1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 namespace blink {
10 // A list of task sources known to Blink according to the spec.
11 // This enum is used for a histogram and it should not be re-numbered.
12 //
13 // For the task type usage guideline, see https://bit.ly/2vMAsQ4
14 //
15 // When a new task type is created:
16 // * use kCount value as a new value,
17 // * update tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml,
18 // * update TaskTypes.md
19 enum class TaskType : unsigned char {
20   ///////////////////////////////////////
21   // Speced tasks should use one of the following task types
22   ///////////////////////////////////////
24   // Speced tasks and related internal tasks should be posted to one of
25   // the following task runners. These task runners may be throttled.
27   // This value is used as a default value in cases where TaskType
28   // isn't supported yet. Don't use outside platform/scheduler code.
29   kDeprecatedNone = 0,
31   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#generic-task-sources
32   //
33   // This task source is used for features that react to DOM manipulations, such
34   // as things that happen in a non-blocking fashion when an element is inserted
35   // into the document.
36   kDOMManipulation = 1,
37   // This task source is used for features that react to user interaction, for
38   // example keyboard or mouse input. Events sent in response to user input
39   // (e.g. click events) must be fired using tasks queued with the user
40   // interaction task source.
41   kUserInteraction = 2,
42   // TODO(altimin) Fix the networking task source related namings once it is
43   // clear how
44   // all loading tasks are annotated.
45   // This task source is used for features that trigger in response to network
46   // activity.
47   kNetworking = 3,
48   // This is a part of Networking task source used to annotate tasks which are
49   // posted from the loading stack (i.e. WebURLLoader).
50   kNetworkingWithURLLoaderAnnotation = 50,
51   // This is a part of Networking task that should not be frozen when a page is
52   // frozen.
53   kNetworkingUnfreezable = 75,
54   // This task source is used for control messages between kNetworking tasks.
55   kNetworkingControl = 4,
56   // This task source is used to queue calls to history.back() and similar APIs.
57   kHistoryTraversal = 5,
59   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-embed-element
60   // This task source is used for the embed element setup steps.
61   kEmbed = 6,
63   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#media-elements
64   // This task source is used for all tasks queued in the [Media elements]
65   // section and subsections of the spec unless explicitly specified otherwise.
66   kMediaElementEvent = 7,
68   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#the-canvas-element
69   // This task source is used to invoke the result callback of
70   // HTMLCanvasElement.toBlob().
71   kCanvasBlobSerialization = 8,
73   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#event-loop-processing-model
74   // This task source is used when an algorithm requires a microtask to be
75   // queued.
76   kMicrotask = 9,
78   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#timers
79   // For tasks queued by setTimeout() or setInterval().
80   //
81   // Task nesting level is < 5 and timeout is zero.
82   kJavascriptTimerImmediate = 72,
83   // Task nesting level is < 5 and timeout is > 0.
84   kJavascriptTimerDelayedLowNesting = 73,
85   // Task nesting level is >= 5.
86   kJavascriptTimerDelayedHighNesting = 10,
87   // Note: The timeout is increased to be at least 4ms when the task nesting
88   // level is >= 5. Therefore, the timeout is necessarily > 0 for
89   // kJavascriptTimerDelayedHighNesting.
91   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html#sse-processing-model
92   // This task source is used for any tasks that are queued by EventSource
93   // objects.
94   kRemoteEvent = 11,
96   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html#feedback-from-the-protocol
97   // The task source for all tasks queued in the [WebSocket] section of the
98   // spec.
99   kWebSocket = 12,
101   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html#web-messaging
102   // This task source is used for the tasks in cross-document messaging.
103   kPostedMessage = 13,
105   // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/comms.html#message-ports
106   kUnshippedPortMessage = 14,
108   // https://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/#blobreader-task-source
109   // This task source is used for all tasks queued in the FileAPI spec to read
110   // byte sequences associated with Blob and File objects.
111   kFileReading = 15,
113   // https://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#request-api
114   kDatabaseAccess = 16,
116   // https://w3c.github.io/presentation-api/#common-idioms
117   // This task source is used for all tasks in the Presentation API spec.
118   kPresentation = 17,
120   // https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-generic-sensor-20160830/#sensor-task-source
121   // This task source is used for all tasks in the Sensor API spec.
122   kSensor = 18,
124   // https://w3c.github.io/performance-timeline/#performance-timeline
125   kPerformanceTimeline = 19,
127   // https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/1.0/#5.15
128   // This task source is used for all tasks in the WebGL spec.
129   kWebGL = 20,
131   // https://www.w3.org/TR/requestidlecallback/#start-an-event-loop-s-idle-period
132   kIdleTask = 21,
134   // Use MiscPlatformAPI for a task that is defined in the spec but is not yet
135   // associated with any specific task runner in the spec. MiscPlatformAPI is
136   // not encouraged for stable and matured APIs. The spec should define the task
137   // runner explicitly.
138   // The task runner may be throttled.
139   kMiscPlatformAPI = 22,
141   // Tasks used for DedicatedWorker's requestAnimationFrame.
142   kWorkerAnimation = 51,
144   // Obsolete.
