdPrefix[]              = "utility-cmd-prefix";
777 // Causes the process to run as a utility subprocess.
778 const char kUtilityProcess[]                = "utility";
780 // Causes the utility process to display a dialog on launch.
781 const char kUtilityStartupDialog[] = "utility-startup-dialog";
783 // This switch indicates the type of a utility process. It is not used by Chrome
784 // but is added to the command line for debugging and profiling purposes.
785 const char kUtilitySubType[] = "utility-sub-type";
787 // In debug builds, asserts that the stream of input events is valid.
788 const char kValidateInputEventStream[] = "validate-input-event-stream";
790 // Will add kWaitForDebugger to every child processes. If a value is passed, it
791 // will be used as a filter to determine if the child process should have the
792 // kWaitForDebugger flag passed on or not.
793 const char kWaitForDebuggerChildren[]       = "wait-for-debugger-children";
795 // Flag used by WebUI test runners to wait for debugger to be attached.
796 const char kWaitForDebuggerWebUI[] = "wait-for-debugger-webui";
798 // Set the antialiasing method used for webgl. (none, explicit, implicit)
799 const char kWebglAntialiasingMode[] = "webgl-antialiasing-mode";
801 // Set a default sample count for webgl if msaa is enabled.
802 const char kWebglMSAASampleCount[] = "webgl-msaa-sample-count";
804 // The prefix used when starting the zygote process. (i.e. 'gdb --args')
805 const char kZygoteCmdPrefix[] = "zygote-cmd-prefix";
807 // Causes the process to run as a zygote.
808 const char kZygoteProcess[] = "zygote";
810 // Enables specified backend for the Web OTP API.
811 const char kWebOtpBackend[] = "web-otp-backend";
813 // Enables Sms Verification backend for Web OTP API which requires app hash in
814 // SMS body.
815 const char kWebOtpBackendSmsVerification[] = "web-otp-backend-sms-verification";
817 // Enables User Consent backend for Web OTP API.
818 const char kWebOtpBackendUserConsent[] = "web-otp-backend-user-consent";
820 // Enables auto backend selection for Web OTP API.
821 const char kWebOtpBackendAuto[] = "web-otp-backend-auto";
823 // Disables encryption of RTP Media for WebRTC. When Chrome embeds Content, it
824 // ignores this switch on its stable and beta channels.
825 const char kDisableWebRtcEncryption[]      = "disable-webrtc-encryption";
827 // Disables HW decode acceleration for WebRTC.
828 const char kDisableWebRtcHWDecoding[]       = "disable-webrtc-hw-decoding";
830 // Disables HW encode acceleration for WebRTC.
831 const char kDisableWebRtcHWEncoding[] = "disable-webrtc-hw-encoding";
833 // Enables negotiation of GCM cipher suites from RFC 7714 for SRTP in WebRTC.
834 // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7714 for further information.
835 const char kEnableWebRtcSrtpAesGcm[] = "enable-webrtc-srtp-aes-gcm";
837 // Enables negotiation of encrypted header extensions from RFC 6904 for SRTP
838 // in WebRTC.
839 // See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6904 for further information.
840 // TODO(https://crbug.com/954201): Remove this.
841 const char kEnableWebRtcSrtpEncryptedHeaders[] =
842     "enable-webrtc-srtp-encrypted-headers";
844 // Enables Origin header in Stun messages for WebRTC.
845 const char kEnableWebRtcStunOrigin[]        = "enable-webrtc-stun-origin";
847 // Enforce IP Permission check. TODO(guoweis): Remove this once the feature is
848 // not under finch and becomes the default.
849 const char kEnforceWebRtcIPPermissionCheck[] =
850     "enforce-webrtc-ip-permission-check";
852 // Override WebRTC IP handling policy to mimic the behavior when WebRTC IP
853 // handling policy is specified in Preferences.
854 const char kForceWebRtcIPHandlingPolicy[] = "force-webrtc-ip-handling-policy";
856 // Override the maximum framerate as can be specified in calls to getUserMedia.
857 // This flag expects a value.  Example: --max-gum-fps=17.5
858 const char kWebRtcMaxCaptureFramerate[] = "max-gum-fps";
860 // Configure the maximum CPU time percentage of a single core that can be
861 // consumed for desktop capturing. Default is 50. Set 100 to disable the
862 // throttling of the capture.
