1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stddef.h>
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <string>
13 #include "base/feature_list.h"
14 #include "base/files/file_path.h"
15 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
16 #include "base/optional.h"
17 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
18 #include "base/time/time.h"
19 #include "base/values.h"
20 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
21 #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
23 class PrefRegistrySimple;
24 class PrefService;
25 class ProfileInfoCache;
26 struct ProfileThemeColors;
28 enum class SigninState {
29   kNotSignedIn,
30   kSignedInWithUnconsentedPrimaryAccount,
31   kSignedInWithConsentedPrimaryAccount,
32 };
34 enum class NameForm {
35   kGaiaName,
36   kLocalName,
37   kGaiaAndLocalName,
38 };
40 enum class AccountCategory { kConsumer, kEnterprise };
42 class ProfileAttributesEntry {
43  public:
44   static void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
46   ProfileAttributesEntry();
47   ProfileAttributesEntry(const ProfileAttributesEntry&) = delete;
48   ProfileAttributesEntry& operator=(const ProfileAttributesEntry&) = delete;
49   virtual ~ProfileAttributesEntry() = default;
51   // Returns whether the profile name is the concatenation of the Gaia name and
52   // of the local profile name.
53   static bool ShouldConcatenateGaiaAndProfileName();
55   // Gets the name of the profile to be displayed in the User Menu. The name can
56   // be the GAIA name, local profile name or a combination of them.
57   base::string16 GetName() const;
58   // Returns |GetGAIAGivenName()| if not empty. Otherwise, returns
59   // |GetGAIAName()|.
60   base::string16 GetGAIANameToDisplay() const;
61   // Returns true if the profile name has changed.
62   bool HasProfileNameChanged();
63   // Returns how the value of GetName() gets constructed.
64   NameForm GetNameForm() const;
66   // Gets the local profile name.
67   base::string16 GetLocalProfileName() const;
69   base::string16 GetShortcutName() const;
70   // Gets the path to the profile. Should correspond to the path passed to
71   // ProfileAttributesStorage::GetProfileAttributesWithPath to get this entry.
72   base::FilePath GetPath() const;
73   base::Time GetActiveTime() const;
74   // Gets the user name of the signed in profile. This is typically the email
75   // address used to sign in and the empty string for profiles that aren't
76   // signed in to chrome.
77   base::string16 GetUserName() const;
78   // Gets the icon used as this profile's avatar. High res icon are downloaded
79   // only if `download_high_res` is true, otherwise a low-res fallback is
80   // returned.
81   // TODO(crbug.com/1100835): Rename |size_for_placeholder_avatar| to |size| and
82   // make this function resize all avatars appropriately. Remove the default
83   // value of |size_for_placeholder_avatar| when all callsites pass some value.
84   // Consider adding a |shape| parameter and get rid of
85   // profiles::GetSizedAvatarIcon().
86   gfx::Image GetAvatarIcon(int size_for_placeholder_avatar = 74,
87                            bool use_high_res_file = true) const;
88   std::string GetLocalAuthCredentials() const;
89   std::string GetPasswordChangeDetectionToken() const;
90   // Returns true if the profile is currently running any background apps. Note
91   // that a return value of false could mean an error in collection or that
92   // there are currently no background apps running. However, the action which
93   // results is the same in both cases (thus far).
94   bool GetBackgroundStatus() const;
95   // Gets the GAIA full name associated with this profile if it's signed in.
96   base::string16 GetGAIAName() const;
97   // Gets the GAIA given name associated with this profile if it's signed in.
98   base::string16 GetGAIAGivenName() const;
99   // Gets the opaque string representation of the profile's GAIA ID if it's
100   // signed in.
101   std::string GetGAIAId() const;
102   // Returns the GAIA picture for the given profile. This may return NULL
103   // if the profile does not have a GAIA picture or if the picture must be
104   // loaded from disk.
105   const gfx::Image* GetGAIAPicture() const;
106   // Returns true if the profile displays a GAIA picture instead of one of the
107   // locally bundled icons.
108   bool IsUsingGAIAPicture() const;
109   // Returns true if a GAIA picture has been loaded or has failed to load.
110   bool IsGAIAPictureLoaded() const;
111   // Returns true if the profile is signed in as a supervised user.
112   bool IsSupervised() const;
113   // Returns true if the profile is signed in as a child account.
114   bool IsChild() const;
115   // Returns true if the profile is a supervised user but not a child account.
