1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5  * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
6  * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7  *
8  */
13 #include <sys/types.h>
14 #include <stdint.h>
15 #include <vector>
16 #include <list>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <cstdio>
19 #include <ctime>
20 #include <sys/time.h>
22 /**
23  * \class   MsgBusInterface
24  *
25  * \brief   Abstract class for the message bus interface.
26  * \details Internal memory schema and all expected methods are
27  *          defined here.
28  *
29  *          It is required that the implementing class follow the
30  *          internal schema to store the data as needed.
31  */
32 class MsgBusInterface {
33 public:
35     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
36      * Msg data schema
37      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
38      */
39     uint64_t        ribSeq;         ///< RIB Message Seq
41     /**
42      * OBJECT: collector
43      *
44      * Router table schema
45      */
46     struct obj_collector {
47         u_char      hash_id[16];            ///< Hash ID for collector (is the unique ID)
48         char        admin_id[64];           ///< Admin ID for collector
49         u_char      descr[255];             ///< Description of collector
51         char        routers[4096];          ///< List of connected routers hash ID's delimited by PIPE
52         uint32_t    router_count;           ///< Count of active/connected routers
53         uint32_t    timestamp_secs;         ///< Timestamp in seconds since EPOC
54         uint32_t    timestamp_us;           ///< Timestamp microseconds
55     };
57     /// Collector action codes
58     enum collector_action_code {
63     };
65     /**
66      * OBJECT: routers
67      *
68      * Router table schema
69      */
70     struct obj_router {
71         u_char      hash_id[16];            ///< Router hash ID of name and src_addr
72         uint16_t    hash_type;	            ///< Router hash type  0:IP, 1:router_name, 2:bgp_id
73 	u_char      name[255];              ///< BMP router sysName (initiation Type=2)
74         u_char      descr[255];             ///< BMP router sysDescr (initiation Type=1)
75         u_char      ip_addr[46];            ///< BMP router source IP address in printed form
76         char        bgp_id[16];             ///< BMP Router bgp-id
77         uint32_t    asn;                    ///< BMP router ASN
78         uint16_t    term_reason_code;       ///< BMP termination reason code
79         char        term_reason_text[255];  ///< BMP termination reason text decode string
81         char        term_data[4096];        ///< Type=0 String termination info data
82         char        initiate_data[4096];    ///< Type=0 String initiation info data
83         uint32_t    timestamp_secs;         ///< Timestamp in seconds since EPOC
84         uint32_t    timestamp_us;           ///< Timestamp microseconds
85     };
87     /// Router action codes
88     enum router_action_code {
93     };
95     /**
96      * OBJECT: bgp_peers
97      *
98      * BGP peer table schema
99      */
100     struct obj_bgp_peer {
101         u_char      hash_id[16];            ///< hash of router hash_id, peer_rd, peer_addr, and peer_bgp_id
102         u_char      router_hash_id[16];     ///< Router hash ID
103         u_char      table_name[255];        ///< Table/VRF name (Info TLV=3)
105         char        peer_rd[32];            ///< Peer distinguisher ID (string/printed format)
106         char        peer_addr[46];          ///< Peer IP address in printed form
107         char        peer_bgp_id[16];        ///< Peer BGP ID in printed form
108         uint32_t    peer_as;                ///< Peer ASN
109         bool        isL3VPN;                ///< true if peer is L3VPN, otherwise it is Global
110         bool        isPrePolicy;            ///< True if the routes are pre-policy, false if not
111         bool        isAdjIn;                ///< True if the routes are Adj-Rib-In, false if not
112         bool        isLocRib;               ///< True if local RIB
113         bool        isLocRibFiltered;       ///< True if the local rib is filtered
114         bool        isIPv4;                 ///< true if peer is IPv4 or false if IPv6
115         bool        isTwoOctet;             ///< Indicates if peer is using 2 octet encoding
116         uint32_t    timestamp_secs;         ///< Timestamp in seconds since EPOC
117         uint32_t    timestamp_us;           ///< Timestamp microseconds
118     };
120     /**
121      * OBJECT: peer_down_events
122      *
123      * Peer Down Events schema
124      */
125     struct obj_peer_down_event {
126         u_char          bmp_reason;         ///< BMP notify reason
127         u_char          bgp_err_code;       ///< BGP notify error code
128         u_char          bgp_err_subcode;    ///< BGP notify error sub code
129         char            error_text[255];    ///< BGP error text string
130     };
132     /**
133      * OBJECT: peer_up_events
134      *
135      * Peer Up Events schema
136      *
137      * \note    open_params are the decoded values in string/text format; e.g. "attr=value ..."
