1 // Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "ash/app_list/app_list_export.h"
9 #include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
10 #include "base/time/time.h"
11 #include "ui/events/event.h"
13 namespace ash {
15 class AppListModel;
16 class SearchModel;
17 class SearchResult;
19 // The UMA histogram that logs the input latency from input event to the
20 // representation time of the shown launcher UI.
21 constexpr char kAppListShowInputLatencyHistogram[] =
22     "Apps.AppListShow.InputLatency";
24 // The UMA histogram that logs the input latency from input event to the
25 // representation time of the dismissed launcher UI.
26 constexpr char kAppListHideInputLatencyHistogram[] =
27     "Apps.AppListHide.InputLatency";
29 // The UMA histogram that logs different ways to move an app in app list's apps
30 // grid.
31 constexpr char kAppListAppMovingType[] = "Apps.AppListAppMovingType";
33 // The UMA histogram that logs the creation time of the AppListView.
34 constexpr char kAppListCreationTimeHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListCreationTime";
36 // The UMA histogram that logs usage of state transitions in the new
37 // app list UI.
38 constexpr char kAppListStateTransitionSourceHistogram[] =
39     "Apps.AppListStateTransitionSource";
41 // The UMA histogram that logs the source of root app grid page switcher usage
42 // in the app list.
43 constexpr char kAppListPageSwitcherSourceHistogram[] =
44     "Apps.AppListPageSwitcherSource";
46 // The UMA histogram that logs the source of root app grid page switcher usage
47 // in the app list in tablet mode.
48 constexpr char kAppListPageSwitcherSourceHistogramInTablet[] =
49     "Apps.AppListPageSwitcherSource.TabletMode";
51 // The UMA histogram that logs the source of root app grid page switcher usage
52 // in the app list in clamshell mode.
53 constexpr char kAppListPageSwitcherSourceHistogramInClamshell[] =
54     "Apps.AppListPageSwitcherSource.ClamshellMode";
56 // The UMA histogram that logs usage of the original and redesigned folders.
57 constexpr char kAppListFolderOpenedHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListFolderOpened";
59 // The UMA histogram that logs how the app list transitions from peeking to
60 // fullscreen.
61 constexpr char kAppListPeekingToFullscreenHistogram[] =
62     "Apps.AppListPeekingToFullscreenSource";
64 // The UMA histogram that logs how the app list is shown.
65 constexpr char kAppListToggleMethodHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListShowSource";
67 // The UMA histogram that logs the index launched item in the results list and
68 // the query length.
69 constexpr char kAppListResultLaunchIndexAndQueryLength[] =
70     "Apps.AppListResultLaunchIndexAndQueryLength";
72 // The UMA histogram that logs if the query that introduces a launch of an item
73 // in the results list is empty or not.
74 constexpr char kAppListResultLaunchIsEmptyQuery[] =
75     "Apps.AppListResultLaunchIsEmptyQuery";
77 // The UMA histogram that logs the presence or absence of Drive QuickAccess
78 // search results in the zero-state results list. Differentiates between results
79 // existing in the model's results list, but not being displayed in the view.
80 constexpr char kDriveQuickAccessResultPresence[] =
81     "Apps.AppListDriveQuickAccessProvider.ResultPresence";
83 // The UMA histogram that logs smoothness of folder show/hide animation.
84 constexpr char kFolderShowHideAnimationSmoothness[] =
85     "Apps.AppListFolder.ShowHide.AnimationSmoothness";
87 // The UMA histogram that logs which page gets opened by the user.
88 constexpr char kPageOpenedHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListPageOpened";
90 // The UMA histogram that logs how many apps users have in folders.
91 constexpr char kNumberOfAppsInFoldersHistogram[] =
92     "Apps.AppsInFolders.FullscreenAppListEnabled";
94 // The UMA histogram that logs how many folders users have.
95 constexpr char kNumberOfFoldersHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfFolders";
97 // The UMA histogram that logs how many pages users have in top level apps grid.
98 constexpr char kNumberOfPagesHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfPages";
100 // The UMA histogram that logs how many pages with empty slots users have in top
101 // level apps grid.
102 constexpr char kNumberOfPagesNotFullHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfPagesNotFull";
104 // The UMA histogram that logs the type of search result opened.
105 constexpr char kSearchResultOpenDisplayTypeHistogram[] =
106     "Apps.AppListSearchResultOpenDisplayType";
108 // The UMA histogram that logs how long the search query was when a result was
109 // opened.