116   bool IsLegacySupervised() const;
117   bool IsOmitted() const;
118   bool IsSigninRequired() const;
119   // Gets the supervised user ID of the profile's signed in account, if it's a
120   // supervised user.
121   std::string GetSupervisedUserId() const;
122   // Returns true if the profile is an ephemeral profile.
123   bool IsEphemeral() const;
124   // Returns true if the profile is using a default name, typically of the
125   // format "Person %d".
126   bool IsUsingDefaultName() const;
127   // Returns Signin state.
128   SigninState GetSigninState() const;
129   // Returns true if the profile is signed in.
130   bool IsAuthenticated() const;
131   // Returns true if the Profile is using the default avatar, which is one of
132   // the profile icons selectable at profile creation.
133   bool IsUsingDefaultAvatar() const;
134   // Returns true if the profile is signed in but is in an authentication error
135   // state.
136   bool IsAuthError() const;
137   // Indicates that profile was signed in through native OS credential provider.
138   bool IsSignedInWithCredentialProvider() const;
139   // Returns the index of the default icon used by the profile.
140   size_t GetAvatarIconIndex() const;
141   // Returns the colors specified by the profile theme, or default colors if no
142   // theme is specified for the profile.
143   ProfileThemeColors GetProfileThemeColors() const;
144   // Returns the colors specified by the profile theme, or empty if no theme is
145   // set for the profile.
146   base::Optional<ProfileThemeColors> GetProfileThemeColorsIfSet() const;
147   // Returns the metrics bucket this profile should be recorded in.
148   // Note: The bucket index is assigned once and remains the same all time. 0 is
149   // reserved for the guest profile.
150   size_t GetMetricsBucketIndex();
151   // Returns the hosted domain for the current signed-in account. Returns empty
152   // string if there is no signed-in account and returns |kNoHostedDomainFound|
153   // if the signed-in account has no hosted domain (such as when it is a
154   // standard gmail.com account). Unlike for other string getters, the returned
155   // value is UTF8 encoded.
156   std::string GetHostedDomain() const;
158   void SetLocalProfileName(const base::string16& name);
159   void SetShortcutName(const base::string16& name);
160   void SetActiveTimeToNow();
161   void SetIsOmitted(bool is_omitted);
162   void SetSupervisedUserId(const std::string& id);
163   void SetLocalAuthCredentials(const std::string& auth);
164   void SetPasswordChangeDetectionToken(const std::string& token);
165   void SetBackgroundStatus(bool running_background_apps);
166   void SetGAIAName(const base::string16& name);
167   void SetGAIAGivenName(const base::string16& name);
168   void SetGAIAPicture(const std::string& image_url_with_size, gfx::Image image);
169   void SetIsUsingGAIAPicture(bool value);
170   void SetIsSigninRequired(bool value);
171   void SetSignedInWithCredentialProvider(bool value);
172   void SetIsEphemeral(bool value);
173   void SetIsUsingDefaultName(bool value);
174   void SetIsUsingDefaultAvatar(bool value);
175   void SetIsAuthError(bool value);
176   void SetAvatarIconIndex(size_t icon_index);
177   // base::nullopt resets colors to default.
178   void SetProfileThemeColors(const base::Optional<ProfileThemeColors>& colors);
180   // Unlike for other string setters, the argument is expected to be UTF8
181   // encoded.
182   void SetHostedDomain(std::string hosted_domain);
184   void SetAuthInfo(const std::string& gaia_id,
185                    const base::string16& user_name,
186                    bool is_consented_primary_account);
188   // Update info about accounts. These functions are idempotent, only the first
189   // call for a given input matters.
190   void AddAccountName(const std::string& name);
191   void AddAccountCategory(AccountCategory category);
193   // Clears info about all accounts that have been added in the past via
194   // AddAccountName() and AddAccountCategory().
195   void ClearAccountNames();
196   void ClearAccountCategories();
198   // Lock/Unlock the profile, should be called only if force-sign-in is enabled.
199   void LockForceSigninProfile(bool is_lock);
201   // Records aggregate metrics about all accounts used in this profile (added
202   // via AddAccount* functions).
203   void RecordAccountMetrics() const;
205   // TODO(crbug.com/866790): Check it is not used anymore and remove it.