138      *          Numeric values are converted to printed form.   The buffer itself is
139      *          allocated by the caller and freed by the caller.
140      */
141     struct obj_peer_up_event {
142         char        info_data[4096];        ///< Inforamtional data for peer
143         char        local_ip[40];           ///< IPv4 or IPv6 printed IP address
144         uint16_t    local_port;             ///< Local port number
145         uint32_t    local_asn;              ///< Local ASN for peer
146         uint16_t    local_hold_time;        ///< BGP hold time
147         char        local_bgp_id[16];       ///< Local BGP ID in printed form
148         uint32_t    remote_asn;             ///< Remote ASN for peer
149         uint16_t    remote_port;            ///< Remote port number
150         uint16_t    remote_hold_time;       ///< BGP hold time
151         char        remote_bgp_id[16];      ///< Remote Peer BGP ID in printed form
153         char        sent_cap[4096];         ///< Received Open param capabilities
154         char        recv_cap[4096];         ///< Received Open param capabilities
155     };
158     /// Peer action codes
159     enum peer_action_code {
160         PEER_ACTION_FIRST=0,
161         PEER_ACTION_UP,
162         PEER_ACTION_DOWN
163     };
165     /**
166      * OBJECT: path_attrs
167      *
168      * Prefix Path attributes table schema
169      */
170     struct obj_path_attr {
172         /**
173          * Path hash
174          */
175         u_char      hash_id[16];
176         char        origin[16];             ///< bgp origin as string name
178         /**
179          * as_path.
180          */
181         std::string as_path;
183         uint16_t    as_path_count;          ///< Count of AS PATH's in the path (includes all in AS-SET)
185         uint32_t    origin_as;              ///< Origin ASN
186         bool        nexthop_isIPv4;         ///< True if IPv4, false if IPv6
187         char        next_hop[40];           ///< Next-hop IP in printed form
188         char        aggregator[40];         ///< Aggregator IP in printed form
189         bool        atomic_agg;             ///< 0=false, 1=true for atomic_aggregate
191         uint32_t    med;                    ///< bgp MED
192         uint32_t    local_pref;             ///< bgp local pref
194         /**
195          * standard community list.
196          */
197         std::string community_list;
199         /**
200          * extended community list.
201          */
202         std::string  ext_community_list;
204         /**
205          * large community list
206          */
207         std::string  large_community_list;
210         /**
211          * cluster list.
212          */
213         std::string cluster_list;
215         char        originator_id[16];      ///< Originator ID in printed form
216     };
218     /// Base attribute action codes
219     enum base_attr_action_code {
220         BASE_ATTR_ACTION_ADD=0
221     };
223     /**
224      * OBJECT: rib
225      *
226      * Prefix rib table schema
227      */
228     struct obj_rib {
229         u_char      hash_id[16];            ///< hash of attr hash prefix, and prefix len
230         u_char      path_attr_hash_id[16];  ///< path attrs hash_id
231         u_char      peer_hash_id[16];       ///< BGP peer hash ID, need it here for withdraw routes support
232         u_char      isIPv4;                 ///< 0 if IPv6, 1 if IPv4
233         char        prefix[46];             ///< IPv4/IPv6 prefix in printed form
234         u_char      prefix_len;             ///< Length of prefix in bits
235         uint8_t     prefix_bin[16];         ///< Prefix in binary form
236         uint8_t     prefix_bcast_bin[16];   ///< Broadcast address/last address in binary form
237         uint32_t    path_id;                ///< Add path ID - zero if not used
238         char        labels[255];            ///< Labels delimited by comma
239     };
241     /// Rib extended with Route Distinguisher
242     struct obj_route_distinguisher {
243         std::string     rd_administrator_subfield;
244         std::string     rd_assigned_number;
245         uint8_t         rd_type;
246     };
248     /// Rib extended with vpn specific fields
249     struct obj_vpn: obj_rib, obj_route_distinguisher {
250         // inherit
251     };
253     /// Rib extended with evpn specific fields
254     struct obj_evpn: obj_rib, obj_route_distinguisher {