110 constexpr char kSearchQueryLength[] = "Apps.AppListSearchQueryLength";
112 // The UMA histogram that logs how long the search query was when a result was
113 // opened in clamshell mode.
114 constexpr char kSearchQueryLengthInClamshell[] =
115     "Apps.AppListSearchQueryLength.ClamshellMode";
117 // The UMA histogram that logs how long the search query was when a result was
118 // opened in tablet mode.
119 constexpr char kSearchQueryLengthInTablet[] =
120     "Apps.AppListSearchQueryLength.TabletMode";
122 // The different ways to create a new page in the apps grid. These values are
123 // written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never
124 // be renumbered or deleted and reused.
125 enum class AppListPageCreationType {
126   kDraggingApp = 0,
127   kMovingAppWithKeyboard = 1,
128   kSyncOrInstall = 2,
129   kMaxValue = kSyncOrInstall,
130 };
132 // These are used in histograms, do not remove/renumber entries. If you're
133 // adding to this enum with the intention that it will be logged, update the
134 // AppListZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType enum listing in
135 // tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
136 enum class ZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType {
137   kRemoveResult = 0,
138   kAppendResult = 1,
139   kMaxValue = kAppendResult,
140 };
142 // These are used in histograms, do not remove/renumber entries. If you're
143 // adding to this enum with the intention that it will be logged, update the
144 // AppListZeroStateResultRemovalConfirmation enum listing in
145 // tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
146 enum class ZeroStateSearchResutRemovalConfirmation {
147   kRemovalConfirmed = 0,
148   kRemovalCanceled = 1,
149   kMaxValue = kRemovalCanceled,
150 };
152 // The different ways that the app list can transition from PEEKING to
153 // FULLSCREEN_ALL_APPS. These values are written to logs.  New enum
154 // values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
155 // and reused.
156 enum AppListPeekingToFullscreenSource {
157   kSwipe = 0,
158   kExpandArrow = 1,
159   kMousepadScroll = 2,
160   kMousewheelScroll = 3,
161   kMaxPeekingToFullscreen = 4,
162 };
164 // The different ways the app list can be shown. These values are written to
165 // logs.  New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be
166 // renumbered or deleted and reused.
167 enum AppListShowSource {
168   kSearchKey = 0,
169   kShelfButton = 1,
170   kSwipeFromShelf = 2,
171   kTabletMode = 3,
172   kSearchKeyFullscreen = 4,
173   kShelfButtonFullscreen = 5,
174   kAssistantEntryPoint = 6,
175   kScrollFromShelf = 7,
176   kMaxValue = kScrollFromShelf,
177 };
179 // The two versions of folders. These values are written to logs.  New enum
180 // values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
181 // and reused.
182 enum AppListFolderOpened {
183   kOldFolders = 0,
184   kFullscreenAppListFolders = 1,
185   kMaxFolderOpened = 2,
186 };
188 // The valid AppListState transitions. These values are written to logs.  New
189 // enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or
190 // deleted and reused. If adding a state transition, add it to the switch
191 // statement in AppListView::GetAppListStateTransitionSource.
192 enum AppListStateTransitionSource {
193   kFullscreenAllAppsToClosed = 0,
194   kFullscreenAllAppsToFullscreenSearch = 1,
195   kFullscreenAllAppsToPeeking = 2,
196   kFullscreenSearchToClosed = 3,
197   kFullscreenSearchToFullscreenAllApps = 4,
198   kHalfToClosed = 5,
199   KHalfToFullscreenSearch = 6,
200   kHalfToPeeking = 7,
201   kPeekingToClosed = 8,
202   kPeekingToFullscreenAllApps = 9,
203   kPeekingToHalf = 10,
204   kMaxAppListStateTransition = 11,
205 };
207 // The different ways to change pages in the app list's app grid. These values
208 // are written to logs.  New enum values can be added, but existing enums must
209 // never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
210 enum AppListPageSwitcherSource {
211   kTouchPageIndicator = 0,
212   kClickPageIndicator = 1,
213   kSwipeAppGrid = 2,
214   kFlingAppGrid = 3,
215   kMouseWheelScroll = 4,
216   kMousePadScroll = 5,
217   kDragAppToBorder = 6,
218   kMoveAppWithKeyboard = 7,
219   kMouseDrag = 8,
220   kMaxAppListPageSwitcherSource = 9,
221 };
223 // The different ways to move an app in app list's apps grid. These values are
224 // written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never
225 // be renumbered or deleted and reused.
