1# coding: utf-8
2# Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team.
3# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
6This module define a WulffShape class to generate the Wulff shape from
7a lattice, a list of indices and their corresponding surface energies,
8and the total area and volume of the wulff shape,the weighted surface energy,
9the anisotropy and shape_factor can also be calculated.
10In support of plotting from a given view in terms of miller index.
12The lattice is from the conventional unit cell, and (hkil) for hexagonal
15If you use this code extensively, consider citing the following:
17Tran, R.; Xu, Z.; Radhakrishnan, B.; Winston, D.; Persson, K. A.; Ong, S. P.
18(2016). Surface energies of elemental crystals. Scientific Data.
21import itertools
22import logging
23import warnings
25import numpy as np
26import plotly.graph_objs as go
27from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
29from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
30from pymatgen.util.coord import get_angle
31from pymatgen.util.string import unicodeify_spacegroup
33__author__ = "Zihan Xu, Richard Tran, Shyue Ping Ong"
34__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, The Materials Virtual Lab"
35__version__ = "0.1"
36__maintainer__ = "Zihan Xu"
37__email__ = "zix009@eng.ucsd.edu"
38__date__ = "May 5 2016"
40logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
43def hkl_tuple_to_str(hkl):
44    """
45    Prepare for display on plots
46    "(hkl)" for surfaces
47    Agrs:
48        hkl: in the form of [h, k, l] or (h, k, l)
49    """
50    str_format = "($"
51    for x in hkl:
52        if x < 0:
53            str_format += "\\overline{" + str(-x) + "}"
54        else:
55            str_format += str(x)
56    str_format += "$)"
57    return str_format
60def get_tri_area(pts):
61    """
62    Given a list of coords for 3 points,
63    Compute the area of this triangle.
65    Args:
66        pts: [a, b, c] three points
67    """
68    a, b, c = pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]
69    v1 = np.array(b) - np.array(a)
70    v2 = np.array(c) - np.array(a)
71    area_tri = abs(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v1, v2)) / 2)
72    return area_tri
75class WulffFacet:
76    """
77    Helper container for each Wulff plane.
78    """
80    def __init__(self, normal, e_surf, normal_pt, dual_pt, index, m_ind_orig, miller):
81        """
82        :param normal:
83        :param e_surf:
84        :param normal_pt:
85        :param dual_pt:
86        :param index:
87        :param m_ind_orig:
88        :param miller:
89        """
90        self.normal = normal
91        self.e_surf = e_surf
92        self.normal_pt = normal_pt
93        self.dual_pt = dual_pt
94        self.index = index
95        self.m_ind_orig = m_ind_orig
96        self.miller = miller
97        self.points = []
98        self.outer_lines = []
101class WulffShape:
102    """
103    Generate Wulff Shape from list of miller index and surface energies,
104    with given conventional unit cell.
105    surface energy (Jm^2) is the length of normal.
107    Wulff shape is the convex hull.
108    Based on:
109    http://scipy.github.io/devdocs/generated/scipy.spatial.ConvexHull.html
111    Process:
112        1. get wulff simplices
113        2. label with color
114        3. get wulff_area and other properties
116    .. attribute:: debug (bool)
118    .. attribute:: alpha
119        transparency
121    .. attribute:: color_set
123    .. attribute:: grid_off (bool)
125    .. attribute:: axis_off (bool)
127    .. attribute:: show_area
129    .. attribute:: off_color
130        color of facets off wulff
132    .. attribute:: structure
133        Structure object, input conventional unit cell (with H ) from lattice
135    .. attribute:: miller_list
136        list of input miller index, for hcp in the form of hkil
138    .. attribute:: hkl_list
139        modify hkill to hkl, in the same order with input_miller
141    .. attribute:: e_surf_list
142        list of input surface energies, in the same order with input_miller
144    .. attribute:: lattice
145        Lattice object, the input lattice for the conventional unit cell
147    .. attribute:: facets
148        [WulffFacet] for all facets considering symm
150    .. attribute:: dual_cv_simp
151        simplices from the dual convex hull (dual_pt)
153    .. attribute:: wulff_pt_list
155    .. attribute:: wulff_cv_simp
156        simplices from the convex hull of wulff_pt_list
158    .. attribute:: on_wulff
159        list for all input_miller, True is on wulff.