255         uint8_t     originating_router_ip_len;
256         char        originating_router_ip[46];
257         char        ethernet_segment_identifier[255];
258         char        ethernet_tag_id_hex[16];
259         uint8_t     mac_len;
260         char        mac[255];
261         uint8_t     ip_len;
262         char        ip[46];
263         int         mpls_label_1;
264         int         mpls_label_2;
265     };
267     /// Unicast prefix action codes
268     enum unicast_prefix_action_code {
271     };
273     /// Vpn action codes
274     enum vpn_action_code {
275         VPN_ACTION_ADD=0,
276         VPN_ACTION_DEL,
277     };
279     /**
280      * OBJECT: stats_reports
281      *
282      * Stats Report schema
283      */
284     struct obj_stats_report {
285         uint32_t        prefixes_rej;           ///< type=0 Prefixes rejected
286         uint32_t        known_dup_prefixes;     ///< type=1 known duplicate prefixes
287         uint32_t        known_dup_withdraws;    ///< type=2 known duplicate withdraws
288         uint32_t        invalid_cluster_list;   ///< type=3 Updates invalid by cluster lists
289         uint32_t        invalid_as_path_loop;   ///< type=4 Updates invalid by as_path loop
290         uint32_t        invalid_originator_id;  ///< type=5 Invalid due to originator_id
291         uint32_t        invalid_as_confed_loop; ///< type=6 Invalid due to as_confed loop
292         uint64_t        routes_adj_rib_in;      ///< type=7 Number of routes in adj-rib-in
293         uint64_t        routes_loc_rib;         ///< type=8 number of routes in loc-rib
294     };
296     /**
297      * OBJECT: ls_node
298      *
299      * BGP-LS Node table schema
300      */
301     struct obj_ls_node {
302         u_char      hash_id[16];                ///< hash id for the entry
303         uint64_t    id;                         ///< Routing universe identifier
304         bool        isIPv4;                     ///< True if interface/neighbor is IPv4, false otherwise
305         uint32_t    asn;                        ///< BGP ASN
306         uint32_t    bgp_ls_id;                  ///< BGP-LS Identifier
307         uint8_t     igp_router_id[8];           ///< IGP router ID
308         uint8_t     ospf_area_Id[4];            ///< OSPF area ID
309         char        protocol[32];               ///< String representation of the protocol name
310         uint8_t     router_id[16];              ///< IPv4 or IPv6 router ID
311         uint8_t     isis_area_id[9];            ///< IS-IS area ID
312         char        flags[32];                  ///< String representation of the flag bits
313         char        name[255];                  ///< Name of router
314         char        mt_id[255];                 ///< Multi-Topology ID
315         char        sr_capabilities_tlv[255];   ///< SR Capabilities TLV
316     };
318     /// LS action code (node, link, and prefix)
319     enum ls_action_code {
320         LS_ACTION_ADD=0,
321         LS_ACTION_DEL
322     };
324     /**
325      * OBJECT: ls_link
326      *
327      * BGP-LS Link table schema
328      */
329     struct obj_ls_link {
330         u_char      hash_id[16];                ///< hash id for the entry
331         uint64_t    id;                         ///< Routing universe identifier
332         uint32_t    mt_id;                      ///< Multi-Topology ID
334         uint32_t    bgp_ls_id;                  ///< BGP-LS Identifier
335         uint8_t     igp_router_id[8];           ///< IGP router ID (local)
336         uint8_t     remote_igp_router_id[8];    ///< IGP router ID (remote)
337         uint8_t     ospf_area_Id[4];            ///< OSPF area ID
338         uint8_t     router_id[16];              ///< IPv4 or IPv6 router ID (local)
339         uint8_t     remote_router_id[16];       ///< IPv4 or IPv6 router ID (remote)
341         uint32_t    local_node_asn;             ///< Local node asn
342         uint32_t    remote_node_asn;            ///< Remote node asn
343         uint32_t    local_bgp_router_id;        ///< Local BGP router id (draft-ietf-idr-bgpls-segment-routing-epe)
344         uint32_t    remote_bgp_router_id;       ///< Remote BGP router id (draft-ietf-idr-bgpls-segment-routing-epe)
346         uint8_t     isis_area_id[9];            ///< IS-IS area ID
348         char        protocol[32];               ///< String representation of the protocol name
349         uint8_t     intf_addr[16];              ///< Interface binary address