206   static const char kSupervisedUserId[];
207   static const char kIsOmittedFromProfileListKey[];
208   static const char kAvatarIconKey[];
209   static const char kBackgroundAppsKey[];
210   static const char kProfileIsEphemeral[];
211   static const char kUserNameKey[];
212   static const char kGAIAIdKey[];
213   static const char kIsConsentedPrimaryAccountKey[];
214   static const char kNameKey[];
215   static const char kIsUsingDefaultNameKey[];
217  private:
218   friend class ProfileInfoCache;
219   friend class ProfileThemeUpdateServiceBrowserTest;
220   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileAttributesStorageTest,
221                            EntryInternalAccessors);
222   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileAttributesStorageTest, ProfileActiveTime);
223   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileAttributesStorageTest,
224                            DownloadHighResAvatarTest);
226   void Initialize(ProfileInfoCache* cache,
227                   const base::FilePath& path,
228                   PrefService* prefs);
230   base::string16 GetLastNameToDisplay() const;
232   // Returns true if:
233   // - The user has chosen a local profile name on purpose. One exception where
234   //   we don't show the local profile name, is when it is equal to the
235   //   GAIA name.
236   // - If two profiles have the same GAIA name and we need to show the local
237   //   profile name to clear ambiguity.
238   bool ShouldShowProfileLocalName(
239       const base::string16& gaia_name_to_display) const;
241   // Loads or uses an already loaded high resolution image of the generic
242   // profile avatar.
243   const gfx::Image* GetHighResAvatar() const;
245   // Generates the colored placeholder avatar icon for the given |size|.
246   gfx::Image GetPlaceholderAvatarIcon(int size) const;
248   // Returns if this profile has accounts (signed-in or signed-out) with
249   // different account names. This is approximate as only a short hash of an
250   // account name is stored so there can be false negatives.
251   bool HasMultipleAccountNames() const;
252   // Returns if this profile has both consumer and enterprise accounts
253   // (regarding both signed-in and signed-out accounts).
254   bool HasBothAccountCategories() const;
256   // Records aggregate metrics about all accounts used in this profile.
257   void RecordAccountCategoriesMetric() const;
258   void RecordAccountNamesMetric() const;
260   // Loads and saves the data to the local state.
261   const base::Value* GetEntryData() const;
262   void SetEntryData(base::Value data);
264   // Internal getter that returns a base::Value*, or nullptr if the key is not
265   // present.
266   const base::Value* GetValue(const char* key) const;
268   // Internal getters that return basic data types. If the key is not present,
269   // or if the data is in a wrong data type, return empty string, 0.0, false or
270   // -1 depending on the target data type. We do not assume that the data type
271   // is correct because the local state file can be modified by a third party.
272   std::string GetString(const char* key) const;
273   base::string16 GetString16(const char* key) const;
274   double GetDouble(const char* key) const;
275   bool GetBool(const char* key) const;
276   int GetInteger(const char* key) const;
278   // Internal getter that returns one of the profile theme colors or
279   // base::nullopt if the key is not present.
280   base::Optional<SkColor> GetProfileThemeColor(const char* key) const;
282   // Type checking. Only IsDouble is implemented because others do not have
283   // callsites.
284   bool IsDouble(const char* key) const;
286   // Internal setters that accept basic data types. Return if the original data
287   // is different from the new data, i.e. whether actual update is done.
288   bool SetString(const char* key, std::string value);
289   bool SetString16(const char* key, base::string16 value);
290   bool SetDouble(const char* key, double value);
291   bool SetBool(const char* key, bool value);
292   bool SetInteger(const char* key, int value);
294   // Clears value stored for |key|. Returns if the original data is different
295   // from the new data, i.e. whether actual update is done.
296   bool ClearValue(const char* key);
298   // These members are an implementation detail meant to smooth the migration
299   // of the ProfileInfoCache to the ProfileAttributesStorage interface. They can
300   // be safely removed once the ProfileInfoCache stops using indices
301   // internally.
302   // TODO(anthonyvd): Remove ProfileInfoCache related implementation details
303   // when this class holds the members required to fulfill its own contract.
304   size_t profile_index() const;
306   ProfileInfoCache* profile_info_cache_ = nullptr;
307   PrefService* prefs_ = nullptr;
308   base::FilePath profile_path_;
309   std::string storage_key_;
310   base::string16 last_name_to_display_;
312   // A separate boolean flag indicates whether the signin is required when force
313   // signin is enabled. So that the profile locked status will be stored in
314   // memory only and can be easily reset once the policy is turned off.
315   bool is_force_signin_profile_locked_ = false;
316   bool is_force_signin_enabled_;
317 };