161    .. attribute:: color_area
162        list for all input_miller, total area on wulff, off_wulff = 0.
164    .. attribute:: miller_area
165        ($hkl$): area for all input_miller
167    """
169    def __init__(self, lattice, miller_list, e_surf_list, symprec=1e-5):
170        """
171        Args:
172            lattice: Lattice object of the conventional unit cell
173            miller_list ([(hkl), ...]: list of hkl or hkil for hcp
174            e_surf_list ([float]): list of corresponding surface energies
175            symprec (float): for recp_operation, default is 1e-5.
176        """
178        if any(se < 0 for se in e_surf_list):
179            warnings.warn("Unphysical (negative) surface energy detected.")
181        self.color_ind = list(range(len(miller_list)))
183        self.input_miller_fig = [hkl_tuple_to_str(x) for x in miller_list]
184        # store input data
185        self.structure = Structure(lattice, ["H"], [[0, 0, 0]])
186        self.miller_list = tuple(tuple(x) for x in miller_list)
187        self.hkl_list = tuple((x[0], x[1], x[-1]) for x in miller_list)
188        self.e_surf_list = tuple(e_surf_list)
189        self.lattice = lattice
190        self.symprec = symprec
192        # 2. get all the data for wulff construction
193        # get all the surface normal from get_all_miller_e()
194        self.facets = self._get_all_miller_e()
195        logger.debug(len(self.facets))
197        # 3. consider the dual condition
198        dual_pts = [x.dual_pt for x in self.facets]
199        dual_convex = ConvexHull(dual_pts)
200        dual_cv_simp = dual_convex.simplices
201        # simplices	(ndarray of ints, shape (nfacet, ndim))
202        # list of [i, j, k] , ndim = 3
203        # i, j, k: ind for normal_e_m
204        # recalculate the dual of dual, get the wulff shape.
205        # conner <-> surface
206        # get cross point from the simplices of the dual convex hull
207        wulff_pt_list = [self._get_cross_pt_dual_simp(dual_simp) for dual_simp in dual_cv_simp]
209        wulff_convex = ConvexHull(wulff_pt_list)
210        wulff_cv_simp = wulff_convex.simplices
211        logger.debug(", ".join([str(len(x)) for x in wulff_cv_simp]))
213        # store simplices and convex
214        self.dual_cv_simp = dual_cv_simp
215        self.wulff_pt_list = wulff_pt_list
216        self.wulff_cv_simp = wulff_cv_simp
217        self.wulff_convex = wulff_convex
219        self.on_wulff, self.color_area = self._get_simpx_plane()
221        miller_area = []
222        for m, in_mill_fig in enumerate(self.input_miller_fig):
223            miller_area.append(in_mill_fig + " : " + str(round(self.color_area[m], 4)))
224        self.miller_area = miller_area
226    def _get_all_miller_e(self):
227        """
228        from self:
229            get miller_list(unique_miller), e_surf_list and symmetry
230            operations(symmops) according to lattice
231        apply symmops to get all the miller index, then get normal,
232        get all the facets functions for wulff shape calculation:
233            |normal| = 1, e_surf is plane's distance to (0, 0, 0),
234            normal[0]x + normal[1]y + normal[2]z = e_surf
236        return:
237            [WulffFacet]
238        """
239        all_hkl = []
240        color_ind = self.color_ind
241        planes = []
242        recp = self.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic
243        recp_symmops = self.lattice.get_recp_symmetry_operation(self.symprec)
245        for i, (hkl, energy) in enumerate(zip(self.hkl_list, self.e_surf_list)):
246            for op in recp_symmops:
247                miller = tuple(int(x) for x in op.operate(hkl))
248                if miller not in all_hkl:
249                    all_hkl.append(miller)
250                    normal = recp.get_cartesian_coords(miller)
251                    normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
252                    normal_pt = [x * energy for x in normal]
253                    dual_pt = [x / energy for x in normal]
254                    color_plane = color_ind[divmod(i, len(color_ind))[1]]
255                    planes.append(WulffFacet(normal, energy, normal_pt, dual_pt, color_plane, i, hkl))
257        # sort by e_surf
258        planes.sort(key=lambda x: x.e_surf)
259        return planes