145   // kExperimentalWebSchedulingUserInteraction = 53,
146   // kExperimentalWebSchedulingBestEffort = 54,
148   // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-font-loading/#task-source
149   kFontLoading = 56,
151   // https://w3c.github.io/manifest/#dfn-application-life-cycle-task-source
152   kApplicationLifeCycle = 57,
154   // https://wicg.github.io/background-fetch/#infrastructure
155   kBackgroundFetch = 58,
157   // https://www.w3.org/TR/permissions/
158   kPermission = 59,
160   // https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#dfn-client-message-queue
161   kServiceWorkerClientMessage = 60,
163   // https://wicg.github.io/web-locks/#web-locks-tasks-source
164   kWebLocks = 66,
166   ///////////////////////////////////////
167   // Not-speced tasks should use one of the following task types
168   ///////////////////////////////////////
170   // The default task type. The task may be throttled or paused.
171   kInternalDefault = 23,
173   // Tasks used for all tasks associated with loading page content.
174   kInternalLoading = 24,
176   // Tasks for tests or mock objects.
177   kInternalTest = 26,
179   // Tasks that are posting back the result from the WebCrypto task runner to
180   // the Blink thread that initiated the call and holds the Promise. Tasks with
181   // this type are posted by:
182   // * //components/webcrypto
183   kInternalWebCrypto = 27,
185   // Tasks to execute media-related things like logging or playback. Tasks with
186   // this type are mainly posted by:
187   // * //content/renderer/media
188   // * //media
189   kInternalMedia = 29,
191   // Tasks to execute things for real-time media processing like recording. If a
192   // task touches MediaStreamTracks, associated sources/sinks, and Web Audio,
193   // this task type should be used.
194   // Tasks with this type are mainly posted by:
195   // * //content/renderer/media
196   // * //media
197   // * blink/renderer/modules/webaudio
198   // * blink/public/platform/audio
199   kInternalMediaRealTime = 30,
201   // Tasks related to user interaction like clicking or inputting texts.
202   kInternalUserInteraction = 32,
204   // Tasks related to the inspector.
205   kInternalInspector = 33,
207   // Obsolete.
208   // kInternalWorker = 36,
210   // Translation task that freezes when the frame is not visible.
211   kInternalTranslation = 55,
213   // Tasks used at IntersectionObserver.
214   kInternalIntersectionObserver = 44,
216   // Task used for ContentCapture.
217   kInternalContentCapture = 61,
219   // Navigation tasks and tasks which have to run in order with them, including
220   // legacy IPCs and channel associated interfaces.
221   // Note that the ordering between tasks related to different frames is not
222   // always guaranteed - tasks belonging to different frames can be reordered
223   // when one of the frames is frozen.
224   // Note: all AssociatedRemotes/AssociatedReceivers should use this task type.
225   kInternalNavigationAssociated = 63,
227   // Tasks which should run when the frame is frozen, but otherwise should run
228   // in order with other legacy IPC and channel-associated interfaces.
229   // Only tasks related to unfreezing itself should run here, the majority of
230   // the tasks
231   // should use kInternalNavigationAssociated instead.
232   kInternalNavigationAssociatedUnfreezable = 64,
234   // Task used to split a script loading task for cooperative scheduling
235   kInternalContinueScriptLoading = 65,
237   // Experimental tasks types used for main thread scheduling postTask API
238   // (https://github.com/WICG/main-thread-scheduling).
239   // These task types should not be passed directly to
240   // FrameScheduler::GetTaskRunner(); they are used indirectly by
241   // WebSchedulingTaskQueues.
242   kExperimentalWebScheduling = 67,
244   // Tasks used to control frame lifecycle - they should run even when the frame
245   // is frozen.
246   kInternalFrameLifecycleControl = 68,
248   // Tasks used for find-in-page.
249   kInternalFindInPage = 70,
251   // Tasks that come in on the HighPriorityLocalFrame interface.
252   kInternalHighPriorityLocalFrame = 71,
254   ///////////////////////////////////////
255   // The following task types are only for thread-local queues.
256   ///////////////////////////////////////
258   // The following task types are internal-use only, escpecially for annotations
259   // like UMA of per-thread task queues. Do not specify these task types when to
260   // get a task queue/runner.
262   kMainThreadTaskQueueV8 = 37,
263   kMainThreadTaskQueueCompositor = 38,
264   kMainThreadTaskQueueDefault = 39,
265   kMainThreadTaskQueueInput = 40,
266   kMainThreadTaskQueueIdle = 41,
267   // Removed:
268   // kMainThreadTaskQueueIPC = 42,
269   kMainThreadTaskQueueControl = 43,
270   // Removed:
271   // kMainThreadTaskQueueCleanup = 52,
272   kMainThreadTaskQueueMemoryPurge = 62,
273   kMainThreadTaskQueueNonWaking = 69,
274   kMainThreadTaskQueueIPCTracking = 74,
275   kCompositorThreadTaskQueueDefault = 45,
276   kCompositorThreadTaskQueueInput = 49,
277   kWorkerThreadTaskQueueDefault = 46,
278   kWorkerThreadTaskQueueV8 = 47,
279   kWorkerThreadTaskQueueCompositor = 48,
281   kCount = 76,
282 };
284 }  // namespace blink