350         uint8_t     nei_addr[16];               ///< Neighbor binary address
351         uint32_t    local_link_id;              ///< Local Link ID (IS-IS)
352         uint32_t    remote_link_id;             ///< Remote Link ID (IS-IS)
353         bool        isIPv4;                     ///< True if interface/neighbor is IPv4, false otherwise
354         u_char      local_node_hash_id[16];     ///< Local node hash ID
355         u_char      remote_node_hash_id[16];    ///< Remove node hash ID
356         uint32_t    admin_group;                ///< Admin group
357         uint32_t    max_link_bw;                ///< Maximum link bandwidth
358         uint32_t    max_resv_bw;                ///< Maximum reserved bandwidth
359         char        unreserved_bw[100];         ///< string for unreserved bandwidth, a set of 8 uint32_t values
361         uint32_t    te_def_metric;              ///< Default TE metric
362         char        protection_type[60];        ///< String representation for the protection types
363         char        mpls_proto_mask[32];        ///< Either LDP or RSVP-TE
364         uint32_t    igp_metric;                 ///< IGP metric
365         char        srlg[128];                  ///< String representation of the shared risk link group values
366         char        name[255];                  ///< Name of router
367         char        peer_node_sid[128];         ///< Peer node side (draft-ietf-idr-bgpls-segment-routing-epe)
368         char        peer_adj_sid[128];          ///< Peer Adjency Segment Identifier
369     };
371     /**
372      * OBJECT: ls_prefix
373      *
374      * BGP-LS Prefix table schema
375      */
376     struct obj_ls_prefix {
377         u_char      hash_id[16];            ///< hash for the entry
378         uint64_t    id;                     ///< Routing universe identifier
379         char        protocol[32];           ///< String representation of the protocol name
381         uint32_t    bgp_ls_id;              ///< BGP-LS Identifier
382         uint8_t     igp_router_id[8];       ///< IGP router ID
383         uint8_t     ospf_area_Id[4];        ///< OSPF area ID
384         uint8_t     router_id[16];          ///< IPv4 or IPv6 router ID
385         uint8_t     isis_area_id[9];        ///< IS-IS area ID
386         uint8_t     intf_addr[16];          ///< Interface binary address
387         uint8_t     nei_addr[16];           ///< Neighbor binary address
389         u_char      local_node_hash_id[16]; ///< Local node hash ID
390         uint32_t    mt_id;                  ///< Multi-Topology ID
391         uint32_t    metric;                 ///< Prefix metric
392         bool        isIPv4;                 ///< True if interface/neighbor is IPv4, false otherwise
393         u_char      prefix_len;             ///< Length of prefix in bits
394         char        ospf_route_type[32];    ///< String representation of the OSPF route type
395         uint8_t     prefix_bin[16];         ///< Prefix in binary form
396         uint8_t     prefix_bcast_bin[16];   ///< Broadcast address/last address in binary form
397         char        igp_flags[32];          ///< String representation of the IGP flags
398         uint32_t    route_tag;              ///< Route tag
399         uint64_t    ext_route_tag;          ///< Extended route tag
400         uint8_t     ospf_fwd_addr[16];      ///< IPv4/IPv6 OSPF forwarding address
401         char        sid_tlv[128];           ///< Prefix-SID TLV
402     };
404     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
405      * Abstract methods
406      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
407      */
~MsgBusInterface()408     virtual ~MsgBusInterface() { };
410     /*****************************************************************//**
411      * \brief       Add/Update/del a collector object
412      *
413      * \details     Will generate a message for a new/updated collector.
414      *
415      * \param[in,out]   collector       Collector object
416      *
417      * \returns     collector.hash_id will be updated based on the supplied data.
418      */
419     virtual void update_Collector(struct obj_collector &c_obj, collector_action_code action_code) = 0;
421     /*****************************************************************//**
422      * \brief       Add/Update a router object
423      *
424      * \details     Will generate a message to add a new router or update an existing
425      *              router.