261    def _get_cross_pt_dual_simp(self, dual_simp):
262        """
263        |normal| = 1, e_surf is plane's distance to (0, 0, 0),
264        plane function:
265            normal[0]x + normal[1]y + normal[2]z = e_surf
267        from self:
268            normal_e_m to get the plane functions
269            dual_simp: (i, j, k) simplices from the dual convex hull
270                i, j, k: plane index(same order in normal_e_m)
271        """
272        matrix_surfs = [self.facets[dual_simp[i]].normal for i in range(3)]
273        matrix_e = [self.facets[dual_simp[i]].e_surf for i in range(3)]
274        cross_pt = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(matrix_surfs), matrix_e)
275        return cross_pt
277    def _get_simpx_plane(self):
278        """
279        Locate the plane for simpx of on wulff_cv, by comparing the center of
280        the simpx triangle with the plane functions.
281        """
282        on_wulff = [False] * len(self.miller_list)
283        surface_area = [0.0] * len(self.miller_list)
284        for simpx in self.wulff_cv_simp:
285            pts = [self.wulff_pt_list[simpx[i]] for i in range(3)]
286            center = np.sum(pts, 0) / 3.0
287            # check whether the center of the simplices is on one plane
288            for plane in self.facets:
289                abs_diff = abs(np.dot(plane.normal, center) - plane.e_surf)
290                if abs_diff < 1e-5:
291                    on_wulff[plane.index] = True
292                    surface_area[plane.index] += get_tri_area(pts)
294                    plane.points.append(pts)
295                    plane.outer_lines.append([simpx[0], simpx[1]])
296                    plane.outer_lines.append([simpx[1], simpx[2]])
297                    plane.outer_lines.append([simpx[0], simpx[2]])
298                    # already find the plane, move to the next simplices
299                    break
300        for plane in self.facets:
301            plane.outer_lines.sort()
302            plane.outer_lines = [line for line in plane.outer_lines if plane.outer_lines.count(line) != 2]
303        return on_wulff, surface_area
305    def _get_colors(self, color_set, alpha, off_color, custom_colors={}):
306        """
307        assign colors according to the surface energies of on_wulff facets.
309        return:
310            (color_list, color_proxy, color_proxy_on_wulff, miller_on_wulff,
311            e_surf_on_wulff_list)
312        """
313        import matplotlib as mpl
314        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
316        color_list = [off_color] * len(self.hkl_list)
317        color_proxy_on_wulff = []
318        miller_on_wulff = []
319        e_surf_on_wulff = [(i, e_surf) for i, e_surf in enumerate(self.e_surf_list) if self.on_wulff[i]]
321        c_map = plt.get_cmap(color_set)
322        e_surf_on_wulff.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)
323        e_surf_on_wulff_list = [x[1] for x in e_surf_on_wulff]
324        if len(e_surf_on_wulff) > 1:
325            cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(e_surf_on_wulff_list), vmax=max(e_surf_on_wulff_list))
326        else:
327            # if there is only one hkl on wulff, choose the color of the median
328            cnorm = mpl.colors.Normalize(
329                vmin=min(e_surf_on_wulff_list) - 0.1,
330                vmax=max(e_surf_on_wulff_list) + 0.1,
331            )
332        scalar_map = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cnorm, cmap=c_map)
334        for i, e_surf in e_surf_on_wulff:
335            color_list[i] = scalar_map.to_rgba(e_surf, alpha=alpha)
336            if tuple(self.miller_list[i]) in custom_colors.keys():
337                color_list[i] = custom_colors[tuple(self.miller_list[i])]
338            color_proxy_on_wulff.append(plt.Rectangle((2, 2), 1, 1, fc=color_list[i], alpha=alpha))
339            miller_on_wulff.append(self.input_miller_fig[i])
340        scalar_map.set_array([x[1] for x in e_surf_on_wulff])
341        color_proxy = [plt.Rectangle((2, 2), 1, 1, fc=x, alpha=alpha) for x in color_list]
343        return (
344            color_list,
345            color_proxy,
346            color_proxy_on_wulff,
347            miller_on_wulff,
348            e_surf_on_wulff_list,
349        )
351    def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
352        r"""