863 const char kWebRtcMaxCpuConsumptionPercentage[] =
864     "webrtc-max-cpu-consumption-percentage";
866 // Renderer process parameter for WebRTC Stun probe trial to determine the
867 // interval. Please see SetupStunProbeTrial in
868 // chrome_browser_field_trials_desktop.cc for more detail.
869 const char kWebRtcStunProbeTrialParameter[] = "webrtc-stun-probe-trial";
871 // Enable capture and local storage of WebRTC event logs without visiting
872 // chrome://webrtc-internals. This is useful for automated testing. It accepts
873 // the path to which the local logs would be stored. Disabling is not possible
874 // without restarting the browser and relaunching without this flag.
875 const char kWebRtcLocalEventLogging[] = "webrtc-event-logging";
877 // This switch disables the ScrollToTextFragment feature.
878 const char kDisableScrollToTextFragment[] = "disable-scroll-to-text-fragment";
880 // Forcibly enable and select the specified runtime for webxr.
881 // Note that this provides an alternative means of enabling a runtime, and will
882 // also functionally disable all other runtimes.
883 const char kWebXrForceRuntime[] = "force-webxr-runtime";
885 // Tell WebXr to assume that it does not support any runtimes.
886 const char kWebXrRuntimeNone[] = "no-vr-runtime";
888 const char kWebXrRuntimeOrientationSensors[] = "orientation-sensors";
890 // The following are the runtimes that WebXr supports.
891 const char kWebXrRuntimeOpenXr[] = "openxr";
892 const char kWebXrRuntimeWMR[] = "windows-mixed-reality";
894 // Disables hardware acceleration of video decode, where available.
895 const char kDisableAcceleratedVideoDecode[] =
896     "disable-accelerated-video-decode";
898 #if (defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)) || defined(OS_BSD)
899 // Enables hardware acceleration of video decoding on linux. (defaults to off)
900 const char kEnableAcceleratedVideoDecode[] = "enable-accelerated-video-decode";
901 #endif
903 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
904 // Disable Media Session API
905 const char kDisableMediaSessionAPI[] = "disable-media-session-api";
907 // Disable overscroll edge effects like those found in Android views.
908 const char kDisableOverscrollEdgeEffect[]   = "disable-overscroll-edge-effect";
910 // Disable the pull-to-refresh effect when vertically overscrolling content.
911 const char kDisablePullToRefreshEffect[]   = "disable-pull-to-refresh-effect";
913 // Disable the locking feature of the screen orientation API.
914 const char kDisableScreenOrientationLock[]  = "disable-screen-orientation-lock";
916 // Just like kDisableSiteIsolation, but doesn't show the "stability and security
917 // will suffer" butter bar warning.
918 const char kDisableSiteIsolationForPolicy[] =
919     "disable-site-isolation-for-policy";
921 // Disable timeouts that may cause the browser to die when running slowly. This
922 // is useful if running with profiling (such as debug malloc).
923 const char kDisableTimeoutsForProfiling[] = "disable-timeouts-for-profiling";
925 // Enable inverting of selection handles so that they are not clipped by the
926 // viewport boundaries.
927 const char kEnableAdaptiveSelectionHandleOrientation[] =
928     "enable-adaptive-selection-handle-orientation";
930 // Enable drag manipulation of longpress-triggered text selections.
931 const char kEnableLongpressDragSelection[]  = "enable-longpress-drag-selection";
933 // Prevent the offline indicator from showing.
934 const char kForceOnlineConnectionStateForIndicator[] =
935     "force-online-connection-state-for-indicator";
937 // The telephony region (ISO country code) to use in phone number detection.
938 const char kNetworkCountryIso[] = "network-country-iso";
940 // Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified socket name.
941 const char kRemoteDebuggingSocketName[]     = "remote-debugging-socket-name";
943 // Block ChildProcessMain thread of the renderer's ChildProcessService until a
944 // Java debugger is attached.
945 const char kRendererWaitForJavaDebugger[] = "renderer-wait-for-java-debugger";
947 // Disables debug crash dumps for OOPR.
948 const char kDisableOoprDebugCrashDump[] = "disable-oopr-debug-crash-dump";
949 #endif
951 // Enable the experimental Accessibility Object Model APIs in development.
952 const char kEnableAccessibilityObjectModel[] =
953     "enable-accessibility-object-model";
955 // Enable the aggressive flushing of DOM Storage to minimize data loss.