426      *
427      * \param[in,out]   router          Router object
428      * \param[in]       code            Action code for router update
429      *
430      * \returns     The router.hash_id will be updated based on the
431      *              supplied data.
432      *
433      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
434      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
435      *****************************************************************/
436     virtual void update_Router(struct obj_router &r_object, router_action_code code) = 0;
438     /*****************************************************************//**
439      * \brief       Add/Update a BGP peer object
440      *
441      * \details     Will generate a message to add a new BGP peer
442      *
443      * \param[in,out] peer            BGP peer object
444      * \param[in]     peer_up_event   Peer up event struct (null if not used)
445      * \param[in]     peer_down_event Peer down event struct (null if not used)
446      * \param[in]     code            Action code for router update
447      *
448      * \returns     The peer.hash_id will be updated based on the
449      *              supplied data.
450      *
451      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
452      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
453      ****************************************************************/
454     virtual void update_Peer(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_peer_up_event *up, obj_peer_down_event *down, peer_action_code code) = 0;
456     /*****************************************************************//**
457      * \brief       Add/Update base path attributes
458      *
459      * \details     Will generate a message to add a new path object.
460      *
461      * \param[in]       peer      Peer object
462      * \param[in,out]   attr      Path attribute object
463      * \param[in]       code      Base attribute action code
464      *
465      * \returns     The path.hash_id will be updated based on the
466      *              supplied data.
467      *
468      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
469      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
470      *****************************************************************/
471     virtual void update_baseAttribute(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_path_attr &attr, base_attr_action_code code) = 0;
473     /*****************************************************************//**
474      * \brief       Add/Update RIB objects
475      *
476      * \details     Will generate a message to add new RIB prefixes
477      *
478      * \param[in]       peer    Peer object
479      * \param[in,out]   rib     List of one or more RIB entries
480      * \param[in]       attr    Path attribute object (can be null if n/a)
481      * \param[in]       code    Unicast prefix action code
482      *
483      * \returns     The rib.hash_id will be updated based on the
484      *              supplied data for each object.
485      *
486      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
487      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
488      *****************************************************************/
489     virtual void update_unicastPrefix(obj_bgp_peer &peer, std::vector<obj_rib> &rib, obj_path_attr *attr,
490                                       unicast_prefix_action_code code) = 0;
492      /*****************************************************************//**
493      * \brief       Add/Update vpn objects
494      *
495      * \details     Will generate a message to add new vpn objects
496      *
497      * \param[in]       peer    Peer object
498      * \param[in,out]   rib     List of one or more RIB entries
499      * \param[in]       attr    Path attribute object (can be null if n/a)
500      * \param[in]       code    Vpn action code
501      *
502      * \returns     The vpn.hash_id will be updated based on the
503      *              supplied data for each object.
504      *
505      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
506      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
507      *****************************************************************/
508     virtual void update_L3Vpn(obj_bgp_peer &peer, std::vector<obj_vpn> &vpn, obj_path_attr *attr,
509                             vpn_action_code code) = 0;
511     /*****************************************************************//**
512      * \brief       Add/Update evpn objects
513      *
514      * \details     Will generate a message to add new evpn objects
515      *
516      * \param[in]       peer    Peer object
517      * \param[in,out]   rib     List of one or more RIB entries
518      * \param[in]       attr    Path attribute object (can be null if n/a)
519      * \param[in]       code    Vpn action code
520      *
521      * \returns     The vpn.hash_id will be updated based on the
522      *              supplied data for each object.
523      *
524      * \note        Caller must free any allocated memory, which is
525      *              safe to do so when this method returns.
526      *****************************************************************/
527     virtual void update_eVPN(obj_bgp_peer &peer, std::vector<obj_evpn> &vpn, obj_path_attr *attr,
528                             vpn_action_code code) = 0;
530     /*****************************************************************//**
531      * \brief       Add a stats report object
532      *
533      * \details     Will generate a message to add a new stats report object.
534      *
535      * \param[in,out]   stats      Stats report object
536      *****************************************************************/
537     virtual void add_StatReport(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_stats_report &stats) = 0;
539     /*****************************************************************//**
540      * \brief       Add/Update BGP-LS nodes
541      *
542      * \details     Will generate a message to add/update BGP-LS nodes.