226 enum AppListAppMovingType {
227   kMoveByDragIntoFolder = 0,
228   kMoveByDragOutOfFolder = 1,
229   kMoveIntoAnotherFolder = 2,
230   kReorderByDragInFolder = 3,
231   kReorderByDragInTopLevel = 4,
232   kReorderByKeyboardInFolder = 5,
233   kReorderByKeyboardInTopLevel = 6,
234   kMoveByKeyboardIntoFolder = 7,
235   kMoveByKeyboardOutOfFolder = 8,
236   kMaxAppListAppMovingType = 9,
237 };
239 // The presence of Drive QuickAccess search results when updating the zero-state
240 // results list. These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be
241 // renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
242 enum class DriveQuickAccessResultPresence {
243   kPresentAndShown = 0,
244   kPresentAndNotShown = 1,
245   kAbsent = 2,
246   kMaxValue = kAbsent
247 };
249 // Different places a search result can be launched from. These values do not
250 // persist to logs, so can be changed as-needed. However, changes should be
251 // reflected in RecordSearchLaunchIndexAndQueryLength().
252 enum SearchResultLaunchLocation {
253   kResultList = 0,
254   kTileList = 1,
255 };
257 // Different ways to trigger launcher animation in tablet mode.
258 enum TabletModeAnimationTransition {
259   // Release drag to show the launcher (launcher animates the rest of the way).
260   kDragReleaseShow,
262   // Release drag to hide the launcher (launcher animates the rest of the way).
263   kDragReleaseHide,
265   // Click the Home button in tablet mode.
266   kHomeButtonShow,
268   // Activate a window from shelf to hide the launcher in tablet mode.
269   kHideHomeLauncherForWindow,
271   // Enter the kFullscreenAllApps state (usually by deactivating the search box)
272   kEnterFullscreenAllApps,
274   // Enter the kFullscreenSearch state (usually by activating the search box).
275   kEnterFullscreenSearch,
277   // Enter the overview mode in tablet, with overview fading in instead of
278   // sliding (as is the case with kEnterOverviewMode).
279   kFadeInOverview,
281   // Exit the overview mode in tablet, with overview fading out instead of
282   // sliding (as is the case with kExitOverviewMode).
283   kFadeOutOverview,
284 };
286 // Parameters to call RecordAppListAppLaunched. Passed to code that does not
287 // directly have access to them, such ash AppListMenuModelAdapter.
288 struct AppLaunchedMetricParams {
289   AppListLaunchedFrom launched_from = AppListLaunchedFrom::kLaunchedFromGrid;
290   AppListLaunchType search_launch_type = AppListLaunchType::kSearchResult;
291   AppListViewState app_list_view_state = AppListViewState::kClosed;
292   bool is_tablet_mode = false;
293   bool home_launcher_shown = false;
294 };
296 void AppListRecordPageSwitcherSourceByEventType(ui::EventType type,
297                                                 bool is_tablet_mode);
299 void RecordPageSwitcherSource(AppListPageSwitcherSource source,
300                               bool is_tablet_mode);
302 void RecordZeroStateSearchResultUserActionHistogram(
303     ZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType action);
305 void RecordZeroStateSearchResultRemovalHistogram(
306     ZeroStateSearchResutRemovalConfirmation removal_decision);
308 APP_LIST_EXPORT void RecordSearchAbandonWithQueryLengthHistogram(
309     int query_length);
311 APP_LIST_EXPORT void RecordSearchResultOpenSource(
312     const SearchResult* result,
313     const AppListModel* model,
314     const SearchModel* search_model);
316 APP_LIST_EXPORT void RecordSearchLaunchIndexAndQueryLength(
317     SearchResultLaunchLocation launch_location,
318     int query_length,
319     int suggestion_index);
321 APP_LIST_EXPORT void RecordAppListAppLaunched(AppListLaunchedFrom launched_from,
322                                               AppListViewState app_list_state,
323                                               bool is_tablet_mode,
324                                               bool home_launcher_shown);
326 APP_LIST_EXPORT bool IsCommandIdAnAppLaunch(int command_id);
328 APP_LIST_EXPORT void ReportPaginationSmoothness(bool is_tablet_mode,
329                                                 int smoothness);
331 APP_LIST_EXPORT void ReportCardifiedSmoothness(bool is_entering_cardified,
332                                                int smoothness);
334 }  // namespace ash