353        Show the Wulff plot.
355        Args:
356            *args: Passed to get_plot.
357            **kwargs: Passed to get_plot.
358        """
359        self.get_plot(*args, **kwargs).show()
361    def get_line_in_facet(self, facet):
362        """
363        Returns the sorted pts in a facet used to draw a line
364        """
366        lines = list(facet.outer_lines)
367        pt = []
368        prev = None
369        while len(lines) > 0:
370            if prev is None:
371                l = lines.pop(0)
372            else:
373                for i, l in enumerate(lines):
374                    if prev in l:
375                        l = lines.pop(i)
376                        if l[1] == prev:
377                            l.reverse()
378                        break
379            # make sure the lines are connected one by one.
380            # find the way covering all pts and facets
381            pt.append(self.wulff_pt_list[l[0]].tolist())
382            pt.append(self.wulff_pt_list[l[1]].tolist())
383            prev = l[1]
385        return pt
387    def get_plot(
388        self,
389        color_set="PuBu",
390        grid_off=True,
391        axis_off=True,
392        show_area=False,
393        alpha=1,
394        off_color="red",
395        direction=None,
396        bar_pos=(0.75, 0.15, 0.05, 0.65),
397        bar_on=False,
398        units_in_JPERM2=True,
399        legend_on=True,
400        aspect_ratio=(8, 8),
401        custom_colors={},
402    ):
403        """
404        Get the Wulff shape plot.
406        Args:
407            color_set: default is 'PuBu'
408            grid_off (bool): default is True
409            axis_off (bool): default is Ture
410            show_area (bool): default is False
411            alpha (float): chosen from 0 to 1 (float), default is 1
412            off_color: Default color for facets not present on the Wulff shape.
413            direction: default is (1, 1, 1)
414            bar_pos: default is [0.75, 0.15, 0.05, 0.65]
415            bar_on (bool): default is False
416            legend_on (bool): default is True
417            aspect_ratio: default is (8, 8)
418            custom_colors ({(h,k,l}: [r,g,b,alpha}): Customize color of each
419                facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller
420                index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default
421                color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it
422                probably won't make any sense to have the color bar on.
423            units_in_JPERM2 (bool): Units of surface energy, defaults to
424                Joules per square meter (True)
426        Return:
427            (matplotlib.pyplot)
428        """
429        import matplotlib as mpl
430        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
431        import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as mpl3
433        (
434            color_list,
435            color_proxy,
436            color_proxy_on_wulff,
437            miller_on_wulff,
438            e_surf_on_wulff,
439        ) = self._get_colors(color_set, alpha, off_color, custom_colors=custom_colors)
441        if not direction:
442            # If direction is not specified, use the miller indices of
443            # maximum area.
444            direction = max(self.area_fraction_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
446        fig = plt.figure()
447        fig.set_size_inches(aspect_ratio[0], aspect_ratio[1])
448        azim, elev = self._get_azimuth_elev([direction[0], direction[1], direction[-1]])
450        wulff_pt_list = self.wulff_pt_list
452        ax = mpl3.Axes3D(fig, azim=azim, elev=elev)
454        for plane in self.facets:
455            # check whether [pts] is empty
456            if len(plane.points) < 1:
457                # empty, plane is not on_wulff.