543      *
544      * \param[in]   peer       Peer object
545      * \param[in]   attr       Path attribute object
546      * \param[in]   nodes      List of one or more node tables
547      * \param[in]   code       Linkstate action code
548      *****************************************************************/
549     virtual void update_LsNode(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_path_attr &attr,
550                                 std::list<MsgBusInterface::obj_ls_node> &nodes,
551                                 ls_action_code code) = 0;
553     /*****************************************************************//**
554      * \brief       Add/Update BGP-LS links
555      *
556      * \details     Will generate a message to add/update BGP-LS links.
557      *
558      * \param[in]   peer       Peer object
559      * \param[in]   attr       Path attribute object
560      * \param[in]   links      List of one or more link tables
561      * \param[in]   code       Linkstate action code
562      *
563      * \returns     The hash_id will be updated based on the
564      *              supplied data for each object.
565      *****************************************************************/
566     virtual void update_LsLink(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_path_attr &attr,
567                              std::list<MsgBusInterface::obj_ls_link> &links,
568                              ls_action_code code) = 0;
570     /*****************************************************************//**
571      * \brief       Add/Update BGP-LS prefixes
572      *
573      * \details     Will generate a message to add/update BGP-LS prefixes.
574      *
575      * \param[in]      peer       Peer object
576      * \param[in]      attr       Path attribute object
577      * \param[in/out]  prefixes   List of one or more node tables
578      * \param[in]      code       Linkstate action code
579      *
580      * \returns     The hash_id will be updated based on the
581      *              supplied data for each object.
582      *****************************************************************/
583     virtual void update_LsPrefix(obj_bgp_peer &peer, obj_path_attr &attr,
584                                 std::list<MsgBusInterface::obj_ls_prefix> &prefixes,
585                                 ls_action_code code) = 0;
587     /*****************************************************************//**
588      * \brief       Send BMP packet
589      *
590      * \details     Will generate a message to send the BMP packet data/feed
591      *
592      * \param[in]    r_hash     Router hash
593      * \param[in]    peer       Peer object
594      * \param[in]    data       Packet raw data
595      * \param[in]    data_len   Length in bytes for the raw data
596      *
597      * \returns     The hash_id will be updated based on the
598      *              supplied data for each object.
599      *****************************************************************/
600     virtual void send_bmp_raw(u_char *r_hash, obj_bgp_peer &peer, u_char *data, size_t data_len) = 0;
603     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
604      * Commonly used methods
605      * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
606      */
608     /**
609      * \brief       binary hash to printed string format
610      *
611      * \details     Converts a hash unsigned char bytes to HEX string for
612      *              printing or storing in the DB.
613      *
614      * \param[in]   hash_bin      16 byte binary/unsigned value
615      * \param[out]  hash_str      Reference to storage of string value
616      *
617      */
hash_toStr(const u_char * hash_bin,std::string & hash_str)618     static void hash_toStr(const u_char *hash_bin, std::string &hash_str){
620         int i;
621         char s[33];
623         for (i=0; i<16; i++)
624             sprintf(s+i*2, "%02x", hash_bin[i]);
626         s[32]='\0';
628         hash_str = s;
629     }
631     /**
632      * \brief       Time in seconds to printed string format
633      *
634      * \param[in]   time_secs     Time since epoch in seconds
635      * \param[in]   time_us       Microseconds to add to timestamp
636      * \param[out]  ts_str        Reference to storage of string value
637      *
638      */
getTimestamp(uint32_t time_secs,uint32_t time_us,std::string & ts_str)639     void getTimestamp(uint32_t time_secs, uint32_t time_us, std::string &ts_str){
640         char buf[48];
641         timeval tv;
642         std::time_t secs;
643         uint32_t us;
644         tm *p_tm;
646         if (time_secs <= 1000) {
647             gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
648             secs = tv.tv_sec;
649             us = tv.tv_usec;
651         } else {
652             secs = time_secs;
653             us = time_us;
654         }
656         p_tm = std::gmtime(&secs);
657         std::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", p_tm);
658         ts_str = buf;
660         sprintf(buf, ".%06u", us);
661         ts_str.append(buf);
662     }
664 protected:
666 private:
668 };
670 #endif