1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #ifndef SkXfermode_DEFINED
9 #define SkXfermode_DEFINED
11 #include "SkBlendMode.h"
12 #include "SkColor.h"
13 #include "SkFlattenable.h"
15 class GrFragmentProcessor;
16 class GrTexture;
17 class GrXPFactory;
18 class SkRasterPipeline;
19 class SkString;
21 struct SkArithmeticParams;
23 struct SkPM4f;
24 typedef SkPM4f (*SkXfermodeProc4f)(const SkPM4f& src, const SkPM4f& dst);
26 /** \class SkXfermode
27  *
28  *  SkXfermode is the base class for objects that are called to implement custom
29  *  "transfer-modes" in the drawing pipeline. The static function Create(Modes)
30  *  can be called to return an instance of any of the predefined subclasses as
31  *  specified in the Modes enum. When an SkXfermode is assigned to an SkPaint,
32  *  then objects drawn with that paint have the xfermode applied.
33  *
34  *  All subclasses are required to be reentrant-safe : it must be legal to share
35  *  the same instance between several threads.
36  */
37 class SK_API SkXfermode : public SkFlattenable {
38 public:
39     virtual void xfer32(SkPMColor dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
40                         const SkAlpha aa[]) const;
41     virtual void xfer16(uint16_t dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
42                         const SkAlpha aa[]) const;
43     virtual void xferA8(SkAlpha dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
44                         const SkAlpha aa[]) const;
46     /** Enum of possible coefficients to describe some xfermodes
47      */
48     enum Coeff {
49         kZero_Coeff,    /** 0 */
50         kOne_Coeff,     /** 1 */
51         kSC_Coeff,      /** src color */
52         kISC_Coeff,     /** inverse src color (i.e. 1 - sc) */
53         kDC_Coeff,      /** dst color */
54         kIDC_Coeff,     /** inverse dst color (i.e. 1 - dc) */
55         kSA_Coeff,      /** src alpha */
56         kISA_Coeff,     /** inverse src alpha (i.e. 1 - sa) */
57         kDA_Coeff,      /** dst alpha */
58         kIDA_Coeff,     /** inverse dst alpha (i.e. 1 - da) */
60         kCoeffCount
61     };
63     /** List of predefined xfermodes.
64         The algebra for the modes uses the following symbols:
65         Sa, Sc  - source alpha and color
66         Da, Dc - destination alpha and color (before compositing)
67         [a, c] - Resulting (alpha, color) values
68         For these equations, the colors are in premultiplied state.
69         If no xfermode is specified, kSrcOver is assumed.
70         The modes are ordered by those that can be expressed as a pair of Coeffs, followed by those
71         that aren't Coeffs but have separable r,g,b computations, and finally
72         those that are not separable.
73      */
74     enum Mode {
75         kClear_Mode,    //!< [0, 0]
76         kSrc_Mode,      //!< [Sa, Sc]
77         kDst_Mode,      //!< [Da, Dc]
78         kSrcOver_Mode,  //!< [Sa + Da * (1 - Sa), Sc + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
79         kDstOver_Mode,  //!< [Da + Sa * (1 - Da), Dc + Sc * (1 - Da)]
80         kSrcIn_Mode,    //!< [Sa * Da, Sc * Da]
81         kDstIn_Mode,    //!< [Da * Sa, Dc * Sa]
82         kSrcOut_Mode,   //!< [Sa * (1 - Da), Sc * (1 - Da)]
83         kDstOut_Mode,   //!< [Da * (1 - Sa), Dc * (1 - Sa)]
84         kSrcATop_Mode,  //!< [Da, Sc * Da + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
85         kDstATop_Mode,  //!< [Sa, Dc * Sa + Sc * (1 - Da)]
86         kXor_Mode,      //!< [Sa + Da - 2 * Sa * Da, Sc * (1 - Da) + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
87         kPlus_Mode,     //!< [Sa + Da, Sc + Dc]
88         kModulate_Mode, // multiplies all components (= alpha and color)
90         // Following blend modes are defined in the CSS Compositing standard:
91         // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/rawfile/tip/compositing/index.html#blending
92         kScreen_Mode,
93         kLastCoeffMode = kScreen_Mode,
95         kOverlay_Mode,
96         kDarken_Mode,
97         kLighten_Mode,
98         kColorDodge_Mode,
99         kColorBurn_Mode,
100         kHardLight_Mode,
101         kSoftLight_Mode,
102         kDifference_Mode,
103         kExclusion_Mode,
104         kMultiply_Mode,
105         kLastSeparableMode = kMultiply_Mode,
107         kHue_Mode,
108         kSaturation_Mode,
109         kColor_Mode,
110         kLuminosity_Mode,
111         kLastMode = kLuminosity_Mode
112     };
114     /**
115      * Gets the name of the Mode as a string.