458                continue
459            # assign the color for on_wulff facets according to its
460            # index and the color_list for on_wulff
461            plane_color = color_list[plane.index]
462            pt = self.get_line_in_facet(plane)
463            # plot from the sorted pts from [simpx]
464            tri = mpl3.art3d.Poly3DCollection([pt])
465            tri.set_color(plane_color)
466            tri.set_edgecolor("#808080")
467            ax.add_collection3d(tri)
469        # set ranges of x, y, z
470        # find the largest distance between on_wulff pts and the origin,
471        # to ensure complete and consistent display for all directions
472        r_range = max([np.linalg.norm(x) for x in wulff_pt_list])
473        ax.set_xlim([-r_range * 1.1, r_range * 1.1])
474        ax.set_ylim([-r_range * 1.1, r_range * 1.1])
475        ax.set_zlim([-r_range * 1.1, r_range * 1.1])  # pylint: disable=E1101
476        # add legend
477        if legend_on:
478            color_proxy = color_proxy
479            if show_area:
480                ax.legend(
481                    color_proxy,
482                    self.miller_area,
483                    loc="upper left",
484                    bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1),
485                    fancybox=True,
486                    shadow=False,
487                )
488            else:
489                ax.legend(
490                    color_proxy_on_wulff,
491                    miller_on_wulff,
492                    loc="upper center",
493                    bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1),
494                    ncol=3,
495                    fancybox=True,
496                    shadow=False,
497                )
498        ax.set_xlabel("x")
499        ax.set_ylabel("y")
500        ax.set_zlabel("z")
502        # Add colorbar
503        if bar_on:
504            cmap = plt.get_cmap(color_set)
505            cmap.set_over("0.25")
506            cmap.set_under("0.75")
507            bounds = [round(e, 2) for e in e_surf_on_wulff]
508            bounds.append(1.2 * bounds[-1])
509            norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
510            # display surface energies
511            ax1 = fig.add_axes(bar_pos)
512            cbar = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(
513                ax1,
514                cmap=cmap,
515                norm=norm,
516                boundaries=[0] + bounds + [10],
517                extend="both",
518                ticks=bounds[:-1],
519                spacing="proportional",
520                orientation="vertical",
521            )
522            units = "$J/m^2$" if units_in_JPERM2 else r"$eV/\AA^2$"
523            cbar.set_label("Surface Energies (%s)" % (units), fontsize=25)
525        if grid_off:
526            ax.grid("off")
527        if axis_off:
528            ax.axis("off")
529        return plt
531    def get_plotly(
532        self,
533        color_set="PuBu",
534        off_color="red",
535        alpha=1,
536        custom_colors={},
537        units_in_JPERM2=True,
538    ):
539        """
540        Get the Wulff shape as a plotly Figure object.
542        Args:
543            color_set: default is 'PuBu'
544            alpha (float): chosen from 0 to 1 (float), default is 1
545            off_color: Default color for facets not present on the Wulff shape.
546            custom_colors ({(h,k,l}: [r,g,b,alpha}): Customize color of each
547                facet with a dictionary. The key is the corresponding Miller
548                index and value is the color. Undefined facets will use default
549                color site. Note: If you decide to set your own colors, it
550                probably won't make any sense to have the color bar on.
551            units_in_JPERM2 (bool): Units of surface energy, defaults to
552                Joules per square meter (True)
554        Return:
555            (plotly.graph_objs.Figure)
556        """
558        units = "Jm⁻²" if units_in_JPERM2 else "eVÅ⁻²"
559        (
560            color_list,
561            color_proxy,
562            color_proxy_on_wulff,
563            miller_on_wulff,
564            e_surf_on_wulff,
565        ) = self._get_colors(color_set, alpha, off_color, custom_colors=custom_colors)
567        planes_data, color_scale, ticktext, tickvals = [], [], [], []
568        for plane in self.facets:
569            if len(plane.points) < 1:
570                # empty, plane is not on_wulff.