956 const char kEnableAggressiveDOMStorageFlushing[] =
957     "enable-aggressive-domstorage-flushing";
959 // Enable indication that browser is controlled by automation.
960 const char kEnableAutomation[] = "enable-automation";
962 #if (defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)) || (defined(OS_FREEBSD) || \
963 						     defined(OS_DRAGONFLY))
964 // Allows sending text-to-speech requests to speech-dispatcher, a common
965 // Linux speech service. Because it's buggy, the user must explicitly
966 // enable it so that visiting a random webpage can't cause instability.
967 const char kEnableSpeechDispatcher[] = "enable-speech-dispatcher";
968 #endif
970 #if defined(OS_WIN)
971 // /prefetch:# arguments to use when launching various process types. It has
972 // been observed that when file reads are consistent for 3 process launches with
973 // the same /prefetch:# argument, the Windows prefetcher starts issuing reads in
974 // batch at process launch. Because reads depend on the process type, the
975 // prefetcher wouldn't be able to observe consistent reads if no /prefetch:#
976 // arguments were used. Note that the browser process has no /prefetch:#
977 // argument; as such all other processes must have one in order to avoid
978 // polluting its profile. Note: # must always be in [1, 8]; otherwise it is
979 // ignored by the Windows prefetcher.
980 const char kPrefetchArgumentRenderer[] = "/prefetch:1";
981 const char kPrefetchArgumentGpu[] = "/prefetch:2";
982 const char kPrefetchArgumentPpapi[] = "/prefetch:3";
983 const char kPrefetchArgumentPpapiBroker[] = "/prefetch:4";
984 // /prefetch:5, /prefetch:6 and /prefetch:7 are reserved for content embedders
985 // and are not to be used by content itself.
987 // /prefetch:# argument shared by all process types that don't have their own.
988 // It is likely that the prefetcher won't work for these process types as it
989 // won't be able to observe consistent file reads across launches. However,
990 // having a valid prefetch argument for these process types is required to
991 // prevent them from interfering with the prefetch profile of the browser
992 // process.
993 const char kPrefetchArgumentOther[] = "/prefetch:8";
995 // Device scale factor passed to certain processes like renderers, etc.
996 const char kDeviceScaleFactor[]     = "device-scale-factor";
998 // Disable the Legacy Window which corresponds to the size of the WebContents.
999 const char kDisableLegacyIntermediateWindow[] = "disable-legacy-window";
1001 // Enables H264 HW decode acceleration for WebRtc on Win 7.
1002 const char kEnableWin7WebRtcHWH264Decoding[] =
1003     "enable-win7-webrtc-hw-h264-decoding";
1005 // DirectWrite FontCache is shared by browser to renderers using shared memory.
1006 // This switch allows us to pass the shared memory handle to the renderer.
1007 const char kFontCacheSharedHandle[] = "font-cache-shared-handle";
1009 // The boolean value (0/1) of FontRenderParams::antialiasing to be passed to
1010 // Ppapi processes.
1011 const char kPpapiAntialiasedTextEnabled[] = "ppapi-antialiased-text-enabled";
1013 // The enum value of FontRenderParams::subpixel_rendering to be passed to Ppapi
1014 // processes.
1015 const char kPpapiSubpixelRenderingSetting[] =
1016     "ppapi-subpixel-rendering-setting";
1018 // Raise the timer interrupt frequency in all Chrome processes, for experimental
1019 // purposes. This feature is needed because as of Windows 10 2004 the scheduling
1020 // effects of changing the timer interrupt frequency are not global, and this
1021 // lets us prove/disprove whether this matters. See https://crbug.com/1128917
1022 const char kRaiseTimerFrequency[] = "raise-timer-frequency";
1024 // Causes the second GPU process used for gpu info collection to display a
1025 // dialog on launch.
1026 const char kGpu2StartupDialog[] = "gpu2-startup-dialog";
1027 #endif
1029 #if defined(ENABLE_IPC_FUZZER)
1030 // Dumps IPC messages sent from renderer processes to the browser process to
1031 // the given directory. Used primarily to gather samples for IPC fuzzing.
1032 const char kIpcDumpDirectory[] = "ipc-dump-directory";
1034 // Specifies the testcase used by the IPC fuzzer.
1035 const char kIpcFuzzerTestcase[] = "ipc-fuzzer-testcase";
1036 #endif
1038 // Don't dump stuff here, follow the same order as the header.
1040 }  // namespace switches