116      */
117     static const char* ModeName(Mode);
ModeName(SkBlendMode mode)118     static const char* ModeName(SkBlendMode mode) {
119         return ModeName(Mode(mode));
120     }
122     /**
123      *  If the xfermode is one of the modes in the Mode enum, then asMode()
124      *  returns true and sets (if not null) mode accordingly. Otherwise it
125      *  returns false and ignores the mode parameter.
126      */
127     virtual bool asMode(Mode* mode) const;
129     /**
130      *  The same as calling xfermode->asMode(mode), except that this also checks
131      *  if the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
132      */
133     static bool AsMode(const SkXfermode*, Mode* mode);
AsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer,Mode * mode)134     static bool AsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, Mode* mode) {
135         return AsMode(xfer.get(), mode);
136     }
138     /**
139      *  Returns true if the xfermode claims to be the specified Mode. This works
140      *  correctly even if the xfermode is NULL (which equates to kSrcOver.) Thus
141      *  you can say this without checking for a null...
142      *
143      *  If (SkXfermode::IsMode(paint.getXfermode(),
144      *                         SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode)) {
145      *      ...
146      *  }
147      */
148     static bool IsMode(const SkXfermode* xfer, Mode mode);
IsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer,Mode mode)149     static bool IsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, Mode mode) {
150         return IsMode(xfer.get(), mode);
151     }
153     /** Return an SkXfermode object for the specified mode.
154      */
155     static sk_sp<SkXfermode> Make(Mode);
Create(Mode mode)157     static SkXfermode* Create(Mode mode) {
158         return Make(mode).release();
159     }
160     SK_ATTR_DEPRECATED("use AsMode(...)")
IsMode(const SkXfermode * xfer,Mode * mode)161     static bool IsMode(const SkXfermode* xfer, Mode* mode) {
162         return AsMode(xfer, mode);
163     }
164 #endif
166     /**
167      *  Skia maintains global xfermode objects corresponding to each BlendMode. This returns a
168      *  ptr to that global xfermode (or null if the mode is srcover). Thus the caller may use
169      *  the returned ptr, but it should leave its refcnt untouched.
170      */
Peek(SkBlendMode mode)171     static SkXfermode* Peek(SkBlendMode mode) {
172         sk_sp<SkXfermode> xfer = Make(mode);
173         if (!xfer) {
174             SkASSERT(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode);
175             return nullptr;
176         }
177         SkASSERT(!xfer->unique());
178         return xfer.get();
179     }
Make(SkBlendMode bm)181     static sk_sp<SkXfermode> Make(SkBlendMode bm) {
182         return Make((Mode)bm);
183     }
blend()185     SkBlendMode blend() const {
186         Mode mode;
187         SkAssertResult(this->asMode(&mode));
188         return (SkBlendMode)mode;
189     }
191     /** Return a function pointer to a routine that applies the specified
192         porter-duff transfer mode.
193      */
194     static SkXfermodeProc GetProc(Mode mode);
195     static SkXfermodeProc4f GetProc4f(Mode);
197     virtual SkXfermodeProc4f getProc4f() const;
199     bool appendStages(SkRasterPipeline*) const;
201     /**
202      *  If the specified mode can be represented by a pair of Coeff, then return
203      *  true and set (if not NULL) the corresponding coeffs. If the mode is
204      *  not representable as a pair of Coeffs, return false and ignore the
205      *  src and dst parameters.
206      */
207     static bool ModeAsCoeff(Mode mode, Coeff* src, Coeff* dst);
209     /**
210      * Returns whether or not the xfer mode can support treating coverage as alpha
211      */
212     virtual bool supportsCoverageAsAlpha() const;
214     /**
215      *  The same as calling xfermode->supportsCoverageAsAlpha(), except that this also checks if
216      *  the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
217      */
218     static bool SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(const SkXfermode* xfer);
SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer)219     static bool SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer) {
220         return SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(xfer.get());
221     }
223     enum SrcColorOpacity {
224         // The src color is known to be opaque (alpha == 255)
225         kOpaque_SrcColorOpacity = 0,
226         // The src color is known to be fully transparent (color == 0)
227         kTransparentBlack_SrcColorOpacity = 1,
228         // The src alpha is known to be fully transparent (alpha == 0)
229         kTransparentAlpha_SrcColorOpacity = 2,
230         // The src color opacity is unknown
231         kUnknown_SrcColorOpacity = 3
232     };
234     /**
235      * Returns whether or not the result of the draw with the xfer mode will be opaque or not. The
236      * input to this call is an enum describing known information about the opacity of the src color
237      * that will be given to the xfer mode.