571                continue
573            plane_color = color_list[plane.index]
574            plane_color = (1, 0, 0, 1) if plane_color == off_color else plane_color  # set to red for now
576            pt = self.get_line_in_facet(plane)
577            x_pts, y_pts, z_pts = [], [], []
578            for p in pt:
579                x_pts.append(p[0])
580                y_pts.append(p[1])
581                z_pts.append(p[2])
583            # remove duplicate x y z pts to save time
584            all_xyz = []
585            # pylint: disable=E1133,E1136
586            [all_xyz.append(list(coord)) for coord in np.array([x_pts, y_pts, z_pts]).T if list(coord) not in all_xyz]
587            all_xyz = np.array(all_xyz).T
588            x_pts, y_pts, z_pts = all_xyz[0], all_xyz[1], all_xyz[2]
589            index_list = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(0, len(x_pts) - 1, len(x_pts))]
591            tri_indices = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(index_list, 3))).T
592            hkl = self.miller_list[plane.index]
593            hkl = unicodeify_spacegroup("(" + "%s" * len(hkl) % hkl + ")")
594            color = "rgba(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f, %.5f)" % tuple(np.array(plane_color) * 255)
596            # note hoverinfo is incompatible with latex, need unicode instead
597            planes_data.append(
598                go.Mesh3d(
599                    x=x_pts,
600                    y=y_pts,
601                    z=z_pts,
602                    i=tri_indices[0],
603                    j=tri_indices[1],
604                    k=tri_indices[2],
605                    hovertemplate="<br>%{text}<br>" + "%s=%.3f %s<br>" % ("\u03b3", plane.e_surf, units),
606                    color=color,
607                    text=[r"Miller index: %s" % hkl] * len(x_pts),
608                    hoverinfo="name",
609                    name="",
610                )
611            )
613            # normalize surface energy from a scale of 0 to 1 for colorbar
614            norm_e = (plane.e_surf - min(e_surf_on_wulff)) / (max(e_surf_on_wulff) - min(e_surf_on_wulff))
615            c = [norm_e, color]
616            if c not in color_scale:
617                color_scale.append(c)
618                ticktext.append("%.3f" % plane.e_surf)
619                tickvals.append(norm_e)
621        # Add colorbar
622        color_scale = sorted(color_scale, key=lambda c: c[0])
623        colorbar = go.Mesh3d(
624            x=[0],
625            y=[0],
626            z=[0],
627            colorbar=go.ColorBar(
628                title={
629                    "text": r"Surface energy %s" % units,
630                    "side": "right",
631                    "font": {"size": 25},
632                },
633                ticktext=ticktext,
634                tickvals=tickvals,
635            ),
636            colorscale=[[0, "rgb(255,255,255, 255)"]] + color_scale,  # fix the scale
637            intensity=[0, 0.33, 0.66, 1],
638            i=[0],
639            j=[0],
640            k=[0],
641            name="y",
642            showscale=True,
643        )
644        planes_data.append(colorbar)
646        # Format aesthetics: background, axis, etc.
647        axis_dict = dict(
648            title="",
649            autorange=True,
650            showgrid=False,
651            zeroline=False,
652            ticks="",
653            showline=False,
654            showticklabels=False,
655            showbackground=False,
656        )
657        fig = go.Figure(data=planes_data)
658        fig.update_layout(
659            dict(
660                showlegend=True,
661                scene=dict(xaxis=axis_dict, yaxis=axis_dict, zaxis=axis_dict),
662            )
663        )
665        return fig
667    def _get_azimuth_elev(self, miller_index):
668        """
669        Args:
670            miller_index: viewing direction
672        Returns:
673            azim, elev for plotting
674        """
675        if miller_index in [(0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 1)]:
676            return 0, 90
677        cart = self.lattice.get_cartesian_coords(miller_index)
678        azim = get_angle([cart[0], cart[1], 0], (1, 0, 0))
679        v = [cart[0], cart[1], 0]
680        elev = get_angle(cart, v)
681        return azim, elev
683    @property
684    def volume(self):
685        """
686        Volume of the Wulff shape
687        """
688        return self.wulff_convex.volume
690    @property
691    def miller_area_dict(self):
692        """
693        Returns {hkl: area_hkl on wulff}
694        """
695        return dict(zip(self.miller_list, self.color_area))
697    @property
698    def miller_energy_dict(self):
699        """
700        Returns {hkl: surface energy_hkl}
701        """
702        return dict(zip(self.miller_list, self.e_surf_list))
704    @property
705    def surface_area(self):
706        """
707        Total surface area of Wulff shape.
708        """
709        return sum(self.miller_area_dict.values())
711    @property
712    def weighted_surface_energy(self):
713        """
714        Returns:
715            sum(surface_energy_hkl * area_hkl)/ sum(area_hkl)
716        """
717        return self.total_surface_energy / self.surface_area
719    @property
720    def area_fraction_dict(self):
721        """
722        Returns:
723            (dict): {hkl: area_hkl/total area on wulff}
724        """
725        return {hkl: area / self.surface_area for hkl, area in self.miller_area_dict.items()}
727    @property
728    def anisotropy(self):
729        """
730        Returns:
731            (float) Coefficient of Variation from weighted surface energy
732            The ideal sphere is 0.
733        """
734        square_diff_energy = 0
735        weighted_energy = self.weighted_surface_energy
736        area_frac_dict = self.area_fraction_dict
737        miller_energy_dict = self.miller_energy_dict
739        for hkl, energy in miller_energy_dict.items():
740            square_diff_energy += (energy - weighted_energy) ** 2 * area_frac_dict[hkl]
741        return np.sqrt(square_diff_energy) / weighted_energy
743    @property
744    def shape_factor(self):
745        """
746        This is useful for determining the critical nucleus size.
747        A large shape factor indicates great anisotropy.
748        See Ballufi, R. W., Allen, S. M. & Carter, W. C. Kinetics
749            of Materials. (John Wiley & Sons, 2005), p.461
751        Returns:
752            (float) Shape factor.
753        """
754        return self.surface_area / (self.volume ** (2 / 3))
756    @property
757    def effective_radius(self):
758        """
759        Radius of the Wulffshape when the
760        Wulffshape is approximated as a sphere.
762        Returns:
763            (float) radius.
764        """
765        return ((3 / 4) * (self.volume / np.pi)) ** (1 / 3)
767    @property
768    def total_surface_energy(self):
769        """
770        Total surface energy of the Wulff shape.
772        Returns:
773            (float) sum(surface_energy_hkl * area_hkl)
774        """
775        tot_surface_energy = 0
776        for hkl, energy in self.miller_energy_dict.items():
777            tot_surface_energy += energy * self.miller_area_dict[hkl]
778        return tot_surface_energy
780    @property
781    def tot_corner_sites(self):
782        """
783        Returns the number of vertices in the convex hull.
784            Useful for identifying catalytically active sites.
785        """
786        return len(self.wulff_convex.vertices)
788    @property
789    def tot_edges(self):
790        """
791        Returns the number of edges in the convex hull.
792            Useful for identifying catalytically active sites.
793        """
794        all_edges = []
795        for facet in self.facets:
796            edges = []
797            pt = self.get_line_in_facet(facet)
799            lines = []
800            for i, p in enumerate(pt):
801                if i == len(pt) / 2:
802                    break
803                lines.append(tuple(sorted(tuple([tuple(pt[i * 2]), tuple(pt[i * 2 + 1])]))))
805            for i, p in enumerate(lines):
806                if p not in all_edges:
807                    edges.append(p)
809            all_edges.extend(edges)
811        return len(all_edges)