238      */
239     virtual bool isOpaque(SrcColorOpacity opacityType) const;
241     /**
242      *  The same as calling xfermode->isOpaque(...), except that this also checks if
243      *  the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
244      */
245     static bool IsOpaque(const SkXfermode* xfer, SrcColorOpacity opacityType);
IsOpaque(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer,SrcColorOpacity opacityType)246     static bool IsOpaque(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, SrcColorOpacity opacityType) {
247         return IsOpaque(xfer.get(), opacityType);
248     }
249     static bool IsOpaque(SkBlendMode, SrcColorOpacity);
252     /** Used by the SkXfermodeImageFilter to blend two colors via a GrFragmentProcessor.
253         The input to the returned FP is the src color. The dst color is
254         provided by the dst param which becomes a child FP of the returned FP.
255         It is legal for the function to return a null output. This indicates that
256         the output of the blend is simply the src color.
257      */
258     virtual sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> makeFragmentProcessorForImageFilter(
259                                                             sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> dst) const;
261     /** A subclass must implement this factory function to work with the GPU backend.
262         The xfermode will return a factory for which the caller will get a ref. It is up
263         to the caller to install it. XferProcessors cannot use a background texture.
264       */
265     virtual sk_sp<GrXPFactory> asXPFactory() const;
266 #endif
272     enum D32Flags {
273         kSrcIsOpaque_D32Flag  = 1 << 0,
274         kSrcIsSingle_D32Flag  = 1 << 1,
275         kDstIsSRGB_D32Flag    = 1 << 2,
276     };
277     typedef void (*D32Proc)(const SkXfermode*, uint32_t dst[], const SkPM4f src[],
278                             int count, const SkAlpha coverage[]);
279     static D32Proc GetD32Proc(SkXfermode*, uint32_t flags);
GetD32Proc(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer,uint32_t flags)280     static D32Proc GetD32Proc(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, uint32_t flags) {
281         return GetD32Proc(xfer.get(), flags);
282     }
284     enum F16Flags {
285         kSrcIsOpaque_F16Flag  = 1 << 0,
286         kSrcIsSingle_F16Flag  = 1 << 1,
287     };
288     typedef void (*F16Proc)(const SkXfermode*, uint64_t dst[], const SkPM4f src[], int count,
289                             const SkAlpha coverage[]);
290     static F16Proc GetF16Proc(SkXfermode*, uint32_t flags);
GetF16Proc(const sk_sp<SkXfermode> & xfer,uint32_t flags)291     static F16Proc GetF16Proc(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, uint32_t flags) {
292         return GetF16Proc(xfer.get(), flags);
293     }
295     enum LCDFlags {
296         kSrcIsOpaque_LCDFlag    = 1 << 0,   // else src(s) may have alpha < 1
297         kSrcIsSingle_LCDFlag    = 1 << 1,   // else src[count]
298         kDstIsSRGB_LCDFlag      = 1 << 2,   // else l32 or f16
299     };
300     typedef void (*LCD32Proc)(uint32_t* dst, const SkPM4f* src, int count, const uint16_t lcd[]);
301     typedef void (*LCDF16Proc)(uint64_t* dst, const SkPM4f* src, int count, const uint16_t lcd[]);
302     static LCD32Proc GetLCD32Proc(uint32_t flags);
GetLCDF16Proc(uint32_t)303     static LCDF16Proc GetLCDF16Proc(uint32_t) { return nullptr; }
isArithmetic(SkArithmeticParams *)305     virtual bool isArithmetic(SkArithmeticParams*) const { return false; }
307 protected:
SkXfermode()308     SkXfermode() {}
309     /** The default implementation of xfer32/xfer16/xferA8 in turn call this
310         method, 1 color at a time (upscaled to a SkPMColor). The default
311         implementation of this method just returns dst. If performance is
312         important, your subclass should override xfer32/xfer16/xferA8 directly.
314         This method will not be called directly by the client, so it need not
315         be implemented if your subclass has overridden xfer32/xfer16/xferA8
316     */
317     virtual SkPMColor xferColor(SkPMColor src, SkPMColor dst) const;
319     virtual D32Proc onGetD32Proc(uint32_t flags) const;
320     virtual F16Proc onGetF16Proc(uint32_t flags) const;
321     virtual bool onAppendStages(SkRasterPipeline*) const;
323 private:
324     enum {
325         kModeCount = kLastMode + 1
326     };
328     typedef SkFlattenable INHERITED;
329 };
331 #endif